This question was asked by some pressitute while Biden was walking to his helicopter today: Mr President, is Ukraine winning the war?
Wow, just wow. Either she fully believes it, and then WOW or she doesn’t and then WOW again.
This is a “Let’s Go Brandon” on a geostrategic level! :-)
By the way, she followed up with a question about whether he worried about a nuclear war.
I think that this exchange sums of the entire and total delusion which folks in the West are holding on. The inevitable wake up phase will be painful, very painful.

Clearly, “Biden” is winning this one. Not :-)
Then there is this (see graph) to keep in mind. Biden is down in the proverbial shits and, worse, pretty much anything he does next will only make things worse. The fact that this is an entirely self-inflicted wound makes no difference as to how hard it bleeds…
In other news from the “back to reality” corner: the UK and Poland have had to announce that, no, after careful thought and all things considered, they won’t be sending fighter aircraft into the Ukraine.
What a surprise to everybody in Kiev (and to nobody in Moscow)!
As for Uncle Shmuel, he declared that (trying to) imposing a no-fly would mean “shooting down Russian aircraft” which, for some unfathomable reason, the USA did not want to do. That might have something to do with Putin’s very blunt warning yesterday.
Maybe the western leaders are very slowly coming to realize that while Russians don’t threaten, they don’t bluff either. That is a “new normal” which is going to cause a lot of buttaches to the narcissists ruling the West…
The Eurorodents in all heroically walk out of the room when Lavrov addressed them by video. If the intention of the Eurorodents was to convey to the Russians that “we won’t ever listen to a single word you have to say”, then I am confident that the Russians heard that message and will keep that factoid in mind in planning future unilateral Russians actions (of which there are plenty more to come, that is quite obvious now).
A few good news now: the nuclear plant at Zaporozhie is safely in Russian hands. Thank God for that.
So what has been the triumphant President “Ze” up to?
He signed an application to be immediately accepted into the EU. The new Europeans loved it. The old ones, not so much.
The Eurorodents are also forming what I would call “internationalist Nazi brigades” of volunteers who can go and fight for Banderastan. No visa needed – show up, declare your willingness to kill Russians, and, voila, you are shipped to…
… the almost closed operational cauldron in the Donbass!
In fact, I suppose that by now getting in is about as hard and dangerous as getting out. Yes, technically, there is a no man’s land between the two Russian prongs (the one from the north and the one from the south), but it is now a Russian “free fire zone” which, considering both the presence of very heavy weapons systems (MLRS and TOS-1A) and the sharp increase in Russian air operations would be a very very dangerous attempt indeed.
Speaking of cauldrons, Russia has cut off the entire Ukrainian coast from the Sea of Azov and Mariupol is the first “cauldron” to be officially locked.
The civilized and winning West is showing that it really knows the score: Russian students are expelled from EU colleges (a similar idea is now floated in the USA), even neutral countries like Switzerland have closed their airspace to Russian carriers (which Switzerland really did not have to do since all the countries neighboring Switzerland already did that), and Russian citizens can’t even fly across Canadian airspace on their way home to the EU from the USA (just happened to a friend of mine). I fully expect “Russian Standard” vodka to disappear from US stores (we bought all the last ones we could).
Maybe we will soon be treated to YouTube videos showing (US or Ukie) Nazis machine-gunning Russian “matrioshka” dolls followed by thunderous cries of “Glory to the Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!“?
Russians are being expelled from sports clubs, musical events, cultural events and pretty much from everywhere where something “Russian” can be treated with hate and contempt.
These are Orwell’s two minutes of hate, but drawn out over days.
This is an russophobic Kristallnacht, but officially organized and praised.
I want to add one more thing about all this: nobody, absolutely NOBODY, is forcing the folks in the West to act the way they are. No Gestapo, no SA/SS patrols – nothing. Just the US PSYOPs and the eager willingness of these folks to “show Russia” in some way.
And since there are practically NO voices denouncing all this, this is also an important “message” from the people of Europe to the people of Russia.
This is EXACTLY what the Russian nation needs to understand the world it lives in.
THAT is the reality, not their smiles or promises.
Yesterday, Putin used the expression “Empire of lies” – and he is spot on. I will adopt that expression alongside my two favorites “AngloZionist Empire” and “the Axis of Kindness”.
In other “rodent news” – the OSCE is leaving the Donbass. Not that these fake humanitarians ever made a difference, but now that they are gone, it also sends a very clear message to the Russian people.
Remember how Woke-thugs approached white people in restaurants and demanded that the white “take a knee” or see “black lives matter”? The same is being done to Russians (and even non-Russians thought to be Russians) all over the democratic and civilized West.
“Cancel Russia” might be the unifying slogan (and goal) of the entire Zone A.
I have an idea: I think that western dictionaries should remove the word “Russian” and western maps should, from now on, just write “here be bears” on the map of Russia. THAT would show ’em accursed russkies :-)
And it is all repeated ad nauseam on Russian TV channels and on the Runet.
That will be neither forgotten nor forgiven.
The West is very much “talking to us” and “sending us a strong message”. We all need to hear and carefully record it all. For our children and for posterity.
I have to say that in Zone A the US PSYOPs gave Russia a massive thrashing and soundly defeated all the Russian counter-propaganda efforts. The Russian PR people got a black eye and lost this one.
Inside Russia, it is more complicated. As I mentioned, the Atlantic Integrationists (in power), the 5th column (liberal) and the 6th column (emo-Marxists) all joined forces and tried as hard as can be to inject a lot of fear, uncertainty and doubts (FUD) in the Russian society, from rumors of a NATO invasion to hallucinations about how the “sanctions from hell” will result in hunger, abject poverty and chaos.
The good thing is that by working hand in hand, they showed their true face and agenda. Their ideology can be summed up as follows “we cannot allow Putin to win this one”.
This is a very positive development as the disgust and anger against them is clearly on the rise while the latest polls show that:
- 68% of Russian approve of this military intervention
- 22% oppose it
- 10% are unsure
Of course, the Atlantic Integrationists, and the two columns (from now on I will refer to them all together AI+5+6) will quickly dismiss these polls because, as all AI+5+6 know, “Russian polls are as fake as Russian elections”. I am confident that there is going to be legal action taken by the Duma and the Kremlin to, no, not “crush free speech” or anything like that, but to further unmask the real goals of this AI+5+6 coalition.
What about the situation on the ground?
- Mariupol cauldron confirmed locked (a very large number of hardcore Nazis are surrounded)
- Operational cauldron in the Donbass closing but not physically closed yet
- Kiev blocked on all directions except the humanitarian corridor
In plain English this means:
- Several days, difficult and violent combats to denazify Mariupol. The outcome is not in doubt, but all the ingredients are here to indicate a truly intense urban assault operation.
- Donbass. Again, the outcome is not in doubt, I will announce it here as soon as I get enough convergent info to confirm the closure of this operational cauldron
- Kiev – here I really don’t know. I get the need to resolve the Kiev situation in some way, but I remain deeply concerned by any Russian operation to liberate the city. Kiev is not Mariupol and while in Mariupol there are no other options than to kill all the Nazis, I will keep hoping for some negotiated solution similar to what is happening in a lot of (admittedly much smaller) towns in recently liberated eastern Ukraine.
Then there is the issue of Odessa. Honestly, there are a lot of rumors on the Runet that Russia intends to liberate the entire Ukrainian coast, including Odessa, and open a land corridor to the Russian forces in Transnistria. Putin, Shoigu and Gerasimov are infinitely smarter than me and they have the real info, which I don’t.
But I don’t want Russia to occupy in the mid-to-long-term a single inch of legally 404 land (outside the official borders of the LDNR, of course!). But then, I was also very concerned when Putin ordered the Syrian military operation, and he proved me wrong, so all I can do is try to not worry too much, hope that if there are any such plans, they will be similar to the 08.08.08 format: quick in, disarm, quick out.
I am encouraged by all the statements by Russian officials and analysts that Russia has no intention of holding on to any Ukrainian territory and that as soon as the Ukraine is disarmed and denazified, all the Russian forces will be pulled back. God willing, that is exactly what will happen soon.
Lastly, the Black Sea fleet. It seems to have cut off Ukie port from shipping and several ships have been stopped and turned back (not simply stolen like the French just did!). I am quite sure that before this is all over, we will see the Black Sea Fleet in action, possibly as part of an operation to liberate Odessa, here I defer to Andrei Maryanov and his expertise.
That’s it for now. Over the past 6 days I have been posting two, sometimes three, updates. Now since the situation on the ground is pretty clear, I will wait for a major development before posting a commentary. That could happen as soon as later today, but tomorrow seems more realistic to me. We shall see.
Excellent Thierry Meyssan article about the Straussians.
Como decimos en Argentina, abrazo de gol, querido Saker.
Airhead Blinken running the show with Nudelman, America is in deep deep shit.
Very good. Thank you.
Just a small take on the western worlds reaction to Russia’s invasion and existence Andrei.
On Putin, he is really impressive. In fact, I find him quite amazing for a World Leader.
He is unlike every other so called Leader.
I’ve seen him stand there addressing the World’s media without any notes or teleprompter and proceed to educate the western press for over 2.5 hours at a time. He is coherent, incredibly informative, articulate and succinct.
He doesn’t evade any question. He answers them all.
All the western press and western politicians can do is to denigrate him and attack him but, very very few have ever tried to counter any of his arguments.
I don’t think they can.
