This article was written for the Unz Review:
I have recently posted a piece in which I tried to debunk a few popular myths about modern warfare. Judging by many comments which I received in response to this post, I have to say that the myths in question are still alive and well and that I clearly failed to convince many readers. What I propose to do today, is to look at what Russia is really doing in response to the growing threat from the West. But first, I have to set the context or, more accurately, re-set the context in which Russia is operating. Let’s begin by looking at the AngloZionist policies towards Russia.
The West’s actions:
First on this list is, obviously, the conquest by NATO of all of Eastern Europe. I speak of conquest because that is exactly what it is, but a conquest achieved according to the rules of 21st century warfare which I define as “80% informational, 15% economic and 5% military”. Yes, I know, the good folks of Eastern Europe were just dreaming of being subjugated by the US/NATO/EU/etc – but so what? Anyone who has read Sun Tzu will immediately recognize that this deep desire to be ‘incorporated’ into the AngloZionist “Borg” is nothing else but the result of a crushed self-identity, a deep-seated inferiority complex and, thus, a surrender which did not even have to be induced by military means. At the end of the day, it makes no difference what the locals thought they were achieving – they are now subjects of the Empire and their countries more or less irrelevant colonies in the fringe of the AngloZionist Empire. As always, the local comprador elite is now bubbling with pride at being, or so they think, accepted as equals by their new masters (think Poroshenko, Tusk or Grybauskaite) which gives them the courage to bark at Moscow from behind the NATO fence. Good for them.
Second is the now total colonization of Western Europe into the Empire. While NATO moved to the East, the US also took much deeper control of Western Europe which is now administered for the Empire by what the former Mayor of London once called the “great supine protoplasmic invertebrate jellies” – faceless bureaucrats à la François Hollande or Angela Merkel.
Third, the Empire has given its total support to semi-demonic creatures ranging from al-Khattab to Nadezhda Savchenko. The West’s policy is crystal clear and simple to the extreme: if it is anti-Russian we back it. This policy is best exemplified with a Putin and Russia demonization campaign which is, in my opinion, far worse and much more hysterical than anything during the Cold War.
Fourth, the West has made a number of highly disturbing military moves including the deployment of the first elements of an anti-missile system in Eastern Europe, the dispatching of various forms of rapid reaction forces, the deployment of a few armored units, etc. NATO now has forward deployed command posts which can be used to support the engagement of a rapid reaction force.
What does all this add up to?
Right now, nothing much, really. Yes, the NATO move right up to the Russian borders is highly provocative, but primarily in political terms. In purely military terms, not only is this a very bad idea (see cliché #6 here), but the size of the actual forces deployed is, in reality, tiny: the ABM system currently deployed can, at best, hope to intercept a few missiles (10-20 depending on your assumptions) as for the conventional forces they are of the battalion size (more or less 600 soldiers plus support). So right now there is categorically no real military threat to Russia.
So why are the Russians so clearly upset?
Because the current US/NATO moves might well be just the first steps of a much larger effort which, given enough time, might begin presenting a very real danger for Russia.
Furthermore, the kind of rhetoric coming out of the West now is not only militaristic and russophobic, it is often outright messianic. The last time around the West had a flare up of its 1000 year old chronic “messianic syndrome” condition Russia lost 20 (to 30) million people. So the Russians can be forgiven if they are paying a great deal of attention to what the AngloZionist propaganda actually says about them.
The Russians are most dismayed at the re-colonization of western Europe. Long gone are the days when people like Charles de Gaulle, Helmut Schmidt or François Mitterrand, were in charge of Europe’s future. For all their very real faults, these men were at least real patriots and not just US colonial administrators. The ‘loss’ of Western Europe is far more concerning for the Russians than the fact that ex-Soviet colonies in Eastern Europe are now under US colonial administration. Why?
Look at this from the Russian point of view.
The Russians all see that the US power is on the decline and that the dollar will, sooner or later, gradually or suddenly, lose its role as the main reserve and exchange currency on the planet (this process has already begun). Simply put – unless the US finds a way to dramatically change the current international dynamic the AngloZionist Empire will collapse. The Russians believe that what the Americans are doing is, at best, to use tensions with Russia to revive a dormant Cold War v2 and, at worst, to actually start a real shooting war in Europe.
So a declining Empire with a vital need for a major crisis, a spineless Western Europe unable to stand up for its own interest, a subservient Eastern Europe just begging to turn into a massive battlefield between East and West, and a messianic, rabidly russophobic rhetoric as the background for an increase in military deployments on the Russian border. Is anybody really surprised that the Russians are taking all this very, very serious even if right now the military threat is basically non-existent?
The Russian reaction
So let us now examine the Russian reaction to Empire’s stance.
First, the Russians want to make darn sure that the Americans do not give in into the illusion that a full-scale war in Europe would be like WWII which saw the US homeland only suffer a few, tiny, almost symbolic, attacks by the enemy. Since a full scale war in Europe would threaten the very existence of the Russian state and nation, the Russians are now taking measures to make darn sure that, should that happen, the US would pay an immense price for such an attack.
Second, the Russians are now evidently assuming that a conventional threat from the West might materialize in the foreseeable future. They are therefore taking the measures needed to counter that conventional threat.
Third, since the USA appears to be dead set into deploying an anti-ballistic missile system not only in Europe, but also in the Far East, the Russians are taking the measures to both defeat and bypass this system.
The Russian effort is a vast and a complex one, and it covers almost every aspect of Russian force planing, but there are four examples which, I think, best illustrate the Russian determination not to allow a 22 June 1941 to happen again:
- The re-creation of the First Guards Tank Army (in progress)
- The deployment of the Iskander-M operational-tactical missile system (done)
- The deployment of the Sarmat ICBM (in progress)
- The deployment of the Status-6 strategic torpedo (in progress)
The re-creation of the First Guards Tank Army
It is hard to believe, but the fact is that between 1991 and 2016 Russia did not have a single large formation (division size and bigger) in its Western Military District. A few brigades, regiments and battalions which nominally were called an “Army”. To put it simply – Russia clearly did not believe that there was a conventional military threat from the West and therefore she did not even bother deploying any kind of meaningful military force to defend from such a non-existing threat. By the way, that fact should also tell you everything you need to know about Russian plans to invade the Ukraine, Poland or the Baltics: this is utter nonsense. This has now dramatically changed.
Russia has officially announced that the First Guards Tank Army (a formation with a prestigious and very symbolic history). This Guards Tank Army will now include the 4th “Kantemirov” Guards Tank Division, the 2nd “Taman” Guards Motorized Rifle Division, the 6th Tank Brigade, the 27th Guards Motor Rifle Brigade Sevastopol and many support units. This Army’s HQ will be located in the Odinstovo suburb of Moscow. Currently the Army is equipped with T-72B3 and T-80 main battle tanks, but they will be replaced by the brand new and revolutionary T-14 Armata tank while the current infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers will be replaced by the new APC and IFV. In the air, these armored units will be protected and supported by Mi-28 and Ka-52 attack helicopters. Make no mistake, this will be a very large force, exactly the kind of force needed so smash through an attacking enemy forces (by the way, the 1TGA was present at the Kursk battle). I am pretty sure that by the time the 1TGA is fully organized it will become the most powerful armored formation anywhere between the Atlantic and the Urals (especially in qualitative terms). If the current tensions continue or even worsen, the Russians could even augment the 1TGA to a type of 21st century “Shock Army” with increased mobility and specializing in breaking deep into the enemy’s defenses.
The deployment of the Iskander-M operational-tactical missile system
The new Iskander-M operational tactical missile system is a formidable weapon by any standard. While technically it is a short-range tactical missile (under 1000km range, the Iskander-M has an official range of 500km), it can also fire the R-500 missile has the capability of striking at an intermediate/operational range (over 1000km, the R-500 has a range of 2000km). It is extremely accurate, it has advanced anti-ABM capabilities, it flies at hypersonic speeds and is practically undetectable on the ground (see here for more details). This will be the missile tasked with destroying all the units and equipment the US and NATO have forward-deployed in Eastern Europe and, if needed, clear the way for the 1TGA.
The deployment of the Sarmat ICBM
Neither the 1TGA nor the Iskander-M missile will threaten the US homeland in any way. Russia thus needed some kind of weapon which would truly strike fear into the Pentagon and White House in the way the famous RS-36 Voevoda (aka SS-18 “Satan” in US classification) did during the Cold War. The SS-18, the most powerful ICBM ever developed, was scary enough. The RS-28 “Sarmat” (SS-X-30 by NATO classification) brings the terror to a totally new level.
The Sarmat is nothing short of amazing. It will be capable of carrying 10-15 MIRVed warheads which will be delivered in a so-called “depressed” (suborbital) trajectory and which will remain maneuverable at hypersonic speeds. The missile will not have to use the typical trajectory over the North Pole but will be capable of reaching any target anywhere on the planet from any trajectory. All these elements combined will make the Sarmat itself and its warheads completely impossible to intercept.
The Sarmat will also be capable of delivering conventional Iu-71 hypersonic warheads capable of a “kinetic strike” which could be used to strike a fortified enemy target in a non-nuclear conflict. This will be made possible by the amazing accuracy of the Sarmat’s warheads which, courtesy of a recent Russian leak, we now know have a CEP of 10 meters (see screen capture)
The Sarmat’s silos will be protected by a unique “active protection measures” which will include 100 guns capable of firing a “metallic cloud” of forty thousand 30mm “bullets” to an altitude of up to 6km. The Russians are also planning to protect the Sarmat with their new S-500 air defense systems. Finally, the Sarmat’s preparation to start time will be under 60 seconds thanks a a highly automated launch system. What this all means is that the Sarmat missile will be invulnerable in its silo, during it’s flight and on re-entry in the lower parts of the atmosphere.
It is interesting to note that while the USA has made a great deal of noise around its planned Prompt Global Strike system, the Russians have already begun deploying their own version of this concept.
The deployment of the Status-6 strategic torpedo
Do you remember the carefully staged “leak” in November of last year when the Russians ‘inadvertently’ showed a super dooper secret strategic torpedo on prime time news? Here is this (in)famous slide:
What is shown here is an “autonomous underwater vehicle” which has advanced navigational capabilities but which can also be remote controlled and steered from a specialized command module. This vehicle can dive as deep as 1000m, at a speed up to 185km/h and it has a range of up to 10’000km. It is delivered by specially configured submarines.
The Status-6 system can be used to target aircraft carrier battle groups, US navy bases (especially SSBN bases) and, in its most frighting configuration, it can be used to deliver high-radioactivity cobalt bombs capable of laying waste to huge expanses of land. The Status-6 delivery system would be a new version of the T-15 torpedo which would be 24m long, 1,5m wide weigh 40 tons and capable of delivering a 100 megaton warhead which would make it twice as powerful as the most powerful nuclear device ever detonated, the Soviet Czar-bomb (57 megatons). Hiroshima was only 15 kilotons.
Keep in mind that most of the USA’s cities and industrial centers are all along the coastline which makes them extremely vulnerable to torpedo based attacks (be it Sakharov’s proposed “Tsunami bomb” or the Status-6 system). And, just as in the case of the Iskander-M or the Sarmat ICBM, the depth and speed of the Status-6 torpedo would make it basically invulnerable to incerception.
There is really nothing new in all of the above, and US military commanders have always known that. All the US anti-ballistic missile systems have always been primarily a financial scam, from Reagan’s “Star Wars” to Obama’s “anti-Iranian ABM”. For one thing, any ABM system is susceptible to ‘local saturation’: if you have X number ABM missile protecting a Y long space against an X number of missiles, all that you need to do is to saturate only one sector of the Y space with *a lot* of real and fake missiles by firing them all together through one small sector of the Y space the ABM missile system is protecting. And there are plenty of other measures the Russians could take. They could put just one single SLBM capable submarine in Lake Baikal making it basically invulnerable. There is already some discussion of that idea in Russia. Another very good option would be to re-activate the Soviet BzhRK rail-mobile ICBM. Good luck finding them in the immense Russian train network. In fact, the Russians have plenty of cheap and effective measure. Want me to list one more?
Take the Kalibr cruise-missile recently seen in the war in Syria. Did you know that it can be shot from a typical commerical container, like the ones you will find on trucks, trains or ships? Check out this excellent video which explains this:
Just remember that the Kalibr has a range of anywhere between 50km to 4000km and that it can carry a nuclear warhead. How hard would it be for Russia to deploy these cruise missiles right off the US coast in regular container ships? Or just keep a few containers in Cuba or Venezuela? This is a system which is so undetectable that the Russians could deploy it off the coast of Australia to hit the NSA station in Alice Springs if they wanted, an nobody would even see it coming.
The reality is that the notion that the US could trigger a war against Russia (or China for that matter) and not suffer the consequences on the US mainland is absolutely ridiculous. And yet, when I hear all the crazy talk by western politicians and generals I get the impression that they are forgetting about this undeniable fact. Frankly, even the current threats against Russia have a ‘half-backed’ feel to them: a battalion here, another one there, a few missiles here, a few more there. It is like the rulers of the Empire don’t realize that it is a very, very bad idea to constantly poke a bear when all you are carrying with you is a pocket-knife. Sometimes the reaction of western politicians remind me of the thugs who try to rob a gas station with a plastic or empty gun and who are absolutely stunned with they get gunned down by the owner or the cops. This kind of thuggery is nothing more than a form of “suicide by cop” which never ends well for the one trying to get away with it.
So sometimes things have to be said directly and unambiguously: western politicians better not believe in their own imperial hubris. So far, all their threats have achieved is that the Russians have responded with a many but futile verbal protests and a full-scale program to prepare Russia for WWIII.
As I have written many times, Russians are very afraid of war and they will go out of their way to avoid it. But they are also ready for war. This is a uniquely Russian cultural feature which the West has misread an innumerable number of time over the past 1000 years or so. Over and over again have the Europeans attacked Russia only to find themselves into a fight they would never have imagined, even in their worst nightmares. This is why the Russians like to say that “Russia never starts wars, she only ends them”.
There is a profound cultural chasm between how the West views warfare and how the Russians do. In the West, warfare is, really, “the continuation of politics by other means”. For Russians, it is a ruthless struggle for survival. Just look at generals in the West: they are polished and well mannered managers much more similar to corporate executives than with, say, Mafia bosses. Take a look at Russian generals (for example, watch the Victory Day parade in Moscow). In comparison to their western colleagues they look almost brutish, because first and foremost they are ruthless and calculating killers. I don’t mean that in a negative way – they often are individually very honorable and even kind men, and like every good commander, they care for their men and love their country. But the business they are in in not the continuation of politics by other means, the business they are in is survival. At all cost.
You cannot judge a military or, for that matter, a nation, by how it behaves when it triumphs, when it is on the offensive pursing a defeated enemy. All armies look good when they are winning. You can really judge of the nature of a military, or a nation, at its darkest hour, when things are horrible and the situation worse than catastrophic. That was the case in 1995 when the Eltsin regime ordered a totally unprepared, demoralized, poorly trained, poorly fed, poorly equipped and completely disorganized Russian military (well, a few hastily assembled units) to take Grozny from the Chechens. It was hell on earth. Here is some footage of General Lev Rokhlin in a hastily organized command post in a basement inside Grozy. He is as exhausted, dirty and exposed as any of his soldiers. Just look at his face and look at the faces of the men around him. This is what the Russian army looks like when it is in the depth of hell, betrayed by the traitors sitting in the Kremlin and abandoned by most if the Russian people (who, I am sorry to remind here, mostly were only were dreaming of McDonalds and Michael Jackson in 1995).
Can you imagine, say, General Wesley Clark or David Petraeus fighting like these men did?
Check out this video of General Shamanov reading the riot act to a local Chechen politician (no translation need):
Shamanov nowadays is the Commander in Chief of the Airborne Forces (see photo) whose size Putin quietly doubled to 72’000, something I mentioned in the past as highly relevant, especially in comparison with the rather tepid force level increases announced by NATO (see “EU suidice by reality denial”). To get a feel for what modern Russian airborne forces are like, check out this article.
It is not my intention here to glorify nuclear war or the Russian Armed Forces. The reason for this, and many other, articles is to try to raise the alarm about what I see is happening nowadays. Western leaders are drunk on their own imperial hubris, nations which in the past were considered as minor stains on a map now feel emboldened to constantly provoke a nuclear superpower, Americans are being lied to and promised that some magical high tech will protect them from war while the Russians are seriously gearing up for WWIII because they have come to the conclusion that the only way to prevent that war is to make absolutely and unequivocally clear to the AngloZionists that they will never survive a war with Russia, even if every single Russian is killed.
I remember the Cold War well. I was part of it. And I remember that the vast majority of us, on both sides, realized that a war between Russia and the West must be avoided at all costs. Now I am horrified when I read articles by senior officials seriously discussing such a possibility.
Just read this article, please: What would a war between the EU and Russia look like? Here is what this guy writes:
To the poetically inclined, the Russian military looks more like a gigantic pirate crew, than a regular army. The ones who rule are the ones with the sharpest cutlass and biggest mouth, typically some scurvy infested mateis who rely on the support of their mates to make any unpopular “officer” walk the plank… Or, more apt, they resemble the members of the cossack horde, run by the brashier warriors… While these troops can be very brave, at times, they are not effective in the field against a well regulated and trained modern military machine. Given this, it is improbably, ney, impossible for ordinary Russian troops to conduct operations of major consequence at more than platoon level against any disciplined armies, especially the US, British, German, or French.
This kind of writing really scares me. Not because of the imbecilic and racist stupidity of it, but because it largely goes unchallenged in the mainstream media. Not only that, there are plenty such articles written elsewhere (see here, here or here). Of course, the authors of that kind of “analyses” make their money precisely the kind of manic cheer-leading for the western forces, but that is exactly the mindset which got Napoleon and Hitler in trouble and which ended with Russian forces stationed in Paris and Berlin. Compare that kind of jingoistic and, frankly, irresponsible nonsense with what a real military commander, Montgomery, had to say on this topic:
The next war on land will be very different from the last one, in that we shall have to fight it in a different way. In reaching a decision on that matter, we must first be clear about certain rules of war. Rule 1, on page I of the book of war, is: “Do not march on Moscow”. Various people have tried it, Napoleon and Hitler, and it is no good. That is the first rule.
So who do you trust? Professional cheerleaders or professional soldiers? Do you really believe that Obama (or Hillary), Merkel and Hollande will do better than Napoleon or Hitler?
If the AngloZionist ‘deep state’ is really delusional enough to trigger a war with Russia, in Europe or elsewhere, the narcissistic and hedonistic West, drunk on its own propaganda and hubris, will discover a level of violence and warfare it cannot even imagine and if that only affected those responsible for these reckless and suicidal policies it would be great. But the problem is, of course, that many millions of us, simple, regular people, will suffer and die as a consequence of our collective failure to prevent that outcome. I hope and pray that my repeated warnings will at least contribute to what I hope is a growing realization that this folly has to be immediately stopped and that sanity must return to politics.
The Saker
The following Pentagon plan from 1992 explains why the US empire is waging this war against Russia.
“Excerpts From Pentagon’s Plan: ‘Prevent the Re-Emergence of a New Rival’
the U.S. must show the leadership necessary to establish and protect a new order that holds the promise of convincing potential competitors that they need not aspire to a greater role or pursue a more aggressive posture to protect their legitimate interests. Second, in the non-defense areas, we must account sufficiently for the interests of the advanced industrial nations to discourage them from challenging our leadership or seeking to overturn the established political and economic order. Finally, we must maintain the mechanisms for deterring potential competitors from even aspiring to a larger regional or global role. An effective reconstitution capability is important here, since it implies that a potential rival could not hope to quickly or easily gain a predominant military position in the world.
access to vital raw materials, primarily Persian Gulf oil;”
The ambition of the psychopaths who rule the West (and they are psychopaths, nothing else)is not a world of justice, equality, humanity, compassion and kindness. We can see the real face of the Yankee Reich in the deformed children born in Fallujah, courtesy of depleted uranium, and in similar abominations still afflicting the Vietnamese generations after the chemical warfare assault there. We see it everywhere around the world where ‘Western Moral Values’ have brought nothing but death, destruction and misery. And even within Western societies themselves where inequality, social sadism, poverty and misery grow in direct relation to elite greed and misanthropy. And if you want a ‘living’ embodiment of the Western ubermensch that has brought so much suffering to humanity, while narcissistically proclaiming their perfection, I can think of no better candidate than Madeleine Albright, that ‘female’ version of Davros, the creator of the Daleks, who appears actually to be too evil to die.
