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Saker Analyses and Interviews

Execution of Nimr al-Nimr, Saudi Arabia and Iran: religious or political conflicts?

By Salah Lamrani Source : Translated from French by Jenny Bright “Since our birth, we are subjected to oppression, intimidation, persecution and terror, so that even the walls frightened us. Even the walls! Is there anybody who has not suffered injustice and oppression in this country? I am over 50 years old, that’s half a century. Since I was born, I never felt safe in this country, in no

First thoughts on the Saudi-Iranian conflict: is an attack on Iranian forces in Syria next?

First and foremost, a disclaimer: I don’t normally comment on an event right after it has happened, if only because in most cases the key information needed to make an evaluation is missing.  In this case, however, I am confident that three things are already obvious: First, the murder by the Saudi Wahabis of Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr and 46 other Shia was a deliberately planned provocation.  The Saudis knew, knew

Week Thirteen of the Russian Intervention in Syria: debunking the lies

This column was written for the Unz Review: Ever since the first rumors began to circulate about an impending Russian military intervention in Syria the Internet and the media have been flooded with all sorts of silly rumors, myths and outright lies about what could/would happen. These rumors, myths and outright lies are still being spread today, and not only by pro-US interest groups, but even by supposedly pro-Russian

Week Twelve of the Russian Intervention in Syria: Zag!

This colums was originally written for the Unz Review: In last week’s review of the Russian military intervention in Syria I wrote that Kerry had lost every single negotiation he ever had with the Russians and that he had a record of agreeing to A only to come back to the US and then declare non-A. This time again, the Americans did not change their modus operandi, except that

Putin and Israel – a complex and multi-layered relationship

The recent murder of Samir Kuntar by Israel has, yet again, inflamed the discussion about Putin’s relation to Israel.  This is an immensely complicated topic and those who like simple, canned, “explanations” should stop reading right now.  The truth is, the relationship between Russia and Israel and, even before that, between Jews and Russians would deserve an entire book.  In fact, Alexander Solzhenitsyn has written exactly such a book, it

Week Eleven of the Russian Intervention in Syria: a step back from the brink?

This article was originally written for the Unz Review: This has been an amazing week. While last week I concluded that “The only way to avoid a war is to finally give up, even if that is initially denied publicly, on the “Assad must go” policy”. Now it is true that various US officials, including Kerry, did make statements about the fact that Assad need not go right now,

EU Sanctions on Russia to be Extended – No Veto or Discussion Allowed

This article was originally written for Russia Insider: In conversations with Russian news agency TASS EU diplomats and officials outline the undemocratic means whereby the decision to extend the sanctions will be imposed. by Alexander Mercouris Recently I wrote a piece for Russia Insider discussing how the EU really works. I pointed out that the veto small states supposedly have over key EU decisions is a fiction. Decisions are made

Week Ten of the Russian Intervention in Syria: the “Assad must go” policy leads to war with Russia, Iran and Hezbollah

This column was written for the Unz Review: The “news” that Israel and Turkey are systematically violating international law is hardly news at all. After all, we all know that Turkey has been regularly bombing the Kurds in Iraq and Syria, that Turkey still illegally occupies northern Cyprus just like the Israelis have been bombing Syria and Lebanon for decades and that they are still illegally occupying Palestine. The

Saker Men of the Year 2015: the Russian Airmen in Syria, Major-General Qasem Soleimani and Alexander Zakharchenko

Since I have already twice committed this imitation of the corporate media’s “Man of the Year” gimmick, I might as well do that again this year. In 2013 I nominated the Syrian solider for his exceptional courage and fighting spirit and in 2014 I nominated the Russian solider and I think that in both cases this was very much deserved.  And this year again, the title goes collectively to a

Week Nine of the Russian Intervention in Syria: the Empire strikes back

This column was written for the Unz Review: Considering the remarkable success of the Russian intervention in Syria, at least so far, it should not have come as a surprise that the AngloZionist Empire would strike back. The only question was how and when. We now know the answer to that question. On November 24th the Turkish Air force did something absolutely unprecedented in recent history: it deliberately shot

Week Seven of the Russian Intervention in Syria: dramatic surge in intensity

[Personal comment by the Saker: it turns out that working and thinking about issues other than my personal circumstances right now has been very helpful and, to my own amazement, I have produced a rather lengthy analysis of the seventh week of the Russian intervention in Syria.  I had thought that I would not be able to write 3 lines, and I ended up penning a 7000+ word long essay. 

