[this article was written for the Unz Review]
Introduction: a short survey of the cuckoo’s nest
My initial idea was to begin with a definition of “Islamophobia” but after looking around for various definitions, I decided to use my own, very primitive definition. I will define Islamophobia as the belief that Islam (the religion) and/or Muslims (the adherents to this religion) represent some kind of more or less coherent whole which is a threat to the West. These are two distinct arguments rolled up into one: the first part claims that Islam (the religion) represents some kind of threat to the West while the second part claims that the people who embrace Islam (Muslims) also represent some kind of threat to the West. Furthermore, this argument makes two crucial assumptions:
- there is such thing out there as a (conceptually sufficient) unitary Islam
- there are such people with (conceptually sufficient) common characteristics due to their adherence to Islam
Next, let’s summarize the “evidence” typically presented in support of this thesis:
- The god of Islam is not the same god as the God of Christianity
- The Muslim world was created by the sword
- The Prophet of Islam, Muhammad, was an evil person
- Islam is incompatible with western democracy and represents a threat to what are referred to as “values” in the modern day West
- Muslims have treated Christians horribly in many different historical instances
- Muslims often turn to terrorism and commit atrocities
- Islam is socially regressive and seeks to impose medieval values on a modern world
There are more such as these, but these, I believe, are the main ones.
What is crucial here is to point out that this evidence relies both on theological arguments (#1 #4 #7), and historical arguments (#2 #3 #5 #6).
Finally, there is a most interesting phenomenon which, for the time being, we shall note, but only discuss later: the legacy corporate Ziomedia on one hand denounces Islamophobia as a form of “racism” but yet, at the same time, the very same circles which denounce Islamophobia are also the ones which oppose all manifestations of real traditional Islam. This strongly suggests that the study of this apparent paradox can, if carefully analyzed, yield some most interesting results, but more about that later.
Of course, all of the above is sort of a “bird’s eye” view of Islamophobia in the West. Once we go down to the average Joe Sixpack level, all of the above is fused into one “forceful” slogan as this one:
This kind of crude fearmongering is targeted at the folks who don’t realize that the USA is not “America” and who, therefore, probably don’t have the foggiest notion of what Sharia law is or how it is adjudicated by Islamic courts.
[I have lived in the USA for a total of 22 years and have observed something very interesting: there is a unique mix of ignorance and fear which, in the USA, is perceived as “patriotic”. A good example of this kind of “patriotism through ignorance” is in the famous song “Where Were You When the World Stopped Turning” by Alan Jackson which includes the following words: “I watch CNN but I’m not sure I can tell you the difference in Iraq and Iran, but I know Jesus and I talk to God“. Truth be told, the same song also asked in reference to 9/11 “Did you burst out with pride for the red, white and blue?“. Why exactly the massacre of 9/11 should elicit patriotic pride is explained as follows “And the heroes who died just doin’ what they do?“. Thus when the “United American Committee” declares that Sharia law is a threat to “America” the folks raised in this culture of fear and patriotism immediately “get it”. David Rovics hilariously described this mindset in his song “Evening News” where he says: “Evil men are plotting, to blow up Washington, DC, ’cause they don’t like freedom and democracy, they’re fans of the Dark Ages, they are all around, they’re marching from the desert sands, and coming to your town“. I have had the fortune of visiting all the continents of our planet (except Oceania) and I can vouch that this blend of fear+patriotic fervor is something uniquely, well, not “American” but “USAnian”.]
Having quickly surveyed the Islamophobic mental scenery, we can now turn to a logical analysis of the so-called arguments of the Islamophobes.
Deconstructing the phobia’s assumptions: a unitary Islam
Let’s take the arguments one by one beginning with the argument of a unitary Islam.
Most of us are at least vaguely aware that there are different Islamic movements/schools/traditions in different countries. We have heard of Shias and Sunni, some have also heard about Alawites or Sufism. Some will even go so far as remembering that Muslim countries can be at war with each other, and that some Muslims (the Takfiris) only dream about killing as many other Muslims (who, obviously, don’t share the exact same beliefs) and that, in fact, movements like al-Qaeda, ISIS, etc have murdered other Muslims in huge numbers. So the empirical evidence strongly suggest that this notion of a Muslim or Islamic unity is factually simply wrong.
Furthermore, we need to ask the obvious question: what *is* Islam?
Now, contrary to the hallucinations of some especially dull individuals, I am not a Muslim. So what follows is my own, possibly mistaken, understanding of what “core Islam” is. It is the acceptance of the following formula “There is no god but God and Muhammad is the messenger of God” or “lā ʾilāha ʾillā llāh muḥammadun rasūlu llā“. Note that “Allah” is not a name, it is the word “God” and “rasul” can be translated as “prophet”. There are also the so-called Five Pillars of Islam:
- The Shahada or profession of faith “There is no god but God and Muhammad is the messenger of God“
- The Salat or a specific set of daily prayers
- The Zakat or alms giving
- The Sawm or fasting
- The Hadjj or pilgrimage to Mecca
That’s it! A person who fully embraces these five pillars is considered a Muslim. Or at least, so it would appear. The reality is, of course, much more complex. For the time being, I will just note that in this “core Islam” there is absolutely nothing, nothing at all, which could serve as evidence for any of the Islamophobic theories. Yes, yes, I know, I can already hear the Islamophobes’ objections: you are ignoring all the bad stuff in the Quran, you are ignoring all the bad stuff about spreading Islam by the sword, you are ignoring all the bad things Muhammad did in his life, you are ignoring the many local traditions and all the normative examples of the tradition (Sunnah and it’s Hadiths). Yeah, except you can’t have it both ways. You can’t say:
- Islam is inherently evil/dangerous AND
- use local/idiosyncratic beliefs and actions to prove your point!
If Islam by itself is dangerous, then it has to be dangerous everywhere it shows up, irrespective of the region, people, time in history or anything else.
If we say that sometimes Islam is dangerous and sometimes it is not, then what we need to look into is not the core elements of the Islamic faith, but instead we need to identify those circumstances in which Islam was not a threat to anybody and those circumstances when Islam was a threat to others.
Furthermore, if your argument is really based on the thesis that Islam is evil always and everywhere, then to prove it wrong all I need to do is find one, just ONE, example where Muslims and non-Muslims have lived in peace together for some period of time.
[Sidebar: while I was working on my Master’s Degree in Strategic Studies I had the fortune of having the possibility to take a couple of courses outside my field of specialization and I decided to take the most “exotic” course I could find in SAIS‘ curriculum and I chose a course on Sharia law. This was an excellent decision which I never regretted. Not only was the course fascinating, I had the chance of writing a term paper on the topic “The comparative status of Orthodox Christians in history under Muslim and Latin rule“. My first, and extremely predictable, finding was that treatment of Orthodox Christians by Muslim rulers ranged from absolutely horrible and even genocidal to very peaceful and kind. Considering the long time period considered (14 centuries) and the immense geographical realm covered (our entire planet from Morocco to Indonesia and from Russia to South Africa), this is hardly surprising. The core beliefs of Islam might be simple, but humans are immensely complicated beings who always end up either adding a local tradition or, at least, defending one specific interpretation of Islam. My second finding was much more shocking: on average the status of Orthodox Christians under the Papacy was much worse than under Muslim rule. Again, I am not comparing the status of Orthodox Serbs under Ottoman rule with the status of Orthodox Christians in modern Italy. These are extreme examples. But I do claim that there is sort of a conceptual linear regression which strongly suggests to us that there is a predictive (linear) model which can be used to make predictions and that the most obvious lesson of history is that the absolute worst thing which can happen to Orthodox Christians is to fall under their so-called “Christian brothers” of the West. A few exceptions here and there do not significantly affect this model. I encourage everybody to take the time to really study the different types of Muslim rulers in history, if only to appreciate how much diversity you will find].
Deconstructing the phobia’s assumptions: the “Muslim god” vs the “Christian God”
This is just about the silliest anti-Muslim argument I have ever heard and it come from folks inhabiting the far left side of a Bell Curve. It goes something like this:
We, Christians, have our true God as God, whereas the Muslims have Allah, which is not the God of the Christians. Thus, we worship different gods.
Of course, the existence of various gods or one, single, God does not depend on who believes in Him or who worships Him. If we can agree on the notion that God is He Who created all of Creation, and if we agree that both Christians (all denominations) and Muslims (all schools) believe that they are worshiping that God then, since there is only one real/existing God, we do worship the same God simply because there are not “other” gods.
I wonder what those who say that “Muslims worship another god” think when they read the following words of Saint Paul to the Athenian pagans: “For as I passed by, and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription, To The Unknown God. Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you” (Acts 17:23). What Saint Paul told them is that they ignorantly worship a god whom, in spite of that ignorant worship, Saint Paul declared to them. I submit that “ignorant worship” is not an insult, but a diagnosis of heterodoxy, and that such an “ignorant worship” can nonetheless be sincere.
The issue is not WHOM we worship, but HOW we worship (in terms of both praxis and doxa).
And yes, here the differences between Christians and Muslims are huge indeed.
In my 2013 article “Russia and Islam, part eight: working together, a basic “how-to”” I discussed the immense importance of these differences and how we ought to deal with them. I wrote:
The highest most sacred dogmatic formulation of Christianity is the so-called “Credo” or “Symbol of Faith” (full text here; more info here). Literally every letter down to the smallest ‘i‘ of this text is, from the Christian point of view, the most sacred and perfect dogmatic formulation, backed by the full authority of the two Ecumenical Councils which proclaimed it and all the subsequent Councils which upheld it. In simple terms – the Symbol of Faith is absolutely non-negotiable, non-re-definable, non-re-interpretable, you cannot take anything away from it, and you cannot add anything to it. You can either accept it as is, in toto, or reject it.
The fact is that Muslims would have many problems with this text, but one part in particular is absolutely unacceptable to any Muslim:
And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Only-begotten, Begotten of the Father before all ages, Light of Light, Very God of Very God, Begotten, not made; of one essence with the Father, by whom all things were made
This part clearly and unambiguously affirms that Jesus-Christ was not only the Son of God but actually God Himself. This is expressed by the English formulation “of one essence with the Father” (ὁμοούσιον τῷ Πατρί in Greek with the key term homousios meaning “consubstantial”). This is *THE* core belief of Christianity: that Jesus was the the anthropos, the God-Man or God incarnate. This belief is categorically unacceptable to Islam which says that Christ was a prophet and by essence a ‘normal’ human being.