This creature, central to numerous genocidal atrocities from Rwanda to the dismembering of Yugoslavia, casually observed that the deaths of 500,000 Iraqi children under the age of five, caused, quite deliberately, by the US/UK imposed sanctions on Iraq, was, in her opinion, a price that ‘Yes’, was ‘worth it’. Surely there cannot be any further question about what these creatures are and what they represent?
Which makes me believe that Russia and China’s paramount necessity is not to arm themselves to deter these monsters, but to be as different from them socially, economically, culturally, psychologically, as possible, and thus give the decent fraction of humanity some hope that the genocidal beasts who rule the West can be defeated, and their evil ideology utterly repudiated, forever. The BRICS are history, Brazil, as with the rest of Latin America, back under the Yankee jack-boot. South Africa is toppling and India under the fascist Modi and the influence of ‘Indian-Americans’ firmly in Uncle Satan’s camp. If Russia or China falls to US subversion (and the military belligerence is partly designed to empower Quislings inside Russia and China, new Yeltsins or Gorbachevs, if possible)then it’s all over for mankind. A full victory for the psychopaths will be followed by a general genocide of ‘useless eaters’, the 90% that the parasites no longer need, in an age of computerisation, robotisation and automation.
Excelente resposta. Os Estados Unidos é o estado mais genocida, terrorista interventor e do planeta.
Please do not use caps in spelling whole words.It’s prohibited by the rules. I corrected it this one time for you.MOD
(Excellent response. The United States is the most genocidal state,intervenor terrorist and planet.)MOD
WWIII will be against the Sino-Russian axis.
The US and NATO HAS NO chances at all to win either in a conventional or a nuclear scenario.
Moreover, China’s military power is growing exponentially and they have already surpassed the level of sophistication seen in the west.
China and Russia will launch a devastating preemptive war against continental US in the coming future: ordinary Americans need to feel the pain of foreign armies occupying their homeland for many years to come (like German and Japanese people suffered at the end of WWII), and China’s PLA is surely ready for that.
The United States is a superpower in an irreversible decline and the ascension of People’s Republic of China as the indisputable superpower of the 21st Century will occur once WWIII gets into full motion.
Mulga, you are a beautiful person, really. Wonderfully put.
The Satanically inspired ambitions of the ‘West’ (really just the fifth column / deep state in the U.S); driven by a racist and elitist ideology, cannot be stopped by the Russo-Sino axis alone.
Wait till Bio-Engineered Warfare is mastered and these Satanists I mentioned unleash hell on ‘races’ of Chinese and Russian ethnicity/decent. And around the whole World racial /genetic groupings. If not by way of how I mentioned above, the option of Global nuclear war is really not a problem for these stated nefarious types.
Anyways, what I’m trying to say is peace on Earth will only happen when Humanity takes upon itself to find, identify and gather these ‘chosen’ Talmudic/Chabadist Cabal of evil doers and build massive space shuttles with enough fuel to get ‘them’ past Orion’s Belt. Put ‘them ‘ on and send them on their way, thus, Humanities conscience will be clear; ‘No Genocide Here’. However brutal this may sound, these ‘Chosen Ones’ must be routed, at all costs. It’s either ‘us'(99.9%) or ‘them'(.1%).
The only thing that troubles me though is that far away Alien civilizations will come looking for us seeking revenge for sending such an abomination their way.
WW3 has already started, time is running out.
Great idea! Fly them off earth…..they hate us and hate earth anyway. We must be sure everyone is ready to let them go. Bon voyage!
It makes it clear that any incursion towards or in the Russian world is a part of a unified whole toward fulfilling that policy goal. Whether it be 500 mercenaries in Ukraine or a Missile Defence Shield that supposedly doesn’t work. What is more this plan is being accelerated at an alarming pace. “NATO could expand its presence – again, this time with Montenegro bidding for membership of the alliance. The country’s government insists the decision is supported by the majority of the people, but polls show otherwise – almost half of Montenegro…”
May 27, 2016 07:37 RT Sophie Co.
It is history now. They missed the train. Powers who are doing exactly what Pentagon wanted to prevent are already here and they are defending their core national interests. There is thing called momentum and momentum against US hegemony is gathering momentum.
Basically, Washington has no one to blame but itself. it is American irresponsible policies that created this situation. The dream of nations forgetting about their national interests and surrendering without being defeated is laughable :) It only could have been conjured by those raised in Ivory Towers.
Well said and I believe you are correct. The current state of affairs has not only become intolerable, but it is falling apart as we speak. While it will take time and avoiding destruction will probably not be possible, we have to defend what is to the good of humankind, no matter the cost.
@”good folks of Eastern Europe were just dreaming of being subjugated”
This is the result of US propaganda and bribe money specified for example in the NSDD 54.
“United States Policy Toward Eastern Europe
I have determined that the primary long-term U.S. goal in Eastern Europe is to facilitate its eventual reintegration into the European community of nations.
Reinforcing the pro-Western orientation of thier peoples.
Encouraging more private market-oriented development of thier economies, free trade union activity, etc.
Cultural and Educational Exchange and Informational Programs. Such programs will be employed to reinforce the pro-Western
orientation of the populace in Eastern Europe, and communicate U.S. views to audiences there.”
“Throughout the 1980s, in the build-up to 1989’s velvet revolutions, a small army of volunteers – and, let’s be frank, spies – co-operated to promote what became People Power. A network of interlocking foundations and charities mushroomed to organise the logistics of transferring millions of dollars to dissidents. The money came overwhelmingly from Nato states and covert allies such as “neutral” Sweden.”
“After weeks of delay, the Senate today approved a $657 million program to promote democracy, private enterprise and the development of a free-market economy in Poland.”
@ Anon:
“United States Policy Toward Eastern Europe
I have determined that the primary long-term U.S. goal in Eastern Europe is to facilitate its eventual reintegration into the European community of nations [..]”
Sorry to have to disagree with you (and sorry again, because I really didn’t check the links you provided).
I think the Hegemon plan is far simpler than what you propose. Eastern Europe is being bribed by the Eurocrats with various ‘goodies’ and money, supported (financially) mainly by what I call the Big Three = Germany, France and UK, in order to expand both the EU and eventually NATO, right into Russia’s borders.
Proof positive of this theory of mine is the financial mess the so-called “PIGS” countries are in, and how they’re being ignored/mistreated by the EU. And why? Because, a) unfortunately for Italy, Portugal, Spain and Greece are all EU Southern countries (the EU, has no intentions of expanding towards Africa, at least not at the present time, so they get no financial aid from the Union. They’re just getting bled dry), and b) they couldn’t be furthest from Russia, geographically speaking, so this renders them irrelevant in the big “scheme” of things.
Well… with perhaps the exception of Greece (maybe?), since the Eurocrats are so keen to accept the increasingly salafist, terrorist-supporter Turkey into the Union. Maybe Greece is finding itself on the position of having an unexpected leverage, which quite frankly, morally, they shouldn’t even consider to use.
Anyhoo.. the rough idea is to lure Eastern European countries into the EU (Poland and Romania are two prime examples of this). Grant them free-movement, this ease their countries unemployment rates when people leave in flocks (mostly headed to the Big Three, or Scandinavia) = less people to feed, less children to school, less sick to treat (etc) + more surpluses in tax collection when the liabilities [with no contributions] are gone.
Secondly; they do get EU grants (or free money), straight from Brussels. Same free money that is adamantly denied to the PIGS, btw.
Thirdly; people who left the country and have family back home, tend to send money back to their home countries to help the relatives left behind, bringing even more cash into their respective countries’ economies.
Lastly; depending on which country of the Big Three these people emigrated to, lots of them are entitled to social benefits on behalf of the family they have (example: children) even if their children are still back in their home country! That means even more cash-inflows fowing from Western Europe into, mostly Eastern Europe.
This is how the EU, entices, particularly Eastern European countries to join the EU. Not to mention, this is the prime reason why your average Ukrainian supports joining the EU. As I’m pretty convinced; they can’t care less about “western values” as much as they care about the free Mammon they’ve heard they’ll get – from their friends the Polish and Romanians – if they join the EU.
The long-term EU/Nato vision is to completely encircle Russia – via bribes, hook or crook – while your average dumb-ass Eastern European is more than willing to settle for WWIII, so long s/he can get some token freebies from the EU in exchange before we all get incinerated.
That’s – in my opinion – what it boils down to.
@ TL2Q
I agree with your general proposition that this ties in with the US use of European institutions (NATO/UE – Nato operates in Europe) as well as the World Bank, IMF,SIS, WTO, ASEAN, UNO, etc. in its plans for world hegemony. That’s why they were set up by the US in the first place for the isolation and encirclement of USSR/Russia. (see my post here). In fact some of the clauses of the Maastricht Treat specifically mention the integration with Nato is a condition for accession to the EU.
Easy to gloss over the fact that during the Soviet occupation people in those countries suffered more or less continually under an oppressive regime, all lost family members to the gulags etc. As much as I don’t like what the West is doing in Eastern Europe, you can’t deny the fact that they aren’t locking people up left right and centre for criticising the dear leader, or for complaining about the bread queues. Western bias doesn’t come from nowhere. People are ignorant of who they support but they still can smell that Russia is a threat and hasn’t repented for her own bad ways of the past.
you blow my the best way…phwoarrrr..
You are so right
Thanks for this timely and sobering article. I live on the West Coast of the US about 70 miles north of LA. If all out war comes I’ll be affected. I’m proud of Russia and the Vineyard for what they’re doing to stop war.
I happened to see Trump’s victory news conference today. I much prefer him to Clinton. I just hope Trump has agents in the deep state who can foil an assassination attempt. He has many enemies who would like to take him out. He wants to rebuilt the US military. He cited an example of pilots who did not have needed parts. He’s an unknown wild card but better than an incompetent killer with a grudge.
Hillary is the Neocons’ dream President-and would become the World’s nightmare! Pray for Trump’s safety!
Until the last day in September 2015, Russia has had two of each: two economies and two militaries. One economy was for the West: permanently falling into abyss, infected with corruption and most heinous oligarchs. The second economy was for the country: growing, building developing, inventing, exploring and investing.
That’s why there was some confusion over how “Putin,” meaning the government, financed the Syrian campaign. Because, by the Western calculation, Russia being cut from financing by the sanctions, shouldn’t be able to pay for anything. That’s why they all were waiting for an imminent “collapse.”
The same was with the military. One military for the West was run by the “corrupt” Serdyukov, a former Tax Minister, an equivalent of a director of IRS, an accountant, a civilian with no military experience, who was discussed in media as stealing millions and selling to developers some abandoned fields, historically used for military exercises. Who, however, prior to be appointed as a minister of defense, had managed to put the entire tax system in country in order
Add to this Medvedev constantly mouthing about buying more NATO made weapons, pretending that Russia couldn’t make anything. Pentagon and NATO just gobbled it up. The image of Russia’s military as a “rusty bucket,” was so deeply engraved in their heads, they still can’t get rid of it. Useful idiots and professional Russia-haters, working for thousands of think tanks, perpetuated this myth, because that’s what they only knew.
Russia needed to have two of each, because if the West knew the truth, they would attack much much earlier.
For those few dear friends, I recommend Made in Russia blog,
where you can see what’s being done practically in real time. Sorry, no English version for these news, because they are not for prying Western eyes.
Well, Scott, google translate has helped my western eyes pry well enough. I wish Russia all possible happiness in peace and prosperity, and hope to end the empire’s war on all men and women of goodwill every where, in Russia, the middle east, and even here in the west.
Thanks Scott for this background.
Russia has also had this in the news today
‘Unprecedented steps’: Russian military explores Kuril chain island as potential Pacific Fleet base …..”
I think they are sending a very clear message to US!
“a real military commander, Montgomery”
Believe it or not, I “met” Marshal Montgomery “in person”, no less… Leading some commemorative delegation to Yugoslavia and meeting with another WW2 Marshal, Tito, cca 1955. He expresses desire to visit an English language class in a gymnasium (the continental Europe’s high-school-college hybrid) in the country’s capital, so they chose for him the class I attended. Less than thirty kids. We had to say in unison “Long live Marshal Montgomery”, when he entered, in full uniform, with his beret, decorations and all, and so we did. Then he asked us то sing him a local folk (!) song. Well, there was only one kid who could sing anything, a pretty girl of 15, I still remember her, and she belted out, solo … in English: “Cowboooy Jimmyyy, yippee, yippee, yee! …” . Montgomery’s face instantly darkened, but he said nothing, politely thanked us and the lecturer, and soon left.
My good sir, not to detract from Saker’s excellent article, but can you explain to us who know little about Yugoslavia why the little girl of 15 would think sing such a song to the visiting British general, rather than a local folk song? What was going on back then?
@ Student
That’s a good point. Indeed, what was going on in the old Yugo, supposedly a communist hellhole.
@ Student
Well, all that I can tell you my young friend is, that in contrast, such a visit in the old USSR would have been well rehearsed in advance. (There would have probably been an entire folk ensemble of young performers “at hand” to “spontaneously” perform for the distinguished visitor – and he, not a fool – he outfoxed the Desert Fox, famous Feldmaschall Rommel – would have left with a bad after-taste of something not genuine.) Now, this was obviously quite another extreme… While I was at first a bit surprised by your not grasping a very simple situation, I realised that you had not been aware (and how would you be?) that, unlike in the USSR of the time, Yugoslavia was importing regularly a *huge* number of foreign films, showing them in local theatres to the masses at abysmally low prices, from, you name it – Italy, France, India, Poland … and the USA (mostly cowboy movies) – and that the popular music from all the aforementioned countries was what young people enjoyed and imitated. Bad influence? Probably. (In fact, even at that age I found myself quite in minority to have much preferred both our genuine ethnic folk music and the classical music, to all that “trendy” western nonsense, particularly to the American “jazz” abomination.)
An aside. During WW2 Montgomery was well known to be personally at odds with the American military brass, Eisenhower included. Now you get the picture. “Cowboy Jimmy” and Monty…
@ Petar
What you mean to say is that the old Yugo was already on the capitalist road.
After 1948 Yugoslavia was anti Soviet and pro West. 1991 bombing was very unexpected to them.
Interesting and well thought out article. I concur, I have heard and read of neocons in the establishment here, actually say that the US could attack Russia and or, China and WIN with out any substantial damage to the US (??? !!! Washington has bombed to many helpless Arab countries?) I remember the ‘cold war’ and I did not here such talk (Except from General Le May and other such types) that such a war should ever be engaged in.
You forgot to mention another option for Russia (Or the US): The EMP. It would take only 1 (One) around 5 to 10 megaton weapon detonated around 300 miles up or so to take out the ENTIRE power grid of the targeted nation (US) and kill up to 90% of the given population ( A nice slow death to the aggressor!) in about a year or so, of the attack.
Just FYI check out DEAGAL.COM and it’s prognostication of a population of about 65 million from 310 million of today; the US population around the year 2025(?) What do they know that we all don’t?
I desperately want to believe you,Saker. But the truth is – Russians are not ready for the war, Russia is traing to get ready, but is not ready either. If you read comments on russian forums, you will see that they are not ready even psychologically to fight for themselves and this is very discouraging.
LOL, and who do you think has the time to sit and moan on Russian fora? Not the folks in the armed forces, nor those who have resurrected Russia following 7 decades of “Communism” followed by a full decade of “democracy”. You need to hang out with different Russians. Please listen to this guy:
Take care,
The Saker
I would agree with you on most points, but I think that Russia is not quite where they need to be yet in their modernisation programme – what was it, about 65% complete this year (not certain about that percentage)? The S-500 is not yet deployed. The Sarmat is not yet deployed. The Status-6 torpedo is not yet deployed. These are all exceptionally promising systems but they are not yet fully deployed. Russia’s troop strength seems to be coming along and its military reorganisation but its rearmament (up-to-date tanks, artillery, APC, IFV, etc) is still not there.
I think Russia will be in much the condition you describe within 2-4 years? Meanwhile, I think Russia will keep a very measured profile, seeking to promote peace whenever possible and going out of its way not to encourage any kind of major confrontation with the West. At some point, however, they will throw up the wall and declare that the West has advanced as far as it will be permitted.
When Russian Generals say of weapons systems that ‘it will be deployed in 2018’, that is for gullible western media types to gobble up and play to their hubris about western superiority. In reality, it means that the system is actually ALREADY deployed, or the Generals would NEVER talk about it, least of all in advance of development or deployment. Russian Generals are not famous for boasting and showing off, unlike their US counterparts.
Scanfish, I do wish it was all exactly as you say.
Still. The Russian Federation’s military secrecy does not even resemble the USSR military secrecy. The Russian generals are not anything like the USSR generals. And that Putin is better than Yeltsin does not suffice. He is no Stalin.
Should it change, it won’t be soon (enough).
I hop that is true, Russians are known to be secretive and deceptive, in the good, military sense of the term, they will fake retreats and even appear as chicken while they prepare for 1. Their survival, 2. annihilation of their sworn ennemy. Russia is the light of the world.
Saker, I completely disagree with this “those who have resurrected Russia following 7 decades of “Communism””
I wonder, have you ever given a thought where Russia would have been without those 70 years of Communism and what Russia was before those 70 years. Have you ever given thought as to how could Russia without that massive industrial effort by said Communists to stand up to Nazi Germany? Also, practically everything which is good now in Russia was left after those 70 years of Communist rule you are bashing.
It is totally wrong.
Before Bolsheviks unfortunately Russia was backward country that lacked both in scientific and industrial areas.
I plainly do not see Russia without reforms started and implemented by Lenin/ Stalin to survive what awaited her in 1941. Hitler would have happened regardless of whether there were Bolsheviks or some capitalistic government in Russia. The cause of his rise was Versailles treaty and subsequent treatment of Germany by victors. WW2 was just a continuation of WW1.
Practically all of modern Russia scientific, technological and educational capabilities and potential are of the Soviet origin.
“Russians are not ready for the war” – what Solzhenitsyn and later Suvorov said about the Red Army at the time of the Nazi attack on the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941.
Even so, who was it that eventually, at huge cost of blood and treasure, finally defeated the Nazi’s?
@ Markin
The USSR was lucky then to have Stalin without whom the course of history would have been a very different one.
The USSR was being re-armed and supplied by the US throughout WW2. Major George Racey Jordan was based at Newark working on the lend lease programme to Russia. His diaries make for interesting reading on another little known episode of history.
Sigh, again with the lend lease. The British received 3 times the resources from Lend Lease than the Russians from the USA. Do you see the British taking on Berlin or fighting 2-3 million strong army?
@ Turner
“…throughout WWII”
The USians really believe they won the WWII just with a little help from the others. Lend/lease only provided 5% of the USSR materiel. Check other sources, not US propaganda.
Psychologically rusdua is so weakthst sge foushlygivesaway her nearly won war fir frozen conflict in donbassandsyria by ceaseless ceasefire only in orderto impress her anglo enemies.
Do you think such gutless and cluless country like russia can withstand any more propaganda onsluaght from anglios ? ?
Rusdia will be defeated with her loser attitude without any retributiondone to angkis just it happend in 99s but for longer time now.
Wrong. As I said Russia is not ready, but will win at the end. With enormous human losses. And this is what pains me.