So, that shows me what world we’re living in. Ours (the western world) is a world of ‘made up reality’ that needs to and, will get crazier and crazier and more and more superfluous to reality as we go on.
It’s based on lies so, it has to.
This is already evident.
We are being lied to on a grand scale. Never seen before in my lifetime and because of that, the basis of our reality based on lies, can and will, only get bigger and bigger and more out of touch as time goes on.
All in an attempt to keep the people believing that utopia is still just over the hill so, keep believing.
All this talk of removing Russia from Swift only hastens the demise of the petrodollar and thus, the demise of the US as a world powerhouse.
I DO think that is happening and, is the secret goal, not necessarily by Putin but the other hyena’s with vested interests.
The US has slowly been dismantled morally, socially, economically and politically since the Presidency of Bill Clinton. Maybe even before?
There is no great reset without the US dollar collapsing and the social fabric of the US following suite imo.
Russia and Putin, may play an integral part in causing that US demise, maybe by design but more likely by reaction?
IMO, what we’re seeing is the birth of a new world and we’re all gonna be affected by it. The question is, will it cause our western leaders to sober up?
I have serious doubts that that is even possible so, the western lies will have to get bigger and bigger.
Regarding the despicable Eurorodents collectively going apeshit with Russophobia without being coerced:
Superficially, it’s the pleasure of joining an already overwhelming cacophony of braindead nonsense and vitriol, sanctioned from above at that. But the ominous thing which fuels Russo- and Sinophobia in the Western psyche is the mortal threat posed by these two countries to imperialist power and privilege. By now, it’s just a matter of a few years’ time before the West goes belly up. The Eurorodents and their Pindo kith and kin are parasites in an ever more severe state of outright paranoia. On this basis, malevolent slanders and contempt targeting Russia and China cannot but resonate with them.
Positive developments outlined above to deal with the renegade UKN Govt and its dwindling forces.
Correct depiction of the EU flag (same as I have said in texts long ago).
Russia was extremely generous in 1989 -1990 to let Germany be reunited and let the Eastern European countries pursue other political interests and this is what they got for it – a 5th Column financed by Soros in Ukraine and other CIS states.
As soon as the troublemakers in Kiev are cleaned out the better.
Putin’s view that it was sad the USSR had ended is somewhat right as the whole Russia entity needed a big scale big brother system to survive. Not only for defense but distribution of resources.
Imagine hypothetically if UKN was being invaded by NATO and Russia did nothing, their defenses forces would have collapsed by now (ie they would have needed Russian help). Hence the need for a USSR type entity.
But Putin should really name the big fish behind all this so everyone knows who the real troublemakers are.
“These are Orwell’s two minutes of hate, but drawn out over days…”.
And so Oceania emerges from its pupa phase to its final life stage as an horrendous moth… Hope it does not live long.
As a sidenote (sorry if already stated in other comments): what a ridiculous spectacle the “boycott” on Mr. Lavrorv’s speech at the UN…
That childish stunt pulled by the west’s “diplomats” at the UN is just a manifestation of butt-hurt over their realization that none of them can even come close to matching Lavrov’s dignity, gravitas, intellect, and knowledge of global history and politics. He is a professional of the highest order, a Titan among a crowd of dilettantes and intellectual and cultural midgets.
It is laughable and embarrassing (for the west) to contrast Lavrov with small-minded weasels like Blinken, or — even more so — that imbecilic twat Truss. I find it incomprehensible that she is still employed as the UK Foreign Minister after publicly revealing that she did not know Voronezh and Rostov were part of Russia — nothing could provide a better illustration of the current state of the Anglo-zionist Empire and its “leadership”.
Do consider that Truss’s imbecility unmasks a deeper truth. In claiming that Russia has no sovereign rights over Voronezh and Rostov-na-Donu, Truss tells the world — while being too stupid to know it — that her country doesn’t recognize Russian sovereignty over *any* territory, be it Voronezh or Volgograd . . . or Moscow.
Agreed, it was likely some kind of subconscious projection on her part. Perhaps the only time in her life that she ever told the truth, albeit inadvertently.
I can’t thank you enough for these well-grounded updates in such times of uncertainty. Your having informed me over the past decade is not to go without commendation as well. Among my biggest fears is having such comms stopped and further censorship imposed. As I have not watched TV in the past 20 years (and was at sea for most of my life) your voice and those of a few select others will continue to resonate with me—for as long as the Empire allows it.
It truly scares me now because it is so obvious they have managed to dumb-down succeeding generations to the extent they have since beginning in earnest in the early 1950s. Not so coincidentally within years of the CIA being granted its charter for “wink-wink” lawlessness and amoral activities worldwide.
That they have managed so soon to bring us back to the Red Scare days of yesteryear after such apparent promise of a ‘Peace Dividend’ is the tragedy of my lifetime. It was only a brief shining moment of average citizen hope so soon dispelled as they got right back into their now 115 year long plan for taking Russia down.
Not that they ever stopped as witnessed by the lie of “Not one inch further to the east for NATO.”
Anyway, sincere thanks for your even-mannered, rationality-based coverage of these historical events while so many others go about it hysterically. Cheers from Alaska.
Andrei, what is to stop the west from infiltrating and filling the land withbevil and msyhem all over again once Russia is done with its operation? Shouldn’t some system of measures be deployef to prevent that? If you dump out a bushel of rotten apples and fill it again ith good apples, the good apples will rot faster in that reused container than if they were put into the new container. Unless something is first done about the container.
When will the Ukie people know about Zelensky’s $35 million home in Sunny Isles Florida near the beach in Hollywood, FL? Why does he have a mansion there? Why is he paid $12 million a month by Pinichuk and Kolomoisky? When will the Ukie people going to find out about their “hero?”
This is from Geroge Webb on Twitter. Other tidbits include about 11 or 13 bioweapons labs in the Ukraine run by USA Dept of Defense, Ukies, oligarchs including Kolomoisky and Big Pharma. Why?
Best USA sources that I have seen is George Webb and Clif High.
I am fascinated by the Russian move to quickly destroy the ‘Center for Information and Psychological Operations’ in Kyiv. It seems that this type of operation (e.g. Tavistock Institute in the UK) is central to the way the world is run (society is steered).
Can you imagine how pissed the globalists must be? “Their throat is an open grave”, and that type of operation is their throat. It’s lies all the way down.
To see even one of these operations closed down should raise a worldwide victory cry. That is, unless the RF just replaces it with their own version.
How much I miss the days (not long ago) when disagreement and even argument was seen as healthy. It is not even allowed among scientists these days if a politically hot topic is involved (e.g. climate change, Covid, whether Transhumanism is a good idea, etc). Now Russia/Ukraine is the new taboo.
Any news of American carrier groups and other threatening sea and air activity, or are US heavy forces being kept well away?
Thank you. It’s a relief.
Thanks again Saker. Great job. I will not spend one second watching corporate media lies, the house organ of the Empire of Lies.
Regards the situation in Ukraine, I think it would be a strong move to hold on to the Ukraine coastline. It really strengthens Russia strategically and removes a NATO threat from the Black Sea. That’s not to say that Bulgaria or Romania might open their shores to a NATO base, but it is unlikely. This could be done without the coastline being occupied by Russian troops. I for one would like to see the independent republics (nations) take over administrative control of all of Ukraine and be supported by Russia after Russian troops withdraw. Furthermore, Russia should establish a military presence in Ukraine after this. A couple of well-placed bases on the eastern side of Ukraine makes sense to me.
That said, we’ll have to see. It’s clear Russia will win this battle (provided it doesn’t go nuclear – which appears less and less likely with the statements coming from DC and the shutdown of Truss in London). I look forward to war crime trials as well – against Ukraine Nazis and their supporters.
Russia should also begin pressing its own buttons. Ratcheting down energy flow to Western countries would be a good start as would slowing the export of mined raw materials.
While it has come up in the press in a limited way, it would behoove Russia to contrast what it is doing in the cities of Ukraine vs. the USA/NATO indiscriminate bombings of Yugoslavia and Libya or Trump’s use of the “Mother of all Bombs” on Afghanistan, not to mention the “shock and awe” exhibited in Iraq.
Another thing missing from discussions is the fact that the alleged Russian chemical poisoning of Navalny and the Skirpals has not been replicated against Ukrainian leadership. Wonder why? Also the Russian-supplied chemical warfare allegedly used in Syria has not been replicated in Ukraine. Wonder why? Could it be that these were lies from the Empire of Lies all along? (Of course). But these blatant lies should see the light of day again given the lack of any chemical warfare in Ukraine.
Another area I’d love to hear your thoughts on are the number of USA-sponsored bio-weapons plants in Ukraine. Do these really exist? What do you feel should happen to them? Also, the nuclear energy plants. What should become of these and should they be administered by Russians to prevent sabotage or use against Ukraine by outside parties?
Thanks again for everything you do. Look forward to the next update.
The Kansan
Apparently there’s been pro Russian demonstrations in several cities in America with a combined one planned shortly. That will be interesting as in Czech you can get 1-3 years jail for pro Russian comments alone.
These Eurotrash puppet states have really lost the plot. Wait till their economies tank and the natives get restless.
“That will be interesting as in Czech you can get 1-3 years jail for pro Russian comments alone”.
Yet another nation that doesn’t have the slightest comprehension of liberty. Freedom of speech is indivisble, like virginity; you either have it or you don’t. Countries that penalise praise of the Nazis, discussion of the “Holocaust”, or criticism of the Jews with prison sentences do not allow their citizens freedom.
