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Guest Analyses

Is lasting peace possible?

By William T. Hathaway for the Saker Blog The wise men of the establishment are again telling us that hopes for lasting peace are a delusion. They declare that human nature makes it impossible, that war is built into our genes. They point to research by evolutionary biologists that indicates our closest genetic relatives, the chimpanzees, make war. Therefore war must be part of our heredity. “We’ve always had wars,”

The Very Special Operation

By Batiushka for the Saker Blog The special operation in Ukraine has brought the confrontation between Russia and Western countries, led by the United States, to a climax. Battles are going on not only in the vast spaces of the Ukraine, but also in the economic, political and cultural spheres. The style of the Anglo-Saxons has not changed for centuries. And so today they continue to dictate their terms to

For Europe, from Russia, with love

by Jorge Vilches for the Saker Blog The EU catch-22 conundrum involves many incongruous and conflicting issues each one of which must be solved first before solving any of the others in a context of constant change and dozens of mutually exclusive moving parts. Simply put, the European situation is ultra-complex, far from enviable, and getting ever worse by the hour. Possibly a Rubik´s cube may represent the problem, but

Is US/NATO (with WEF help) pushing for a Global South famine?

By Michael Hudson and posted with the author’s permission Is the proxy war in Ukraine turning out to be only a lead-up to something larger, involving world famine and a foreign-exchange crisis for food- and oil-deficit countries? Many more people are likely to die of famine and economic disruption than on the Ukrainian battlefield. It thus is appropriate to ask whether what appeared to be the Ukraine proxy war is

How blaming Putin is helping Putin

By Dmitry Orlov for the Saker Blog The systemic crisis which we are currently witnessing in the West (and in other parts of the world that are too tightly interconnected with the West to avoid experiencing it as well) is objectively being caused by the West itself. But Westerners, being unaccustomed to acknowledging their mistakes (being all superior, indispensable and infallible-like in their own addled minds), are forced to resort

Quod licet NATO member, non licet Russia

By Batko Milacic for the Saker Blog While the whole world was distracted by the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and wondered whether China would follow Moscow’s example and try to “reintegrate” Taiwan, Ankara, a member of the North Atlantic Alliance, violated Syria’s sovereignty again. Turkish President Erdogan has repeatedly ignored the independent status of the neighboring country, and is now poised to occupy part of Syria’s northern provinces, supposedly in a bid

Japan’s Perceptions of the Propaganda regarding the SMO

by Patricia Ormsby for the Saker Blog The Initial News Blitz In the immediate aftermath of Putin’s announcement on February 24 of the Special Military Operation in Ukraine, Japan’s media instituted a one-sided blitz condemning Russia of a sort that has become familiar to everyone else in the West.1 The blitz appeared to have been well-planned and coordinated in Japan, though it took about a week to eliminate the five-minute

Operation Z+: On Raising the Iron Curtain Which Hangs Over Europe

By Batiushka for The Saker Blog From Kaliningrad on the Baltic to Odessa on the Black Sea an iron curtain has descended across the continent. Behind that line lie all the capitals of Western, Central and Eastern Europe, all these famous cities and the populations around them lie in what I must call the American sphere, and all are subject, in one form or another, not only to American influence

Open Thread

This is our open thread for the next +- 24 hours to discuss topical issues. Moderation policy is in full effect.      

Bilderberg does China

When Davos and Bilderberg messenger boys look at The Grand Chessboard, they realize that their era of perpetual free lunch is over. By Pepe Escobar posted with his permission and widely cross-posted.  Discreetly, as under the radar as a looming virus, the 68th Bilderberg meeting  is currently underway in Washington, D.C. Nothing to see here. No conspiracy theories about a “secret cabal”, please. This is just a docile, “diverse group

Grief days with changes in Narrative… or why Trolls are Doomed

By F(unny) MAN for the Saker Blog In the last days we have been observing some important developments: The MSM defecators (1) are changing the Narrative from: Weeeeeeeeee, we are the best of the best. 404 Super-army of Call-of-duty soldiers are defeating the Russian Zombie hordes. Russian Army is losing millions of men, thousands of tanks, hundredths of aircrafts. Russia has no more men, ammo, missiles, whatever, and they will

Michael Hudson: Interview with the newly founded German magazine “ViER”

By Michael Hudson with permission and supplied to the Saker Blog “Taken from an interview with the newly founded German magazine “ViER” which will be published in August 2022.” ViER (FOUR), stands for the media as fourth power in checks and balances. (1.) Prof. Hudson, your new book “The Destiny of Civilization” is out now. This lecture series on finance capitalism and the New Cold War presents an overview of

The Future to the Back

By Batiushka for The Saker Blog ‘For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places’. Words recorded by Matthew in his Gospel, chapter 24, verse 7, April 33   ‘It is Russia that is now at the forefront of the clash of civilisations’. Boris Mezhuyev, Professor of Russian Philosophy at the VIII Russian Philosophical Congress in Moscow,

It’s education, stupid!

By Fẹmi Akọmọlafẹ for the Saker Blog Maybe it is time the Collective West does something about its educational system. Watching the performances of Russians and Western officials, one immediately notices that the much-touted and ultra-expensive “education “ provided in the West today is actually not up to par. The Russian actions in Ukraine revealed a West where leaders remain emotional juveniles who continue to REACT jerkily to Russia’s deft

Unmasking – Part 2

By Naresh Jotwani for the Saker Blog From time to time, certain self-promoting “brainy” people come up with complicated theories about how the world should be organized and run. One imagines that such people dislike doing real work for a living – and grandiose theorizing proves to be an irresistibly tempting gig, with many perks. Such a theory gets labelled as “something-ism”, such as “liberalism”, “monetarism”, “capitalism”, “Marxism”, “socialism” and

Quo Vadis, Mr Johnson?

By Batiushka for The Saker Blog ‘I…believe that…our children (will) some day (be) citizens of the same worldwide country under a flag which shall be a quartering of the Union Jack with the Stars and Stripes’. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, The Noble Bachelor, 1887 Alexander Johnson, or to give him his full name, Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, was born to wealthy British parents in New York in June 1964,

Europe now cheats or suffers

by Jorge Vilches for the Saker Blog Europe has now painted itself into an infamous corner with only two choices left, nothing else. Both are definitely bad and terribly expensive — probably un-payable — in political and financial terms. On May 30, Brussels (a) dropped its previous declared strategy of ´buying Russian oil to prevent Moscow from selling it elsewhere at soaring prices´ (???) and (b) approved its sanctions package
