First, let’s begin with a pretty decent map of the situation today:
Here is a small commentary on what we see in this map:
In red the most recent Russian movements today. The only major progress is inside the purpose square when Russian forces have penetrated deep in the rear of both Odessa and Kiev. So I have to wonder – are they planning a strategic cauldron??? Dunno, but I decided to add a black bar to show where we might want to look closer in the coming days.
Mariupol is, as already mentioned, totally closed off and heavy fighting is taking place. This city will be forcibly denazified in the next couple of days.
The (much awaited) operational cauldron in the east is still not physically closed by Russian forces. But, as I already mentioned, the no man’s land between the two Russian prongs is completely “shot through” (to use a Russian expression) which means that while small groups can still make it out, it’s over for the heavy Ukie armor, artillery and Nazi death-squads who are STILL shelling Donetsk which, of course, nobody reports about in the Empire of Lies.
I suppose that they want to kill as many Russians before the inevitable outcome…
On this topic, I got an email from a Chinese friend today, and he made a very astute observation. Here is what he wrote:
Have you noticed how many Battle of Berlin style Wehrmacht tactics are being used by the Kiev regime? We’re less than a week into the war, & so far we’re already seeing:1. Volkssturm in Kiev (granted an even more half-assed version thereof);
2. Preventing civilians from leaving the warzone (see;
3. Holding festungs down to the last man (e.g. Kharkov, Mariupol, etc.);
4. Forced conscription of military aged men;
5. StrafbattalionAm I missing anything else? :-D
He *does* have a point, doesn’t he?
But he did miss one thing: The Ukie “Wunderwaffe” of course!
Possible candidates include:
- Javelins!!!
- Bayraktars!!!
- NLAWs!!!
- Western fighter aircraft!!!
- ISIS fighters!!!
- Wooden Kalashnikovs!!!
- Assorted Soviet era weapons with new names!!!
- Nazi volunteers from all over Europe!!!
- Polish, British and Estonian special forces!!! and, of course,
- Ze’s “nuke!!!!
So not one, but TEN Wunderwaffen for the Ukies.

Kiev 2022?
Will “Ze” end like Adolf did or will he run?
I bet you he will run.
They mostly already have…
One more thing.
The Ukie Volkssturm is turning into a very serious disaster which might get much worse in the near future. Here is what is happening.
In some cities the local authorities were contacted by Russian forces and an orderly change of command took place. The civilians authorities are working (almost?) as normal and law and order is (mostly?) secured.
The problem are the hardcore Nazi volunteer death-squads who distributed military weapons to anybody and everybody, including convicted felons and criminals. These gangs are now mostly fighting each other because they are taken over by paranoid hallucinations about “Russian Spetsnaz” everywhere, and since most Ukies speak Russian, unless on video, even the hardcore ones, they have a MAJOR “IFF” (Identification Friend or Foe) problem.
They are also more getting desperate and even more violent than usual: Russian POWs are being tortured to death as a matter of course (Russian special services are tracking down all their names, there will be a big Nuremberg like trial when this war ends).
I have heard of only one instance where the Ukie Volkssturm engaged a column of Russian national guard troops. They were all killed in minutes.
But here are two very real dangers:
- Ukrainian civilians are now at risk all over Banderastan
- Ukie Volkssturm atrocities will be filmed by the western presstitutes and blamed on Russia
Frankly, this could turn into another MH-17, but at a much, much bigger scale.
I hope and pray that any and all Ukrainians who are not Nazis now (finally!) stop waiting for Russia to clean house in their country (yet again!) and do something to disarm the marauding Ukie Volkssturm gangs. May God help all those who are innocent and preserve them by His Might.
Signing off for the evening,
Very helpful, thank you. Most who don’t want to see this turn into a humanitarian catastrophe would like to see this all resolve itself as quickly as possible.
No idea how this looks in the long term, but am mildly surprised that more of the force moving up from Crimea did not turn towards Odessa, and perhaps meet up with the amphibious landing forces somewhere to the West of Odessa to seal of the coast entirely, but I suppose the Black Sea Fleet accomplishes that for now.
A quick resolution seems to favor the Russians; the more time passes, the more opportunities there are for the crazies in the West to launch into some folly.
Have you ever noticed how, after the beginning of the real Russian army, the Balts stuck their tongues up their ass?
The entire leadership of the Baltic countries is silent. It’s like they don’t exist. I never remember that.
Amazing! Denazification works remotely.
With 25-30% disenfranchised stateless ethnic Russians among them, they better keep it quiet.
Slightly off topic. Google and YouTube have banned RT. Now you cannot surf the English language version.
Update: RT is back on Google, for the time being. That’s how things stand at my end.
Switch to Firefox. Type url directly into the browser. Then add it to the bookmark bar. RT also has a browser extension. For Android, download the app from playstore immediately. It may be removed anytime
In Opera (Norwegian) all is o.k.
You can always use Tor-browser. Don’t forget that.
I can access the English version of RT using the Brave browser. Google censorship of Covid and vaccine truth-tellers open many eyes.
These Serbs torched another village in Bosnia :):), the movie “Lepa sela lepo gore” was obviously ground breaking for some Ukie trolls and the mainstream media. Dragan Bjelogrlić is going to be a star in Ukraine now!!! Dragan, congrats / Dragane, ti si car!
PS: If stupid kids at MSM decide to kick off upper link, search the net for “Russian occupation soldiers drink beer after burning the village. European civilization is lost in the fire.”
I do definitely advise you all to see this movie it is one of best black comedies from FRY. I have probably seen it like 20 times and would do it again…
Thanks to you, Saker for all you have done
Wonder weapon 11 is the lard-coated bullet
the wonder weapon that silenced them all is i believe Putin’s upping the ante when he ordered his nukes to be on high alert..the west seems to be backing down for a hot shooting war. I’m trying to read putin’s mind but all i can imagine now is he will destroy SWIFT’s infrastructure by sending a few nukes to Brussels when push comes to shove. with SWIFT destroyed world banking transaction halts, Russia and China’s payment system mitigate the transaction crisis.
He don’t have to destroy the city itself – the EMP blast from a detonation in the upper atmosphere would do the job just fine. Of course, it’ll probably affect the entire Benelux area and may be even beyond, but…
Seems fine to me. For it to get to that stage means that Russia has survived a nuke event ,if one had ever been let off, and thus it is in a position to cripple Swift. As others say,too bad. The World will go with China / Russia system or back to pen and paper. Swift is only a remnant old platform made obsolete by emails anyway.
Russian Orthodox Christians have a fear of lard?
Open the eyes of my heart Lord
that I may see you
for my eyes are weary
of seeing this world
This can be achieved chemically now.
May I suggest a dose or 2 of psylocybin or a daily dose of cannabis sativa.
God will come a knocking’.
Add a little amphetamine now and then and the stars will disintegrate, shimmer and reappear. The entire internet is “tweaking” this week.
well, a fair overdose of LSD and God will knock the door down and settle for good, unless your ego resist, then eternal terror is what you get
My God that is a funny thread! LOL
Beautiful prayer.
Thank you.
I’m with you, UW.
So may we have some commentary on the bombed Kharkov administrative building?
It was hit by a Smerch or a Grad, right before Zelensky went on TV. Definitely a frame up attempt by Ukies.
I heard that according to objective intelligence, a rocket projectile was fired at an empty/abandoned building from the Ukrainian multiple launch rocket system (MLRS) R624M “Alder-M” (range up to 110 kilometers).
The launch of the rocket is carried out from modified launchers 9A52-2 of the Soviet MLRS 9K58 “Smerch”.
Technically speaking the building wasn’t hit directly. It only looks like it was hit from the camera angle. But there’s now videos/photos from the aftermath that confirm that it was the area right in front of it that was hit, though the building took obvious blast damage. My very loose understanding is that the front of it was a recruiting ground that was targeted. You can see the building for yourself here:
the was an azov recruitment drive event scheduled there for 10 am that day…and the mail arrived on time.
seen the vid, and the aftermath someplace…whew…
Where are the dead Azovs? There would be dead Azovs if Russia did it.
Apparently the strike occurred around 8 am while the Azov drive was set to begin at 10 am.
In other words, this appears a clear warning to all Ukrainians, stay away from anything to do with Azov or similar groups.
It looks like they faked it. Hollywood rubble.
No, it was an accurate strike, the target was an Azov/Freikorps Nazi recruiting station set up outside the building:
There is an excellent blog which reports the daily happenings hour by hour. It is updated many times a day. It is in Russian, but the Yandex translator provides great translations.
Here is a short example:
00:10 The International Court of Justice has announced that it will hold hearings on the war in Ukraine on March 7 and 8.
00:00 One person was killed, one was injured during the shelling of the DPR by the Ukrainian military, the representative office of the republic in the JCCC reported.
22: 50 Apple said that Apple Pay and the company’s “other services” are now restricted in Russia.
22:40 ❗️RT and Sputnik apps are not available for download in the App Store outside of Russia
This is yet another example of stupidity of these sanctions. Blocking functions of iPhones and Google Android Phones will be just a nuisance for a while. Up until Russians will just start throwing their western phones away and rush to buy new ones. Made by Chinese. Other western electronic products will follow the suit.
Yes, and unlike 2008 or even 2014, Linux distros now exist that can appease most users with little technical know-how developed by or encouraged by the likes of the governments of the PRC (Kylin, Deepin) and the RF (Astra, Rosa, Alt). Should Android become a nuisance, there are already Linux alternatives, and it would not take either of these more than a few years to whip up a decent alternative, and KDE and GNOME are both making notable forays into the smartphone realm.
To make your national IT strategy based upon a kernel that is juridically under US control, throgh a foundation thats in bed with both banks and big tech, is a naive move, close to cute.
Any linux is as secure as the kernel it must use.
Iys very hard to understand how come nations, or worse, blocks of such, can not produce what a talented private petson can, as there are examples of OS where a single developer came up with such, and among groups of developers its quite common.
Security wise, linux is sooooo… yesterday
Example of better than Linux ,with better security, outside of US control? The Yanks got rid of Blackberry so they could have control.
The user himself, can make the kernel fit the way he deems necessary and nobody can deny that. Every country has, or should have it’s own version of kernel,e.g. a hardened kernel for security reasons, no foundation or bank or government can deny you the use of your own built kernel.
Security wise, the risk factor sits in front of the monitor.
What you really need are safe cpu and gpu plus your software and it doesn’t need to be the fancy high-end stuff. That’s only for the showboating gamer scene.
Simple – buy Huawei. Their phones are much better anyway. Also, should encourage Russia to start making superior quality smartphones and other gadgets too. They certainly have the know-how and resources.
Unfortunately no. The chip sanctions will hurt Russia to some degree. Russia in 2021 was just getting its first Russian (Baikal Electronics) designed SoC chips from TSMC who have said they will stop shipping them. They had hoped to get 10-15,000 per month starting this year.
“The Russians have a failed chip industry and rely on global semiconductors. So if there are technology issues that come out during the ‘non-invasion’ from sanctions, it reinforces Beijing’s desire to own the technology for itself.” “China alone can’t supply all of Russia’s critical needs for the military,” a senior U.S. administration official said.
“China doesn’t have any production of the most advanced technology nodes. So Russia and China are both reliant on other supplier countries and of course U.S. technology to meet their needs.”
China shipped approximately $10 billion worth of electronics to Russia in 2020, according to U.N. Comtrade data, accounting for roughly 20% of its total exports.
Smartphone shipments account for a large chunk of that as Chinese brands such as Xiaomi Corp (1810.HK) and Realme are among top-sellers in Russia.
“a senior U.S. administration official said”, so an unreliable source then. I guess the Taiwan plants will suffice once China re-integrates it into the mainland, but there´s certainly plans in the Kreml to handle business.
…”a senior U.S. administration official said”… something that is ludicrous.
Namely: “China doesn’t have any production of the most advanced technology nodes.”
For the military? WTF?
Military equipment does not contain the most technologically advanced chips.
Far from it.
I mean, honestly, it took Lockheed: it took them over a decade to get the F-35 into service. By any logic that means the damn thing contains chips that are a decade behind the current state of the art.
And THAT plane is the brightest, newest and brightest aircraft in the USAF inventory.
The man is smoking some crack.
China is coming from behind. But while Intel, for example, is now limping along on foot, China is coming along like a high-speed train.
“Alibaba sketches world’s ‘fastest’ ‘open-source’ RISC-V processor yet: 16 cores, 64-bit, 2.5GHz, 12nm, out-of-order exec”
“Alibaba unveils first microchip as China aims for self-sufficiency”
“China’s highest-ranked university creates school dedicated to integrated circuits”
“Latest Loongson chip is another step in China’s long road to semiconductor freedom”
And last but not least,
“The quantum leap forward: On birthing the world’s fastest, most advanced internet network, China claims supremacy over the US”
I find the situation in Kharkov worrisome. Seems like the Ukies keep fighting and using civilians as human shields, but unfortunately a lot of civilians don’t seem to mind or even think this is a legitimate move (from talking to people, I am from Kharkov originally but lived my whole life in the West). 8 years of constant propaganda really drives people crazy and irrational.
I thought the city would surrender much faster.
They arrested the mayor of Kharkov for attempting to negotiate with the Russians. He is facing charges of high treason. If I had to guess, they will probably execute him if they haven’t already.
