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Saker Analyses and Interviews

Led by Poland, the European “house Negroes” compete for the Darwin Awards:

This article was written for the Unz Review: And now, when all of these benefits and all this aid has been lost and discarded, England, leading the France offers to guarantee the integrity of Poland — the same in Poland, which just six months ago with greed hyena appetite took part in the robbery and destruction of the Czechoslovak state. -Winston Churchill, The Gathering Storm We really live in

A Russian warning

We, the undersigned, are Russians living and working in the USA. We have been watching with increasing anxiety as the current US and NATO policies have set us on an extremely dangerous collision course with the Russian Federation, as well as with China. Many respected, patriotic Americans, such as Paul Craig Roberts, Stephen Cohen, Philip Giraldi, Ray McGovern and many others have been issuing warnings of a looming a Third

How Russia is preparing for WWIII

This article was written for the Unz Review: I have recently posted a piece in which I tried to debunk a few popular myths about modern warfare. Judging by many comments which I received in response to this post, I have to say that the myths in question are still alive and well and that I clearly failed to convince many readers. What I propose to do today, is

Putin’s poisoned gift to the Ukraine (first impressions – not an “analysis”)

As most commentators had predicted, Putin has agreed to exchange Nadezhda Savchenko for 2 Russians citizens accused by the Junta of being terrorists.  To be honest, I am deeply disgusted by the fact that this rabid Nazi was allowed to walk free.  Of course, I understand that IF the two Russians captured by the Ukies were really any kind of intelligence officers, Putin just had to obtain their release.  I

Debunking popular clichés about modern warfare

“What would a war between Russia and the USA look like?” This must be the question which I am most frequently asked.  This is also the question to which I hear the most outlandish and ill-informed responses to.  I have addressed this question in the past and those interested in this topic can consult the following articles: Remembering the important lessons of the Cold War Making sense of Obama’s billion

The Ukraine between Fascism, Ochlocracy and Breakup

This article was written for the Unz Review: There is less talk about the rump-Ukraine in the news these days, especially in the western corporate media, and there is a good reason for that: that short-lived Urkonazi “Banderastan” is falling apart. This is hardly surprising since the entire concept was never viable in the first place. Let’s remember how it all began. It is crucial to remember that there

In Syria, Russia Defends Civilization – the West Sides with Barbarism

This article was written for The Duran: The recent Russian concert in Palmyra was an event loaded with symbolism.  While it was the Syrians who liberated this ancient city and while the Russian only provided support, this support was crucial and, besides, it was not just Palmyra which Russia saved, but the Syrian nation.  I would even argue that the Russians in Palmyra saved not just Syria, but all of civilization. Imagine you are

Counter-propaganda, Russian style

This column was written for the Unz review: Listening to the western corporate media one would get the impression that the Kremlin controls all the Russian media with an iron grip and that not a word of criticism of Russia, nevermind Putin himself, is ever allowed. So bad is this situation that the AngloZionists are now funding new “information” efforts to counter-act the Russian propaganda machine and bring some

Catherine Austin Fitts interviews the Saker for the Solari Report: A Unipolar vs. Multipolar World

Dear friends, Last month I have had, once again, the real pleasure to have a one hour long conversation with Catherine Austin Fitts, the president of Solari, Inc., the publisher of The Solari Report and managing member of Solari Investment Advisory Services.  Normally, the Catherine’s interviews are for subscribers only, but she has kindly agreed to make it available for free to our community. Here is the main page of

A negative view of Christianity and religion in general

Dear friends, Christ is Risen! I have enjoyed a much needed break, but I could not fully forget about the blog and a few current events.  Many of you have asked me for my reaction to the meeting between Patriarch Kirill and Pope Francis but at the time I decided not to comment about it.  The time just did not feel right and I was not ready for it.  However,

Is Putin preparing a governmental purge?

This article was written for the Unz Review: As he does once a year, last week President Putin spend over three and a half hours answering 80 questions out of the 3+ million questions which were received. The show, which was aired live on Channel One, Rossiya-1 and Rossiya-24 TV channels, and the Mayak, Vesti FM and Radio Rossii was an unprecedented success which was watched and commented upon

Putin creates a Russian National Guard

This article was written for the Unz Review: The recent announcement by President Putin of the creation of a Russian National Guard has triggered a flurry of wild speculations about the reasons behind this important move. Some experts saw that as a way to prepare a bloody crackdown against an insurrection, others have speculated that Putin needed a new force to deal with protests and riots, while others have

The controversy about Stalin – a “basket” of preliminary considerations

When introducing Jimmie Moglia’s video series about Stalin I promised to share with you my own take on this most controversial personality.  Let me immediately say that what I will write below is most definitely not some seminal analysis of the life and personality of Stalin, but rather few more or less disjointed thoughts on a topic which I still feel that I do not understand. The figure of Stalin

The EU’s “suicide by reality denial”

This article was written for the Unz Review: What had to happen did happen. The EU, being the chain of weak links it is, did eventually give in, and the Dutch people were the first one to vote against the association with the Ukraine. Of course, the Euroburocrats can now find some reason to declare the vote invalid, they can declare that some law was violated, they can even

Uncle Shmuel points fingers (aka “Panama Papers”)

The so-called “Panama Papers” which are presented by the world’s corporate media as some kind of super-mega-uber-Wikileaks are simply the latest US strategic PSYOP.  Of course, no hard proof of that will ever materialize, but take a look at this pretty good summary of the leak so far: The source: an anonymous leaker who has made a “no meeting ever” a condition. The media support: 400 journalists at 107 media

Yet another version of Mozgovoi’s murder.

by Colonel Cassad (Boris Pozhin) Source: Translated by Seva Journalist Roman Skomorokhov proposed yet another version of the murder of Alexey Mozgovoi. It sometimes happens that the story is over, and it makes no sense to return to it. One cannot revive the dead, whereas issues of honor and memory in some places do not matter, to put it mildly. But as far as this story goes, I could

Why Islamic State carried out Paris and Brussels attacks?

by Nauman Sadiq As we know that France under Nicolas Sarkozy had played a lead role in fomenting the insurgency against the Gaddafi regime in Libya in 2011 and after him Francois Hollande too had been on the forefront of supporting the Sunni militants in Syria against the Alawite-Shi’a Assad regime. That arrangement of an informal pact between the Western powers and the Sunni jihadists of the Middle East against

The Life of Stalin by Jimmie Moglia

Foreword by the Saker: Today I am presenting you with what I consider a very important publication.  My friend Jimmie Moglia, whom you might remember from his excellent series on the history of the Ukraine and the history of American imperialism, has just released a 5-part video series on the life of Stalin.  I am posting it here before having had the opportunity to view it because I want to

Saker rant about a stolen Europe

My latest column about Europe has elicited a lot of reactions, more than I expected, and I feel that I have to follow up by answering some of the comments made and by simply sharing with you not so much my thoughts as my feelings about Europe and her plight.  Careful here, this will be a angry rant, written with sadness and despair in my heart, and with no regard

The writing is on the wall for the European Union

This column was written for the Unz Review: The latest bomb attacks in Brussels are the clear proof that the attacks in Paris were not a fluke, but the first in what is likely to be a long string of similar terror attacks. Such attacks are really nothing new, this is exactly what Russia has to endure in the 1990s, from the same people and for the same reasons.