I don’t know what forums you are reading. Probably, liberal ones? Wrong choice! However, you are partially true. Our remilitarization plans are due by the 2020. Right now we are not completely ready… militarily. But… never underestimate your potential enemy, especially Russia.
Dear Saker
Thank you for this analysis. Your readers would benefit greatly from the expertise of another group of cold war defence experts on the pro-Western side of the fence – Air Power Australia. The techno strategic analysis here would be most interesting to yourself and your network including SouthFront.
I am genuinely surprised that more attention has not been paid to the enormity of the techno strategic blunder presented by the Joint Strike Fighter F-35 and what this means for the Western alliance (AngloZionist empire if you prefer) and its potential adversaries.
I have campaigned with Air Power Australia for 10 years against the F-35 JSF. I wrote two submissions to the most recent of five Australian Parliamentary inquiries into this issue.
You can find all submissions here Most make very good reading and the ones from Lockheed and the US Defence Department are a good laugh.
Kind Regards from downunder.
BTW readers might appreciate my blogpost on what Russians and Afro Americans have in common here
For the US, the F-35 is a political, military, and economic disaster, with a very real possibility of being the final hole that sunk the ship. The Pentagon has sunken, what we’re now hearing is over, 2 trillion in the project. That’s one tenth of the US entire debt, for one military project that may not be combat ready till 2025–if ever.
The US is desperate to soften the financial blow. Immense pressure is being placed on allies to sign off on large orders (and probably pay in advance) for the completely unproven aircraft with promises that it will eventually met expectations.
The F-35 represents decades of the military industrial complex overrunning schedules and blowing out budgets completely unchecked. It is and will continue to be a flying turkey (for basic design reasons) and US allies will be made to shoulder some of the financial responsibility. These aircraft will likely never be used in combat.
Brillant! My sentiments exactly…
For the same reason, Russia will never allow Syria to fall, as Iran would be next exposing Russia’s soft underbelly! The line in the sand is in Syria…
The line in the sand was drawn in early 2007. In Munich, Putin said “up to here and no further”. Ever since, each western action has lead to a corresponding Russian reaction.
In every good fiction there are always nuggets of truth. I don’t know if this is truth but it’s an interesting concept.
“He paused in thought, then continued. “There’s only one problem with the info HQ Germany sent. Russian regiments are ten companies, it’s in the book and I’ve never seen or heard of them violating that rule. If for whatever reason 29 Spetznaz has a 12 Rota that means it also has an 11 Rota. That means that this elite regiment has an extra almost 250 shooters in the line. Russian companies are not like ours where we are lucky to have 80 or so shooters and usually a lot less, for them the entire company from the CO down to the Priests and medics fight and their companies are heavy compared to ours. With an additional 250 automats on line that means this regiment has increased in size by 20%. If this turns out to be Spetznaz or God forbid service wide then we’ve got a real problem in that their regiments are even more formidable than before, it means the Russians have increased their line units by 20% with no needed corresponding increase in support echelons, no visible new units and at most support cadre will increase by 5%. We would normally throw a brigade against every two Russian regiments, now we’ll have to throw two brigades at every three Russian regiments. We don’t have the depth of units to do that with all the cuts we’ve had in the last five years. We are screwed.”
Never The Last One
An Incident On Simonka
@1000 year old chronic “messianic syndrome” condition
This is the real danger. It is what was called appropriately ‘the apocalyptic imperative’ inherent in the “Yahvist’ religions (Islam included, but not real Christianity). America especially is obsessed with the Apocalypse and the ineluctable ‘fulfillment’ of prophecies. Undeterred by all failed prophecies, it always re-interpret them and continues to work for staging the conditions for their ‘fulfillment’. A constant of all apocalyptic ‘prophecies’ is the destruction of the hordes of Gog and Magog (Yajuj and Majuj in Islam), duly identified with Russia and Russians (Iran was added too) waiting to irrupt in a final assault against the ‘chosen of God’, returned to their ‘ancestral land’, before the final battle of Armageddon. In 2003 President George W. Bush told Jacques Chirac that Gog and Magog were at work in the Middle East: “This confrontation is willed by God, who wants us to use this conflict to erase his people’s enemies before a New Age begins.”!
@ WizOz
Indeed, the leaden thread of Empire shown as early as the stealing of Texas on the grounds of US’s “manifest destiny” as the divine endorsement of the Monroe Doctrine. At the time it was limited to “from coast to coast” overland, now it means from coast to coast around the world!
WizOz, the reality is that the West is run by psychopaths. What Altmeyer calls ‘Rightwing Authoritarians’. Their pathopsychology is well understood. They basically hate and fear others, have little if any compunction from doing others harm, lack empathy and compassion, are insatiably greedy, narcissistic and egomaniacal, reckless and unscrupulous. Over the years, here in Australia I have seen all non-psychopaths purged from politics, to be replaced by psychotics and/or dullards. The range of acceptable opinion is now so ludicrously narrow and so far to the Right as to be more laughable than enraging. Public idiocy and ignorance is universal, but dare question our total subservience to the USA, or, even more bemusing, Israel, and your public life is OVER. MSM opinion regarding numerous important questions is totally one-dimensional. You simply CANNOT say anything positive about Russia/Putin, China/Xi, Iran, etc. Indeed on the rare occasions where some Thought Criminal escapes screening and states some undeniable truth, such as that the US imposed a fascist regime in Kiev through a violent coup, or that Georgia attacked South Ossetia in 2008, or that Russia did not ‘invade’ Crimea, the response is as likely to be bemusement as much as outrage. The resemblance to the propaganda version of North Korea is marked. Yet these poor, deracinated, sheep, still proclaim themselves ‘journalists’, pursuing the ‘Truth’, which happens to ALWAYS be what their owner (in 70% of cases) Emperor Rupert Murdoch declares it to be.
@ Mulga Mumblebrain
Very eloquently put. I was filled with so much revulsion back on Palm Sunday 2003 (do you remember?) that when I got home put the tv set out for the council clean-up and never to be replaced and never a newspaper was bought after. And on the following day I joined a group on the march to Parliament House to exorcise the place of evil spirits. It didn’t work and Bush’s deputy joined the carnage in Iraq.
If you just browse Google news, you’ll find columns and columns of war propaganda to elicit fear in the reader about Russia and China.
Poke and provoke, the bully method writ large, from the Donald Cook in the Baltic, to the US Navy in the S. China Sea, to the “lost” Seaman off the Iranian coast The corporate media only reports the reaction, but never the provocation or they downplay it. No one ever says, “Hey, why are we provoking these countries.”
This is what keeps me up at night. Back in 2002-3, I watched Americans who I’ve known, loved and respected sleep-walk right into war in Iraq. Dangerous times for all. The Wolfowitz Doctrine if carried out by the AZ’s is a one-way ticket to hell. There is no peace movement, there are no canaries in the coal mine to check any of the BS, (other than blogs like this) And the people who do, like (Stephen Cohen) are attacked.
@ fullback
(BTW did you play in that position in the football field? I was right middlefielder.)
The sheer power of AZION propaganda is bewildering and its depth unfathomable. It reaches everything everywhere and its sophistication and resources unimaginable. We have to give full credit for it. Mass mind-bending started as early as TV made its first appearance in middle 50s with sublimation messages in all networks.
Do you know what they did to the poor Samoans to get enough votes to approve the treaty for US occupation – they gave them free TV sets.
The mind poison that comes from the TV has reached the point of absurdity Kim. All the mainstream media in the US has degraded to the point of cartoon reality, really. Even Public Broadcasting is totally controlled. The only good side I see that gives me hope is the falling ratings of the so-called news networks and news papers, and the rise of alternative news. It’s sad, no matter how poor the people, there’s always room for an idiot box to control our minds.
(never played football, just liked the name btw;)
For more than two years, here and elsewhere I have written my opinion that Russia would go nuclear, either tactical to save being overrun, or strategic to destroy the Hegemon if an attack was launched at Russia by US/NATO.
It really is plain as day. Putin has uttered it several times. The Russians have prepared their weapon systems, tested them in full sight of US satellites, demonstrated their capacity in Donbass and Syria and again have spent precious treasure building its military, for a decade.
The loons of the West disregard the obvious, as Saker has stated and delineated. Russia cannot be attacked by air, plane or missiles, nor by land forces nor by some Space weapons without Russia utterly destroying all the capitals and capacities of the Hegemon and NATO nations.
There overestimation of the abilities of the US combined with the underestimation of the Russian capacities is stark. We see it, hear it, read it every day. There is an unreality to it all.
So every article from analysts and opinion writers is helpful. One like Saker’s might sneak through the blockade and illuminate a mind or two that can shut down the madness.
The real danger is in the next eight months. It should dissipate after Trump takes office.
However, the world Hegemon is fed on more than military dominance. It is fed on financial dominance and ideological dominance. Russia must defeat a media and propaganda war. It must survive the financial (economic, currency, credit, trade) war. And it must continue to outsprint the technological competition so it always has the best, the leading edge, the deterring systems of offense and defense. Intellectual dominance must continue to be Russian advantage.
And Putin’s talents are only good for eight more years. More outstanding leadership must be ready for after Putin and Shoigu and Lavrov, and their contemporaries in military and science and technologies of the MIC.
The ideologues will keep producing crazed schemes and tribal dreams of conquering Russia.
This is certain. Even multipolarity will not stop their schemes of destruction. It is what they are and what they will always be.
It isn’t fear of Russia. It is hatred of Russia and coveting of Russian wealth.
Underlying those factors is the need for the satanic to destroy Russian faith, The Orthodoxy.
So, the world will be taken to the brink of annihilation once again. It is programmed in the DNA of mankind. Cain and Abel. The only species that can eradicate itself.
Uniquely, if you listen to Trump very carefully, he speaks with precision about the one fear he has in the present state of world affairs—nuclear weapons in the wrong hands. He speaks softly, carefully and with great caution that his mission in foreign affairs is to curtail the spread of nukes and get the threat level back down to sanity levels.
Thus, what is going on with the US now will be reversed when he takes office.
I have never heard such emotion from a US leader about this topic. He has an uncanny sense of out times and challenges.
“The real danger is in the next eight months. It should dissipate after Trump takes office.”
Hopefully he can beat Clinton (and live to do it). But I fear that he won’t win the election. The demonstrations against him have already started. I see them in the future disrupting his rallies all over the country.Either actually disrupting them. Or causing so much bad publicity,that that is all the rallies will be known for. And if he makes statements about them they will use those to attack him throughout the entire media. I see this as a totally different US election. With “no holds” barred ,from beginning to end. The Clinton people will take a page out of foreign Third World elections and encourage protests and riots against Trump. The media (80% pro-Clinton at least) will eat the chaos up. It will be broadcast and talked about daily. Trump will be called a racist,anti-gay,anti-women,a crook,everyday on the media talk shows. Clinton has/will have almost the entire non-white vote. See also has a heavy lead among women.White men,and seniors,are the only people possibly open for Trump to appeal to. And the seniors will be split between those afraid of the Republican attacks on SS. And those liking Trump’s conservatism.So unless Trump can find a way to chip away at Clinton’s base and solidify the remaining core groups I mentioned .He can’t win in November. The neo-con elite will join forces (both Republican and Democrat) to defeat him and assure her a victory.
With all due respect, Trump can only win with one group: Americans. OK, that is unfair, but his campaign is based on fighting the identity politics and going based on class interests or an insider/outsider or elitist/anti-elitist fight.
He might crush her. In fact, the Democrats might replace her. Also, Stone and Manafort are better street fighters than the Clinton machine. Hillary is already bleeding all over the ring, and the fight isn’t half over.
Certainly that is all true,but I don’t see it. And you are right on identity politics “theoretically” ( it sounds good). But this is the real World,not the theoretical World. And in this World,she has a lock on those voters (so far). If you look at her wins against Sanders,one glaring fact jumps out at you (though it will never be talked about,its not PC). The states she has won are states where she was able to get “huge” minority votes. During the Clinton years Bill got 90%+ of the Black vote. Her figures are close to that now. And against Trump should be at Bill’s numbers. I know a lot of Hispanic’s and they despise Trump. So that huge bloc is lost to him (not “maybe” as heavy as the Black voters,but close).We might not like identity politics (and I don’t),but it is very real. And those forgetting that don’t win elections. I’d like to see Trump win,certainly. But I see that as “very” much a longshot.
anyone out there who really hopes that Trump vs clinton will make a difference, on the long run?
I deem this hope naive.
Trump perhaps will try to do something about nukes in the beginning of his office, or about other themes he has a clear opinion about… for the public.
but all he will really, earnestly do is curtail social spending and work for the rich against the poor, probably believing, as selfmade billionaires tend to do, that poverty is the poor´s own fault.
As to warfare, he will do what seems most useful for US economy and power, as all his precursors.
How can anybody fall for this bigmouthed Capitalist?
He´s a gangster as well as Killary Clinton.
His enterprise group is said to have been broke four times, and provenly has made a big part of its gains by running gambling houses.
dont these facts about Trump´s enterprise reveal enough about its owner?
Trump ,for me is very much a “mixed bag”. I agree with you that he will be bad for the common people. But I don’t see Clinton as really much better.They both side with the wealthy classes over the common people. Trump probably more so. But the difference is not extreme. Clinton’s “appeal” to people is in her “social issues”. The Democrats ,since they won’t tackle problems related to the glaring income “gap” (Grand Canyon sized) between the poor and working classes,and the elite. Push their social agenda as somehow being “for the people”. And that mockery seems to work for a dumned down electorate.But at the end of the day.The billionaire leaders of the Democratic Party,and the billionaire leaders of the Republican Party,care not a “fig leaf” for the common American citizen.
Trump’s appeal for me, is two fold. One,he,for all his big talk,isn’t the war-monger that Clinton is. Which means at least there is a “chance” of avoiding the World War that the neo-cons of “both parties” are pushing the World towards. Second,a Trump regime in power might wake the “people” up in the US. And cause them to form groups/parties that would “actually” start looking out for the common man and women. I have no illusions that Trump is some kind of “good guy”. He’s a perfect example of the US elite class,before they allied themselves fully with the neo-cons. So for those two reasons,and those alone,would he be a better bet for the US citizens.
I agree, i doubt even Trump will be able to stand up to the Deep State. That leaves only one alternative that will have a good outcome – a march to Moscow – the one way, perhaps the only way, the Hegemon will be defeated
@ Uncle Bob:
“[..] (though it will never be talked about, its not PC). The states she has won are states where she was able to get “huge” minority votes.”
From where I’m sitting, the only two, ok, three main groups that support Hitlery are: of course the stark raving mad neo-cons, big business, the MIC (etc), but from the more ‘normal’ demographics you have: the Wankerati, and the upper middle class, champagne faux-socialists. But you’re right though, she does have an incomprehensible pull on minorities (particularly black), but that’s mainly, and I’m sorry to say it, because they tend to be politically illiterate. All they know is that the Democrats are “the good guys” who are gonna help them (when their track record clearly shows the opposite) and the Republicans are forever the villains, even though people like Ron Paul already proved that not to be case, at least not in EVERY case Republicans are ghouls from hell itself. But you go and try to explain that to Black Democrats waving Clinton posters like mindless groupies (don’t get me started… :/ ).
My point is, Clinton’s biggest voting-base seems to boil down to just the minorities, the other two groups are small in actual numbers. I mean, seriously, how big is the American upper middle class nowadays? Latest numbers I read from ZH, and that was just for the middle class in general, is something between 25% and 17% of the general population, the upper middle class ought to be just a small fraction of that.
Lastly, you mentioned women supporting Clinton. If they indeed do (and I have my doubts), this is yet another case of them being politically illiterate. I much rather go with something Trump said on this topic; I’m paraphrasing him: The only thing Hillary has to play is the ‘woman’s card,’ but the problem for her is that women don’t like her either!
Big laughter ensued from the audience, but call me crazy, for some reason it sounds like it may be true.
Lastly; I’ve read a lot of Sanders supporters are vowing to vote for Trump – in bitter spite – if Clinton is handed over the Democrat nomination, or even better… they’ll not vote at all, or give their vote to a random independent presidential candidate. All three options point that this may hand the presidency to Trump.
The main thing we all have to watch out for, is vote-rigging, disenfranchising legitimate voters on bogus grounds, dead voters (etc) in other words: the same sort of chicanery that happened in both Bush elections…
Suppose US/NATO forces do launch a conventional attack against Russia and they are rapidly defeated on the battlefield. Do you think that would be the end of it, or would the US/NATO up the ante with their own version of “nuclear de-escalation”? At that point, wouldn’t Russia be forced to retaliate in kind?
Once nuclear conflict begins between two nuclear weapon states, especially the US and Russia (who possess about 14,000 intact nuclear weapons, >90% of the total global nuclear arsenal), how do you stop it from quickly escalating into a nuclear holocaust, especially when both sides have about 1000 launch-ready strategic nuclear weapons that require a few minutes (or less, as the Saker points out) to fire at the opposing side?
American dominance is underscored by its control of vassal states, namely the EU, the raison d’etre of Nato. Military alliances in the past were entered into for collective security by states incapable of defending themselves on their own, but since the US had/has no need whatsoever for help to defend itself, Nato was engineered for a different purpose and to legitimize the occupation of Europe. Proof of this proposition comes from George Keegan’s own words when settting out the US policies in Europe after conclusion of WWII and the fact that Nato is getting bigger instead of disbanding like the Warsaw Pact did.
Once it is accepted that Nato’s function is to maintain US dominance over Europe, the question arises: why is that dominance so important for US’s foreign/military policies – and the answer is that Europe is the convenient battlefield in the event of a conflict between the US and USSR/Russia. In other words, the US can engage in whatever kind of aggressive posturing against Russia because if a hot war ignites it will be confined to Europe and the US will escape unscathed. The suggestion that Russia will, in the event of war, strike at the US does not make good strategic sense because doing so would invite a retaliatory response.
While the US remains in that dominant position it will take advantage of the European “buffer zone” to undermine Russia in every way, particularly in the economic field by preventing any chance of Russia ever entering into economic co-operation with Europe which is the greatest fear of the US elite. Putin was very naive when he aired his ambition of seeing a trading union from Lisbon to Vladivostok, firstly because he disclosed it, secondly for believing i would be possible. Considering the enormous potential benefits for Europe and Russia – and consequent detriment to the US – if that came about, it is easy to understand why Nato is the bulwark and Europe the sacrificial lamb for US hegemony.
I believe it is in this context that Nato exists, not to attack Russia, because Nato is more valuable this way. Why killing the golden goose?
The Conquest, Larchmonter, will occur by ideologically relentless nibling especially directed at the brains of the ruling/political classes until they are sufficiently mollyfifed to accept complete takeover and view it as a blissful experience.
It can be argued that the biggest scientific advancement during the 20th century was the perfecting of the techniques of mind control through subtle but relentless indoctrination. Soviet leaders succumbed to these charms in the late 80s and agreed to demolish their state from within (an astonishing achievement of the mind control advances). It will be child’s play to keep current leaders into the fold. They are already into the fold.
In addition, one cannot see that Russia offers any significant alternative to the current system of oligarchy that runs the West. It is just more of the same, perhaps the difference being that Russian oligarchs can be even more vulgar than western ones.
Without an actual systemic alternative to the rotten West, resistance will be impossible to justify.
It is good to have hope, but hope is thin. In fact, the best chance to have the current nightmare system destroyed is through a hot apocalyptic war, and then wait to see what comes out of the ashes. But if you think of it, it may not be such a good idea. Chances that Russia will be gradually ingested by soft chewing are pretty good in my somber view.
@ Anonymous
I agree with you, with a little exception: the Soviet leaders did not succumb in the late 1980s. The rot had started much earlier with Khrushchev, especially after he was feted and beguiled at Camp David. After that he began the systematic dismantling of the Soviet state.
