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Guest Analyses

We are at War

by Peter Koenig for the Saker Blog We are at war. Yes. And I don’t mean the west against the east, against Russa and China, nor the entire world against an invisible corona virus. No. We, the common people, are at war against an ever more authoritarian and tyrannical elitist Globalist system, reigned by a small group of multi-billionaires, that planned already decades ago to take power over the people,

On Revolution and Counter-Revolution

by Francis Lee for The Saker Blog ‘‘A party of order or stability, and a party of progress and reform, are both the necessary elements of a healthy state of political life’’. Wise words – John Stuart Mill. But unfortunately not the reality in the present political dispensation. (1) It is interesting to note that the current global political and social turbulence has been both cause and effect of deep

Alleged Nashville bomber not Muslim: Western media disappointed

by Ramin Mazaheri (@RaminMazaheri2) and crossposted with PressTV. The entire world breathed a sigh of relief when it turned out that the alleged Nashville, Tennessee, bomber was not a Muslim – now nobody can get dragooned into supporting yet another war on a Muslim-majority country. Isn’t it spectacular how after 9/11 the US impressed almost the entire West into never-ending military service? Western piracy in Afghanistan continues today; Iraq was

Washington’s ignorance is why the Empire will be kicked out of West Asia

By Aram Mirzaei for the Saker blog A year has passed since US President Donald Trump, like the coward he is, ordered the murder of General Qassem Soleimani and PMU second in command Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis. The Islamic Republic and the US were on the brink of all-out war as a result of the savage actions of the US President. Immediately after the act of terror, western journalists, think tanks

How West, Central and South Asia are interconnecting

By Pepe Escobar with permission and first posted on Asia Times It’s one of those quintessential journeys that make people dream: Istanbul-Tehran-Islamabad by train. Let’s call it ITI. Soon, in early 2021, ITI will become a reality. But, initially, just as a freight train. The deal was recently sealed at the 10th meeting of the transport and communication ministers of ECO (Economic Cooperation Organization) in Istanbul. ITI’s official name is

The Power of Confusion

By Jimmie Moglia for the Saker Blog It now seems certain that we have a Jon Bidet for president. For if a rose by any other name would smell as sweet, a Biden, metaphorically speaking, by any other name still smells like a poorly maintained sanitary device, however many euphemisms the imagination may body forth out of the forms of things unknown. The American election campaign with its arcane modalities,

Geopolitical Tendencies of the Last Six Years

Paul Schmutz Schaller for The Saker Blog 1) China, Russia, and Iran – confronted with Western aggressions – develop their strength and collaboration In my eyes, the most important evolution in the last six years is that now, the leading forces are China, Russia, and Iran, and no more Western hegemonism under the direction of the USA. China, Russia, and Iran have not only fended off different Western attacks, but

Not a step back!

Not a step back![1] By Ken Leslie for the Saker Blog 1. A tale of two kingdoms Given the precarious geopolitical situation, some Russia supporters might feel that the worst thing now for Russia would be to rock the boat and enrage the West by retaliating against the hybrid war waged against it. In my view, the worst is the Baghdad Bob-like complacency and refusal to understand how serious the

Turkey pivots to the center of The New Great Game

by Pepe Escobar with permission and first posted at Asia Times When it comes to sowing – and profiting – from division, Erdogan’s Turkey is quite the superstar. Under the delightfully named Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA), the Trump administration duly slapped sanctions on Ankara for daring to buy Russian S-400 surface-to-air missile defence systems. The sanctions focused on Turkey’s defence procurement agency, the SSB. Turkish Foreign Minister

Secrets About Time They Are Still Keeping From You

Our global leaders have resorted to most resolute revolutionary measures to oppress the past and exploit future time By Thorsten J. Pattberg for the Saker Blog The contemplative class during their lifetime of higher education and through consuming high literature often receive ‘conspicuous winks’ from men of letters to the tune that we, as an evolving technological species, have long unraveled the so-called fourth dimension, time, in that we do not only sense it in the moment and deduce it from causality but also,