The Ukrainians literally won’t let the city surrender to Russia. They are forcing the battle to take place there. Obviously they want to maximize civilian casualties to blame on Russia. In truth all of Ukraine’s people are being used as hostages to blame Russia. I mean for God’s sake, Ukraine’s army are massacring entire families on random streets as they try to flee the country. Footage of this is all over the place. Entire families shot and bodies dragged out and dumped on the side of the road.
Yes it’s terrible what will happen to the civilians in Kharkov. They are human shields in every sense of the word. Sadly Russia still has to take the city one way or another. Ditto in Mariupol. What a true and awful nightmare for the residents in these areas.
Judging by how many Ukrainians are totally unaware of this taking place, I can only assume that the people still left in the country after the 2014-2015 hostilities are hopelessly brainwashed and indifferent to how the Ukrainian army treats civilians, even their own country’s civilians. They didn’t care about Donbass for 8 years as Donetsk was shelled daily and people died every week. Meanwhile the echo chamber propaganda that is reddit/twitter/facebook keeps them locked in a kind of zombified haze. Those that do care are probably too scared to say anything, or have already been arrested during the last 8 years worth of sweeps.
I don’t know what to say about Ukraine. The people there refuse to wake up to the truth even as their own army kills them and their neighbors. They refuse to wake up even as their own army shoots foreign citizens as if it’s nothing merely because they tried to leave the country. They refuse to wake up even as war has finally been brought to their doorstep because of their criminal neo-nazi government and the crimes they carried out against Donbass.
The whole world has gone insane. These are scary, dangerous and dark times.
What’s the source of all these videos of families being shot for attempting to flee?
It seems just as things are getting nasty the censors are really cracking down even on Telegram channels.
Telegram itself wanted to censor videos from the surrounding countries and Ukraine, but they reneged when their users demanded they not do that. I don’t know how long they’ll be able to hold off the pressure to shut them down.
Where are links to these videos that are “all over the place ?”
Serious question.
There are several on Southfront’s site. Most of the vids coming out of Ukraine seem to be local’s ‘phone footage.
The primary example of what you’re looking for are here;
I am on a forum here in the UK,i have already been thrown off three other forums for not following the official narrative,the one i am still on to be honest is quite good,however i got a email from the mods a few days ago,do not post any information from South front,free speech in action.i said to the mods are we not adult enough to form our own opinion ? he said its not up for discussion,what i would say is that particular mod is a former British Army officer,so all the vids on South front i can no longer post on the forum,i wish they were on Youtube then maybe i could.
Those civilians from Ukraine who turned away from the misery of their countrymen from Donbasd and who are now being killed by their army should not be objects of pity. They made a free choice. We should respect their choice of being willing victims of their own army.
Russia just needs to starve them out over the next three weeks and simply blitz all internet in the cities , so media does not get out of “starving poor children” etc. Obviously, it needs to ensure no new ukro allies can get into the cities or Banderastan in the first place. Crater all airports, and roadstops for all cars moving around if they haven’t done it already.
“Obviously they want to maximize civilian casualties to blame on Russia”.
And that in itself is quite sufficient justification for the whole Russian operation. Civilians should not be left in the power of people like that.
No one in Kharkov is fighting – everyone has surrendered.
There were idiots in civilian clothes who wanted
Set fire to our armored personnel carrier.
They rushed to the attack)) – they were shot from a 30-mm 2A72 cannon right in the park. They cut like a chainsaw along with trees.
A verbal order came: “Abandon fraternity!” Now only those who are so khan, kirdyk and karachun, fucked up, will resist!
I saw the video, gruesome stuff, headless corpses clinging to their precious molotovs.
This video was in Kherson, not Kharkov. Sounds somewhat similar – different place though.
I believe that was in Kherson. Kharkov is still a big problem.
In todays “paper of repute” The Irish Times(Print version) appeared an article describing 3 Ukranian volunteers who stated their attention to go home to take up arms against the evil Russians.These 3 lads live in a rural Irish village.
My friend,who lives in the same village, recognised the lads from their photos shown with the report.
He told me that these guys are total assholes and work in the local pig abattoir.
I guess they have plenty experience slicing and dicing pigs………….
Last week the Irish government allowed 100,000 visa free entries to Ukranians many of whom will be Nazi cowards fleeing from Russian justice for their heinous acts at home.
Its only a matter of time before the guns and ammo arrive to “defend”these “heroes”from their inevitable nemeses. Weapons will arrive by sea and overland through Britan,where they will most likely pick up the hardware, arrive in unchecked cars lorries and vans carrying these assholes fleeing their fate accompanied by their women who will be pimped to satisfy the employees of corporate Ireland in due course.
I am fairly sure that in time Ireland will become a very dangerous place to live in, far worse than any troubles we have had in the north.
I am making sure that all my wood cutting tools are very sharp,especially the hedge laying variety.
Has it crossed your mind, the thought that the civilians may be terrified by the people using them as human shields (rather than they “not caring” about it)?
The Wunderwaffe must be the 2000 M72s supposedly to be donated from Norway.
A small, shitty RPG style weapon
Honestly, there’s no such thing as a shitty RPG in urban style warfare. Any RPG on earth from even the lowliest manufacturer works wonders against most vehicles (maybe not the most heavily armored tanks, but everything else) at close range, which urban environments excels at. And given the fact that the nazi’s are now hiding in civilian apartment buildings, rooftops etc, putting an RPG in every one of their hands could be catastrophic
Well, you gotta do what you gotta do. You drop the entire apartment building and hope everyone else were allowed to leave before the Nazis took over. That’s what most armies do, I suppose.
Perhaps a better approach is to use suppressive fire to keep the defenders heads down, then fire anti-tank weapons into the building to create an opening (like Hezbollah did to the Israelis in Lebanon in 2006), followed by an incursion into the building. Slow, of course, clearing buildings one at a time, but at least you reduce the number of casualties or vehicle losses you take.
In the movies, we always see soldiers sniping from buildings and soldiers shooting back. But generally I think the firing back is usually done with heavy machine guns and tank shells. I recall there was a sniper in a tower in Kuwait who was firing at US forces. They called up a tank that started shelling the guy. Why waste soldier’s ammo trying to hit a guy who is concealed and behind cover? Just remove the cover.
Doesn’t do the civilian infrastructure any good, of course.
Difficult to engage enemy forces at close enough range to use an RPG. You invariably end up dead. Sniping is much more efficient as it can be hard, especially in an urban environment, to pinpoint the sniper. If he follows the rules of “one shot, then move”, it can be really hard to find him. It wastes a lot of time that could be better used advancing. But that’s the value of armored APCs – you just hunker down and ignore him and drive on. Can’t do that with RPGs, though.
I wonder if it’s feasible to use drones with thermal vision to detect combatants in buildings before approaching them? Might be already in use:
Thermal imaging: using drones and robots to protect ground troops
Yep. There’s already a video earlier today (will post it if I find it again) where Russian tank allegedly fires at a civilian that’s recording it from the ruined hole of an apartmetn building. Apparently the Russian tank at that distance couldn’t tell if the guy was a combatant trying to snipe the tank with something, so he shot at him.
Pointing anything, including a camera, at advancing troops is unbelievably foolish. Perhaps not quite so silly if you can identify yourself to them first so they don’t mistake you for an enemy.
Exactly. I am not sure how widespread is usage of modern equipment in Russian army (thermal imaging, laser designators, reconnaissance and attack drones, etc.). I believe Russians tend to rely on traditional (cost effective) solutions as much as possible (too much?).
Unlike what you see in the movies and video games, it’s not that easy to use M72 or it’s russian counter-part – RPG-22 in real combat situation. Without training it’s more likely to kill yourself than to effect damage on the target – even the jihadi allah-akbars receive training in using this kind of weaponry before being thrown on the field.
I do not think that the weapons will get to the Ukies in Kharkov. The city is locked down by RF isn’t it?
Regarding Kiev I am hoping that the move behind Kiev / Odessa is just to block roads to prevent more western weapons from getting to the east. I keep hearing about how we ‘the U.S.’ can supply Ukraine so easily from Poland but without air cover, the only way they can get them to the army that matters is with east west roads.
Sure, you can pile up weapons in Lvov, or the extreme west Ukraine but as you mentioned, I doubt the Russians care about that. Ukraine’s best fighters are in the east. Also, you need roads, roads, roads to move any weapons that matter. You don’t need to man the entire line from north to south, just block the east / west roads.
As I said before, I hope that there never is an attack on Kiev. If you wait long enough they will probably burn down their own buildings with all of those dumb Molotov cocktails but I hope ‘Z’ makes a deal before that happens.
Exploration began in Kiev, accompanied by a cleansing – the denazification of military facilities in the conditions of hostilities in the city. )))
Kherson also surrendered.
What do the Russians do once they have liberated a town or city? Just all move on to the next place saying to the locals “over to you” or do some stay behind to keep an eye on things and deal with any flair ups?
Not quite so, part of the troops is really leaving. And the special forces of the Russian Guard, OMON and SOBR clean up the city / locality.
Always …………. always darkest before the dawn. Once Maripol and the big cauldron are gone, what are they really going to do. Rats will be taking ………… the working train systems ……. out of Ukriane to some other place.
I think Putin should take stern action against any rebel UKN forces harming civilians or their own conscripted people. And put out a statement to hunt them down afterwards and ask UKN civilians to video any atrocities by them. Perhaps have some drones also on specific lookout for that too.
At this rate, there will be a gift to Russian grandmothers, mothers, wives and daughters on March 8 – the closure of the western border.
It may need to be closed of for a while until the situation is stabilized.
Its a stupid thing to resist a superior force – same as in Berlin in 1945.
But you can bet the UKN leadership will fly out at the last moment and live life of luxury in Switzerland rather than fight on the front lines.
I think getting on a plane is a one way ticket around those parts these days…
Surrounding Kiev and not taking it may end up in a 1948 Berlin style airlift.
I would air drop pamphlets to the UKN forces outlining the new UKN and good it will be and many may surrender and go home. Perhaps even do some vodka drops too as friendly gesture.
What is concern is the conscription of UKN people being forced to fight when I suspect most would not.
No, a 1948 Berlin Airlift is not an option for a surrounded Kiev.
That was possible because of a prior agreement that three air corridors into Berlin would be provided for USA/UK aircraft, and a commitment from Stalin that such aircraft would not be interfered with in any way.
And since there was no actual armed combat taking place in 1948 Stalin was obliged to honor that commitment, which he did.
But there is an armed conflict in Ukraine, and no prior commitment that needs to be honored.
If the Russians surround Kiev and anyone tried to fly supplies into the city then the Russians will be perfectly within their rights to shoot down those aircraft.
I think Radio Moscow and the Russian Liberation Forces should be playing this song to UKN as it will resonate with them and give them sense of security and that things will work out just fine.
One of Putin’s favorites I understand.
And given some of the lyrics of it, it is an appropriate one.
A great theme song for everyone.
Russians and Free Ukrainians and message to the EU and others.
Putin’s favorite band is “Lyube”, and his favorite song is “Don’t play the fool America…
Give back the land of Alyasochka, give back your dear one” )))
I do not think the Crimea/south front will link up with Kiev.
Looks like they are moving west and northeast along the borders of the oblasts, as per the 1922 areas added to Ukraine.
It makes no sense for them to move north, given not many Ukr units are in the middle area. The north front alone seems capable enough to cut off Kyiv.
Rmbr the intention is to get rid of the hardcore fighters which are mostly in the east and the capital.
We need to close the border with Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania.
It is obvious. )))
“Не отдавать врагу ни одной пяди нашей земли” (Главнокомандующим ВС СССР И.В. Сталин)
Google translation,MOD:
“Do not give the enemy a single inch of our land” (to the Commander-in-Chief of the USSR Armed Forces I.V. Stalin)
Yes thats a relevant observation. To stop the devils escaping I presume ?
But if you mean external forces coming in, I dont think Hungry will be a problem or Slovakia.
I wonder what Marshall Zhukov would have recommended at this point ?
Ignore orders from Stalin and take control of the artillery personally and pound everything that resists to dust?
I believe Orban in Hungary has told the EU and NATO he is refusing access to Hungary for the purpose of transporting military equipment.
Agreed. If they don’t lockdown the Polish and Romanian border it presents a temptation for Poland or even the US to conduct a rapid air assault/armored thrust to seize Lvov…turning the west of the Ukraine into a euro-Idlib.
Polish forces would guarantee war with NATO, US forces WWIII. Not going to happen.
Yesterday Ukraine announced that Poland was supplying fighter planes. Today Poland denied it and said that would mean war between NATO and Russia.
and they didnt know that yesterday? 😆
I think what happened was that they actually called up some soldiers and had a picture painted for them in vivid colours.
NATO Secretary General, Mr. Jens Stoltenberg, went to Poland to tell them they couldn’t provide any jets as not to start WWIII
And so it begins. A small beginning true, a beachhead. The reality creators are finally
being forced to face reality. The blasphemy against the holy ghost is a sacrament of the
Inquisition’s religion. They were given a chance to repent. They refused. The Occidental
Satanarchy tried to apply the reality creation voodoo schtick against a superpower that was
not buyng into its lies. Its rabid dog proxy is getting mauled by a grizzly with cubs. Even
imperfect, severely flawed entities can be an instrument of god’s wrath.
Initially I thought there would be limits to how much risk the west would take, but now I wonder. Those places that are behaving the most aggressively are those most controlled by the zionists, and I think the puppets in charge of the west will do what their masters tell them to. Of course their major weapons now are about money, but when that proves ineffective they will do whatever it takes.