I posted a comment about the imperative necessity for Russia to smash Nato but the post has disappeared. I argued that the Nato posturing is only a facade to keep the euro-vassals chained to the illusion of the Russian aggression to prevent at all costs any possibility of economic co-operation between Russia and Europe. That explains the Ukraine coup and “Assad must go”, the corridors for alternatives to and control of Russian oil and gas. It also explains that Putin’s idea of an economic and trade area from Lisbon to Vladivostok will never see the light of the day unless Nato is removed.
As far as I know,there has never been a “true” historical study done on the closing years of the USSR. And what exactly brought on the collapse. Nor one done on the aftermath in the ex-USSR Republics during the 1990’s. I think that “unbiased” studies of those periods is long overdue.
As a sidenote. I remember back in the late 1980’s (maybe 1990 or 91) I read a short fiction novel about a CIA operative in the USSR. The story line was that the US had implanted a “mole” in the Kremlin and helped him come to power. It was obvious that the mole coming to power was supposed to be Gorbachev. And that his “mission” was to destroy the USSR from the inside as the “biggest” CIA operation in history. That was during the time Gorbachev had began his “reforms” that led to the collapse. So while I knew the book was fiction. I remember thinking that if it was true, it couldn’t have worked out any better for the US.
It’s a pity that the Russians seem to have so little interest in this question. It’s a very important issue with many lessons to be learned. The story from the US side is clear. Although there are a lot of players including David Rockefeller.
Gorbachev (and the Soviet leadership) was perceived as seeking an end to the Cold War. For this reason, he was very popular with the Western masses. However, he was not popular and was mistrusted by the Reagan administration.
It appeared that Gorbachev made at least two fatal errors. The first was misunderstanding the reason for the Cold War in the first place. The goal was always subjugating the USSR and seizing the resource wealth of that country. Not nonsense such as containing “Soviet Expansionism”.
When Gorbachev came to power he was very popular with the Western masses. Everyone wanted an end to the Cold War. However, the purpose of the Cold War (especially during the Reagan administration) was to force the USSR into an arms race and economic competition which would lead to that countries collapse. Moreover, Gorbachev was believed to be not supportive of the neoliberal agenda which would eventually prevail. The Reagan administration certainly did not want to end the Cold War on those terms.
Secondly, related to the first error, Gorbachev appeared to believe that he could reach a compromise position on reform with the West. As events progressed however, he was forced to give up far too much into what eventually amounted to a surrender (although allowing some saving of dignity).
What were exactly Gorbachev’s motivations I don’t know. I know he has written quite a bit although one always needs to take such memoirs with some skepticism.
I agree with you, here I just read this article recommended by Pepe Escobar on his FB page.
“The real danger is in the next eight months. It should dissipate after Trump takes office”
This is wishful thinking. There is no way the fascist Jewish run/owned media in the usa would have covered his capmpaign if he represented any sort of choice over the zpc’s other puppets. In fact, this delusional thinking mirrors that of the “hope and change” cheerleaders a few years ago.
Sad to see this scam still works.
Larchmonter445, do you have a link or other source for said Trump speech?
@ Larchmonter
“Get the threat level to back down to sanity”
I fully agree with your point of view on this, except the proposition that there is a “sane” nuke. I know you did not put it that way, but it is a tacit acceptance that nukes in “safe” hands are acceptable threats. And what about Hiroshima and Nagasaki? They were pulverized and irradiated by “sane’ hands and minds without any military justification at all, let alone just common decency.
The stupidity in the West is breathtaking. I can only hope for a financial breakdown occurring in time to wake people up before it’s too late.
Putin came in power in order to control and to calm down the army and the patriotic movement in Russia .He use public relations ,media and pseudopatriosm .
How and why Putin came in power.
Yeltsin Takes Russia’s Case to the West
By Brian WhitmoreNov. 18 1999 00:00
President Boris Yeltsin arrived in Istanbul for a major security summit Wednesday vowing to convince Western leaders that Russia was acting according to “civilized rules and norms” in Chechnya – and threatening to spoil their meeting if they insist on criticizing Moscow’s military campaign.
As Yeltsin was flying out, a top Russian media executive darkly warned that influential political and military figures were seeking to revive Russia’s Cold War-era conflict with the West and abandon democracy.
Yeltsin went to Istanbul to attend a summit of the 54-nation Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, which tries to promote democracy and human rights and assist with crisis resolution.
Western leaders, including U.S. President Bill Clinton, are expected to harshly criticize Russia over its bloody seven-week conflict with Chechnya.
The Russian government insists it is acting to crush Islamic militants blamed for a series of apartment bombings in September that killed about 300 people. The United States and other Western nations have expressed outrage at the heavy use of firepower and high civilian casualties.
“I hope everybody will understand that Russia is acting in Chechnya in accordance with international, civilized rules and norms,” Yeltsin said on arrival in Istanbul. “I hope common sense will prevail with those who have not been ready for that so far. I’m sure they will finally understand that after my speech at the summit.”
Yeltsin warned that Russia would only approve the summit’s final declaration if it avoided reference to Chechnya.
“I will sign it if it is presented in a shape that has been agreed upon,” he said. The OSCE works by consensus and Yeltsin’s refusal to sign would be seen as a failure.
Yeltsin also tried to grab the moral high ground over the United States by announcing that he had sent the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty to parliament for ratification.
“This means that Russia is making its concrete and real contribution to strengthen the nuclear nonproliferation regime and strategic stability in the world,” Yeltsin told reporters, according to Reuters. “I call on all states to follow this example.”
The U.S. Senate embarrassed Clinton last month by rejecting the treaty.
Yeltsin is to meet Thursday with Clinton, French President Jacques Chirac and German Chancellor Gerhard Schr?der. He is expected to return to Moscow in the evening, skipping the summit’s final day.
Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov also sounded a threatening note, warning Western nations not to “politicize” the summit by pushing Moscow too hard on Chechnya.
“If someone tries to revise the agenda … and play the Chechen card, such states will assume responsibility for the way this meeting will proceed,” Ivanov said.
Nevertheless, Western leaders say they plan to push Russia to resolve the Chechen conflict.
“Chechnya will influence many parts of the agenda,” Reuters quoted OSCE chairman Knut Vollebaek, the Norwegian foreign minister, as saying.
“Undoubtedly we are going to be talking about Chechnya,” U.S. National Security Council spokesman Mike Hammer said.
Also Wednesday, the chief of Russia’s air force warned the West against interfering in the Chechnya conflict.
“Just to remind them – Russia is not Iraq, nor is it Yugoslavia. There you have it. We will deal decisively with any interference. Let them not think we are totally impotent,” Colonel General Anatoly Kornukov said at a news conference in Moscow.
Also on Wednesday, Igor Malashenko, deputy director of the Media-MOST empire, said that leading Kremlin and military figures are seeking to isolate Russia from the West and abandon democracy.
Malashenko specifically named Kremlin-connected tycoon Boris Berezovsky and armed forces chief of staff Anatoly Kvashnin – one of the Chechen conflict’s most vocal supporters – and other military officers “who are dissatisfied with the almost total absence of a political role and want to change the situation.”
“The West is a devilish hindrance to them,” Malashenko said in an interview broadcast on the Ekho Moskvy radio station. “They want to create a regime in Russia that could function without minding the West. Then their interests will be guaranteed. Today things are moving toward the self-isolation of Russia.”
Malashenko cited the war in Chechnya, Kremlin manipulation of the electoral process and media censorship as examples of the trend.
And although Malashenko said he didn’t think Yeltsin desired Russia’s isolation, he was less clear about Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.
For months, Media-MOST’s flagship television station NTV – widely seen as siding with the opposition Fatherland-All Russia bloc of former Prime Minister Yevgeny Primakov and Moscow Mayor Yury Luzhkov – has been locked in a bitter struggle with the Yeltsin administration. The company, for example, has accused the Kremlin of being behind state-controlled Vneshekonombank’s demands that Media-MOST pay back more than $60 million in loans.
NTV’s 7 p.m. news broadcast was delayed by about six minutes Wednesday, raising fears of political interference. But the station insisted there was nothing to worry about.
“There was a technical problem, and we are establishing the cause of it now. There should not be any more interruptions,” an NTV employee reached by telephone said.
Malashenko also slammed Russia’s policy in Chechnya, where Moscow claims it is fighting terrorists.
“Nobody can believe that the Russian military is making pinpoint attacks at terrorist positions when television shows multiple rocket launchers in action,” he said. “Russia is doomed to severe criticism of its actions at the Istanbul summit.”
The European Union on Wednesday also stepped up its criticism.
“The unfolding situation in Chechnya puts our relations with Russia under considerable strain,” European Union external relations commissioner Chris Patten said. “The Russian authorities must understand that their present action has an impact on their acceptance by the international community and Russia’s credibility as a political and economic partner.”
Putin insisted that – despite news footage showing bombed-out buildings in Chechnya’s capital and in Gudermes, its second largest city – that Russia was not waging war in Chechnya.
“We have no war aims. There is no war in Chechnya,” Putin responded when asked what Moscow’s war aims were in an interview with German weekly Die Zeit. “There is an anti-terrorist operation going on. As you will not fail to notice, we are in no way attacking cities,” he was quoted as saying in the interview released Wednesday.
In Chechnya, Russian troops pressed relentlessly toward Grozny on Wednesday. In Gekhi, a village on one of the roads leading to the capital, Reuters reported that gunfire could be heard more and more clearly, along with the pounding of artillery.
One of the OSCE summit’s main objectives is to sign a modified Conventional Forces in Europe treaty, changing limits on combat forces and equipment to take into account the end of the Cold War. The Russian military buildup in Chechnya violates the existing treaty.
U.S. and Turkish officials were likely to sign agreements on building a multibillion-dollar pipeline to bring Caspian oil and gas to Western markets. Western officials also hope to make progress in resolving conflicts in Cyprus and the dispute between Azerbaijan and Armenia over Nagorny Karabakh.
Estonian President Lennart Meri announced Monday he would boycott the summit in protest of the OSCE’s ineffectiveness over Chechnya. British Prime Minister Tony Blair is also staying away, citing pressing domestic business.
Totally agree with you. Which is why I fear so much Hillary Clinton becoming US President. I believe Russia should have should have already made it crystal clear to the US military that a war forced on Russia will “start” will a nuclear destruction of the US. They must be brought back to their understandings of the Cold War period. As long as they have the 1990’s mindset. And through hubris,consider Russia as a “toothless” bear,they will continue their aggression against Russia.Leaving no hope to avoid WWIII.
@ Uncle Bob
Well said. The bear may not be toothless but has been muzzled and clawcuffed.
When facing its greatest dangers (Napoleon and Hitler), Russia relied on its deep defence strategy because it was a brilliant tactic for the vast expanse of the land. Similarly, the Iberians did the same thing against many invaders, including Napoleon, who got caught into that quagmire of total welfare that bled France.
The Russian leadership gives the impression of thinking that retreating is a good policy. It served them right then, at a terrible cost though. When Nato started moving eastwards the Kremlin did not see the arrow signs pointing home; there was some symbolic chest-beating for home consumption but that was it – total retreat. The current leadership is doing the same thing, leaving the initiative to Nato. Except that times are different now – besides, Hiroshima and Nagasaki were a message to Moscow.
excellent, not to mention that they’re running 2 – 1/2 rabbits at the same time, Russia and China, but alos Iran. They really think they can conduct large scale wars with thema at the same time or almost as if China or Iran didn’t know they would be next on their list….
They really need to sober up. I hôpe France will wake up, we have our moment right now and up until EURO 2016 starts.
How does that fit together with “Yalta-2.0”, which allegedly has been achieved by our dear saint?
Just asking …
Today hueh, tomorrow hott
Oh, I must applaude now, clap clap clap clap
@ Martin
That is the perennial question indeed! You are being too sarcastic. Maybe they are cooking up another one, Yalta-3, just in case v2 flops.
Hi Kim, no, they are already at Yalta 8.0 ;)
Oh dear Saker, I think if you read the good book you will find it all ends with nuclear war. Are you not eager for judgement day.? The good book also says the powerful think hiding underground will save them but get a bit of a surprise when that turns out not to be the case. In a way Saker do you not stretch like the mad priest Lamen to steady the Ark of the covenant.?
just reposting
says is May19 2016………….
as is more appropiate here
might be worth an assessment to check how accurate or misguided or pure loony the Uk defence Minister ad policies are……………………..says there he is to be interviewed May 24th…..can’t find this on http://www….RT referred to this a bit last night…………
Who is being aggressive? For the past few years the drumbeat for a conflict with Russia has been building almost to the point of hysteria. Now there is talk of a war – including a nuclear war – that could destroy civilization. On this edition of CrossTalk we ask who benefits from such dangerous talk.
CrossTalking with John Laughland, Nebojsa Malic, and Hall Gardner.May 27th
Latest Sophie and Co interviews head of no war no NATO movement in Montenegro
“NATO masses troops along Russian border, war becomes possible scenario – peace movement leader”
Gulf money turned Kosovo into ISIS hotbed while EU & US turned a blind eye – NYT
‘Unprecedented steps’: Russian military explores Kuril chain island as potential Pacific Fleet base
‘Greatest threat to peace & stability’: Beijing criticizes US meddling in South China Sea region
so called “Syrian Democratic Forces” and USA coalition action re Raqqua is not a big attempt to free it, appears just to be a token PR effort/hoax………….?
sports stadium, field hospital, national hospital have been hit by the coalition
Russian Deputy Foreign Minister said that dialogue with the United States on the issue of the US air defense systems in Europe will be continued.
President Barack Obama arrives to speak at the National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center in Arlington
Russia Calls for Routine Cybersecurity Meetings With US
MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Dialogue with the United States on the issue of the US air defense systems in Europe will be continued, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said Thursday.
Read more:
undoubtedly with NATO support? How much of a spark point can Crimea be-west politicians certainly intend it to be so?
According to a source in the military structures of Crimea, a concentration of Ukrainian military formations and hardware has been noted over the last few days on the northern border of the Crimean Peninsula.
MOSCOW (Sputnik) – A concentration of Ukrainian military formations and hardware has been noted over the last few days on the northern border of the Crimean Peninsula, a source in the military structures of Crimea said Friday.
Read more:
After Sweden Democrats reneged on earlier pledges to make a last-ditch effort to stall the decision, the Swedish parliament effortlessly railroaded through an agreement which essentially allows NATO to deploy forces in Sweden and brings the non-aligned Nordic country yet another step closer to the alliance.
The Swedish parliament ratified the so-called Host Nation Support Agreement (HNSA) after a proposal by the Left Party to put off the decision by one year, initially backed by Sweden Democrats, was voted down by 291 votes to 21.
Read more:
On September 19, 2000, going on 16 years ago, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard of the London Telegraph reported:
“Declassified American government documents show that the US intelligence community ran a campaign in the Fifties and Sixties to build momentum for a united Europe. It funded and directed the European federalist movement.
“The documents confirm suspicions voiced at the time that America was working aggressively behind the scenes to push Britain into a European state. One memorandum, dated July 26, 1950, gives instructions for a campaign to promote a fully fledged European parliament. It is signed by Gen. William J. Donovan, head of the American wartime Office of Strategic Services, precursor of the CIA.”
The documents show that the European Union was a creature of the CIA.
Washington’s position is that the British people must not be permitted to decide against the EU, because such a decision is not in Washington’s interest.
Washington’s position shows that Washington is a firm believer that only Washington’s interests are important. If other peoples wish to retain national sovereignty, they are simply being selfish. Moreover, they are out of compliance with Washington, which means they can be declared a “threat to American national security.” The British people are not to be permitted to make decisions that do not comply with Washington’s interest.
My prediction is that the British people will either be deceived or overridden.
It is Washington’s self-centeredness, the self-absorption, the extraordinary hubris and arrogance, that explains the orchestrated “Russian threat.” Russia has not presented herself to the West as a military threat. Yet, Washington is confronting Russia with a US/NATO naval buildup in the Black Sea, a naval, troop and tank buildup in the Baltics and Poland, missile bases on Russia’s borders, and plans to incorporate the former Russian provinces of Georgia and Ukraine in US defense pacts against Russia.
When Washington, its generals and European vassals declare Russia to be a threat, they mean that Russia has an independent foreign policy and acts in her own interest rather than in Washington’s interest. Russia is a threat, because Russia demonstrated the capability of blocking Washington’s intended invasion of Syria and bombing of Iran. Russia blunted one purpose of Washington’s coup in the Ukraine by peacefully and democratically reuniting with Crimea, the site of Russia’s Black Sea naval base and a Russian province for several centuries.
Read more:
“Apparently, however, NATO officials are deliberately provoking Russia into overreacting with its muscle-flexing and saber-rattling near Russia’s borders.
In its turn, the bloc regards every Russian attempt to ensure the security of its borders as an “aggressive” posture.
Hahn cites American diplomat Adam Ereli, who characterized a Russian-Armenian air defense agreement following Turkey’s irresponsible shooting down of a Russian Su-24 bomber as “a growing Russian military buildup” aimed against NATO.
“The growing Russian military presence in Armenia is but the latest indicator of a worrisome trend: Putin’s threat to NATO and America’s interests in Europe,” Ereli wrote in his February op-ed for Forbes.
“In this way and others, NATO is its own self-realizing prophecy and manufacturer of the ‘growing Russian threat.’ The first imagined threat is now becoming more a real, repeatedly manufactured threat — or at least intensifying perception thereof — driven by NATO expansion,” Hahn writes.
It seems there is no end to NATO’s expansionist logic, as each round prompts another, the US scholar emphasizes.
“NATO expansion’s end to Russia’s border can come by way of four paths: Russia’s membership in NATO, the collapse and breakup of the Russian state, the dissolution of NATO or a NATO-Russian war… Take your pick,” he concludes.
Read more:
could be intresting see what younger generation Russians are bracing? themselves for?
“Presentation by representative of the film company “Russian film” film producer “We are from the Future 1, 2” Lyudmila Kukoba during the round table “Russophobia meanings, technology, threat to peace”, to held in April-May this year, the military-patriotic camp in Kazan ‘Union – 2016 heirs of the Victory “.”
From 28 April to 11 May 2016 in Kazan held Russian youth and educational collection of military sports organizations and cadet schools “Heirs of the Victory”. In the program of collection, except for military and sporting events, and present educational part – lectures and workshops on various subjects. Also in the collection was carried out diplomatic game, which took place in four phases, with each region represented by their cultural heritage, traditions and customs.”
latest discussion re Armenia-Azer. dispute
“As told reporters the Pentagon spokesman, Peter Cook, a delegation of military and US diplomats visited this week Armenia to discuss expansion of the military cooperation of the US and Europe in Armenia.
According to him, led a delegation commanded the land forces of the USA in Europe, Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges.
“Lieutenant General Hodges and representatives of the National Guard of Kansas, along with ambassadors and representatives of the State Department, visited Armenia to discuss with colleagues from the Ministry of defense of Armenia is not only the relationship between the military, but the prospects for their expansion,” – said Cook. According to him, the meeting took place last Monday.
A Pentagon spokesman said that the main theme of the meeting were the prospects of “Multi military cooperation” between Armenia and the United States and Europe.”
“Foreign Ministry rebuked the Dutch Ministry of Culture, which placed Russia in the list of the countries bordering Europe in its concept of foreign cultural policy. This is stated in the Office commentary.
“Pay attention to the fact that Russia’s new concept of Space is the state which borders with Europe” and included in the said “ring instability”, – noted in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.
“In this regard, it is surprising that that respected the Dutch authorities in their new concepts include Russia, which is an integral part of the European space to the list of “countries around Europe”, – said in a commentary.
The Russian Foreign Ministry indignant at the fact that in an attempt to please the West, “the Netherlands are trying to disown” traditional cultural ties with Russia.
