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Speeches, Statements and Interviews

Putin holds annual ‘Direct Line’ Q&A in Moscow (UPDATED with transcript)

Source: Yekaterina Berezovskaya: Good afternoon. We are broadcasting Direct Line with Vladimir Putin. The moderators in this studio are Nailya Asker-zade… Nailya Asker-zade: …and Yekaterina Berezovskaya. Yekaterina Berezovskaya: Our colleagues, Tatyana Remezova and Natalya Yuryeva, are working with volunteers in the Message Processing Centre. Last year we combined two projects, the annual news conference and Direct Line. The format of today’s event is different. The focus is on direct

Video of Russian Aerospace Forces intercepting the Dutch frigate Eversten

(Machine translation): Review the Ministry of defence to the statement of the military Department of the Netherlands about the alleged threat of action last Thursday, June 24, the Russian aircraft near the Dutch frigate “Evertsen” in the Black sea: “24 Jun 2021 by means of objective control of the black sea fleet is monitoring the actions of NATO ships in the Black sea was established, which was in international waters

Article by Sergey Lavrov, Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs, “The Law, the Rights and the Rules”, Moscow, June 28, 2021   The frank and generally constructive conversation that took place at the June 16, 2021 summit meeting between presidents Vladimir Putin and Joseph Biden in Geneva resulted in an agreement to launch a substantive dialogue on strategic stability, reaffirming the crucial premise that nuclear war is unacceptable. The two sides also reached an understanding on the advisability of engaging in consultations on cybersecurity, the operation of diplomatic missions, the

Article by Vladimir Putin ”Being Open, Despite the Past“

An article by the President of Russia has been published in the German weekly newspaper Die Zeit and is timed to coincide with the 80th anniversary of the beginning of the Great Patriotic war. June 22, 2021 Being Open, Despite the Past On June 22, 1941, exactly 80 years ago, the Nazis, having conquered practically the whole of Europe, attacked the USSR. For the Soviet people the Great Patriotic War – the bloodiest one in the history of our country – began. Tens of millions of people lost their lives, the economic potential of the country and its cultural property were severely damaged. We

Saker readers Q&A with Faina from the LDNR

Fania, I, too, am a writer, a writer of short stories. Your talent as a writer, as exemplified by your piece published in English on the Saker blog, is already far beyond mine. I have been “following” the war since its inception in 2014, primarily although not exclusively on the Vineyard of the Saker. I can assure you, that despite the fact that the elites who rule over us are

Statements after Putin / Biden summit

Russian-American consultations began with a restricted-format meeting that included Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken. After that the talks continued in an expanded format. Following the summit, the US – Russia Presidential Joint Statement on Strategic Stability was adopted. U.S. – Russia Presidential Joint Statement on Strategic Stability June 16, 2021 We, President of the United States of America Joseph R. Biden and President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, note the United States and Russia have demonstrated that, even in periods of tension, they are

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks and answers to media questions at the Primakov Readings International Forum, via videoconference, Moscow, June 9, 2021 Mr Dynkin, Ladies and gentlemen, Friends, I am grateful for the invitation to speak again at the Primakov Readings International Forum. It is one of the most highly respected international venues for a committed professional dialogue, although probably the youngest. I would like to thank the leadership of Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO) for suggesting the idea of this forum and for the commendable organisation of

Vladimir Putin at the plenary session of the 24th St Petersburg International Economic Forum. This year’s forum, with the theme A Collective Reckoning of the New Global Economic Reality, is one of the biggest events since the start of the pandemic. Heads of state and government, heads of major Russian and international associations, companies and banks, leading experts and politicians are taking part in discussions at the SPIEF in person or via videoconference. * * * Stanislav Natanzon, plenary session moderator: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. I am happy to welcome you all at the St Petersburg International Economic Forum. This is the first global event of this level that

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s video address to the Sixth International Conference Russia and China: Cooperation in a New Era, Moscow, June 1, 2021 Mr Wang Yi, Mr Ivanov, Colleagues, friends, The further development of strategic partnership with China is one of our  top priorities. It is stipulated in the Foreign Policy Concept, which President of Russia Vladimir Putin approved in November 2016. We are grateful to our colleagues from the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) and Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) for organising a regular, sixth joint conference. We regard it

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s opening remarks at a meeting with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on the sidelines of the Arctic Council Ministerial Meeting, Reykjavik, May 19, 2021 First of all, I would like to thank you for your proposal to meet here. This is important for our relations and for deciding how we should move forward, just as our presidents want us to do. I believe that it is clear to everyone why this routine meeting between Russian and US representatives held on the sidelines of the Arctic Council’s meeting has created a sensation and attracted

It’s Not Fair!

A Ten-Year Old Gaza Girl Testifies about Israeli Atrocities A 14-year-old Boy Commits Suicide after Losing his Entire Family and Dad and Mom by Israeli Murders By Peter Koenig This one-minute video clip is a recording depicting a ten-year old Gaza girl, crying in desperation not knowing what to do – about the continuous destruction around her – the merciless killing and mass murder committed by the Israeli military, IDF

Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and UN Secretary-General Guterres: press conference in Moscow

Please forward the video to time marker 1:06 This is an important press conference as Mr Guterres completely supported the concepts of International Law (instead of some rules based international order) and Multilateralism with the UN as the international body upholding the principles of the UN Charter.  This  has been the consistent message of Russia and China. Following is a short summary of the recent speeches by Mr. Lavrov and

Remarks by Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov

Remarks at the meeting of the UN Security Council, “Maintenance of international peace and security: Upholding multilateralism and the United Nations-centred international system,” held via videoconference, Moscow, May 7, 2021 First of all, let me thank Mr Wang Yi, State Councillor and Foreign Minister of the People’s Republic of China, for organising today’s debates. Maintaining multilateralism and the UN-centred international system is as topical as ever and demands the UN

Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova’s interview with the RT television channel, May 3, 2021

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Question: What impact have the sanctions had on the state of relations between Russia and the West? Maria Zakharova: Unfortunately, the growing use of politically motivated, unilateral restrictive measures by a number of Western countries, primarily the United States, has become a reality of our time. We increasingly view the sanctions against Russia as a “gesture of despair” and a manifestation