It appears it really was about Kazaria 2.0 all along. The globalist zionists are apparently willing to do almost anything to stop Russia from wiping out their plans. Why? Why is this region so important to them? Is it just revenge for the loss of their ancient kingdom? Did their plans extend west through the resources of Russia too? They thought they had Russia itself after the fall of the USSR, then they thought they had Kazaria 2.0 in 2014, and now I guess they’ll blow up everything rather than give up.
In spite of the imagery and the banners, and the idiocy of the thugs who are being useful tools, Russia is not really fighting their old enemy from the 1940’s. They’re fighting their old enemy from 1917.
got to thinking about what a friggin massive stockpile we were(and are still) sitting right next to thinking nothing about it till Russia started to dismantle it…😱
keep coming back here:
That is about the best summary of events we are witnessing with the least bits. Gonna steal it ye?
They’re fighting their old enemy from 1917.
Very perceptive thought. Indeed the former “allies” very quickly turned against the nascent socialist republic. But they planned exactly the same treachery after 1945 with Churchill’s ‘Operation Unthinkable’ and Truman’s nuclear attacks on the 12 largest cities: Operations “Bushwhacker, Broiler, Sizzle, Shakedown, Offtackle, Dropshot, Trojan, Pincher and Frolic” planned from1945 to 1949. They only stopped planning the destruction of the USSR when the Soviets tested their first nuclear bomb in 1949 and changed tactics: enter NATO to do the job by other means.
“Why? Why is this region so important to them?”
Geo-strategic, the Black Sea, and also right up against Russia. So it is part of the general movement of U.S. and NATO bases and power to surround Russia.
About the size of it AFAIK…
That TV tower was sitting right atop bubby yar
So much symbology hidden in plain sight ey?
Despite of what some are saying about Russia not needing or wanting Ukraine, in fact it’s an incredibly strategic asset, perhaps the most strategic one in the world apart from Tibet (because most of the big Asian rivers flow from there).
It forms a link between the interior of Eurasia and Europe, directly abutting the Russian heartland and dominating the Black Sea. Russia’s age-old strategic imperative of having to control buffer regions around its heartland has never changed, hence the need for controlling Ukraine at least as far as the Dnepr. (Yes, that sounds like Brezsinski stuff but even if he wrote about it, that does not mean cannot be true. You don’t have to deny it just because you are a friend of Russia. None other than Alkeksandr Dugin says similar things.)
Ukraine has gigantic tracts of black soil farmland, which are some of the best if not the best agricultural lands on the planet. Ukraine produces over 80% of the world’s sunflower seeds and Russia is already the world’s largest grain exporter. Ukraine plus Russia would have a commanding position over the world’s food supply.
Ukraine has large deposits of first-grade coal (in the Donbass) and a near-monopoly over certain minerals that are required by the electronics industry.
The West does not want to let (most of) Ukraine come under Russian control. Plus, the West no longer has any leaders as it was the case with the likes of Kennedy and De Gaulle. Today, the West is controlled by an outwardly liberal, inwardly totalitarian hive mind. That’s why the leading figures like Stoltenberg och von der Leyen appear so robotic and devoid of empathy. They serve the hive mind and they see Russia as a mortal threat just because it is a strong country that exists ouside of the hive mind’s control.
More immediately, Covid has put the entire West in a state of deep crisis on every level. Nihilistic, totalitarian tendencies have been greatly enhanced. Along comes the Ukraine crisis and we are seeing a rush toward total war, because that’s the only direction left open for the hive mind in which to react.
It seems the entire world condemns Orthodox Christian Russia.
Yet she is resolute for she knows they are all reprobates who serve the Prince of the World. Russia will not be deterred in her journey to cast out Satan who has brought so much agony to her kinsmen.
President Putin must be divinely inspired to be able to carry the weight of the world’s scorn on his shoulders. He is brave; he is a Slavic paladin who holds the shield of virtue.
I firmly believe he supplicates regularly to God for guidance, to do the right thing and weather the political storm he faces everyday.
“Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;
And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:
Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;” (Ephesians 6:10-18 KJV 1611)
This link describes the propaganda techniques used by the western elite to both sell mRNA experimental treatments and demonize Russia:
Propaganda, Corporatism, and the Hidden Global Coup
The West has framed the defense of LGTQ rights as crucial to opposing Russia. Here is a video of the the “President” of Ukraine that relates to this viewpoint from the collective West: (video timestamp 0:53 minutes)
No, no, Putin’s hordes are being defeated, with 5,000 dead, 200 destroyed tanks and 30 shot down aircraft!!!
True, there are no photographs of this, but everybody knows cameras do not work in Ukraine.
And there was footage of that Russian plane being shot down…….though it wasn’t actually Russian, it was a Libyan plane shot down 10 years ago…….but never mind.
And then there were those burnt out Russian tanks……..though wait a minute, they were tanks destroyed in Syria 5 years ago………well, never mind.
And then there was the intrepid Ghost Of Kiev pilot who shot down 6 Russian aircraft in one sortie…….eat your heart out, Tom Cruise! Though that turned out to be video game footage in the end……..
Still, never mind. Once the Ukie Volkssturm joins battle with Putin’s hordes, they will surely triumph in short order. All those immaculate supermodels and grannies with plywood AK47s and air rifles, the released convicts and wannabe Rambos from the west will soon join forces and inflict a crushing defeat on the invaders, just like it says on CNN and the BBC. Just you wait and see.
That’s right – we’ve been gone for a long time, it’s a mirage, fatalism! )))
They will never rest until they destroy and plunder Russia. We are alive and it drives them crazy.
In the 4th World War we will take into account all the past mistakes when we trusted Catholic Protestant Anglo-Saxons and Jews. Now get the hell out!
By the way, there are no Jews in the 1st economy of the world in China. And in bye 3rd (India) count which is also not. )))
And the rest Member States BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) still has work to do. Especially Russia ! )))
That’s not quite true unfortunately, A. If you look into it you’ll find that (((Blackrock))) and (((Golden Sacks))) are well on the way to taking over China.
CNN & BBC are the most unreliable news agencies in the world. Pure trash today.
Total propaganda – lies and disinformation. Are the CIA & MI5/6 media arms (and they do a lot of programming and stories). TASS more reliable.
Its appalling that happened to the BBC.
Not a sensible thing to fight on – its no good prolonging the inevitable.
I worry about the civilians caught up in this.
But if any Russian forces do the wrong thing then they should be court marshaled.
But I doubt they will.
As for foreign mercenaries here’s a thought – why doesnt Biden send his army DA released prisoners (the ones Soros organized) who did the US BLM & Kenosha riots in 2020 over to Ukraine and see how long they would last ? Most dont know one end of gun from another. They’d make great target practice for Russian forces and do a public service to America – kill 2 birds with one stone.
Earlier I posted about Russian units closing the cauldron east of the Donbass. Looks like they removed ukronazi elements further south instead, and the cauldron remains open. Perhaps purposefully. Meanwhile, at Sputnik: “US Senate Democrats Block Republican Bill to Boost Aid for Ukraine, Sanction Russian Energy” … Those naughty dems, getting in israel’s republican way in their attack on Russia. For anyone who has not figured this out by now, this full on attack, hot war attack, on Russia is by israel, using their pathetic western proxies.
“US Senate Democrats Block Republican Bill to Boost Aid for Ukraine, Sanction Russian Energy”
wtf? I AM shocked! 😱
wassgoinon? are they getting freeked?
I heard Dmitry Orlov on a podcast yesterday say that the heavy crude the US uses to produce diesel fuel from light crude available domestically, (I’m no engineer, he is) once came from Venezuela.
But since the Borg stepped on their dicks in that country they are buying it from Russia.
No heavy crude, no diesel, no US economy.
The US had Russia (then the USSR) in the crosshairs since before WWII and the creation of the state of Israel.
Britain and the US supported Hitler and aimed him east. But as usual, things did not turn out as they planned.
In 1971 as Indian troops closed in on Dhaka, West Pakistani organised civilian armed groups called Razakars began murdering Bangladeshi intellectuals teachers, journalists, in fact anyone who might contribute to the newly independent nation. I foresee exactly this scenario as the Ukranazis are defeated. While in the topic the Mariupol grandmother who was “trained” by the Azov nazis on camera is, I hope, taking care to stay in hiding, because she would make a lovely “martyr” who was “murdered by Russia” when the collapse comes.
Yes this is the real risk and why rebel areas need to be taken as soon as practically possible without destroying the place.
But these maniacs may try to blown up Kiev etc … to do even more damage to make life difficult for survivors*, then blame it on Russia.
This why cameras must be filming everything.
* Same as was ordered in Berlin in 1945 but people like Speer refused – lets hope there are some Speers in the UKN forces.
“Frankly, this could turn into another MH-17, but at a much, much bigger scale.” … Already has, exponentially. The israeloamericans are going for broke here. The Russian heightened nuke response status recently announced is not without warrant, and sends a very direct message to these israeli proxies.
@ Abu Iskander
“…I thought the city would surrender much faster.”
Neo-Nazis were there in force, held an anti-Russian march on Feb. 5, RFERL calculated 5,000 people (you can substract a couple of thousand or more from that figure) in the march. Kharkov is to north east Ukraine what Mariupol is to the south east, re: neo-Nazi control. They were afraid the Russian population there, which expressed their lack of animosity toward Russia and Russians (most of them have relatives on the other side), would open the city to the Russians without a fight. Neo-Nazis were already expecting an operation from Russia, started agitating Russophobia early on, and now you’re seeing the results.
Lone Wolf
I’m encouraged by the comments on Breitbart. The British MI6 guy’s saying the war was for the LGBT crowd has got the Trump supporters to rethink their support of a war on behalf of poofters, eunuchs, perverts and pedophiles, particularly with the Bidens’ links to Ukrainian regime corruption despite the wall of propaganda on behalf of this Nazi regime.
I’ve been on Twitter all day. For some reason, the military “experts” – Julian Ropcke, Rob Lee, Michael Kofman, Mark Urban among others – have been silent for many hours. I find their sudden inactivity strange. That’s because all them have been very active on Twitter every day and night over the past four days. But not now.
Maybe this means they are dealing with some very grim news concerning the UKR army’s position.
I remember how Western media, including it’s military pundits, went eerily silent in early August, 2014. That was the week Russia launched its devastating attack on the UKR army at Ilovaisk. I remember, all summer until that fateful week, Western media was percolating with pundits and “experts” hailing the UKR army’s pending victory in Donbass. But then, during the moment of truth which was Ilovaisk, they all went silent. Graveyard silent. For days on end.
The rabid pro-UKR military crowd – including MSM and the think tank “experts” – are always most silent when the blow is about to fall on the Ukies. That’s my perception at least, based on experience.
For what it’s worth, one Twitter acount (used by a think tank analyst with 125,000 followers) posted this message just thirty minutes ago:
“Just talked to a friend with contacts in Ukraine who are experienced observers of war. The situation, particularly in Kiev, is worse than it seems on social media. The Russian vice is closing. The West is congratulating itself for standing up to Putin, but he’s winning.”
Good observation. I remember when Isis took over Fallujah and then Mosul. For 3 days the western Media said nothing, even though it was being reported on Alt News sites. Maybe the same thing is happening here.
“When the cheerleaders turn silent, the game has changed. “
“For some reason, the military “experts” – Julian Ropcke, Rob Lee, Michael Kofman, Mark Urban among others – have been silent for many hours. ”
Maybe, the reason is Russian strike on PSYOP infrastructure in Kiev?
Well, as I see it, these particular analysts are Westerners (not UKR) and are top notch professionals. They are getting their information from a wide variety of sources, not just from the Ukie propaganda machine. These guys really know what’s going on.
The problem is that, almost certainly, they are cherry picking what they report to the public. These experts would probably be fired from their jobs or blacklisted if they report any news that’s demoralizing to the UKR war effort.
Until this war, I always had tremendous respect for Mark Urban. His 1986 book on the Soviet war in Afghanistan was, IMO, the lone Western publication which reported the facts in an objective, balanced, highly-empirical way. But that nearly 40 years ago, a time when Urban was an independent scholar. Things have changed for Urban since then. That’s because he is now an employee of the BBC. For this reason, Urban’s reporting now has to the toe the line for corporate media.
From Col.C today:
Military expert Boris Rozhin especially for the Voenkor Kotenok@voenkorKotenok channel:
Kyiv. There is no attack on the city itself yet. The RF Armed Forces are expanding their control zones around the city. The troops approached the settlement. Brovary. In the city itself – chaos, rampant Volkssturm. Destroyed hardware in the area of the Kiev TV tower. Television disappeared in Ukraine.
Kharkov. Fighting on the outskirts. The city is under fire, especially from the MLRS of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as the locals themselves say. Looting and chaos continues. Kharkiv is plunging into a state of humanitarian catastrophe.
Mariupol. The city is completely surrounded. The boiler is ready, it remains to weld it. Most of the adjacent villages, incl. n.p. Shirokino and Sartana are released. Humanitarian corridors are open until March 2. Then comes the cleanup. It is also worth noting that Volnovakha was almost cleared out.
Donetsk-Gorlovka-Dokuchaevsk-Yasinovataya and a number of other cities were subjected to heavy artillery shelling by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. There are civilians killed and wounded. There is no military meaning in these attacks. They have not yet approached Slavyansk and Kramatorsk.