For Islam, the very definition of what it is to be a Muslim is found in the so-called “Shahada” or testimony/witness. This is the famous statement by which a Muslim attests and proclaims that “There is no god but God, Muhammad is the messenger of God”. One can often also hear this phrased as “There is no god but Allah, Muhammad is His prophet”.
Now without even going into the issue of whether Christians can agree or not that “Allah” is the appropriate name for God (some do, some don’t – this is really irrelevant here), it’s the second part which is crucial here: Christianity does not recognize Muhammad as a prophet at all. In fact, technically speaking, Christianity would most likely classify Muhammad as a heretic (if only because of his rejection of the “Symbol of Faith”). Saint John of Damascus even called him a ‘false prophet’. Simply put: there is no way a Christian can accept the “Shahada” without giving up his Christianity just as there is no way for a Muslim to accept the “Symbol of Faith” without giving up his Islam.
So why bother?
Would it not make much more sense to accept that there are fundamental and irreconcilable differences between Christianity and Islam and simply give up all that useless quest for points of theological agreement? Who cares if we agree on the secondary if we categorically disagree on the primary? I am all in favor of Christians studying Islam and for Muslims studying Christianity (in fact, I urge them both to do so!), and I think that it is important that the faithful of these religions talk to each other and explain their points of view as long as this is not presented as some kind of quest for a common theological stance. Differences should be studied and explained, not obfuscated, minimized or overlooked.
Bottom line is this: it is PRECISELY because Islam and Christianity are completely incompatible theologically (and even mutually exclusive!) that there is no natural enmity between these two religions unless, of course, some Christian or Muslim decides that he has to use force to promote this religion. And let’s be honest, taken as a whole Christianity’s record on forced conversions and assorted atrocities is at least as bad as Islam’s, or even worse. Of course, if we remove the Papacy from the overall Christian record, things looks better. If then we also remove the kind of imperialism Reformed countries engaged in, it looks even better. But even Orthodox rulers have, on occasion, resorted to forceful conversions and mass murder of others.
And here, just as in Islam, we notice that Christians also did not always spread their faith by love and compassion, especially once Christian rulers came to power in powerful empires or nations.
Deconstructing the phobia’s assumptions: Islam was spread by the sword
In reality the “Islam spread by the sword” is a total canard, at least when we hear it from folks who defend “democracy” but who stubbornly refuse to concede that 1) most democracies came to power by means of violent revolutions and that 2) just a look at a newspaper today (at least a non-western newspaper) will tell you that democracy is STILL spread by the sword. As for the USA as country, it was built on by far the biggest bloodbath in history. If anything, Sharia law and Islam could teach a great deal to the country which:
- spends more on aggression than the rest of the world combined
- has the highest percentage of people incarcerated (and most of these for non-violent crimes)
- whose entire economy is based on the military-industrial complex
- and who is engaged in more simultaneous wars of choice than any other country in history
So “Sharia Law Threatens America” is a lie. And this is the truth:
Was Islam really spread by the sword?
Maybe. But anybody making that claim better make darn sure that his/her religion, country or ideology has a much better record. If not, then this is pure hypocrisy!
Finally, I will also note that Christ said “My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence” (John 18:36). In contrast, the Prophet of Islam established the first Islamic state in Medina. So when we compare Muhammad’s actions to Christ, a better comparison should be with the various Christian rulers (including Byzantine ones) and we will soon find out that the Christian Roman Empire also used the sword on many occasions.
Deconstructing the phobia’s assumptions: the Prophet of Islam was a bad man
You must have all sorts of stories about how the Prophet Muhammad did things we would disapprove of. I won’t list them here simply because the list of grievances is a little different in each case. I actually researched some of these accusations (about marrying young girls, or sentencing people to death for example) and in each case, there is a very solid Muslim defense of these incidents which is almost always ignored and which provides a crucial context to, at least, the better understanding of the incident discussed.
Since I am not a historian or a biographer of the Prophet Muhammad I don’t have any personal opinion on these accusations other than stating the obvious: I am not a Muslim and I don’t have to decide whether Muhammad was a sinful man or a infallible person (that is a purely theological argument). I will simply say that this ad hominem is only relevant to the degree that some Muslims would consider each action of their prophet as normative and not historical. Furthermore, even if they would consider each action of their prophet as normative, we need to recall here that we are dealing with a prophet, not a God-Man, and that therefore the comparison ought not to be made with Christ, whom Christians believe to be 100% sinless, but with a Christian prophet, say Moses, whom no real Christian will ever declare sinless or infallible. As for the Quran, let’s not compare it to just the New Testament but to all the books of the Bible taken together, including those who were eventually re-interpreted by the new religion of (some) Jews after the fall of Jerusalem: rabbinical/Phariseic Talmudism which found plenty of passages in its (deliberately falsified) “Masoretic” text of the Old Testament “Tanakh” (please see here if you don’t know what falsification I am referring to).
Finally, NO religious text worth anything is self-explanatory or “explains itself” by means of comparing passages. This is also why all major religions have a large corpus of texts which explain, interpret, expand upon and otherwise give the (deceptively simple looking) text its real, profound, meaning. Furthermore, most major religions also have a rich oral tradition which also sheds light on written religious documents. Whatever may be the case, simply declaring that “Islam is a threat” because we don’t approve of the actions of the founder of Islam is simply silly. The next accusation is much more material:
Deconstructing the phobia’s assumptions:Islam is incompatible with democracy
That is by far the most interesting argument and one which many Muslims would agree with! Of course, it all depends on what you mean by “democracy”. Let me immediately concede that if by “democracy” you mean this:
Then, indeed, Islam is incompatible with modern western democracy. But so is (real) Christianity!
So the so-called “West” has to decide what its core values are. If Conchita Wurst is an embodiment of “democracy” then Islam and Christianity are both equally incompatible with it. Orthodox Christianity, for sure, has not caved in to the homo-lobby in the same way most western Christian denominations have.
But if by “democracy” we don’t mean “gay pride” parades but rather true pluralism, true people-power, and the real sovereignty of the people, then what I call “core Islam” is not threat to democracy at all. None. However, there is also no doubt about two truisms:
- Some Muslim states are profoundly reactionary and freedom crushing
- Traditional Islam is incompatible with many modern “western values”
Still, it is also very easy to counter these truism with the following replies
- Some Muslim states are pluralistic, progressive and defend the oppressed (Muslim or not)
- Traditional Christianity is incompatible with modern “western values”
Again, Iran is, in my opinion, the perfect illustration of a pluralistic (truly diverse!), progressive and freedom defending Muslim state. I simply don’t have the time and place to go into a detailed discussion of the polity of Iran (I might have to do that in a future article), and for the time being I will point you to the hyper-pro-Zionist Wikipedia article (which nobody will suspect of being pro-Muslim or pro-Iranian) about the “Politics of Iran” which will show you two things: Iran is an “Islamic Republic” meaning that it is a republic, yes, but one which has Islam as its supreme law. There is absolutely nothing inherently less democratic about a Islamic republic which has a religion as its supreme law than a atheistic/secular republic which has a constitution as its supreme law. In fact, some countries don’t even have a constitution (the UK and Israel come to mind). As for the Iranian polity, it has a very interesting system of checks and balances which a lot of countries would do well to emulate (Russia for starters).
As for modern “western values”, they are completely incompatible with Christianity (the real, original, unadulterated thing) even if they are very compatible with modern western (pseudo-) Christian denominations.
So, now the question becomes: is there something profoundly incompatible between the real, traditional, Islam and the real, traditional, Christianity? I am not talking about purely theological differences here, but social and political consequences which flow from theological differences. Two immediately come to my mind (but there are more, of course):
- The death penalty, especially for apostasy
- Specific customs (dress code, ban on alcohol, separation of genders in various settings, etc.)
The first one, this is really a non-issue because while traditional, Patristic, Christianity has a general, shall we say, “inclination” against the death penalty, this has not always been the case in all Orthodox countries. So while we can say that by and large Orthodox Christians are typically not supporters of the death penalty, this is not a theological imperative or any kind of dogma. In fact, modern Russia has implemented a moratorium on the death penalty (to join the Council of Europe – hardly a moral or ethical reason) but most of the Russian population favor its re-introduction. Note that Muslims in Russia are apparently living their lives in freedom and overall happiness and when they voice grievances (often legitimate ones), they don’t have “reintroduce the death penalty” as a top priority demand.
The simple truth is that each country has to decide for itself whether it was the use the death penalty or not. Once a majority of voters have made that decision, members of each religion will have to accept that decision as a fact of law which can be criticized, but not one which can be overturned by any minority.
As for religious tribunals, they can be easily converted by the local legislature into a “mediation firm” which can settle conflicts, but only if both sides agree to recognize it’s authority. So if two Muslims want their dispute to be settled by an Islamic Court, the latter can simply act as a mediator as long as its decision does not violate any local or national laws. Hardly something non-Muslims (who could always refuse to recognize the Islamic Court) need to consider a “threat” to their rights or lifestyles.

An “Islamic Matrioshka”?!
As for the social customs, here it is really a no-brainer: apply Islamic rules to those who chose to be Muslims and let the other people live their lives as they chose to. You know, “live and let live”. Besides, in terms of dress code and gender differentiation, traditional Islam and traditional Christianity are very close.
Check out this typical Russian doll, and look at what she is wearing: this was the traditional Russian dress for women for centuries and this is still what Orthodox women (at least those who still follow ancient Christian customs) wear in Church.
Furthermore, if you go into a Latin parish in southern Europe or Latin America, you will often find women covering their heads, not only in church, but also during the day. The simple truth is that these clothes are not only modest and beautiful, they are also very comfortable and practical.
The thing which Islamophobes always miss is that they take examples of laws and rules passed by some Muslim states and assume that this is how all Muslim states will always act. But this is simply false. Let’s take the example of Hezbollah (that name means “party of God”, by the way) in Lebanon which has clearly stated on many occasions that it has no intention of transforming Lebanon into a Shia-only state. Not only did Hezbollah say that many times, but they acted on it and they always have had a policy of collaboration with truly patriotic Christians (of any denomination). Even in today’s resistance (moqawama) there are Christians who are not members of Hezbollah as a party (and why would they when this is clearly and officially a Muslim party and not a Christian one?!), but they are part of the military resistance.