“great concern and attempt to politicize the official Hague centuries-old cultural ties between our countries. Culture should never become an effective means of international communication and mutual hostage of political games, “- said the Foreign Ministry.”
and in a similar vein/
In the capital of Ukraine continues to grow Russophobia and infringement of the rights of Russian and Russian-speaking population. The head of the parliamentary faction VO “Svoboda” in Kyiv City Council Yuri Sirotyuk registered a draft decision “On overcoming the consequences of the Soviet occupation in the area of language.”
This “document” is proposed to introduce a total ban on the use of Russian language in the capital. So, all advertisements, signs, posters, billboards, messages and other forms of audio and visual promotional products should be written in Ukrainian or another language with the obligatory indication of their transfer.
The language of work, record keeping and documentation of the local self-government bodies, enterprises, institutions and organizations of communal ownership shall be the state language – Ukrainian. Also in the draft decision states that all the services in the service sector in the capital -.. Communication with customers, menus in catering establishments, etc., in the first place, must be carried out exclusively in the Ukrainian language.”
The other day Poro wanted ukrainian to be an official European language…..
Firstly, Savchenko announced its most serious political ambitions, saying she is ready to become neither more nor less than the president of Ukraine.
“Ukrainians, if you want me to be president – I told them I will,” – she said.”
Extracts “A possible radical expansion of NATO – an opinion
05/27/2016 – 5:00
A possible radical expansion of NATO – Review | Russian spring
Perhaps this is because – NATITO / NAPITO – will soon be referred to the organization, with headquarters in Brussels.
“Appendage” is not a diminutive suffix, but just the opposite: North Atlantic, Pacific & Indian ocean Treaty Organization – Organization of the North Atlantic Treaty of the Pacific and Indian Oceans.
As reported in early May of this year, the Japanese edition of The Japan News, back in March 2015 during a visit to Tokyo, German Chancellor Angela Merkel suggested the Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to join NATO.
It is important that the “leak” of information, including the literal response to the suggestion: “Perhaps in the future. If we join now, our negotiations with Russia will be interrupted, “took place on the eve of the visit of the Japanese Prime Minister to Russia. (Read: the failure of the negotiations will enhance Japan’s desire to join NATO).
Progress gruff and a little comical, since the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security Guarantee of 1960 between the United States and Japan for more than half a century “Pacific NATO”. It could be a “rustic cunning” eastern partner forget. But it is important that such a proposal was really made.
And May 21 The Times of India published a front-page material US lawmakers seek NATO ally status for India ( «US lawmakers seek to India NATO ally status”).
“US lawmakers on Thursday approved an amendment to the defense program, which provide equal India with NATO allies the right to buy weapons and technologies”, – said in the article Chidananda Radzhgatta (Chidanand Rajghatta).
Bids are so high that even Congressmen admit deterioration of relations with Pakistan and limitations in helping the rival India. Which, by the way, once again confirms the loss of the US interest in Afghanistan, if not the desire to shift the “bomb with a clockwork mechanism cocked” in the wrong hands.
It looks like “a cordon sanitaire of the West,” now through four oceans, gets almost complete circuits: US-Europe-India-Japan-US.
Moreover, the “unfinished” is quickly filled. Not so much on the ground, but in the west the media are gaining strength gains in Malaysian democracy, Indonesia, the Philippines. And the children of Ho Chi Minh, it seems, you only declare “glasnost” and “pluralism”, so that this country has been recognized by quite a democracy.
Russia Summit – ASEAN Sochi economically promising, and Maria Zakharova danced “Kalinka” is really great, but disputed atolls in the South China Sea and Chinese military bases in them are, shall we say, not in the Sochi dimension.
In the Middle East, the main intrigue will inevitably ask ambulances election of a new Saudi monarch. Not bad main contender – 56-year-old Prince Muhammad bin Naif, has a long fruitful relationship with the security and defense institutions of NATO, and the media darling of the women hope for equality.
Resolution of the territorial dispute between Egypt and Saud in the Straits of Tiran. In a word, here and soon will be able to find a group of countries that have successfully democratizing and worthy of a special relationship with NATO. Syrian crashing disappointment, but not crucial.”
most articles above have used google translate……………
JJ not “jj”
I look forward to an assessment if possible of the up coming NATO Warsaw conference………??!!
Dear The Saker,
Thank you again for a great article.
I have to say your description of the incorporation into the A/Z “Borg” really encapsulates the reality of these countries. Very good description.
Your second point of the “invertebare jellies” was really summed up for me today when I looked at the G7 pics of all these so called “world leaders” sitting round a table making pathetic silly statements as if any of them have shown any capability to lead or even be respected. The majority of those people aren’t even in the top seven economies either – lol.
As someone said recently about David Cameron – he was a PR man who got lucky!
I think you have once again made it pretty clear to anyone the realities that people are sleepwalking into and the true capabilites of the Russian army/airforce/navy and the resilience of its people. The US/A/Z’s by poking China too has got a double whammy of destruction coming their way……
re president of Bulgaria……..
“In fact, the theme of hybrid Wars is a favorite of Plevneliev and the defense minister. Maybe they know what hybrid war means, and should know that hybrid wars were fought from time immemorial. War is not only shooting weapons and conflict on the battlefield. War and propaganda, agitation, espionage, manipulation, subversion, discrediting of the leaders of the opposing sides and more, much more. But what is noticeable? Essentially, Plevneliev blames Russia for conducting a hybrid war, aggression and other sins that another is guilty of, not Russia. Common practice! What the US does is interference in the internal affairs of other countries, creating tension, conducting hybrid wars, creating chaos in other countries under the slogan of fighting terrorism. Such is the case with the “Arab Spring”. And more so – they manipulate public opinion, they defame. All that the US does, including against Russia, Plevneliev attributes to Russia. This is a very simple approach. This is unbecoming of a president. He essentially does the following: he participates in the fight of the United States against Russia in order to preserve their global leadership. This is the formula!……
In fact, the suspicion arises of why President Plevneliev is doing that, since it’s not traditionally accepted in Bulgaria for statesmen to refer to Russia in this manner? There’s something fishy! He is searching in the political filth for political support of the United States. It’s so transparent! ”
Originally appeared at DWN, translated by John T. Sumner exclusively for SouthFront
The Cold War is about to become a permanent condition in Europe: The G7 summit will approve the renewal of sanctions against Russia. NATO continues to expand eastward. An independent foreign policy of Germany only lives on in the remembrance of better times.
In their conflict with the Russian government regarding Ukraine, the G7 countries want to cling to their sanctions against Russia, the AFP is reporting. Angela Merkel dressed up her submission to the US course in flowery words, typical for her. On Thursday, Merkel said on the periphery of the G7 summit being held in the Japanese Ise-Shima: “For me it is way too early to give the all-clear in any way. Concerning this matter, a change in position, relative to the previous months, is not to be expected.”
In her final statement, to be published by the end of the summit on Friday, her position, taken in the G7 meeting in Bavarian Elmau, will be reaffirmed, Merkel said. The G7 threatened Russia with tougher sanctions even then, “should its actions require so”.
Concerning the upcoming summit in July in Warsaw, however, the alliance is determined to push for a decision allowing them, to conduct wargames with varying troops of the alliance in the Baltics on a regular basis. Estonian Prime Minister Taavi Roivas told the newspaper Die Welt, that there must not be any gaps within the schedule and he calls for a “continuous presence of respective battalions of NATO in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania”. The objective: “deterrence has to become the new normality.”
In the corresponding keynote, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg had declared that NATO is entitled, to defend the United States and the EU even on foreign soil. The Bundeswehr will be the first army utilized for this purpose in Eastern Europe. Basis of the intensification of the Cold War, is the declaration of Russia as an enemy, as it is enshrined in the new German military doctrine as well.”
As Scott uses to write on official blog posts: “NATO invasions can now be stopped by normal unarmed civilians, simply by going out and waving russian flags while yelling a bit”. So what is anybody afraid of?
“”””” Scott on May 23, 2016 · at 3:57 pm UTC
Martin and Uncle Bob,
Martin, I have just presented you with a proof that NATO invasions can easily be deterred by unarmed people.
This is the Yalta-2 in action. The US and NATO try to beef up it’s worth in Europe before they retreat entirely and forever. “””””
On the military front, Russia is without a doubt well prepared to face the Anglo empire.
It is the economic front that urgently needs a complete overhaul.
As long as Russia’s economic policy stays in the hands of people trained in the neoliberal western creed, and remains subservient to the US-controlled financial/monetary system, erosion will continue, and it may well reach levels that impair Russia’s ability to maintain its military in good working order.
If she hopes to remain capable of standing up to the insaciable Empire and prevent being ingested by it, Russia needs to decouple itself from the western financial system. Some kind of autarky and rebuilding of its own industry is essential.
It also needs to revamp internal efforts in the informational front. The Empire produces unimaginable quantities of a panoply of viruses that excite (in outsiders) a desire to be assimilated by the Empire and (in internal subjects) an increasingly zombified sense of numb satisfaction.
“””””As long as Russia’s economic policy stays in the hands of people trained in the neoliberal western creed, and remains subservient to the US-controlled financial/monetary system “””””
Hi Anonymous, now, we who think this are just too stupid.
Read at the 13th line from the top of the page in
“””””He describes the general situation right, but makes wrong conclusions, because he fails to understand that Putin is always right.”””””
Never give up the hope, the Roman Empire collapsed after 1400 years (while others claim it never collapsed). In either case there is still hope (if you live long enough) …..
I however prefer Igor “Strelkov”‘s practice (according to Scott an Anti-Russian agent) and Starikov’s theory:
Rouble Nationalization – the Way to Russia’s Freedom's_freedom.pdf
In the old days this was common knowledge here.
But I often get the feeling that the aliens also replaced the authors, and not only vvp.
Well – he itmits himself that he is an alien, right?
Two months before yeltsin was handed over power by gorbachav there was a rumour later confirmed that some English spies were aprehended in Moscow distributing loose doolars and roubles (all counterfeit) to public andanglo agents thus undermining Russian economy tremendously by counterfeiting.
Anglos resort to ways which is less costly tothemastheyare too coward to fight fair. So Russia be ware!
USA against a referendum on joining South Ossetia into Russia, – State Department
05/26/2016 – 22:52
USA against a referendum on joining South Ossetia into Russia, – State Department | Russian spring
US does not support the idea of holding in South Ossetia in 2017 referendum on its entry into Russia, it said on Thursday the State Department spokesman Mark Toner.
“We support the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Georgia. And that includes South Ossetia. Thus, we do not accept any attempts to obtain sovereignty of South Ossetia “, – said Toner.
A referendum on the question of entering South Ossetia into the Russian Federation will be held in 2017. The corresponding statement was signed on Thursday, President Leonid Tibilov and parliament speaker Anatoly Bibilov.
Join the “Russian Spring” in Odnoklassniki , with Facebook , VKontakte , Twitter , to keep abreast of the latest news.
JJ, thanks for your daily posts from the Russian sphere!
I wanted to say that in general.
This shows again that y2 is a myth:
“””””USA against a referendum on joining South Ossetia into Russia, – State Department | Russian spring”””””
Clear – now that we have a super weapon and Y2.
maybe USA will use RTP Ossetia against Ossetias own democratic wishes……….colour revolutions next on the agenda? Kyrgyzstan anyone?
from 2015 extract
“At this juncture, the article forecasts what the chaos that Miles is about to unleash in Kyrgyzstan will look like, including the tempting ‘media Crimea’ scenario that is bound to split Tashkent from Moscow and crown Uzbekistan as the US’s long-term Lead From Behind proxy in Central Asia.’
ah, Uzbekistan, where tatars were exported too by Stalin .Only USA can’t use that, cos ‘we’re trying to get them back into Crimea”? Hey, lets use both……………..
Thanks Martin have a good weekend. It all just continues, gonna be a “flash point” (pun intended, BIG “flashpoint” if you see what I mean-get some strong shades soon or buy that bunker cos the voices of the many clamurous Mr Smiths rapidly multiplying outweigh the True Voice of The One in this complex matrix where most cannot percieve what is the true reality.Any Oracles we can consult?) somewhere along the line…………
Russia has somewhat overestimated the independence of the European Union in the world arena. This was stated by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Sergey Lavrov, during an interview with the Hungarian newspaper Magyar Nemzet.
“Judging by everything, we have somewhat overestimated the independent role of Europeans in the world arena. It seems that the Ukrainian crisis has highlighted the high degree of dependence of the EU on the political and economic influence of Washington,” Lavrov said.
Those participating in the Russia-Gulf Cooperation Council are planning to discuss the crisis region’s situation with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir said Thursday.
MOSCOW (Sputnik) — Those participating in the Russia-Gulf Cooperation Council are planning to discuss the situation in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Iran with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir said Thursday.
“We really hope to hold fruitful talks on the regional problems like the situation in Syria, Iraq, Iran’s intervention in regional affairs, situation in Yemen and others,” al-Jubeir said before the meeting.
The Gulf countries plan for a solid exchange of opinions for the benefit of each country, he added.
Read more:
oh yeah?
from 2014
Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov was caught muttering “fucking morons” in a microphone during a meeting with Saudi Arabian officials on the threat posed by Islamic State in Syria.
Footage has emerged of Lavrov at the conference in Moscow on Tuesday (August 11), in which while waiting for statements to be translated into Arabic he checks his mobile phone, makes notes, rubs his forehead, and says in Russian “f***ing morons “, apparently not realising that a nearby microphone was turned on.
It was not clear who Lavrov was referring to, and his spokeswoman said that discussions with Saudi Arabian foreign minister Adel al-Jubeir went well.’
The other day, what a photo of Lavrov and the Saudi foreign minister,
Lavrov talking about ‘our partners’…………………occaision was Lavrov admitting “most’ of the saudi based opposition re Syria could participate in the Syrian talks-sounded to me like he was getting a bit tired of the whole darn thing………………
MOSCOW, May 26. /TASS/. Riyadh has formed a fairly representational delegation of the Syrian opposition, which, along with another couple of groups is a key player at the Geneva talks with the government, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Thursday.
“I am certain that our friends from the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf, including Saudi Arabia, are interested in holding the next round as soon as possible and in the general acceleration of the intra-Syrian negotiating process with a view to approaching the fulfilment of the tasks set by the UN Security Council,” he said. “The more so that Saudi Arabia, personally [Foreign Minister] Adel al-Jubeir have done a lot to form a delegation of the opposition, which is sufficiently representational and along with another couple of groups is a key player at the Geneva talks with the government.”
“The Russians all see that the US power is on the decline…”
Well, perhaps only if ignoring what’s happening in Brazil, Venezuela, Vietnam…
What ever we think about America itself it’s quite obvious that it’s Putin’s Russia which have lost influence during the last 12 months, not so much USA. Only good thing for Russia is now that price of oil has likely passed the bottom level.
Yes, thanks for the tacit agreement on the partition of Syria.
I agree that it’s been win after win for the U.S.: Cuba, Iran, Vietnam, Brazil, Ukraine… On and on.
ah the hybrid war continues
MOSCOW, May 27. / TASS /. Recommendations of the US authorities not to buy Russian Eurobonds destroy the foundations of the American economy, Deputy Finance Minister Maxim Oreshkin said at the conference “Doing business with Russia”.
“Telephone justice destroys the foundation of the US economy Those who invested in the Russian economy last year, have shown very good results We talked to US banks, we understand how they want to participate in such transactions (buying bonds – TASS).., “he said.
On May 24, Russia’s Finance Ministry placed sovereign Eurobonds, first time since 2013.
In total securities for the sum of $ 1.75 bln were sold while the demand was $ 7 bln.
Yield of Russian Eurobonds reasonable, says ex-finance minister
Sberbank: Sovereign Russian Eurobonds to interest foreign investors despite sanctions
VTB Capital was selected as a sole organizer of the placement.
In March, Financial Times reported that “Brussels is urging European banks to steer clear of Russia’s first sovereign bond issue since the imposition of western sanctions over Ukraine, creating fresh doubts about the viability of the offering”.
In February, the Wall Street Journal reported, citing informed sources, that the US government recommended large US banks to refrain from buying Russian government bonds.
MOSCOW, May 27. /TASS/. The United States needs to give up attempts to pressure Russia and should rather make Kiev implement the Minsk peace agreements, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said on Friday.
Russia is implementing the Minsk agreements in full and insists that Kiev’s sponsors abandon attempts to “exert pressure on Moscow by improper means,” the high-ranking diplomat said, commenting on the latest statement of US State Department Coordinator for Sanctions Policy Daniel Fried.
NATO knows all this. In their statement on the alliance’s open-door policy, foreign ministers on December 2 went out of their way to reassure Georgia. “Georgia’s relationship with the Alliance contains all the practical tools to prepare for eventual membership,” the statement read.
Unless there is a radical shift inside NATO, there is no chance that Georgia will be offered the MAP when NATO leaders hold their summit in Warsaw in May 2016—or at any other time in the foreseeable future. The reason is Russia.
“The reality is that some big NATO members will oppose granting [Georgia] the MAP because they will not be prepared to defend [the country],” said Vasil Sikharulidze, president of the Atlantic Council in Georgia, which supports Georgia’s Euro-Atlantic ambitions.
Defending Georgia would mean defending it against Russia if Moscow again attacked or threatened it, as in 2008. And what NATO country would be prepared to fight against Russia?
Sikharulidze said NATO’s lack of a clear policy toward Georgia encouraged Russia. “As it is, the region is potentially highly unstable,” he told Carnegie Europe. “A NATO presence would add to the security and stability of this part of the Caucasus,” Sikharulidze went on. France, Germany and other NATO countries believe the opposite.”
“Russia would be able to help France since it recently broke the genetic code of the ‘color revolution’ – its technological scheme – and developed an antidote to this ‘orange plague’ of the 21st century. Europe will be unable to handle this without it. ”
very much increased activity……..
‘In fact, Algeria has moved to increase security, improve its military capabilities, and work with its neighbors to ensure that they do not fall prey to destabilizations or color revolutions in the future.
Algeria has also moved to deepen its ties with Russia and those countries that are part of an unofficial but growing and obvious anti-NATO bloc. In other words, Algeria is moving closer to joining the multi-polar collection of nations attempting to act as a counterforce to the NATO powers.
Two notable instances of increased cooperation between Algeria and the anti-NATO alliance are therecent provision of 40 attack helicopters by Russia to Algeria and the recent diplomatic visit to Syria by the Algerian government.”
“”We do not intend to excessively dramatize the situation,” Lavrov said while commenting on NATO’s increased presence in Central Europe.
“At that, we certainly can’t ignore the growing negative tendencies that form as a result of NATO’s course for deliberate disruption of the strategic balance of forces in Europe, including the strengthening of the North Atlantic alliance’s military potential near the Russian borders, establishment of the European segment of the US global missile defense,” he said.
“Such actions can’t be called other than destabilizing and short-sighted,” Lavrov said.
“In this context, the Russian side will take all required steps to fend off the emerging risks and threats to our national security,” the Russian foreign minister underscored.
Russia, Lavrov recalled, “is still committed to building the architecture of mutually beneficial and broad pan-European cooperation in the sphere of security on the basis of the principle of its indivisibility, resting upon international law.”
“We hope commonsense finally prevails in NATO, and our Western partners find the strength to give up confrontational schemes conditioned by the desire to ensure their own security at the expense of others,” he said.”
If all else fails, the combination of Russian weapons design and Chinese manufacturing capacity – that will be needed.
for those still worried about Trump winning the election…the real danger is Killary
must read
hybrid war continues
“Spain accused of betraying the Allies, due to the fact that it allowed dozens of Russian submarines, destroyers to refuel on its territory.
According to The Times, the US Congress noted the importance of this issue and urged to make legislative changes that will be required from officials report on the NATO states, which allow Russian warships parking in their ports.
it is noted that since 2011 Spain took over the territory of the enclave in North Africa, at least 57 Russian warships.
