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Guest Analyses

Russia calls the War Party’s bluff

by Pepe Escobar for Sputnik International Cold War 2.0 has reached unprecedented hysterical levels. From the Clinton (cash) machine – supported by a neocon/neoliberalcon think tank/media complex – to the British establishment and its corporate media mouthpieces, the Anglo-American, self-appointed “leaders of the free world” are racking up demonization of Russia and “Putinism” to pure incandescence. And yet a hot war is not about to break out – before

«America Has Lost» in the Philippines

by Pepe Escobar for Strategic Culture «Your honors, in this venue I announce my separation from the United States… both in military and economics also». Thus Philippines President Rodrigo «The Punisher» Duterte unleashed a geopolitical earthquake encompassing Eurasia and reverberating all across the Pacific Ocean. And talk about choosing his venue with aplomb; right in the heart of the Rising Dragon, no less. Capping his state visit to Beijing, Duterte

Yemen – an introduction to the forgotten conflict you so rarely hear about [A Who’s who with maps included]

By Aram Mirzaei For 18 months now, Yemen has been embroiled in a devastating conflict that has killed at least 10 000 people according to official sources, that number is however probably far higher. The Yemeni conflict is characterized by the asymmetric ways it’s being fought on the battlefield and by the massive amount of suffering for the civilian population in the impoverished country. Background The current Yemeni conflict can be

‘Assume greater security role’ in the Donbass, calls for Russia to investigate Motorola’s murder

by Alexander Mercouris for The Duran The Saker has written an article on the subject of the recent murder in the Donetsk People’s Republic of the militia leader Motorola.  In it he calls for the Russian authorities to take over the investigation of Motorola’s murder and to take steps to ensure security in the Donbass. Normally I avoid expressing views on these sort of issues, but on this occasion I

Thesis: The current leadership of the Russian state assessed upon principles of Dharma

by Student Introduction I have considered writing on the topic of President Putin and an analysis of his conduct and stature according to the principles of Dharma, loosely analogous to ‘right conduct’ in English. However, in my contemplation I came to realise that whilst President Putin the man is a very charismatic figure, he is representative of a greater, overall leadership structure as exists today in the Russian Federation. As

Why Hillary Clinton is a bigger concern for China than Donald Trump

by Pepe Escobar for The South China Morning Post So you think Donald Trump is the biggest threat to world peace? And Barack Obama engineered America’s “pivot to Asia”? It was actually Hillary Clinton, emphasising the necessity of a “strategic turn” for the United States, who launched the pivot to Asia in an October 2011 article titled “America’s Pacific Century”. The tone was martial: “Our military is by far the

Hillary Clinton’s axis of evil

by Pepe Escobar for Sputnik International Let’s cut to the chase; Hillary Clinton is ready to go to war against Russia in Syria – with inbuilt, potentially terrifying, thermonuclear consequences. Anticipating an outcome of the US presidential election as a remix of the 1972 Nixon landslide, Hillary has also coined, George “Dubya” Bush-style, a remixed axis of evil: Russia, Iran and “the Assad regime”. That’s not even counting China, which,

Syrians are dying for Hillary Clinton

A small announcement from the Saker: he is alive, but away from home, and he expresses his deepest gratitude to  everyone for their kind words of support.   Syrians are dying for Hillary Clinton, by Uncle Vania Lieutenant General Stephen Townsend, new commander of US forces in Iraq and Syria, made the statement on the expansion of special forces that indicates belated coalition attempts to cover their July and August

Latest developments in northern Syria – the race for Al-Bab and the debacle of ”Euphrates Shield” [Map included]

By Aram Mirzaei Since the onset of the Turkish invasion of northern Syria back in August of 2016, Turkish-backed Jihadists managed to capture a host of villages and towns from both the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), and the US-backed “Syrian Democratic Forces” (SDF). Within weeks, a total of 900 square kilometres had been captured by the Turkish-backed Jihadist operations room, also called “Euphrates shield”. Not long