[Sidebar: by the way, the first female suicide bomber in Lebanon was not a Muslim. She was a 18 year old from an Orthodox family who joined Syrian Social Nationalist Party and blew herself up in her car on an Israeli checkpoint (inside Lebanon, thus a legitimate target under international law!), killing two Israeli invaders and injuring another twelve. Her name was Sana’a Mehaidli]

A Hezbollah fighter respectfully picks up an image of the Mother of God from the ruins of a church destroyed by US-backed Takfiris
Recent events in Syria were also very telling: when the AngloZionist Empire unleashed its aggression against Syria and the “good terrorists” of al-Qaeda/al-Nusra/ISIS/etc. embarked in a wholesale program of massacres and atrocities, everybody ran for their lives, including all the non-Takfiri Muslims. Then, when the plans of the Axis of Kindness (USA, KSA, Israel) were foiled by the combined actions of Russia, Iran, Syria and Hezbollah, something interesting happened: the Latin Christians left, whereas the Orthodox Christians stayed (source). Keep in mind that Syria is *not* an Islamic state, yet the prospects of a Muslim majority was frightening enough for the Latins to flee even though the Orthodox felt comfortable staying. What do these Orthodox Christians know?
Could it be that elite traditionalist Shia soldiers represent no threat to Orthodox Christians?
Deconstructing the phobia’s assumptions: Islam generates terrorism
In fact, there is some truth to that too. But I would re-phrase it as: the AngloZionists in their hatred for anything Russian, including Soviet Russian, identified a rather small and previously obscure branch of Islam in Saudi Arabia which they decided to unleash against the Soviet forces in Afghanistan. From the first day, these Takfiris were federated by the USA and financed by the House of Saud. The latter, in its fear of being overthrown by the Takfiris, decided to appease them by internationally supporting their terrorism (that is all Takfiris have to offer, their leaders are not respected scholars, to put it mildly). Since that time, the Takfiris have been the “boots on the ground” used by the West against all its enemies: Serbia, Russia first, but then also secular (Syria) or anti-Takfiri Muslim states (Iran).
So it is not “Islam” which generates terrorism: it is western (AngloZionist) imperialism.
The US and Israel are, by a wide margin, the biggest sponsors of terrorism (just as the West was always by far the biggest source of imperialism in history) and while they want to blame “Islam” for most terrorist attacks, the truth is that behind every such “Muslim” attack we find a western “deep state” agents acting, from the GIA in Algeria, to al-Qaeda in Iraq to al-Nusra in Syria to, most crucially, 9/11 in New York. These were all events created and executed by semi-literate Takfiri patsies who were run by agents of the western deep states.
As far as I know, all modern terrorist groups are, in reality, “operated by remote control” by state actors who alone can provide the training, know-how, finances, logistical support, etc needed by the terrorists.
And here is an interesting fact: the two countries which have done the most to crush Takfiri terrorism are Russia and Iran. But the collective West is still categorically refusing to work with these countries to crush the terrorism these western states claim to be fighting.
So, do you really believe that the West is fighting terrorism?
If yes, I got a few bridges to sell all over the planet.
Conclusion: cui bono? the so-called “liberals”
There are many more demonstratively false assumptions which are made by the AngloZionist propaganda machine. I have only listed a few. Now we can look to the apparent paradox in which we see the western “liberals” both denouncing Islamophobia and, at the same time, repeating all the worst cliches about Islam. In this category, Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton are the most egregious examples of this hypocrisy because while pretending to be friends of Muslims, they got more Muslims killed than anybody else. For western liberals, Islam is a perfect pretext to, on one hand, cater to minorities (ethnic or religious) while pretending to be extremely tolerant of others. Western liberals use Islam in the West, as a way to force the locals to give up their traditions and values. You could say that western liberals “love” Islam just like they “love” LGBTQIAPK+ “pride” parades: simply and only as a tool to crush the (still resisting) majority of the people in the West who have not been terminally brainwashed by the AngloZionist legacy corporate propaganda machine.
Conclusion: cui bono? the so-called “conservatives”
Western conservatism is dead. It died killed by two main causes: the abject failure of National-Socialism (which was an Anglo plan to defeat the USSR) and by its total lack of steadfastness of the western conservatives who abandoned pretty much any and all principles they were supposed to stand for. Before the 1990s, the conservative movements of the West were close to fizzling out into nothingness, but then the Neocons (for their own, separate, reasons) began pushing the “Islamic threat” canard and most conservatives jumped on it in the hope of using it to regain some relevance. Some of these conservatives even jumped on the “Christian revival in Russia” theory (which is not quite a canard, but which is also nothing like what the Alt-Righters imagine it to be) to try to revive their own, long dead, version of “Christianity”. These are desperate attempts to find a source of power and relevance outside a conservative movement which is basically dead. Sadly, what took the place of the real conservative movement in the West is the abomination known as “National Zionism” (which I discussed here) and whose ideological cornerstone is a rabid, hysterical, Islamophobia.
Conclusion: cui bono? the US deep state
That one is easy and obvious: the US deep state needs the “Islamic threat” canard for two reasons: to unleash against its enemies and to terrify the people of the USA so that they accept the wholesale destruction of previously sacred civil rights. This is so obvious that there is nothing to add here. I will only add that I am convinced that the US deep state is also supporting both the Alt-Right phenomenon and the various “stings” against so-called “domestic terrorists” (only only Muslims, by the way). What the Neocons and their deep-state need above all is chaos and crises which they used to shape the US political landscape.
Finally, the real conclusion: rate the source! always rate the source…
Whom did we identify as the prime sources of Islamophobia? The liberals who want to seize power on behalf of a coalition of minorities, conservatives who have long ditched truly conservative values and deep state agents who want to terrify US Americans and kill the enemies of the AngloZionist Empire.
I submit to you that these folks are most definitely not your friends. In fact, they are your real enemy and, unlike various terrorists abroad who are thousands of miles away from the USA, these real enemies are not only here, they are already in power and rule over you! And they are using Islam just like a matador uses a red cape: to distract you from the real threat: National Zionism. This is true in the US as it is true in the EU.

Chechens in Novorussia
Most westerners are now conditioned to react with fear and horror when they hear “Allahu Akbar”. This is very predictable since most of what is shown in the western media is Takfiris screaming “Allahu Akbar” before cutting the throats of their victims (or rejoicing at the suffering/death of “infidels”).
Yet in the Donbass, the local Orthodox Christians knew that wherever that slogan (which simply means “God is greater” or “God is the greatest”) was heard the Ukronazis are on the run. And now we see Russia sending mostly Muslim units to Syria to protect not only Muslims, but everybody who needs protection.
Having a sizable Muslim minority in Russia, far from being any kind of threat, as turned to be a huge advantage for Russia in her competition against the AngloZionist Empire.
There are, by the way, also Chechens fighting on the other side in this conflict: the very same Takfiris who were crushed and expelled from Chechnia by the joint efforts of the Chechen people and the Russian armed forces. So, again, we have Muslims on both sides, the Takfiris now happily united with the Nazis and the traditionalist Muslims of Kadyrov protecting the people of Novorussia.
That is one, amongst many more, nuances which the Islamophobic propaganda always carefully chooses to ignore.
Should you?
The Saker
How about writing an article deconstructing anti-whiteism? We already have billion articles from PC-media about how “Islamophobic” people are and that Muslims are poor victims of the wicked white male patriarchal hetero normative western world
Ever heard of White Muslims?
you oppose race/ethnicity and religion
besides, Muslim societies are much more patriarchal and hetero than the western ones.
Clearly, you confuse everything with anything…
The Saker
To Saker:
I am sorry to somehow contra point you on “… Muslim societies are much more patriarchal and hetero than the western ones …” The pure exception are Saudia Arabia with its Wahabbism and other small countries on the Arabic peninsula (but not the Middle East as a whole!!).
Not so true as you might believe. The percentage of “hetero and “homo” ins worldwide almost the same. As its a genetic exception throughout the ages (between 3% and 5-6% of a population). It differs might be insofar only that in Muslim societies no one would be “talk openly” or would say it that he is homo. Most Muslim societies are tolerating homos – unofficially.
Moreover, I lived in a Muslim society for many, many years. The “patriarchal aspect” is somehow not so much present than in many of Western societies. Its not to confuse with dressing, cloths and so on as women do in Muslim societies – the patriarchal way of thinking is in Western societies much much more prevalent.
Moreover, how many women are harassed etc. in Western societies ? The gap lies in the way of thinking and this you will find mostly in more Roman-Catholic thinking states/countries. Please do not confuse with the way of dressing.
By the way I am a women, born as a Roman-Catholic and born and raised in the Middle of Europe within a pure European Roman-Catholic family.
Well, that depends on which Muslim society we are talking about.
My my observation the central role of the father (which is what patriarchy is) is much more upheld by Muslim communities than what I see in the West.
Kind regards
The number of Moslems murdered by ‘Whites’ in recent decades outnumbers ‘Whites’ murdered by Moslems by two or three orders of magnitude. And what do you mean by ‘White’? Hispanics? Aryans? Mediterraneans? Anglo-Saxons? Albinos?
A very dense tour through the thousand years of Islamaphobia.
Ultimately, within the the U.S. citizenry, the interaction of terrorists and Americans on the ground, particularly in the Lebanon Marine Barracks truck bombing and the Towers bombing in Saudi Arabia, like the Twin Towers of 9-11, is so strongly branded that careful analysis will never overcome the emotion of those events.
This article is useful to guide those interested in parsing fact from propaganda.
Syria is a very powerful testbed to see Muslims with a panoramic lens. No distortion. Just the whole picture, like the heroic Hezbollah fighters who fought to protect Christians and their Churches against the wild, savage ISIS and AQ terrorists. Heroic rescuers searching the Turkmen hills for the Russian navigator of the downed jet, led by General Soleimani through the dark night until they brought the aviator to safety. Many other war stories issued during the five years Russia has fought in Assad’s country. We can see the videos as proof of these truths.
The sad part is these videos and war stories never reach the wide American public consumption of news.
The sad part is these videos and war stories never reach the wide American public consumption of news.
How true! And if these videos ever made it to the western audience the entire notion of “Whites” vs “Muslims” would instantly collapse – not something the ruling AngloZionist clique can afford.
Kind regards!
“The sad part is these videos and war stories never reach the wide American public consumption of news”
I would say the wide WESTERN public consumption of news.
“The sad part is these videos and war stories never reach the wide American public consumption of news.”
Very true, and also sad to realize.
Besides the beautiful picture of the Hezbollah soldier rescuing a Christian relic in this article – just look in his eyes- I want to add a video. Spread it, share it, it’s the least we can do.
