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Ukraine SITREP August 20th, 2015 by Scott

About an article East Ukraine’s Donetsk Republic Will Hold Referendum To Join Russia Without going into intricacies of world affairs, I need to give to you, our readers and commentators, the same warning I give to our Research Assistants: Check Your Sources. First, ZeroHedge reposts a article that claims its source was “the Donetsk-based Ostrov news agency” Upon simple cross-reference, nothing is found that would confirm that the Referendum

Ukraine SITREP August 16th, 2015 by Scott & BAAZ

Donbass Donetsk Novorossia 1. Today again non-stopping Ukrainian artillery strikes on civilians in Makeevka [source] 2. Full list of shellings in Makeevka [source] 3. Town Zhovanka, Donetsk, after Ukranian Arned Forces shelled it overnight August 13 – 14 2015 Images of horrible obliteration [source] Жованка после обстрела со стороны ВСУ 4. Terrible tragedy in Gorlovka. Severe intentional shelling of Gorlovka by NATO and Kiev junta armed forces. Video Последствия обстрела

Ukraine SITREP August 13th, 2015 by Scott

Ukraine 1. Ukraine resumes export of Russian electricity [source] Москва. 7 августа. INTERFAX.RU – Украина возобновила импорт электроэнергии из РФ по контракту между “Укринтерэнерго” и “Интер РАО”, сообщили в пятницу агентству “Интерфакс” в украинской Минэнергоугля. 2. Kiev Junta sanctioned 1300 Russian individuals and companies [source] Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk wrote on his Facebook page on August 12: “Yesterday the extended sanctions against Russia imposed by the US government came into

News Flash – Donetsk hit by over 800 artillery strikes (UPDATED)

The Russia media is reporting that today Donetsk was hit by a record 800 artillery shells.  The Telmanovo suburb was hit particularly hard, but the shelling was also very violent in the airport region.  Furthermore,  DNR intelligence services have reported a steady movement of Ukronazi forces towards the line of contact.  These forces include tanks and artillery systems, even multiple rocket launchers.  Yesterday, a group of 8 tanks backed by

Ukraine SITREP August 12th, 2015 by BAAZ

Ukraine 1. Adviser to Ukraine’s Minister of defense admitted that the Ukrainian Armed Forces have relocated heavy artillery to the front line in violation of the Minsk agreement (Source) Советник министра обороны Украины признал, что ВСУ перебрасывают артиллерию к линии фронта и нарушают Минские соглашения 2. America’s Dark History of Supporting Ukrainian Fascists and War Criminals By Andrey Panevin (Source) August 10th, 2015 – Documents declassified by the CIA under

SITREP from Brazil – is a coup d’etat next?

This SITREP was sent to me by “Kubla Khan” from Sao Paulo: On the night of July 30 the “Lula Institute”, which was created and is chaired by the leftist leader known internationally, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, was attacked by a homemade bomb. The same Lula, elected twice president of the republic, the same Lula that through aggressive social policies, drew 41 million people out of poverty line, in

Ukraine and World Weekly SITREP August 2-9, 2015 by Baaz

• From the current looks of the situation in Ukraine, the country is almost certainly on the verge of a second civil war – Prof Stephen F.Cohen • Young men in the Kiev-controlled areas of Donbass are being forced to join the Ukrainian armed forces, the deputy military chief of staff of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People ’s Republic said on Friday. • Ukrainian oligarchs had enough :On August 1 the

Ukraine SITREP August 5th, 2015 by Scott

Planet Pluto is smaller than Russia. It’s a fact. Another fact is that the EU via Reuters is peddling the birth of a “Christian “Taliban” by a “maverick” battalion. I don’t understand Polish politicians. They lick the Hegemon’s boots like a popsicle, and once in awhile, out of blue, they stop licking, spit saliva full of shoe polisher and blurt out the truth. Like the Polish economist Zdzisław Sadowski saying

Treason of the century! 84% of Ukrainians would trust Putin to run their country!