Today there are hardly any states that permit freedom of speech, without which there can be no freedom at all. Pity.
I am sorry to say that I didn’t get a very positive impression of Czech people when I was in CZ in 1992.
They let their own country get divided, and hardly anyone stood up for it.
Including Vaclav Havel. Did NOT stand up for a unified Czechoslovakia.
Those in Bohemia saw themselves as superior to the Slovaks.
And the Gypsies.
and of course they had a more advanced, richer economy.
Many in Moravia, situated between Bohemia and Slovakia, were dismayed and could not believe that the country would break up.
But, maybe it’s just as well that it did.
Maybe the more small, inconsequential states in Mitteleuropa, the better.
What a great article
very informative, reassuring and it made me laugh out loud several times:
Reminds me of a quote from Don Quixote when he discusses why so many plays made back then were terrible and what a good play would look like:
“..‘….The audience that has gone to see an ingenious and well-crafted play comes out cheered by its jests, instructed by its truths, amazed by its action, wiser thanks to its speeches, warned by its roguery, shrewder for its examples, incensed against vice and enamored of virtue; for a good play will provoke all these reactions in anyone who watches it, including the most slow-witted of yokels, and it’s absolutely impossible for a play possessing these qualities not to cheer and entertain, satisfy and please far more than one that lacks them, as do nearly all of those performed nowadays. ‘
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra: Don Quixote
“I want to add one more thing about all this: nobody, absolutely NOBODY, is forcing the folks in the West to act the way they are. No Gestapo, no SA/SS patrols – nothing.”
I thought this obvious to everyone, but perhaps not. Ukraine is an wholly owned and controlled subsidiary of the (((small hat tribe))). Ze is a member of the tribe. So is the mayor of Kiev. So was the last leader of Ukraine. So are the oligarchs who own/control most everything worth owning there. So when the Russian army moves in to remove tribal control of Ukraine, then all the aspects of tribal power are directed against Russia. This is pretty much how the Anglo/Zionists instigated WW2 only Germany was the target then.
Anyone who does not toe the tribe’s line on Ukraine is being labeled as a traitor, putin stooge or whatever. People are being cancelled for being Russian (or failing to be sufficient anti-Russian) in exactly the same way and by the same people as all the other people who have been cancelled for not supporting LGBTQ++ rights.
No Gestapo? What about the ADL and SPLC working hand in hand with the FBI to target people whose views the tribe doesn’t like? I hear things are even worse in Europe and the UK. Please, let’s at least keep this in focus here.
Some nuance however. I am Belgian with a Russian wife and when I comment on social media and defend this Russian operation, I get a lot of approval. On French social media it is the same story. Not all Europeans are stupid, neither do they trust their governments, certainly because of covid politics an the totalitarian pathway we’ve taken. So there’s a fifth pro Russian column here in Europe too.
I notice that in France. I scan through the appalling stories in the Figaro (rarely!) and headlines online . Every item is disgustingly anti Russian BUT the comments are the opposite-mostly mocking the lies and speaking out for Russia’ POV. The “economy minister” was forced to dial back his Russophobic and cruel desires to destroy Russia’s economy and people.
Here’s the problem in a nutshell: the West wants Boris Yeltsin. The RF does not want Boris Yeltsin, and has an iron curtain resolve about not wanting Boris Yeltsin. Putin was the replacement for Boris Yeltsin. Bill Clinton loved Boris Yeltsin. The West and the RF will never stop butting heads over Boris Yeltsin.
Another big problem is the RF does not want to be dismembered like Yugoslavia and has iron curtain resolve about this issue; no deals. The RF’s answer is a flat out no.
Bill Clinton belongs in the Used Car Salesman’s Hall of Fame. He knew how to play Let’s Make a Deal. He got those two parties from the Yugoslav War into that Air Force hangar in Ohio and he laid on the charm: I ain’t leavin’! You ain’t leavin’! We ain’t leavin’ until we make a deal!!
Alas, Joe Biden is no Bill Clinton, and Russia is not Serbia.
This crisis resembles that scene from Kingdom of Heaven when the Leper King’s army meets Saladin’s army on the plains outside of Jerusalem and the King respectfully asks Saladin: “Withdraw…..or we will all die here.” Unfortunately for NATO, Putin is the Leper King here.
I think the operative psychology might be much simpler.
The West wants to steal Russia’s resources.
That is why it must demonize Russia and Russians.
To justify its covetousness.
Demonization—the imputation of evil— is one step on the road to dehumanization as a subhuman.
Just as a man who lusts after his neighbor’s wife will vilify the hapless husband to justify the planned betrayal and theft.
Stealing is of course wrong, but all the evil is projected onto the future victim, pre-justifying the scheme to eliminate him and take what is his.
I think this basic dynamic of vilifying those one intends to steal from is pretty universal.
It happens in families all the time.
Now add to this the very real ecological pressures that the whole human species is registering, but for the most part subconsciously. A scenario is developing for a Hobbesian struggle for survival in which no holds will be barred. A world war may well accelerate the outcome of the general struggle for Earth’s scarce resources before various groups actually start to die of starvation and cold.
Born and living in Australia for over seventy years I was not much interested in politics even though I was an army conscript during the Vietnam (American)war.Fortunately when the great Gough Whitlam became prime minister Australia pulled out of that conflict just in time for me.He was later deposed with the help of the USA and the Queen.Australia now is lurching ever more to the right and doesn’t have its own foreign policy aided and abetted by the media controlled mainly by Murdoch.Even the once public broadcaster the ABC is a propaganda tool similar to the BBC and as a consequence Australians are misinformed and too busy or lazy to explore other sources.Im of Serbian/German heritage with my father being a German prisoner of war so when stories of Serbian atrocities during the NATO campaign I then began to explore other narratives and sources which opened my eyes to the deceit of mainstream media. The same is happening now but there are a handful of people who are aware and try to balance the narrative but from personal experience most people here are totally brainwashed.Im fortunate enough to have half my friends for support and thankful for alternative media such as The Saker
I support everthing you’ve just said about Australia. I am totally ashamed of being an Australian especially after the past 2 years of absolute hell & being a prisoner ! Yes I’m in Western Australia & Not allowed to leave the State unless fully double vaxxed. Something I’ll never be.
Our idiot PM is an arrogant nut job & the main opposition is just as bad. Horrible mean and stupid politicians sprout rubbish about Russia & China — off course Australia is a 5 eyes Country stupidly acting like a little yappy puppy to the War Mongering USA. Both major Govt sponsered TV channels are totally bending the truth & nothing is seen except propaganda -both ABC & SBS – Shit shows!
I feel the same way as a Canadian, and as a member of the human race. The central overwhelming feeling I have is not anger, its shame. The EAGERNESS with which I see my fellow men debase themselves, the way they so eagerly shit all over their birthright as human beings and completely reject their innate capacity for morality, reason and cognitive thought makes me feel physically sick. My feeling of shame for them grossly outweighs my anger.
All this is unfortunately true.
Personally I feel utter disgust for the criminality of the “West” with its ongoing Nazi proxy war against Russia, and the unbelievable hypocrisy of the “West” with its war propaganda and its claim that Russia “initiated” the conflict when it is just defending itself.
To be fair: the “West” has used this kind of terror tactics against many states. They used Saddam and poison gas against Iran. Then they completely destroyed Iraq. They used the head choppers against Russia in the 90s. They used the head choppers to destroy Libya and to seriously hurt and depress Syria.
Basically the Empire’s planners are Macciavellian in the most brutal way. No moral values guide them of “hinder” them, as they would sey. And the goal of war may be the complete destruction of a country with the prospect of permanently keeping that country in the “stone age”.
Or the war goal may be simply a mafia racket. Waging a war for the profits of some industry.
But, still, the absolutely *reckless* and rather open actions against a major nuclear power are breathtaking. They act as if they think that if the lying mass media hide those criminal actions, then they are not there. But the Russians know it is the “West” who arms and encourages the Nazi brigades and transforms the Ukraine into to an attack weapon against Russia. This is *insanity*.
The most despicable creatures are the lying and brainwashing media who love it when the US military slaughters people in foreign countries, when they destroy civilian infrastructure with “shock and awe”, use white phosphorous and uranium ammo, when they completely destroy entire countries and when they introduce hunger blockades. But that is for “democracy” and to protect the world from WMDs, right?
And now, when Russia *has* to intervene, forced by the “West” due to the absolutely reckless support of the Ukrainian regime of crazies and Nazis, then this is painted as a barbaric evil absolutey unheard of.
Remember, they were not against the Iraq war. They called for it. Nobody boycotted the US, nobody wanted to introduce sanctions against the US and cut it out of the SWIFT. Nobody forced US citizens to apologize.
And a comparison of the Russian mode of warfare with the American mode of warfare certainly favours the Russians. In fact they are almost polar opposites. An interesting video regarding this can be found here:
( via: )
The people in the “West” are brain-washed to such an extent that they basically are semi witting semi unwitting accomplices to the most heinous crimes and to inconceivably reckless behaviours that seriously threatens and hurts all of their own interests.
The bitter truth is: propaganda works. And the “West” truly is the empire of propaganda or the “empire of lies”.
