Note: for those who are not familiar with the real political situation in France, please read the following background material:
Thou shalt not be a victim.
Thou shalt not be a perpetrator.
And above all,
Thou shalt not be a bystander.
Yehuda Bauer
Since many months already the political situation in France has been largely overlooked by events in Greece or the Ukraine and even on this blog I have mostly been mentioning France in relation to the debacle with the sale of the French Mistral class ships to Russia. But that hardly means that the political situation France did not change over the past year or so. In fact, it did change, dramatically, and for the worse. Here is a short summary of what has happened since last year:
1. The French economy is in free fall. Reading the French corporate media, however, you would never find out about it. One of the very few specialists who regularly reports about this is Pierre Jovanovic, an independent economy/finance reporter (if you speak French, check out his YouTube channel where he makes a monthly and very interesting press review). There are a few others, but they have no access to the mass media.
2. The French Zionist Lobby has now completely broken cover and is now engaged in a campaign of persecutions against those few who dare openly challenge its influence in France. All parties have been given an ultimatum: submit or be destroyed. The level and nastiness of the propaganda on French TV is now worse than anything I have seen in the USA or Soviet Russia.
3. As I had predicted a long time ago, Marine Le Pen has caved in to the pressure of the Zionist Lobby and has turned against her father, Jean-Marie Le Pen, the founder of the National Front who has now been basically booted out of his own party (for his allegedly anti-Jewish views). The Zionist Lobby appears to be unimpressed and continues to ostracize even this emasculated National Front.
4. Alain Soral and Dieudonne are now the object of an open and systematic persecution by the French authorities, especially the Prime Minister Manuel Valls. The kind of persecutions methods used very much remind me of what the Soviet regime did under Leonid Brezhev: constant bureaucratic harassment, police searches, lawsuits, smear campaigns, threats, etc. I don’t even know how many lawsuits both Dieudonne and Soral are facing right now, but the total sum for which Soral is being sued right now is 264 523 Euros. Since Soral cannot and will not pay (on principle) it looks like he will have to go to jail, though before that he promised to appeal as high up as the European Court of Human Rights.
5. The political scene in France is dead. With the sole exception of the tiny Égalité et Réconciliation there is no more resistance against the Zionist regime in power. Like in the rest of Europe, the Left and the Right have more or less merged into an “extreme center” which caters to the need of the comprador elites in power and which is totally subservient to the USA.
It is important to keep in mind that the French Zionist Lobby is even more powerful and more arrogant, in a uniquely “in our face” kind of attitude, than, say, AIPAC in the USA. The French CRIF – a Likud controlled outfit – is basically in full control of the three branches of government and the French media. To even mention that fact is a death sentence for the career of any politician, author or journalist. Even the National Front has now caved in and made a pretty clear, if futile, attempt at showing a total subservience to this Zionist Lobby (Marine Le Pen’s betrayal of her father).
[Sidebar: Of course, formally, the CRIF has no power whatsoever and it would be incorrect to assume that the CRIF leaders have a direct organizational control of all the numerous agents of the Zionist lobby in the French state or media. The CRIF is the ultimate symbol of the Zionist control of France, but those who are actually in control of that Lobby are in Israel, not in France]
There are now rumors that some new *real* opposition party or movement might be created by Jean Marie Le Pen. Soral has already indicated that Égalité et Réconciliation might support such efforts. Under the current circumstances I personally expect the repression to only get harsher and overt – the goal being not only to crush those who dare oppose the CRIF, but also to terrify everybody else. And since everybody else is, indeed, scared shitless of being labeled as, or even associated with, anything “anti-Semitic” this terror tactic works very well. All the other parties and movement make truly heroic efforts not to notice what is being done to Soral and Dieudonne. It is as disgusting as it is amazing.
To illustrate all of the above, I want to share with you a recent press conference of Soral and Dieudonne which Paul Matthews has translated and Marta Begemot subtitled (my most heartfelt thanks to both of them!).
I love France and I have an immense affection and respect for the French people whom I do not blame for what has been done to them. The story of how de Gaulle was “regime changed” by the US CIA in 1968 and replaced by what can only be called an occupation regime spearheaded by a cabal of international bankers has happened to many other countries before and after that date. And I am sure that France will, eventually, come to see the day of her liberation. But before it gets better, it will get worse, much worse. Once the crackdown on dissent becomes as vicious and ruthless, as it has now become in France (just think of the “Charlie” false flag), there is no turning back, things will only get worse. But I am confident that the values of social justice, national tradition, equality and reconciliation will inspire enough young French patriots to eventually overthrow the regime in power and create a new, multi-confessional and multi-ethnic France.
The Saker
(please make sure to click on the ‘cc’ button to see the English captions)
Hold on. American astronauts never made it to the moon?! Not buyiing it. They could never cover up something like that.
That is a *joke* (sigh, rolleyes). The British press made up this story about Putin doubting that the US had ever landed on the moon. The real story is that a Russian official illustrated incompetence by using the example of the (true) fact that all the original footage made of Armstrong’s first steps (iirc) was erased by NASA by mistake. There is a lot of stuff in this video which is humor, something which both Soral and Dieudo do a lot.
The Saker
There is so much wrong with the “moon landings” that it boggles the imagination that anyone would believe a word of it.
Just one point to mull over.
To make landing on the moon possible they needed a rocket more powerful than any in existence to lift all the payload. Along comes the Saturn 5 a rocket with 25% more power than anything before it. It was a liquid fuelled rocket making it more controllable and a lot safer than solid fuelled rockets and had the greatest payload to power ratio of any rocket so far built. It (supposedly) sent 10 missions into orbit, 7 to the moon, with a 100% safety record.
At the end of the Apollo missions there were (I believe) 2 fully completed Saturn fives and 1 partially completed.
At a time when every country, military and corporation in the world was looking to launch satellites into orbit and paying exorbitant prices to do it NASA could have recouped most of the cost of the Apollo missions by using the existing Saturn 5s as platform to launch satellites. After all they had the greatest thrust to payload around at the time (and that transfers into bigger satellites and hence more money).
So what did NASA do. It scrapped them and then promptly lost all of the plans for their construction.
Also when a rocket was needed for the Space Shuttle program NASA developed a new solid fuelled rocket, much more dangerous that the liquid fuelled Saturn 5, just ask the Challenger crew. Why. Because they said they could not develop a liquid fuelled rocket with enough thrust. But the Saturn 5 had 20% more thrust that their new solid fuelled rocket.
The Saturn 5 never existed. They used an upgraded Saturn 1B for the Apollo launches, which did not have anywhere near enough thrust to get all the needed payload into orbit. If the Saturn 5 never existed then the moon landings never happened and the Apollo missions never got out of low earth orbit.
“The whole mission, however, depended on the titanic Saturn V rocket, a technology that is lost to the current generation.” “…a new Saturn V. The tools that made those parts probably don’t exist.”
This are very powerfull arguments: technology is lost, tools do not exist. Welkom in 21st century!
NASA engineer here. I think it’s actually kind of ludicrous to claim that we have somehow “lost” the technology of the Apollo program.
If some specs of a rocket wasnt made available it would be simpler to attribute it to the motive of making it harder for other nations to copy the technology.
Oh my, Saker,
What a lot of flat-earthers you have following this blog!
Yeah, they actually landed on the moon. For one thing, there is a corner reflector still there. It could have been put there by a robotic craft, but it was left by the Apollo 11 crew. Its existence can be verified by anyone, by bouncing a laser off of it.
There is quite a bit of other other junk up there, for example the lower stage of every lander.
Even at the time, they were amazed at their own good fortune in not losing any crews in space. They did lose one here on Earth. And another mission was cut short by some mechanical issue. The budget of NASA has been reduced since then, at every chance in Congress, and its management has become infested with useless bureaucrats.
All this was done at the same time the Pentagon was blundering about in Vietnam.
This is illustrative of how far the US empire has fallen. It can no longer manage such dissonance with such ease. It is no longer the only participant in world history.
no stars could be seen !
no ‘astronaught ever got cancer or radiation poisoning .
the van Allen radiation belts were practically dismissed
at the news conference. never mind the filming the media
were forced to film the TV no live feed.
whether they went, several times or not is not the question.
the main question is why are there so many ‘anomalies’
surrounding the Apollo moon landings?
just like JFK and 9/11.
see a pattern here?
We could sit here and yes-no this thing all day long. I watched some of the video linked down-thread earlier, and found it full of the same sort of specious ‘analysis’ employed by Bellingcat to ‘prove’ his ridiculous theories. I guess 99.9% of people don’t really know anything about photography or optics or image processing. Anywho, not going to belabor it any further.
But just out of curiousity: in your liturgy on this, oldnik007, how did the corner reflector get there? I mean, presumably NASA could have pasted in images of the lander modules into recent moon imagery, but if you have a decent telescope and some electronics, even if you are but a talented amateur, you can demonstrate that the reflector is there. You can bounce a laser pulse off of it and watch the pulse come back with a few seconds’ delay. It all fits with standard physics and a nice, really shiny, mirror on the moon. Even after 40 years, there isn’t much dust on it.
