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Guest Analyses

9/11 Terror Trading: 15 years later (Lars Schall interviews Professor Marc Chesney)

Since this Sunday will be the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 massacre, I am about to post an analysis of where the 9/11 Truth movement stands today.  In the meantime, however, I am sharing with you a most interesting video, so interesting in fact that I decided to post it on the “analysis” section of the blog. Lars Schall has kindly sent me his interview with Prof. Marc Chesney, for which

The latest development in northern Syria

By Aram Mirzaei With Multiple interventions and multiple offensives, the situation in northern Syria is messy to say the least. There are several frontlines with different parties struggling for the same piece of territory. Two weeks ago, the Turkish army made an intrusion into the northern Aleppo countryside, in the small ISIL controlled border town of Jarabulus. The so called “Euphrates Shield Operation” offensive was aimed at creating a new

Made in China G20 and its geoeconomic significance

by Pepe Escobar for RT What has just taken place in Hangzhou, China, is of immense geoeconomic importance. Beijing from the start treated the G20 very seriously; this was designed as China’s party, not the declining West’s. And much less Washington’s. Outlining the agenda for the discussions, President Xi Jinping went straight to the point also geopolitically, as he set the tone: “The outdated Cold War mentality should be discarded.

The ultimate 21st century choice; OBOR or war

by Pepe Escobar for Sputnik News The G20 meets in tech hub Hangzhou, China, at an extremely tense geopolitical juncture. China has invested immense political/economic capital to prepare this summit. The debates will revolve around the main theme of seeking solutions “towards an innovative, invigorated, interconnected and inclusive world economy.” G20 Trade Ministers have already agreed to lay down nine core principles for global investment. At the summit, China will

The whole game is about containing Russia-China

by Pepe Escobar for Sputnik International The next BRICS summit, in Goa, is less than two months away. Compared to only two years ago, the geopolitical tectonic plates have moved with astonishing speed. Most BRICS nations are mired in deep crisis; Brazil’s endless political/economic/institutional debacle may yield the Kafkaesque impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff. BRICS is in a coma. What’s surviving is RC: the Russia/China strategic partnership. Yet even the

Erdogan Calls Putin as Russia Seethes at Turkey’s Syrian Incursion

Note by the Saker: I have to admit that I still am rather puzzled by the Turkish “invasion” of Syria.  There are several hypotheses about what the Turks are really up to and what their real goal is.  Since my friends Alexander Mercouris and Mark Sleboda seem to have a much better understanding of what is happening than I, I submit to your attention their analysis rather than to exposes

In the wake of Biden’s visit: Serbia at the geopolitical crossroad

by Stephen Karganovic US Vice President Joseph Biden just completed a “three day visit to Serbia.” The phrase in parentheses is the spin Serbia’s puppet government in Belgrade puts on it. He actually spent only a couple of hours in Belgrade, just enough to deliver instructions. From there he flew off to Prishtina to spend the bulk of his time on Serbian territory in the NATO occupied province of Kosovo

Ukraine was Right! Why Russia is the Biggest Threat in the World!

by GH Eliason Is Russia really the greatest threat to the world? The answer lies somewhere between how you define a threat and what you’re actually afraid of. At that starting point what the western world screams is scaring them isn’t a Russian bogeyman or specter of Russian world domination. It’s entirely different. It’s very weird. Ukraine was right. Russia in this context is the biggest threat to Ukraine and

Could Trump Pull Off a Post-Party Coalition?

by Pepe Escobar for Sputnik News Hillary Clinton, Queen of Chaos, Queen of War, Golden Goldman Girl, for all practical purposes is by now the official bipartisan candidate of US neocons and neoliberalcons alike. Certified add-ons include Wall Street; selected hedge funds; TPP cheerleaders; CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) interventionists; media barons; multinational corporate hustlers; in fact virtually the whole exceptionalist US establishment, duly underwritten by the bipartisan, mega-wealthy 0.0001%. That does leave

George Soros’ Open Society Foundation unmasked in a major leak

By Dave A leak of private documents of George Soros’ Open Society Foundations has been released, courtesy of DC Leaks. George Soros is known to be involved in pretty much any revolution or coup around the world as well as heavily influencing politics. But these leaks provide direct evidence and show how deep and serious his involvement is. Here’s a quick analysis of what one can find. First, there’s a