A small observation about the current hate fest. The West has been busy for the last 6+ months with a hate fest against a class of subhumans that don’t wish to disclose their medical status, and society has bought in like gangbusters. Once you have managed to get society into a kind of bloodthirsty froth where people can be canceled from society outright (becoming a class of untouchables) with full support
and glee from broad society, why would it surprise anyone that they can just redirect this negative energy towards other subhumans, especially Russians, who have been targeted before? Unfortunately, this state of mind is very common here and has gotten so much worse in the last 2 years.
On another note, thank you for your analysis on Ukraine in particular, you have helped so many ignorant North Americans gain some insight into a part of the world that is either ignored or misrepresented. You are even becoming somewhat mainstream, some family members who have never before been interested in geopolitics are now sending me a link to your site… Thank you for the good work you do.
@ Saker
Grateful for your reports, a clean, fresh breeze in the stinky cesspool.
Things are going according to plan.
Lone Wolf
I’m a little surprised you did not update on the situation in Kharkov. It is even more Russian, and probably less fortified than Kiev, but the liberation of Kharkov seems to be not a trivial task. Not a big surprise considering its huge size, but it may be a prelude to what to expect in Kiev.
On CGTN they talked about 1600 Chineese students currently leaving out of 6000 that requested evacuation. So there are also thousands of foreign nationals Russia doesn’t want to hurt, with highest concentration possibly in Kyev and Lvov.
Short sitrep from my area:
In Czech republic people face 6 months to 3 years for publicly supporting or denying “genocide” in Ukraine. Over 20 “pro-Kremlin” web pages were taken down. Similar in Slovakia except much harsher penalty. Laws may be changed to allow volunteers fight for ukrops without facing jail (Donbas volunteers received 20+ years). There was a run on czech Sberbank and boycot from software companies that cancelled contract, revoked licences etc. effectively killing the bank. On Monday the process of revoking banking license started. Clients will be paid from insurance fund up to 100k EUR. It’s not the only country, Sberbank in Europe is probably finished.
You can now get 20 years in prison in Europe for what are essentially “thought crimes”. Absolute madness. It will be a difficult fight to liberate Europe from this madness after all this is over.
Stay safe my friend.
I put up the Russian flag today(Sweden) in solidarity, my Serbian neighbor loved it and we only got some horrified glances from the worst of the Zombies.
russia can take militarize and keep control of the whole ukranian coast to protect crimea and the bridge and project power they can keep a defensible strip of land connecting all the pieces they have. just a war trophy.
i live in the empire of lies and i hope russia will give up on useless usa and europe
Andrei, your entire sitrep displays all the reasons why I see the new Putin Doctrine as being a response to the abyss being willfully generated between the collective west and the Russia/China led Multipolar World, not the mere “fracture” envisioned by Alastair Crooke. You touch on a few facets of the Putin Doctrine:
“Maybe the western leaders are very slowly coming to realize that while Russians don’t threaten, they don’t bluff either. That is a “new normal” which is going to cause a lot of buttaches to the narcissists ruling the West…
[and] future unilateral Russians actions (of which there are plenty more to come, that is quite obvious now).
The abyss allows Russia to toss away without any remorse all the European institutions it was granted membership in, including NATO via repudiation of the Founding Act on Mutual Relations, Cooperation and Security and other such instruments. But then I assume you’ve read the foundational essay by Sergey Karaganov for the Putin Doctrine, but if not it’s here. And many thanks for the tireless efforts of you and your team!!
Anyone think the 64km Russian truck convoy report blasted everywhere was merely clever SEO to bury the real Trucker convoy arriving in DC today ?
Throwing the dogs a bone….they are so pathetically desperate, complete loss of rationality, will grab and spin any speck for optical gain, no smart bomb, cruise missile cross hair footage…blinded by the lights.
Well, like a deer in the head lights.
I thought the Biden Grift Foundation getting smashed in Ukraine would be the story to hide, or the Fake Russian Pee Fiascossier that Hills paid for…..or, so many things to hide.
Cheers M
I would like to repeat my thesis that the sanctions on visible Russians are not intended to punish Russia, but to make it easier to dehumanise them to the Western proles. Any comment?
I would also like to suggest that the journalist’s question was a smart one. Everyone knows the answer is “no”. Biden had to either admit the truth, tell a stupid lie, or ignore the question. This is smart journalism.
I’m quite certain that the journalist’s question was unintentionally smart. In other words, the question was more intelligent than the journalist, who must have expected a “yes” response.
Refugee crisis = fake news.
Here in Slovenia we are preparing for refugees. Today their number is plus 160 000 from yesterday. That is 660 000. But we only have 41 refugees from Ukraine by official numbers. So, where are they. The highway from Ljubljana to Italy is the only way from Romania, Hungary and Slovakia to Italy, South of France and Spain. I drowe more than 100 km today on this highway and there was nothing. Only two Romanian buses (they also have regular lines). For 5000 people we need 100 buses. For 160 000 in one day we need everything available. It’s not possible that only 4 countries take care for all this numbers. They should be redistributed across all of Europe. Italy is a large country and should recieve a lot of them. But there is nothing. Only a few of them. We have a lot of volunteers for helping them, everything is in action but nobody comes and nobody asks why.
In Bologna, Italy, truckers “Ukrainian patriots” attacked Belarusian drivers in a parking lot. One Belarusian was stabbed to death, the second was beaten to death.
I got banned from off-guardian for recommending the Saker for news about Ukraine. I appreciate his momentous work on the 2014 war, his work afterwards, his worry – that I shared – about Russia’s minimalist entry into the Syria conflict. We were just worried for Russia. Even so, I hardly wrote in those days. What I now see is this cancel culture operating in the alternative media. Everybody who is not on message is a gatekeeper. I welcome people who have a different opinion. So fu**ing what?
A question I have is this. Was the US expecting an invasion of Donbas and a push to its natural borders and then leave or the full monty of Ukraine itself?
“I got banned from off-guardian for recommending the Saker for news about Ukraine.”
Hard to see that being a fact as Off-Guardian are a great site with many articles supporting Russia. Are you sure you dont mean “The Guardian ” which is a $hit Propaganda site that lies about everthing.
Azov militants left personal data of their snipers
When retreating from Shirokino, the Azov militants set fire to their own headquarters, which they equipped at one of the recreation centers.
Most of the documentation burned down, however, as it became known to the @wargonzo project, the Azov people forgot to destroy the data on the work of their own snipers in a hurry.
The reports, which came into the possession of the DPR special services, contain personal data for each sniper, as well as information about their victims, among whom were civilians.
In general, the Russian and Donetsk investigating authorities have come into the hands of a powerful evidence base on war crimes of Ukrainian neo-Nazis.
So, it’s day six of the war. MSM and a gaggle of “respected” military analysts have been telling us one thing about the tide of combat. But pro-Russian sources on the blogosphere (including The Saker) have been reporting something rather different.
Right now, it’s clear that the Ukies have suffered a significant reversal at Mariupol. That’s confirmed. It’s not reported by MSM for reasons of Western war censorship, but definitely confirmed by some of MSM’s highest profile journos (pro-Ukie Russophobes) in their Twitter communications. Therefore, we know the Mariupol news is real.
Mariupol is the first concrete, irrefutable evidence that the narrative provided by pro-Russian bloggers is being validated. By contrast, Mariupol blows a hole in the narrative propagated by prominent military “experts” such as Kofman, Lee, and Urban. In recent days, these “experts” reported nothing about the emerging cauldron at Mariupol. In fact, even up to this very moment (5:37PM EST), the “experts” have still not uttered a single word about Mariupol.
Next up is the fate of the large Ukie troop concentration facing Donetsk and Lugansk. Pro-Russian bloggers have been reporting a developing cauldron in that area. But Kofman, Lee, and Urban have never once said anything about this front. If the Donetsk/Lugansk cauldron is cinched in the next day or two, and the Kofman, Lee, Urban crowd continue to avoid talking about it publicly, then their credibility suffers a big blow. At least in the eyes of people who are sophisticated see through the cracks in the Western propaganda machine’s curtain of lies.
There’s many stronger and more caustic epithets one can use to describe them but at the end of the day it is simply morally DISHONEST reporting. I do think they’re of fairly low intelligence and not very good analysts but I don’t think they’re COMPLETELY oblivious idiots, SURELY they can see the situation on the ground even through the thick layers of their echochamber propaganda, and yet they make a conscious decision NOT to report on it. They intentionally leave it out of their ‘analysis’ which means they are not unbiased but rather staunchly partisan propaganda pushers and narrative shapers.
The funny thing is, if you think about it logically, the LONGER such a blackout goes on, the more they have to actually ‘dig in’ and commit to their lies because to suddenly change the narrative once they’ve already established it SO profusely would strike as a major embarrassing about-face/contradiction and would expose themselves as having been woefully inaccurate in their analysis. So I predict they will have to commit even harder to their chosen biased perspective so as to save face. Imagine telling people you’re a respected analyst and saying for 5 days straight “Russia is weak, Russia is losing, Russia is about to capitulate and retreat back over the border” and then suddenly having to say, “Hey guys…ummmm…you know that thing I told you…actually Russia just destroyed Ukraine’s most important position and is now snowballing their collapsing defenses.” The chagrin would be way too much, they can’t possibly admit to such massive failure in analysis for fear of losing any shred of dignity and reputation, so they have to dig themselves into the hole even harder.
Of course eventually they’ll make excuses: “Russia is very weak and would never have properly taken Mariupol but since they started desperately using indiscriminate bombing of civilians in the city, the benevolent nazi Azov battalions decided to peacefully lay down their arms so as to save lives.”