Russian frigate “OK” moored this month in Spanish Autonomous city of Ceuta on the North African coast. It happened two days after the ships of the British fleet was accompanied in the waters of British Russian frigate “Admiral Grigorovich.”
Military analysts say that the frequency of visits by Russian warships turned the Spanish enclave in the main base of the Russian fleet in the western Mediterranean, sparking accusations in the direction of Spain to undermine NATO solidarity.
“Resolution of Spain extended to the Russian military ships to stop in Ceuta undermine NATO solidarity. worldwide Countries allow Russia to expand its sphere of influence at the expense of access to warm-water ports. NATO should have a common strategy, to deny Russia such access, “- said Rep. Joe Pitts, who proposed an appropriate amendment to the Defence act.
” Spain are too hospitable for Russian ships in Ceuta, although Crimea still occupied and sanctions against Russia are “, – said the former adviser to the US Department of defense analyst Luc Koffri.
google translate
link to video prsentation re
“The main themes of the release:
– Sinister Washington’s plan for the instant destruction of the Kremlin and Putin’s return “the surprise of medium-range”,
– Revival space echelon Russian strategic defense;
– the final triumph of the perverts in the armies of the West.
Constantine Dushenov program dedicated to various aspects of development of the Russian army and the international situation, related to military threats to the sovereignty of Russia, NATO advancement to our borders and the attempts of provocation, leading to World War III.”
MFA presentation yesterday with Maria Zakharova
also on youtube
As much, as I like all this talk about conventional weapons system, we have to all agree on several points:
1) This war will be instigated by the West , not Russia.
2) Once started the US/ West can not back down, as the loss of face, influence, and prestige would be too great. For instance, the irrational self-delusion of American greatness would collapse, as its facade is already chipping away.
3) Both sides will use nuclear weapons if they perceive a threat of defeat. If tactical nuclear weapons are used, escalation to strategic nuclear weapons is guaranteed.
It seems to me, that the only possible outcome is nuclear winter. Russia needs to make it clear to the US, that if its territory is attacked, it will go nuclear. Additionally, it should state that the centers of the Jewish population in the world will be one of the first targets hit. Especially Israel, as the Jews seem to be the main instigators of this insanity.
Not the Jews, especially not “(allll the Jews”).
In numeric terms the most Zionists are now non-jewish.
jews against zionism
And if we are talking about Religion in general: Christianity isn’t better either, nor is islam.
The latter 2 are btw jewish sects, Jesus was a Jew and the entire so called Christianity is based on Judeaism.
Most Jews are fervent Israel supporters, a.k.a. Zionists, the number of them that isn’t is so small as to be negligible. Who owns most of the worlds media outlets ? Who controls the world’s banks and financial systems ? Who supports the destruction of White ./ European nations through uncontrolled immigration ? Who runs the USA and most of the Western nations ? Who considers the Goyim as slaves and cattle ? Who is the group that most people fear to criticize ? Is it the Christians, Moslems, Buddhists ? I think you know the answer. The US is attacking the whole planet for total control and domination, but once again, who controls the USA ?
Very of those points is true.
I’m not the person you need to tell this.
I don’t find the url, but I posted a nice video about Zionism last week.
However: Read! I said in terms of numbers, more Zionists are non-jewish.
These are bought up brainwashed or both traitors.
Without these traitors the 0.1% couldn’t have any power whatsoever.
And as for Religions: Forbid that murderous nonsense, finally!
All religions are man-made tools to controll the masses and to trick them into fighting stupid brutal wars.
Use my nickname and the strings “religions” to see my earlier statements.
If there was a God the first thing he would do: Outlaw religions.
Non-Jewish Zionists are useful idiots, they don’t count in this equation. I find it odd that you try to hide the responsibility of main culprit, of all these troubles, behind the mantra that “all religious ” are evil. That might be true, but which tribal / religious group is running things ?
I don’t hide something.
But be careful with the Endloesung.
See my earlier comments. I must go in 1 minute (actually 1 hour ago).
No time atm.
Google what I really said so far.
I don’t think the point here is that all Jews are evil. The point is that the world is controlled by an oligarchic class that controls the banks, corporations and the governments, military and security services of the US and other major powers. The central power within this oligarchy is Jewish. This fact is important to them and gives outsiders ways to anticipate their behavior. To put this more simply, Rothschild doesn’t care if Washington (as well as his neocon minions if necessary) gets nuked. He does care about Israel though.
Hello, just back.
Sure – I know all that, as I stated here repeatedly. I did watch the entire Leuchter Report and here is also an interesting speech:
Benjamin H. Freedman 1961 speech
Benjamin H. Freedman
I don’t know what Israel is, but Palestine plays a key role to them (not only Rothschild, although they appear to own Palestine and much of the world – illegally).
At the same time you correctly said, that not all Jews are evil. I might add, the entire army of Non-jewish followers – that’s what makes all this possible at all.
Then again: The question remains if the Rotschild famaly actually was really jewish in the 17th/18th century. And then: The Khasars were originally not jewish at all, but were descendents of the Uigures (as an educated Uigure confirmed to me personally). Then there are racist streams inside the masters of occupied Palestine which don’t accept the “Eastern Jews” aka Khasars (not to mention black jews, which they killed with X-rays) as real Jews. And to come to a point: The USA is also only used as enslaved colony, sure. But meanwhile I think even so called “Israel” is.
The masters may care about it for freemason symbolism of satanism or whatever, but – now it comes – they care a shit about their Israelis.
I advise you: Watch videos on youtube which you find after entering (without quotes) “jews against zionism” !!!
Also, maybe you never heard it, but I did: The social conditions inside so called Israel are getting worse and worse, also for jewish people. Plus: When you or the other poster suggest that “they all” support Zionism: They are exposed to some of the most sophisticated evil propaganda. Then of course many believe it, like everywhere.
Not every jew is a Zionist, many weren’t. The only good pro-Russian politician in germany is a jew (Sarah Wagenknecht). Many Bolshewiks were jewish, but _not _ zionists.
One should either always post this entire statement, or not mention “the jews” at all.
Otherwise one can join Kiev’s RightSector.
One of the key reasons why they hate Russia so much is, because the real Zionists taught them over 2 decades, that allegedly Russia is a Zionist run country (which is unfortunately even true to some extent [ Central Bank, economy – those are facts, and why dear saints don’t get rid of them – nobody has an answer]). What they didn’t tell them is, that the West is a million times more run by the very same Zionist Oligarchs.
So, please: Reality is not black white.
@the entire so called Christianity is based on Judeaism.
Wrong! Christianity was and is the opposite of Judaism. Judaism wouldn’t have persecuted so relentlessly Christianity had it been ‘based on Judeaism’. Islam indeed is based on Judaism and is also rabidly anti-Christian. Zionism is based on Judaism also.
When would people understand that Judaism is NOT the religion of the “Old Dispensation”, of the Hebrews, of the “lost sheep of the House of Israel”, but a sectarian deviation? Maybe when they would cease to ‘understand’ Christianity through Marxist lenses (or Talmudic, for that matter).
Jesus was not a “Jew”, but a Judaean. Actually, he was ‘the Word who was made flesh and dwelt among us”.
I think Russia might be waiting for some kind of divine intervention for US financially to collapse but that is not going to happen soon and to stop that this is exactly why US will attack Russia. What is left for Russia or should have been working on is destroying NATO by directly seriously threatening All NATO members.
“Russia needs to make it clear if its territory is attacked, it will go nuclear” the key word here is IF. This if is submission by itself. NATO/US has already began the war by having NATO deployed by Russia’s borders. Why should Russia accept this? The very reason why NATO is there for attack when ever they feel like it. If they don’t attack, it is still a continuous threat that undermines russia
The Anglo-zionists are in a state of Collective Psychosis just like a Psychotic individual. This is my opinion as an MD. They need to be locked up and put on medication and maintained on meds forever. You hinted at this a few days ago when you said “assuming rational actors”. They are not rational and that is the problem.
Bill, I concur completely. I have been watching the ruling elites here in Australia, a groveling lickspittle to the Boss, and in the rest of the West, for years. I have, in fact, no doubt as punishment for grave crimes in a previous existence, studied them quite closely. 99% of those I meet, and I work where I meet quite a few people every day, have NO interest in politics, or much else in culture, literature, even sport, the alleged national obsession, but one characterised by narrow partisanship in code and club loyalty.
My pretty firm conviction from those observations is that the ruling elites in the West, in politics, MSM, business etc, are nowadays more vicious, treacherous, greedy, duplicitous and psychotic than ever. There is about them a real stench of sulphur, and, even more dangerous, an hysterical recklessness that speaks of some deep psychoses at work. Not surprising as nearly all sane, intelligent and decent specimens have been driven from public life over the last forty years, often by the Murdoch MSM cancer that specialises in vilification and relentless vendettas. We are currently involved in an election which is setting new lows in lying, character assassination and stupidity, with the MSM, like dogs returning to their vomit, reporting the ruling party’s naked, blatant, lying as brilliant and effective politics. I think that the rapid degeneration in standards of political morality and intelligence in recent years speaks of a vicious and parasitical elite that realises that the proles are waking up to the neo-liberal, Free Market scams of the last forty years and the parasites are beginning to feel The Fear. The faint sound of tumbrils rolling near has reached their ears, and they need to destroy ALL global resistance, soon, or all will be lost. Let’s face it-a glorious West that can only produce a caste of crooks and psychos like Clinton, Obama, Cameron, Blair, Powers, Hollande, Tsipras, Bibi, etc is in deep, deep, trouble-and they know it, hence their increasing panic. And the hatred of Putin and Xi is pure fear. Deadly dangerous, prone to produce miscalculation, but thoroughly enjoyable.
You won’t be surprised that I fully concur. Think of the “Round Table’ of Rhodes scholars with which this country was blessed.
The following analysis by Stephen F. Cohen is very important as he believes that war between NATO and Russia is imminent. Stephen Cohen was a professor of Russian studies at New York University and Princeton University and he is the author of many books about USSR and Russia.
1) Beyond Cold War to Mobilization for War Against Russia?
2) Slouching Toward War With Russia
3) Is War With Russia Possible?
Also, another very interesting article:
” Putin Is Being Pushed to Abandon His Conciliatory Approach to the West and Prepare for War ”
@ xvg
Excellent links.
And one wonders, how much significance the following U.S. move has. Is this their first step of an imminent military escalation? First 250, then 250,000… What is the dynamics of the situation? Even the fact that they are there at all, uninvited, shows that Russians are not in the same position there as half a year ago. :
American Marines Landed in Syria
25 May 2016
About 250 U.S. Marines landed near the Syrian city of al-Hasakah. This was reported on Wednesday, 25 May, by TV channel Al Arabiya.
The group is armed with heavy weapons. The transfer was carried out by several private transport planes. Reportedly, these forces can be directed to the area of Tel-Abyan, where the Kurdish militia launched an offensive on Raqqa [ ]— the main stronghold and the so-called capital of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG).
On 20 May Washington said [ ] that the Commander of US Forces in the Middle East, General Joseph Votel, secretly visited Syria in order to plan the operation to liberate Raqqa.
… …
@ xvg
The above linked article from Huffington Post [ ] contains the following line:
… Putin … has, however, chosen to react by placing the emphasis on gaining time for Russia to strengthen itself and trying to corner the West into some sort of cooperation or partnership …
This reminds me of something that Gennady Zyuganov, the chairman of the Communist Party of Russian Federation, presented as a plank in his electoral platform during the last presidential and parliamentary elections in Russia (2012). At the time the U.S. was still heavily militarily involved in Afghanistan. Zyuganov stated that while the U.S.’ hands were still tied in that war, Russia must take full advantage of it to massively rebuild the Russian military.
Which indicated, among other things, his (and other knowledgeable and responsible politicians’ in Russia) awareness of a temporary shortcoming in country’s military readiness at that time.
Some four years have passed since, and Russia has made great strides in building up its military strength. But the job is apparently not finished yet – and that just might be one of the reasons behind Putin’s sometime inscrutable conciliatory moves. Meaning that he is simply biding time (think of the unfinished Sarmat ICBM, Status-6 strategic torpedo, the First Guards Tank Army, all mentioned above – and then of who knows how many secret military projects in the pipeline of which we are not even aware). I might be too optimistic here, hoping that the problem behind those moves of his does not lie elsewhere.
“But the job is apparently not finished yet – and that just might be one of the reasons behind Putin’s sometime inscrutable conciliatory moves.”
Excellent point that is not often stated. When weighing all the various Russian moves, this motivation is the only one that consistently explains Putin’s actions. Russia acted in Syria because Syria and Iran are critical strategically, as is Crimea. The rest of Ukraine is important, but the cost/benefit of trying to take the country did not suggest the costly move.
The period we are in now should be seen as the “weakness phase”. The US through NATO is too weak in Europe for a head on confrontation with Russia, and Russia is too weak in the sense that time is needed to complete its military tech and economic build up. Every move right now can be seen as playing off the other sides’ weaknesses.
Just my opinion, but I seriously doubt Putin is naive about the west. By appearing as the conciliator, with Kissinger, Netanyahu, the fifth column, etc., he maintains low alarm levels in west as much as possible. This is all about time. It is a bit of a stretch, but even the pressure on Putin spoken about by Cohen in the article could be a scripted event to allow Russia to move into a higher gear in military build up while providing cover for Putin to maintain some position as a moderating force.
The Ladoga & Onega lakes as an interesting place for the small corvettes (or small submarines) filled with Kalibr missiles… Just to recall how vulnerable are the Baltic (sea and shores) and those Nations that could abandon their traditional neutrality…
Now that the murican secretary for the armed forces is openly homosexual the new RUssian joke is that murican warplanes have 2 seats but only one is used.
Here is the final lines of a poem by Pushkin posted in the Cafe by Vercia which leads me to believe that Russia is always prepared–just sometimes it is prepared better than other times.
Then send your numbers without number,
Your madden’d sons, your goaded slaves,
In Russia’s plains there’s room to slumber,
And well they’ll know their brethren’s graves!
While Russian conventional forces seem to be the equal, if not superior, to NATO forces its the stuff the US has but nobody knows about which is of concern. For instance what was the ball that made the second hit at the WTC? It was not a plane that hit the second tower.
From 3.45-6.00 will be enough to make one ponder.
BTW, this is not about 9/11. It is about weaponry.
Americans have a pathological need to dominate and control the world. They always have, and they always will.
If the Americans can’t possess the world, they will bring it all down–in a nuclear Armageddon if necessary.
This sickness is the basis of the American national identity and has been since the USA was spawned over 200 years ago.
In the 19th century, this was called American Manifest Destiny, the belief that Americans have a God-given right to seize and rule over the North American continent–by ethnically cleansing the Native Indian peoples and stealing their land.
Today, the Americans and their military have their Full Spectrum Dominance ambition, which is essentially a 21st century American Manifest Destiny to be imposed on the entire planet.
What is truly sick, however, are the mental contortions the Americans engage in to spindoctor this reality in their twisted little minds.
In particular, the Americans stand reality on its head and portray themselves as the “good guys” being threatened by foreign “evil doers” in order to justify the American Empire’s repeated invasions, bombings, coup d’etats and threats against other nations.
In short, the Americans instinctively project onto other nations their own evil.
It’s not Politically Correct to say this, but you simply can’t reason with a nation of psychopaths like the Americans.
You must defeat them.
Completely, utterly, and with extreme prejudice.
Good analysis Saker,
NATO is not able to defeat Russia…
… and knows it!
I am increasingly convinced that NATO ranting aims to hide the rationale for the US armed forces to be in Europe and to be the police of that continent whose peoples are to be slaves of the USA and refuse it, with obstinacy since 70 years.
Obviously, for who lives there or who goes often there and have friends (which I do), the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands (but probably also other countries) are preparing the US military dictatorship in their territories. In the UK and the Netherlands by multiplying provocative elections, in France pushing the army, police, rural police and whole sections of the population to rebellion, in Germany by pushing the states (Länder) to separate each other, and the people to demand their respective local government to compensate the deficiency of the federal state, in Italy in treating people as economic slaves and throwing the south against the north; while worsening and accelerating the process with the migrant crisis. The objective is the Lebanonization of Europe, the power belonging to the US military.
They must therefore be there before the events so that people cannot get rid of their government (almost) legal.
War against Russia is not (yet) the aim! It will come a generation later, in order to discipline that continent, to transform it in a war machine and to use it as the force of invasion!
All the russophobe hype is meant to prepare the public for the hot war. If you read comments from various American sites they seem to be boiling with rage towards China and Russia so I’d say it has succeeded. With the death mentality going on with the majorities, there seems to be now nothing to prevent it from happening. The public wants blood.
Their leaders have succesfully assured them that they will be safe, so everyone’s advocating just to go in for the “free kill” – why not? That’s what their parents and grand parents were fighting after all, “dangerous commies which to date haven’t ceased to exist”. And everyone is proud to continue that great “American tradition”. Europeans seem to have joined with this death wish as well.
I really think in this circumstance there’s really no other choice than to continue with the mass production of nuclear warheads and hypersonic missiles as the public opinion is getting worse and the hype continues pushing the message home. Especially China seems to be lagging way behind with a meaningful deterrent.
Excellent ! Every word of it . By the way , do you know that F. Hollande is a ” Young Leader ” , > Earlier classes > 1996 . Very interesting , the colonisation begins in 1981 , François Juppé for instance . Tutti Quanti , there !
The German equivalent , you see Weidmann , head of the Buba .
Surprise with the Brits , that’s vice versa , Americans go to Oxford , have a look at the Rhodes scholarship ” clients ” : Clinton , Wesley Clark , Susan Rice & a long Co . Rhodes was funded by the Royals and the Rothschild who also funded the Tavistock Clinic in 1918 forerunner of the Tavistock Institute , not precisely run by Downing St. or Whitehall . Based in Tabernaccle St. , City of London . MI6 probably working with them more than their Gvt .
Who rules who ?
Part of the answer , just a part , in Aldous Huxley chairing MKUltra . This guy , Jan Irvin , is doing a great job . > MKultra meeting .
Who rules who ? Follow the money , the big one . And Russia & China , they do not own . A long story . Russia is our only hope . China is joining .
Best wishes .
@ Mikel
Thanks for your insights. There is a lot going on under the radar. The empire’s tentacles are indeed far-reaching.
Saker, I have a question: why is Russia considering exclusively military options to combat its enemies? Valid questions are raised by your colleague Dr. Paul Craig Roberts here and also Pravda here. Why not use the same “soft” weapons as the West, i.e. forment color revolutions, destablize, etc. without potential loss of life in the billions?
“When a Russian company does business with an American one, the American firm obtains economic information about Russia which is given to the CIA.
“When the Russian Central Bank sells Russian bonds, Wall Street, acting for the CIA, can purchase the bonds and then dump them at inopportune times to embarrass Russia by
driving down their price. The price decline will then become propaganda that Russia is
failing and its bonds are worthless.
“When the Russian government allows the ruble to be traded in currency markets, the Russian government enables Washington to speculate against Russia’s currency and to drive down its value. The decline in the ruble is then reinforced by propaganda that the ruble is worthless.
“When the Russian government permits foreign investment, Washington can have the money pulled out of Russia at inopportune times and, thereby, destabilize the Russian economy.”
See also:
“Supporting the National Front of Marine Le Pen in France is also the right move. Russia needs anti-American politicians in Western Europe like air. Russia needs the fragmented Europe as no one has repealed the postulate: ‘Divide and conquer.’
“Russia must also activate the works of its special services as far as color revolutions are concerned. An eye for an eye that is. If Russia can shake Europe a little bit, Europe will be too busy with its own problems.”
why is Russia considering exclusively military options to combat its enemies? Valid questions are raised by your colleague Dr. Paul Craig Roberts here and also Pravda here. Why not use the same “soft” weapons as the West, i.e. forment color revolutions, destablize, etc. without potential loss of life in the billions?
