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Guest Analyses

Open thread for today and a few notes

The news just does not stop coming.  In the big scheme of things, China is completely and unreservedly committed to Russia and the concept of mutual and indivisible security and a true multipolarity in the world. CHINA WEIGHS IN “While Europe and the international community are calling to end the war, the US continues to fan the flames and is ready to fight to the last Ukrainian.” “The US continues

The Schrödinger euros

by Jorge Vilches for the Saker Blog What ? Payment in Rubles ?? Unthinkable, don´t even mention the word say EU officials and authorities. Instead, Europe has formally demanded to pay for Russian imports with Schrödinger euros as explained below. So it´s high time for psychiatrists to step in as the livelihood of 800 million Europeans depends on whatever this incredible set of un-elected delusional EU leaders decide. Let´s get

Fascism in Ukraine: Past and Present. 2014-2022

By Francis Lee for the Saker Blog I wrote this particular piece in 2014/15 just after the February 2014 coup. As it turned out the coup has evolved into a greater political and strategic military conflict – orchestrated by outside forces, the western NATO bloc, and carried out by internal neo-nazi forces in the west of the Ukraine. These far-right factions have changed their names and a leadership which rotates

Faina Savenkova: Letters from the front.

Hello, great-grandfather Vasily! We are again on the eve of the Victory Day. And I want to ask your forgiveness. Forgive us for failing, forgetting about your exploits and war heroes. In the eternal disputes we have lost the main thing – our history. After all, you defended Moscow, froze in the Belarusian swamps, liberated Prague. And now they say that it was in vain. That your victory was an

Macron re-election win no win for Iran, JCPOA or Muslims

by Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker Blog and cross-posted with PressTV The re-election of Emmanuel Macron is being celebrated by Brussels, high finance and his “bourgeois bloc” of core French supporters, but Macron’s record shows that Muslims and Muslim nations anticipate little reason to celebrate. After Macron’s victory the Iranian foreign ministry called for face-to-face talks to resume on the JCPOA pact on Iran’s nuclear energy program “as soon as

Aux armes, citoyens: dissecting the stage-managed French elections

Macron’s second presidency was as calculatingly managed by France’s liberal elite as his first. As the country’s economic and geographic schisms widen further, yesterday’s Yellow Vest protests will seem like a tea party by comparison. By Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and cross-posted with The Cradle In the end, it happened exactly like the French establishment designed it. I called it last December in a column here at

The Ukraine and the End of the History

by Batiushka for the Saker Blog Introduction: 1492-2022 The present conflict in the Ukraine is clearly not really about the Ukraine – that artificial collection of territories is only a tragic battlefield between the West and the Rest. The conflict is about the organised violence and extraordinary arrogance of the West, the US/UK/EU/NATO, against the rest of the world, specifically Russia, supported by China, India and indeed all other peoples.

Russia has a PLAN… …the West does not

by Jorge Vilches for the Saker Blog Russia has a PLAN… Like it or not, it is fairly obvious that Russia today is leading events and continues to affect reality mostly in the way that she believes is in her best strategic interests. In other words, cornered Russia had a Plan, a tangible, thought-out, thoroughly vetted – most probably in writing – articulate, fairly all-inclusive, flexible enough yet in-depth Plan

Open Thread

This is an open thread for today as I see many threads go seriously off-topic.  Use as commentary for everything Saker Blog related that does not fit into currently running essays, sitreps, updates and threads. All moderation rules are in full effect and it would be good for new commentators to please read the moderation policy. Amarynth

The Moskva Riddle

Get ready: something lethally “asymmetrical” may be about to pop up By Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and widely cross-posted Neither NATO nor Russia is telling us what really happened with the Moskva, the legendary admiral ship of the Black Sea fleet. NATO because in theory, they know. Moscow, for its part, made it clear they are not saying anything until they can be sure what happened. One

Worried about WW3 and transmitting coronavirus, Japanese bought 20 million house pets

By Thorsten J. Pattberg for the Saker Blog The author is a German writer and cultural critic.  In this essay, he comments on a fairly stinky subject with accompanying visuals, so, some nose-holding may be in order A horrible coping strategy for the childless nation. And the sidewalks are not cleaning themselves, Tokyo learns [Transcript, slightly modified] Hello, Dr. Pattberg here, from the suburbs of Tokyo. Today with a presentation

1788. China to Make Electric Tumbrils

By Fred Reed for the Saker Blog We—I, and my spousal unit, Violeta—pulled into DC after a conventionally miserable flight from Guadalajara in seats apparently designed for dwarves with our feet almost in our pockets and Delta trying to sell us beer at seven dollars a can. I didn’t get it. If you can sell watery brew at seven balloonishly inflating greenbacks a can, why do you need an airline?

Where the West is stuck: The fascism of the 1930s and the ‘fascism’ of the 2020s

by Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker blog Starting in 1917 the same reactionary European nations which attacked in the 7 European Wars Against the French Revolution now transferred this same refusal to make peace with the Soviet Union. The problem has always been an idea – anti-autocracy, the idea from which Socialist Democracy flows (and the Yellow Vests) – not a particular nation. (This is the seventh chapter in a

A West-mandated Russian “default”: who wins and who loses ?

By Jorge Vilches for the Saker Blog Russia is currently “defaulting” or — in the best of cases — on a very direct and firm path to an inevitable “default”. Or at least this seems to be what the Western press and international rating agencies are pushing and rooting for, same as specialized academia, think-tanks, the political-financial-military establishment… and pretty much the whole Western Hemisphere including the US and Europe

Does Paul Craig Roberts like Genocide?

By Dmitry Orlov for the Saker Blog Or maybe he, like Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz, grandson of Fritz von Scholz, SS lieutenant-general who supervised the slaughter of Jews in Poland and the Ukraine, thinks that genocide is a joke? Let’s explore… A reader has asked me to comment on a recent post by Roberts titled “The Kremlin Has Missed the Opportunity to End the Provocations of Russia that Are Bringing the

Bringing to a close – ‘Moskva’

By Nat South for the Saker Blog In this article I want to highlight something that will be taking behind the scenes so to speak, following the recent sinking of the Black Sea Fleet Flagship, ‘Moskva’. That is, closure of the ‘Moskva’s untimely demise. This final activity consists of locating, securing, assessing the wreck and salvage of classified equipment and weapons. Moreover, the possibility of recovering bodies isn’t discounted either.

Big Tech’s ‘Cancel Culture’ Love Affair

By Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and cross-posted with Consortium News Cancel culture is inbuilt in the techno-feudalist project: conform to the hegemonic narrative, or else.  Journalism that does not conform must be taken down. This month, several of us – Scott Ritter, myself, ASB Military News, among others – were canceled from Twitter. The – unstated – reason: we were debunking the officially approved narrative of the