Very early today, one of those Twitter experts gave the world his SITREP, which said nothing about the fact that cauldrons were forming around Mariupol and near Donbass. So, I asked him to comment on reports indicating that such cauldrons were forming. He did not answer my question.
Tonight, the same expert endorsed an updated map which depicts the SITREP as of now. This new map explicitly shows that Mariupol is encircled and being overrun by the Russians from two sides. However, the SITREP totally ignores the emerging Donbass cauldron. So, once again, I asked the expert to comment on reports that the UKR army in Donbass is encircled from the north, south, and east. He still would not answer.
What to make of this expert’s communication? Simple answer. If he knows something bad is happening to the UKR army, he says nothing. As if to pretend it’s not really happening. Yet clearly he had foreknowledge of the UKR army disaster at Mariupol. Therefore, he must also know something even worse is about to happen to the UKR army near Donbass.
Sometimes silence speaks louder than words.
98% of the human race have no intellectual integrity. It’s that simple.
Even in the senile pedo’s state of the union speech tonight, Burisma Biden openly stated only moments ago, “Putin may have encircled Ukraine’s cities, but he will never win the heart of the people.” I guess that must be some consolation to Ukies…admitting they’re besieged and fu##ed and that Russia has just about won, but at least he won’t “capture their hearts.” What a joke
Many years After his death my mother started telling us what our father did when she met him. He worked for MI5 . He ran a magazine , financed and controlled entirely by them. It enabled him. As a journalist to travel all over the world as a spy.. At first i was” oh dear mums lost it! ” but no, she wrote it all down, a life story. Interesting reading
In fact when i was cleaning out his office after he left us i found his passports, stamps everywhere everypage full, several of them. I recal clearLy my thought then that “i didnt know my father” now of course he could hardly have told his young son that he was a spy..
But dont tell anyone at school :-)
So i can assure you that the MSM is completely run and infested by the services.all of them.100% .
I would assume that by this time every, every journalist in these associations, the BBC the times, the sun etc etc works directly for them. Not just D notices, thats so 1950,s …..they are a direct arm of the state.
Great update thanks,i hope the Russian army just plan on destroying the Ukrainian army around Kiev,i believe it would be a mistake to send forces into the city,as for Mariupl i really hope they take some of those Azov creatures alive to stand trial but kill any that put up a fight,as for Odessa there is a score to settle with the Nazis there who murdered people in the trade Union building.
I predict Germany will go full neo-Nazi. Russians instead of Jews the target group. No more racists, but “European values”. Lunatic group narcissism based on culture is almost as bad as racial nationalism. Sending weapons to a doomed Ukraine just means more Ukrainians and Russians will be killed. An utter contempt for Slavs, gee who would have thought? What you fear you also loath, remember Hunter S. Thompson’s books.It is going to be interesting.
Russian vodka is now officially banned from all Norwegian liquor stores. (Other Russian products are also banned from all stores here.) Russian athletes are banned from competing anywhere. Russians are openly harassed by our politicians and the entirety of our establishment. There’s no end to the hate.
More or less all Western nations are now boycotting Russian goods, and Russians are collectively demonized and excluded from sporting events and most other activities you can think of. It’s acceptable to hate them and demonize them for the allegedly evil actions of their leader. Yet, here in the West it’s an established truth that he wasn’t even democratically elected. So why punish the Russian people for something they’re not responsible for?
The official reason is that by punishing them for Putin’s supposedly evil actions, they will turn their back on him and basically commit mutiny.
Obviously, any thinking person understands that quite the opposite will happen. They’ll flock around their leader precisely because they’re wrongfully hated and vilified all over the world.
This post isn’t about picking a side or whether or not Putin, a bad or good guy. It’s about the lack of logic in the collective Western response to the actions of Russia’s leader.
Yep in the U.S. many places like restaurants with the word “Russian” in their name are changing their names, and there are already attacks reported.
“response to the actions of Russia’s leader.”
No, the “actions” were decided collectively.
Here in Brazil, as always, we have very incompetent and biased coverage of the war. But the good news is; no Russians are being harassed here. In general, people are either shocked by the war, or showing sympathy for both sides. I don’t know if you have any information about this, but here in the south we have the biggest Ukrainian and Russian colonies in the southern hemisphere. And they are peacefully coexisting. Just worried about their families and relatives on both sides of this damn war.
Although our political situation now generates a lot of xenophobic feelings by a small minority, in general both(Russians and Ukrainiais) are and will still welcome here. Just because in general, Brazilian people recognizes who is the realy mankind’s enemy.
Excellent fountain of information.
Many thanks.
Moro bem no centro do Brasil, uma região onde se planta soja, milho, girassol etc. duas safras por ano.
Há fábricas de remédios e uma de automóvel.
Meus amigos que trabalham na lavoura estão apavorados com os preços dos adubos e insumos agrícola, todos sabem de onde vem.
Também tenho amigos que trabalham na indústria farmacêutica, a maioria sabe que perderão os empregos em caso dos cristais necessários à fabricação pararem de chegar.
Em resumo, muitos apoiam a Rússia e sabem que o que a mídia mostra na TV não é bem a realidade.
Very interesting, man. I did not know that. Then the consequences will be worse than I thought… More inflation, more poverty and economic problems….
Especially in the prices of food and medicine….. This is very disturbing….
Thank you for this information!
-they don’t need Kiev, the big move is South to get to Transdnestria, where there is a russian army already
-once they get Novorusia (alongside the sea), Donbas and the the northern fringes, like Harkov they are done
Israel Refuses Entry To Non-jewish Refugees!!! ( no caps please – changed this one time. Mod.).
10 measly people. 10 measly goys.
Random thought:
A lot of people are grappling with the question of how will Russia deal with a post-conflict Ukraine?
One simple thought: Russia has the best track record of any nation with dealing with post conflict nations if you think about it.
Look at Chechnya. How’s the insurgency there now? How’s Chechen relations with Russia now? Never better.
Look at Georgia. They are politically now backing Russia and have refused to sanction or condemn Russia in the Ukrainian confrontation, and now have a pro-Russian government very amicable and peaceful towards Russia, and even jailed their ex-leader Sakasvhilli.
So my thought is, why wouldn’t Ukraine be a similar situation to the above? Russia knows how to pacify these upstart breakaway republics.
The Saker,
Why do you believe …..
a) That they actually can denazify the Ukraine.
b) On doing so are the Ukranian army going to be that much different when it comes to serving American interests.
I can think of a 100 ways that this simply will not be the case.
The Nazis could just blend in and wait until the quick in and out is over. Or cross borders then come back in again by swapping uniforms.
Surely now after everything and the way Russia has been treated by the West since the campaign started. Russia’s goals and objectives have changed?
Surely now Russia must take Ukraine and completely wipe out the Nazis and disarm the Ukrainian army. Otherwise we will all be here again 5 years from now.
Even if Ukraine was split in 2. Wherever the border is NATO will just resupply and build up its forces again along the border.
What’s stopping the Americans forcing Ukraine to make peace once the Nazis and Ukrainian armies are surrounded. The damage to Russia’s image in the West will have been completed but Russia won’t have achieved anything.
What are your thoughts on this Saker ?
You said yourself and I totally agree. “THAT is the reality, not their smiles or promises.”
On that basis why would you contemplate that a quick in and out would change anything ?
You clearly have more faith in the Ukraine doing the right thing than me after Russia leaves. As I think it is a completely different chess board than before the campaign begun. The goal.posts have shifted dramatically and so should Russia’s objectives.
It is a different world compared to a month ago. Other posters have picked up on this also.
it amazes me how few people followed russias actions in syria.
any one who paid attention would assume that Ukraine would be a similar affair to syria, just slower to avoid damage.
progress by syiran standards is very rapid despite restraint.
i dare say with some hesitancy, that there must be some one in the western governments who paid attention to russia in syria.
and if they truely wanted to do something in ukraine they would have done what was done in syria.
move some western assest in to ukraines western periphery to at least prevent russian control of the entire area.
if any european power just drove a columb of tanks and parked them somewhere around lviv and just left them there, i don’t think russia would engage withthem.
but at this point no one in the west has a stomach for anything. and most of all no one in the west believe what they say or hold any convictions other than an abstract yearning for power.
my prayers and support go to the Russian people who have been forced by the west to clean up the mess which was created as to be an attack on them . I hear in the western media compete crap as i would expect . but there is another phenomena taking place I didn’t expect . I live in New Zealand and have passionately watched the deeds of the empire for many years .Over the last two years people have been dislocated from normal life and many have found to their dismay that their gov lies to them , a lot . I now see in the social media groups of the dispossessed , not only in my country but in other western states , a narrative that supports Russian intervention . These outcasts are developing into truth seekers , and are not supporting the western media BS . its a creeping blowback
Thanks Andrei. I just listened to a geo political analyst, who revealed the willingness of China, which has good relations with Ukraine as well as Russia, to mediate in negotiations and both appear to be willing. Wang Yi has spoken to Ukraine defence minister and to German FM Baerbock with apparent positive effects so far. NATO expansion is seen as the main stumbling block to overcoming Russia’s redline, and Ukraine may be getting to see that some sort of move towards the Minsk plan could happen. We can only hope. The USA will not be pleased if peace is achieved!!!
In Brazil there is a lot of denunciation by leftist sectors against NATO. Of course we suffer with the 6th column and the corporate media is all pro NATO.
Tonight is the State of the Union address by Biden. There are already some phrases being released, along the lines of:
Putin rejected diplomacy.