Unifying India: ‘Vande Mataram’

by “Avarachan Thomas” (pseudonym). August 15th is the Republic of India’s Independence Day. To celebrate the occasion, India’s national song and national anthem are performed throughout the country.  In particular, the story behind the national song, “Vande Mataram,” reveals India’s approach towards multiculturalism and national unity. “Vande Mataram” literally means, “I bow to thee, Mother.”  The poem from which the song is derived consists of six stanzas, some of which

It’s a cookbook!

by JiminNH Saker’s recent article entitled “The counter-terrorist corrida opposing the West and Islam addressed the so-called “clash of civilizations” between Islam and “the West,” and efforts of ideologues like Zbigniew Brzezinski to help make it so. Whenever I see mention of Brzezinski’s “The Grand Chessboard” or Samuel P. Huntington’s book “Clash of Civilizations”, it reminds me of watching an interesting episode of the Twilight Zone many years ago, titled

Paul Craig Roberts and Michael Hudson: “Russian government is reconsidering the neoliberal policy”

by Paul Craig Roberts and Michael Hudson According to various reports, the Russian government is reconsidering the neoliberal policy that has served Russia so badly since the collapse of the Soviet Union.  If Russia had adopted an intelligent economic policy, its economy would be far ahead of where it stands today.  It would have avoided most of the capital flight to the West by relying on self-finance. Washington took advantage

Are the Olympics dead yet? Unraveling the doping scandal

By Marcel Woland Followers of mass media in the West may be forgiven for not noticing that the Olympic movement has been severely damaged by the recent weaponization of the Olympics. What the average Western viewer was expected to take away from the much-reported ‘Russian doping scandal’ was that Russia is indeed a lawless, sinister entity and that the Fu Manchu-like Putin has his finger in every pie. Many believed

Say hello to Southeast Asia’s New Silk Roads

by Pepe Escobar for RT It’s not only China vs. the US in the South China Sea. Few in the West realize that two completely different, intersecting stories are developing in maritime and mainland Southeast Asia. The Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague denied China’s historic rights to waters in the South China Sea within its nine-dash line; it also ruled that the Spratly Islands are not islands, but

The Syrian conflict: An Iranian perspective on the Russian involvement and a potential Turkish cooperation

Foreword by the Saker: the latest article by Aram Mirzaei is truly a rare gem as it outlines an Iranian view on the conflict in Syria and on the Russian involvement in it.  As I, and others, have mentioned several times, Russia and Iran are de-facto allies in this war, but unlike AngloZionist “coalitions”, that does not mean that one is subordinated to the other and that there is only

The Daily Daesh D-Day Dilemma

by Ghassan Kadi In the closing article of “The Daesh Chronicles”; The Prognosis, I raised the alarm about the high likelihood of Daesh attacks increasing in frequency and domain of activity. I even warned that they may become daily events that the West will one day have to contemplate. In hindsight, I did not expect the escalation of those attacks to reach this threshold so soon, because daily attacks are

Full Spectrum Dominatrix vs. Off Spectrum Narcissus

by Pepe Escobar for Sputnik News History can be a damned good screenwriter – currently presenting an excruciatingly agonizing, do-or-die choice (“Love trumps hate” vs. “Lock her up!”) not only to US voters but also to the whole planet, which will be affected, directly and indirectly, by this choice. On one side we have a populist over-the-top billionaire pop Narcissus, a.k.a. “cheeto-faced ferret-wearing shitgibbon” (thank you, Scotland) and reality TV

Something symbolic, but very important is happening in the China-Russia partnership

Moscow-Beijing Express By Jeff J. Brown Cross-linked with China Rising: Podcast: Starting today, this map takes on a whole new geopolitical meaning. (Image by Up till now, both Russian and China have eschewed the concept of an “alliance”. Why? Because of all the historical Western empire baggage that goes with it, including sometimes secret, frequently broken treaties, treachery, double dealing, back stabbing and all the other perfidy

“Gulen-Gate” Islamic Terrorists Descending on the Democratic National Convention

by GH Eliason Why are known terrorists at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia? Doesn’t the Secret Service vet people that are in the same building as the President of the United States anymore? What the hell is going on? Invited as a guest to the 2016 Democratic National Convention is none other than Kadri Veseli, the Speaker of the Kosovo Assembly. Veseli is a former Kosovar Albanian leader of