How did it get there, then?
Many countries made it to the moon and some have even bought back moon rocks, the question is not if they reached the moon but if they managed to put living humans on the moon.. Since the USSR plunked some stuff down on the moon, so did the US. Now so have china, india and other countries. Heck I even sat inside one of those moon landers and the buggy and stuff when I was in DC.. The stuff is impressive.. Even the hype..
@ Amerikanski,
Q; How did it get there, then?
R; Putin did it.
Just before he killed the Lindbergh baby, right after he Dingo-ed an Australian toddler.
The Moscow Monster’s ferocious appetite for offspring is legendary and it’s whispered, very hush hush in the hallways of the Kremlin, that that’s what keeps him looking so young and vigorous.
Did innocent people get killed by the KKK, in the Donbass? Really?
Oh, look at Kim’s fat a$$!!!
JFK tried to head a bullet into the corner of his vehicle.
Oh, no… so much info…
Can I have another deep fried snickers bar, with a melted butter, chocolate chip topping?
Doc, what’s wrong with me?
Umm, a small correction: upon re-reading the NASA article I linked, I see that there are four reflectors on the moon altogether. One of them placed by a Soviet robot.
Also, you need a professional telescope, one of the big ones on a mountaintop, because the return pulse is quite faint. However, the reflectors continue to be tracked by both US and Russian observatories.
Which means you CAN’T empirically verify the moon reflectors, as a private individual. I’ve had this debate several times.. (I’m agnostic about the moon landings, too mentally lazy to debunk/verify them)
the lasers are manned by very very few people, and the raw data is not publically avaiable (despite being publicly funded…), all you get are aggregates. Don’t open your mouth until you verify a bit further man, the risk of missing something is too big in these days and age, and that will lead you to mislead people…
“A long lost light reflector that was left on the surface of the moon by the former Soviet Union has been rediscovered by a team of American physicists after nearly 40 years using lasers beamed from Earth.
The French-built laser reflector was sent aboard the unmanned Soviet Luna 17 mission, which landed on ?the moon on Nov. 17, 1970 and released a robotic rover that roamed the lunar surface and carried the sought after laser reflector. ”
Thus, your point is moot.
Dieudonne;s apparently humorous remark is actually quite true. Once people realize that the Moon landings were a hoax the credibility of the U.S. will be wiped out, and people will be furious that they were so blatantly deceived. And they were a hoax. Read the following and then decide for yourself:
The Myth of Apollo
Wagging the Moondoggie in 14 parts.
The post flight conference of Apollo 11 is available on youtube, i urge everyone to have a look.
Merci pour votre article, it’s an accurate description of France, one which we can’t get in our own country. E&R vaincra.
@Special _ sauce 3:07 am
No, humans have never landed on the Moon. It’s no longer a “conspiracy theory.” It’s a fact:
The US-Reich may have landed or may not have landed on the moon. But one thing is certain: the videos and photographs we haven seen from the Apollo missions are all f a k e . A lot of the fake moon footage was filmed by – drum roll, please – the one and only… Stanley Kubrick.
Indeed, if Armstrong was the first one on the moon, who was holding the camera?
The German guy who was instrumental in the development of rockets saw no way to get men to the moon. And then viola, some American found a way using the very same technology that the developer came up with. Now how they managed to overcome all the problems that the German never found a way to overcome is a very good question. Considering the American teams could not even get a satellite into orbit by themselves. The Russians who send a probe to the moon had a lot of difficulty getting moon rocks back to earth but the guy in charge of their rocket science died at the time so we don’t know what is possible.. Finding space rock is not that difficult, but some of the rocks that were given to others as moon rocks turned out to be lava rocks from earth, the age of earth rocks and moon rocks are vastly different if space rocks we have found are anything to go by..
As this german who could not figure out a way to get men to the moon and back safely even using 10 times the resources and who had a decade of experience in these things, you have to stop and wonder how someone who never was even able to put a satellite into orbit got a epiphany one day and in a couple of years could get a moon buggy working without even testing them first and then take something developed by others and do all this. This is not possible even now, 50 years later and we see the problems just getting into low earth orbit.. They said they traveled like 40KM around on the moon.. That’s amazing.. Even these days 50 years later, we have trouble getting electric cars to run that distance. Maybe some aliens did help.. or maybe hal decided it was cheaper to space dave out the air lock..
The “Yugo’s” had a Secret Space Program : Fascinating : Link : “Houston, we have a problem!” (Yugoslavian space program) trailer :
Don’t forget the propaganda
Speaking of which…
Interesting respond from the INFOWAT site
Douglas Jack · Project Coordinator at Sustainable Development Association
Reality is 3 TRILLIONAIRE groups under the Windsor royal family, Vatican controlled aristocracy & Rothschild dynasty. In order to quantify concentrated appropriation of wealth, resources & control, we must deconstruct 7,000 year-old COLONIALISM since Semite (Arab, Aramaic & Jew) flight from Babylon helps us understand massive ‘exogenous’ (Latin ‘other-generated’) thefts of ‘indigenous’ (L. ‘self-generating’) resources. As ecological-economic refugees fled from war & the destruction of Babylon’s 3-dimensional Polyculture Orchard food, material, energy & water resources, they imposed the same 2-D linear ‘agriculture’ (L. ‘ager’ = ‘field’) & fear-based hierarchy military command & control structures wherever they went. Aramaic attack west & north to become the Assyrian empire, Arabs south & west to become the Egyptian empire & Jews west conquering Philistine & everywhere through financial control to integrate with empire administration. Christians as a subset of Judaism destroy the most worldwide. 100 million people died (unnecessary deaths from destabilization, war, destruction of medical knowledge & systems, disease, poverty, desertification etc.) in the colonization of Africa, 100 m. died in the Americas, 100 m. died in the Far East & 100 m. in Europe, Asia, Australia, Pacific & elsewhere. The present toll during the 20th & 21st centuries is over 200 million dead unnecessarily through command & control oligarch war-based military / political / economic hierarchies.
Each trillionaire group has about 1000 submissive billionaires who inturn have about dependent 1000 multi-millionaires beneath them in a Finance-Media-Education-Military-Industrial-Legislative-Complex of massive 2-D ignorance about life & ecological-economic livelihood. They believe in artificial-science, extractive-economy & that; war is the solution for a few living in Jetson cartoon bubbles with lots of toys on destroyed biospheres. The indigenous solution held by all humanity’s ancestry worldwide is Relational-Economy in multihome dwelling complexes & economic democracy in Production-Society/Guilds where all stakeholders are welcomed inclusively to contribute their talents, gifts, services, resources, time, property & money.…/indigenec…/relational-economy
@The French Zionist Lobby has now completely broken cover
It did that long before:
“Le capitaine Dreyfus est bien plus grand que le capitaine Bonaparte. Il a conquis la France et il l’a gardée” (Bagatelles pour un massacre, Paris, Denoël, 1937 p. 329).
The manner in which this tiny elite, or more precisely the ruling elements of this elite, the self described ‘aristocrats of humanity’, have taken over the Western world is quite stupefying. As during their habitation in Europe during the Middle Ages they cunningly buy the elites, and the serfs are dragooned easily thereafter.
The cunning, if morally debased, manipulation of the Nazi Judeocide as the most successful brainwashing trope of all time, is also exemplary in its efficacy. Every other horror of WW2, and indeed of the rest of human history, every genocide, massacre and barbarity taken together, receive less attention that the fate of European Jewry. It has become a quasi-religion throughout the West, with ‘Holocaust’ museums, memorials, movies, plays, books etc proliferating like fungi after the rain. There has been deliberately created an hierarchy of human suffering, with the ‘Gods upon the Earth’ receiving constant attention, while the Armenians, Assyrians, Greeks, Congolese (under Leopold and in the last twenty years)Indigenous of the New Worlds, Soviets, Chinese etc, more or less ignored. And to even note this vile double standard will bring an instant shower of abuse as ‘antisemite'(TM) or, even more filthily ‘Holocaust denier’. One must either accept the Zionazi propaganda trope that the Nazi Judeocide was ‘unique’ in all human history, and uniquely important, or you are accused of denying it in its entirety.
As you observe this process is open-ended. As Israel becomes, inevitably, more racist, fascist, fundamentalist and aggressive, so, too, will decent people everywhere begin to justly revile it more and more. And the Israelis’ unmatched arrogance and belligerence will only incite more resistance. And the Jewish Fifth Columns in the West will insist on more and more punitive repression of the ‘antisemites'(TM). Already the BDS movement, which is growing despite 100% uniformity of MSM abuse, is being made illegal in numerous places, as, of course ‘antisemitism’. The vile nonentity, Hollande, recently threatened to close down web-sites promulgating ‘antisemitic conspiracy theories’. In other words the Jews will officially become what their narcissistic cult decrees them to be-a ‘Chosen People’ totally, uniformly and perpetually innocent of any wrong-doing whatsoever, even when butchering hundreds of Gazan children, or burning toddlers alive. There is no end point to this repression, because there are no bounds on Judaic narcissism, arrogance and belligerence. And, as always throughout their 3500 year history, they will create the scourge for their own backs.
