This question was asked by some pressitute while Biden was walking to his helicopter today: Mr President, is Ukraine winning the war?
Wow, just wow. Either she fully believes it, and then WOW or she doesn’t and then WOW again.
This is a “Let’s Go Brandon” on a geostrategic level! :-)
By the way, she followed up with a question about whether he worried about a nuclear war.
I think that this exchange sums of the entire and total delusion which folks in the West are holding on. The inevitable wake up phase will be painful, very painful.

Clearly, “Biden” is winning this one. Not :-)
Then there is this (see graph) to keep in mind. Biden is down in the proverbial shits and, worse, pretty much anything he does next will only make things worse. The fact that this is an entirely self-inflicted wound makes no difference as to how hard it bleeds…
In other news from the “back to reality” corner: the UK and Poland have had to announce that, no, after careful thought and all things considered, they won’t be sending fighter aircraft into the Ukraine.
What a surprise to everybody in Kiev (and to nobody in Moscow)!
As for Uncle Shmuel, he declared that (trying to) imposing a no-fly would mean “shooting down Russian aircraft” which, for some unfathomable reason, the USA did not want to do. That might have something to do with Putin’s very blunt warning yesterday.
Maybe the western leaders are very slowly coming to realize that while Russians don’t threaten, they don’t bluff either. That is a “new normal” which is going to cause a lot of buttaches to the narcissists ruling the West…
The Eurorodents in all heroically walk out of the room when Lavrov addressed them by video. If the intention of the Eurorodents was to convey to the Russians that “we won’t ever listen to a single word you have to say”, then I am confident that the Russians heard that message and will keep that factoid in mind in planning future unilateral Russians actions (of which there are plenty more to come, that is quite obvious now).
A few good news now: the nuclear plant at Zaporozhie is safely in Russian hands. Thank God for that.
So what has been the triumphant President “Ze” up to?
He signed an application to be immediately accepted into the EU. The new Europeans loved it. The old ones, not so much.
The Eurorodents are also forming what I would call “internationalist Nazi brigades” of volunteers who can go and fight for Banderastan. No visa needed – show up, declare your willingness to kill Russians, and, voila, you are shipped to…
… the almost closed operational cauldron in the Donbass!
In fact, I suppose that by now getting in is about as hard and dangerous as getting out. Yes, technically, there is a no man’s land between the two Russian prongs (the one from the north and the one from the south), but it is now a Russian “free fire zone” which, considering both the presence of very heavy weapons systems (MLRS and TOS-1A) and the sharp increase in Russian air operations would be a very very dangerous attempt indeed.
Speaking of cauldrons, Russia has cut off the entire Ukrainian coast from the Sea of Azov and Mariupol is the first “cauldron” to be officially locked.
The civilized and winning West is showing that it really knows the score: Russian students are expelled from EU colleges (a similar idea is now floated in the USA), even neutral countries like Switzerland have closed their airspace to Russian carriers (which Switzerland really did not have to do since all the countries neighboring Switzerland already did that), and Russian citizens can’t even fly across Canadian airspace on their way home to the EU from the USA (just happened to a friend of mine). I fully expect “Russian Standard” vodka to disappear from US stores (we bought all the last ones we could).
Maybe we will soon be treated to YouTube videos showing (US or Ukie) Nazis machine-gunning Russian “matrioshka” dolls followed by thunderous cries of “Glory to the Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!“?
Russians are being expelled from sports clubs, musical events, cultural events and pretty much from everywhere where something “Russian” can be treated with hate and contempt.
These are Orwell’s two minutes of hate, but drawn out over days.
This is an russophobic Kristallnacht, but officially organized and praised.
I want to add one more thing about all this: nobody, absolutely NOBODY, is forcing the folks in the West to act the way they are. No Gestapo, no SA/SS patrols – nothing. Just the US PSYOPs and the eager willingness of these folks to “show Russia” in some way.