Unipolar vs Multipolar: The Death of McKinley and the Loss of America’s Soul

By Matthew Ehret for the Saker Blog On December 17, 2020 A new US Maritime strategy was unveiled putting into practice the regressive concepts first outlined in the early National Defense Strategy 2020 doctrine which target China and Russia as the primary enemies of the USA and demanding that the USA be capable to “defeat our adversaries while we accelerate development of a modernized integrated all-domain naval force of the

Road to Nowhere – Talking Heads

By Francis Lee for the Saker Blog The referendum on Britain’s vote to Remain or Leave the EU – Brexit – has raised deeper issues than simply whether or not the UK retains its European membership. The real issue is that of the whole Transatlantic bloc from Seattle to Warsaw, its, culture, institutions, politics, and economics has also been undergoing deep structural changes – not necessarily for the good. The

Trump’s final month in office could be his most dangerous one – update

By Aram Mirzaei for the Saker blog Only one month remains of Donald Trump’s presidency. It seems inevitable that the Biden administration will take over the White House come January 20th. While the Trump administration has been very aggressive against the Islamic Republic during the past four years, it has nonetheless refrained from starting a full-fledged war. This could all change as he is about to leave office. A few

Behold the dawning of the Age of Aquarius

An astrological reading for Planet Earth at a time of Great Mutation By Pepe Escobar with permission and first posted at Asia Times We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. – Oscar Wilde Today all radio stations on Planet Earth should be playing this song. What the aptly named Fifth Dimension immortalized in their spring of 1969 psychedelic soul classic is now

Kim No-VAX does DARPA

A Back to the Future exercise: time-traveling to survey the sci-tech scene in the mid-1980s by Pepe Escobar with permission and first posted at Asia Times I have been going through my Asia Times archives selecting reports and columns for a new e-book on the Forever Wars – Afghanistan and Iraq. But then, out of the blue, I found this palimpsest, originally published by Asia Times in February 2014. It

Switzerland and the Covid-19 Pandemic in the Second Wave

by Paul Schmutz Schaller for The Saker Blog General situation The SMI (Swiss Stock Market) index is presently about the same as one year ago. This means that the Swiss brokers did loose nothing in the year 2020. The feelings of the broad population however are completely different, most would say that 2020 was really a bad year. Moreover, the SMI sharply dropped twice in 2020, in the end of

Biden won? 2016-2020 showed what the US does to even mild reformers

by Ramin Mazaheri and cross-posted with PressTV What the four-year epoch of Donald Trump has made staggeringly clear to non-Americans is that no one – not even a democratically-elected American – will be able to even moderately alter the US capitalist-imperialist foreign policy trajectory without undergoing a no-holds barred attack aimed at bringing that person down. What the election of Joe Biden (although “installation” is clearly more accurate) shows is

Why China is NOT the Enemy of the West (Why British Psychological Warfare Must Now be Examined)

By Matthew Ehret for the Saker Blog Since many good people have found themselves susceptible to the narrative that China is the global supervillain conspiring to overthrow western Christian values by any means necessary, I believe some lessons should be brought to bear. Anti-Nation state fanatic George Soros stated at the 2020 Davos Summit that China has become the greatest threat to his vision for Open Society (right behind Trump’s

Imam Ali (Allayhu-Salaam), Social Justice, and the Axis of the Accursed

by Mansoureh Tajik for the Saker Blog Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Rahim, “In the Name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Shi’a in its singular form means “a group the members of which are unified over one phenomenon.” In plural form, it means “the followers”, “the helpers”, or “those who provide strength and support.” [1] This essay is dedicated to Martyr Qasem Soleimani, the martyred commander of the Quds Force of the

When Deplorables Become Ungovernables

By Pepe Escobar and cross posted with Strategic Culture Foundation China, Russia and Iran are the top three existential “threats” to the U.S., according to the National Security Strategy. Three features distinguish the top three. They are all sovereign powers. They are under varying degrees of sanctions. And they are the top three nodes of the 21st century’s most important, evolving geopolitical process: Eurasia integration. What do the three sovereigns