LPR. Starobelsk and a number of settlements were liberated. The Armed Forces of Ukraine are gradually pressing on in the area of Severodonetsk and Rubizhne. Blocked Svatovo. Russian troops advancing from the border came to Izyum.
Zaporozhye. Fighting is underway near Vasilievka, where the RF Armed Forces are breaking through an improvised fortified area of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which covers Zaporozhye.
Kherson. In the morning, the cleansing began, which is still going on. The troops of the Russian Federation are already in the central regions of the city, incl. at the station. Detachment of the local Volkssturm was destroyed.
Nikolaev. Instead of a direct assault, the RF Armed Forces cover the city. He’s already in a semicircle. The road Nikolaev – Krivoy Rog was cut.
Odessa. Contrary to the landing mania, there were no landings near Odessa or so far. In the city – signs of chaos and hysteria.
Transnistria. Despite numerous stories that the Russian Armed Forces will attack Ukraine from Transnistria, practically nothing is happening in this direction.
@ Andrew Neopalimyi on March 01, 2022 · at 7:32 pm EST/EDT
“No one in Kharkov is fighting – everyone has surrendered.”
Where is your evidence? You’re making assertions without any backing. Post a link, give us the evidence, we’ll believe you. For all purposes, Kharkov is going to be a tough battle, and it is ongoing.
Lone Wolf
For sure Andrew meant Kherson that was apparently fully liberated today. It seems that Kharkov will be the Grozny of Z.
Thank you, but I’m not wrong!
In addition, I indicated Kherson and Kharkov.
And most importantly, that 25-30% of my
answers, moderators don’t post here stir.
Why do I look here fool and idiot. From which I
conclude that it is objectionable – they are not
interested in news from the field.
And therefore, farewell – longer yourself.
Hey Andrew,
I just wanted to say thanks for the work you’re doing and for providing updates for us from the field.
Pls come back :-)
Andrew – I consider you to be one of the best commentators. You offer direct real-time info which is very valuable to a better understanding of the issues. Make a copy of the data that you are planning to send and if rejected, keep sending it in until the Moderators surrender ;oD
Biden will send billions in weapons(lethal this time)to ukraine.
Billions in money coming(IMF, World bank, UE etc..)
All flights to and from Russia prohibited.
More diplomats expelled.
That’s right, the most bankrupt nation on earth printing more funny money to try and say it’s still the Sheriff in town.
Ask all American people what they want. They want Biden et al to stop playing cowboys and indians and focussing on the US domestic needs. They want a nation seen as humane, not one seen as a bunch of psychotic genocidalists (which the USA undoubtedly is).
Look at the polls in the USA.
The people do not support Biden in his grandstanding.
Ze is basically a Ashkenazi Jew. And, If there was no Israeli full-fledged influence & action, the “Sanction” would not scattered all over the place, as now. Seems every western countries(and their puppet countries) are in competition to prove – how loyal they are to satisfy their Master.
And the media coverage, all over the world – would only possible, if and only if Israel backed the action.
However, my bet is, When Ze run – he would run to the real Master. Not to any command executor.
From a post at Gab:
“So far Russia has been banned from FIFA, the International Ice Hockey Federation, and the International Tennis Federation, Adidas has stopped doing business with the Russian football federation, Apple has stopped doing business in Russia and banned RT from the Apple Store, Microsoft has delisted RT from Bing results and banned its app from the Microsoft store, Universal has stopped releasing movies in Russia, Russian users have to get rid of their Namecheap domain registrations, Facebook and Twitter are suppressing Russian content and Russian journalists, YouTube has banned RT across Europe, DirecTV have dropped RT, Roku has taken down RT’s channel, and Republican-controlled states are banning the sale of Russian vodka…”
Incredible. What a pathetic joke the nation my ancestors founded has become. I feel embarrassed. And how much suffering will come of all this – for Ukrainians, for Russians, for Americans. While the people behind it all will laugh and party.
Facebook Twitter etc based in US may find themselves subject to legal class action by Russians and Russian media for violating their First Amendment rights of free speech (perhaps the Russian Govt would like to fund the lawsuit).
$200 bn damages.
The law in the US that anyone who has a legal connection to the US not matter how remote has the same rights as residents. Equal under the law.
The damages on all this in the end could be $ Trillions.
It time Zuckerberg and Dorsey & others were dealt with.
The US only applies law when it is in their favor to do so. The rest of the time (most of the time) they ignore it.
Your Chinese friend is correct. Much like Hitler’s command that no ground be surrendered (no retreats to more defendable positions) I just do not understand how the Ukrainians haven’t learned to avoid encirclement. In 2014 it happened what 2 or 3 times? Stalingrad not taught in school?
Do they really think they can hold out until re-enforcements arrive? Seriously?
The propaganda from the west/their own government is so strong that they must be drinking the Koolaid. The guys holed up in Donbas must really think their side is winning.
With that said I heard there HAS been massive retreats already from those positions, I just don’t know what percentage it constitutes but I wouldn’t be surprised if many/most of them do make it out on time. We’ll see.
Actually Reuters did report that half the known civilian casualities are in teh Donbas based on a UN OHCHR report.
Not in the headline of course. But it is a shocking fact.
Off Topic: If you to read a story about how Wall Street and the Clintons screwed Russia and America over bigly.
“Putin is in power BECAUSE of the antics of the New York Bankers with the support of the Clintons. Are we in a grudge match against one man that the West has blamed for even putting Trump in office and now that justifies World War III? This is the backdrop that everyone should know before they send their boys off to die.”
@ Saker
But here are two very real dangers:
1.Ukrainian civilians are now at risk all over Banderastan
2. Ukie Volkssturm atrocities will be filmed by the western presstitutes and blamed on Russia
According to Pepe Escobar, there is a third danger looming across the border with Poland.
Pepe Escobar
A 20,000-strong mercenary army is being assembled in Poland.
Bulk comes from private military companies of the Blackwater/Academi kind.
CIA-supervised training.
Their cover: “return of Ukrainians from the French Foreign Legion.”
Afghan remix.
5:42 AM · Mar 1, 2022·Twitter Web App
Lone Wolf
Oh, this Pepe, he churns out sensations every day.
Of course, if it is he who merges misinformation. ))
“Going to” does not mean going to, collected.
They have already sent MiGs with Su-shkami, and 20-year-old Javelins with Stingers, … etc
But only in words and in money transfers / messages …
If true, then this is an evacuation …
As such, these guys are not qualified for heavy weaponry.
if they come in light against combined arms, they are a waste of air.
they might try to use them in urban settings, but I do really not think a merc is motivated to die. so once most realize they are cannon fodder, with no cover, they’ll pull back.
plus its a long way out. convoys can b stopped, a few hits on them will get them thinking…
If they come from Poland there is a very real risk of escalation that draws in NATO. As stupid as the Poles are I don’t think they are suicidal. Then again, they are not widely know for their intelligence.
Regarding mercs: with complete air superiority, escalation dominance, and 200-mile range precision rocket artillery Russia will perform an international public service by erasing them from the face of the earth.
Indeed – put all rotten eggs in one basket, then throw the basket to be fried by the russian rocket artillery ;-)
It is not all that simple, e.g. Ukraine artillery around Donbas is still active, even with air superiority, etc.
don’t judge polish intelligence by jokes about us, you just got the worst of sort, while the best was either murdered by soviets and nazi in ww2 or stayed home after that.
While we are not entirely anti russian we are hard anti ukrainian, we remember wolhyn massacres and don’t want descendants of those criminals here, especially that the have absolutely no remorse
Mainstream cloaca report some useful idiots lining up to be used as “brotherly” help for ukronazis, don’t know how many truth is in it but it would be great riddance for poland, let ’em go and die in the name of own stupidity
If I’m not mistaken aren’t the EU currently imposing Sanctions on Poland in view of their Government being a totalitarian Fascist one that has brought the Judiciary and the media under Govt control amongst other violations of a democracy?
This – if true and not one of Pepe’s jokes (I doubt he’s joking) – ties in nicely with the move to the UN General Assembling meeting. We’re looking at “Serbia Redux” folks.
Biden says no US troops to Ukraine. Doesn’t mean no NATO troops to Ukraine, or no NATO proxies to Ukraine.
I’ve determined where Pepe got that 20,000 figure. It’s from this article:
the caption under the picture says “Over 20,000 have reentered Ukraine to fight: ‘Only rats are running away'”
American citizen joins with Ukraine’s fight against Russia
OTOH, The WarZone has a post up scrutinizing the claim of Soviet Era jets being sent to Poland and rating it dubious.
Reports That Ukraine Is About To Get 70 Donated Fighter Jets Don’t Add Up
Still, given the degree to which Poland appears to want to be the staging area of combat operations against Russia in Ukraine, it seems to me that the US is trying to use NATO or a proxy force supported by NATO to involve itself in Ukraine, and possibly tempt Russia to retaliate against a NATO country like Poland to justify an Article 5 intervention.
This is very dangerous.
Japanese apparently just announced 50 of their cowboys will be entering to fight for the Ukies as well, add that to the tally.
“A 20,000-strong mercenary army is being assembled in Poland.”
Do you remember 11000 strong jihadist army assembled east of Aleppo? They were alowed to close in killing zone and incinerated.
I am sure Russian military begging to unleash full power on enemy out of protection of human shield.
No, Those 20000 are for Lviv. There will be formed new Ukronazi statelet under strong Polish proxy influence. As, likely, agreed with Anglos behind the closed door, month ago.
I doubt deal will be honoured. Anglos will continue to harass Russia from there. In the end, Russia might have to obliterate whole concentrated hornets nest, once and for all.
What is it about the UK, US, Poland that makes them love genocidal racist murderers??
Seriously, Sullivan, Blinken, Nuland, Kagan, Wolfowitz et al are all Jews. Yet they want to glorify those who murdered hundreds of thousands of Jews.
About time Sullivan was cornered about that in a Presser. No backing down. Humiliate him in front of world Jewry. Make them see what he is….
If it makes World Jewry excommunicate his kind (or whatever the term is in the Judaic tradition), then they will have done the world a service.
Blinken, Nuland.. You know they have Ukrainian Roots?
Melkulangara Bhadrakumar has an extremely interesting piece in SCF arguing that Germany has been moving to throw off its shackles and reemerge as a great power and that the Ukraine war is providing the perfect excuse to go full speed ahead with rearmament. Since Bhadakumar is sure that this bunch of Germans is vehemently Russophobe and fully behind the Nazi revival in Ukraine and elsewhere, Russia’s desire to continue doing business with Germany and its hope to sever Germany from the US may be delusional; it is only helping Russia’s ancient enemy rearm and grow strong. What do you think?
Well, Germany’s rearmament will be coming from a very low baseline. How do they tool up if they don’t have a reliable source of cheap energy?
The Americans are not generous, nor are they charitable. They will screw the German’s rotten to maximize their profit from the sale of uber-expensive LNG. Then they will insist that any “German rearmament” involve the purchase of American-made weapons.
And if the German’s demure then, well, the CIA will color-revolution them.
I mean, honestly, we’ve all seen this movie before, right?
I agree with that assessment.
@ Vladimir
I second that.
Lone Wolf
Me too.
Maybe – dont know.
But where will their masses of troops come from ?
This is not 1914 or 1939 with a large spare labor supply.
German aircraft industry is small.
Germany is a great power today anyway in many ways – has technological excellence – many of the best scientists and mfg plant. And example to try to follow.
But this whole long term crisis is being caused by a handful of greedy elites at the top in the EU.
Germany is extremely unlikely to rid herself of Washington’s control of its internal and external affairs. The breakdown of relations between Russia and the West further solidifies US control over Germany, further eroding its economic and political independence, that much is clear. As it seems now, the days when Germany could count on stable Russian energy to fuel its industry are numbered. Washington will tighten the leash. German’s energy future is now in US hands.
As such, these guys are not qualified for heavy weaponry.
if they come in light against combined arms, they are a waste of air.
they might try to use them in urban settings, but I do really not think a merc is motivated to die. so once most realize they are cannon fodder, with no cover, they’ll pull back.
plus its a long way out. convoys can b stopped, a few hits on them will get them thinking…
next gen mabbe?
this one is…abit…howcanisay…
All German parties, institutions and media are subverted by US/Globalist interest groups and their minions. As few normal people read alternative media and few of those are interested in geopolitics, 99% of the people belief in what they are told by the politizans and mainstream media. It would need a national catastroph, like freezing in winter or an extended blackout to wake them up and realize, that they had been set up. Kanzler Scholz knows pretty well, that Germany needs Russian gas as much as it can get, but he dares not stand up against the US and the pressure from the media, the ruling parties and the EU. He will rather work against the interests of the people and for his own profit like most politicans. Germany is in a very sorry state and corruption is wide spread in the higher political circles.
I found this both interesting and amusing:
A Foxnews talking head interviews an American Colonel who assisted a former Secretary of Defense, and asks him about Putin and Ukraine, and much to the host’s shock, the Colonel gives him a lecture that could have been written by the Saker himself.
On July 27, 2020, the White House announced that President Donald Trump intended to nominate Macgregor to serve as the United States Ambassador to Germany. On November 11, 2020, a Pentagon spokesperson announced that MacGregor had been hired to serve as Senior Advisor to the Acting Secretary of Defense.
