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Guest Analyses

Bait & Switch- Fake News, propornot, the Real Inform & Influence Operation

by GH Eliason A few days before the 2016 election I contacted several publishers and told them they were on a list to be dealt with/ taken down after what was supposed to be a Clinton victory. This effort was against news sites and websites that spoke or wrote against current US policies that Clinton supported. As I was writing this Glen Greenwald’s great article came out specifically about propornot.

Lenin comes to the White House

by Pepe Escobar for Sputnik International Donald Trump, commenting on the passing of Fidel Castro, branded him a mere “dictator”. Whatever the long-lasting results (and mistakes) of the Cuban experiment, History has already de facto recognized Fidel as one of the great revolutionary leaders of the modern – and post-modern – era. Trump – historical irony obliges – also has all but christened the groundswell of anger that delivered him

Goodbye Fidel

by Jimmie Moglia  “He was a man, take him for all in all, I shall not look upon his like again.” Hamlet, act 1, sc. 2 For many across the world, the death of Fidel Castro strikes us with an obscure sensation, like that which would be felt from the sound of darkness. And though expected, there was an indistinct unuttered hope that this news could be postponed to a

People wake up!

by Peter Koenig Neoliberal-fascist atrocities become rapidly ever bolder and are carried out with impunity. They should wake up the 99.99% from our brainwashed dreams and make us SCREAM! – Scream for change, not at the margin, but fundamental. This apparatus has to stop, not just be ‘reformed’ as the caviar ‘left intellectuals’ suggest. Absurdities have to be eviscerated. Our socio-economic system needs rebuilding from scratch. Washington has shown us

Serbia To Adopt Repressive Srebrenica “Genocide Denial” Law

by Stephen Karganovic A process of revision of Serbia’s Criminal Code has been going on for quite a while. It recently emerged that a government Task Force was set up for the purpose. Nothing is publicly known about the composition of this committee or its brief. One of the Task Force’s goals (or directives) apparently is to introduce a change in the Criminal Code that would make Srebrenica “genocide denial”

Will Donald Trump be the United States’ last elected president?

by Ernst Wolff During his election campaign, Donald Trump presented himself as the champion of America’s blue collar workers. He promised to ‘bring jobs back home’, create millions of well-paid new jobs, and raise the standard of living of the middle and the working class. He called himself an ‘enemy of the corrupt establishment’ and vowed to ‘dry the swamp in Washington’. In the final stages of his campaign, Trump

Fear and Loathing Inside The Deep State

by Larchmonter445 Everyone in the Deep State is threatened by the Trump Presidency. The Deep State understands that power, funding, ideological stratagems and domination of government, media, academia, think tanks and NGOs are in the ‘field of fight’, to use the book title by a prime target the Deep State intends to destroy in order to save itself from Trump. Lt. General (ret.) Michael T. Flynn, three-star expert in Military

China ‘Marco Polo’ Xi Jinping starts jockeying in post-Obama world

by Pepe Escobar for RT In yet one more spectacular chapter of his running Marco Polo in reverse saga, Chinese President Xi Jinping made a strategic stop in Sardinia, Italy, on his way to the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in Lima, Peru. Why beautiful Sardinia? Certainly not for a yacht cruise in the Costa Esmeralda. This is all about, once again, the Chinese-driven New Silk Roads. Huawei is building

Major Russian Geopolitical Moves Going Unnoticed in Wake of US Election

by Oleg Maslov It’s official, Russia has decided to grab the bull by the horns. Just one week after the shocking vote in the US presidential election resulted in a Trump victory, Russia has decided to pull all the stops and take care of some long lingering business while Obama’s administration is working overtime to manage a transition that no one expected would happen and Obama himself is out of

Trump’s “Conservative Revolution” (A view from Oz)

by Iman Safi The major political parties of Western democracies; the Conservatives on one hand and the Liberal Progressives on the other hand, irrespective what specific names they give themselves, are by-and-large based on the “traditional” so-called right versus left divide. This divide has taken many shapes and forms, and of course a huge array of names and descriptions, and this is why to pinpoint the doctrinal difference between them,

Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps: a deep insight into Iran’s most powerful institution

