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Guest Analyses

French presidential debate: Le Pen goes mainstream, proving Yellow Vests right

by Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker blog What a difference five years makes? I wish I could report differently, but the long awaited French presidential debate was a total dud. Just like the whole election campaign was. And now, just like both candidates, too. I wasn’t sure if I was watching Marine Le Pen or Sarkozyist candidate Valerie Pecresse, that’s how mainstream Le Pen appeared. It was a total 180

Today’s Open Thread

This is today’s open thread for The Saker Blog discussion points. All moderation rules are in effect.  For all the new readers and commentariat, please read the moderation policy. Updates on the Ukraine Mariupol has been declared liberated and it is being called the 2nd Liberation of Mariupol.  Russian Minister of Defense Sergey Shoigu, during a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, announced that “The Total Liberation of Mariupol by

The risks, challenges, and crisis of the Ukraine war.

By Zamir Awan for the Saker Blog The last few decades have witnessed several wars, like the Iraq war, Libya war, Yemen war, Syria war, the Afghan war, etc. But all of such wars were designed by the US and executed along with NATO/ US allies. The US-style of wars, was first building a narrative, using media as propaganda, and then, involving the UN and international community, or convincing the

A Blast from the Past – Ask yourselves: Are we the bad guys?

By R. Lesnoix for the Saker Blog Four years ago, I wrote an article for this site, my first, because of how bad I felt about how our western governments had been acting, especially in the middle east, and with regards to Syria in particular. There are a lot of my own emotions and frustrations buried in it. As you can probably tell. I used a comedy sketch by Mitchell

One, No-one, One Hundred Thousand

By Jimmie Moglia for the Saker Blog “One, no-one, one hundred thousand” is the title of a novel by Italian author Luigi Pirandello. ‘One’ refers to the image that everyone has of himself, ‘no one’ refers to what the protagonist decides to be at the end of the novel. ‘One hundred thousand’ refers to the images that others have of us. As the plot of the novel unfolds, the protagonist

Two Cheers for Realism

By Francis Lee for the Saker Blog One of the unstated and extant features of the contemporary age has been the demise of the Westphalian Treaty. This arrangement had in times past regulated the relationship and clashes of interest among the great powers. We should remind ourselves that the key precepts of the system were preceded by the carnage of the 30 years’ war in Europe circa 1618-1648, and eventually

Serbs pressing on with pro-Russian stance

By Kiyoshi Hatanaka for the Saker Blog Serbian government’s recent vote in favor of ousting the Russian Federation from the UN Human Rights Council reverberated badly with the Serbian public, as did the regime’s servile vote in the General Assembly a few weeks ago to condemn Russia for its operation in Ukraine. An estimated 20,000 Serbs poured into the streets of Belgrade, assembling symbolically in front of the monument to

The Paris Commune: The birth of international neoliberalism and EU neo-imperialism

by Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker blog (This is the sixth chapter in a new book, France’s Yellow Vests: Western Repression of the West’s Best Values. Please click here for the article which announces this book and explains its goals.) One hundred and fifty years later it’s clear that the Paris Commune of 1871 was four things, and only one – the last on this list – is widely understood

Exclusive: Russian geo-economics Tzar Sergey Glazyev introduces the new global financial system

The world’s new monetary system, underpinned by a digital currency, will be backed by a basket of new foreign currencies and natural resources. And it will liberate the Global South from both western debt and IMF-induced austerity. By Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and cross-posted at The Cradle.  Sergey Glazyev is a man living right in the eye of our current geopolitical and geo-economic hurricane. One of the

Zelensky’s miscalculation regarding Medvedchuk

By Batko Milacic for the Saker Blog April 12 was a black day for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In Mariupol, more than 1,000 marines surrendered in a day – the remnants of an abandoned and defeated marine brigade. Even Zelensky’s entourage, who did not react particularly painfully to the loss of life during the special operation of the Russian troops, became well aware that the prisoners needed to be

What is ‘The Russian World’?

By Batiushka for the Saker Blog Whenever empires crash, the question arises as to what can be saved from them. Thus, after the Second World War, all Western European colonial empires crashed. For example, the French Empire crashed, notably in Indo-China, which led among other things to the US invasion of Vietnam and to the no less tragic Franco-Algerian War, but also left a mass of African ‘independent’ dependencies and

Israel has dropped repeated hints at a major strike on Iranian nuclear facilities in the near future

By Gav Don for the Saker Blog Israel has dropped repeated hints at a major strike on Iranian nuclear facilities in the near future Two weeks ago Israel’s prime minister Naftali Bennett announced the start of a new campaign against Iran at the annual conference of Israel’s Institute for National Security Studies. Here Mr Bennett said “the campaign to weaken Iran has begun”. He described the campaign as multi-dimensional, including

Here comes China: The world rotated one more time

By Amarynth for the Saker Blog The world rotated one more time since the last report on China. So, what do we know? China is rock-solid behind Russia in all of Russia’s objectives, and in some instances, up ahead. It almost seems as if an agreement was, if not stated, then understood. Russia will do the shootin’ for now, and China will keep the economic boat afloat. We see consistent

Bretton Woods III: the new Big Bang – “suicidal Europe saved by gold ?“

by Jorge Vilches for the Saker Blog The unstoppable momentum behind Russia´s new Bretton Woods III finances added to the lack of official gold data available worldwide last week prompted The Saker article “NATO´s internal gold war” to publically ask (1) how hard would it be for most countries to repatriate their now much-needed gold — theoretically still safely vaulted in ´custody´ at the Bank of England — specially if

Le Pen-Macron: finally, a vote where the people can decide if it’s war or not

By Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker Blog From 1792 to 1815 there were not one but seven “Coalition Wars” which involved most of Europe. It’s an era which should be properly termed the “7 European Wars Against the French Revolution”. Think the average European was thrilled about gutting their own economies – for 23 years! – in order to get involved in what was truly a civil war in a

The fog of war and the global paradigm shift

By Fabio Reis Vianna for the Saker Blog Perhaps the maxim of the Brazilian thinker José Luís Fiori that “expansionism and war are two essential parts of the machine that produces power and wealth in the interstate system” has never been so pertinent and seems to be confirmed at the exact historical moment we are witnessing. The extraordinary events that resulted from the Russian intervention in Ukraine, which began on

WOKE in Tokyo. The US Nukes Cool Japan Out Of Its Existence

By Thorsten J. Pattberg for the Saker Blog Hello, Dr. Pattberg here from Akihabara, Tokyo, the electronic city. Today a short lecture about the US colonial power, its Woke ideology, and the planned attack on Japan’s culture and honor. The US had long planned a massive propaganda attack on Japan – ideally during the Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympics. The Olympic Games themselves are actually of no interest to anyone in

Does the West want war with Russia?

By Michael Antony for the Saker Blog The horrific series of mass atrocities being carried out by the Ukrainians to put the blame on Russia and get more weapons sent to them is escalating at an alarming rate. The Mariupol Maternity Hospital fake bombing, and the fake bombing of the Mariupol Drama Theatre (both of them exposed by refugees from Mariupol, including the pregnant young lady used as a fake