TRANSCRIPT excerpt –
Here is colonel Doug MacGregor a former senior advisor to the secretary of defense – thank you for joining us, why do you think Putin is doing this and what is his end game?
Well Vladimir Putin is carrying through on something that he’s been warning us about at least for the last 15 years which is that he will not tolerate U.S. forces or their missiles on his borders much as we would not tolerate Russian troops and missiles in Cuba, and we ignored him and he finally acted. He was not going to allow Ukraine under any circumstances to join NATO.
What’s happened now is that the battle in eastern Ukraine is really almost over; all the Ukrainian troops there have been largely surrounded and cut off. You have a concentration down in the southeast of 30 to 40 000 of them and if they don’t surrender within the next 24 hours I suspect that the Russians will ultimately annihilate them.
That’s why Zelenski is meeting with Putin’s representatives right now. The game is over and he’s going to have to negotiate the best deal he can get and we’ve already told him the President of the United States has said that if he opts for neutrality for the Ukraine then he will back him…
MacGregor has always has been pretty much a straight shooter. A realist with common sense.
He was kind of blacklisted in his last years in the military. Said too many things that were true but did not fit the narrative. A smart guy. Worth listening to. Thank you for that info.
News of the nationalization of assets, or “Third – go!”
The management company US ExxonMobil announced its withdrawal from the Sakhalin-1 project
Yesterday, British BP and Norwegian Equinor announced they were withdrawing from projects in Russia with Rosneft
Really hope BP is out. They merged their stuff with TNK and then merged that into Rosnet and took a hefty stake in it. They still were dreaming of getting all of Rosneft.
Exxon did get into Sakhalin-1 and bailed on S-2. Too expensive lol.
I guess Rosneft should raise capital from China, India who are already minority investors and buy these guys out 100%
This is an opportunity of a lifetime
and make sure its bought by Rosneft, not Alfa or it’s cronies
Thieves at work again – nothing new.
Interfax website being blocked in southern hemisphere.
Oil companies colluding with globalists to crash mkts.
“Canada has a fascist psychopath as prime minister and a [N]azi as deputy prime minister. They recently gave themselves extraordinary powers to crush peaceful dissidents,” Bernier said in a statement via Twitter.”
… From Sputnik “Canada’s Bernier Decries Trudeau as ‘Fascist Psychopath,’ Brands Freeland as ‘Nazi’”.
Putin is occupying all territory of Catherine the Great’s conquest. Hurra. There’s a lot western tv shows these day about her.
See also: “Canadian Deputy Prime Minister Shares—Then Deletes—Photo Holding Fascist Banner at Ukraine Protest” at RT. If you still can in your western dungheap. Her grandpa was a war criminal in service of germany, who canada was at war with. She is is the same thing regarding her israeloamerican owners. A war criminal and a traitor.
I think that the cauldron by the borders of the Lugansk and Donetsk Peoples Republics has not yet been forcefully dealt with because the continued shelling of civilian targets from this zone and threats to the Peoples Republics justifies the Russian operation in the eyes of its own public, never mind that the Western media is not reporting on this, as defending the republics was the purpose of the operation (remember the “peacekeepers”). Also the UkroNazi forces there are very well dug in as during their eight year aggression on the People’s Republics and the spirited resistance of the Peoples Republics’ militias they have built extensive fortifications, trenches, bunkers, tunnels, etc. I don’t know if there are many civilians left there to save but the still open corridor allows for any other UkroNazi forces from Galicia into the zone which will later be closed off and all within it destroyed. I suspect that this could be the final major operation of the war. Whether these most hard-core Nazi troops will be given the option to surrender and be processed for war crimes, or just annihilated, remains to be seen.
About Odessa, I think it will just be allowed to watch what happens in Mariupol and then they will be given the option to go through the same violent de-Nazification or just voluntarily give up. I should think watching the Russian operation that will unfold at Mariupol could impress some sense into them.
I just dont understand how at the artillery is not taken out by now…drones. air. anti-arty???
I mean how many units can be there?
They’re really dug in. They often are camoflauged under trees or buildings / canopies and in entrenched/covered positions and also use their knowledge of the terrain to be very mobile etc. These Ukies are no joke.
Does anti-arty not use radar to retrace firing locations? How fast can a piece of artillery be moved before a shell arrives that has been fired in its direction?
The problem is by “arty” we also often referring to the truck-based grad systems they have, and those can damn near fire on the move, such is the speed with which they can fire and drive out. Pretty much almost instant, which means even anti-arty would not have time to respond. With that said yes they did use a lot of anti-arty in the Donbas war proper in past few years and much Ukrainian equipment was destroyed because of it. In fact several advanced U.S. anti-arty / radar units were captured and given to Russia. But war is imperfect, not everything works at all times, humans err and cannot always perform optimally. As such a lot of shelling gets through the fog.
Thanks for this explanation.
@ someguy
It doesn’t seem fair to condemn the civilians as “indifferent” when you know they are terrified, and with reason. They have been treated very brutally for eight years now, and have watched their neighbors (and family members?) killed for speaking up. They’ve seen that it has accomplished nothing positive so far.
I’m pessimistic from seeing all the people attacking Russians, throwing molotovs at them, shouting them down, protesting them when they are in the area, and generally being provocative.
I understand that is not representative of all of them but good lord, where were they when their own army was shelling Donbass for 8 years? They will scream at an armed Russian soldier but not their own nation’s political leadership? It makes me sick.
I also thank Andrei and team for their work.
I have seen very few notes in the Media regarding US bio-warfare laboratories being found underground in Ukraine – perhaps x 9(?).
Does anyone have any details on this matter??
Appreciated as is significant
Scroll down the timeline of this account, you’ll get more than you can handle of that stuff
also this:
Thank you but I and twitter are not in good relations – so they say.
Here’s a likely source of some of the fake claims of Ukies shooting down Russian planes. Russia converted an old POS plane to fly by wire to bait Ukie air defenses to open up, then bombed them with anti radiation missiles
Sen. Marco #Rubio said that the #RuAF used An-2s converted into #UAVs to bait UAF Air-Def positions, which if responding were destroyed quite quickly.
This tactic was used recently during the #Karabakh war
***No evidence for this so far
From M. K. Bhadrakumar at Indian Punchline, showing racist “Zone A” MSM treatment of Ukrainian refugees, now benefitting from their whiteness, in relation to the treatment given at the Polish border to refugees from ME countries. Also, “how can the Russians be bombing cities right here close to Zone A? This is not Afghanistan or any other third world shithole to be bombed like this. These people watch Netflix, for God’s sake!”
Nauseating, really.
Racist Ukraine coverage in mainstream Western media. Notice the racist overtones.
1. BBC
“It’s very emotional for me because I see European people with blue eyes and blonde hair being killed”
– Ukraine’s Deputy Chief Prosecutor, David Sakvarelidze
2. CBS News
“This isn’t Iraq or Afghanistan…This is a relatively civilised, relatively European city”
– CBS foreign correspondent Charlie D’Agata
3. Al-Jazeera [not exactly Western, but West-aligned]
“What’s compelling is looking at them, the way they are dressed. These are prosperous, middle-class people. These are not obviously refugees trying to get away from the Middle East…or North Africa. They look like any European family that you’d live next door to.”
– Peter Dobbie, Al Jazeera news presenter.
4. BFM TV (France)
“We are in the 21st century, we are in a European city and we have cruise missile fire as though we were in Iraq or Afghanistan, can you imagine!?”
5. The Daily Telegraph
“They seem so like us. That is what makes it so shocking. Ukraine is a European country. Its people watch Netflix and have Instagram accounts… War is no longer something visited upon impoverished and remote populations. It can happen to anyone.”
– Daniel Hannan
6. ITV (UK)
“The unthinkable has happened…This is not a developing, third world nation; this is Europe!”
7. BFM TV (France) (again)
“It’s an important question. We’re not talking here about Syrians fleeing…We’re talking about Europeans.”
8. NBC News
“To put it bluntly, these are not refugees from Syria, these are refugees from Ukraine…These are Christians, they’re white. They’re very similar [to us]”.
– Kelly Cobiella, NBC News Correspondent, explaining why Poland, which was hesitant to take in refugees from West Asia and North Africa, is now accepting refugees.
Lone Wolf
there is that – starting to smell the smoke they are…
Yep, seems they think it is ok to kill, bomb and genreally f..k over brown people that live somewhere else, but god forbid it would happen to our nazi neighbours next door.
It’s fascinating how white nationalism and “woke” degeneracy exist side by side in the Western psyche.
“What’s compelling is looking at them, the way they are dressed. These are prosperous, middle-class people. These are not obviously refugees trying to get away from the Middle East…or North Africa. They look like any European family that you’d live next door to.”
– Peter Dobbie, Al Jazeera news presenter.
… blah blah blah …
Yea, just like the Europeans in Belgrade bombed to dust by the compassionate planes of NATO for 78 days non-stop …
The fake compassion from these Western media is enough to make you puke. All of them should be sent to the war crimes tribunal in Moscow for inciting war crimes.
The strange thing is that those people don’t even know how racist they are. On the whole, I put it down to sheer stupidity.
The continuous shelling of Donetsk has me puzzled. Why has RF not hit them with air strikes? When will they be silenced for good?
“The country’s emergency services said that five people were killed and five more were injured as a result of what they referred to as “shelling.” Earlier, Ukrainian minister of culture said that no TV employees were injured or killed in the blasts.” … Typical of israeloamerican propaganda. The source exposing this is Sputnik.
There were strange reports of an air assault on Uman (Умань – on the left-most black line on the map) a few days ago. It didn’t make any sense at the time, and I haven’t heard anything since. But it would be interesting to know if any Russian troops actually made it there. It would be perfect timing now.
Russia declares war on the Straussians.
Russia is not waging war on the Ukrainian people, but on a small group of people within the US power that has transformed Ukraine without its knowledge, the Straussians. It formed half a century ago and has already committed an incredible amount of crimes in Latin America and the Middle East without the knowledge of the United States. This is their story.
At dawn on February 24, Russian forces entered Ukraine en masse. According to President Vladimir Putin, speaking on television at the time, this special operation was the beginning of his country’s response to “those who aspire to world domination” and who are advancing Nato’s infrastructure to his country’s doorstep. During this long speech, he summarized how NATO destroyed Yugoslavia without the authorization of the United Nations Security Council, even bombing Belgrade in 1999. Then he perused the destruction of the United States in the Middle East, in Iraq, Libya and Syria. Only after this lengthy presentation did he announce that he had sent his troops to Ukraine with the dual mission of destroying the Nato-linked armed forces and ending the Nato armed neo-Nazi groups.
Immediately all the member states of the Atlantic Alliance denounced the occupation of Ukraine as comparable to that of Czechoslovakia during the “Prague Spring” (1968). According to them, Vladimir Putin’s Russia had adopted the Soviet Union’s “Brezhnev doctrine”. Therefore, the free world must punish the resurrected “Evil Empire” with “devastating costs”.
The interpretation of the Atlantic Alliance is aimed above all at depriving Russia of its major argument: although Nato is not a confederation of equals, but a hierarchical federation under Anglo-Saxon command, Russia is doing the same. It refuses Ukraine the possibility of choosing its destiny, just as the Soviets refused it to the Czechoslovakians. It is true that Nato violates the principles of sovereignty and equality of states stipulated in the UN Charter, but it should not be dissolved, unless Russia is also dissolved.
Perhaps, but probably not.
President Putin’s speech was not directed against Ukraine, or even against the United States, but explicitly against “those who aspire to world domination”, i.e. against the “Straussians” in the US power structure. It was a real declaration of war against them.
On February 25, President Vladimir Putin called the Kiev leadership “a clique of drug addicts and neo-Nazis”. For the Atlantic media, these words were those of a mental patient.
During the night of February 25-26, President Volodymyr Zelensky sent a ceasefire proposal to Russia via the Chinese embassy in Kiev. The Kremlin immediately responded by setting out its conditions:
arrest of all Nazis (Dmitro Yarosh and the Azov Battalion, etc.)
removal of all street names and destruction of monuments glorifying Nazi collaborators during the Second World War (Stepan Bandera, etc.),
laying down of weapons.
The Atlantic press ignored this event, while the rest of the world, which knew about it, held its breath. The negotiation failed a few hours later after Washington intervened. Only then would Western public opinion be informed, but the Russian conditions would always be hidden from them.
What is President Putin talking about? Who is he fighting against? And what are the reasons that have made the Atlanticist press blind and mute?
A brief history of the Straussians
Let us stop for a moment to consider this group, the Straussians, about whom Westerners know little. They are individuals, all Jewish, but by no means representative of either American Jews or of Jewish communities worldwide. They were formed by the German philosopher Leo Strauss, who took refuge in the United States during the rise of Nazism and became a professor of philosophy at the University of Chicago. According to many accounts, he had formed a small group of faithful students to whom he gave oral instruction. There is no written record of this. He explained to them that the only way for the Jews not to fall victim to a new genocide was to form their own dictatorship. He called them Hoplites (the soldiers of Sparta) and sent them to disrupt the courts of his rivals. Finally, he taught them discretion and praised the “noble lie”. Although he died in 1973, his student fraternity continued.
The Straussians began forming a political group half a century ago, in 1972. They were all members of Democratic Senator Henry “Scoop” Jackson’s staff, including Elliott Abrams, Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz. They worked closely with a group of Trotskyite journalists, also Jewish, who had met at the City College of New York and edited the magazine Commentary. Both groups were closely linked to the CIA, but also, thanks to Perle’s father-in-law Albert Wohlstetter (the US military strategist), to the Rand Corporation (the think tank of the military-industrial complex). Many of these young people intermarried until they formed a compact group of about 100 people.