By Aram Mirzaei Described by the Western media as a “shadowy organization” involved in “clandestine activity” across the Middle East, not much is truly known about the “Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps” (IRGC) in the West as Western governments and media outlets are having an increasingly difficult time figuring out the IRGC and the role it plays in both the domestic and foreign relations of Iran. You can’t understand Iran and

The Breakaway Civilisation

by Mohsin Siddiqui for the Oceania Saker Blog The US elections much like the rest of our usual daily consumption of Mass Media are more about stage managed theatre with bucket loads of Americanism, a seasoning of hyperbole and most certainly reality-free. The constant barrage of infotainment from the indispensable nation, the exceptional nation and the benign super power tells us of a distinct desire to consume information reality-free. This

Battle for the ages: Protectionist Trumponomics vs. Neoliberalism

by Pepe Escobar Donald Trump’s red wave on Election Day was an unprecedented body blow against neoliberalism. The stupid early-1990s prediction about the ‘end of history’ turned into a – possible – shock of the new. The new global nativism? Perhaps a new push towards democratic socialism? Too early to tell. Once again. A body blow, not a death blow. Like the cast of The Walking Dead, the zombie neoliberal

President Trump vs President Clinton … What Will Happen After Inauguration?

by Oleg Maslov The time has come for the country with the largest economy and military in the world will soon go to the polls to choose a new leader for itself. Americans will elect a new president on November 8, 2016. However, the two main candidates running for the office of president in the general election have never been more different from each other. Hillary Clinton has lived in

Why Hillary Clinton Will Appoint Old World Nationalists to Cabinet Positions and the Quasi-Legal Coup-Hillary Clinton Information Operations In Election 2016

by GH Eliason Whether you are for Hillary Clinton or against her, the problem with Hillary Clinton isn’t her lack of experience. Almost the entire political establishment is behind her. Throughout all the bumps and scandal in this whole election cycle, Republicans and former presidents are coming out of the woodwork supporting her. According to the LA Times she may well be one of the most experienced candidates in US history, while even accounting

What does it take to bring Hillary Clinton to justice?

by Pepe Escobar for RT Virtually the whole planet holds its collective breath at the prospect of Hillary Clinton possibly becoming the next President of the United States (POTUS). How’s that humanly possible, as the (daily) Bonfire of The Scandals – relentlessly fed by WikiLeaks revelations and now converging FBI investigations – can now be seen from interstellar space? It’s possible because Hillary Clinton, slouching through a paroxysm of manufactured

Clinton and Trump: The Known And The Unknown

by Ghassan Kadi My American friend Roger is a staunch Democrat supporter. He is in his seventies and has always voted Democrat. Him and I have had countless discussions over the many years that we have known each other. His paternal roots are Arabic and he sees himself to be on the “left” side of politics, anti-Israel lobby, anti-Empire, but of late, him and I have not been able to

American dream, revisited

by Pepe Escobar for the Strategic Culture Foundation Will Trump pull a Brexit times ten? What would it take, beyond WikiLeaks, to bring the Clinton (cash) machine down? Will Hillary win and then declare WWIII against her Russia/Iran/Syria “axis of evil”? Will the Middle East totally explode? Will the pivot to Asia totally implode? Will China be ruling the world by 2025? Amidst so many frenetic fragments of geopolitical reality

Putin and Xi in Western propaganda – why does XJP get off so lightly?

Moscow-Beijing Express, on The Saker By Jeff J. Brown, Crosslinked at: Podcast is available on SoundCloud: Better watch out, Vlad. When Western propaganda throws an “-ism” at you, the gloves have come off. Think Marxism, Leninism, Maoism, communism, socialism, extremism and “Islamic” terrorism, for starters. After all, behind the Great Western Firewall, they are all the same thing, right? A recent cover and main article in the

Trump and the Power of Money

by Peter Koenig Imagine, Donald Trump would accede to the US Presidency, an unlikely event with the presstitute media relentlessly slamming, slashing and demonizing him, not unlike they do with President Putin – while cheering no-end for the warmonger Killary, no matter what atrocities she has on her hands and body, no matter that blood is dripping out of her mouth every time she opens it – like Iraq, Libya,