I was born into a Jewish family.
At 31, I learned of the life of Jesus and have included his life’s examples as elements of my faith.
Jung’s term, phrased, ‘The Collective Unconscious” is REAL – it can be experienced, the problem is, it’s simply mis-labelled, a culture’s shared psychic matter or the ‘Legacy Cult Material’ is PRE-Conscious not Unconscious.
The Legacy Cult Material is available for knowing – that’s why we, ‘share’ : IT : or can share : it – consciously, and the Deepest Levels of our Collective Unconscious are personal to a person, material that is not shared, and cannot be shared, by definition of experience.
The Deepest level of our Collective Unconscious is not Shared : “CONTENT”, it’s shared rather as an, “ABILITY”. The content or the material within each of our unconsciousness’s is personal to a person. Jung got it wrong. You don’t have anyone else’s stuff in your unconscious. In our very own unconscious is just what we placed there, first consciously, and now denied, so it is unconscious.
Now, in a PreConscious layer from within The Subconscious exists, The Censor – usually Satan, sometimes lucifer or the little devils and THIS is WHERE JUng’s Collective UNconscious arises 0 in our preconscious and not in our unconscious; Now, JUng’s attributions of this psychic layer ARE Accurate, his conclusions – not! The Preconscious State does not need to EXIST, all can be conscious, and that’s the difference with today. Today, ‘we’ accept Total Awareness.
The initial : ‘intellectual motif’ : ‘The Death of Jesus’ : is “Conscious Matter” – ‘repressed in ‘The Jew’ – so as to appear : ‘unconscious’ : which it is not : its : ‘preconscious’ and ‘censored (by a device of the ego)’ to maintain it’s own very precarious existence – so the ‘death of the jews’ is really the ‘death of this particular ”censoring-device’ of the ego’ – it’s preparation to the Annihilation of the ego, viewed as ‘The Assumption’ : from below.
The personal slaughter, my part of the Collective Guilt of Killing Jesus, took about ten therapeutic-emotionally-distraught years to fully embrace as neutral; and i’m – quite a quick study – strange, but the jewish race carries this very real : PRE(not ‘un’)conscious Collective Guilt, for the Murder of Jesus – and that’s because i never felt for an instant that i had anything to do with the murder of jesus, really, my personal past is totally clean, you got nothing on me with jesus being in the same place at the same time, no way, which means, that this psychic-matter is COLLECTIVE, now, was it as Jung thought, part of our Unconscious or as we understand today – part of our consciousness by design – if your a Jew – inbred – culturally – You have Jewish Guilt for Killing Jesus that is not personal.
Well, it was not until i wanted to ‘revive my personal faith’ – that i cared whether Jesus was : “Dead or Alive” : back before, either way, i had no opinion, now, however, i needed his life, which meant bringing Jesus ‘back to life’ in my mind – and when you make this attempt – as A Jew – to insert A LIVING Breathing Jesus into your life, as Real, Alive and Kicking, the REsistance is OVerWhelming! The Resistance was THERE before i wanted to become FREE.The Resistance is Cult Compliance, culture JAM.
There is Cult Compliance (for the Good and Godly), and then, there in our Collective past, there is material that is truly past it’s time of usefulness, and which we must Resist, known collectively, as The Resistance; both Compliance & Resistance are part of The Cult’s Legacy, so both good and evil exists in our Culture too, “Who would have thought that?”
So if you really want to know : ‘The What?” of What?” : is behind “jewish fear” : IT IS The Death and Murder of Jesus : Make No MIstake :
and Mulga, “Really Excellent Post” –
Mulga you said: “Every other horror of WW2, and indeed of the rest of human history, every genocide, massacre and barbarity taken together, receive less attention that the fate of European Jewry.”
I agree with you 100 %. I am going to post here something I read from a former Israeli and I’ve kept it for the blunt truth that it was written
“If I’m not mistaken, we are told that as many as 80 million people were killed during WWII, including tens of millions of Chinese and tens of millions of Soviet people.
We are also told 6 million Jews and 5 million “others” (i.e., less important) were killed in the Holocaust, however that is defined. (aside — when I was a young man it was always 6 million others; recently — the recent week of Holocaust Remembrance or whatever that one was called — we heard about 6 million Jews murdered and 5 million others having been “oppressed”; it would appear another revision is being made in the Official Holocaust Narrative wherein we no longer say that the 5 million” others” were killed). The Holocaust deaths — well the Jewish ones — are then raised above the other 70 million or so deaths.
Sick, self obsessed, racist murderers wallowing in their own imagined victim hood”.
–Daana – former Israeli that posts in MondoWeiss
Carmel by the Sea
BDS is becoming zionist though, BDS France kicked off Jacob Cohen (Marrocan-French Jewish dissident)
tjourplus, the capacity for entryism, infiltration and then control, is infinite. Why would a Jew decide that he is best placed to lead a movement to rescue the Palestinians from Hell on Earth?
Zionism needs silence as a surrogate for oxygen. The truth has survived for over 4,5 billion years on this planet, without a single law, only in the 20th century do we see a cancerous phenomenon blossom, that ultimate became the rot from within; Abe’s ADL, whose banner ‘It’s True Coz We Say So!’ flutters in a stone-clod breeze from hell.
So now Russian athletes (see bbc) are allegedly always cheaters?!
Last it was Russia was allegedly corrupt during FIFA sessions, I do see a pattern alright by the MSM…sigh.
This will only continue to get worse until the day that the French, the Germans, all of Europe and America will be openly treated the same as Palestinians. There is no true resistance to the Zionist infiltration of Western civilisation – they are far too powerful now. The entire banking/financial system is theirs. The media is theirs. The educational system is theirs. The government and the courts are theirs.
I can not agree with the Saker that things will finally get better, or even worse before they get better. The Zionist push is for a one world government ruled from Jerusalem headed by Anti-Christ. You can clearly see it taking form now. This is a Satanic movement at its highest levels and can not be stopped except by the power of God Himself. And that will surely happen in the end, but not before great suffering and tribulation.
for what would ‘God’ have his people suffer? is he a sadist? He can’t save them without them suffering?
@He can’t save them without them suffering?
He can’t save them if they don’t want to be saved.
“Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned. If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.” (John15: 4-7)
I agree with you 100 %. I call these times “The Times of the Jews”.
Carmel by the Sea
Well, I for one haven’t given up on Marine Le Pen. And I won’t as long as she remains anti-EU, anti-NATO, and pro-Russian. ‘Big Daddy’ Jean-Marie deserves some credit for getting the Front going decades ago, but his periodic Vichy-eruptions are a distraction from the key issues I listed above. Jean-Marie was never able win the Front more than 22% of the vote. Marine stands a decent chance of taking it to the next level.
“Well, I for one haven’t given up on Marine Le Pen. And I won’t as long as she remains anti-EU, anti-NATO, and pro-Russian. ‘Big Daddy’ Jean-Marie deserves some credit for getting the Front going decades ago, but his periodic Vichy-eruptions are a distraction from the key issues I listed above[..]”
I concur, those issues you listed (and may I add: anti-illegal immigration) are the big ones that need to be cleared out of the way first, and in the case of being pro-Russia, this is a stance that needs to be made from within a big EU country, like yesterday! Obsessing over Zionists, Jews or whatever (not that I harbor a lot of sympathies for either one of them), it is a distraction when the task ahead is so great.
It’s a bit like having a house that needs cleaning and de-cluttering from top to bottom, but we’re obsessing over alphabetizing the CD collection, and this needless task has to be done before anything else gets done. But we’re not even getting on with doing that, we’re just having endless meetings to argue about what would be the best method to alphabetize the CD collection!
Being anti-Zionist (or anti-Jew) is a toxic approach/subject to any political candidate pretty much anywhere! (I’m not agreeing with it, I’m just describing the situation).
Might as well put it in the back burner for now, and deal with it at a later date.
Let me give you guys an example; try to say something against Bruce Jenner [I refuse to call him ’she’ or Caitlyn for that matter], or say anything ’negative’ about “transexuals” in general whilst being a political candidate in any of the Western liberal democracies and let’s see how far that gets you. Your political career will be destroyed by the neo-liberal MSM in 24 hours flat.
And bear in mind that Jews still sit at the top of the Sacred Cows hierarchy – one must never commit blasphemy against them, ever – and nevermind that you would be laughed out of any political TV show if you even mentioned the words: Zionist, or Zionism because: that’s tinfoil hat, conspiracy-nutter crazy talk!
What is a hopeful political candidate to do? I, personally, would settle for being honest no matter what, but we all know that’s not how the world of politics work.
Do you folks even know how Farage got crucified by the media – during the recent UK general election campaign – just for speaking his mind and not beating around the bush?