Together they drafted and passed the “Jackson-Vanik Amendment” in the midst of the Watergate crisis (1974), which forced the Soviet Union to allow the emigration of its Jewish population to Israel under pain of economic sanctions. This was their founding act.
In 1976, Paul Wolfowitz [1] was one of the architects of the “Team B” charged by President Gerald Ford with assessing the Soviet threat [2]. He issued a delirious report accusing the Soviet Union of preparing to take over “global hegemony”. The Cold War changed its nature: it was no longer a question of isolating (containment) the USSR, it had to be stopped in order to save the “free world”.
The Straussians and the New York intellectuals, all of whom were on the left, put themselves at the service of the right-wing president Ronald Reagan. It is important to understand that these groups are neither truly left nor right wing. Some members have switched five times from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party and back again. What is important to them is to infiltrate power, whatever the ideology. Elliott Abrams became an assistant to the Secretary of State. He led an operation in Guatemala where he put a dictator in power and experimented with Israeli Mossad officers on how to create reserves for the Mayan Indians in order to eventually do the same thing in Israel with the Palestinian Arabs (the Mayan Resistance earned Rigoberta Menchú her Nobel Peace Prize). Then Elliott Abrams continued his exactions in El Salvador and finally in Nicaragua against the Sandinistas with the Iran-Contra affair. For their part, the New York intellectuals, now called “Neoconservatives”, created the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and the U.S. Institute of Peace, a mechanism that organized many colored revolutions, starting with China with the attempted coup d’état of Prime Minister Zhao Ziyang and the subsequent repression in Tiananmen Square.
At the end of George H. Bush’s (the father’s) term of office, Paul Wolfowitz, then number 3 in the Defense Department, drew up a document [3] based on a strong idea: after the decomposition of the USSR, the United States had to prevent the emergence of new rivals, starting with the European Union. He concluded by advocating the possibility of taking unilateral action, i.e. to put an end to the concerted action of the United Nations. Wolfowitz was undoubtedly the designer of “Desert Storm”, the operation to destroy Iraq that allowed the United States to change the rules of the game and organize a unilateral world. It was during this time that Straussians valued the concepts of “regime change” and “democracy promotion.”
Gary Schmitt, Abram Shulsky and Paul Wolfowitz entered the US intelligence community through the Consortium for the Study of Intelligence’s Working Group on Intelligence Reform. They criticized the assumption that other governments think the same way as the US government [4]. Then they criticized the lack of political leadership in intelligence, leaving it to wander into
unimportant issues instead of focusing on the essential ones. Politicizing intelligence is what Wolfowitz had already done with the B-team and what he would do again in 2002 with the Office of Special Plans, inventing arguments for new wars against Iraq and Iran (Leo Strauss’ “noble lie”).
The Straussians were removed from power during Bill Clinton’s term. They then entered the Washington think tanks. In 1992, William Kristol and Robert Kagan (the husband of Victoria Nuland, widely quoted in the previous articles) published an article in Foreign Affairs deploring President Clinton’s timid foreign policy and calling for a renewal of “benevolent global hegemony” [5]. The following year they founded the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) at the American Enterprise Institute. Gary Schmitt, Abram Shulsky and Paul Wolfowitz were members. All of Leo Strauss’s non-Jewish admirers, including the Protestant Francis Fukuyama (the author of The End of History), immediately joined them.
In 1994, now an arms dealer, Richard Perle (a.k.a. “the Prince of Darkness”) became an advisor to the President and ex-Nazi Alija Izetbegović in Bosnia-Herzegovina. It was he who brought Osama Bin Laden and his Arab Legion (the forerunner of Al Qaeda) from Afghanistan to defend the country. Perle was even a member of the Bosnian delegation at the signing of the Dayton Accords in Paris.
In 1996, members of the PNAC (including Richard Perle, Douglas Feith and David Wurmser) wrote a study at the Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies (IASPS) for the new Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. This report [6] advocates the elimination of Yasser Arafat, the annexation of the Palestinian territories, a war against Iraq and the transfer of Palestinians there. It was inspired not only by the political theories of Leo Strauss, but also by those of his friend, Ze’ev Jabotinsky, the founder of “revisionist Zionism”, of whom Netanyahu’s father was the private secretary.
The PNAC raised funds for the candidacy of George W. Bush (the son) and published before his election its famous report “Rebuilding America’s Defenses”. It called for a Pearl Harbor-like catastrophe that would throw the American people into a war for global hegemony. These are exactly the words that PNAC Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld used on September 11, 2001.
Thanks to the 9/11 attacks, Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz installed Admiral Arthur Cebrowski in Donald Rumsfeld’s shadow. He played a role comparable to that of Albert Wohlstetter during the Cold War. He imposed the strategy of “endless war”: the US armed forces should not win any more wars, but start many of them and keep them going as long as possible. The aim would be to destroy all the political structures of the targeted states in order to ruin these populations and deprive them of any means of defending themselves against the US [7]; a strategy that has been implemented for twenty years in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen…
The alliance between the Strausians and the revisionist Zionists was sealed at a major conference in Jerusalem in 2003, which Israeli political figures from all sides unfortunately thought they should attend [8]. It is therefore not surprising that Victoria Nuland (Robert Kagan’s wife, then ambassador to NATO) intervened to declare a ceasefire in Lebanon in 2006, allowing the defeated Israeli army not to be pursued by Hezbollah.
Some individuals, such as Bernard Lewis, have worked with all three groups, the Straussians, the Neoconservatives and the Revisionist Zionists. A former British intelligence officer, he acquired both U.S. and Israeli citizenship, was an advisor to Benjamin Netanyahu and a member of the U.S. National Security Council. Lewis, who halfway through his career assured that Islam is incompatible with terrorism and that Arab terrorists are in fact Soviet agents, later changed his mind and assured with the same aplomb that the religion preaches terrorism. He invented the strategy of the “clash of civilizations” for the US National Security Council. The idea was to use cultural differences to mobilize Muslims against the Orthodox, a concept that was popularized by his assistant at the Council, Samuel Huntington, except that Huntington did not present it as a strategy, but as an inevitability that had to be countered. Huntington began his career as an advisor to the South African secret service during the aparteheid era, and later wrote a book, The Soldier and the State [9], arguing that the military (regular and mercenary) is a special caste, the only one capable of understanding national security needs.
After the destruction of Iraq, the Straussians were the subject of all sorts of controversies [10]. Everyone is surprised that such a small group, supported by neoconservative journalists, could have acquired such authority without having been the subject of a public debate. The U.S. Congress appointed an Iraq Study Group (the so-called “Baker-Hamilton Commission”) to evaluate its policy. It condemned, without naming it, the Rumsfeld/Cebrowski strategy and deplored the hundreds of thousands of deaths it had caused. But Rumsfeld resigned and the Pentagon inexorably pursued this strategy, which it had never officially adopted.
In the Obama administration, the Straussians found their way into Vice President Joe Biden’s cabinet. His National Security Advisor, Jacob Sullivan, played a central role in organizing the operations against Libya, Syria and Myanmar, while another of his advisors, Antony Blinken, focused on Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran. It was he who led the negotiations with Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei that resulted in the arrest and imprisonment of key members of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s team in exchange for the nuclear deal.
Regime change in Kiev in 2014 was organized by the Straussians. Vice President Biden is firmly committed to it. Victoria Nuland came to support the neo-Nazi elements of the Right Sector and to supervise the Israeli “Delta” commando [11] in Maidan Square. A telephone intercept reveals her wish to “fuck the European Union” (sic) in the tradition of the 1992 Wolfowitz report. But the leaders of the European Union do not understand and protest only weakly [12].
“Jake” Sullivan and Antony Blinken placed Vice President Biden’s son, Hunter, on the board of one of the major gas companies, Burisma Holdings, despite opposition from Secretary of State John Kerry. Hunter Biden is unfortunately just a junkie, he would serve as a front for a gigantic scam at the expense of the Ukrainian people. He would appoint, under the supervision of Amos Hochstein, several of his stoner friends to become other front men at the head of various companies and to plunder Ukrainian gas. These are the people that President Vladimir Putin called a “clique of drug addicts”.
Sullivan and Blinken relied on mafia godfather Ihor Kolomoysky, the country’s third largest fortune. Although he is Jewish, he financed the heavyweights of the Right Sector, a neo-Nazi organization that works for NATO and fought in Maidan Square during the “regime change”. Kolomoïsky took advantage of his connections to take power within the European Jewish community, but his co-religionists rebelled and ejected him from international associations. However, he managed to get the head of the Right Sector, Dmytro Yarosh, appointed deputy secretary of the Ukrainian National Security and Defence Council and to get himself appointed governor of the Dnipropetrovsk oblast. Both men would be quickly removed from any political function. It was their group that President Vladimir Putin called a “clique of neo-Nazis.”
In 2017, Antony Blinken founded WestExec Advisors, a consulting firm that brought together former senior Obama administration officials and many Straussians. The firm’s business is extremely low-key. It uses the political connections of its employees to make money; what anywhere else would be called corruption.
The Straussians are still the same as ever
Since Joe Biden returned to the White House, this time as President of the United States, the Straussians have been running the show. “Jake” Sullivan is National Security Advisor, while Antony Blinken is Secretary of State with Victoria Nuland at his side. As I have reported in previous articles, she went to Moscow in October 2021 and threatens to crush Russia’s economy if it ded not comply. This was the beginning of the current crisis.
Undersecretary of State Nuland resurrected Dmitro Yarosh and imposed him on President Zelinsky, a television actor protected by Ihor Kolomoysky. On November 2, 2021, he appointed him special advisor to the head of the army, General Valerii Zaluzhnyi. The latter, a true democrat, rebelled at first and finally accepted. When questioned by the press about this astonishing duo, he refused to answer and mentioned a question of national security. Yarosh gave his full support to the “white führer”, Colonel Andrey Biletsky, and his Azov Battalion. This copy of the SS Das Reich division has been staffed since the summer of 2021 by American mercenaries formerly from Blackwater [13].
Having identified the Straussians, we must admit that Russia’s ambition is understandable, even desirable. To rid the world of the Straussians would be to do justice to the million or more deaths they have caused and to save those they are about to kill. Whether this intervention in Ukraine is the right way remains to be seen.
In any case, if the responsibility for the current events lies with the Straussians, all those who let them act without flinching also have a responsibility. Starting with Germany and France, who signed the Minsk Agreements seven years ago and did nothing to ensure that they were implemented, and then with the fifty or so states that signed the OSCE declarations prohibiting the extension of Nato east of the Oder-Neisse line and did nothing. Only Israel, which has just got rid of the revisionist Zionists, has expressed a nuanced position on these events.
This is one of the lessons of this crisis: democratically governed peoples are responsible for the decisions taken for a long time by their leaders and maintained after alternations in power.
Mexico stands with Russia – refuses sanctions.
Sensible approach and means they disagree with US UK EU
And more hypocracy from US Republicans attacking Russia (with a crazed looking Mitt Romney)
Well done Mexico – amigos. You aint loco !
Zelensky’s Dirlewanger Brigade
The Poles should rethink their position on this.
Poles have clear idea about hard nazi sentiments within ukrainian population and well remember barbaric atrocities committed by them on poles during ww2, but pupet government does as pupet is and we have not much influence on their actions
Only several hours ago, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation published a document “The Truth Behind Events in Ukraine and Donbass”, which can at the moment only be downloaded if you have a Yandex account. Somehow it managed to miss the Western news cycle, despite likely being a valuable insight into the motivations of the government for the military operation. I read it. It is unprofessional and extremely one-sided, but what would you expect from a government engaged in an intense propaganda war? It looks last-minute, suggesting it is more of a reaction to losing the propaganda war than something long-planned. You can download it here (warning: graphic):
Can’t find a link from the Ru MiD site to the document.
How did you get hold of it and how sure are you of its provenance?
I couldn’t either, though part of that may have had something to do with the ridiculously high level of security Russian websites have to employ these days. TASS reported it here:
By the way, dragon_first_1 just published his end-of-day maps for the entire field of operations, so now you don’t have to pay to see detailed maps:
On the Crimean front, the major discrepancies between various maps seem to revolve around what exactly the VRF is doing with the Yuzhnokrainsk and Zaporozhye nuclear power plants, and how much progress they have made in those two directions and towards Krivoy Rog. Naturally, one wonders precisely what the long-term objective of the westernmost advancement is. A photo with Lukashenko pointing to a military map circulating today, whether true or false, showed a line of advancement from Odessa to Transnistria. The aborted amphibious Odessa landing attempted last night reported today seems to have been denied by official US channels.
From a report elsewhere:
“Russia is in isolation. ”
Here’s a list of countries that have already refused to associate with sanctions against Russia. Others are hesitating. Listings that are not exhaustive.
🔹 Moscow partners in the BRICS group (Brazil, India, China, South Africa). 41% of the world population.
🔹 The countries of OSC (Belarus, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan).
🔹 Azerbaijan and Moldova have abandoned anti-Russian restrictions. But the most surprising thing is Georgia’s position.
🔹 Latin America (Mexico, Argentina, Venezuela, Guatemala, Colombia, Cuba, Nicaragua, Chile).