Two of China’s largest state-owned banks, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) and Bank of China, are restricting financing for Russian commodities, especially in US dollars, according to Bloomberg, quoting unnamed sources.
One solution would be for Russia to ship gold to China in guarantee.
“68% of Russian approve of this military intervention
22% oppose it
10% are unsure”
22 percent is high, considering the quality of the two proposals, the security case he made, etc. Russia may not have a leader of this quality in the future; 32 percent are not in favor and 32% can become 42% quickly. Then you’re close to the nightmare of “factions” G. Washington warned about in his farewell address. Probably the factions (parties) that exist there today are largely responsible for that 32%. Yet, now that it’s not “colleagues” and “partners”, and it won’t be that while he is there and until “truth” lives so to speak, this may change. It’s an education problem, a system problem! The referendum % of Crimea’s vote is what is needed to build that great country in… the meadows with the bears and the honey, where 90%+ say, “Agree!” It’s problematic with 32%. That’s not all “bears.” I like to read the Moscow Times; for my purpose of reading “the other side of the story”, it’s a good service, but I don’t know how they allow that! “This is not journalism!” “Are you against Russia, why?” “When have we been more rich in the last 100 years, anyway!” “No? Closed!” “Yes, the conflict.” In my opinion, factions promotion is more damaging than some religious denomination they bar.
Andrei My Brother,
Basically I was accused of being a Russian troll by two close relatives today. My Stepfather said my mind has been poisoned by Russian propaganda. My brother says I am a Putin propagandist.
I haven’t felt this disconnected from my own people and the West like this since NATO’s bombing campaign against Serbia in 1999. I remember at the time my same Stepfather had said that he believed Slavs we’re just evil people, but Ukrainians are Slavs so I guess he just meant Serb and Russian Orthodox Christians are evil people.
This is coming from a man who protested against the Vietnam War in his youth, considers himself a Progressive Democrat, supposedly stands in opposition to racism and fascism (supported the BLM) except when that racism and fascism is directed towards Orthodox Serbs and Russians.
Maybe I should watch CNN and Fox News just to know how bad the Western Propaganda is. I pretty much stopped watching both those channels after the Russian-Georgian conflict of 08-08-08. The lies of the Western propagandists we’re so blatant and in your face I completely stopped watching them. I haven’t turned them on ever since.
I am currently in the bourgeois White Progressive stronghold of San Francisco and I can report the BLM flags have been replaced with Ukrainian flags. These people have no idea what they are supporting. They have no idea Washington’s Coup in 2014 and subsequent actions backing the Anti-Russian regime in Kiev led directly to this war. They have no idea they are supporting CIA trained and armed Nazi Death Squads and when you tell them and show them evidence and pictures they call you a Putin troll and Russian Propagandist. These people have rendered themselves unable of logical thought, unable to think rationally. Everything is emotional to them. They think in slogans. They are unable to separate their prejudices from reality. To them their prejudices are the reality.
God save Holy Orthodox Russia!
I second this!
(God save Holy Orthodox Russia!)
Times are dire,
Russia may stumble … and be martyred … I pray it won’t.
I believe (aging) Vladimir Vladimirovitch knows his time is nearing its end, and wants to gift his heir with a clean slate. He wishes to offer his people some dignified future by suppressing the thorn that Ukraine has become to Russia’s body. Also his government is as much determined as himself to go all-in.
I expect the whole of Ukraine to go figuratively thru a full cycle washing machine cycle all the while limiting as much as possible civilian casualties. Then Ukraine will come back into Russia bosom. Woe to the one daring to interfere …
BLM & Antifa are Soros’ and the Deep State’s minions, they are being used to destroy the fabric of the U.S. and help sink it under globalism. BLM also receives money from the exceedingly corrupt Clinton Foundation. Maybe you should avoid your stepfather as much as possible.
He is an Old Man. I have mercy on him. I just can’t understand how a former counter culturalist ends up supporting the very militarism he once decried as Imperialist. It’s like Neil “Rocking In The Free World” Young coming out for censorship of free thought/speech.
After all the BLM protests, Afghanistan failure, and storming of capitol hill, I knew that sooner or later all that ire within the US will be redirected to some outside other in some way.
But like alcohol, the effects eventually wear off, and the same old problems still remain. These people outed themselves, and the things they have said and done cannot be taken back. West is in deep doo-doo.
I have to wonder if Afghanistan was wrapped up to prepare for the Ukraine proxy war. Media and government also exaggerated the chaos of the fall to have an excuse to force/bring a lot of un-vetted Afghans into the U.S. and Europe, is my belief. Sure it made them look bad, but it didn’t do anything real against them – they don’t get a smaller budget/less money, Biden doesn’t step down, etc.
I must say one of my most successful ‘management interventions’ occurred when I told someone quite simply, after listening to them kvetching a bit about someone else: ‘Why don’t you just tell ’em to f**k off?’
It was amazing what a jolt of self-confidence that one sentence gave them!
Russia: why don’t you just tell the EU and the USA to f**k off??
Russia will never leave Ukraine, simply because if it does, it would have changed nothing at all, it will be even worse on both MIL and ECO issues. Nato will immediately enter in the remaining of ukropistan, en force, I mean 100.000 + force life, missiles, nukes etc..even if it costs them trillions(just QE), they will even pay EU energy invoices if necessary.Mentality of the EU Junta is equal as nazis one in Ukraine, they will never ever surrender otherwise they will be killed by people.
Ok fine, Russians will have eliminated a good nr of nazis but believe me, they are thousands of non ukr nazis waiting in line, regrouping with academi and jihadists in Poland, already 20k. Friday NATO emergency meeting in Brussels they will go ahead an entry RTP in Ukraine via Llov. And then?
This the most optimist hypo, they are talking about nukes, regime change and killing Putin as they believe once he is gone, the rest will collapse then they will do it à la Eltsin Gorby 2.0, steal oil, gas everything put their people + AI+5+6 who are only waiting for that.
Personaly I don’t see any + option for Russia even less for Putin.
Thursday they will announce total embargo on anything Russian(oil, gas etc), this is the only reason why you see XI entering the negos because this embargo will be worldwide. They calculated they can even take the opportunity to finish Iran, Venezuela and Assad (Kim is cia asset fake opponent to intimidate JAP+KOR to buy billions in US Weapons).There is a revolution in Iran prepared by the hardliners as an agreement on JCPOA is near and they don’t want it(because they suddenly need iranian oil and gas for sometime to ”save” Europe).
Very sad but the all RUS strategy is a catastrophy as there is no winning way out, the economy is de facto destroyed as even the non sanctionned sectors are applying themself sanctions because they fear the empire.
Nobody accept Russian oil or at crazy premium rates, vessels lose their insurance if they do etc..
“We May Have To Supply Europe”: Lawmakers Pressure Biden To Halt Russian Oil Imports, Boost Production
Tanker Rates On Russian Crude Route Soars Nine-fold In Three Days
Even a decisive Russian military victory will be useless.
They want Syria 2.0 on a 100 x scale.
Nice 6th column posting. All is lost and the West is forever invincible. Amen.
It’s hopeless, give up, it’s a losing battle, no matter what you do you can’t win, be a victim, give up give up give up coz you know…… war is coming
You in da wrong place here, or maybe you need some vitamin D3?
Dear Saker,
Could you possibly give us your full thoughts on what Russia should do with a conquered Ukraine from a strategic perspective? I’ve noticed you bringing up the topic a few times now. Feel free to ignore me if you answered this question in an article before and I just missed it but I’ve been quite curious on the matter lately.
Occupying Ukraine is difficult and expensive in its current state, I agree with your sentiment that it shouldn’t be annexed or occupied as that would be a great cost imposed upon the Russian people.
At the same time, the idea I have seen floated around online of annexing everything up to Kiev and making Ukraine into a Lvov rump state has many strategic merits. It would ensure no NATO weapons can ever again even consider placement in Kharkov so it would guarantee Moscow’s security in ways that having only a pro-Russian satellite state Ukraine never could. This would also give Russia exclusive control over almost all Black Earth in Europe, making Russia a titan of global food production on a level never seen in the current unipolar post-soviet economic structure and likely forcing much of the Middle East into total dependency on Russian grain exports. As an added bonus, the oblast of Odessa is one of very few competitors to Russia in the production of Neon gas which is critical to semiconductor manufacturing. Holding it, Russia can not only secure the front in Transnistria and win the humanitarian struggle of ending sex tourism in the area, but also can grab global semiconductor manufacturing by the throat in a way that can entirely crush the industry in nations hostile to Russia.
Holding the Russian lands of Ukraine would not only serve to shield Russia into the future but would also act as a punitive sword against the Globohomo World Order if my understanding of the situation is accurate. Could Putin consider taking this enormous risk in exchange for a massive leap in power? Am I ignorant in my assumptions?
Russian people are not despised by all of us that live in the so called west. Prayers are ben sent to all people involved. God is the only one that can judge. I am not there, I have no ideas, and no interest in the outcome of continue waste of resources in a war. The only ones gaining are the banks and the weapons manufaturers.
Let’s look at some history:
1. Most of Western “nazi” Ukraine only came together with the rest of Russian/Soviet Ukraine in 1939. From the late middle ages until 1939 they had been ruled by first Poland/Lithuania and Hungary,then by Austria,then by Austria-Hungary,and then back again by Poland. Hundreds of years under Western rule of one kind or another. Then from 1941-1944 the German nazis controlled it,and a hundred thousand or more people there sided with the nazis and butchered Poles,Jews,and Russians throughout those years. The Soviets really made a horrible job when they gained regained it to de-nazify the region. They fought years of terrorist battles there and finally decided to amnesty their way to peace. We see today the results of that failure.
