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Guest Analyses

Naval Eastern Med after Sept 17 SITREP

Note by The Saker: normally, I would place a SITREP in the SITREP section, but since this event has so many people fired up and since Le Dahu provides such an interesting analysis, I have decide to post this as a “Guest Analysis”. ******* After the Saker’s latest analysis on Putin, Israel and the downed Il-20, I decided to put fingers to keyboard to type out this sitrep of sorts.

Tales Told the Millennians

by Jimmie Moglia for The Saker Blog Decades are acknowledged historical markers, signaling the birth of a new generation, and the transition between adjacent but different cultural times. Since September 2001, the inaudible and noiseless foot of time has advanced by almost two decades. And two generations are now alive who did not see 9/11, and will derive only from school, movies or conversation the knowledge of an event that

Some Fast Thoughts On IL-20 (Andrei Martyanov)

Note: I don’t normally do reposts, but things are becoming so crazy that I asked Andrei if I could repost his short article and he kindly agreed.  So here it is. The Saker ******* Some Fast Thoughts On IL-20. by Andrei Martyanov (original here) And so it starts. Russia must attack Israel, no—she must obliterate it, Putin is “soft”, the world is coming to an end, Zionists are in control

France tells dead Algerians they were killed by ‘systematic torture’

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog Last week French President Emmanuel Macron admitted for the first time ever that France used torture systematically during the Algerian War for Independence. This has earned Macron and France international plaudits for “bringing the country closer to grappling with its colonial past”, “righting a historical wrong” and other such total nonsense. I covered the story for PressTV, and alongside both Algerian and French-Algerian

Will the Idlib offensive be the end of the Astana agreement?

by Aram Mirzaei for the Saker blog The much expected Idlib offensive has been further delayed as tensions are rising among the major players of the Syrian war. The western mainstream media is as usual focusing heavily on the chemical weapons and refugee issues with fraudulent lies and manipulation of facts. The Idlib offensive will first and foremost not target Idlib city, but rather the surrounding countryside, secondly just as

Iran Hawks in Washington

by Peter Koenig for The Saker Blog No doubt, anti-Iran propaganda out of Washington abounds. There are numerous Zionist-run think-tanks (sic) that make US Foreign Policy – and are ratcheting up anti-Iran anger in the US, but targeting especially the Iranian population at home, in Iran. The notorious chief-villain of these agencies, by the way, highly subsidized by the US State Department, and perhaps even more important, by the powerful

The “Yalta European Strategy” Three Years on Since Putin’s Geopolitical Checkmate

By Ollie Richardson for The Saker Blog On September 30th, 2015 Russia drove (or flew!) the definitive nail into the coffin of what is known as “Sykes-Picot”. I.e., it marked an end to the era of “incidentally” drifting into this or that Middle Eastern country because of this or that so-called “dictator”, which, of course, must be removed for “democracy” to prosper in the region. No more mandates, no more

No blow too low for Democrats in choosing mullah for US Guardian Council

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog It’s time to admit that America is ultimately run by mullahs. No, there isn’t a pro-Iran lobby which is funding a Deep State cabal or anything. The idea of a “pro-Iran lobby” being permitted to democratically exist in the US is, of course, a total impossibility as long as Iran maintains its anti-capitalist and anti-Zionist stances. And no, I am not referring to

The fallacy of western economics II; China Breaks the mould

by Ghassan Kadi for The Saker Blog The economic rise of China is perhaps the best example that challenges the basic foundations of the “science” of economics and demonstrates the invalidity of many of its theories. In the previous article (, I expressed my views about how the West used the principles of economics as a means to impose on the rest of the world a new era of slavery.