🔹 The Middle East (Syria, Egypt, Turkey, Iraq, Iran).
🔹 The Balkans (Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina).
🔹 Hungary, yet a member of the European Union.
What about Africa? Has any of those countries joined the anti-Russia sanctions?
All of these countries (plus additional ones like S.A., Kuwait, UAE …) you’ve mentioned are waiting patiently in order to switch to the Russia/Chinese money transfer systems, once things are settled in the Ukraine. Then the Sleepy Joe and BOJO would have the chance to keep the entire SWIFT to themselves and transfer each other some money.
Brazil is spoiling the picture in Latin America. Pity.
In red the most recent Russian movements today. The only major progress is inside the purpose square when Russian forces have penetrated deep in the rear of both Odessa and Kiev. So I have to wonder – are the planning a strategic cauldron??? Dunno, but I decided to add a black bar to show where we might want to look closer in the coming days.
That appears to me to link up with something I read (here?) that Belorus are sending crack forces down towards Lutsk – maybe the aim is to close off the Polish border?
The red dotted lines could be circling Odessa, but seem to be going too far north-west, which is also the direction to the Polish border.
There seems to be a crying need to close off that border to me – stop war criminals escaping justice; stop insurgent-wannabes from escaping to come back later; stop weapons coming in through the border; stop mercenaries coming in – etc.
One thing this conflict has done is dispel doubts on who actually stands where. A lot of “pro Russia” people have proved themselves to be anything but. Conversely people who have quite severe disagreements have found themselves united in their support to Russia. Won’t take names.
I look at the Ukraganda in the media, where Russia is losing horrendously, look at the map, and then I wonder whether these people and I inhabit the same universe. Are they in some parallel existence? And this isn’t just amusing or anything, it’s a deadly problem.
What happens when the inevitable Ukranazi mass collapse, drawing closer by the hour, takes place? How does the Empire explain it away? It can’t say the Russians simply choked off, surrounded and eliminated Ukranazi strongpoints; that won’t do at all. Some kind of horrendous false flag has to be carried out; chemical weapons? Explosives in residential blocks? Artillery attacks on civilians? All of them?
there is the Samson option….but we know that one…
That State of the Union Address was off the charts. Made me think of the Stones song Dead Flowers.
‘Well, when you’re sitting back in your rose pink Cadillac
Making bets on Kentucky Derby Day
Ah, I’ll be in my basement room with a needle and a spoon
And another girl to take my pain away’
I drank Stoli on the rocks (not Russian made but close to the Russian border than Kentucky. Help make the lies go down easier LOL!
The battle of Mariupol has commenced in earnest according to Intelslava Z.
The ‘west’, in all honesty, is making itself look ridiculous.
Biden’s speech this evening was especially pathetic, I’m not sure if even one word of it was true.
Yes, the governments of all the US vassal states may well line up together, a cavalcade of idiots, blackmailed and leveraged to the hilt, but it’s very clear from their language, that all they are going to do is talk.
Cowards to the last, if anyone was in any doubt about the reliability of the US as an ally in the face of a serious adversary, let there be no doubt, you’re on your own.
Talk is cheap.
The facial experssions on the two tarts sitting behind Brandon were very informative. Lots of trying not to smile at the most inapproraite moments were visible, even through the buckets of botox and filler Pelosi has pumped into her face.
I didn’t notice the other one, but Pelosi could never get a job as a tart. Even if she offered tens of thousands.
A short but important essay from Pat Buchanan
It might be important but it is lies from start to finish. It is the ultimate proof that the USA is only capable of thinking in hegemonic terms.
The most important lesson of this past 30 years is that the USA’s hegemony no longer pertains to the aspirations of the world and the USA must be summarily ditched by all and sundry.
Everything is about maintaining the US arms manufacturers never ending gravy train. Bring in Finland and Sweden to NATO = force them to buy hyper-expensive US tat or else.
That’s all anything is ever about for the USA. Selling weapons to satrapies.
Not sure who is author, but this was published today in channel Friends of Major Selivanov
As I pointed out, the main part of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has ended up in boilers today or is already defeated. That is why in Ukrainian propaganda, such emphasis is placed on territorial defense, the Nazis and other food for cannons.
Several senior representatives of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the Armed Forces are in hysteria – this can also be seen in the tone of Ukrainian propaganda.
Today, officials from the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense are beginning to contact me actively and offer cooperation – documents, information, etc. Their main condition is that no one touches them and that they remain to serve and earn a pension under the new government.
Even General Sergei Najev came in through intermediaries, stressing that he had a close relative in the Crimea, a former Russian soldier. In witness to their serious intentions, they provided a number of documents from the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the General Staff. It is funny, however, that these documents already have special services from the People’s Republic of Lugano. This means that Sergei Najev’s people cooperated with us before the start of the special operation …
So, while the Ukrainian soldiers are rioting to fight to the end and are exposed to bullets of various civilians and other morons from the so-called. Territorial Defense, exposing the civilian population as living shields (evacuation ban from Kherson, Zaporozhye, Kharkov, Kiev), Ukrainian generals (and civil servants of the Ministry of Defense) are already negotiating war honors.
Further. By a tacit agreement with Zelenský, the army will pass on to the Russians all information about the Nazis – lists, location of troops, addresses, etc.
P.S. General Najev, if you really surrender all the Nazis, I will think about your future.
big if true
and still good for the jew…😁
To my previous post translation of
My thoughts, if there is already quiet agreement with Zelensky, then I see 2 options 1) Zelensky does not control his army, so he cannot safely issue stand down command. 2) Russians and Ukrainians are running a pretend war with all war-fog plus Zelensky’s theatrics to pull all the Nazis out of the woodworks.
The anti-russian attacks are very organized.
That in itself is the clue that these socalled sanctions are strategically preplan to attack Russia.
They have defactor declared war on Russia. Without actually firing weapons directly on Russia.
But crazy narcististstic thinking like the west leaders now.
And by censuring all media in the west etc, is textbook of how most big wars starts a few years later.
So this is bound to escelate further.
The west will eventually allow proxy units to go into ujraine.
And through a series of events it will soon enough escelate into the west moving own units into ujraine.
And even direct fighting russia eventually, inside ujraine.
People forget how usa etc has behaved all over the world.
They never ask for permissions.
And noone sanctions usa for their endless warcrimes.
Haag, is a tool. And now they will set it up to give an illusion of russia warcrimes. So easy to do false flags.and hey, they control all the media in the west. And almost noone questions what is the truths.
So they will eventually use Hag or other similar systems to justify going on proxywar directly with Russia.
It will be important for Russia to seal of the western ukraineborders.
Then implement an absolute no tresspassing and border controls.
Where everything crossing will be blocked with wires, and shoot down/shot with drones etc if tries to pass equipments etc over the DMZ, if it goes outside of officially bordergates.
And then as soon as possible divixe Ujraine up into 2 countries. Where the Lviv/frank regions get their own Wrstukraine country.
Then that cancer will become EU problem, and no longer bordering Russia. And will no longer be able to be part of elections inside the REAL ukraibe.
Remember westukraine is not originally ukraine.iit was leftover regions that was implemenyed into ujraine, after the PolishLithuanian empire fell a few hundred years ago.
Probably the worst decision they ever did.
As long as that cancer is allowed to be part of Ukraine, there will never be peace in Ukraine. And Russia will never be able to get some sort of stability..
Intel Slava Z
🇷🇺🇺🇦❗Russian troops captured the river port and railway station in Kherson, – Mayor of Kherson Igor Kolyhav
March 2
Intel Slava Z
🇷🇺🇺🇦❗DPR troops entered the outskirts of Mariupol
Intel Slava Z
🇷🇺🇺🇦❗Powerful battles in Mariupol. The city is being stormed.
@ war is on
Excellent post, thank you.
Meyssan is one of the few that can see deep into the neo-cons.
A few things to add.
The concept of “benevolent global hegemony” originates in their definition of the world outside Zone A (Saker) as a “jungle.” Robert Kagan has a book titled, “The Jungle Grows Back: America and Our Imperiled World,” in which he makes
“…a spirited defense of the “American-led liberal world order” …Kagan argues that the enlightened order America created after World War II has allowed for much progress in the world. But this order is not natural, and its great benefits have been “made possible by the protection afforded liberalism within the geographical and geopolitical space created by American power.” To Kagan, this liberal order is “fragile and impermanent,” requiring constant care by its architect and beneficiary, the United States. He sees the liberal order as being “like a garden, artificial and forever threatened by the forces of nature.” Thus “preserving it requires a persistent, unending struggle against the vines and weeds that are constantly working to undermine it from within and overwhelm it from without.” Otherwise, the jungle will “grow back and engulf us all…””
The strategy of “endless war,” which Kagan mentions as a “persistent, unending struggle,” is borrowed from Trotsky’s concept of “Permanent Revolution,” which the neo-cons turned upside down, and have been using it as a counter-revolutionary tool for almost half a century now.
The study Perle, Feith, Wurmser, et al at PNAC penned for the Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies (IASPS) was titled “A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm,” and it was the basis for the US/Israel ME policies that brought hell upon Iraq, Iran, Syria, and other countries in the ME, and caused so much suffering and the killing of millions. The intention was to “roll-back” these countries for decades, blocking their development by keeping them in a permanent state of war, social upheaval, and poverty.
“…Benjamin Netanyahu’s government comes in with a new set of ideas. While there are those who
will counsel continuity, Israel has the opportunity to make a clean break; it can forge a peace
process and strategy based on an entirely new intellectual foundation, one that restores strategic
initiative and provides the nation the room to engage every possible energy on rebuilding
Zionism, the starting point of which must be economic reform…”
It makes total sense Putin took their measure and concluded they are Russia’s main enemy; their aim is Russia’s destruction as an independent nation-state. For them, Russia is a “jungle” of “snow niggers,” to use Saker’s coined term.
Lone Wolf
PS: The role of Israel in support of Ukraine’s neo-Nazis is a neo-con projection. Their greed for Russia’s resources makes them foam at the mouth.
Thank you. I specially recommend to all readers to read your comment and connect it to Thierry Meyssan’s background essays to understand and put into context the most crucial of present and past world events where the Hegemon has left its finger- and footprints… and untold calamities.
Ultimate irony: General Motors which as I understand it helped fund the Nazi Third Reich is announcing they will pull out of Russia. Same goes for many of these other companies which have announced cancellation of factories/business in Russia, yet were happily aiding Nazi’s in WW2. One can only shake one’s head.
This is part of the creation of two different global economic systems.
@ Nightvision on March 01, 2022 · at 11:48 pm EST/EDT
“…One can only shake one’s head.”
The bright side is, they are supporting Russia’s self-sufficient economy.
Lone Wolf
General Motors: I could be wrong but my long term memory tells me that China has the majority /controlling interests in GM.
RT.COM banned in France.
When dissent is censored, then dissent is truth.
excellent, orwellian maxim
Here’s another good comment from a blogger in Germany. I have been following him for many years and he has foreseen many things completely correctly. Unfortunately, he almost no longer posts lately. Today a new comment from him:
War continues
Published on February 26, 2022 by Analitik
Many people probably have the impression that something completely new is happening in the last months and especially in the last days. It is not so. The third world war continues. We are not seeing its beginning or its end right now, we are still in the middle of it. The change is that Russia has gone from the defensive to the offensive.
The war in Ukraine did not start three days ago. It has been going on there for eight years. Russians have been under artillery fire in Ukraine for eight years. A whole generation of Russian children has grown up in basements. Eight years Russia has been preparing to put an end to that.
Eight years of preparation for the Donbass? Of course not. The Donbass is inevitably only the beginning of a chain of escalation. Eight years ago, Russia was not strong enough militarily and economically to endure this chain of escalation cleanly to the end and emerge victorious (nuclear weapons are out of the picture, they cannot be used as a primary means for victories, but serve as a deterrent).
Now Russia is strong enough to scare Nazis and NATO away from its borders. In December 2021, Russia made its demands public, including: NATO must return to 1997 levels. For those who don’t realize what that means, check out the NATO expansions here. It means that all countries that joined NATO after 1990 must get out of it. That’s the way it is in war. You defeat others or others defeat you. And if you are defeated, you have to.
This demand seems harebrained? You know, when Putin addresses a problem publicly (just addresses it without promising anything), it means that he has already started working on a solution. When Putin gives an ultimatum, it means that he already has a plan to achieve the set goal against any resistance. You can think whatever you want of Putin, love him or hate him, but that’s how he works. He is extraordinarily diplomatic, never leaning further out on a limb than he can reach. When he states the goal so harshly – and it is harshly stated and Russia repeats it daily through all diplomatic and public channels – there is already a plan.
Putin has also publicly emphasized at least twice that Russia is acting and will continue to act strictly according to plan. All possible scenarios have been calculated and for each scenario Russia has a plan.
I don’t know what that plan is. I did not expect Putin to launch a major military operation in Ukraine. Since I did not anticipate his move, I am ill-advised to predict the next move.
The path is not clear, but the destination is: NATO must return to its 1997 borders. The Donbass and Ukraine are only a first step. What is clear is that Ukraine will return to the Russian orbit. It is also clear that Putin does not want the lands west of Ukraine. What is clear is that these lands must be militarily neutral. Militarily neutral lands between Russia and NATO. There will be no new Warsaw Pact.
Military operations can spread further west on the European continent (do not have to, but can) if the goal cannot be achieved otherwise.