It’s the celebrating together of the lighting of the Christmas tree: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYiJF5OCgFQ
This is in Aleppo, Syria. The usual suspects hate to see this.
Cheers, Rob
“Yet in the Donbass, the local Orthodox Christians knew that wherever that slogan (which simply means “God is greater” or “God is the greatest”) was heard the Ukronazis are on the run. ”
-And what did it mean to captured white Christian Russian boys in Chechnya during the 1994/1999s? No need answer, the internet i riddled with videos containing the answer.
White Russian boys? Right there you show your total ignorance of Russia and of the two Chechen wars.
Also – did you see the videos of Muslims murdered by the US backed Chechen Wahabis?
The Saker
I am always delighted to read the Saker’s informative and insightful articles, a means to illuminate the truth and banish the dangerous myths to the darkness. If I may add a small comment. It is ignorance that will ultimately destroy us all. Muslims kill Muslims as Christians kill Christians. Muslims unite with Christians as Christians unite with Muslims. This is because of power (manifested as interest). It cuts across all apparently unifying principles: family, kin, nation, religion, ideology, politics – everything. We unite with the enemies of our principles, because that is what serves our interest. It is power, not any of the above concepts, that is the cause of war.
What an excellent article Saker! Thank you for this. I am not Muslim either but really appreciate this because the Islamophobia propaganda is really just a war drum. I am highly suspicious about what has been taking place with the migrants through out Europe, and strongly smell evidence of fowl play at stake by a possible combination of white nationalists, Mossad agents, and maybe even CIA agents in both raping and committing violent crimes, acting as Shariah police, and committing violent crimes, in addidtion to possible false accusations by such aformentioned parties. I am not suggesting that none of the migrants have commited any crimes, that would be unrealistic, but the extent of reported crimes by Muslim migrants is also equally unrealistic, and frankly, European governments’ reaction to tolerating such things as underage marriage, Shariah police, tripple talec divorce, all undermining their own laws is clearly an effort to incite division among the people and to demonize a minority group that they must coincidentally have to justify to their constituents supporting war efforts against.
Although I am not Muslim, I know many Muslims, had been to London in 2001, and walked through the Muslim ghetto there and none of these reports are like anything that I have ever experienced. I am not saying that there are not any Muslim criminals or rapists, but that the numbers being reported are just too far fetched to believe. I am not suggesting that there are not many women who believe that they were raped by a Muslim, but that it may have been a disguise by a Mossad agent. Date rape is the most common form of rape. Violent rapes commited outdoors by strangers are extremely rare comparatively.
Yes, it is not easy to generalize about other peoples, or even to generalize about specific individuals that we may claim to know and understand; human personality remains an enigma, and if individuals by themselves are mysterious, than how to go about solving the riddles of the hive mind. But, that being said, the easy answer is the best: humans are only rational when defending their own appetites, and accusing those of others.
To paraphrase A. I. Solzhenitsyn: what all real religions have in common, is that they aim to make people better.
In this dog-eat-dog world, the simple act of kindness and generosity toward a stranger, is an irrational act; there is no benefit, and there may possibly be a detriment, such as the scorn of your neighbors; but to risk your own life for another’s sake, especially an unknown person, is extreme foolishness. In this sense, only cold self-centeredness, toward us and ours, as a worldview, is the true rational behavior of survival; all else is folly. Yet, life shows that no peoples of this earth are foreigners to goodwill, and it may be in fact, by this strange criteria of other worldliness, as to how we think to judge them. Religion, despite its manmade shortcomings, still takes the cake for catering to an inner need and desire inborn in us, at least some of us, to find what this world cannot give: eternal purpose.
Sourpuss, I like your comment. This is what Neoliberalism has done: a social darwinist ethos = dog eat dog = winners and losers.
Two years ago, I shared a house with a man who claimed to be ‘Christian’, who went to a Catholic Church every Sunday; yet he would walk round the house wishing Muslims were dead, including children; claiming Muslims wanted to impose Sharia Law in Australia, and claiming they were ‘taking our jobs’.
He also referred to Sudanese as ‘mud people’ and ‘subhuman scum’. It was like trying to argue with a brick wall. He was consumed in his bigotry and ignorance to the point he was incapable of reason.
I got out of that house as soon as I could. I believe that you cannot generalise all people by the actions of some, like my former housemate. The same with Muslims. You cannot judge the whole by the actions of the few.
I also believe that its important to have a foundational strength of spirituality as well, wherever the source comes from. We all see where rampant secularism has lead.
If you like an example of dress code for girls at the Hezbollah camp, take a look at the photos illustrating this story from Elijah J. Magnier:
Typical Hezbollah girls, I suppose! (Correct me if I am wrong, I don’t feel on safe ground here, to say the least.)
These are not girls from HezbuAllah camp but Christian supporters of HezbuAllah ……….the humorous thing is when it comes to dressing Muslim women dress like Mother Mary than Christian women……………………
Thanks Hassan! (Reading that photo has been very difficult to me. That kind of dressing and at the same time such a pronounced support for HezbuAllah.)
You’re most welcome Ulrich…..here is a link from an Israeli site trying to accuse HizbuAllah of paying money for Christain women to “show” support and also pay money to HizbuAllah women to “uncover” their hair and pretend they’re Christians…..which is of course a total lie for the Christians support HizbuAllah out of respect for what it did for the Lebanese people……….
Ulrich, pardon me for posting a clip from your Link on dress code for Hezb groupies:
And of course the girl who started it, Lebanese Christian Julia Boutros:
Like all mafia media we have
watched/read/listened to/consumed in our lifetimes,
the Whites vs. Muslims meme is
a non-starter, a hoax, a faux narrative, pure bullshit,
nothing but divide and conquer.
The Jewish Mafia is a one trick pony.
Muslim threat = Forces must be sent to fight the threat = Forces must be in Middle East = Forces conveniently located where all the oil is
What is not addressed fully in the article is that is is very true that Islamic religion has successfully been used to radicalize people and get them to do horrible things they would not otherwise have done. Wahhabism is a direct threat. There is no denying this extremist doctrine based on a perversion of Islamic religion. Any discussion about Islamic terrorism without the inclusion of Wahhabism is incomplete.
Wahhabism is even more a direct threat to Muslim communities than it is to others since those who do not buy into the Wahhabist doctrine all should die as far as the Wahhabist is concerned.
Syria is secular nation where Muslims and Christians coexisted peacefully, a shining star in the middle east in that regard. Imperfect in many other ways. One forgets that there were valid reasons for the original uprisings which where exploited by foreign governments and led to the flood out foreign mercenaries. They did this by sending Wahhabists in to push for an extremist government and depart from secularism.
Islam does not get a free pass for the problems within its own. Nor should the Jewish and Christian religions get a free pass for the extremists that pervert their religions as well.
Top 2 countries Christians should not support being allies with are Saudi Arabia and Israel.
Good point that you mention especially wahhabism (or takfiri, salafism, whatever).
Months ago a large and eloquent reply was posted on this site, by a commentator with the nickname ‘Ahmed’ as I hope to remember correctly (if wrong, my excuses).
He (think so) explained extensively that wahhabism is comparable to explain the universe on one sheet of paper.
This niche of islam is toxic, but is so nice for the useful suspects.
There is a book about understanding Islam and the Qu’ran, that is very rich and wise. It is written by Sheikh Iman Hosseini, who has also written here. I will try to upload it to this site’s book store, for anyone to read.
Cheers, Rob
(and for anyone interested):
The book is called ‘Methodology for study of the Qu’ran’, from Sheikh Imran Hosein. I checked, and found out that he asks a small contribution for it. You can find it here: http://imranhosein.com/product/methodology-for-the-study-of-the-qur%c2%92an/
(And for this reason I haven’t uploaded my version.)
Cheers, Rob
Thank you Rob, I always appreciate more sources for information.
Just like Judaism cannot be given a free pass for extremists within its own, neither can Islam be given a free pass.
Many in Europe right now would disagree that Islam poses no threat to their community as unchecked immigration is literally changing the fabric of their society.
I am very much opposed to those who push agendas which are contrary to my survival instincts. I have traveled Europe numerous times, it is not what it was 15 years ago and that is a direct fault of the governments and the blind sheep that support policies that do nothing to ensure their safety.
Thank you so much for your interview. It help me understand more about Islamophobia.
Best Regard,
A Vietnamese Reader.
”Sharia law threatens America”
Decent dress code — as opposed, in particular, to Zionazi-gay garb(age) — would seem appropriate in bringing some sense to the Pindos, even as they masquerade as ”America”. On this basis, their fear makes sense. It’s the ”proud alcoholic’s syndrome”: Proud alcoholics loathe people that don’t drink — incidentally another problem with Muslims.
I was one of those who fell for the government storyline as to who was responsible for the trauma of 9/11. Islam was a terrorist religion and it was us against them. Thankfully for me, I had somewhere in the distant past decided that if I was wrong about something I believed, I really wanted to know. First to fall was the fictional account of 9/11. Soon after I started learning of how time and again the U.S. used false flag operations as an excuse to start a war or enter one. In time my suspicions of Moslems turned toward suspicions of this Anglo/American/Zionist empire. As others have said many times, it is this power which is fighting not a war ON terror but a war OF terror. They insert their agents in countries all over the planet, meddling and stirring up trouble to this day. Their very latest project is now Bolivia. Finally, one evening I stopped dead in my tracks and said to myself that there is something terribly wrong with this Protestantism I had identified with, that only goes back to the 1500s. This led me to Christ’s Church from the east. I looked at the Latins first and rejected them. They are meddling too and wish to build a kingdom of this world which Christ rejected.
So, Saker, I thank you for this very good overview of this topic. I’m much more calm in this crazy world than I used to be. I keep returning to the simple message of St. John the Apostle “Love one another”.
I think the graphics could more accurately read: If you don’t come to Corporate Neoliberalism; Corporate Neoliberalism (in the form of MIC and Western finacialization) will come to you. And, Knock, Knock! Who’s there? Corporate Neoliberalism (aka Corporatism).
Democracy is just the PR cover for the reality. It’s target is the people at home in the West. The recipients are well aware that “democracy” is not what is being pushed down their throat.