TL2Q, it’s not so much that you must not come out as opposed to any Jewish actions or those of Israel, no matter how repugnant you may find them. It is that you MUST fully and unquestioningly support them in their entirety-or else. Here in Australia the former PM, Kevin Rudd, made the very grave error of changing our UN votes to be less slavishly supporting of Israel. Then, on the recommendation of the security forces (possibly a trap)he expelled a Mossad agent from the Israeli Embassy, after the Israelis stole Australian passport identities then used them in the ritual murder of a Hamas official in Dubai. They had done this before and ‘promised’ not to do it again.
Straight after this outrage, the Likudnik elements in the Labor Right, centred in New South Wales, began actively working to oust Rudd. When he was kicked out, Greg Sheridan, a hard Right slave to Israel (I heard him on the radio the other day defending his bias as deriving from his Aunt telling him as a child that the Jews were ‘God’s Chosen People’)published a front page piece in Rupert Murdoch’s The Australian, itself fanatically pro-Israel, like Murdoch, more or less bragging of how Rudd’s anti-Israel attitude was what brought him down. Such arrogant boastfulness rapidly disappeared, and Rudd’s successor, the odious Gillard, proved possibly the most slavishly pro-Israel PM since Bob Hawke. Her partner being on the payroll of a local Jewish billionaire may have helped, too, I suppose.
no they are not, the present article explains why they are in fact fundamental
By the way, for more on the French censorship theme, here is a very excellent piece from Thierry Meyssan: The State Against The Republic: What lies behind the anti “conspiracy theorist” discourse.
When I heard Soral say that he isn’t charlie (hebdo) I recalled a childhood image of Charlie Brown trying to kick a football and Lucy pulling the ball away at the last minute. Another metaphor for what politics has become.
Another observation, is that France had/has the potential to form an actual people, hence the deliberate policy of destructive immigration. The whole world has/had to be made in the image of American barbarity. After watching Soral and Dieudonne, I switched on Fox and witnessed the simulacrum.
I’m following your work from France since the beginning, thanks for it, really usefull and interesting.
However, I have to disagree about Soral. He’s mixing the key words of the actuality with all conspiracy theories, using a harsh language and a mystic point of view (just look for what he said about the 21th dec 2012…)
What he’s saying might be true sometimes, but so much mixed with stupid stuff that its just not credible. And that’s the use of Soral in France : if you think something that the power dislike, your are accused to be a ‘Soralist’.
Himself is an usurper, he stole the name and the fame of his sister to make his way through the media and society. He was defending drugs, homosexuality, …, before denouncing them, …
That’s how France treat contestation. Le Pen (the father) was used that way by both the right and the left parties : if you dared to say something against Israel, or the French submission toward USA, you were a ‘lepenist’.
Everytimes they said something true, this thing is vorbidden, and you can no longer say it but to be accused of soralism or lepenism.
(Sorry for my english wich is not so good, I hope you get the point…)
I am from France to, and I agree 100% with what Sam wrote.
Soral and Dieudo are decoys. Particularly Soral.
Dieudo is not a politician, he is an artist, and a good one. As many good artist, he is self-centered and a bit egomaniac. His conflict with the zionists has made him doing a lot of mistakes, mistakes which had assimilated him as antisemitic, making very hard to defend him. I think it’s very sad. Dieudo’s strategy was not good, to the least. He could do very well by staying one step away.
Soral is, as the National front, a decoy. Because sometimes, people who are thinking to reform (or destroy…) the system in a good way for people, will say something that Soral and the FN are saying (among a lot of stupid, racialist and far right things), these people will reject these ideas. The FN and Soral are sheepdogs. They are there to be sure that the oligarchy (always very close to the FN, be sure of that) is well protected, assured that the political debat will stay where there is no fear for them : jews, homosexuality, tanned people, etc.
Have I to remind you that Jean Marie Le Pen was very proud to be “le Reagan français”, the “French Reagan”, during the 80’s? That the FN program at this time, (and still is), to cut taxes for rich guys and to trash to toilet our social security net… not necessary anymore, according to them, when the “brown people” will cross the Meditarrean Sea… (this is the core of the FN program, not anecdotical). That the Le Pen family is the family that french politics had the more enriched. And you will not belive that : Jean Marie Le Pen has been cought by French IRS to have hidden a lot of money in Swiss (what a great patriot!), a few month ago. What happened? Nothing, a little financial penality. Even our press didn’t talk a lot about that… I am sure now that you know why…
Soral… Sam had very well described Soral. I will had that I am very sure that is not drinking only water, to say the least. He seems to be often out of his mind. What piss me off a lot about Soral, is hearing him saying he is very proud to be from Savoy, because I am also from Savoy.
The Saker, by supporting them, is discrediting himself. I know that it’s a mistake he is making, so I continue to read his blog. But to suport FN and Soral is the best way to be rejected by a lot of honest and good willing people in France. It is precisely the purpose of the very existance of the FN and Soral.
Guys, we have nothing to expect from these guys. I am just hoping that Dieudo will, one day, recover his senses.
Sam and Slipenfer: You guys are both trolls…
hey troll catcher…the mods must have seen your comment…
He’s mixing the key words of the actuality with all conspiracy theories, using a harsh language and a mystic point of view (…) Dieudo is not a politician, he is an artist, and a good one. As many good artist, he is self-centered and a bit egomaniac (…) Sam had very well described Soral. I will had that I am very sure that is not drinking only water, to say the least. He seems to be often out of his mind
Do you guys realize how lame your pseudo-arguments are? I am not asking anybody to marry Soral or Dieudo, nor am I proposing to declare them saints. What I am saying is that they are being viciously persecuted for their views and that nobody, including you two, seems to have any problem with that. And that his a disgrace for a country which prides itself on its tradition of human and civil rights.
The Saker, by supporting them, is discrediting himself.
Not at all. I simply show a human decency and a sense of justice and compassion which the two of you seem to have somehow lost.
“Als die Nazis die Kommunisten holten, habe ich geschwiegen; ich war ja kein Kommunist.
Als sie die Sozialdemokraten einsperrten, habe ich geschwiegen; ich war ja kein Sozialdemokrat.
Als sie die Gewerkschafter holten, habe ich geschwiegen; ich war ja kein Gewerkschafter.
Als sie mich holten, gab es keinen mehr, der protestieren konnte.”
Martin Niemöller
I didnt spoke about Dieudo. I really like him as a comedian, and I even think he’s truely honnest in its arguments. And I might even understand why he’s whith Soral : he’s the only one who helped him when everybody (media and politics) where spiting on him for his jewish extremist parody (in 2003).
Sure, its an hypocrisy the charlie’s cult of the so called freedom of speech, while they try to shut him up in the very same time.
Soral is another guy. A megalomaniac usuper, nothing more. And really usefull to the power, a scarecrow of a new type, confusing the true resistance instead of helping him.
My english is not so good, and I miss the time to make an inquiry about him, but internet is an open space, you could find enough stuff to reconsider what Soral really is.
If not, then all right, I’m just a troll with pseudo argument, its fine.
Soral is another guy. A megalomaniac usuper, nothing more
You are missing the point. It does not matter whether Soral is a great guy or not. What matters is that he is being persecuted for his views and that nobody seems to care. Even if Soral is every bit as bad as you say he is – what is at stake here is much more than just his personality.
Saker, you are carelessly doing yourself injustice here. Of course it matters whether Soral is a great guy. You have not introduced him and Dieudonné to your public as mere examples of unjust persecution. About great men, a wise man remarked that no man is a hero to his butler. A wiser man retorted, that shows not that no man is a hero, but that a butler is only a butler.
…. Inappropriate language removed ….. moderator-hs The so called community that can’t be named will be exposed for all the lies they have made for the two hundred past years (at least). They killed our king, they killed our nation and now they want us to submit. Never!! So keep your pseudo arguments for you, moron, and stop trying to blur what is clearly shown here. The CRIF and the Jews are trying to make a supergovernement of all the west and are trying to, as Bolshevist have done, silence every person that sees clear in their game. Have you heard of the European Jew parliament? No? Time to wake up friends!!
Neo conservatives are Neo Bolsheviks. See what is happening in our country my fellow citizens of the West. They will make us an example for all the others. I hope you’ll join us in the fight, if you love your children and don’t want them to be slaves of the dreadful fews.
@ Slipfender,
Will Israel, that genocide machine and a threat to the world recover its senses? I doubt it.
Dieudonne and Soral are not dangerous. And they both make sense to many. On the other hand, Israel, its lobbies/followers,its influence in nations all around our planet, its Un-Godly aberrations is the REAL danger to the world.
Carmel by the Sea
Hi slipenfer from Savoy, i am manu from Haute-Savoie and i cant help but react to your post. If Dieudo and Soral were decoys why would the government persecute them so much as they do as we speak. You have the right to disagree with them but not to defame them.
You say Soral is at the Front National but forget to mention he was at the communist political party first, for something like 15 years (compare to the 2 or 3 years he spent with Front National).