And since there are practically NO voices denouncing all this, this is also an important “message” from the people of Europe to the people of Russia.
This is EXACTLY what the Russian nation needs to understand the world it lives in.
THAT is the reality, not their smiles or promises.
Yesterday, Putin used the expression “Empire of lies” – and he is spot on. I will adopt that expression alongside my two favorites “AngloZionist Empire” and “the Axis of Kindness”.
In other “rodent news” – the OSCE is leaving the Donbass. Not that these fake humanitarians ever made a difference, but now that they are gone, it also sends a very clear message to the Russian people.
Remember how Woke-thugs approached white people in restaurants and demanded that the white “take a knee” or see “black lives matter”? The same is being done to Russians (and even non-Russians thought to be Russians) all over the democratic and civilized West.
“Cancel Russia” might be the unifying slogan (and goal) of the entire Zone A.
I have an idea: I think that western dictionaries should remove the word “Russian” and western maps should, from now on, just write “here be bears” on the map of Russia. THAT would show ’em accursed russkies :-)
And it is all repeated ad nauseam on Russian TV channels and on the Runet.
That will be neither forgotten nor forgiven.
The West is very much “talking to us” and “sending us a strong message”. We all need to hear and carefully record it all. For our children and for posterity.
I have to say that in Zone A the US PSYOPs gave Russia a massive thrashing and soundly defeated all the Russian counter-propaganda efforts. The Russian PR people got a black eye and lost this one.
Inside Russia, it is more complicated. As I mentioned, the Atlantic Integrationists (in power), the 5th column (liberal) and the 6th column (emo-Marxists) all joined forces and tried as hard as can be to inject a lot of fear, uncertainty and doubts (FUD) in the Russian society, from rumors of a NATO invasion to hallucinations about how the “sanctions from hell” will result in hunger, abject poverty and chaos.
The good thing is that by working hand in hand, they showed their true face and agenda. Their ideology can be summed up as follows “we cannot allow Putin to win this one”.
This is a very positive development as the disgust and anger against them is clearly on the rise while the latest polls show that:
- 68% of Russian approve of this military intervention
- 22% oppose it
- 10% are unsure
Of course, the Atlantic Integrationists, and the two columns (from now on I will refer to them all together AI+5+6) will quickly dismiss these polls because, as all AI+5+6 know, “Russian polls are as fake as Russian elections”. I am confident that there is going to be legal action taken by the Duma and the Kremlin to, no, not “crush free speech” or anything like that, but to further unmask the real goals of this AI+5+6 coalition.
What about the situation on the ground?
- Mariupol cauldron confirmed locked (a very large number of hardcore Nazis are surrounded)
- Operational cauldron in the Donbass closing but not physically closed yet
- Kiev blocked on all directions except the humanitarian corridor
In plain English this means:
- Several days, difficult and violent combats to denazify Mariupol. The outcome is not in doubt, but all the ingredients are here to indicate a truly intense urban assault operation.
- Donbass. Again, the outcome is not in doubt, I will announce it here as soon as I get enough convergent info to confirm the closure of this operational cauldron
- Kiev – here I really don’t know. I get the need to resolve the Kiev situation in some way, but I remain deeply concerned by any Russian operation to liberate the city. Kiev is not Mariupol and while in Mariupol there are no other options than to kill all the Nazis, I will keep hoping for some negotiated solution similar to what is happening in a lot of (admittedly much smaller) towns in recently liberated eastern Ukraine.
Then there is the issue of Odessa. Honestly, there are a lot of rumors on the Runet that Russia intends to liberate the entire Ukrainian coast, including Odessa, and open a land corridor to the Russian forces in Transnistria. Putin, Shoigu and Gerasimov are infinitely smarter than me and they have the real info, which I don’t.
But I don’t want Russia to occupy in the mid-to-long-term a single inch of legally 404 land (outside the official borders of the LDNR, of course!). But then, I was also very concerned when Putin ordered the Syrian military operation, and he proved me wrong, so all I can do is try to not worry too much, hope that if there are any such plans, they will be similar to the 08.08.08 format: quick in, disarm, quick out.
