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Saker Analyses and Interviews

So What Are the Russians Really Doing in Syria?

(Note: this column was written for the Unz Review I think that a week after Ynet broke the story about a Russian military intervention in Syria we can confidently say that that this was a typical AngloZionist PSYOP aimed at inhibiting the Russian involvement in the Empire’s war against Syria and that it had no basis in reality. Or did it? It turns out that there was a small

New Western Info Fronts Against Syria: Refugees, Russia, And The Balkans

by Andrew Korybko Russia has taken the lead in supporting Syria this summer, actively initiating efforts to bring a diplomatic resolution to the country’s crisis and assemble an inclusive anti-ISIL coalition. The rapid pace at which it’s working is due in large part to the looming specter of a joint American-Turkish invasion force which hangs ominously over the Mideast. Disturbed at the success that Russia has had so far in

Testimony: how socialism in Venezuela has affected me

Foreword by The Saker: from time to time I post something which gets people really mad at me.  Today, I am doing “one of those” – a post which will anger all those who support the values of Bolivarian Socialism, of Chavismo and of the anti-colonial, anti-US liberation struggle of the people of Latin America.  Before you get personally mad at me and before you conclude that I am a

The Moscow-Beijing Express: From May 9th in Moscow to September 3rd in Beijing, the Anti-West Order Comes Full Circle

By: Jeff J. Brown, 44 Days Radio Sinoland Cross linked with 44 Days and Sound Cloud: Russian President Vladimir Putin (left) was the only person during the entire Beijing V-Day parade who got face time with Chinese President Xi Jinping (right). This speaks volumes about China’s intended message to its people and the world. (Image by 44 Days Radio Sinoland) On May 9th, 2015, in Moscow, Chinese President

On Russian military interventions (or lack thereof)

My recent article about a possible Russian military intervention in the Syrian conflict triggered, amongst mostly rational reactions, a few angry and frustrated one from folks who were apparently disgusted with the Russian refusal to get militarily involved in Novorussia and Syria.  Since such angry protests are also often echoed on other supposedly pro-Russian blogs and websites I think that it is worthwhile to address the substance of these criticisms

A Russian military intervention in Syria? I very much doubt it

The Internet is flooded with rumors about a Russian military intervention in Syria.  It all began with an article by Thierry Meyssan in Voltaire Net and now this rumor made it to Zero Hedge.  Finally, the Israeli website Ynet also joined the rumor mill.  Here are the two main assertions made by these sources: Russia has just created a Russo-Syrian Commission and has begun supplying weapons, sharing intelligence, and sending

The Saker interviews Peter Koenig

Western Sanctions on Russia – Russia-China Cooperation and a Tectonic Shift of World Economics – World Power The Saker: How is Russia coping with sanctions so far and what are the prospects for the future? Peter Koenig: Let’s begin with what are ‘sanctions’? – Sanctions are (economic) punishments by the self-proclaimed empire in Washington and its European minions on any country that does not follow the dictate of the empire.

Europe in free fall

(Note: this column was written for the Unz Review Europe is in free fall. Nobody can doubt that any more. In fact, the is EU simultaneous suffering from several crucial problems and any one of them could potentially become catastrophic. Let’s look at them one by one. The 28 member EU makes no economic sense The most obvious problem for the EU is that it makes absolutely no economic

MH-17 one year later

This column was written for the Unz Review: Over a year has passed since Malaysian Airlines flight MH-17 has been shot out of the skies by somebody, but we still don’t know the truth and all sorts of hypotheses are circulating on the Internet. In the West, the Emperor Barak Ist decreed on the day after the actual shoot-down that the party responsible for this atrocity was, of course,

The Saker interviews Omar Ma’arabouni

The Saker: Please introduce yourself to your readers, education, professional experience, military experience, political leanings, religion, etc. Omar Ma’arabouni: I am an ex officer in the popular liberation army of the Socialist Progressive Party (Jumblat).  During the Lebanese War I have undergone several high level military training sessions in the USSR (artillery and infantry).  Currently I don’t have any alignment with any particular party. I am secular and currently engaged

Will Russia finally agree to deliver S-300/S-400 to Iran? (UPDATED!)