Yemen and Spain – Destruction and Death – versus Spanish Unemployment An Appeal to Spain’s President, Pedro Sanchez

by Peter Koenig for The Saker Blog Spain’s President, socialist Pedro Sanchez, canceled a week ago the sale of 400 laser-guided missiles to the Saudis for humanitarian reasons (value of the missile contract € 9.2 million –US$ 10.7 million). A couple of days ago, he reversed that noble decision, reinstating the sale, because the Saudis threatened cancelling their contract for 5 “Corvette” warships to be built by Navantia over the

U.S. Protects Al Qaeda in Syria, Proven

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog There’s plenty of proof that the U.S. Government protects Al Qaeda in Syria. Right now, America is protecting Al Qaeda’s main center throughout the world, which is the province of Idlib in Syria. This protection is part of a bigger picture, no merely isolated phenomenon. For example: the key point of difference between the Obama Administration in America and the Putin Administration in

Ukraine’s Pending Disaster- Escalating in Lugansk and Donetsk

by GH Eliason for the Saker Blog The tragic murder of Alexandr Zakharchenko solidified Ukraine’s intent to retake the Donbass region by force. We know the attack on Donetsk Republic leadership was meant to throw the fledgling nation into an emotional and political turmoil and cause a crisis in succession for the Republic Ukraine gravely miscalculated the response Poroshenko received which was both deliberate and dignified by Donetsk Republic leadership

Greater Eurasia coming together in the Russian Far East

by Pepe Escobar (cross-posted with the Asia Times by special agreement with the author) The Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok has become a crucial part of strategic integration between China, Russia and other countries in northeast Asia, a graduation assimilation set to transform the current world system Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin were involved in a joint cooking venture. Pancakes with caviar (blin, in Russian), chased down with a shot

The alter ego wars

by Denis A. Conroy for The Saker Blog The British Press is big on righteous indignation. Its wallows in selective grief whenever Russia is accused of dirty dancing. It uses single issues reportage selectively, to obfuscate its modus operandi. The subject of the unpleasant Salisbury Skripal poisoning attack on two people was written up as though it was the evil to end all evils…far outweighing the attention poor suffering Yemen

‘Resistance’ runs amok in the US Deep Throat War

by Pepe Escobar (cross-posted with the Asia Times by special agreement with the author) Bob Woodward’s book and the ‘resistance’ op-ed look increasingly like a sophisticated psy-ops scheme and a prelude for a ‘Deep State’ coup We now live in a psy-ops world. The latest Deep Throat War in Washington bears all the elements of an epic of the genre. Fear: Trump in the White House, by Bob Woodward, who remains

The Fallacy of Western Economics; Slavery in Disguise

by Ghassan Kadi for The Saker Blog Economics is not a science. Economics cannot be expressed in mere reproducible and predictable mathematical terms as in the case of physics. Physics and mathematics are subjects and manifestations of the Universal Law (Logos in Greek), whilst economics is a human-made system that is based on greed and fear. The father of economics Adam Smith in his famous book “The Wealth of Nations”,

Sweden – Massive Up-scaling of False-flagging to Nationwide High Crimes – Will it Make the Right-Wing Swedish Democrats to Kingmakers on 9 September 2018?

by Peter Koenig for The Saker Blog The current Swedish Government, led by the Social Democrats, is governed by a coalition with the Green Party since 2014. Incumbent PM, Stefan Löfven, intends to continue his government and hopes to win on general election day, next Sunday, 9 September 2018. However, for years – ever since what they call the onslaught of undesirable immigrant, i.e. the “lesser people” from the Middle

It’s Africa’s choice: AFRICOM or the New Silk Roads

by Pepe Escobar (cross-posted with the Asia Times by special agreement with the author) When China calls, all Africa answers. And Beijing’s non-politicization of investments and non-interference in internal affairs is paying off big time The dogs of war – cold, hot, trade, tariffs – bark while the Chinese caravan plies the New Silk Roads. Call it a leitmotif of the young 21st century. At the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation

Iran detente after Trump’s JCPOA pull out? We can wait 2 more years, or 6, or…

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog Unfortunately, the final part in this 11-part series on modern Iran arrives at a time of major economic instability, perhaps the worst since the end of the Iran-Iraq War. For the sake of argument, let’s be honest about what concrete steps Iran would have to take in order to finally get the sanctions called off. We should totally ignore US Secretary of State

The Battle of Idlib

by Ghassan and Intibah’s Kadi for The Saker Blog Or is it the Battle for Idlib? And whose battle? And who is fighting who? And where? The only thing that is clear about this seemingly upcoming battle is the fact that Idlib has been “used” as a sink hole and dumping ground for all anti-government/anti-Syria terrorists. Such a status quo cannot last. Ever since the battle of Al-Qusayr and the