I am not even going to react to the Jean Marie LePen part where you explain that they got rich thanks to the french politics.. i do not think that Nicolas Sarkozy or François Hollande fortune is due to their hard work in the coal industry..
The Saker does not discrediting it-self by publishing this article; they just relate a situation.
Anyway i respect different opinions as long as they do not defame anyone, you are defaming Dieudo and Soral so i had to react.
Also why would you be pissed be someone who is proud of being from Savoy, just because his point of view diverge from yours.. typical fascism..
Slipenfer i do not believe you are a troll, but you act like one.
To me, this following of Zionist terror in France is the most interesting part of Saker’s blog. I can’t get this kind of information anywhere else.
I also respect France a lot, since the high-school when I was obsessed with French Revolution.
It seems that Zionist are humiliating France more then any other Western country because France has a true tradition of liberty which is embodied in the spirit of French Revolution and which makes France the most likely country to rebel against Zio occupation.
I am very afraid for Soral. And Dieudonne. I wonder if the Zionists are going to murder them. It wouldn’t surprise me.
Of course, both Rousseau and Voltaire were Freemasons (a Jewish creation originally), who inspired the foundations of modern ‘democracy’ which was in fact created with the purpose of destroying the European monarchies and establishing democratic states that could be more easily controlled by the Anglozionists. Naturally, you can’t just let people loose in these so-called ‘democratic’ states, so you create a real power behind them that funds those who run for office and influence the direction of the state through debt and the ownership of the press.
The French people have always taken democracy seriously, but the Anglozionists have worked without pause to infiltrate virtually every power-wielding office of government, industry and the media, and making certain that a global and national monetary system is put into place where every unit of currency created is a unit of debt to the banks. Getting rid of this monetary system is the key to getting these parasitic creatures off the backs of the world and giving the world any chance of true freedom.
The French revolution had nothing to do with liberty, IMO. It was about destroying the monarchy and the old natural, hierarchical order, paving the way for a new French (later World) order, based on illusions about all people being the same and having the same knowledge&ability to decide on matters of the state. In fact, the revolution led to huge wars in Europe, under Napoleon.
French people doesn’t want multi-cultural, multi-ethnic society, else they would go with globalists’ plan and turn their country into 3rd country. Who are to say the French people how they ought to live? Hardly any better than globalist you call Anglozionists imo.
Agreed. The demographic dispossession of the French people is a huge problem in itself.
And I have to add, it is really strange to see someone expressing his best wishes to French people all the while supporting colonization of the 3rd world of the same people! I have never seen anything like it.
Interesting article on MH370 at nsnbc
Parts being flown to France for identification? As Lehmann says, Malaysia who owns the plane have the specialists to identify parts, and Boeing the makers of the plane are in the US.
I think the area it was found it belongs to France is why.But I agree with you it should have at least gone to Malaysia.As the plane was a Malaysian airliner.
“Caribbean celebrates anniversary of the end of British slavery”
My dears, now that the entire exemplary elite of our home planet is sucking up to the house of Saud and the brilliant masters of everything financial, our Zionist friends of the endless sacrificial feast, let us all be welcome to another victory banquet….Oh, we, such humble beings, are invited? Why yes for it’s us who are on the menu….always.
My dears, we our very selves, have all been given this paradise called Earth to live out our humble lives, and with our superior brain power, indeed the most intelligent species alive, we, all of us, have turned this freely given paradise into the very hell we’ve imagined for some future darkness…..Yes it is here today….This very day ugly lives, beauty has departed, gone. So sorry you missed it’s departure, it tries to be discreet.
But not to worry, our best and brightest are searching here and there and everywhere for another planet to destroy while inventing a super-new-hyper-drive to transport us there at God’s speed…..For who, which king or queen, would be comfortable sitting in a metal tube without wifi for more than a few hours while tripping to enjoy their new perfect place….First our elite, and then suitable breading stock of the correct ethnic persuasion will be allowed to make the long journey….That is after the guys&gals with guns have been sent there to keep everyone safe.
….Wash rinse and repeat ….Wash rinse and repeat ….
All of this moon talk reminds me I want to read Fetzer’s new book:
Mr. Saker,
It is my pleasure to take time out from my traditional Sunday of rest (pun intended), to compliment and thank you – one more time – for this exquisite series of important coverage on events in France, which Marx believed (correctly) to comprise the political center of Europe. The Conference of Dieudonné and Soral was an event to behold and admire.
If it were not for you and your magnificent efforts, I, and many others would have not learned about these two heroic figures. I once compared you to Prometheus, but I trust you won’t suffer his end. I do not want to like you too much for fear of bringing you bad luck, or the attention of the Secret Police (too late for the latter?).
In their conference, Dieudonné and Soral repeatedly referred to their own mortality. I hope they won’t pay the price of other heroes of Liberty. But, they have no illusions. I am reminded of Martin L. King, and Malcolm X, in America, who understood the forces they were up against and predicted their own deaths, identified their murderers, and gave an accurate time radius of-within a few weeks.
The beauty of Dieudonné and Soral’s, VISION, of “Equality and Reconciliation,” and the eternal existence of opposition (as so brilliantly defined by Soral), clarify the only road to a happy, prosperous, and just world society, and the sacrifice it requires. The humor of Dieudonné, while under fire, (try telling jokes when you’re in pain), was a spiritual and emotional moment. The comraderie between Soral and Dieudonné was another dimension often overlooked.
Oligarchs and bought politicians and bought media are incapable of love, let alone friendship. They will never experience the exaltation of resisting against all odds. They will never feel truly alive; their brutality and fundamental thieving falsehoods are their opiates. And opiates are only opiates. They often win in the immediate dimension, but their triumphs are as hollow as Obomber, Holland, Merkel, Poroshenko, and Cameron’s national leadership titles.
The emotion leads to the VISION which leads to the Democratic Republics!
For the Anarchist Collective!
Peter, The Guardian has a piece today about the dear bien-pensant Meanswells of the UK ‘Green’ groups who have just woken up, after five years, to the fact that Cameron, when he said that he was ‘Green’ and loved huskies etc, was lying through his teeth. One of the few remaining non-deranged Commenters noted that Cameron is clearly a psychopath who lies about everything.
Now, I scarcely wish to claim any peculiar clairvoyant powers, but I knew that Cameron was like this long before he ever became UK PM, and from the other side of the world, for one basic reason-they are all like this.
All Rightwingers are psychopaths, more or less ‘charming’ like Obama and Blair once was, or just effing nasty like…a caste of thousands. Every new Rightwing regime in this country is more vicious, dishonest, hypocritical and destructive than those that came before, and the MSM cancer that sustains them is now so biased, partisan, dishonest and rankly nasty as to almost be shocking, if the process had not slowly, inexorably, crept up on us.
Cameron signalled immediately upon reaching power just what an evil creature he is. He had made a great song and dance of dragging his young disabled son (who has since died)out to proclaim that he knew how hard life was for the disabled and their carers. This was nonsense as Cameron is rich, so no doubt has nannies, nurses etc, plus his wife, to attend to the boy. Then, quickly after getting power, his regime slashed support for the disabled, the sort of social savagery and sadistic abuse of the weak and vulnerable that his evil regime has continued to practise ever since.
I’ve been intrigued as to exactly why Western Rightwing regimes have become so insanely vicious in their social savagery and punitiveness over recent decades. The sheer malignant relish with which they slash the pittances going to the poor and downtrodden and the humiliations that they double and redouble then inflict on welfare recipients is undisguised. The pitiful ‘wages’ that they expect people to accept, the slashing of work conditions built up over centuries of struggle and the naked transfer of wealth from the many to the few through tax cuts, privatisations, subsidies and the unhindered operation of tax refuges like the Cayman Islands all speak of the elite’s sheer hatred and detestation of the 99%. 85 billionaires control more wealth than 3.5 billion people.
I’ve come to the opinion that this process has a lot to do with the destruction of the USSR, removing that threat, and the treacherous Rightwing move of the ‘social democrats’, but there is another influence at work, too, I think. Western states, particularly the Anglophones and France, Germany and other EU, are dominated by their Jewish Lobbies, their money power in buying politicians’ obedience, their dominance in the increasingly paramount financial industry, in the MSM, in ‘entertainment’, advertising etc. They go for the ‘commanding heights’, that’s for sure.
This dominance, always laughably denied on one hand and boasted of on the other, is unhealthy enough itself, inviting resentment and subservience amongst the host populations, and malignant policies designed to consolidate the economic power of this elite at home (at the expense of all others)and the power and impunity to International Law of the racist, terror state Israel, abroad, but it has another dimension, too. The dominance of this Judaic elite has seen certain Judaic ‘values’, such as hostility to outsiders, a narcissistic self-adoration, lack of compunction in exploitation and financial extraction of the others, a deliberate social distancing and drive to ‘live apart’ and real Old Testament genocidal savagery towards the present-day Canaanites, the Gazans, Iraqis, Libyans, Syrians etc, projected onto society through the compliant Sabbat Goy elites, and Jewish groups like the neo-conservatives who have controlled US and European foreign policy for decades. Of course this savagery of the Chosen Overlords towards the ‘two-legged animals’ is then smothered in unctuous, narcissistic, hypocrisy about ‘Our Moral Values’ and ‘the world’s most moral Army’, and other ludicrously gargantuan Big Lies. To deride these fabrications guarantees abuse, censorship and banishment from polite slave society.