I am encouraged by all the statements by Russian officials and analysts that Russia has no intention of holding on to any Ukrainian territory and that as soon as the Ukraine is disarmed and denazified, all the Russian forces will be pulled back. God willing, that is exactly what will happen soon.
Lastly, the Black Sea fleet. It seems to have cut off Ukie port from shipping and several ships have been stopped and turned back (not simply stolen like the French just did!). I am quite sure that before this is all over, we will see the Black Sea Fleet in action, possibly as part of an operation to liberate Odessa, here I defer to Andrei Maryanov and his expertise.
That’s it for now. Over the past 6 days I have been posting two, sometimes three, updates. Now since the situation on the ground is pretty clear, I will wait for a major development before posting a commentary. That could happen as soon as later today, but tomorrow seems more realistic to me. We shall see.
More good news from RT this morning:
Russia to host first International Anti-Fascist Congress
How US state media rebrands Nazi collaborators as freedom fighters
“Zelensky’s UkroReich – US Caucus Project” – Link with English translation and with a shortener.
Quote: “The United States does not care about Ukraine and the Ukrainian people, they are only interested in the opportunity to earn and plunder the territory and plunge into poverty today and future generations of Ukrainians.”
An interesting interpretation on the topic of who is the puppeteer of the Zelensky puppet. I’ve read about lobbying in the USA, but I haven’t heard about the specialization of lobbyists on caucus.
Hopefully the statement – “… practically NO voices denouncing all this .. ” is targeted on the political puppets only. Because obviously the situation among the average people is different (though every day I am still amazed how short a timeframe it takes to turn the crowd into a different kind of sheeple .. I mean from the covid type bunch just before this); but imagine that (at least in my country) every day new alternative media stands get blocked, even those which were ‘allowed’ free speech during the c19 project, there is not much space left for free speech these days, I would even say that free speech is considered a crime by our shameful “leaders”. One thing gives me (lots of us) hope though – if they are this desperate , their time will soon be over..
Has anybody seen this? Is it true?
Secret report reveals how the Nazis planned a Fourth Reich
All I know is that this report was also published some time ago by the UK tabloid Daily Mail, but the webpage is now clear — it only shows the masthead of the online newspaper.
This is a vital geoxistential win for RUS but USA will walk out richer than ever. This was never about the US wanting to be good or moral regarding UKR. This was all about the geo-existential continuation of the USA as a geo-extortionary power. The plan included:
1) forcing the EU to buy US weapons for hundreds of billions of dollars (1st US theft-tax on the EU) and at the same time
2) creating a pretext to force the EU to stop buying Russian gas thus forcing it to buy hundreds of billions of dollars in 3x more expensive gas sold by the US (2nd US theft-tax on the EU). To this end the US plan also included
3) threatening russia with an accelerating buildup of ABMs and disarming nuclear-first-strike weapons on russian borders, a process started by george W bush by abandoning the 1972 ABM treaty and that is about to put the US in position of blackmailing Russia (and CN) with… a first disarming nuclear strike.
So Putin had his back against the wall:
If he acted against the US buildup on russia’s borders, the US would have used it as a pretext to rob the EU 2x (and the world with US green paper and bonds “voluntarily” purchased by local satraps), and Russia would have lost the hundreds of billions of euros that it expects to earn by continuing exporting gas to the EU.
If Putin, on the other hand, did not act, sooner rather than later Russia would have been extorted by the USA with the threat of a nuclear first strike.
We just saw that putin chose to do exactly what he knew the USA wanted.
But the USA did not expect the EU to become fascist within a few days after seeing itself set to be bled white by the USA. This is huge danger for the world: Sans the UK in the EU, BRD nazis plus those in “collaborator capitals” are these days in a paroxystic state of coup d’etat (rule by decree and edicts; trample on member states constitutions; forbid news outlets by decree; threaten differing opinions with prison; pass record military budgets without public debate, etc).