A (very) minor quibble with an otherwise highly perceptive submission by The Saker:
”You could say that western liberals ’love’ Islam just like they ’love’ LGBTQIAPK+ ’pride’ parades: simply and only as a tool to crush the (still resisting) majority of the people in the West”
In the West, decadence reigns supreme. It’s game over. I’d say that our liberals ’love’ Islam and the Zionazi-gay sexual alphabet soup based upon the usefulness the latter show in defending the rotting West against the ever stronger resistance of the global majority.
i forgot to thank the Saker for this enlightening article which is a strive towards clearing the path for better humans who tolerate each other. As we have been told by our prophet “he who doesn’t thank people doesn’t thank Allah” am thanking you again sincerely from my heart for this article and the many articles that have been made possible by this site……peace and love to all……alooha
Dear, Mr.Saker,
If you have time to answer, I have a curiosity question. I find out that Chechen people usually do something like suddently stop the car in the traffic then shoot on the air when they want to cerebrate or shoot on the air at the wedding (I cannot remember the name or link because I watch them about 3 years ago and the name is in Russian or Chechen language). I also watch the document:
Blood & Honor: Chechen Vendetta Code
Chechnya: Republic of Contrasts. High fashion, celebrity parties & Sharia law
I also read:
If I understand right, Chechen people in general have some kind of warrior spirits, and brutal honest, don’t they?” Please explain to me more about Chechen people.
Best Regard,
A Vietnamese Reader.
I will try to answer briefly.
Chechens (self-designation VAYNAHI) are young people from historical standards. this is due to the fact that they are highlanders.
living in the mountains imposes certain moral and ethnic inclinations (almost all mountaineers are similar regardless of where these mountains are located). Mountain valleys are limited in resources and force violence to a raiding economy, to isolation, and as a consequence of clanism. Highlanders are usually belligerent but their belligerence is not capable of long-term resistance.
Now about the Chechens. when the Arab commander Mervan brought the preaching of Islam to the Caucasus, the local peoples accepted him. because of their clan character (TEYP), Chechens distinguished several clans of religious leaders, the Kadyrov clan was one of them.
in order for the mountaineers to be useful and worthy citizens, they need a strong power that will provide them with discipline and lacking resources.
sorry for the confusion and google translator.
with respect
That make sense!! Thank you so much for your explain.
Best Regard,
A Vietnamese Reader.
To Saker:
your assumption is very good and accurate. And hopefully read by many many individuals from different countries.
However, there is one point I would like to add as I couldn’t find it in your article.
Muslims as raised and reached by their religious teachers – usually – from childhood on that each person is responsible for its own doings and only God can forgive (in his mercy). There is no such way of thinking as still many Christians do (at least in my homeland), that God will help and we can wait and put our hands onto our knees or pray for help. God helps, yes, but mankind has got enough brain through its creation by God. Also no kind of a priest who could help for the “forgiveness by God”. Committing a sin or a lie (no white lies) goes directly onto the individuals account. Point.
Moreover, Muslims (men or women) have to be for the collective good of their society they are living within. Which means for the “common good of the society”.
I do hope I could add some useful thought.
People in the West are not allowed to know that Syria puts to rest the lie that Christians and Muslims can’t live together. It’s the West that aids and abets the liver eaters.
Thank you Saker for putting it all together.
A brilliant article on the subject.
The Military-Industrial complex needs enemies and the Freemasons at the top of Angloland want to take the oil and establish Fed reserve style privately owned central Banks, all part of the BIS. They whip up the Islamophobia to justify all these invasions of the ME, and the security state in the US. The Freemason Occultists oppose all civilized religions. One reason they are pushing the LGBT agenda so hard, is to make Western “tolerance” into the new Civic religion. And of course the Neo-Cons have some agenda to have FUKUS permanently at war with all the States bordering Israel. Remember back in the 80s when the mujaheddin were romantic Freedom fighters and even Rambo was helping them? First movie with Islamic terrorists targeting USA was aptly named True Lies.
“All Wars are Banker Wars”
Smedly Butler, Michael Hudson
Nothing new under the Sun.
Wasn’t it the Crusades ( Christians ) that first invaded Muslim ( Arabia/Persia ), then Oil was found, and we have total insanity today? To steal their wealth? On the other hand everywhere I go on earth I find Muslims, which tells me they did the Missionary thing no different than the West.
While Christians tend to be hypocrites, I extremely like Muslims on a personal meeting, but Muslim men anywhere white women are found is a repulsive sight. Because Muslim men have been ingrained that all white-women are whores, now who taught them this? Just like in the West they are taught that every Muslim is a ‘Terrorist’
I suspect that it was also Zio-Nazism and Hollywood that taught Muslim men that all white-women are whores, and certainly they teach that all muslims are terrorists. We know that the zio-nazis ( BIS banker owners ) want nothing more than for Muslims & Christians to kill each other, so that zio-nazis can be the last man standing.
Where-ever you go on Earth you will find Bad-Christians, and you will find Ill-Behaved Muslims. This is a constant, so it has nothing to do with the Religion.
I would really enjoy an article explaining about INDIA, and even Pakistan or Nepal where so many of the poor think because of their religion they don’t have to “Work like on Ox”, just like Saudi’s dont’ think they have to work, or Jews thing that all Goy are cattle. There seems to be a world attitude amongst all these peoples that everybody else was put there to be there slave ( sex & physical work )
Thanks, this author is awesome, I have studied Islam, but its a tough nut to crack, unless your a trained religious scholar.
We have much work to do, its easy for Muslim & Christian to live together, you just got to get rid of Government. The real problem is this Hindi, Jewish, Wahabi Ideas that some of us are Kings, and others are cattle.
What an immensely thought provoking, and informative article, thanks Saker.
I found it interesting that you think the majority of people in the West havn’t (yet?) succumbed to the Neoliberal propaganda machine.
What was done to Syria, and still being done there is completely depraved. Even now, the theft of Syria’s oil to deny it funds to reconstruct the country, along with the imposition of sanctions. Pure evil.
Only the truly deluded can deny that hordes of jihadist terrorists were supported, funded, and armed by the West, and its vassals, Yet most people Seem to believe that Assad and Putin were responsible for nearly all the deaths in Syria. They…. Seem to believe the propaganda put out by the presstitutes.
I believe in Live and Let Live. Treat others how you’d like them to treat you, regardless of Who they are, or what their background is. Simple.
I most definately don’t believe in flaunting my sexuality too anyone. Unlike the rainbow hair person in that photo. I don’t even attend ‘gay pride parades’
And yes, I’m very aware that Identity Politics thing is used to divide and conquer. Look at how Idpol has completely defanged the anti capitalist Left. Where is the genuine opposition to Neoliberalism in the West, apart from the Giles Jaunes in France?
No, I’m not Muslim, but was aware of the various Muslim sects prior to reading this. I have a great deal of respect for Hassan Nasrallah, and know, just by listening to him, he speaks the truth.
The presstitute vermin here in Austfailia, now that Syria has been saved from the horror that the takfiri butchers, (who those presstitutes supported 110% throughout, by falsely calling them ‘rebels’, their attack a ‘civil war’, following a non-existent ‘uprising’ etc, etc), would have and did inflict on the people, are clamouring for Evil Assad to face war-crimes trials. Naturally that must include sanctions and siege on Syria as it attempts to reconstruct, but these blood-thirsty grubs, and the even more horrific thugs from NGOs like ‘Human Rights Watch’ are nothing if not fanatics. That it is doing Israel’s dirty work, as per the Oded Yinon Plan, makes their enthusiasm compulsory.
Mulga – last week was approached by a fundraiser for Amnesty International. She came up all smiley, waving, and I stared straight ahead and said very sharply: ‘I wouldn’t give your vile organisation 10 cents…. How’s the propaganda going’. I kept walking.
Rebels! What rebels? Paid mercenaries and headchoppers for the Anglo Zionist Empire.
You know there are ‘socialist groups’ in Australia who parroted the Empire’s narrative on Syria, and regarded what was happening as a ‘revolution’. These same groups also vastly downplayed or censored the evil role of Western imperialism in the carnage, blaming Assad and Putin instead for what occurred.
Did you know some of these groups, like Socialist Alternative, were close with the now defunct International Socialist Organisation in the United States, as well as being friendly with the Jacobin and DSA crowd in the US.
Did you know, the defunct ISO received over 37% of its funding from Democrats linked foundations, including the Tides Foundation, which has strong links with – guess who? Yep, George Soros.
These same pseudo fake groups are also deafeningly silent about Julian Assange. Not a squeak. Not even a word on the farcical JA court hearing on Oct 21st. What a coincidence!
My last run-in was some time ago, and I recalled the famous, ‘I wouldn’t cross the street to piss on Amnesty if it was on fire’, followed by the ‘Do you know that you are run by the US State Department since Suzanne Nossel (a Jewish South African clone of Samantha Powers) took over?’. The middle-aged male Meanswell didn’t know who I was talking about. I am getting ruder in my dotage, but I still wouldn’t speak to a woman like that. I’d be more polite, God help me.
Thanks for this valuable reflection on one of our society’s core problems. May I add one important point to your list of 7 characteristic motivations for islamophobia which is:
8. Islam is hostile to the Jewish state (actually the zio-state) and because we all love the Jews (actually the zionists) we hate and fear islam. Our self-imposed sense of guilt is the 1st debunker for this assumption. The rejection by real (religious) Jews of the Zio state can be seen as a 2nd debunker and a serieus shock for adherents of point 8. The fact that folks refuse to take notice of (or be informed about) the crimes of the zio state is the 3rd debunker of this particular phoby.
Having lived for around 9 years in various countries with a predominant muslim population I do not share any of these 7/8 motivations for Islamophoby, on the contrary, I recall their hospitality and opennes of mind. Anecdote: the driver in Aceh whom I asked to bring me to a Chinese shop where I could by some wine and liqor, cheerfully told me ‘no problem.. in your religion you are allowed to drink, unlike in ours’.
However in the context of migration by predominantly muslim people to the west, I do see the effect of what is defined as a ‘self-fulfilling prophesy’, where these phobies tend to trigger a situation in which muslims and non-muslims are juxtaposed to their mutual disadvantage (e.g. attacks on mesjids and churches, discrimination in employment, etc.).
So with the 3 Abrahamic religions and sub-divisions, which one then is actually correct? Obviously they can’t all be as teach different views. So are they all partially correct, and by extension also incorrect, or is one of them the true interpretation and the others wrong?
And if one is correct, should not then it be then helping the followers of others to bring them to the correct understanding? Or is this exactly what has been happening for centuries by the sword?
I am not being facetious, of course it is better to all live in harmony. But if we look at history, and the present, we do see enormous human suffering, killing and destruction brought about deliberately by these main religions. In what possible context is that justifiable?