How to escape this bondage before it leads to some cataclysm for all concerned is hard to visualise. Here in Australia, even the most cogent and informed, criticism of any action by Israel or any machinations by the local Jewish pro-Israel Lobby is utterly verboten. Any discussion of Judaic religious doctrine or its real-world manifestations in Israel today brings hysterical vituperation, but, more often, total censorship. Political invertebrates and MSM flunkies fall over one another to declare their total admiration for Israel, hatred of Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, etc and undying devotion to the quasi-religion of ‘the Holocaust’, or merely ‘Holocaust’ as one practised philo-Semitic sycophant calls the Shoah, for some added mock gravitas I imagine. And the tiniest infraction of this regime of complete sycophancy is instantly abused as ‘antisemitism'(TM) even when it comes from Jews themselves, who get the added distinction of being labeled ‘self-hating’, unlike that one man mutual admiration society, Satanyahoo.
Be aware that the mere fact of being vocally opposed to the ruling system isn’t a guarantee of good (we have examples of that in Ukraine right now).
I don’t care at what the FN declares, what is important is what it does.
And there is a long list of very bad things; that party has the potentiality to be a French-Svoboda. It is filled with people the same vein as Turchinov. In the few cases where the FN had the management of a cty, they closed libraries, banned books, etc.
Their alignement with the zionism is nothing new; you just have to read their journal to see how they report news about Palestine.
And, last but not least, the FN is currently pushed up by the French MSM; that should ring you a bell, no?
Yes, there are some subjects on which the FN has anti-system positions; about Ukraine and Russia for example. But I wonder how far that party would actually follow that line, or if it is just an easy way to diferentiate itself from othe parties.
FN has also a “traditional values” position; but that is not important. It is not important because the “gay rights”, “same mariage”, etc are NOT important for the system. The System doesn’t care at all about that. It is just that it is a an easy mean for parties posing as “progressive” to pretend they do something; and also an easy way to distract people about real issues and divide them on futile subjects.
But if things get worse for the System, there are other ways to achieve that goal (pretend to do something, distract and divide). European history show us some example; and current mayhem in Middle East another one.
So, while I agree that the fuzz about same mariage, etc is a bad thing, don’t get distracted, and don’t take it as the main problem, it is NOT. Worse, you could be pushed to ISIS-like sides (after all, they too are against gay mariage, aren’t they?).
The KEY is about people self-rule; and more exactly about people/nation (narod) empowerment (not about individuals, but about nation-wide discussion and decisions).
After all, if a given nation decide they want same sex marriage, there is nothing bad with that; any nation is free to choose whatever way they want, and we must respect that.
However, no nation anywere has done such choice; all countries/states where similar legislation ha been passed it has been done WITHOUT nation-wide debate. And THAT is the problem.
It is precisely the degree of top-down, foreign-policy fast-tracked, media ‘manufacture of consensus’, the use of ‘lawfare’ to prosecute dissent – imposition that should tell you the global elite wanted to re-define marriage, and wanted to do so badly. That alone should tell you it is not a trivial issue.
The real reason is to normalize transnational surrogacy: the only population in toto that needs legalized egg-extraction/surrogacy are gay males.
The elite wants to bring eugenics in by stealth. They needed a ‘soft power’ approach, so they used the LGBT platform – whose sexual behaviour cannot procreate – to launch gay ‘marriage’ as an ‘equality’ issue. This is the social franchising of A.R.T. – Artificially Assisted Reproduction.
Rich men – gay or not – can simply get a licence and hire from the global underclass to deliver customized babies on demand. And they don’t have to deal with wives and their maternal and property rights. Or provide trace-back to natural parents: the purchased eggs are anonymous and the cattle-women hired to ”deliver’ completely excised from the equation. (The adoption agencies have to and are mostly run by religious orders, so preventing adoption by gays.) What’s not to like?
In addition, the current state of the world – vast numbers of displaced, impoverished people – so many of them women and girls – means they have a degree of choice like never before.
The old lines of European aristocracy – still with much hidden power through real estate/banking – continue to wield influence in modern democracies. They have always been prone to the consequences of inbreeding, due to their historical obsession with bloodlines. The same problem arises with religious groups who placed historical prohibitions on marrying ‘out.’ And those hedge fundies who have put so much money into gay marriage? Two-way bets are their raison d’etre: if hereditary males (sons) turn out gay, the line still continues through surrogate-hire (and fire-this is one ‘job’ that won’t ever be permanent.)
A world in which they can outsource birth and design babies from scratch, while ensuring genetic continuity is their aim. The ‘master race’ mentality (and project) never went away.
That’s what the folks who organised those ‘manifs pour tous’ – pro-family French gay men like Homo Vox among them – realized.
Do you really think Putin hasn’t figured it out too?
Sorry. but when you say the issue is marginal, you are quite wrong.
I mean the issue is not the first issue.
In France, for example, it is more urgent to put an end to the destruction of the commen social infrastructure (schools, health, etc) and economy, and o get back sovereignty and democracy; than to discuss about “gay right”.
Note also that I’m convinced that when the mater is actually discussed in a democratic way nation-wide; those disgusting notions of womb-renting will be rejected.
I mean, the right thing would have been not tomanifest against the proposed law of “same sex marriage” but to manifest to have a nation-wide debate on that theme, with a referendum to settle it after some time.
Not only do I think the majority would have rejected it; but the debate itself could have propped people to exige debating other important matters.
Like the relations to have with Russia, NATO and EU; or even things like the ownership of the common infrastructure, the financement of educaton and health, and even the political system.
It is possible to tactically win a lot of battles, yet without strategy you are sure to lose the war.
That “same sex marriage” and even the disgusting “baby buying” it leads to, are tactical, not strategic.
eimar : “What an education, thanks, really, thank you for opening a canister and looking at the worms, wow, had no idea the issue of ‘surrogacy’ was so so complicated by Elite concerns as well –
Dieudonne and Sorel: I am so tired of the phrase “conspiracy theory”. One person’s cherished belief about some event seems to be another’s conspiracy theory and neither may have it correct entirely. The main aspect of a big staged event is the context into which it is placed—9/11 somehow got morphed into a justification for an illegal war and subsequent police state regardless of who did or did not do it. The event and the logical consequences are deliberately disconnected. Therein lies the real conspiracy . When the IRA bombers or whoever were running around London blowing things up in the 1990’s , did the Brits use this as an excuse to bomb Dublin? No. Someone shoots down a plane over an unstable war zone and bingo: Putin is Satan and Russia is out to start WWIII. There is a contextual and logical disconnect. Someone kills a group of French journalists and suddenly instead of a unifying march–” We are all Frenchmen against Terrorism” — there is a controlled pseudo solidarity march with a divisive slogan justifying the right to denigrate another person and call it “free speech”.
Our hearts are deliberately being disconnected from our heads, thus the term, “talking heads”. We can no longer understand sequence of events/ cause and effect. Note how the later part of the arrest of Sandra Bland was presented as the primary incident when if the sequence were shown correctly ( the cop had already given her a warning ticket ) it would have shown the cop stalking, following her and harassing her so instead of her being shown as disrespectful she was in fact being defensive and protective for good reason. This is how context and sequence are skewed deliberately. Under this intellectual abuse, you start to doubt your own reality and rationality unless you jealously guard it.
“They want to get us killing each other.” I suggest everyone watch what is about to happen among the Kurds in the mid East. It will be nasty and very sad unless a powerful and conscious leadership takes the correct steps to prevent it.
teranam 13,
Did you say “French journalists”? Or did you say French Zionist land thief Oligarch bought pro-imperialist racist anti semite-(anti Arab) Propagandists?
“When the IRA bombers or whoever were running around London blowing things up in the 1990’s , did the Brits use this as an excuse to bomb Dublin?” The center of Dublin was leveled in 1916.
And the previous thousand years of terrorist abuse of and thievery/exploitation against, and rape of the Irish people? And the denial of their Independence, and the right to worship the religion of their choice? And the execution of Pearse, Connolly, and the other independence leaders?
Lawfare is a very good term for the weaponizing of the law to destroy free-thinkers like Dieudonne.
What is happening in France is frightening.