2. Western Ukraine with it’s marginal soil,and little major industry was a high immigration area. Once the Soviets merged them into the rest of Ukraine you had a number of Westerners moving to other areas of Ukraine,especially the central region,but also the cities of the Russian speaking South and East. The Westerners and their kin were the heart and soul of the movement for independence of Ukraine when the USSR collapsed. And all the President’s except for Yanukovich favored Westerners in the government structure.
3.By time of Maidan many thousands of Westerners had a hold throughout Ukraine,in the West of course,but in the other regions as well. And they brought their anti-Russian pro-nazi fanaticism with them from the West. They imposed their form of dialect spoken by around 20% of Ukrainians,mostly in the West ,as the state language over all Ukraine. The Russian language spoken by over a 3rd of all people in Ukraine as their home language and those speaking various levels of mixed Russian/Ukrainian had no legal rights to use their language under the law until Yanukovitch made Russian a second offical language in 2012. A move that the Maidan terrorists revoked once they gained power. Now, being that Ukraine was a loosely ruled state until the nazis gained power the Russian language was still widely used. In fact around 60% of Kiev residents used Russian as their everyday language until Maiden.And in the South and East Russian is the overwhelming language used by the people there. At the time of Maiden it was estimated that around 55% or more of the “protestors” at Maidan were bused in from the West, 26% were from the Central region,mostly Kiev,and only 19% from the entire rest of the country.
4. Once the Westerners and their nazi supporters gained power,and for the last 8 years they have tried to make all Ukraine into their image. They have purged the educational system,government structures,and military of any pro-Russians that they know off. And enforce the Russian language ban as hard as they can.If they are allowed to keep their grip on power in Ukraine the situation can not get better,but only worse.
Having covered a little history,where are we now.And where do we need to go to make things better:
1. Russia is making progress in the intervention, though slower than we had hoped. I think that reflects the success of the nazi purges in the military after Maidan.And the nazi’s disregard for the suffering of the Ukrainian people. They are following the old German nazi playbook to destroy everything if they can’t hold it.
2.There is little doubt that Russia will win the military victory. Its the winning of the peace after that has concerns. First,there is no way that Russia can expect the current anti-Russian regime left in power to not follow insane anti-Russian policies.And they would only bide their time to get NATO on their side. All we have to do is look at Georgia after 2008. Is Georgia a pro-Russian state today,does Russia not have to worry about Georgia entering NATO.The answer to both those questions is clear. Russian did not follow through in 2008,and install a neutral government,and we see the results. That was bad enough with tiny Georgia,but with giant Ukraine it would be much,much, worse.
3. To justify the pain to Russia,and loss of lives,and injuries,to both Russians and Ukrainians from all this,Ukraine must be liberated from the nazi threat. Anything else would be the same as the USSR stopping at their border after driving the Germans out. And allowing the nazi regime to stay in power in Germany. It would just “sow dragons teeth” for a repeat of the fighting in the near future. Please Russia don’t make the fatal error of not truly de-nazifying Ukraine.
Good news seeing Ukraine being liberated from NATO/US scum. Police escort? Most orderly invasion ever.
The Russian convoy passes as if nothing had happened.
The western media is a JOOOOOKKKKEEEEE
More good news from the front:
DONETSK, March 1. /TASS/. Commander of “North” tactical operational group General Dmitry Krasilnikov and many officers have been killed in the event of joint actions of the Russian Armed Forces and the People’s Militias of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, Deputy chief of the DPR’s People’s Militia Eduard Basurin said on Tuesday referring to intelligence.
“As a result of successful joint actions of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the DPR and LPR’s People’s Militias, the headquarters of the operational tactical group “North” was destroyed today. Most of the staff officers have been killed. According to our intelligence, the commander of “North” tactical operational group General Krasilnikov is also among the casualties,” the statement reads.
Will just leave this here for comparisons sake
Hello, I live in Brazil and have been following the blog for some years now, I want to leave my solidarity with the Russian people and hope that they can win this war with the fewest possible casualties. I have commented here that people should be thanking the Russians for doing this operation of denazification in Ukraine, but many people do not want to hear me, even people of progressive political orientation, are intoxicated by the russophobic propaganda, something bordering on hysteria, members of the Workers Party of Lula, made tuites supporting the Russian operation in Ukraine and were harassed by their voters, hard times, that at some point the lights can dissipate the dense darkness. _/\_
Translated with (free version)
The savage comments and “cancellation” of Russians sure is a commentary on the whole diversity narrative, isn’t it.
As far as I can find out, by reading what you write, RT, Southfront the Russian soldiers are showing remarkable discipline and restraint. I hope that Russian losses are very light and all hope can return home.
Thank you for providing information that I can use. I do not trust the MSM nor do I believe what they report. Good luck and Gods speed.
“Kiev – here I really don’t know. I get the need to resolve the Kiev situation in some way, but I remain deeply concerned by any Russian operation to liberate the city. Kiev is not Mariupol and while in Mariupol there are no other options than to kill all the Nazis, I will keep hoping for some negotiated solution similar to what is happening in a lot of (admittedly much smaller) towns in recently liberated eastern Ukraine.”
I submit that Russia will do what it did in Syria:
1) Encircle the city, cutting off resupply, except for a humanitarian corridor for civilians wishing to escape and Ukrainian disarmed military.
2) Conduct probing attacks to locate resistance.
3) Conduct weakening attacks to diminish resistance.
4) Conduct psychological operations.
5) When the food and water runs out, the defenders surrender.
6) Go in and mop up any die-hards and neo-Nazis. I suspect that is what the Chechens are for.
Russia has no need to engage in severe urban warfare except in places where die-hard neo-Nazi – and perhaps a few Ukrainian – units exist who have no choice but to fight to the death. Kiev is a big city, so presumably any of those units in the city can be located and dealt with without having to wreck the whole city.
Kiev is a big city, but I see no reason why the above tactics won’t work – especially after the eastern cauldron is resolved either by those forces surrendering or being annihilated, which will demoralize the Kiev defenders (except for any die-hards.) This is classic siege warfare.
“But I don’t want Russia to occupy in the mid-to-long-term a single inch of legally 404 land (outside the official borders of the LDNR, of course!). ”
This is what I posted elsewhere about the objectives:
As to what Putin intends, I suspect he intends to do what I’ve been advocating since 2014:
1) Eliminate the existing Ukrainian regime.
2) Eliminate the neo-Nazi political parties and militias that influence the Ukraine government.
3) Arrange a new Ukrainian Constitution and new elections. The new Constitution will declare Ukraine neutral and forbid NATO membership,as well as either absorbing the breakaway republics with autonomous status (as Putin wanted in 2015) or recognize them as independent states.
4) The new government will “de-militarize” Ukraine, meaning no strategic weapons that could be a threat to Russia and no cooperation with NATO.
5) Scott Ritter believes Russia will then “negotiate” the positioning of Russian strategic weapons in Ukraine (and Belarus) to counter NATO strategic weapons in Poland and Romania. This is the “military-technical measures” Russia promised if the US and NATO ignored their treaty demands – which they did.
6) Russia will then “go home” – no “nation-building”, except perhaps in cooperation with the new government financially as feasible. No “occupation”.
Some people think all he wants is the Donbass and a “corridor” along the south coast. That may have been true previously, but once Zelensky started talking about getting nuclear weapons, all that went out the window. “Nazis with nukes” is simply not acceptable to Russia. So that whole nest has to be cleaned out.
Note: “new elections”. This means Putin doesn’t need to put a “puppet regime” in place or “occupy” Ukraine. As Lira said, Putin wants to “capture” Ukraine, not either “occupy” or “destroy” it. This is the only logical way he can do this.
“…countries like Switzerland have closed their airspace to Russian carriers (which Switzerland really did not have to do since all the countries neighboring Switzerland already did that)”
That’s actually a freebie for Switzerland as it makes no difference. They get praised by the West at no cost to them, nor to Russia. But it’s also stupid as it ends Switzerland’s perceived neutrality.
But the Swiss messed up years ago when they voted to sever their currency’s link to gold.
And Obama screwed Switzerland when he forced them to reveal US depositors in Swiss banks (except for the politically-connected).
considering common people have an actual voice on the matter is ingenuous.
information warfare and psyops are real. most people are not even aware of whats happening ouside their lives.
Funny world, ain’t it? – At 17 – 18, as (what was left of) our military was coming home from WW2, I worked with five vets, at a lumber yard in Edmonton AB. As we sat around with our lunch buckets open, at noon, I wasn’t a great part of the conversation, but I sure listened. However, on one occasion, I was a focal point of the conversation when Charlie Francis (Artillery) told me, very profoundly, that if anyone ever put a gun in my hands and ordered me to go out-of-country and fight “another man’s war”, to throw the gun down and repeat that as necessary until I was “thrown in the stockade and forgotten”. I can still remember, clearly, the sincere looks in their eyes as all the others agreed. (However, they added a caveat – never to be a civilian).
So what do we have today? – A vassalized little army that proxies to any point on the planet to commit any war crime that “American-led” NATO suggests to them. (Yugoslavia). And if their object happens to be a nation that was half Nazi-sympathetic during WW2, and is still tainted that way – with a jewish president ……. WOW! Yeah! A “funny world”. Funny people too. Charlie, Gordie and the three Toms are laughing in their graves.