Why three Abrahamic religions? Which three? Orthodox Christianity, Roman Catholicism, Islam–what about the divisions within Islam — what about Protestantism? Why is a 2.5% (being generous) minority given equal status with major religions?
Ah, this meme from the enlightenment:
Oh, and religions now have agency and wreak havoc cause mayhem? I thought only evil and greedy bastards, like Cardinal Contarini– who corresponded with both Martin Luther and Ignatius of Loyola did that.
The formulation that “Jesus is God” may be presently accepted by most Christian denominations but it is not consistent with Bible teaching. The Creeds that you cite are not inspired documents.
For example:
1. The Bible teaches that Jesus was born of a woman in the usual manner.
2. Jesus himself states time and again in the book of John how he was SENT by God for a special purpose.
3. He responds to the Scribe, “why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone.”
4. On the mount of olives, he prays fervently TO GOD “and his sweat became as great drops of blood” to grant him the strength to carry out his purpose.
These are just a few quick examples. Jesus did not consider himself to be God. The creators were crafted by politicians, and they do not reflect the truth in the Bible.
@ Jonathan
Ah yes, but in the Garden of Gethsemane a number of things took place which few ever mention especially when the topic of deicide comes up.
1. When the men came to arrest Jesus and he replied to their question was he the one they were looking for? When Jesus replied ‘I Am’ we are told they fell backwards and no one could lay a hand on him.
2. Peter slices off the servants ear and what does Jesus do? Picks it up and proceeds to do a creative miracle by pasting it back onto the side of the guys head.
3. The arresters still couldn’t touch and arrest him until Jesus said those fateful words ‘come take me!’
4. He prayed to God yes His Father who at that precise time and place gave him a choice over all creation meaning if Jesus so desired He could have as He said to Peter put away your sword do you not think that I can call to my Father and he can put at my disposal 12 legions of angels. What people fail to understand is that at the precise moment all of human history hung in the balance. If Jesus so desired He could have while standing in the Garden picked Caesar up off his throne and thrown him clear out into the street and then closed the palace doors behind him. He could have ended the Roman Empire in a single moment!
5. He prayed with great drops of blood? Of course who wouldn’t! To have at your disposal that kind of power over the entire planet and your being asked to do what? Be judged, beaten, killed, nay crucified by the very creation He created!!!!!!!!! I would dare say that of all Jesus suffered that must have been the worst. The mental agony must have been horrendous. Just the thought of John the Baptist being killed and he did nothing must have weighed heavily on him! Jesus however has at his disposal many ways of exacting revenge. The death of king Herod is especially telling. A glutton died by being eaten by worms. Yes, of course a perfect death. Jesus simply gave the worms a voracious appetite and they did the job quite well! What come next but a meeting in throne room of heaven where he meets the guy who did all those miracles in the countryside!
6. At His resurrection from the dead He said what? All power and authority was given to him. Period!
Christ Jesus is the Son of God thus making him co-equal.
As for politics do you know what is the single greatest political statement ever made by anyone at any time in any period in the whole history of mankind period Jonathan?
Go here: Matthew 6:9-13
Lastly, how does this political statement play out?
Climate change Jonathan climate change!
An excerpt from the Iraq War:
According to a radio newscast I heard while in my car during the Iraq war, a lone Moslem in the city of Baghdad had been screaming, “Hey, look what God is doing to the U.S. Forces.” Upon hearing this, I scoured the newspapers for any news about what this gentleman was talking about and came across a report about Bravo Company when they were some twenty-five miles from Baghdad. They were stopped dead by a series of storms that sprung up out of nowhere. The day had begun calmly enough, clear and sunny, but as they neared the city, they encountered a windstorm so fierce that it obscured the sun, turning the desert black. The wind was strong enough to batter and shake their tanks and personal carriers. After several hours, the sandstorm turned into a hailstorm with accompanying thunder and lightning. It turned the sand into mud, bogging down their vehicles and stalling their advance. They had to deal with the forming of a lake which almost swamped their vehicles.
This is typical of how God Almighty works. The conditions of the Old Testament are literally coming back in the Middle East. Sadly, it took one lone citizen of the city of Baghdad—a Moslem, no less—to recognize it for what it was: an act of Almighty God. He, of all people, could see what others could not. No doubt this was due more to his acclimatization to that environment than his education in matters of the Bible or the Koran (assuming there’s anything in that book regarding the weather). In the desert, no one ever lives to see a hailstorm, in so abrupt a manner and over an army.
Further I came across another report out of Iraq before hostilities began about the mothers of Iraq being terribly upset about what was about to happen to their country. It was reported that they were angry enough to be heard yelling in the streets of Baghdad that first there had been no terrorists in Iraq. Their yelling and screaming then turned into prayers for God to help them and hopefully prevent the suffering to come. It was an emotional scene, with them screaming to God, practically at the top of their lungs, in the streets of the city. And indeed, Jesus heard their prayers:
“The Lord will cause people to hear his majestic voice and will make them see his arm coming down with raging anger and consuming fire, with cloudburst, thunderstorm and hail.” (Isaiah 30:30)
“God’s voice thunders in marvellous ways; he does great things beyond our understanding. He says to the snow, ‘Fall on the earth,’ and to the rain shower, ‘Be a mighty downpour.’ So that everyone he has made may know his work, he stops all people from their labour. The animals take cover; they remain in their dens. The tempest comes out from its chamber, the cold from the driving winds. The breath of God produces ice, and the broad waters become frozen. He loads the clouds with moisture; he scatters his lightning through them. At his direction they swirl around over the face of the whole earth to do whatever he commands them. He brings the clouds to punish people, or to water his earth and show his love.” (Job 37:5–13)
If everything works the way you describe it, please show it. In John 14,12 Jesus states that his followers will do greater works then he did.
So, start by turning water into wine, walk over water just for warm up.
Then claim authority.
@ Gunther, Gunther
“please show it’
You may be surprised to learn that what is quoted above comes from a book entitled Climate Change the Work of God by Gerry Fox. Read that book sir and then come back here and explain to us all how is it that a man with no academic training or schooling whatsoever has managed to prove not only the existence of God with conclusive evidence with absolute accuracy and proofs of a miraculous nature. He in fact has fulfilled what was written back in the 6th Century BC to the prophet Jeremiah:
“See, the storm of the Lord will burst out in wrath, a whirlwind swirling down on the heads of the wicked. The anger of the Lord will not turn back until he fully accomplishes the purposes of his heart. In days to come you will fully understand it clearly.” (Jeremiah 23:19–20)
He moreover explains why the miraculous is so little among the church today.
As for turning water into wine and walking on water why do you not give it a go? Scripture teaches that spiritual gifts need to be desired and pursued. No one is ever going to get anything from God unless you pursue him! God is just as approachable to you as he is to me or anyone really. Remember also what Jesus said:
But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. Mathew 6:6
This is where it begins and note that prayer could take as long as it takes! Few however care little to pay the price and what an insult that is to God.
You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13
What is in the heart is what counts before God and if one is humble with a contrite spirit you will be found by him!!!! In any case if people pursued God like they do money and careers you would hear and see different believe you me!
Lastly I know quite well the words and have experienced this:
And so it was with me, brothers and sisters. When I came to you, I did not come with eloquence or human wisdom as I proclaimed to you the testimony about God.[a] 2 For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. 3 I came to you in weakness with great fear and trembling. 4 My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, 5 so that your faith might not rest on human wisdom, but on God’s power. 1 Corinthians 2:1-5
My faith Gunther does not rest on any man’s wisdom Church Fathers, Popes or otherwise but on God as it was meant to be. There was for me a demonstration of God’s power. Would love to explain it sometime but a long story I’m afraid for a blog like this.
As for my prayer life I now spend it before my children and grandchildren when they are asleep for God to remember them as this world now enters its final throws. I’m afraid their future now rests in God’s hands.
What about yours Gunther?
This conversation is going off-topic. Please take to the MFC. Mod.
Dear Saker, the Islam you describe exists definetely.
Take the TEDx talk of Samina Ali for an example.
But there is another “Islam” that stands for murder of honour and mandatory hijab to name only two visible distinctions.
As far as I know both are not in the original Koran but any debate of that topic is strictly forbidden in the “christian” west.
It looks to me that somebody wants to split society here and present the choice between a redacted, made up and dumbed down Koran (boko haram translates into books are sin) and total moral decay.
If one looks at american media, prior to the 1950s, Muslims/Arabs were not “the devil”. They were not treated that much different from any other non Judeo-Christian cultural grouping. Yes, they were sometimes portrayed negatively, especially regarding the crusades, but also got a lot of positive press.
After israel was formed (stolen, actually), that changed. Now the zionazi-gay media depicts Muslims/Arabs almost totally negatively, with a little bit of neutral (not positive) portrayal thrown in “for balance”. In my opinion, this extreme hostility by the zionazi-gay media is mainly due to israel. Had zionists decided on Rome as a “homeland”, we’d be seeing Italians and Catholics given a similar treatment.
Scratch an Islamophobe and you’ll find a Zionazi or a Sabbat Goy working for the Zionazis. It’s invariable. Hatred is quite literally their religion, and Moslems are their prime target, for now.
With all due respect for your effort put in your long winding ‘deconstruction’ of, I suppose, the ‘completely illogical argument’ expressed in few comments criticizing a biased and poorly informed ‘critique’ of ‘Western Civilization’, but you are dodging the question. ‘Traditional Islam’ is what is written in the Quran, which is the the unquestioned authority and defines Islam. Or, in the Quran it is written:
Yusuf Ali:
5:72. They do blaspheme who say: “(Allah) is Christ the son of Mary.” But said Christ: “O Children of Israel! worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord.” Whoever joins other gods with Allah,- Allah will forbid him the garden, and the Fire will be his abode. There will for the wrong-doers be no one to help.
5:73. They do blaspheme who say: Allah is one of three in a Trinity: for there is no god except One Allah. If they desist not from their word (of blasphemy), verily a grievous penalty will befall the blasphemers among them
Sahih International:
5:72 They have certainly disbelieved who say, ” Allah is the Messiah, the son of Mary” while the Messiah has said, “O Children of Israel, worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord.” Indeed, he who associates others with Allah – Allah has forbidden him Paradise, and his refuge is the Fire. And there are not for the wrongdoers any helpers.
5:73 They have certainly disbelieved who say, ” Allah is the third of three.” And there is no god except one God. And if they do not desist from what they are saying, there will surely afflict the disbelievers among them a painful punishment.