A particularly vile example of ‘lawfare’, a favourite Zionazi tactic, was the awarding of of damages of over one hundred million dollars to the relatives of six American Jews killed in Israel during the Second Intifada, against the Palestinian Authority. The relatives of the scores of times greater number of Palestinians murdered by Israeli Jews, of course, received NOTHING, in accordance with their non-Chosen status as ‘human dust’. As was easily calculated, at that rate of twenty million per head, the USA would therefore owe Iraq twenty trillion for the one million plus murdered by the aggression of 2003, and the ‘Eternal People’ owe the Gazans forty billion for just the latest massacre.
reading all comments, i again raise feeling that today, on Earth, is going war for most valuable treasure – human soul. war between ancient evil and divine love. evil is in advantage. i doubt that any weapon, russian or any other will change that.
I agree Sanjin, that’s why I don’t think war will be of any help…I mean, even if there were nuclear war…would my debt go away ? I doubt it. And so much bloodshed..for what purpose ?
Lets have change instead.
Thanks for this. The Saker put me onto Soral’s site – and it is a good way into French alt media, of which there is quite a lot of surprisingly good quality. (Unlike the sub-Alex Jones/ David Icke style found in the UK, or the froth flecked eurosceptics allied to the Kippers).
There is a palpable awareness within the French people at large, I would almost say consciousness, of the infiltration and the damage inflicted upon the country by the Zionist cabal. A situation quite different from the US, where what the media says, is. And where among about 535 congressmen and senators, there is an undeclared competition for the crown of the Zionist champion of the world.
The issue is in front of all with a minimum interest in observation. However, one of the most evident and stunning cases (I should say) is that of Bernie Sanders, presidential US candidate “of the left”, who will end up as a prop and support for Clinton. (those interested may refer to the article “Head in the Sanders” (link
Given the disparity in collective mentality between the US and France, the difference in the Zionist approach is not surprising. The Zionists use France as a proving ground for how far they can go in submitting the citizens to the will of Zion and in suppressing the consciousness of the Zionist evil.
The video of Alain and Dieudonne’ is on the whole, quite pessimistic in its clarity. As Akain says, it is essential that within each generation, there be people to perpetrate the ideas of dignity, courage and opposition, while keeping alive the flame of resistance.
@There is a palpable awareness within the French people at large, I would almost say consciousness, of the infiltration and the damage inflicted upon the country by the Zionist cabal.
There was at least since Édouard Drumont founded the Antisemitic League of France in 1889! Since ‘la revanche de Dreyfus’ (Maurras received a life sentence)! Since the Fabius-Gayssot Law (1990). Yes, the same Fabius (plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose).
Soral and Dieudonne have every reason to sound pessimistic.
Excellent expose of zionazi control in France. France was an early colony of Israel, their military suppliers openly helping the the Israelis with anything demanded.
Battle for Oceania. The reason behind the 2015 scandal was related to the collection of intelligence data by the New Zealand Security Intelligence Service for the USA which increased competition between the great powers of the world to gain control over this region of strategic importance. This situation benefits Russia directly.
Recent revelations of the American defector E. Snowden regarding New Zealand’s espionage in US interests have caused widespread uproar, with increased tensions in relations between this country and other states of the region during the spring of 2015.
Officially, Wellington explains its actions by forced defence against terrorism. In fact, such threat does exist and is being demonstrated by intensified Wahabi activities noticed in 2013 inFrench Polynesia. However, the severity of this threat is greatly exaggerated and New Zealand’s attempts to justify its actions are simply to mask the operations for the Five Eyes global espionage programme being undertaken together with USA, United Kingdom, Canada and Australia.
Chinese Offensive
Hmm Saker, your strict admiration of Muslim culture (which I understand to a fairly great extent in that it reminds me of our traditional cultures once dominant in all of Europe) has caused you to put too much faith in the young Maghrebis of France. Having spent a lot of time around those guys in Paris, they are the ultimate nihilist, neo-liberal consumers and pseudo-Islamo voyous.
Even the old Algerians wonder what happened to their grandchildren, who adopt the imported poisonous American gangster culture even when they are raised in pleasant, provincial, Burgundian market towns. Organisations like SOS Racisme, closely related to CRIF, have a large role to play in this, in my opinion.
Interestingly enough, the Algerians in the 1960’s, who found a fairly traditional Catholic culture (under the hand of old De Gaulle, of course) in place when they arrived, were far more keen to become French patriots. There were many children born in that time with French first names, it was not uncommon to find a Pierre Ziani or a Stephane Benjelloun.
[Muslim culture (which I understand to a fairly great extent in that it reminds me of our traditional cultures once dominant in all of Europe]
Not really. Traditionnal cultures did not changed that much in western Europe over centuries. And in France and England, we can even see some “new” culture which look like originals ones.
The more a culture evolve, the more it becomes patriarchal. In this sense, muslim culture is the most evolved in the world by far. This is not a surprise since it is the “oldest” part of the world : they were the first to write and build cities.
Check “The Origin Of Family Systems, Volume One: Eurasia “, Emmanuel Todd
(you don’t actually need to read the whole book, the first 50 pages are clear enough)
You are incorrect – I belong to the Roman-Italic civilisation, older indeed than Islamic culture (although it depends if you conflate Arabo with Islamic culture – of course, there is correlation). I would that indeed our culture has remained patriarchal but I am talking about the effects of consumerism, careerism etc. which are clearly seen in individuals, even they do not necessarily alter the overall culture.
Même si les analyses d’Alain Soral semblent pertinentes, je pense que cet homme ne fait que “flotter” que sur l’écume des bouleversement du monde d’aujourd’hui. De plus, son prisme monomaniaque sur le “judaîsme de choc” et le néoconservatisme (certes tout-à-fait malfaisant et diabolique) est une erreur de diagnostique. Les forces de déconstruction du monde sont bien plus multiples et insidieuses que cela.
Alain Soral peut aider certains à y voir plus clair par certains arguments de ses interventions, mais il reste un idéologue de parti politique : le sien (Egalité et Réconciliation) et du Front National (FN) selon les variations de la météo politique de ce parti.
J’ai découvert il y a 2 années de cela, un penseur Français vivant en Belgique francophone, d’une bien meilleur tenue et profondeur intellectuelle : Philippe Grasset du site; site dont l’origine remonte à la revue : “La Lettre d’Analyse” de defensa (1985).
Nous ne sommes plus ici sur l’écume spectaculaire des analyses du monde sur Youtube, mais en contact avec une pensée subtile, complexe, structuré et “psychiatrique” de l’humanité, tout en restant en phase avec le réel, avec la “vérité de situation”.
Voici certains concepts développés par l’auteur et constituant sa théorie :
– Métahistoire
– Système VS Anti-système
– Déchaînement de la Matière
– Narative et Déterminisme-narrativiste
– Désordre Vs Hyper-Désordre
– Fatigue psychologique
– etc…
Ce qui est absolument incroyable, c’est que beaucoup d’articles de cet intellectuel sont repris par les progressistes et les conservateurs… C’est presque unique en France ou tout est clivage droite/gauche.
Alain Soral par sa brutalité et ses rancoeurs égocentriques se pense plus français que tout le monde, il a perdu d’avance. Il est la grenouille qui veut se faire plus grosse que le boeuf (Jean de LA FONTAINE (1621-1695)) .
Etre Français, c’est la recherche de la justice et non pas de la vengeance.
En cela, Soral ressemble trop au gens qu’il critique.
Son nouveau parti politique “Egalité et réconciliation”, n’est ni égalitaire (il se revendique systématiquement en haut de la hiérarchie : il est celui qui à tout compris du monde, le mâle Alpha), ni réconciliant : il dénigre tout ce qui n’est pas lui ou reconnu comme cibles politiques. Cet homme est dans une conquête du pouvoir, pas dans la vérité.
Il gère et mathématise son électorat potentiel.
Soral est un feu-follet, un punk, c’est-à-dire un épiphénomène.
Je tiens néanmoins à affirmer, haut et fort, que je suis contre toute censure de sa parole, comme de celle de Dieudonné, La censure en France n’a jamais était aussi forte (depuis Vichy) dans tout les domaines. C’est d’ailleurs l’acte de suicide des élites françaises (cosmopolites) qui oppriment le peuple.
Selon mon opinion, le Saker se trompe concernant Soral et les Français. Soral ne réconcilie rien et n’égalise rien. Il est un super-ego en roue libre, un produit de “1968” qui se prend pour la France éternelle. Comique et tragique.
J’ai découvert il y a 2 années de cela, un penseur Français vivant en Belgique francophone, d’une bien meilleur tenue et profondeur intellectuelle : Philippe Grasset du site; site dont l’origine remonte à la revue : “La Lettre d’Analyse” de defensa (1985).
Nous ne sommes plus ici sur l’écume spectaculaire des analyses du monde sur Youtube, mais en contact avec une pensée subtile, complexe, structuré et “psychiatrique” de l’humanité, tout en restant en phase avec le réel, avec la “vérité de situation”.
Voici certains concepts développés par l’auteur et constituant sa théorie :
– Métahistoire
– Système VS Anti-système
– Déchaînement de la Matière
– Narative et Déterminisme-narrativiste
– Désordre Vs Hyper-Désordre
– Fatigue psychologique
– etc…
Peut-être que le Saker devrait plus s’inspirer de cet auteur.