Euro-supremacist fascism now controls the EU unopposed. Der fuehrer never had comparable backing to pursue world supremacy.
BRD-centric eurofascism will try to find Lebensraum in the mediterranean and re-colonize/-enslave africa again and for good now.
Dear Andrei
Yes, you are absolutely right, the weapons being distributed and children and grandmas being armed are exactly like the Volkssturm. It is total insanity.
And I also pray that the Ukrainians themselves will be able to stop this insanity. Maybe there are still a few army commanders at least, with enough influence to get the rational soldiers and people of Ukraine on their side.
At the moment I feel truly ashamed of being German, of my government, and of the whole of the German mainstream media. The situation makes me truly sick and scared of the future. But then this is not new for me. For the last nearly two years I have felt that something is extremely wrong in my country.
And that takes me to the point where I disagree with you.
There are indeed voices in western Europe, many, many voices who see the Russian points of view and agree mostly with those points, in spoken and written words, in blogs websites, videos and podcasts. And there are several million (maybe 10million people) in Germany and many, many millions more in other European countries who listen to those voices each in their own language and they trust them much more than the mainstream media. Nearly all of those people are the unvaccinated
Because we have been badly bullied and excluded from normal society for the past year at least, and our voices and arguments have been censored and excluded from public discussion, and all that to constant applause of literally all the mainstream newspapers, magazines, TV stations, we no longer trust any of them and most certainly not our government.
Already many of our businesses have been ruined and we know that with the enormously higher energy prizes after the sanctions against Russia most of the rest will also eventually fail as well.
And so these millions of people have started for a year or longer to also question our foreign politics and our dependence on the American narrative.
The Russian narrative has been forwarded in our telegram channels partly through RT(deutsch), partly through all the small internet media outlets we consume and trust.
In the Bundestag are only those few individuals who are critical of the British, German, and American vaccines also opposed to the sanctions against Russia and to the weapons being sent into the Ukraine.
Russia does have many, many people in the West who sympathize with her and the Russian News outlet RT(deutsch) knows that as well, since for months now this Channel has brought nearly every day articles and opinion pieces about the dangerous side effects recorded of these western vaccines.
Those articles have been forwarded within our telegram channels, and it has gotten a lot of sympathy for Russia and compassion for the Donbas people among us.
So please, please don`t think, that most everybody in the West is a hater of Russia or the Russian people, this is not true.
Once the Corona regimes have fallen here in western Europe, then the relationship with Russia will be normalized, for then all the other lies our mainstream media has been feeding the public will come to light. And a government will come to power that is no longer ready to commit economic suicide in service of the American deep state, containing billionaires, warmongering think tanks, and those transhumanist “charitable” foundations. And I hope and pray this will come rather sooner than later for all of our sakes.
I sincerely hope this glorious Sino-Russian alliance win against all these feminist-lgbt-banking-war globohomo anglo-zionist empire of lies, with all of its puppets. I’m south Korean, and it’s all so tiresome to explain every single thing to these brainwashed morons and still being called as “Russian shill” “Chinese spy” and so on. The most hilarious thing is that most self-claimed “conservatives” are unconditionally pro-American here, and yet at the same time oppose feminism, lgbt etc. I can’t believe how this is even possible. The level of cognitive dissonance is absolutely out of control. People here(I mean Zone A) are so irredeemably degenerate.
The United States has the Monroe doctrine by which in 1823 U.S. President James Monroe proclaimed the U.S. protector of the Western Hemisphere by forbidding European powers from colonizing additional territories in the Americas. In return, Monroe committed to not interfere in the affairs, conflicts, and extant colonial enterprises of European states. No don’t laugh.
During the Cold War era, President John F. Kennedy invoked the Monroe Doctrine during the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, when he ordered a naval and air quarantine of Cuba after the Soviet Union began building missile-launching sites there. Ronald Regan was the last President to Use it.
