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Saker Analyses and Interviews

Victoria Nuland buries Minsk-2 and visits a musical zoo in Kiev

Oh the grandeur of the Empire’s foreign policy!  Victoria Nuland flew to Kiev and, immediately, the impact of her presence was felt. First, Poroshenko presented a law which really gave no special autonomy for the Donbass and which was never discussed with the representatives of the DNR and LNR.  In other words, the USA gave its imprimatur to the official and finally burial of Minsk-2. Then Victoria Nuland visited the

Special Report: The Truth about Srebrenica 20 years later

This past week the world was reminded that it has been 20 years since the events following the Bosnian Serb Army’s entry into Srebrenica and today I am posting a special report about this event which I personally consider of absolutely crucial importance in world history not only because of the large number of people who died in this event, but also because it served as the pretext for the

A Tale of Two World Orders (Unz Review column)

Dear friends, I was recently contacted by Ron Unz who asked me if I would be willing to write a column for the Unz Review.  I replied that I was, of course, interested but I wrote to him to warm him that I have a very strong propensity for “crimethink” and that I needed to know if there were any topics he would want me to stay away from.  His

The Self-fulfilling Threat: why the NATO arms stockpiles are a danger to Eastern Europe

Original article: Translated by Timofey The mechanics of threat escalation from many types of arms have been explored a long time ago. In particular, the establishment of new NATO weaponry stockpiles and military vehicle storage sites in Eastern Europe poses the greatest threat to Eastern Europe itself. Above all, it raises the likelihood of it being struck, with those strikes being forced by the presence of these weapons. The

How the Empire will strike back

Okay, now that we have all celebrated the beautiful Greek “NO!” to the EU plutocracy, we need to get real again and look at the Empire’s options.  Or, in fact, at the Empire’s option (with no ‘s’ at the end). The Empire is extremely predictable.  The example of Greece is a textbook case of how the Empire uses banks to strangle a country with debt, creates a comprador ruling class,

The Primakov Policy

by Kirill Benediktov Original: Translation by: Chele Writer and political analyst Kirill Benediktov on Yevgeni Maximovich’s role in Russian politics It seemed that Yevgeni Maximovich Primakov would live forever. He was a wise old man, holding no official post, but always ready to help the country. To give advice to the people invested with real power; to meet informally with foreign partners—not the ones you see on TV, but

An Insight Into Orthodox Christianity: Interview With The Saker

by Katherine Frisk for the International reporter Just over a year ago I had little to no understanding of Orthodox Christianity, the Russian Orthodox Church, it’s history or how it differed from the West. It was largely due to the war in Ukraine that I wanted to get a deeper understanding of the people of Eastern Ukraine and what motivated them. After watching numerous reports from the region I came

What does Vladimir Putin’s 89% rating really mean?

The Washington Post appears to be completely dumbfounded by Putin’s latest approval ratings: Think Russians are tiring of conflict with the West? Not according to President Vladimir Putin’s approval ratings, which hit all-time highs of 89 percent Wednesday (…) Putin’s ratings jumped from 65 percent in January 2014 to 80 percent two months later, and they’ve stayed in the 80s ever since, according to measurements from the Moscow-based Levada Center,

The Dark Side: “We should never be like them”

by Dagmar Henn (Thanks to Anja and Riema for their help with the translation!) This is a long text, and I don’t know how many readers are really willing to get involved. This is not about geopolitical considerations or rendering diagnoses. I have tried to grasp the inner nucleus of the struggle and to turn it transparent on the level of ethics and morality, to explain why I (as an

Європа – це Україна !

Did they expect us to treat them with any respect? They can polish their medals and sharpen their Smiles, and amuse themselves playing games for awhile. Boom boom, bang bang, lie down you’re dead. Roger Waters The Maidanites had this great slogan “Україна – це Європа!” or “The Ukraine is Europe”.  It was short, emphatic and utterly meaningless – hence it’s appeal and success.  Predictably it took the Ukronazis less

Something critical might be happening in the Ukraine

Two small newsitems have not received much attention recently, and yet they might be the signs of something big happening: Poroshenko has fired the notorious Head of the equally notorious Security Service of Ukraine or SBU: Valentin Nalivaichenko. Sergei Ivanov, the powerful Deputy Prime Minister of Russia has stated that the US and Russia have created a bilateral communications channel on the Ukraine run by Victoria Nuland, Assistant Secretary of

Very interesting public survey in the occupied Ukraine

First, the disclaimers: no, I am not naive enough to believe that it is possible to make a truly representative survey in the Nazi-occupied Ukraine. Yes, I do understand that each article, survey or opinion piece published in the Ukraine has been paid for by some interest group.  And no, I do not believe that the people living under the Nazi junta are given enough information to make up their

Interview with Chris of the Watchdog Media Institute

Dear friends, I recently got an interesting email about a new website: the “Watchdog Media Institute”. I took a look at the site, found it very interesting, so I emailed its author and asked for a short interview.  Chris is, I think, a beautiful example of what I call “the other West” – a West which not only is not Russian, but who joins the battle in defence of

Putin, the Pope, the Schism, Franks and Romans (UPDATED)

So the Pope met with Putin.  And the media (corporate and free) is full of all sorts of opinions, analyses, interpretations, etc.  Frankly, I have no interest in commenting either on the visit (though I have an opinion about it, of course) or, even less, on the mostly sophomoric and ill-informed about it.  What I propose to do is to expose you to a dramatically different point of you to

The Saker interviews Michael Hudson

Dear friends It is my immense privilege and honor to submit to you my interview with Michael Hudson, whom I consider to be the best economist in the West.  The Saker The Saker: We hear that the Ukraine will have to declare a default, but that it will probably be a “technical” default as opposed to an official one. Some say that the decision of the Rada to allow Iatseniuk

Will Crimea be “returned” to the Ukraine (Hint: no!)

We are apparently living through “panic times”: first, we just had the “ Pentagon wants to nuke Russia ” canard and second, now we have the “Novorussians recognize Crimea as part of the Ukraine” panic. Here is what actually happened: The website of the Lugansk Information Center has just posted the official proposals of the Lugansk People’s Republic on how to amend the Ukrainian Constitution as, indeed, they were supposed

If you were Lavrov or Putin – whom would you chose to talk to in the West?

G7 Joint Communique – yet another exercise in make-believe I won’t divulge into the full text (which you can read @, but here is the “foreign policy” segment, dealing with the Ukraine: (stress added) Finding a Solution to the Conflict in Ukraine We reiterate our condemnation of the illegal annexation of the Crimean peninsula by the Russian Federation and reaffirm our policy of its non-recognition. We reiterate our full

Is the Pentagon really preparing to nuke Russia? (Hint: no!)

The Internet is abuzz with articles claiming that the USA is preparing to nuke Russia.  Apparently, this all began with an article in the World Socialist Website entitled “US officials consider nuclear strikes against Russia“.  This article was then picked up by Global Research which “upgraded” the title to “Military Madness: US Officials Consider Nuclear Strikes against Russia“.  After that everybody else picked up the panic-inducing canard and ran with

Short update about the (very dangerous) Ukrainian situation

Dear friends, First, I just wanted to let you know that I am working on two interviews which I think you will find interesting: one with Michael Hudson and one with an expert on Syria, who prefers to remain anonymous.  Both should be very interesting.  Please give me a few more days to deliver these. Now, about the Ukraine.  Please read this report: and watch this one: Bottom
