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Blog, Community News and Announcements

Okay – I heard you! I will further tighten the “Nazi-control policies”

Okay, I heard you and you were right.Effective immediately, I will tighten the “Nazi-control policies” even further and more of their posts will go to the trash bin in even grater numbers than before.For the record, while I have seen a few Ziotrolls popping up on a regular basis (and, for the record, I also consider Zionism as a clear form of racism and Jewish supremacism which I categorically oppose),

How I will deal with unverifiable stories from now on

Okay, I carefully read all your comments and have come to something of a conclusion.First, almost everything I post in unverified and often unverifiable.  Which compares advantageously with the main stream media which deliberately lies and whose reporter and editors simply don’t care about the truth.Second, I really don’t feel like singling out one story or source for the typical “this is an unconfirmed report” or the like like the

An important question about the veracity of the info coming out of Novorossia.

When I posted the translation of the Ukrainian Successors to Hitlerite Wehrmacht Rape and Murder in Saurovka  Message from Fyodor Berezin, Igor Strelkov’s Deputy” I knew that I was doing something risky which would raise some eyebrows and, sure enough, it did.  Here are two examples of such reactions: Too far. Way too far.  Ukie Nazis cutting men to pieces alive, keeping women so they can rape them, killing each

Important clarification about the future of this blog

Dear friends,Some of you have expressed concerns that this blog will become “for paying members only” or that comments will be “for registered users only”.Let me put those fears to rest:  IT AIN’T GONNA HAPPEN!! :-)This blog will remain 100% free and anonymous commenting will not only be allowed, it will be encouraged.  No need to worry about that.  Donations to this blog will always remain 100% voluntary and optional.One

A major blog upgrade is possible, but *only* with your help!

Dear friends,You have seen me complain and moan about the fact that this a one-man-blog and that I only have 24 hours in a day for everything.  I won’t repeat it all here, but the key problem is this: blogger does not allow for anything but a one-man-blog.  Let me explain The current situation and the problems it creates In order to have somebody helping me moderate comments, I would

Message from Yuri Dia Konov to anybody donating to Auslander’s refugees

Yuri Dia Konov, whose book Russia’s Diamond Ruble I recently reviewed on this blog, just emailed me and asked me to post the following: “For any donations given to Auslander I will send a free copy (PDF) of my book YANKEE ANTI-ZOMBIE SURVIVAL MANUAL or any of my books from AMAZON.  No strings attached.” Check out Yuri’s Amazon page which contains a full list of his books.Once your donation is

Several important announcements about the Saker blog

Soon a daily “Iraq SITREP” on the Saker blog!Dear friends,Many of you have probably noticed that one of our regular readers and commentators, Mindfriedo, has been posting very interesting updates about the situation in Iraq.  In fact, his posts were so interesting that I have asked him to “upgrade” them to full SITREPs to be posted alongside Juan’s and mine.  Mindfriedo has agreed to do so and, God willing, his

Novorussian TV channel and video streams

Dear friends,Just came back from a couple of wonderful days exploring the beautiful lower Suwannee River (roughly between Fanning Springs and the Gulf of Mexico) and it will take me a few hours to get back to civilization and get organized (Juan is also exhausted to he will take a day off). Right now just I wanted to share with those of you who can understand Russian two websites where

Various “housekeeping” issues

1.  From tomorrow afternoon until Sat late morning (all US Eastern time) I will be gone and I will have only sporadic access to the Internet (I will be enjoying some badly needed time off with my wife on the Suwannee River: photographing wildlife, freediving in springs, exploring various wildlife refuges, swamps and conservation areas).  Before I leave I will post an “empty post” which I will leave as an

Missing 9/11 files now available for download (UPDATED)

Dear friends,Here are the two files which I promised to make available for download: this helps.  Let me know if you have a problem with these.Kind regards,The Saker PS: thanks to davidius for recommending Zippyshare! PPS: As an alternative to Zippyshare here are some Medifire links:

Personal announcement: rules, housecleaning and contact info request

To the small number of obnoxious monomaniacs amongst you who are totally obsessed with WWII, Hitler and Jews: this blog is *NOT* a historic blog about these topics.  Is that so hard to understand?  Today I had to trash something in the range of 20-25 comments all about race, Jews, Hitler, etc.  This has got to stop and you are clearly not understanding it the nice way.  This is a

Personal announcement: three short items

Dear friends,I have to leave the house for most of the day, but I want to tell you the following before I do so.1) I am desperately looking for a full English translation of the statement made by Igor Strelkov about the lack of men volunteering  for combat duties in the Donetsk region.  He made it either on Sunday or on Saturday.  It’s about 10 min long when read in

Personal announcement: I am catching up

Dear friends,Since some of you were worried, I just wanted to let you know that all is well except for my usual problem of being one person doing too many things.  The situation in the Ukraine is too fluid to say much right now anyway.  I expect to write up an evaluation of the results of the referendum by tomorrow morning.For the rest of today I will try to catch

Short personal annoucement

Dear friends, Two small points: a) I am sick with a nasty stomach flu and I am spending most of my time in bed.  I hope to get better by tomorrow. Until then, this affects my ability to reply to emails, moderate comments or write.  I apologize for that.b) I have done a poor job enforcing the rule that comments must be respectful.  This has to change.  So from now

Personal announcement: New moderation policy plan adopted

Dear friends,The following comments moderation policy has now been adopted:1.  Comments must contribute to the interest of a thread, a post or of the blog.  Just venting or totally inane comments will not be allowed.2.  Comments must be respectful. Criticisms are welcome, but they must be fact based on logically outlined.  Name calling does not qualify.3.  Off-topic comments are allowed, but have to offer something of interest to the readers.

One more thing about the “Saker correspondents” project – USA correspondents

Dear friends,I realized that I was missing on a good opportunity here to involve some correspondents from the USA.While I myself currently live in the USA, I think that I might very much need the help from US correspondents, but not from this or that state or region, but from different specializations.While it makes little sense to compare Fox News in San Diego and Boston, the USA can be very