Good question. Even Putin was asked about this recently. I guess there is a two or three parts answer:
First and foremost, Russia does not want to become an anti-US, to become like her own enemy. The Soviet Union did a lot of that stuff, and it did the Soviets no good. Furthermore, I would argue that such policies did no good to the USA either. Sure, for a while they work, but in the long run, it makes the USA the most hated country on the planet. Furthermore, Russia wants stability, not conflict. If you want to be the World Hegemon, then chaos, violence and crises are good for you. But if you want a multi-polar world, then you want stability and peace. Make no mistake, Russia does not want or seek war. But the reason why Russia is preparing for one is precisely because the Kremlin has concluded that the Empire has run out of “soft” options against Russia, so now the only options left are to deter, repel, prevail and survive if the Empire goes into a full scale “hard” attack mode.
HTH, cheers,
The Saker
Thank you, Saker; your answer deals with the second part, perhaps in a sense Christian in not to return evil with evil.
However, the first part of my question, having a financial system linked to and/or imitating the U.S. is and using U.S. agents is something that should be changed: again see Dr. Roberts’ advice. Greece going to Goldman Sachs, certainly a division of Satan Inc. is idiotic and ended up being suicidal. Russia doing the same in effect with its bond sales is just as stupid. But they don’t strike me as being stupid or ignorant. I hope their leaders are truly independent and consider Dr. Roberts advice, if there’s any way to make them cognizant of it. Sputnik hasn’t posted his essay I cited above.
And his latest is here:
I think individual Americans are going to have to push their elected leaders to stop the momentum for war. However, I don’t think they’ll listen.
Thanks again.
Finally, I hope Greece stops being the unpaid whores of the A.Z. empire and votes to end sanctions.
Maybe there’s hope…
Russia and China have distinct roles. Financial warfare is China’s part, Russia provides the hard power to back it up.
@ Y.L.
“…why not use the “soft” options as the West”
For the simple reason that Russia cannot compete with US/Nato at that level. The sophistication and depth of the western propaganda through controlled media, thinktanks, ngos, a long tradition of clandestine operations, the control over international organizations and finance, the material and personnel resources and so on are far beyond Russia’s capacity. Armed resistance is the only option left for Russia… and maybe the only hope for humanity.
Your suggestion of placing a wedge between Europe and US is indeed perhaps the only alternative but Russia has not the resources to do that, at least by “subversive” means, and cannot hope for a change within the EU itself. In my view, for what’s worth, only the dismantling of Nato itself will change the course of headlong rush towards doom and its up to the Kremlin planners to figure out how to do it, if the Moderator on duty is so kind to pass on my advice to VVP, with my regards.
…why not use the “soft” options…
Perhaps a part of the answer is in the mindset and eastern (ortodox) christianity nurtured cultural tradition. In the west political ideology Machiavellian type of thought and action is transferred to any aspiring statesman, politician, tradesman, etc. in the earliest stages of education. The western christian church teaches very young disciples not to say everything one thinks, to disemble, etc. Thus in the Dinaric region amongst the ortodox population it is common opinion that the “latini” are two faced liars that one should never trust because they will cheat and trick you as a rule. Also, in the az ideology everybody is your possible enemy and oponent. In the eastern ideology your family, brotherhood, tribe, nation, motherland, etc. are more important than individual interests. And one should be prepared to sacrifice oneself for the common good.
So, the use of the multitude of the “soft” techniques against fellow humans is considered immoral.
There is truth in that the West operates on a different moral level. Trickery and duplicity was widely used by the Romans in all their wars. Just read a little about the Siege of Numantia and you can see how they built the empire because those tactics were their war-users’-guide . The heirs of the Roman Empire (Western Europe) did the same thing wherever they went and the natives of North America dubbed them appropriately as speakers with a forked tongues.
According the Indian accounts of the arrival of the Feringhees in the East, they were unscrupulous robbers driven by unrelenting greed and savagery, particularly against the Muslims whom they hated more than the Indus and Afonso Albuquerque earned a well-deserved reputation of a ruthless crusader.
Perhaps the Russians believe in “An eye for an eye will make everybody blind”. Russia is counting on people the misinformation of msm and support Russia. However people and nations are afraid in fact go along with what the West wants because it is always safe and is survival to be by the side of the strongest. The deafening silence coming from Russia to warn and create peace campaign towards the Western population will continue the looming war. At this moment, FEAR is winning every where which Roosevelt warned against
Very well-put.
But keep in mind that the real leaders of the Anglo-Zionist Empire are deep thinkers and long-range planners. They are -after all- Zionists. The Zionists are relying on “the 80% informational element of warfare” (as you put it), not only to dumb-down and to corrupt the petty comprador classes and the masses of the countries which they already control, they are using this to undermine the will of those nations which are joined in the fight against them. (I take your point without argument. But I see the distribution as 50% informational, 30% economic, and 20% miliary.)
Saber-rattling is just part of their informational war. And should war break out, they don’t care how great the destruction nor how great the death toll which would certainly be suffered by the peoples which live within their domain. Because “they” do not identify with the people who will fight the wars and suffer the consequences.
I agree that Russia -and also China, of course- must prepare to fight and wars. But the Zionists calculate how much the sacrifice such preparations entail. And they will juxtapose these military preparations against “socially desirable” projects as part of their informational war.
For how long can the old guard Russians keep their youth from the tantalizing prospects of hedonism, materialism, moral corruption and sexual perversity, which taken together would seem to make their lives more fun and more free? How many of the oligarchs, currently loyal to Putin, would continue resist the demands of the Zionists and continue to endure the negative impact of the sanctions? How many of these oligarchs are not themselves Zionists, who want to weaken Russian resolve to resist the Empire?
In China, the situation is even more dire. The princeling children and grandchildren of the Communist Maoists are going to inherit the positions of power in China over the next 20 years.
In America my generation largely gave in to these temptations by the end of the 1970s. The same culture war was won throughout the west about the same time. And conditions have only gotten more decadent since then.
The “Old Guard” in the West as well as in Russia and China are dying off. They need a lot more Trumps, Sanders, La Pens, Johnsons, and Grillos -and better leaders than these- to win the war for the minds and morals of their countrymen.
Just what else -besides a destructive war- will reverse this process?
@the real leaders of the Anglo-Zionist Empire are deep thinkers and long-range planners. They are -after all- Zionists
And they suffer from ‘‘the apocalyptic imperative’ inherent in the “Yahvist’ religions. It is something akin to the “critical paranoia” of Salvador Dali, described by the Surrealists as an “instrument of primary importance… capable of being applied equally to painting, poetry, the cinema, the construction of typical Surrealist objects, fashion, sculpture, the history of art, and even, if necessary, all manner of exegesis (i.e. interpretation)”
It became the philosophy of the Neo-Cons, clearly formulated during Bush’s presidency by Karl Rove: “We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors…and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”
Do you understand now, Winston? “Two plus two equals five”!
As beautifully composed as the conclusion is ominous!
I hold onto the hope that the largely white populist rebellions that are emerging in America and Europe, plus the socialist-inspired populist rebellions elsewhere, may wrest control over reality from the globalists, and break up their one-world order.
Bigotry always exposes itself in the most unflattering forms. For that I am grateful and I thank god.
One of the biggest asset for US is Zionists in Russia. They have weakened Russia since 1991. If nuclear is not used in Russia then the soft war will be played by Zionists and 5th column in Russia. The situation is dire for Russia. The enemy within is worse than foreign enemies
If never in a history of the Russian nation, now Russians are united in every corner of Russia and prepared to send a bill for all of the sufferings caused during the centuries against the Russian nation including the terror during the communist regime preplanned by the Anglo-Zio monsters
Russia is at war now, and cannot afford to wait, it has to control every thing within its nation: foreign organizations, ngos, oligarchs, Zionists, 5th column etc. During Japan-US war, the US put every Japanese citizens in interment camp fearing Japanese Americans would also attack due to emotions when US went nuclear on Japan.
Thank you Saker for these clear words. Russia stated it clearly during the Maidan crisis. They will strike the master (usa) and not only the dog. After the deployment poland and romania I think they will strike back very soon. They won’t wait any longer.
Dear Saker,
excellent article on Russia. Congratulations. You have said all that is important to know and myself, being a soldier in the Bulgarian army in 1970 -72 which was at that time entirely an image of the Soviet Army can confirm all your assessments of the Russian Army.
Here is an article that explains precisely why West Europe is completely under the thumb of the AAA-empire (Anglo-American Assholes or triple A empire) as I call it.
The Eastern European countries were indeed very eager to join the big boys club of the AAA. You have presented it very well and only people who have experienced it first hand know what you are talking about. I was one of the founders of the opposition anti-communist block in Bulgaria in 1989 that came to power in 1992 and then again in 1996 and met many of these western lackeys who only wanted to enter the AAA-big boys club. One of them was a former friend of mine (schoolmate) who became the first anti-communist president of Bulgaria. The political situation in Eastern Europe is even worse and more abominable than you depict it.
Here is a further very important aspect why the AAA empire cannot lead a war with Russia which you have not discussed but surely know very well. It has no soldiers as nobody wants to become a soldier anymore. The number of new recruits is the lowest in the USA in its history and the best kept secrecy since ten years. Western Europe has only demoralized armies and the Eastern European countries have practically no armies as they have no money. The German army is now less than half the size of that of Western Germany at the end of the cold war and if you count the DDR army only one third. At that time the Soviet Union had 400 000 soldiers in Eastern Germany. This important aspect reinforces your thesis why the western jackals yowl loud but are toothless and why they are so mad at Russia.
With best regards
Sent first as an email.
I think you are reasonably presented facts, but i think, from my experiences during ’90. ..
in war time everinthing goes very wrong. people are “given” chance to choose side and they choose it. in that “twilight zone” and times, they often choose familiy, friends, religion. and they do it. sane and moral person, which majority uf us are in peace time, in war time has to choose with price to pay. it has three options.
-to run far away and leaving family and friends risking to be declared coward
-to choose side in conflict regarding own moral position and kill for other side
-shoot own right palm or foot to became useless to army and be swaped as hostage, work somewhere miserable job for war machine far from front line. anyway not so good options.
living in illusion that nobody will “touch” you during war is dangerous. own government is most dangerous could-be enemy. and there is other side who shoot at you. there is whole functioning “war religion” which will make hundreds of thousands and maybe millions of soldiers if war break out. just look at Ukraine. Pepe Escobar wrote before Maidan that that bunch of nazi will do nothing and they are numbering few hundreds. see now how Ukraine is indoctrinated with Bandera. they produced enough soldiers to make local war. just frozen conflict (thanks to Russia) enabled to cool some heads and enable young men to escape to Russia or elsewhere.
Don’t forget, the British created its armies of Indians after colonizing it and controlling most part of the world. Today there are many in the world willing to be mercenaries for a buck
I have been thinking long and hard, searching my inner Russian soul for how would I act if I were less driven by impulse and more by wisdom. I would do what the Russian leadership is doing: maskirovka, pretending to be weak and cozying up to muricans in spite of my utter disgust, while preparing for the inevitable and making sure that my family survives the horror. God bless their souls if that is the case. In this same site I have seen a video about Russian airborne troops, truly amazing what these guys do, and the same general portrayed here berating a chechen is in charge, when questioned of what would happen in case of a confrontation, contempt oozed out of his smirk and he answered: We will prevail.Amen, God will grant victory to the great motherland of human civilization.
About that spineless Western Europe – how does the US keep these countries so submissive? I’ve heard about bribes and ‘grooming’ of political leaders (prior to getting elected) but is that it? Is it just an absence of strong leaders? That seems too straightforward. No threats?
@ S113
The political elite of Western Europe are basically a parasitic cabal with a belief of entitlement to rule, therefore they have no commitment to serve the people. The vehicle for rulership is of course the political parties and a rigid party discipline for selection and election. Although they are supposed to represent people, the fact is that they represent the party and they act for the furtherance of their careers and this does not permit deviation from the party line. So, it is not very hard to bribe, cajole or blackmail half a dozen of the leadership to keep the rest under control.
Charles de Gaulle in my opinion was the last of the European leaders. He was courageous enough to tell NATO to pack up and leave. He kept the Brits out of the Common Market (as the EU was then called) because he knew they would undermine the block from the inside and would become the US Trojan horse, which, incidentally, is what has happened (e.g. the admission of Eastern European countries was essentially British-driven as ordered by the US and to prevent deeper integration, which the US feared).
Put it simply, representative democracy is a joke and a tool to keep the plebs under.
Thanks for the reply, Kim. I get a very clear picture from your explanation, that’s for sure. And your remarks about Hiroshima and Nagasaki are very timely too.
I brought this up because of a statement by Steinmeier yesterday. About sanctions on Russia, he said “Economic and political pressure was necessary to prevent large-scale conflicts in and around Eastern Ukraine. …” Now – is this just the usual blather, in diplomatic terms, or is he saying that the US threatened a large-scale conflict if the EU refused the sanctions?
Also, JJ’s post (may 27, 3:00) quotes Lavrov saying that Russia “overestimated the EU’s independence” in the world arena. He said that “the crisis in the Ukraine” highlighted the EU’s high degree of dependence on the “political and economic influence” of the US.
Are they trying to tell us something here? Or is this just more of the same old talk, and I’m reading too much into it?
One thing: Western Europe is fully aware of this. It’s good if most everyone believes that it is ‘spineless’, but that’s not true. It’s trying to soothe tensions and cool bloods.
I see exactly what you mean… while one can sense it, actual evidence is lacking. We’re far from able to be categorical.
… not to mention this would leave us in the unprovable thesis realm, given the inherent subjectivity.
It seems WW-III would quickly escalate to a radioactive holocaust extinguishing the lives of most beings on this beautiful blue dot. Here in Australia, some of us reading this blog may survive as in Neville Shute’s story “On the Beach”, but it would be a bleak and probably short existence.
The brainwashed masses have no idea. So much apathy. When I was a youth in the 70s there was much more concern. Vietnam was on, WW-II was a fairly recent memory, the Cold War meant we knew we were always just hours from M.A.D. annihilation.
But seems no awareness now. No peace movement to speak of yet. The masses still think the West are the good guys, or at least the lesser evil. It is changing steadily now. But is the awakening fast enough?
Truly I would despair. I don’t fear for our eternal future in the afterlife, but I do fear for life on this planet. One real sign of reassurance however is the UFO phenomenon. See this high quality video:
Watch trailer and read some of testimonies for free, but the full doco is well worth the small Vimeo fee.
The documentary is just under 1hr, it reveals through extremely credible military witnesses, with corroborating declassified documents obtained via FOIA, that highly advanced extraterrestrial craft have been monitoring humanity’s nuclear weapons ever since the development of fissionable material for the Hiroshima bomb. They are still doing it, they have repeatedly activated and deactivated missile launch systems in ways that could not be understood. The clear message is “kiddies stop playing with matches”.
However whether the ETs could deactivate all the thousands of missiles and bombs and torpedoes such as described by Saker in the moments that full scale WW-III began is hypothetical.
What is clear is they want peaceful contact, recent whistleblowers say humanity is hostage and nuclear mayhem might be triggered if they try open contact that was rejected by the Empire in Truman/Eisenhower’s day. But groups of people meditating for peaceful contact have video evidence of such happening (see Steven Greer + CE-5; James Gilliland + ECETI).
The Russian media have been more open than the Western media, e.g.
Abby Martin on RT
this report re UFOs preventing nuclear war on RT
Russian PM Medvedev
reports of UFO activity around nukes during USSR
as well as a UFO preventing a full explosive meltdown at Chernobyl )
Hastings’ half century of research and gaining testimonies from over 100 military witnesses plus painstaking documents searches and FOIA requests, was sparked as a teenager working after school as a janitor in the ATC tower at a US airforce base where his father served as an officer and family lived on base. He says one night he noticed commotion amongst the air traffic controllers and observing them realised the base was being monitored by UFOs. One air traffic controller looked over at him and in a moment of candour showed him 5UFOs on screen and then the US fighter jets scrambled but the UFOs instantly zipped to the stratosphere at speeds no human craft of the 1960s could match. Hastings said the ATC man suddenly realised his security breach, and anxiously swore Hastings to secrecy. But Hastings says his life changed that night. The documentary is the culmination of 5 decades painstaking research.
Nothing to be sniggered at. Both WW-III and the UFO issue are deadly serous stuff. Powers that be would like us to continue to self censor around UFOs. Time to let go of the ridicule factor and rationally and open mindedly look at this issue.
@ Peter from Oz
Hello cobber! I hope you are right but I’ve a question: how come the ETs allowed the incineration of Hiroshima and Nagasaki? I can’t ask them but you might have the contacts and I’m not trying to be a smart alec. Cheers
Hi Kim, Good question mate. I don’t know, but it does make me wonder – perhaps it was early in the ET surveillance, perhaps they have rules of minimal engagement until a developing species is ready, perhaps they calculated it was best the Allies win (though we now know Japan was ready to surrender and the Abombs were not necessary to win the war) – there is evidence (eg 96 y.o. William Tompkins who was in US Naval intelligence that the Nazis were in league with nefarious ETs) that there was more going on in WW-II than official history says.
The conspiracy story that seems to be emerging is the AZ Empire did a deal with the Nazi remnant that fled to Sth America and Antarctica end of WW-II. See “Operation Highjump” and “Operation Paperclip”. Thus the Western Cabal behaving increasingly like Nazis over recent years. TPP,TTIP,TSA treaties meet Mussolini’s definition of fascism – the merger of corporate and government power.
On the other side according to recent whistleblowers and contactees (Corey Goode, David Wilcock, James Gilliland, Laura Eisenhower granddaughter of president Eisenhower, Randy Cramer, Stephen Greer’s group) are benevolent ETs who are now in alliance with breakaway elements from the Cabal’s secret space program mainly the secret US Navy corps set up by Eisenhower as a balance to the Corporate Deep State secret space program. Allegedly top secret level of BRICS led by Putin are part of this. Allegedly the most advanced benevolent species come from higher heavenly dimensions and are closer to the Divine Creator than our relatively primitive and sinful species.
I realise this all sounds like pure science fiction. I struggle to fully believe it too. But although I’m not a contactee and have only been following the UFO issue as an interest online, I have had two sightings – the first may have been a meteor and a coincidence, the second however was clear. I was with about 20 people outside an Australian theatre following a showing of the film “Sirius” by Stephen Greer when we all saw a number of lights in the sky moving silently in ways impossible for planes or meteors. Greer commented they were saying hello.
My other personal anecdote is speaking with an American guy in an airport boarding lounge when our flight was delayed for hours. I’d just watched Oliver Stone’s “JFK” on previous flight and we got talking about that, then eventually 9/11 and false flags. He said he used to have a top secret clearance with expertise in high tech engineering. By this stage we had that quite open camaraderie that strangers marooned together in middle of night boarding lounges can develop. I then asked him what about UFOs, introducing the topic with a dose of socially acceptable snigger so I could back away if necessary. He remained straight faced and said in the top secret job environment he was in with the US military-industrial complex, the topic of UFOs was deadly serious. He said it was clear there is an ET reality and if you asked too many questions you’d get into deep trouble.
Watch UFOs and Nukes as linked above everyone. At least have an open mind. And I dearly hope Vladimir Putin has some benevolent ET advisors. He and the rest of us need some help!
Great piece Saker!! Unfortunately what you say will fall on deaf ears in the “west” and in the USA in particular as the bulk of the population there has been brainwashed to believe that the US is invincible – regardless of the truth of the matter in their failures in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria. IMO the military-industrial complex in the USA is going to continue to “poke the bear” and out of the blue the bear is going to poke back . . . . hard.
The Western peoples are succesfully been cut of from any meaningfull culture except for the digital.
Imperialism is the only drum beaten and that needs an enemy being Russia + China in the future. Most individuals due to being no individual any more take what they are told hook line and sinker. War is a great population reducer especially with todays toys.