There will be no bloodbaths like in the First or Second World War, even if the situation will develop according to the most critical of all scenarios. This can be seen, for example, now in Ukraine: neither Russia nor Ukraine have mobilized the population. There is one military destroying another military. The civilians are standing next to it, filming what is happening on their cell phones and uploading it immediately to the social networks. Surreal. For the civilian population in Europe, there is no direct danger from the current and upcoming military operations.
The political order in Europe and the world will change, of course. The West will unquestionably lose this war. The only open question is how much more damage the West will inflict on itself before it capitulates.
For you, reader, the biggest danger of this war is that you worry too much about it and watch and read too much news. If you cut yourself off from all news channels, you will hardly notice the war. You will see that everyone around you is on edge, but that’s it. You will continue to go to work, will have a lot of fun in your free time (because you won’t have to watch the news and consequently do something else), will go to sleep at night and be woken up by the alarm clock in the morning to go back to work.
For you, reader, this war will either be only in your head or not at all. And although it may sound unbelievable, you actually have a choice whether you participate in this war or not. Your choice has absolutely no influence on the outcome of the war, but it has the greatest influence on your well-being.
In fairness, the West will lose some of its standard of living. But you will be happy with it. Because the elites are already beating it into your head that it’s great if you don’t own a home, but rent a 2×3 m “Tiny House”. And that you’re a hero if you don’t eat meat and make do with beans. And that having your own car is also totally yesterday’s news and a rented electric scooter is much more awesome. By and large, you are already being taught that all middle-class dreams are totally ew and that you will be much happier and more modern with ascetic lifestyle (formerly called poverty).
I hear what he is saying, but there is an alternative to that.
I think I can declare with certainty, that there is a massive base of resistance to the “globohomo”, which resistance coincides with the unvaxed population.
As the GH keeps pushing and stripping the privileges from said segment, it will create a militarized resistance even in the “eu”…not even mentioning the States, that has an immense arsenal in the hands of precisely that segment…and HUGE racial tensions to add.
Starting an offensive against this segment will also be degrading exactly the population, that creates ALL the added value to the economy.
I bet against the GH to be able to fight on both fronts.
“The only major progress is inside the purpose square when Russian forces have penetrated deep in the rear of both Odessa and Kiev.”
Hmm, given the direction, this one looks like the goal is to connect with units in Transnistria, while cutting off Odessa from the rest of Ukraine at the same time.
Could be, ultimately. But on its own it would be awfully vulnerable to sabotage and breakthroughs from Odessa. So if peace isn’t on the table and surrender isn’t an option and thus Odessa has to be taken through combat, you can expect it to be a while before the third largest city in Ukraine is challenged. If you ask me, I’d say the most likely reason for taking Yuzhnoukrainsk is because there is a nuclear power plant there and they need to secure it.
Given that one of the goals seem to be to secure ukrainian nuclear plants – as near term goal this seems highly probable.
I wonder what the Rus strategic planning is for the ‘day after’
1. Any postwar ‘rump’ Ukr, left to its own devices, will quickly join ZATO and Rus will be back on square one
2.Any pro-Russia regime installed, will at some point be overthrown…ergo…back to square one.
3.Total annexation? …this also has a lot of issues obviously
The rump of Ukraine, such as it is, will be a demilitarised zone and it will never be allowed to join NATO.
The US is trying to reassure Taiwan.
Is Taiwan worried about getting the Ukraine treatment.
Yesterday I saw on Twitter, get this, a demand for Zelensky to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. This being the same Zelensky who could have avoided the whole damned mess by following the Minsk II agreement and repudiation of NATO. Why then stop at the Nobel Peace Prize? Let’s give him the Nobel Prizes for literature, medicine, physics and chemistry, the Pulitzer Prize, the Magsaysay Award, and the local primary school poetry recitation competition one as well. He’s as deserving of them.
Don’t forget the International Tchaikovsky Competition!
But first they’d have to rename it the International Mykola Lysenko Competition.
Ukraine received more than $200 million from Pentagon to create a network of biological laboratories. The money went opening 15 biolabs across Ukraine to work on the study and enhancement of pathogens and the most dangerous diseases.
…Biologists conducted experiments on Ukrainian servicemen, receiving blood samples of more than 4,000 soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. During the experiments some subjects died and many other ended up with severe health consequences.
I’m amazed when I hear the US MSM breathlessly exclaim that the world is with us and Ukraine against Russia.
No country but the EU and the 5 Eyes are backing the West. Everyone else is waiting to see how the chips fall and hoping the Russians finally bring to a close the 500 years of European world domination.
This is for a lot of chips.
Think Putin wants him to stay for a few weeks; someone needs to sign the capitulation docs.
We know there is a big plan coming. Much like the Sarajevo Breadline massacre where News anchors just happened to be filming that day. Bombs were hidden under the stalls so legs could be filmed be blowing off. The shit media said it was Bosnian Serbs lobbing bombs from surrounding hills.
Or the Markale massacres in which we found out 20 years later from “Protected Witness KW586” who was a security guard for Izetbegović that the mortar launches against their own people to gain media sympathy were entirely the idea of (surprisingly) the reis al ulema Mustafa Cerić himself, to which Alija Izetbegović “reluctantly” agreed to commission, which Sefer Halilović (which explains some things) then planned, and then Mustafa Hajrulahović carried out. Bakir Izetbegović was in the room but he never talked anyway.
Witness KW586, whose testimony checks out as the genuine sort what with him being Bosniak and describing Serbs in terms you wouldn’t expect from a sympathiser and in general testifying in a way you would expect from someone purely recalling information what with referring to other potentially corroborating witnesses and even forgetting what year and month it was 20 years ago, recommended to the court to ask the second security guard for more information because he himself only witnessed the second meeting on, starting with the meeting at which Halilović came back with the plan for Markale I. He witnessed another meeting at which it was revealed that a first attempt or possibly a sounding volley had failed because the mortar had hit the roof next to the market. There were other meetings, one of which he witnessed, but wasn’t present at any meeting with them discussing the results afterward and again recommended they ask the other guard.
That whoever was behind Markale I was behind Markale II is a logical conclusion. But before this testimony all that could be proven was that it was shot and not planted, even if the lines were pointing at the RBiH inner political circle. Mortars like the ones fired have an internal safety mechanism that will activate only at extremely high velocity, and there was no evidence of a stationary triggering mechanism that could override that found at the scene of either event, the latter event including witnesses with a clear enough perspective to rule that out. That meant they had to have been fired.
The first one hit a table so despite a few reports believing they could calculate its altitude all they really had was its azimuth, while for Markale II they were able to determine both. The only problem was that the possibilities straddled the line of control (note that Markale II came from a different direction than Markale I, the latter of which was specifically chosen according to the protected witness because the UN monitors there were Pakistani, though the significance of that remains a mystery). UN radar caught Markale II but the data was insufficient to determine the point of origin.
Most UN officials at the time were perfectly aware the RBiH government was trying to avoid a peace, and that they were desperately in need of an ally if they were to make any significant territorial gains. So they were naturally suspicious. But the Clinton administration was already a political ally of the Izetbegović government, so within hours of both events they were blaming it on the VRS, and the second time it actually led to their bombing campaign. Yet the results of the investigations had not come out before their “conclusions” the first time, and the second time the ballistics experts brought in being of divided opinion. But the Russian expert was the main dissenter at the time and that was suspicious; we find out later from court testimony that the reasoning used by the English expert relied solely on the fact no witnesses interviewed in the RBiH controlled area heard the blast (mortar launches are very very loud). That would be good evidence, if we weren’t dealing with a regime that ordered police to block the UN personnel who first arrived at the scene of Markale I from entering.
Media sympathy wars can kill too. Combined, the Markale mortar blasts killed over 100 and wounded over 200. I pray we never see anything like this again. The “Markale massacres” were the bastion of the media wars that led to the life imprisonment of Stanislav Galić and other sentences. Meanwhile, Mustafa Cerić serves as the head of the World Bosniak Congress, while Bakir Izetbegović is the Bosniak member of the Presidency of BiH. “Justice”.
Link to part of the testimony:
Zelensky is a real comedian. He says he wants to negotiate with Putin, that is when he doesn’t back out at the last minute, but then he rattles off a list of demands that will never happen in a million years.
Clearly Putin wants to make a reasonable deal with the clown because he does not want Russia to occupy Ukraine. The West would milk that cow into the next century. What concessions will Putin realistically make to end this?
If Putin cannot make a deal with Zelensky, will he create his own ruling junta like Washington did after the Maidan coup, deal with them, and vacate the premises. Who’s the counterpart to “Yatz?”
If the Ukies, seeing no better deal to be made, say, okay, we’ll take the Minsk2 deal, is that still on the table or would that be betraying the Donbas republics? I wouldn’t think it fair to them.
I didn’t watch Lord Biden’s clown show on the idiot box this evening, but from what I’ve read the man was, once again, an insult to everyone’s intelligence. He may have lost his mind to senility, but he is still a world class liar. Perhaps that reflex is the last facility to go. Gotta love the chuztpa he expectorates when he feigns regret that Putin did not negotiate in good faith or take any of the wonderful deals offered by the West. What comedian writes this stuff for Lord Biden?
But the most insane thing may well be an amazing comeback for Lord B in the polls. He’s got every other politician and the entire menagerie of media figures dancing to his Russophobic tune, jumping on the bandwagon and announcing what outrageous penalties, sanctions or grand theft they are going to perpetrate against Hitler… sorry, Putin, and Russia. After France’s brazen theft of a transport ship full of new autos, other countries are claiming the right to steal Russian property within their borders… and they are not even at war with Russia! They are simply the equivalent of looters at a riot in an American city. Poland just stole some school properties from Russia. I’m sure they “think” they have a moral and legal case to do so, assuming American looting laws obtain also in Polska.
The American pogrom against Russia and Russians goes on apace, and I must say I am still completely shocked by it in our supposedly enlightened modern world where “freedom, democracy and justice” purportedly reign. Never knew how absolutely wrong I was about all that. Never know how a small dedicated pack of fanatical liars could actually, contrary to Abe Lincoln’s contention, “fool all the people all of the time.”
Russia has an atomic weapon(not talking about nukes here), but too early to use: refuse dollar/euro for payment
for oil and gas and other precious and semi precious assets.It will almost kill the western financial system.
If still not enough let Ukraine new govt default on credits, banks, imf loans etc…this will finish some banks in
France + Italy + international institutions, including chain reaction à la Lehman.
And finaly, let russian banks and Russian debts(even small 19%) default, the simple fact of announcing it is
going to be done, will finish Brenton Woods…and if lucky will not force RU to implement it.
Weapon(real here) of last resort(dangerous but will become necessary): letting them know with strong direct and
indirect credible signals that nuke attacks on main US/UK and EU/NATO will happen very soon.
Must be done during markets are open, before a friday night.Could be enough for fast panic nego/surrender of
some kind(including China).
Must have 100% credibility, the most important issue for them is their life+ greed+ confort, they have zero
intention to lose all. They MUST believe it will really happen.
According to Mercouris and City insiders, they are really scared to death about that.Repo and VIX may explode
during the second part of this week? Remember the repo scam which start the covid bioweapon attack, in oct
2019?World fin system was on the verge of collapse, banks not lending on each other anymore and suddenly
the ‘miracle virus’.
Biden openly declared war on Russia tonight, without using the term ‘declaration'(too coward for) but it is the
same in practice, declaring regime change, I’m sorry but it is really thesame.More sanctions(read embargo).
A game changer, which confirms that the US are on for WWIII:China responds to idea of Japan hosting US
nukes, Beijing urges Tokyo to ‘deeply reflect on its history’ after former PM suggests hosting American nuclear
Russians in the US are de facto in prison as they can not leave the country
Soon expect Russian assassinated à la Jihadist, anything RU or Ortho destroyed.
Nazi signs in Paris on the very nice RU orthodox church and cultural center.
Aeroflot planes seized, idem for cargo vessels, private banks accounts seized, tv, websites closed, journos
brought to justice…in Prague between 1 and 3 years in jail for a pro russian post on fb or telegram.
Really who, where are the ‘dictators’? It if turning ‘fascist state’ very fast.
I’m thinking about leaving the EU for a safer place…
Neoconites want their armagedon, to retake Khazaria(ukr + rus), evacuate jewry there, as Palestine on the long
term will never be a good option(neverendingwar on Muslims, who will always uncircle them).
They are unfortunately on the ‘good way’ as for their orgasm they love to see christians killing other christians
and of course Muslims killing muslims.
Then we all know their final goal: nuclear war, Jerusalem capital of the NWO leaded by khazars forever, the
chosen people, exceptionnal (like their army/police state, read US), indispensable and their banks( read City of
London which created fake israel using two steps, WWI balfour declaration and WWII genocide).
Same script here, timing is due of failed bio attack on China(c19) and impossibility to raise interests rates,
meaning their fin system is bankrupted only alive on bubbles mode + QE), but they reached the maximum level
as populace will revolt without war, as commodities, energy bills, inflation maybe hyperinflation will make them
riot and revolt, bigggg diversion (multi purposes) needed urgently.
How hilarious would it be if Ukraine ended up being Russian ally – just like they turned Chechnya, while being the west’s “good guy” and pet member of EU, with all the funding that’s being directed there right now and all debts forgiven ?
New update from Donbass,and a bonus for these dark nights:
Ukraine – Russia War Front In Volnovakha area Situational Report