Wall Street: The Trump-China missing link

by Pepe Escobar for RT The yuan is about to enter the IMF’s basket of reserve currencies this coming Saturday – alongside the US dollar, pound, euro and yen. This is no less than a geoeconomic earthquake. Not only does this represent yet another step in China’s irresistible path towards economic primacy; the Chinese currency’s inclusion in the Special Drawing Rights (SDR) basket will also lead central banks and hyper-wealthy

Mother Superior vs. ranting schoolboy

by Pepe Escobar for Sputnik International The temptation is irresistible to conceptualize the Clinton Machine’s strategy going into the first US presidential debate; let Donald Trump metastasize into a pretzel. Mission not impossible; in fact, accomplished. Sniffin’ and slidin’, beepin’ and sippin’, angrily chokin’, even swoopin’ on the mike to choreograph a blow, “Donald” (as addressed by “Secretary Clinton”) fell for every shape and size of bait thrown by a

The U.S. Removed the Truce in Syria

by Anna Jaunger On Monday, Sep 19, there was an attack on a joint convoy of the UN and the Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC) near the area of Urum al-Kubra. As a result, 18 trucks were destroyed, killing more than 10 employees who are trying to help the Syrian people. The incident occurred after US-led opposition fighters had resumed military operations, which essentially put on the brink of failure-week

Les Deplorables

by Pepe Escobar for Sputnik News Perplexed global public opinion holds its breath at the (circus) best American “democracy” is able to conjure: the first cage match this coming Monday between a Queen of War profiting from a mighty (Clinton) Cash Machine and a billionaire uber-narcissist adored by a “basket of deplorables”. This is a circus quite fitting for a self-described “indispensable nation” where “evil” has been propelled

What is BRICS member India really up to?

by Pepe Escobar for Russia Today: You may have never heard of LEMOA. In Global South terms, LEMOA (Logistics Exchange Memorandum Agreement) is quite a big thing, signed in late August by Indian Defense Minister Mohan Parrikar and Pentagon supremo Ash Carter. As Carter spun it four months before the signing, LEMOA rules that US forces “may” be deployed to India under special circumstances. Essentially, Delhi will allow Washington to refuel and

China ups the game in the South China Sea

by Pepe Escobar for Sputnik News Joint Sea-2016 started this Monday; that’s the fifth annual China-Russia naval drill, featuring stalwarts from both navies in action at the eastern waters of Zhanjiang, in Guangdong province, the HQ of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Navy Nanhai Fleet. Considering this is the first time that Joint Sea is happening in the South China Sea, apocalyptic alarms from the usual suspects could not be

The Anglo-Zionist nemesis – a nihilist pact with the losing side of history ?

by Paul Matthews It is in the Book of Proverbs (16:18) of the Hebrew Bible that we may find the locution : Pride comes before a fall. The following report chronicles and contextualizes events and chapters in the saga of a post WWII world under an improvident leadership of Uncle Sam and argues that there is always a good reason to hope even in a period of undiminished gloom. As

Not All Silk Roads Are Created Equal

“Trans-Caspian International Transport Route unlikely to see high-volume PRC adoption in the near term due to insufficient business and geopolitical value prop” by Mister Unknown Several months ago, there were quite a few news/analysis reports lauding the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route (TITR) as a new path for trade along the Silk Road, which is being revitalized by China and its regional partners under the One Belt, One Road (OBOR) project.

Syrian ceasefire II – Why any cessation of hostilities in Syria is doomed to fail and what it would mean for the Syrian Army and its allies

By Aram Mirzaei On 12 September a new nationwide ceasefire agreement was implemented in Syria, one brokered by the US and Russian Foreign Ministers after weeks of crunch talks. There had been several attempts to reach a deal in the previous weeks, but finally last Friday when foreign ministers Kerry and Lavrov announced their agreement, the world was lit with hope for some reason. Perhaps this time people believed the

Rostislav Ishchenko: The outcome of 25 years of the Ukrainian independence (MUST SEE!!)

Note: I consider Rostislav Ishchenko by far the best specialist on the current Ukraine.  This is why I requested a full length translation and transcript of his interview with Boris Kostenko, a very good journalist.  A huge “thank you!!” to Eugenia and Seva for their immense work and making this most interesting material available to us. The Saker Source: Translated by: Seva BORIS KOSTENKO, ANCHORMAN: Good day, dear viewers.