Cependant, il est vrai que la théorie/doctrine Grasséenne n’est pas simple, même pour un francophone de langue maternelle
Ce qui est absolument incroyable, c’est que beaucoup d’articles de cet intellectuel sont repris par les progressistes et les conservateurs… C’est presque unique en France ou tout est clivage droite/gauche.
Alain Soral par sa brutalité et ses rancoeurs égocentriques se pense plus français que tout le monde, il a perdu d’avance. Il est la grenouille qui veut se faire plus grosse que le boeuf (Jean de LA FONTAINE (1621-1695)) .
Etre Français, c’est la recherche de la justice et non pas de la vengeance.
En cela, Soral ressemble trop au gens qu’il critique.
Son nouveau parti politique “Egalité et réconciliation”, n’est ni égalitaire (il se revendique systématiquement en haut de la hiérarchie (de la pyramide) : il est celui qui à tout compris du monde, le mâle Alpha), ni réconciliant : il dénigre tout ce qui n’est pas lui ou reconnu comme cibles politiques. Cet homme est dans une conquête du pouvoir, il n’est plus dans la recherche de la vérité.
Il gère, il mathématise son électorat.
Soral est un feu-follet, un punk, c’est-à-dire un épiphénomène.
Peut-être que le Saker devrait plutôt s’inspirer de Philippe Grasset (redite)
Les Français ont un potentiel hautement insurrectionnel, comme le fait remarquer justement le Saker en citant Marx. Le processus est en cours.
Soral n’est qu’un chewing gum écrasé contre la semelle et qu’on retire d’instinct.
La colère Française n’appartient à personne. Elle sera ….et personne ne la maîtrisera.
Google traduction/ Google translation :
Although the analysis of Alain Soral seem relevant, I think this man is just “float” on the scum of the world’s upheaval today. In addition, its single-minded prism on “Judaism shock” and neoconservatism (admittedly entirely done evil, diabolical) is a diagnostic error. World deconstruction forces are far more numerous and insidious than that.
Alain Soral may help some to see clearer arguments by some of its actions, but it remains a political party ideologue: his (Equality and Reconciliation) and the National Front (FN) according to changes in the political weather of the party .
I found out two years ago to this, a French thinker living in French-speaking Belgium, a much better outfit and intellectual depth: Philippe Grasset Site; Site which dates back to the magazine: “The Analysis of Letter” of defensa (1985).
We are not here on the foam of the spectacular world of analyzes on Youtube, but in contact with a subtle thinking, complex structured and “psychiatric” of humanity, while remaining in tune with reality, with the “truth situation “.
Some concepts developed by the author and forming his theory:
– Metahistory
– VS System Anti-System
– Rampage of Matter
– Narative and Determinism-narrativist
– Hyper-Vs Disorder Disorder
– Psychological Fatigue
– Etc …
What is absolutely amazing is that many articles are taken up by this intellectual progressives and conservatives … This is almost unique in France where everything is right divide / left.
Alain Soral by its brutality and its resentment egocentric to think more French than anyone, he lost in advance. It is the frog who wants to be bigger than beef (Jean de La Fontaine (1621-1695)).
Being French, it is the search for justice, not revenge.
In this, Soral people he looks too critical.
His new political party “Equality and reconciliation,” is neither equal (he claims consistently at the top of the hierarchy (pyramid): it is one that all inclusive in the world, the Alpha male) or reconciling He denigrates all that is not him or recognized as political targets. This man is in a conquest of power, it is not in the search for truth.
He manages it mathematized his electorate.
Soral is a fire-wisp, a punk, that is to say an epiphenomenon.
Perhaps the Saker should instead be guided by Philippe Grasset (repetition)
The French have a highly insurrectionary potential, as rightly pointed out the Saker quoting Marx. The process is ongoing.
Soral is a chewing gum crashed against the base and that instinctively withdraws.
The French anger belongs to no one. It will be …. and no one will master it.
Monsieur “Caen-Normandy,” Is this your real name, or are you afraid to identify yourself?
“Although the analysis of Alain Soral seem relevant, I think this man is just “float” on the scum of the world’s upheaval today.”
The wording of this slanderous apolitical attack on Alain Soral, most appropriately describes you.
You follow with: “His new political party “Equality and reconciliation,” is neither equal (he claims consistently at the top of the hierarchy (pyramid): it is one that all inclusive in the world,” Nowhere do you directly discuss the principles of the Party of Equality and Reconciliation. How odd, a lengthy attack with no sober analysis. Where have we seen that before?
Soral’s solidarity with Dieudonné, alone, honors him as a courageous human. While soral is under attack from the puppet imperialist Zionist French regime, there is not a word of support for his right to freedom, freedom of speech, and the rest of the democratic freedoms.
Your statement that you do not like Soral being the “Alpha male,” reveals much about you.
Say it an’t so Joe.
@Monsieur “Caen-Normandy,” Is this your real name, or are you afraid to identify yourself?
What if it is Cahen D’Anvers? He refers to “Belgique”. Is it a Freudian slip, as is “Normandie”?
Vos simagrées sur mon pseudo sont frivoles et vaines.
Cela relève de l’ Argumentum ad hominem, stratagème recensé par Arthur Schopenhauer dans son opuscule “L’Art d’avoir toujours raison”.
J’affirme une opinion et j’aimerai que sa critique soit tournée contre mes arguments pas contre moi. C’est un exercice grecque et non pas du commérage.
Peut-être n’avez-vous pas compris que l’explication des maux du monde par un seul lobby, aussi puissant soit-il, est absurde et puéril selon moi.
Je critique Soral. En ai-je encore le droit au Etats-Unis?
Mon intervention sur ce site était de mettre en valeur un homme (Philippe Grasset) que je trouve infiniment plus pertinent que Soral.
Avez-vous fait l’effort d’aller voir? De tenter de comprendre? De retenir vos pierres contre Marie-madeleine? Bref, avez-vous encore le sens de la mesure ou bien êtes vous dans l’Hybris?
Les événements du monde nous affectent tous. Encore faut-il garder la tête froide et continuer à penser comme des hommes droits et sages.
A bon entendeur, salut!
M.Christophe-Caen-Normandie, je apprécierait vos commentaires publiés en anglais qui est la langue du blog. Si vous ne connaissez pas la langue, vous pourriez essayer de traduire votre commentaire avec un traducteur? Sinon, il me force à traduire et je vous préviens que ma connaissance du français est plutôt basique…Merci
Reports by Gilad Atzmon:
Israeli Diplomat: Maintaining German Guilt About The Holocaust Helps Israel
Times Investigations Editor Apologises for a Holocaust-Paedophilia Tweet
Illegal settler threatens to kill international activists ( Video)
And last but not least, this picture will make you laugh:
Carmel by the Sea
“The Holocaust is now regarded by most Jews and Anglo-Americans as the new Western religion.”
–Gilad Atzmon (former Jew)Gilad Atzmon interviewed by Manuel Talens
Carmel by the Sea
Carmel, for one instance, the local MSM when running human interest stories designed to jerk a few tears, overwhelmingly turns to ‘Holocaust’ tragedies. I would say about 50% of the time. The rest of humanity, the 99.5%, get the other 50%. The Palestinians get none,save when useful for propaganda against Syria or Lebanon. Other victims of WW2, like the tens of millions of dead Soviets and Chinese get NO interest whatsoever. It’s as natural as the Sun rising, none dare notice, let alone mention the disparity, and the Jewish Lobbies exploit the Shoah ruthlessly and relentlessly. On one hand, I can imagine how the Shoah did drive many Jews to fear and hate non-Jews even more than their religion instructs them to, but it really leads them up a cul-de-sac where their belligerence and aggression will surely breed a mountain of hatred that will come back to bedevil them again. They seem driven to provoke hatred against themselves, as if to justify their own extreme xenophobia. Millions have been sacrificed on the altar of this goy-hatred already, in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Gaza etc, and as the current truly evil Israeli regime shows, this hatred is only growing more and more extreme in its manifestations.
It is. Every chief of state, including the Pope, must go and worship at Yad Vashem Memorial.
An absolute corker (meaning ‘excellent) article by Thierry Myassan on the French involvement in precipitating the Syrian conflict:
Alain Juppe – former Prime Minister under Chirac -seems to have been instrumental in getting Erdo to pivot away from a pan-M.E trades union by promising French support for Turkey EU membership. The price tag was to support the French/UK assault on Libya to murder Gaddafi (a Clinton /Neo-con op).
Juppe had been forced to resign on corruption charges and went to the States, where he made Pentagon contacts.
It would be very interesting to know what connections he had to AIPAC, Soros and Rockefeller.
Speaking about persecuted freedom fighters in France, you should add “Bluetouff”, a “hacker” who supposedly broke the law because he made public some unlawful behaviour by the french state (Qosmos et Amesys).
“Être fier de se faire enculer va devenir… institutionalisé
… on bloque entierement le centre de Paris un Samedi après midi pour que les enculés puissent défiler.”