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Saker Analyses and Interviews

Yemen as yet another example of US military incompetence

It has become rather obvious to the world that the latest events in Yemen are yet another illustration of the phenomenal inability of US foreign policy to get anything done.  For a quick primer on this topic, see this excellent Cross Talk show or this article of mine.  Today I want to comment on something usually less discussed: the mind boggling cowardice of the US military. The US military has

The Saker interviews Sheikh Imran Hosein

Dear friends, It is truly a HUGE pleasure for me to present you today with the first part of an interview I did with the Islamic scholar Sheikh Imran Hosein.  It is a pleasure because Sheikh Imran has agreed to reply to my questions in a video rather than a text, and I think that seeing him speak is a much more powerful experience than just reading his replies in

Yes, Russia is *still* ready for war – even nuclear war

On March 1st of last year I wrote an article entitled “Obama just made things much, much worse in the Ukraine – now Russia is ready for war” in which I wrote the following: “I hope and pray that Obama, and his advisers, stop and think carefully about their next step, because make no mistake about that RUSSIA IS READY FOR WAR.”  Using bolded red caps was my hope to

The deal with Iran – a major sign of the Empire’s weakness

So a deal was apparently reached in Lausanne.  It is not quite final, and there might be zig-zags, but it looks likely that a deal will be reached between Iran and the AngloZionist Empire.  Except for, in this case, the Anglos appear to be distinctly happier than the Zionists.  So, what is going on here? First and foremost, and I have said that innumerable times on this blog, this is

In Yemen the “Axis of kindness” shows the true face of the Empire and proves Lenin right

The headlines out of Yemen really say it all: U.S. pulling last of its Special Operations forces out of Yemen (and destroy their equipment in the process) Russia’s Yemen consulate damaged amid Saudi-led airstrikes – embassy source Russian evacuation plane denied landing in Yemen, diverts to Cairo Chinese military disembark in port of Aden, Yemen, to guard evacuation – official Yemen crisis: Foreigners’ tales of escape Saudi Arabia, Yemen won’t

The Saker interviews Paul Craig Roberts

I had been wanting to interview Paul Craig Roberts for a long time already. For many years I have been following his writings and interviews and every time I read what he had to say I was hoping that one day I would have the privilege do interview him about the nature of the US deep state and the Empire. Recently, I emailed him and asked for such an interview,

Is Uncle Sam “tossing” Kolomoiskii?

Events in the Ukraine are taking a very serious turn: Poroshenko has declared that private “pocket” armies of governors will no longer be tolerated and he has now given Kolomoiskii 24 hours to lay down arms.  Poroshenko’s chief henchmen – Arsen Avakov and the CIA’s Valentin Nalivaichenko – have indicated that Poroshenko has their full support and loyalty.  In other words, the full power of the junta is now threatening

Solzhenitsyn and Sakharov in the USSR – Soral and Dieudonne in France

A minor but oh-so-telling example of the power of the Zionist regime in France: French comedian Dieudonne was sentenced to a two months suspended sentence for “condoning terrorism” because he posted on FB: “I feel like Charlie Coulibaly”. French comedian Nicolas Bedos was cleared from any wrongdoings even though he had called Marine LePen a “Fascist bitch“. In the case of Bedos, the court declared that  it was “perfectly clear

The Saker interviews Gilad Atzmon

It has been already 6 years since I interviewed Gilad for the first time and when a friend recently suggested that it was time for a new conversation, I immediately agreed, as did Gilad who, in spite of his over-booked and hectic lifestyle took the time to reply to my questions.  Gilad is, in my opinion, not only the most original and talented jazz musician currently composing and playing (make

The European Union’s military: yet another sign of impotence

You probably have heard of the European attempt to reacquire some relevance: the proposal to create a “European Union Army”.  In part, this is, as an attempt by the Europeans to show that they matter, that they can do something by themselves, that they are not completely US lackeys.  This might also be a reaction to the crazy statements of General Philip Breedlove, the Commander of the U.S. European Command

Nemtsov murder – more questions than answers

According to RT, Zaur Dadaev, who had reportedly confessed involvement in Nemtsov’s murder, said he organized the crime in revenge for the opposition leader’s “negative comments on Muslims and Islam,” according to Rosbalt’s source in law enforcement.  Sounds plausible? Not really.  Possible?  I suppose so.  But plausible? Zaur Dadaev  – who supposedly pulled the trigger –  was the deputy commander of the Chechen special operations battalion “Vostok”.  Hardly your typical

Ukraine unofficially has 272 percent inflation!

Ukraine unofficially has 272 percent inflation.  And is not a Kremlin-sponsored propaganda outlet which says so, or some rabidly nationalistic Russian blogger, but the very AngloZionist Washington Post.  In the same article, the WAPO also states that the Hrivna is in free fall: Whether this admission is made in the hopes of getting more funding to the Kiev regime or whether its intention is to signal that it is time

Important developments in the Nemtsov murder case (UPDATED)

It took the combined efforts of the FSB/SKR/MVD one week to make the first arrests in the case of the murder of Nemtsov: a group of 7 men, all from the North Caucasus were arrested.  A sixth man killed himself with a hand grenade  in Grozny when he was about to be arrested. The Russians used the combination of the “Potok” HD camera monitoring network and intercepts of all the

Could there be a grain of truth in the Ukrainian propaganda?

We have all heard the Ukrainian nationalist line: they are the true Slavs inheritors of the Kievan Rus while the modern Russians are really either Tatars or Ugro-Finns or God knows what else.  And then there the famous quote by, I think, Napoleon, who said “scratch the Russian and you will find the Tatar”. The interesting thing here is that there might well be some truth to that, and more

Good news out of Russia – even the “non-system” opposition refuses to blame the Kremlin

Honestly, I never thought the day would come where I would have anything good to say about the Russian “liberal” or “democratic” “non-system” opposition but apparently this day has come today. To my surprise, all the leaders of this opposition have so far made very moderate and reasonable statement and all those which I have heard have apparently dismissed the notion that the Kremlin was behind the murder. Now this

The Maidan – one year later

Today is the first anniversary of the deal made between Yanukovich and the “opposition” and guaranteed by foreign ministers Radosław Sikorski of Poland, Laurent Fabius of France and Frank-Walter Steinmeier of Germany. As we all know, the deal resulted in a withdrawal of the security forces from the Kiev city center immediately followed by an armed insurrection which overthrew the government. Predictably, Poland, France and Germany did not object. I

Debaltsevo fallout in Banderastan

An EU Coalition of the Willing? When I first heard of Poroshenko’s latest idea about sending peacekeepers to the Ukraine, I had figured that he was talking about UN peacekeepers, the only ones with any possible legality for such an operation. Turns out I had “misunderestimated” Poroshenko. His idea is even crazier: he wants *EU* “peacekeepers”! This is what the official website of the President of the Ukraine says: Ukraine

The strategic implications of the battle for Debaltsevo (UPDATED)

The Novorussians are in control of most of Debaltsevo (officially 90% officially 100% as of midnight GMT). More relevantly, there is no more organized resistance. Russian sources say that about 1000 junta soldiers have refused to surrender and are hiding in the outskirts or have fled to the south end of the cauldron. The Novorussians are not even bothering to hunt them down or return their sporadic (and inaccurate) fire:

The useless agreement which everybody wanted

I have to say that I am both amused and appalled at the completely over-the-top reaction of most commentators to what we might as well call the Mink-2 Agreement (M2A). Apparently, analysis has been abandoned altogether and has now been replaced with hyperbole and vociferous but empty statements. Reading some of the comments made here one could be forgiven for thinking that somehow the war in the Ukraine was over