I worry more about the weapons and God knows what produced in those black projects / private owned corporations. There is so much money been/being obfuscated thru the decades that it is mind boggeling and dangerous to ignore. Greed aside, it produced something?
It is not the known that scares me but mostly the unknown. The parasites definitely want the whole earth under there juristiction at any cost, so whats the ace up their sleeve?
Russia and China better be prepered from the point of the unseen and oft unspoken of world going ons.
Actions along DPR border
@ Uncle Bob 1 on May 27, 2016 · at 11:00 pm UTC
“As far as I know,there has never been a “true” historical study done on the closing years of the USSR. And what exactly brought on the collapse. Nor one done on the aftermath in the ex-USSR Republics during the 1990’s. I think that “unbiased” studies of those periods is long overdue.”
Calling it a collapse is a big misnomer, like shooting someone in the head and then referring to that event as the time when the person “collapsed”.
On 17 March 1991 there was a referendum held in all the Soviet republics with the question whether or not the Union should be preserved. Turnover was very high (80%) and the result was a very overwhelming Yes by 77.85% of voters.
It was of course ignored, and you seldom hear about it.
The Soviet Union was deliberately demolished from within by its own leaders. Public assets were gifted by the elites to themselves and their cronies (officially “auctioned”, for a microscopic fraction of their value). Chris Floyed called it the biggest firesale in human history.
Great article. American military thinking was formed by Grant and Sherman: attrition warfare where your side has an overwhelming advantage in men and material. That wont work with Russia. I can only hope that NATO and western leaders dont believe their own bs and all of the provocations directed at Russia are for domestic consumption and increased military budgets.
I wish the Eagle can fly a couple of 100 years into the future..
I know this is not the subject of the article but it is very important to our people here in South Africa:
I agree Russia will show the West what warfare is all about they always have and always will.Russia wiull bring the world back to it’s senses.I hope Donald Trump will be elected the next US president because he is the right man for the job to make amends with Russia and stop all this nonsense that Russia is the enemy!The only thing that kept the world relatively at peace since the end of the 2nd world war was Russia and the cold war.Go Russia you have my vote 100%!
Lets see now, apartheid South Africa was a US strong point dedicated to keeping communism subdued in Southern Africa and to protect the vital Cape trading route between Europe and the East in the event of something going wrong in the Seuz Canal surrounds.
Initially, apartheid South Africa was the source of gold on this planet, so was extremely important to the US until the dollar became delinked from gold during the 70’s. Then the US came more interested in keeping the gold price low while still maintaining SA’s anti-communist edge.
Even when the US finally imposed sanctions on apartheid SA, like true hypocrites, they still funneled weapons and weapon technology to SA via Israel. Apartheid SA went on the develop the nuclear bomb as a result of these behind the door weapon dealings.
US intelligence was directly behind the arrest and imprisonment of a certain communist character by the name of Nelson Mandela. The ANC (African National Congress) was designated a terrorist organization by the US, even though it was essentially a freedom movement.
But then the USSR collapsed and with the gold price being kept artificially low the apartheid state was just not economically or politically viable any longer. Hence in 1994 SA ceased to be the apartheid state and instead became the ‘rainbow nation of god’.
Those whites who could fled to Australia, New Zealand, US, Canada, Britain, etc, being dedicated Anglo Zionists of course. Just research the history of the Anglo American company, business was good during Apartheid. Those whites who stayed behind, while not persecuted, or should I say persecuted on a nanoscopic scale, suffer because now the universities and the jobs are not reserved exclusively for them. Only in the private sector is white survival now possible, bad luck to those whites whose parents never accumulated sufficient capital via property and businesses in the apartheid time.
The white population in SA is decreasing continuously due to immigration and low birth rates, while the black population is increasing exponentially due to high birth rates and the influx from the rest of Africa. If you think Europe has a migrant problem come look what is going on in SA, you ain’t seen nothing yet.
President Zuma is an wonderful asset to the US. With him in charge its unlikely that SA will ever become a force to be reckoned with or threaten US interests in the slightest . Even Nigeria and maybe Egypt has a bigger gdp than SA. Instead of buying Russian migs and weapons at the end of Apartheid, they instead purchased useless Swedish giphen jets which can’t even fly halfway across the length or breath of SA with their puny single engines. SA’s military is now the laughing stock of Africa. But liberation movements don’t make good governments, or so they say. The only positive is that SA hasn’t gone down the route of Brazil yet, there is always someone worse off than you :-)
This comment has been brewing since your last article.
The ‘next war’ will be far more deadly than anything we’ve seen before. And I’m not even talking about the mass murder of a nuclear exchange. The killing power of military units of all types and all branches has been growing and growing.
Small infantry units have far more killing power than what we saw in WWII. And they have much more effective support fire than before. Any fortification can be destroyed, by a choice of air launched guided missiles or cruise missiles or by ‘bunker-busting’ bombs. Armor can be killed by a plethora of missiles, which could come from a small team of infantry hiding in woods 2km away, or from an APC that darts out from behind some trees, to helicopters that suddenly appear over a hill or from an airplane you never saw who launched a missile from 10 km away. The worst place to be in the next war will be a ship on the surface of an ocean, as they will die quickly. Air planes just need to get within 50km to 100km of a target spotted by ground radar or AWACs to kill it.
So, the casualties from early in the next war will be horrific. All branches will take heavy casualties. All those ‘professional’ fighters who’ve been trained for years are going to take heavy losses.
At the start of WWI, the people who paid attention to logistics correctly forecasted that the major powers would all quickly run out of munitions. They incorrectly predicted a ‘short’ war because of this. Instead, they got years of stagnant warfare were everyone conserved ammo and stayed in fortified trench lines until the month of the ‘Grand Offensive’ when they would shoot off all their fireworks in a hope of an elusive victory.
Even short conflicts we’ve seen in places like Israel and Iraq have put great strains on the stockpiles of expensive missiles. After that, it becomes a question of how fast can both sides manufacture them, and conserving them for the modern version of a ‘Grand Offensive’.
Meanwhile, each side will try to build conscript armies. But these days an ‘army’ isn’t just a soldier whom you give a bolt-action rifle and quickly train to march and salute. It will take much longer to train the replacements for those operators of the high-tech killing equipment to replace all of those who died in the first days of the war. And replacing all that expensive equipment with that got destroyed so quickly in the opening days. I suspect both sides will have more draftees in boot camps than they will ever have the expensive, high-tech replacement equipment to arm those units.
In a long war, the equipment at the end is usually far advanced over the equipment at the beginning. At least in the 20th century. And I suspect the ‘winner’ of the next war would be the side that can develop and then build easily mass-produced equipment that is easy to use by half-trained troops. During WWII, both the Americans and the Soviets accomplished this. But, I rather suspect the modern American military-industrial complex has forgotten how to do this. Can they relearn before the war is decided is one of the interesting questions.
Now re-published on ZeroHedge:
How Russia Is Preparing For WWIII
Are they already testing on the own population?
It is very tragic and hardly more idiotic than the USA, where a 23 years old NBA star wanted to visit his gf, chose the wrong apartment and got shot because she lives one floor deeper:!-Drama_um_23-Jaehrigen-Story-512357&edit-text=
1 killed, 10 injured after firework hits crowd in Russia (VIDEOS)
When the US has leaders, past and present, like Cheney, McCain, and Clinton advocating a nuclear war with Russia, declaring the US military as ‘unbeatable and most powerful in the world’ and at the same time building up US military bases and arsenal around Russia and China, you’d think they cannot see the forest from the trees.
Ergo the Brenton Woods agreement, the AZ elites are drunk on US dollars and have no sense of reality.
I just ran across this blog today and find it contains some very thought provoking discussions.
I do not believe WWIII will be fought by Russia(solo) vs the US but an alliance of several nations (including Russia) what I call the many against one scenario. Also, a topic for future discussion might be the (vulnerable) advance high technology of the west. What I term the Electronic Magniot line in the sky.
A bolt from the blue scenario is one in which the attacker(s) launches a full scale surprise nuclear attack also called the Pearl Harbor scenario. The majority of U.S. strategists dismiss the “bolt from the blue” attack as a possibility. They assume that such an attack would be unlikely because intelligence and reconnaissance would detect war preparations far in advance of any conflict. I have yet to find any information on a war fighting scenario where several countries launch a coordinated attack one country simultaneously.
Hi Kat. Do you think that could have any significance that after almost being erased as commenter by exhausting me banning my comments and breaking my computer out with a new virus ( as happened some weeks ago ) , then, suddenly you come to life again? Also, those new commenters who pretended to be friends in the cafe and then, also suddenly, came with a provocation against Spanish/Latin people, seems to be especially lazy today ( maybe they are going to disappear for ever as others like you return ) once their goal achieved…..Hmm……
Hi Anonymous … I do believe this is a different commenter …. Kat Kan worked as a moderators. We have not heard from her in about 1 year. … Mod-hs
Anonymous, choose a handle and we’ll go into as much depth on the issue of shoring up weak flanks in the anti-NWO alliance as you would like.
Identifying weaknesses and working to overcome them ought to be valued, by adults, not deprecated. Also, the outraged one very much proved my point, herself, if you were an astute observer, as one fellow with a very humorous link for her was. Were you? If you don’t understand my point and mods will allow me to make it, I’ll be glad to be more specific.
And she showed no interest in Sergey’s post on Venezuela, did you notice? You don’t think emotionalism and superficiality are not a problem anywhere, and that every population everywhere doesn’t have deeply rooted issues that come from thousands of years ago and are mostly subconscious, and therefore a dangerous blind side? Think again.
This isn’t a popularity contest or who can elicit the most emotions in the least time, in some kind of “feel good” solidarity. It’s a thinking contest and a contest to see who cares most, over the longest time, and in the most depth.
I’m familiar, up close with the types in Ecuador that want nothing more passionately than the fall of Rafael Correa. And their thinking very much reminds me of thinking I witnessed in the Middle East, and in the Raza Unida movement in the US. I am looking for a quote from one of their main historians and scholars for you. I’m sure I’ll find it.
Identifying and shoring up weak flanks is a lot smarter than pretending they don’t exist and getting all huffy and indignant when some such matters are pointed out, or concerns about such things are brought to the surface. As Goya and Cervantes did, by the way.Ruthlessly!…. out of real love, not phony, immature, lovey dovey b.s. .
“…a conquest achieved according to the rules of 21st century warfare which I define as “80% informational, 15% economic and 5% military.”
“And the Lord God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent *beguiled* me, and I did eat.”
Also found in: Thesaurus, Legal, Idioms, Wikipedia.
be·guile (bĭ-gīl′)
tr.v. be·guiled, be·guil·ing, be·guiles
1. To deceive by guile or charm: beguiled unwary investors.
2. To deprive (someone) of something by guile or deceit; cheat: a disease that has beguiled me of strength.
3. To distract the attention of; divert: “to beguile you from the grief of a loss so overwhelming” (Abraham Lincoln).
4. To amuse or charm; delight or fascinate. See Synonyms at charm.
5. To pass (time) pleasantly.
Note that Satan didn’t force the apple into Eve’s mouth, he made her do it. He made her take action herself – against her own best interests. This is how Satan and his agents in the physical realm (i.e., the first and second beasts of Rev 13) operate.
What’s unfolding before us is a battle for control of the world. It’s a “spiritual” battle in the sense that the force of evil motivating the Satanic “West” is a force which originates in the spiritual realm.
Sun Tzu stressed the importance of “knowing your enemy”. This is critically important for Russia and China. Their enemy is motivated by a spiritual force of pure evil and therefore cannot be “appeased” or reasoned with in any meaningful sense. Whenever this enemy engages in any kind of “talks”, for example, it’s only a diversionary tactic. The deadly, implacable enemy is simply insatiable, because that is the nature of evil.
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Ephesians 6:12).
The enemy’s agenda is spelled out in the Bible:
“How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn!
You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations!
(13) You said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to the heavens;
I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly,
on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon.
(14) I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.'” (Isaiah 14:12-14).
Jesus said: “Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven” (Matthew 18:18).
Put simply, what the beast-controlled “West” is doing is trying to forcibly impose their Satanic “New World Order” on the whole planet, which would mean the establishment of Satan’s kingdom on the earth.
The “West”, particularly “America”, has already “fallen” – in a moral and spiritual sense – and is apparently in a demon-possessed state as predicted in the Bible:
“And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory.
(2) And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.
(3) For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies. (Rev 18:1-3).
And the Bible predicts that the fully demon-possessed West will destroy itself, as evil generally does.
It is true that Russia is preparing for World War III, not because Russia intends to initiate aggression but because Russia is alarmed by the action of the West. Where are we heading? Let me remind here a fragment of an ancient vision: “And [the king of the north] will go back (to) his land with great wealth [1945. This detail indicated that Hitler will attack also the Soviet Union and will fight to the bitter end. In the beginning there were no signs of such the ending of this war]; and his heart (will be) against the holy covenant [hostility towards Christians]; and will act [it means activity in the international arena]; and turned back to his own land [1991-1993. The collapse of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact. Russian troops returned to their country]. At the appointed time [he] will return back.” (Daniel 11:28, 29a) The return of Russia in this context also means break up the European Union and NATO. Then many countries of the former Eastern block will return to Russia’s zone of influence. Russian troops will be stationed here again.
“And [the king of the north] will enter into the south [this can be Georgia], but it will not be as the former [2008 – Georgia] or as the latter [now Ukraine], for the dwellers of coastlands of Kittim [USA, in the beginning without Britain] will come against him, and he will be dejected, and will go back.” (Daniel 11:29b, 30a)
What will induce the “king of the north” to enter into the south? Jesus said: “For nation will rise against nation”, as in 2008, and then will be U.S. intervention and global nuclear war. As Jesus foretold, it will be “the beginning of birth pains”. (Matthew 24:7, 8; Revelation 6:4)
In 1882 British troops occupied Egypt. Great Britain then took the role of “the king of the south”. Around the same time, Russia expanded its influence in the region, which previously belonged to Seleucus I Nicator, and took the role of “the king of the north”. (Daniel 11:27)
All the details of this vision are being fulfilled from the time of ancient Persia, in chronological order. It is true that this vision is variously interpreted. As one can see, it has a lot of details. Therefore the insightful person is able to detect any error or sophistry. (Daniel 12:10)
Spasibo… my only word I know in Russian… This is the best write up I have read on what WW3 will be like. I am relieved Russia is that prepared… I guess !!! (???) Pentagon knows this… and what we see and hear is just their stupid trying to make believe… they are the master… About time the Western world learn a few lessons. Thank you for this write up.. distributing it…
Interesting article although hopefully the Russian military planners are not neglecting cyber/electronic and anti-satellite weapons and warfare strategies.
I wonder when the empty sabre rattling will get boring with overuse and people realize the Long War will be an economic one, with deployments meant to splash cash on an ally or industry, not accomplish a real military goal.
It’s quite obvious that such a confrontation with Russia and/or China that is being pushed by the U.S. neocon/libs would most likely escalate to global thermonuclear war. Is this outcome what the globalist elites really want? I doubt that, but it could very likely happen in a ground conflict where a commander decides to unleash a battlefield nuke and then everything escalates up from that.
It seems to me so . . . Neanderthal for an entire planet to go to war for the pretensions of a few hundred, or even a few thousand oligarchs. One would think the solution is obvious.
Revolution requires great sacrifice, and pacification by bread and circus has sufficed to preclude the conditions for such an enterprise. When the economic situation is sufficiently destabilized, there is likely to be a window of opportunity in the Americas, where the people can decapitate their oppressor, but social control in Eurasia is very deep and pervasive. In the Old World, only demoralization of the machinery of oppression can offer similar opportunity.
In 1995, Anglo propaganda was very over powering to the little people, which is what I was and still am. In 1995, I was totally mesmerized by it. My version followed theirs, ***the obliteration of Grozny, by the Russians, (a city the size of Cincinnati, Ohio)was a monstrous crime against humanity***
Today, i like to think I have evolved away from such unspeakable lies. Grozny, represented a toe to toe war against the Anglo’s via their surrogate Chechen mercenaries. This was a real hot war waged by the Anglos against Russia. An invasion of Russia’s underbelly. It was NOT Chechen independents fighting Russian hegemony as we were told, by these sophisticated propagandists in the west.
The information war is crucial. I rely on the Saker to give me the Russian view point because the Anglo view point overwhelms me .We readers of the Saker must continue to redistribute his work to as wide an audience as possible.
That tsunami bomb you mention is very interesting. The facebook blurb says it was hatched in the mind of Andrei Sakarov. He even suggested hiding bombs in the Atlantic near American cities and he was thinking of bombs in the 100 megaton range. These would create tsunamis 300 meters high and would wipe out the east coast of the US.
Another interesting possibility would be to cause the collapse of Cumbre Vieja off the coast of Spain which would also cause a death dealing tsunami capable of wiping out the east coast of the US. This ancient volcano is already on the verge of collapse,
The question is, is it possible to create a tsunami in such a way that it would appear to be a natural occurance? Or would the seismic signature betray its nuclear origin? There is also the issue of the radioactivity produced by such a bomb.
If Russia fears that a pre-emptive attack by the US is a certainty, it is possible to see how such an attack could be justified. This raises the whole moral question, which only a Christian country like Russia (the only such country in the world at this time) would be able to weigh. I hope that the Russians are spending as much time on their moral development as they are on technological development. These two considerations should be joined at the hip. Only then can Russia save itself and the world at the same time, whether it puts the brakes on these super weapons or elects to use them to prevent the ultimate destruction of humanity and the world. The neocons seem literally hellbent and will destroy all if not checked by Russia. Hopefully, the intimidation factor will suffice!
“Not my will but Thy will be done.”
Terrific article as always. Sign me up for updates and notifications.
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“So why are the Russians so clearly upset?”
One of the reasons is because the the missile defense system, combined with the ground forces presents a real military threat to Russia, in the sense that it provides the empire with a “first strike advantage”. The empire believes (and I believe Zhbizhyk-pyzhik has said things to this effect), that if Russia is overwhelmed by a massive first strategic nuclear strike, the missile defense system can take care of what is left for the retaliatory strike. Then, the massive conventional invasion can take place. Saker, what is your view on this perspective?
So the missile defense shield can handle a few thousand nuclear missiles. Good for them. But can any missile defense handle a few million nuclear shells. All Russia has to do is gather up all those rusty t64, t72, t52 or whatever tank hulls lying around, put some decent diesel engines in them, put some of those automated 100mm automated naval gun platforms on top and then send them westwards with nuclear shells in an advancing artillery barrage pattern ala WW1 style.
Even if Nato can handle the nuclear missiles, with 50’000 “tank hulls” rapidly firing nuclear shells all of Europe and the Middle East can be taken care of. With the Russian artillery also firing nuclear shells who needs missiles, the Red Army just needs to advance towards the Atlantic. Two weeks is sufficient. Those nuclear torpedo’s would be required to take care of the US.
The Jewish Mafia thought that Russia had been subjugated and moved on to take down the United States, which is the new Soviet Union, But while they thought Putin was Yeltsin “Lite” that is not the way it turned out. It appears the pre-Bolshevik Russia has re-emerged with brand new technology while the U.S., mired in Jewish mafia corruption has become just a more bombastic paper tiger. Operation “Desert Storm” defeating Iraq, The United States of America vs. Iraq, was bombastically hailed as a great victory, putting to bed forever the humiliating defeat in Vietnam by men in sandals and pajamas. Obviously the Jewish Mafia needs “Goyim” to operate and they found them in Stalin’s Russia and FDR’s America. George Patton finally came to his senses and realized he had fought the wrong enemy. What about Marshall Zhukov? I hope so. In any case, the internet is destroying all the old myths and after a long cold winter, Russia rises.
Sobering. Timely. Excellent. Thank you! (And I very much appreciate all the embedded links!!)