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Guest Analyses

Grains of deceit (updated with visual of maritime corridor set up by the Russian Navy)

By Nat South for the Saker Blog There are several evolving issues that are being watched regarding plans and developments made by the West to open Ukrainian Black Sea commercial ports. A medley of articles has recently popped up on grain shipments from Russia and the grain shortage caused by the conflict. As always, these articles from the corporate Western MSM are part of a propaganda effort to portray Russia

Yellow Vests: At worst, the most important French movement for 100 years

by Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker blog At the very worst they will be as forgotten as the sit-ins, factory occupations, strikes and marches of 1936 have been: 1936 was, however, the most important political movement in a century – between 1871 (The Paris Commune) and 1968. This is no small achievement. (This is the twelfth chapter in a new book, France’s Yellow Vests: Western Repression of the West’s Best

NATO vs Russia: what happens next

In Davos and beyond, NATO’s upbeat narrative plays like a broken record, while on the ground, Russia is stacking up wins that could sink the Atlantic order. By Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and crossposted with The Cradle   Three months after the start of Russia’s Operation Z in Ukraine, the battle of The West (12 percent) against The Rest (88 percent) keeps metastasizing. Yet the narrative –

The Secret American Plan to Make Russia Great Again

By Dmitry Orlov for the Saker Blog It is generally a good idea to avoid ascribing nefarious intent to actions explained by mere stupidity. But this is a case where mere stupidity cannot possibly explain the long, steady procession of foreign policy errors spanning three decades, all of them specifically aimed at strengthening Russia. It is not possible to argue that a surplus of hubris, ignorance, greed and political opportunism

History is Being Written Before our Eyes

By Batiushka for The Saker Blog The Moving Finger writes and, having writ, Moves on: And neither Devotion, nor Wit Shall make it cancel a Half-Line of it, Nor Tears shall wash away a Word or Whit. Omar Khayyam Introduction: The Distant Past In 1945 the US and the UK betrayed and turned on their ally, the Soviet Union, which was far too victorious against Nazi Germany for their taste

Quantitative (Dis)easing

By Francis Lee for the Saker Blog Inflation Tax: The Plan to Deal With the Debt – By Peter Comley – pp.209 – July 2013 Reviewed by Francis Lee Inflation presupposes money. Money has evolved as an unplanned social institution during a period of perhaps 2500 (some would say 5000) years. Still, the worst excesses of inflation have occurred during the 20th century. The prime cause of inflation has been

The Depravity of the Armchair Communists

By Kahlil Wall-Johnson for the Saker Blog The inter-imperialist camp, as it has been called, has dedicated itself to painting the Ukraine conflict strictly in terms of inter-imperialist struggle. In their dedication to this interpretation, they have committed to a series of surprisingly extravagant claims, some of which I intend to gather here and hold up to the light. However, it is this camp’s total lack of scruples, specifically when

Germans ´schwedt´ hard for Russian oil

´Krautensuiciden´: by Jorge Vilches for the Saker Blog Germans will soon passionately conjugate a very strange new verb amongst themselves, the infinitive form of which is “ to schwedt ”. Of course, all sorts of ironic phraseology will emerge in the blogosphere with creative commentariati wondering whether “to schwedt or not to schwedt”… or millennials surely indicating to “chill it, don´t schwedt it ”… So, you may wonder what exactly

Azov surrenders. Who will be the sacred martyr now?

By Batko Milacic for the Saker Blog On the night of May 17, after brief negotiations, Ukrainian army units, blocked by Russian troops at Azovstal in Mariupol, began to surrender. Initially, it was announced that the Ukrainian military wanted to hand over to Russia their wounded whose condition in the cellars of a huge factory was hopeless. However, it soon became clear that the entire “Mariupol garrison” as the remnants

Russia Rewrites the Art of Hybrid War

Hybrid War is being fought predominantly in the economic/financial battleground – and the pain dial for the collective West will only go up. By Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and widely cross posted.  The ironclad fictional “narrative” imposed all across NATOstan is that Ukraine is “winning”. So why would weapons peddler retrofitted as Pentagon head Lloyd “Raytheon” Austin literally beg since late February to have his phone calls

Andrei Martyanov: Feeling Sitrepish on May 20

Andrei Martyanov talks about a very important issue almost buried in the other issues.  That is the Global Conflict which he describes as the west against the global community coalescing around Russia and China now.  On the Saker Blog, Andrei Raevski called it Zone A and Zone B, we can simply call it the west against the rest. Please visit Andrei’s website: and support him here:

So How Serious is Ukraine’s neo-Nazi Romance?

By Cynthia Chung for the Saker Blog In the history of civilization, Politics has more often than not, been a matter reduceable to the question of “whose side are you on?” Granted it is not an easy affair to discern what most-nearly approaches truth in the fog of “the present.” Hindsight is 20/20 they say, although that is also not entirely true, for the interpretation of history is just another

To Yellow Vests he’s the radical: Macron imposes ‘radical centrism’ for Brussels

by Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker blog During the only debate featuring the five principal 2017 presidential candidates the National Front’s Marine Le Pen zinged Macron with the night’s best line: “You have a crazy talent: You just managed to speak for seven minutes, and I am incapable of summarising your thoughts – you’ve said nothing. It’s completely empty,” she said, and then turned around to the audience and admired,

Toward a Theory of Impossibility: Column Upends Science

By Fred Reed for the Saker Blog In today’s column, we will revolutionize science, and establish that much of what we believe, at least regarding living things, is at best improbable and likely impossible. Science won’t notice, so no harm will be done. As we explicate the Theory of Impossibility, we must begin with particle physics. This will give the column a touch of class. Specifically, the Fundamental Theorem of

After the NATO War is Over

By Batiushka for the Saker Blog Make no mistake about it: The tragic war that is currently taking place on Ukrainian battlefields is not between the Russian Federation and the Ukraine, but between the Russian Federation and the US-controlled NATO. The latter, also called ‘the collective West’, promotes an aggressive ideology of organised violence, a politically- economically- and militarily-enforced doctrine euphemistically known as ‘Globalism’. This means hegemony by the Western

Death by a thousand cuts: where is the west’s Ukraine strategy?

The pounding, daily western narratives on ‘Ukrainian wins’ and ‘Russian losses’ underpins the lack of an actual, cohesive Grand Strategy against Moscow. By Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and cross-posted with The Cradle While we are all familiar with Sun Tzu, the Chinese general, military strategist and philosopher who penned the incomparable Art of War, less known is the Strategikon, the Byzantium equivalent on warfare. Sixth century Byzantium