Sura 5:73 is unambiguously a direct reference to ‘Justinian’s Hymn’ chanted only in Orthodox and Armenian Churches, introduced in the Liturgy precisely to stress the Trinitarian dogma against the Nestorians and Monophysites and the Judeo-Christian Nazarens who were the true inspirers of Muhammad (the Christians ‘nearest among them in love to the believers’ because of their anti-trinitarian convictions):
Only Begotten Son and Immortal Word of God,
Who for our salvation didst will to be incarnate of the holy Theotokos and ever virgin Mary,
Who without change didst become man and wast crucified, O Christ our God,
Trampling down death by death, Who art one of the Holy Trinity,
Glorified with the Father and the Holy Spirit, save us.
As an aside, on the 10th of Novembre the ‘Ligue des droits de l’homme’ (a Zionist outlet) called for a ‘Marche contre l’Islamophobie et contre tout les racismes’. The tvlibertés showed a clip from another demonstration where a female participant displayed this poster: ‘Francaise Musulmane et voilée, si je vous dérange je vous invite a quitter MON pays’. In other words: ‘Francais, quitez le pays, il n’est plus votre et vous me dérangez’. The French Catholics, I suppose.
Some useful books – in my opinion – for might better understanding other religions and cultures. However, I don’t know if still available. (I should have thought about it a little bit earlier as I don’t know if still this article will be read!)
“Al-Farabi and His School” by Ian Richard Netton, ISBN 0-415-03594-5 (also in paperback available)
“Arabic historical thought in the classical period” by Khalidi, ISBN 0-521-46554-0
“Popular culture in medieval Cairo” by Boaz Shoshan, ISBN 0-521-43209-X
As I think to get a better picture of our world and its different cultures, regions, states etc. the first way – at least to me – is to read its literature, it poems, lyrics (thoughts) etc.
For this purpose there are anthologies of literature of modern Arabia.
This could give too a litte glimpse through a window other cultures. Saudi King-ruled Arabia isn’t necessarily equal to its population thoughts.
There are many other real interesting books about Islamic thoughts and cultures and – as The Saker already pointed out – are often much different from country to country, continent to continent.
Also I would like to draw your attention to the old Persian literature and poems. Some are quite fascinating and still up to date even it had been written during the 8th/9th Century AD.
As an central European from the countryside I have no experience with multicultural society in everyday life. For us the Islamophobia has very real meaning which is to defend our way of life to which is Islamic teaching totally culturally incompatible. We do (for instance) respect women in another way (I wouldn’t say more, cause it may not be true) and Islamophobia as such is just simplest tool to keep culturally incompatible migrants out. It is not justified by logical arguments often even not by true stories and reports but it is deeply natural I believe. One notion is important- almost no one would argue the Muslims have any right to live their own way in their countries nor have any desire to invade them for whatever reason.
As I have outlined above I live in quite homogeneous society, but this is not traditional society in any way. People are willfully accepting many modern things based on whether them suit them or not. Our society is developing and traditions are forming important part but not always crucial. This is why the homosexuality for instance is far better accepted than Muslims, it has no practical impact on anybody’s life, while thread of abusing woman from culturally different migrants is very real. As for the reaction political homosexualism it is a different point, here the tradition is acting in the way of setting a standard for common sense which is much deeper mental brand than religious teaching of any kind.
The difference between culturally homogeneous and traditional society is by my opinion important in a way that there can be culturally homogeneous society which is developing through various inputs but remains culturally coherent while traditional society is restricted from cultural developing by set of old teachings which may by passing time became obsolete, even toxic sometimes. As for multicultural societies I don’t understand them, but sometimes I imagine them as a mesh of individuals or a little groups of people who are holding on their old teachings in obsolete and toxic ways to keep forcefully their identity together. With all negative consequences.
So Muslim diaspora in Christian cultural background may prove toxic and so can be the other way around. So the question for me is not whether the Islam, Christianity, U.S. way of life (for whatever it may be) or whatever else is good or evil, but whether is it really good to export anybody’s values and culture to other place. I’m not disputing the long record of mutual cultural enrichment of human populations, but maybe is good to give it it’s “natural” pace and not to force it.
To Ilja, 8th November 2019:
As you wrote you are from Middle Europe it should be more accurate if you are aware of the following:
Within the EU each 4th/5th woman has been (mostly by men) hit and raped. This has been documented by EU.
Far too many cases as, for example in Austria, Austrian women have been murdered by their husbands, spouses, friends who, much to my regret, are Austrians, or in a wider scope Europeans (usually because they either want a divorce, or just want to live the friend, husband or spouse).
In far too many European countries (again, as above, being documented) are just somehow women mobbed, sometimes even harassed if they have professions more done by men this doesn’t exclude academic ones. Moreover, women are in many professions very much the minority still up today.
Not to forget, that the women rights in Europe are something not so “very old” as your comment will might be want to believe. We Europeans have mostly inherited the old Roman Laws. Roman Laws had the right of women strict and extremely under the patronage (as law) of men (either father or husband or in case of orphans another relative). Only due to the two World Wars and especially after the forming of the UNO-stipulations more rights for women were released, slowly.
Concerning customs: Just look how this changed; and if you look into the Middle Ages of Europe the “punishments” and “Death Penalties” were horrible.
And in some countries of Europe even farmers couldn’t obtain farmland until the middle of the 19th century.
But most of all: we Europeans, and especially true for Middle Europe, are a mix of many different invaders forming mixed customs. Customs usually are formed throughout the times and nothing is fixed. Nowadays even our language obtains already for daily use extremely many American way of life-words. Which changes too our customs maybe quite much more quicker than in praevious times.
To read our own histories is always extremely useful and not to forget how many words out of Arabic have been introduced into natural sciences (also into other areas).
Hi Monnalisa,
thanks for long a detailed reply. For the level of (usually domestic) violence on women experienced by Europeans – I’m perfectly aware of that. That’s way I’ve wrote “we respect women in another way” not “We respect women better”. There is certainly a lot of thing, which can be developed and a lot of them, which remaining more or less constant. The use of violence in human relationships is by my opinion very slowly decreasing, varying vastly in different social classes. On of significant development is that in Europe, contrary to very big part of the world it is becoming at least documented- Saker once published quite interesting interwiev with Ramzan Kadyrov- the Chechen leader, who was reporting about behaviour to homosexuals in Chechen’s society like there are no such people- trully- once you refuse to report the problems, they disappear from public.
I’m aware about the question of the woman’s right in political discussion is quite a new concept, but the human right in a modern, secular form is a new concept as well. We can maybe trace it back to French revolution with declaration of universal human rights. But one thing is the political/ ethical concept and another one is the way people actually live- it is developing for eternity.For instance European model of marriage insist on model one man/ one woman- this is based on Christianity and contrary to Muslim model one man/ as much woman, as you can feed – our marriage treats woman equal to man in this very core of the society- the family.
Historical reference for certain human movements is always an enrichment, but unfortunately I’m technician, not systematically educated in this field.
What I’ve wanted to say before is that I completely agree with Saker that political islamophobia is cheap use of painted boogey man for another purposes, but on the other hand there is very natural resistance to a different cultural models within homogeneous society. Like it or not. As I’ve already outlined, I have no personal experience with multi cultural societies and their approach to such inputs.
To Ilja:
Thanks for your comment.
I would like to point out as you mentioned “four women to marry” that in Islam the man who wants to marry more than one woman has the obligation to divide everything between all his wives and to care for all his children. This means too his time for each woman. This means that it would be really difficult for a husband to divide everything equally for his wives. And income levels in a society, especially even for the middle class would have difficulties to be able do this if children are to take care of (good schools are usually very expensive only the public schools are free). Moreover, husbands are – according to Islamic law – forbidden to take any amount of the wealth of women brought with into themarraige. Only the very wealthy would be able to do divide equally between his more than one woman. Don’t confuse Islam with Wahhabism which is something that started out of a small town in Saudi Arabia during the end of the 18th century AD. Wahhabism had no real significance until the seventies/eighties of the last century and with the help and support of US American policy could spread more and more (especially with the money out of oil made). Moreover, many citizen of other societies (Islamic and otherwise) started to get good paid jobs in Saudi Arabia during the third of last century. Therefore Wahhabism customs and “indoctrination” spread more easily within other Islamic oriented countries.
If I look at our Europe nowadays I would like to point out that concerning women the excess input of whores and far too many certain “night clubs” isn’t very favorable for the normal women, especially married ones and their children. This goes hand in hand with a grown society too much “instrumentalized” for sex and therefore as to many want to have more and more sex defunctioning families mostly through mass media leading to the point that far too many individuals think that its quite “normal” to have a girlfriend or friend beside their marriage bond. Just look at that point and all what goes within this trend (paedophilia comes too into this “play” and young girls raped).
With this trend the children have been left out and somehow alone.
Mona, I do like your comments. As for the Harem, I have a family story to tell you. This was in the days of my Great Grand Father, the days when Ottomans ruled all of Greek Lands. Before I start, I am from the heart of Greece otherwise known as Thessaly. Some Turk roamed around our neighborhood with his goons who converted to Islam, not willingly mind you. While he was around his eye caught one of the local girls and ordered her to be captured and transported to his palace in Asia Minor (known as Turkey today). Her father, who happened to be loaded, offered 5000dinars (some people called talary as well) to bring her back. My Great-Grand Uncle (my Great Grandfathers brother) went and brought her back. Half of Ottoman’s army was chasing him all over Balkans and did not manage to catch him and the girl he stole from the Harem. THe story did not end there, but I will not go past that point.
Small lesson of history. When Turkmen came down from their Turkmenistan layer they first went to Arabian peninsula, where they converted to Islam, then they collected huge muslim army and went to conquer the Greek Lands (known as Byzantium) it took them 250years to do that.
Here is only one video regarding the said Turks (Greeks who had to convert in order not to be slaughtered:
“ΑΠΟΚΑΛΥΨΗ” 15.000.000 ΚΡΥΠΤΟΧΡΙΣΤΙΑΝΟΙ ΣΤΗΝ ΤΟΥΡΚΙΑ – 15.000.000 Gizli Hıristiyanlar türkiye’de
15mln crypto Christians in Turkey
Here is one more example (ROMEYİKA’NIN TÜRKÜSÜ – Turkish Greeks) (ROMEYİKA’NIN – means Romans )
Sorry Saker for I do not not share your sentiment.