Now we have the Masters of the Universe saying their sphere of infuence covers the whole of the Western hemisphere from the tip of South America Tierro del Fuego to the United States which is well over 6,000 miles away and anywhere North, East and West of the United states including the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, and that European powers or any peer nation who challengers that doctrine [as Bidens National Security advisor said recently] will be dealt with decisively.
In view of the above, the United States insist on the right of Ukraine to join NATO, Ukraine has a large border with Russia and historically has been the gateway for hostile armies to attack Russia, Nazi Germany was the latest to try and in defending themselves the Soviet Union lost 10.s of millions of citizens.
But it is worse than that NATO would put in bases with Nuclear tipped missiles as they have done with Poland and Romania with a flight time of just 5 minutes to Moscow, just recently President Zelensky has mooted the acquisition of nuclear weapons.
George Kennan US statesman foresaw the dangers when he said in 1998 the expansion of NATO would be an ‘epic fateful mistake’ and a “strategic blunder of potentially epic proportions” he was right.
Quite clearly and rightly Russia views all this as an existential threat to its existence, a threat the United States has taken no heed of and ignores with contempt, this is a red line which Russians say will not be crossed and as a nation with huge self respect are prepared to fight anyone who threatens its existance’.
“And since there are practically NO voices denouncing all this, this is also an important “message” from the people of Europe to the people of Russia.”
Mr Saker, please keep in mind that Western populations are being continually gas-lighted by the MSM. Most will have no idea about the post Cold War promise to not expand NATO eastward, or the Maidan snipers, or the broken Minsk Agreement, or the shelling of civilians in the Donbass, etc. They are just told “Putin/Russia bad, Ukraine good” and manipulated via propaganda pics of girls and grandmas wielding AK-47s. And in the age of social media, this propaganda and emotional manipulation is amplified a thousand-fold, as people read their Twitter and Facebook feeds (where any dissenting opinion is largely banned) and run with the herd.
Yes, people should be able to detect the rank hypocrisy of Trudeau blathering about “defending liberal democracy” just days after freezing the bank accounts of people who donated to a peaceful anti-vaccine-mandate protest, or the “free West” Czech Government threatening anyone who expresses support of Russia’s actions with jail-time, but the people capable of doing so are usually the ones banned by the MSM and booted of Twitter, so the official narrative largely goes unchallenged.
So yes, there is a lot of unhinged vitriol being spat at Russians by virtue-signalling Westerners at the moment, but please remember, they have been propagandised into doing so, and the real blame lies at the foot of their governments and the MSM.
I’m new here.
Why is the current Ukrainian government referred to as Nazi?
Genuine question, would like to know why this term is used.
Excellent, must read interview of John Mearsheimer in New Yorker.
FWIW, New Yorker did a good job of probing Mearsheimer.
Off topic. (s)
“And since there are practically NO voices denouncing all this, this is also an important “message” from the people of Europe to the people of Russia.”
This is NOT true. Not because you don’t hear anything from the place where you are it doesn’t mean there are no voices against it. In Italy we are under the heel of globalists since a long time. About 10% of Italians are the hard rock that resist to the lies and the mandates from this government. See vaccination figures, to have an idea. If you had anyone giving you a feedback from Italy, you’d be surprised how many vile action we’re asked to fight daily. The truth is that all politicians (except a very few ones) betrayed their mandate and are basically keeping the game to the evilest of them all. Even our President of Republic re-election has been a farce. Media are totally corrupted (not by chance I heard Italy is at the 77th place in press freedom ranking) Sure, even among “outsiders” there are (or might be) some gatekeepers but PLEASE don’t think we’re all against Russia, at all. Please inform on the italian situation, if you had any reliable Italian translator, I’d gladly send you the declarations they did against us in these two years. They need to be arrested and processed for treason and (silent) genocide.