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Guest Analyses

The Real Secret of the South China Sea

by Pepe Escobar for Sputnik News The South China Sea is and will continue to be the ultimate geopolitical flashpoint of the young 21st century – way ahead of the Middle East or Russia’s western borderlands. No less than the future of Asia – as well as the East-West balance of power – is at stake. To understand the Big Picture, we need to go back to 1890 when Alfred Mahan, then

The Central Issue in the U.S. Presidential Campaign

by Eric Zuesse The central issue in the U.S. Presidential campaign can’t even be discussed in U.S. newsmedia, because America’s media have been almost uniformly complicit all along in hiding from the American public the crucial factual information that’s necessary in order for the public to vote in an intelligent and truthfully informed way about it. No news medium wants to report its own having been complicit in anything; so,

‘Let them eat precaution ?’ A recipe for social darwinism, corporate malfeasance, global terrorism …

by Paul Matthews, poet & writer «1 Nobel peace prize, 8 economists, 24 physicists, 33 chemists, 41 doctors» – and a partridge in a pear tree … The Right Honourable Theresa May learns her lines as “Israel’s true friend”… Her Majesty’s Government has never been a fan of the Precautionary Principle. Ever since the 23 December 1913 Federal Reserve Act and the ensuing two world wars, the magnates of the

Emigre Super Bloc: The Failed Turkish Coup – An Exploded View

by GH Eliason Is Fethullah Gulen the feeble, kindly imam that mainstream media is making him out to be? Hardly. What this article will show is that Gulen is instead a career ultra-nationalist bent on carving up the Middle East and Asia. Gulen is on a mission to destroy Russia and China by cutting out territory that contains Turkic peoples from both nations. Important to understand is Gulen is at

Guy Mettan: Jewish russophobia has never existed and still does not exist today

Note by the Saker: Guy Mettan has kindly accepted my invitation to reply to some of the critical comments I made in my review of his excellent book ““The West vs Russia – a thousand year long war: russophobia from Charlemagne to the Ukrainian Crisis”.  While I obviously disagree with this conclusions, as he does with mine, and while I welcome and even encourage an open and frank debate on

Emigre Super Bloc – Clinton’s Jihadis | Will the Super Delegates Vote YES to More Terrorism?

by GH Eliason By the end of this section, you will understand Islamic terrorism better than most analysts. Where it came from, where it’s going,who’s driving it there will be to a large degree answered. The background detail makes this poignantly clear. Can we trust American politicians that already know these things, like the idea of them, and throughout the primary cast their superdelegate vote to make sure terrorism becomes

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant: A genocidal campaign- Part 3: The Wahhabi mission spreads globally

by Aram Mirzaei In the previous articles, we explored the origins of the sectarian ideology in the early days of Islam, the Khawarij. We also examined surge of the Wahhabi mission, a similar Takfiri ideology that originated in the 18th century, one that continues to live until this day through the support of different imperial powers, the British Empire and the US. In this final part, we will examine the

The New Middle East: Exit America Enter Russia

by Ghassan Kadi Is the genie finally out of the bottle? A myriad of seemingly unrelated events and loose ends are converging in a manner that points in the direction of a huge win for Russian diplomacy in the Middle East, and we only need to connect the dots to see this scenario unfolding. What dots, one might ask? Henry Kissinger made it law for America to protect Israel. In

Serbia’s March into NATO Servitude

by Stephen Karganovic President, Srebrenica Historical Project Serbia’s pathetic defense minister, Zoran Djordjevic, was seen dutifully in attendance in Warsaw last Thursday where he rubbed shoulders with NATO notables and associated freaks (e.g. the guest of honor, Ukrainian killer-lady, Nadiya Savchenko). Apparently delighted that its minister was treated to such generous photo-ops in Warsaw, Serbia’s defense ministry triumphantly averred that NATO’s invitation to Djordjevic to attend the gathering was proof

Aircraft carrier “Admiral Kuznetsov”: the present and the future

by Leonid Nersisyan Source: Translated by: Seva Russian heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser “Admiral Kuznetsov” will be deployed this fall to the Mediterranean, near the shores of Syria. According to an informed military source, its aircraft will attack the positions of ISIS and other militant groups in Syria from October 2016 to January 2017. Interestingly, rumors that “Admiral Kuznetsov” would be sent to her first task circulated earlier, but they were