Busy in Australia: Macedonians and Serbs are guarding Russian Consulate from Ukrainians
Up until yesterday Aussies couldn’t walk their dog outside or have a cup of coffee due to spectacularly overreaching covid-19 mandates.
Things have changed as the Russian military operation begun, everyone forgot about Covid-19, and just like that the MSM focus has shifted on Russia.
As Russia continued its operation to “neutralize” Ukraine becoming just another US base with nukes installed pointing to Moscow, the large diaspora in Australia siding with one or another side have started protesting.
In Australia, the Macedonians and the Serbs have stood by the Russian side, so much so, they have joined forces to protect the Russian Consulate there from incoming protesters who support Ukraine.
Russian Ministry of Defense has released a video showing special forces being deployed to the front:
So true, but remember one other thing as well: The masses of the West-Anglo-Zionist Amoral Amoeba are mostly just sheep. So, don’t be too hard on them when you see how they are now behaving. Try to hate the sin and not the sinner. After all, a greater portion of the masses in the Bear’s land, though largely not so spoiled and narcissistic also tend to be sheepish, just believing what their media and leaders tell them. In this case Putin is telling them the truth and I believe him to be a man who always values truth, but that doesn’t mean that all Russians and their leaders are cut from the same cloth…history shows us clearly that’s not the case.
In the news we hear a US official visiting Israel warn the Trio, China – Iran and Russia! And with nuclear talks in Vienna facing collapse, it may soon be necessary to block the Hormuz just so to help the Uncle Shmuel comes down from his Ukrainian high horse.
Biden just signed a secret order ”licence to kill Putin”
Biden declares Putin ‘must pay a price’
The US president began his State of the Union speech with a rebuke of Russia’s attack on Ukraine
All I see in your link is a repetition of the boilerplate blather we’ve been hearing since the police action started.
What is your source for the claim that “Biden just signed a secret order ‘licence to kill Putin’”?
I just came from a Zoom conference w/Massachusetts Peace Action, featuring Medea Benjamin, Lawrence Wilkerson, and a German activist, whose name I can’t remember, who is quite anti-NATO. It was funny that the first thing out of everyone’s mouths was a statement about ‘Russian Aggression’. This was always followed by a list of about 6 things which the west had done to cause this in the first place. But it was interesting that no one suggested that if these 6 or so criteria had been met, then Russian forces would leave. Reading this article, and listening to Wilkerson, I would say that he is quite mis-informed: he thinks Russia covets the Donbas, and wants to take over Odessa. Nobody even suggested that Russia was given no choice, that the west is incapable of diplomacy, that the only card in their had is: promise anything, then break the promise, or that the west has absolutely refused to hear Russia’s concerns. The peace movement in the U$ seems rather ossified and prone to adopt the M$M narrative.
Oh dear, a roster of Counterpunch second-stringers. Small wonder their devotion to peace is largely fraudulent.
Andrei – please, understand – it is not the American people who are castigating all things Russian – it is the American “elites”, who hate the American people even more than this Russian enemy de jour. American citizens are, all in all, quite decent souls who have simply been fed lies 24/12/365 by these same “elites”.
The Russian invasion of Ukraine is difficult to defend because it is illegal. I think a defense could be made along these lines:
International law only makes sense if all countries obey the law. Otherwise the law breakers obtain an advantage over those who follow the law. In general, someone else’s violation of the law does not justify your violation of the law. However, this assumes a system exists to enforce the law. This is not the case at the international level. America has violated the law for decades. It’s behavior has become worse and worse. As a superpower, the U.S. has prevented accountability for its crimes.
In 2014, the U.S. arranged a coup against Ukraine, imposing a client government on the people of that land dominated by Nazis. This essentially created a civil war in Ukraine between the ethnic groups. The U.S. seems to specialize in these fomenting civil wars in other countries. Anyway, this coup was a crime against Ukraine, an act of war really. Over the next 8 years, this client government would oppress its political rivals and enact laws against ethnic Russians. The U.S. planned to incorporate Ukraine into NATO, turning it into a weapon against Russia.
So the U.S. is committing major crimes in Ukraine and acts of aggression against Russia. What is Russia to do? There is an absence of a legal system to address U.S. crimes. Russia brings up these issues with the West and is ignored. Russia spent 8 years trying to find a diplomatic solution to the Ukraine crisis, but the U.S. side, in terms of its actions, showed no interest in a diplomatic solution. Russia has been left with invading Ukraine, in the absence of an international system to address Western misbehavior.
So what does the invasion mean? At one extreme, an invasion could mean the U.S.-Israeli style of destroying everything and brutalizing the inhabitants, who sooner or later start to fight back. This is probably what the West is expecting (or hoping for).
However, I think Russia’s invasion is at the other extreme; they are trying not to damage the country or kill people. If the Russian plan works out, it could be a positive benefit for the people of Ukraine, ridding the country of Nazis and U.S. control, not some nightmare like Iraq. What do Ukrainians think? I don’t know. The Russian plan won’t work without some acceptance by the people of Ukraine. However, I expect the Russians to have a good understanding of Ukrainian public opinion and to plan accordingly. How Russia’s invasion is viewed by the world will depend on the outcome.
Regardless of how this invasion plays out, it will set a bad precedent for the future. While Russia may be able to pull off this invasion, in the sense of achieving a positive outcome without angering Ukraine’s public, other countries may not be so benign or competent. I think the Kremlin wanted to avoid this invasion but felt trapped and without alternatives.
The “invasion” is entirely legal, both international law and UN Charters.
It is self defence, a pre-emptive attack to stop being attacked.
And this is one reason the sock puppets are frothing at the mouth over. They know Russia is legally correct in it’s actions.
First thing is this isn’t Russia starting the war, this is the continuation of what the US started there. Second thing is what a cretin Zelenskij is. Russia’s demands were to stop shelling the East, abiding by Minsk which is dead. Then declare neutrality. Not much to ask for. Now that Russia is taking matters into their own hands, de-nazify. They will hunt down the Azov, Aidar, Pravij Sektor types. Adding to Zelenskij’s evil he dumps weapons on the civil population and implores them to fight an army knowing full well it cause a blood bath. Never forget that there were no tears for 8 years ofshelling the Donbass. Nor do they cry for Yemenese, Libyan, Iraqis, Afghans… Hypocrisy, virtue signaling ублюдки…
Good thing they changed their mind about flying jets out of Poland. Idiots to even flirt with escalation. Shouldn’t have ignored 30 years of diplomacy. In Russia, back in the 90s everything America was cool. Now, it is a symbol of the highest form of mental deficiency. Sad days.
The two worlds are now completely alien to each other. West writes fictional scripts and creates a safe space for their people. I wish I could could hear the “gulp” when they realized at this moment that they “f’ed up”. Sanctions don’t work. Now I will torn on some Nautilus Pompilius- Good Bye America and go to sleep.
I do not think the Russian forces will leave soon after the hostilities end. Nor should they. The place needs to be stabilized, i.e. new regional administrations built, a central government put in place, a representative political process restarted. De-nazified, professional security organs and national police must be trained and installed. This will take time, months, and perhaps a year or two. I fully expect some troops will remain in several bases (in friendly locations) until the new Ukrainian army and security forces are vetted and able to handle whatever the CIA and MI6 may want to cook up.
The exposure of unalloyed hatred is the last vestige of allowed racist comments in the west. The “evil ruskies ” and the kind democratic Ukraine ,what a joke. Of all the countries to pin democratic hopes on, the banderistan banned the communist party, the party of the region’s ,the opposition media and literally march around glorifying political parties that would get you arrested in germany. We truly are living in the world of “1984”
For so long Russia has talked about “foreign partners” but I guess this will show who russia really has to deal with.
The amount of BS on the web makes your site one of the few that is worth listening to.
I grew up in New Zealand where my neighbor ‘Babushka’, an elderly WW2 refugee from Russia, gave us kids a wee glass of her home made vodka to celebrate our birthdays.
Thanks to her, I’ve always felt a connection to Russia, and to oppressed and disenfranchised people everywhere.
I want to thank you for your efforts & insights over the many years, and to reassure you & your readers that all is going to plan, where the outcome is certain, even though we can’t yet know the path there.
Some intelligence is vaster than ours, like ‘Socrates’, the incredibly accurate AI conceived and designed by Martin Armstrong. Its predictive accuracy over many decades got the attention of US authorities who seized it. However, it self destructed (by design) when they attempted their unauthorised access.
They put him in a NYC jail for 11 years on contempt charges as he withheld password info.
I think he’s an astounding individual, morally incorruptible and intellectually a curious geek.
A post from today’s blog.
His Socrates program has long forecast the total corruption and collapse of Western influence, as well as the rise of Asia, with China becoming the dominant economy after 2032, merely 10 years away.
Seeing this as a highly probable outcome, one could view the current separatist protection action begun by Russia, as the spark lighting the fuse to end uncle Shmuel’s empire.
Na Zdorovie to that.
Plato, Aristotle, Socrates……..morons.
couldn’t help myself…….
It’s a computer program, help yourself, check it out and be surprised.
“This is a very positive development as the disgust and anger against them is clearly on the rise while the latest polls show that:
68% of Russian approve of this military intervention
22% oppose it
10% are unsure”
You cannot just show these statistics and then not give a source for them.
Do you have a source for this?