(Note: we are still working on getting our future SITREPs organized.  So in the meantime I am sharing his amazing story with you – this really blew my mind!  The Saker) Translated by Seva Source What politician would you trust to run your country? Yet another informational tragedy in Ukraine. It started like nothing unusual: the patriotic site “” (“Неделя.ua“) organized a vote. Respondents were asked to answer one

Ukraine SITREP July 24th, 2015 by Scott

Interesting linguistic developments. I have always wanted to create a new Russian word. Those of you who speak Russian are aware that it’s not really that difficult. However, you can’t force this process. When the situation is right, a new word just comes out of your mouth naturally. The Ukrainian crisis gives people very many situations that are ideal for the birth of new words and expressions. If everything else

Ukraine SITREP July 22nd, 2015 by Scott

Ukraine Kiev regime armed forces operation to put the end to the Right Sector The prevailing understanding amongst the brightest Ukrainian political analysts is that the “Kremlin controlled” Right Sector is destabilizing the situation in the country. Yet another version states that it’s “Putin’s agent” Poroshenko fighting against true Ukrainian patriots. Also, that the “Anti-terrorist Operation” in the Western parts of Ukraine is “Moscow’s plot” to destroy Ukraine. The whole

Ukraine SITREP July 16th, 2015 by Scott

Ukraine I must admit that my trusted sources of information on the situation in Novorossia and Ukraine suddenly stopped functioning, or got shutdown by FB, twitter, and VK. It might be due to lack of funding. I’m in a process of searching for new sources. 1. Israeli-made air-to-air missile may have downed MH17 – report [Source] However, the legal assault on Russia continues with the $900mil lawsuit filed in the

Ukraine SITREP July 15th, 2015 by Scott

Russia’s Constitutional Court takes first step toward achieving a full sovereignty of the country by stating that the decisions of the Western supra-national organizations like the European Court of Human Rights won’t have power if they violate the Constitution of Russia. This is the first recognition of an unlawful grip that the US government, political, and financial institutions hold over Russia for the past twenty five years Russia may in

July 12th Weekly World and Ukraine SITREP by Baaz

Russian Media (Ukraine/Russia) Китайцы сняли мультфильм о саммитах ШОС и БРИКС в Уфе (Source) (Video Source) Командующий ВМС Украины подтвердил превращение Одессы в базу НАТО (Source) Американский генерал: Украинцы передают военным инструкторам США опыт борьбы с русскими (Source) Украина превратится в большой радиоактивный могильник (Source) Украина легализуют рынок торговли человеческими органами (Source) Саакашвили играет роль «великого комбинатора (Source) Генсек Совета Европы: Особый статус Донбасса нужно закрепить в Конституции Украины (Source)

Ukraine SITREP July 10th, 2015 by Raskolnikova

1)UN: Five million Ukrainians in need of humanitarian assistance  The most vulnerable are people living in the Donbass Western media noted that humanitarian organizations since the beginning of this year has assisted more than 450 thousand people in Ukraine. About its plan to increase the support until the end of the year to Ukrainians has reported the world food programme of the United Nations. 2)Poroshenko has appointed new Ambassador

Ukraine SITREP July 09th, 2015 by Scott

Two main trends this week: very rapid rise of a badly bruised European Left back to robust health; and a sprint of non-Western countries away from the West. A dash to get away and decouple from the West is gaining momentum. More nations are joining in and those who can’t, watch with a certain degree of envy. Today, Russia’s city of Ufa is hosting the seventh annual BRICS summit [Source]

Ukraine SITREP July 8th, 2015 by Scott

Confusion and fear are engulfing the markets today. All Trading Halted On NYSE, CNBC Stunned. All trading halted on China’s stock market. [Source] The Troika Turns Europe Into A War-zone [Source] Europeans are completely clueless about what’s happening here in Athens. They can’t see to save their lives that their silence protects and legitimizes a flat out war against a country that is, just like their respective countries, a member

Ukraine SITREP July 7th, 2015 by Raskolnikova

1)MPs: Russia is the historical name of Ukraine  The relevant bill was submitted to the Ukrainian Parliament According to Ukrainian MPs, the use of the word “Russia” as an official synonym of the Russian Federation is “aggressive reminder to the citizens of Ukraine about the “temporariness” of the Ukrainian statehood”. In Kiev believe that this is an infringement on the sovereignty of Ukraine. 2)Military events in NovoRussia for 6.07.15

Ukraine SITREP July 3d, 2015 by Raskolnikova

1)Putin: no one is trying to analyze the causes of events in Ukraine  Russia is under pressure from other countries, as it pursues an independent policy “The reasons for the pressure on Russia is clear: we conduct independent domestic and foreign policies, do not trade their sovereignty. Not everyone likes that, but in a different way can’t be”, — said the President. “To expect an unfriendly change of course from

Ukraine SITREP July 2nd, 2015 by Scott

Caucasus without Russia will take a long fall into fiery abyss In my July 1st SITREP, I outlined the major breaking points for Russia and its allies that the Western analysts recommend to attack. There are two ways to decode these utterances, the first is to understand that when NATO accuses Russia of doing something it’s an admission that NATO’s actually doing it. For example, when they say that NATO