Twilight Zones on Planet Earth

By Jeff J. Brown, for the Moscow-Beijing Express Crosslinked with China Rising here: Crosslinked with SoundCloud here: Rod Serling was the creator, producer and main screenwriter for his celebrated 1940s-1960s radio and TV shows, including the Twilight Zone. A committed leftist, he suffered regular censorship and was a fierce activist against racism, McCarthyism, the Vietnam War, nuclear weapons and censorship. He was an eloquent and creative voice against

Election 2016 Emigre Super Blocs- How the Emigres Function

by GH Eliason “Walled safely inside their gerrymandered districts, incumbents are insulated from general-election challenges that might pull them toward the political center, but they are perpetually vulnerable to primary challenges from extremists who pull them toward the fringes.”-Information Clearing House- Matt Tiabi No matter where you look inside the CEEC or associated emigre voting blocs you will find the 1st generation emigres in America after WWII were for the most part Nazi SS,

Akhmed Chataev: An inconvenient “fighter against Russia”

 Original by Boris Rozhin (Colonel Cassad); abridged translation by J.Hawk submitted by SouthFront: It’s like it’s a holiday of some sort. The main suspect in organizing the Ataturk Airport attack is a Chechen militant by the name of Akhmed Chataev whose biography will simply knock your socks off. The fact that some particularly stubborn types hurried to find a “Russian trail” happened largely because they did not bother to

Victory for Brexit In EU Referendum: Working Class Brits Stick Two Fingers Up At the Political and Financial Elites

by Leon Tressell The vote to exit the EU has shocked the financial and political elites and led to massive turmoil on global stock markets. The corporate media is full of shocked pundits lamenting the democratic decision of British people for Brexit. Brexit voters are being blamed for everything from the rise in racism against immigrant families to the increased dangers of terrorist attacks. The corporate media both in Britain

The Pearl River Delta showcases the Chinese Dream

by Pepe Escobar for RT As President Putin, post-Brexit, rushed to discuss all matters pertaining to Eurasia integration with President Xi Jinping in Beijing, I embarked on a connected, parallel southern China journey. From my base in Hong Kong, I set out on a Pearl River Delta loop, hitting Shenzhen and Dongguan and then Guangzhou, Zhuhai and Macau. Why? Because this unprecedented, interconnected story of breakneck urbanization, technological innovation and

Now Britain faces ‘Coloured revolution’ as Soros moves to stop Brexit

By Nick Griffin The people of Britain are about to become the next victims of the ‘Coloured Revolution’ tactics used by Washington and Brussels against democratically elected governments from Serbia to Syria, from Ukraine to Brazil. Within a few days of the British electorate’s totally unforeseen (including by this author!) grass-roots decision to defy Establishment bullying and waves of MSM propaganda to vote for Brexit, the counter move of the

Cracks in the EU

by Kakaouskia Greetings to the Saker community and readers. So, the UK people, contrary to the “script” that wanted a narrow Remain win have elected to leave the European Union. As it could also have been predicted, there are calls to repeat the vote as the result is not the “correct” one. And as if the extremely narrow gap between the two voting blocs was not bad enough – for

The #StolenReferendum. How Cameron & Co have ruthlessly exploited the murder of MP Jo Cox to save their skins and the EU ‘Project’

by Nick Griffin Britain’s vote on Europe looks set to go down in history as the ‘Stolen Referendum’. As the Remain campaign’s ruthless exploitation of the appalling murder of MP Jo Cox continues, big business, banks and other Remain enthusiasts are increasingly confident of coming out on top in Thursday’s historic poll. Yet such a victory will have been bought at a terrible price – a blatant triple fraud against

Beijing goes mobile in the South China Sea

by Pepe Escobar for RT Not a day goes by without some sort of turmoil in the South China Sea. Let’s cut to the chase: war is not about to break out. In a nutshell, the non-stop drama, as ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) diplomats told me, is all about “escalation-management protocols.” Translation: how to prevent any unilateral outburst that could be interpreted as warlike. Compounding the problem is

Grandmaster Putin (Grandiose multi-step operation lasting 16 years)

by RoSsiBaRBeRa Translated by Eugenia (a huge THANK YOU to Eugenia for this huge and complex translation! The Saker) Source: The 1990s are behind us, as is the breakup of the Soviet Union. The 2000s balancing over the cliff, the years of the debt slavery to IMF, unlimited rule of the oligarchs, the status of the regional power, gangs of non-systemic opposition by the American embassy, isolation and haughty
