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Tag "Russian special military operation in Banderastan"

The opinion of a professional about the special operation in Ukraine (MUST READ!)

Note by the Saker: one of our readers today sent me a very interesting document in Russian.  First, I thought “more of the same” (5th columnist stuff) but then I started reading it and I changed my mind.  This was clearly written by a military professional, his name is Alexander Dubrovsky.  It was posted here and here.  So I literally *begged* our new Russian translators to make even a “quick

Major military and political developments and major risks next (UPDATED!)

First, the biggest news of the day: the city of Izium fell to the Russian forces.  Here is a map with Izium (Изюм) on the top and then two sets of arrows: the red ones show how the operational cauldron in the east of the Ukraine can be locked along the Lozovaia-Pavlograd while the black one shows the same option, but much closer to the surrounded Ukronazi forces along an

“It saddens me that the word “honor” has been forgotten”

Since it is too early to comment upon the military events of the day, that info comes with delay, I wanted to mention a few things about the politics of it all. First, from a purely military point of view, the outcome is not in doubt.  Initially, about 120-150 thousand soldiers were facing each other along the LOC and the Russian Ukrainian border.  According to Russian military experts, the Russians

Day 7 – major moves in the south, human rights report suppressed

Dear friends, Here is a quick update.  First, a (provisional) map (which is typically 6 hours late or so): I think that this map is self-explanatory, especially since the only major change is in that pink box.  What we see here is what looks to me like an envelopment of the city of Odessa and the surrounding towns.  I would also notice that the distance between the Russian forces in

Day 6, a couple of quick points

First, let’s begin with a pretty decent map of the situation today: Here is a small commentary on what we see in this map: In red the most recent Russian movements today.  The only major progress is inside the purpose square when Russian forces have penetrated deep in the rear of both Odessa and Kiev.  So I have to wonder – are they planning a strategic cauldron??? Dunno, but I