It is often forgotten that what happened to Russia with the French Mistrals is very much a case of bad Karma coming back: just as Russia had already paid France for the Mistrals, so had Iran already paid Russia for the S-300 SAMs.  Both Russia and France reneged after the contracts were signed and finalized.  And just as France’s reputation will suffer from the Mistral fiasco, the Russian reputation will

Russia moves to protect her Arctic interests

This column was written for the Unz Review: Russia has embarked on a massive and much publicized effort to secure the 6’200km of her northern border and to be ready to defend her interests in the Arctic shelf up to 500km from her border. This means that 3’100’000 square kilometers of extremely difficult and inhospitable terrain will have to be secured. Why such a huge effort? First and foremost,

The Saker interviews General (Ret.) Amine Htaite of the Lebanese Armed Forces

(This interview was very kindly translated by Ghassan Kadi to whom I want to express my deepest gratitude.  The Saker) The Saker: Please introduce yourself to your readers, education, professional experience, military experience, political leanings, religion, etc. General Htaite:  My name is Amine Htaite, I am a retired general in the Lebanese Army, PhD in Law, a lecturer in the Lebanese University and Islamic University in Lebanon. I am the

A look into the modern Russian Airborne Forces

What I want to share with you today is a promo movie by Zvezda TV, the semi-official TV channel of the Russian Ministry of Defense, at the occasion of the 85th anniversary of the Russian Airborne Forces.  So don’t expect a hard-hitting documentary asking the tough questions and making critical comments.  However, this is nonetheless a very interesting video and when I saw it, I begged Alena Scarecrow and Tatzhit

What You Need to Know about the Russia’s Air/Space Defense System Concept

Foreword by SouthFront: Russia has merged several branches of its military into the Aerospace Forces (VKO). The new branch will include the nation’s air force, air defense, anti-missile and space forces. But what is the VKO? Which tasks do they solve and how? SouthFront offers the exclusive translation of article answering the questions. The article was initially published in 2008, two years after confirming the Air/Space Defense Concept in 2006.

France’s CRIF-run regime has unleashed a vicious persecutions campaign against dissidents

Note: for those who are not familiar with the real political situation in France, please read the following background material: ——- Thou shalt not be a victim. Thou shalt not be a perpetrator. And above all, Thou shalt not be a bystander. Yehuda Bauer Since many months already the political situation in France has been largely overlooked by events in Greece or the Ukraine and

So what is the real deal with Iran?

This column was written for the Unz Review: I have to begin this column with a mea culpa: I have been predicting a US attack on Iran since at least 2007 and so far, I have been completely wrong. The attack never happened. What I did get right, at least I hope so, are the reasons why this attack has failed to materialize, at least so far. In purely

The new Russian Naval Doctrine – one very important sentence

Russia has recently published her new official Naval Doctrine.  The full document can be downloaded from the Presidency’s website here (in Russian). To be honest, there is nothing earth shattering in this document.  The document explains the purpose of this doctrine, the missions of the Russian Navy and includes a region by region review of the challenges and opportunities for Russia on the world’s oceans, including the Arctic and Antarctic

The Russia-U.S. Conventional Military Balance

This column was written for the Unz Review: In a recent column for the Unz Review I wrote that “under any conceivable scenario Russia does have the means to basically completely destroy the USA as a country in about 30min (the USA, of course, can do the same to Russia). Any US war planner would have to consider the escalatory potential of any military action against Russia.” This still

Zakharchenko, Deinego and Pushilin have set a trap for Poroshenko

Top Novorussian officials from the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics (Zakharchenko, Deinego and Pushilin) have held a joint press conference and officially announced that they had taken the unilateral decision to withdraw by no less than 3km from the line of contact all their weapons up to a 100mm caliber (weapons of a heavier caliber were supposed to have already been withdrawn according to the Minsk-2 Agreement (M2A); the Novorussians complied,