Russia dramatically increases her anti-Daesh operations

Just has I had been predicting for a couple of weeks, Russia did dramatically increase the pace of her anti-Daesh operations. First, Russia has used all her most powerful long-range aviation bombers (Tu-22M3, Tu-95MC and even Tu-160) to strike Daesh targets with cruise missiles and gravity bombs.  Look at this footage which really says it all: Second, Russia has announced that 25 long range bombers will be fully allocated to

“The Essential Saker” book is now out in hardcover and ebook format!

Dear friends, It is a huge joy for me to finally announce to you that my first book, “The Essential Saker: from the trenches of the emerging multipolar world” is now finally out in hard (paper) format and as an Kindle ebook. This book is a collection of what I consider my most important articles written for the blog over the past years. This is a big book (600 pages!)

Week Six of the Russian Intervention in Syria: a first major success for the Syrian armed forces

This column was originally written for the Unz Review: Finally. After weeks of gruelling combat the Syrian armed forces have liberated the Kuweyres air base in northern Syria. This is a huge victory for the Syrians because during the 2,5 year long siege of the airbase it had become an important symbol of the Syrian determination to resist the Takfiris in general and, especially, Daesh which had deployed its best

A warning about the Paris terror attacks

Dear friends, While it is way too early to come to any conclusions about what really happened in Paris, I want to share the following thought with you: President Hollande has just declared that what took place was an act of war.  This, in turn, means that the entire NATO alliance could be called in to respond to this (under Article 5).  As for the attackers, already one Syrian passport

Did Russia just “gently” threaten the USA?

Interesting stuff today.  A major Russian TV channel just aired a report about Putin meeting with his top military commanders.  I don’t have the time to translate what Putin said word for word, but basically he said that the USA had refused every single Russian offer to negotiate about the US anti-missile system in Europe and that while the US had initially promised that the real target of this system

Russia’s intervention in Syria – a reality-based evaluation

It has been over one month since the Russians launched their military and political operation in Syria and the time for hyperbole and flag waving has clearly passed.  Gone are the “most anticipated showdown in recent history” along with rumors of MiG-31s, Russian paratroopers, “thousands” of military personnel, ballistic submarines and other such nonsense.   And, contrary to what some wrote, none of what happened was “coordinated with the White House”. 

Week Five of the Russian Intervention in Syria: The Russians Are Digging in

This column was originally written for the Unz Review: Whether this tragedy was directly linked to the war in Syria or not, there is no doubt that the downing of Kogalymavia Flight 9268 was the main event of the past week. Since I have covered this issue elsewhere, I shall not return to it in detail again here. I will just repeat here my personal conclusion that this tragedy

A few thoughts about the rumors around the downing of Kogalymavia Flight 9268

Well, I tried to avoid writing about this topic until more hard facts became available.  But since this is apparently turning into a political fight between, on one side, Russia and Egypt and, on the other, the US and UK, I think that I can at least offer a few general thoughts. What we know so far is this: Kogalymavia Flight 9268 had left Sharm el-Sheikh International Airport, Egypt, en

Week Four of the Russian Intervention in Syria: assessing the Vienna declaration

I would argue that, at least so far, Russia has achieved many important goal in her intervention in Syria.  Most importantly, the Russian intervention in Syria forced the USA to agree to a conference in which all the regional actors, including Iran, would be invited.  At the end of its proceedings the conference adopted a joint statement which I have fully reposted here: I believe that this statement represents
