
Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on the biggest distortion of Islam in history

The horrible events in Pakistan immediately brought to my mind the barbaric attack by Wahabi Chechens against the school in Beslan.  It is amazing for me to see that, apparently, attacking schools and taking children hostage is a God-pleasing action in the sick minds of the human reptiles known as Wahabis.  They also love to slit throats, torture and, occasionally, eat livers.  Truly, this ideology which we can call Wahabism

The Russian Central Bank’s “counterattack” lasted 30 mins!

The result of the Russian Central Bank’s hike in interest rates turned out to be worse then my worst nightmares: it reversed the downward spiral of the Ruble for only about half an hour, then the Russian currency resumed its collapse.  Rumor has it that the Central Bank might begin buying Rubles next, which I personally don’t see as useful at this point.I have asked for expert opinions and I

Very bad news out of Russia and Novorussia

Oh boy, today is a bad day for sure.  First, the Russian Central Bank has suddenly raised its interest rates from 10,5% to 17%.  I am dubious that this will do much for the Ruble (currently in free fall for many different reasons) but, boy, will that slam the breaks on a Russian economy which needs acceleration!  Not being an expert myself (I did get an MA in International Economics,

Ukraine As Seen Through The Eyes Of A Geologist

by Vadim Zolotaryev, via translated by Eugenia (thanks so much!!) A matter-of-fact view backed by numbers 07-12-2014: By profession, I am a geologist, not a fortune teller or a psychic. I have no way of knowing what Putin is currently thinking of or what Poroshenko and Obama talked about yesterday. I am not on intimate terms with oligarchs of different countries involved in the events in Ukraine and

A coup against Putin or a coup BY Putin?

Dear friends, A very interesting question was recently asked by a reader of the French Saker Blog, “FD”: Should we expect a coup AGAINST Putin or a coup BY Putin? Given the power of the pro-USA forces at the top political, intellectual, financial and media circles, will Putin not have to make his own “18 Brumaire“? This is a very interesting idea because, in a way, it might appear to

Request for help with Sheikh Imran N. Hosein

Dear friends,I would like to ask for your assistance in the following two matters:First, I was asked by the Russian Saker Team to get an English transcript of the presentation of Sheikh Imran N. Hosein I have recently posted entitled “Islam and Russia’s Tryst with Destiny“. If somebody could write such a transcript and send it to the Russian Saker Team Leader at we could then make a translation

Ukrainians inflict a painful defeat on their Russian opponents

Finally, after a long series of humiliating defeats, the Ukrainian Nazis have succeed in scoring a major defeat against their Russian opponents.  True, this did not happen Novorussia and their opponents were already dead.  In fact, the Ukrainian “attack” happened on a cemetery in Australia in Sydney, the Russian and Serbian sections of the Rookwood Cemetery, the biggest in Australia.  Apparently, the attackers did not realize that some of the

Big and good news!! The Latin-American Saker blog is now officially active!

I had been waiting for this one with great anticipation and finally it has happened!  The Latin American Saker blog is now officially online, up and running at the following URL: is nothing short of fantastic as it bring in not just a language, but an entire culture, one of the most diverse and dynamic ones on the planet.  Furthermore, Latin America is, for sure, one of the main poles

The EU and the Ukraine stand to lose the most from the current US policies against Russia

Dear friends,I just received an email from  Larchmonter 445 who is raising a very important question.  With his permission, I have decided to share my reply with all of you.Kind regards,The Saker——- QUESTION:Ukraine is becoming an American/NATO platform with no viable economy, a thoroughly corrupt junta-criminal government.  It has lost most characteristics of a state. We know its economy is no longer functioning. It is on economic life-support.Q: What in

Following the Chinese example, India decides on a strategic partnership with Russia

by Avarachan President Putin visited India on December 11th for the 15th annual Indo-Russian Bilateral Summit. Some interesting agreements were signed, and there are very interesting agreements in the works. According to The Hindu, The highlight of the meeting — part of an annual summit between the two countries — was the unveiling of a vision statement on atomic energy cooperation, where Russian nuclear agency ROSATOM and the Department of

Sergei Glaziev: stupidity is worse than theft

Dear friends, Today is my my privilege to submit to you the full text of the recent article by Sergei Glaziev “Stupidity Is Worse Then Theft” originally published on the World Crisis website: I want to thank all those who participated in this difficult and long translation: Alice, S, Gideon, Marina (translation) and D.M. Pennington, Michael, Peter, Heather, Bernie, Patricia, Tom, Kristin  (editing).  This is a crucial text which