To Anonius:
Mixing any religion with politics will not lead to better understanding.
What do you think that had happened when Portugiese or Spaniards conquered Middle- and South-America ? Did those inhabitants by free will convert to Christianity ?? I doubt.
I doubt too that in Africa most inhabitants didn’t freely convert to Christianity and so with other colonized lands/countries.
You know surely how American soldiers behaved and – who knows ? – still behave in some Middle Eastern countries ? How many women have been raped in front of their children and husbands in Afghanistan ?
I think when individuals do their duties (mostly men however women too; no exception as known from Iraq) as soldiers in military they easily after a certain point go somehow “wild” and forget “humanity” as well as we all on our earth should care about each other as well as for our environment. Sometimes those individuals do it out of fear, or for more money (like this US officer women did, as she said in an interview afterwards that she wanted to own a house (or whatever her military title was, I forgot)), or to show how “tough” they are.
This is the tragedy of our human race. We developed one part of our brain in sciences and its good adaptions but we didn’t change much and almost didn’t develop much more when it comes to the way of thinking for the common good. Reading scriptures from Roman Empire times shows this clearly – almost no difference today I would say.
Mona, organized religion is nothing but politics of power over human mind. I’ll try to to explain without getting into pile of manure. First of all Rome as Western Empire seized to exist in early AD. When the West is talking about Roman Empire they are talking about Germanic Controlled Rome.
Here is a good (I have a problem with few points here) timeline
What you must remember is “Who Rules”. Germanic tribes were known to be very aggressive and barbaric. Slav history can attest to this. one example is kingdom of Czechs, circa VIII AD, when Germans (Papal Rome) walked in destroyed Orthodox churches, murdered Methody and Cyril and turned Czechy into Catholic state. Polish Prince Mieszko seeing that dumped his Czech wife (they had a son Bolesław Chrobry, who was later crowned by Roman Emperor) married German woman and accepted Catholicism to be safe from German hordes. Mind you it did not help the Poles anyway. In Russia, Prince Alexander Nevski decided to stand his ground and destroy the invading Germans, the Germans sort of stayed away until 1410, when the between Western Envadors on one side and Poles, Russians on the other put an end to Germanic apettite, at least for a while. Later on the wars were not called religious but simply wars of aggression. How could they, Poles and Czechs were Catholic and all Russian people Orthodox Christians.
So, let’s get back to Spain, Portugal, France, UK in Africa, America. Holland and UK in South Asia. No different. Pattern is all the same. Poles have excellent expression for that behavior “Ogniem i mieczem – By fire and sword”. You will see that Orthodox church never used this tactic as it was based on Hellenic rules, which was all about humanity. People in the Near East joined Orthodoxy willingly.
So, I am ending by saying this: Things are never simple.
The Christianity, and Islam by definition were not militaristic religions.
Pleas look a little deeper into history of germanic tribes and who ruled them. By your wording you point out
Few centuries before the leaders of germanic tribes were murdered by Karl “the great” in what is known as “Verdener Blutgericht. ” The catholic Frank Karl asked the Germanic leaders to come to a meeting where due to the nature of the meeting they came unarmed.
Karls chronicler, a catholic monk, noted that 3400 of the germanic leaders were beheaded after attending unarmed.
Even from the name the “Holy Roman Empire Of German Nation” names the dual nature and the foreign influence.
My last comment on the subject. The far end of Turkey, yet another stolen Greek Land converted to Islam known as Kappadokia. One of my close friends is married to a lady from Kappadokia.
This old lady with Greek name (Katina (Kathy) Farasopoulou) sings in Turkish Greek song Koniali.
Κατίνα Φαρασοπούλου – Κόνιαλι- Παραδοσιακό της Καππαδοκίας
The same song in Pontic Greek (for a change they use an instrument from my “country” clarinet)
Mona, I have at least sketchy idea what any Muslim man should do before marrying another woman. A spoke about that with more than one Muslim before. Still, there is no chance for Muslim woman to marry more than one man. There is no equality in such matters. Not even remote. I’m not judging this, I’m just glad, that this behavior have no place in my country. We will not tolerate this. Saker’s dear friend Sheik Imran Hossein… I’ve heard one of his youtube lectures- he spoke about girls are ready to be married when their period begun because this is oGod’s sign they are ready. To a much older man, I suppose. So given into count the age of such girl- he meant an arranged marriage. This is definitely out of my middle European culture. No compatibility possible now nor in the future, I hope. I’m pretty sure that in real (European part, not Dagestan or Chechnia) Russia, not some Saker’s idealized one they would peel of his skin for such proposal.
Anonius- glad to hear someone knows about ancient history of Czechs- most people don’t know about the nation, not to mention any historical facts. As a Czech, I’m pleased! Thank you!
A very thoughtful and thorough analysis. Thank you for that. I was very impressed by that fact you took a University course in Sharia. Truly admirable legacy in truth-seeking
Many thanks, Dear Saker for this excellent article…!
Regards from Buenos Aires, Argentina..!
Saker, A brilliant essay. You really have attacked the most common misconceptions especially how incorrect it is to compare Mohammed and Jesus, when he should in fact be compared with another Christian prophet.
Another great argument: “NO religious text worth anything is self-explanatory or “explains itself” by means of comparing passages. This is also why all major religions have a large corpus of texts which explain, interpret, expand upon and otherwise give the (deceptively simple looking) text its real, profound, meaning. Furthermore, most major religions also have a rich oral tradition which also sheds light on written religious documents.” This is what Sheikh Imran Hosein would probably refer to as “Proper methodology” (his words, not mine!).
When parts of a religious text have been misappropriated as military doctrine, both Muslims and Christians have a duty to identify those passages that have been lifted out of context, and reclaim the narrative. For example the Clinton’s “humanitarian war” was lifted out of Augustine of Hippo’s “Just war” theory. I am not familiar with the muslims texts, but I have seen many videos where Sheikh Imran Hosein goes to great length to describe the difference “jihad” and “bogus jihad”. (his words)
Finally, genuine misconception about Islam is not Islamophobia. Islamophobia is a fairly recent phenomenon, manufactured by certain agents in the West who have whipped up a vicious media campaign and stage-managed terrorist attacks. It is accompanied by an increased surveillance of the internet, reduction of civil liberties (patriot act after 9/11), introduction of of “hate speech” laws such as those in France (after Charlie Head and Bataclan) which equate criticism of a country’s political actions as racist or antisemitic. Islamophobia also has the added benefit of maintaining a constant level of fearfulness in the population which makes them very to manipulate. There is nothing Muslims do about this. It’s like Russiagate or Skripal affair. It is devoid anything rational.
‘manufactured by certain agents in the West who have whipped up a vicious media campaign and staged managed terrorist attacks’ Well said! Any idea who they might be and why is it so difficult to identify them, it’s not the people who control the media, is it? Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhush……………….don’t want to offened anyone……….do we?
Living in the ‘west’ I can only find islamiphobia in the MSM, tv, radio, print, online, I don’t see moms pulling thier kids off the street because there’s an islamist around……………wouldn’t even know what one looks like other than the atypical ‘hollywood’ sterotype.
Really, one only need look at the cesspool the Apartheid Occupation has made of Palestine, the unmitigated mass murder of innocents to see where, when, why and how the manufacturing of ‘islamaphoiba comes about’
Perhaps the real reason for the Islamphobia propaganda is the fact that Islam forbids usury?
The usury banking criminals who own the NY Federal Reserve Bank, in addition to owning every single member of the US Congress for at least the past 100 years, also control most media and education in the USA.
Also justifies these same usury banking criminals and their allies the MIC in their incessant robbing and killing millions of Islamics?
‘Ridiculous’: Denmark Enraged as EU-Funded Turkish Report Brands It ‘Islamophobic’
“The 800-page European Islamophobia Report 2018 reprimands Denmark for “exclusionary” political campaigns, which allegedly lead to everyday discrimination of Muslims being “normalised”.
Among other things, the report cited Denmark’s notorious “Burqa ban”, “discriminatory” laws, and “widespread rhetoric on the supposed incompatibility of Islam with ‘Danishness’”. Denmark is also accused of having abandoned its democratic ways and effectively become an “ethnocracy”.
The Denmark part of the controversial report was penned by Sibel Özcan and Zeynep Bangert, both ethnic Turks educated and now working in Denmark. Among other examples of Denmark’s alleged anti-Muslim stance, former Immigration Minister Inger Støjberg received an honourable mention for claiming that the Danish population is at risk during Ramadan, the Muslim month of fasting.”
The danish response can be safely paraphrased as “we danes, loyal subjects of the israeli judeo-white-suppremacist-fascist empire, reject this report criticising our fullfillment of the israeli ordained Islamophobia.”
While it is true that some “Muslim” states/empires in the past have committed crimes against Russian (and Serbian, Bulgarian) people, like the Ottoman Empire for example, I think that “the west” has done much more harm to Russia over the centuries than “the Muslims”. All we have to do is look at the invasions of Russia: most of them came from the west. And then there is the fact of all the radical groups (poor misguided cannon fodder) that the west (together with Israel and KSA) has militarily and financially supported against Russia (and against the USSR) and is still supporting! The fact is Muslims are a part of Russia and Russian society because they did not arrive to Russia from somewhere else, like a former colony perhaps.. Russian Muslims are native to the lands where they live and have been living for hundreds of years. I cannot say the same about Western Europe or the US.
One more thing that unites Russians and Muslims, is that both Russia and the Muslim world (the middle east) have been victims of western aggression, in the form of the Crusades. Not a lot of people realize that the Crusades were also aimed against Russia and against Orthodox Christianity (russopobia exists since the middle ages, it is not something that NATO or the Atlantic Council created – they are simply reusing it). The demonisation of Russia and the Muslim world is also occurring in the media, there are a lot of stereotypes specially created in Hollywood about the “scary beaded Muslim guy” and “ominous guy with thick Russian accent and nukes”.
The west is something that is foreign to Russia (and to Muslims), and vice versa. Most Russians see what is going on in the west, for example how the western religions have become compromised to the point that now there are homosexual “Christian” priests in some European countries.
This is an excellent point Ivanych: Russia never experienced colonial Islam. This is also why I do not believe (as Saker does) that Russia can be a model of muslim-christian co- existence for the ex Ottoman countries. I think this model is more likely to come from Armenia or Syria.
IMHO the best thing Muslims can do when discussing the Ottoman empire with the Orthodox christians is simply to condemn their crimes and distance themselves from it. That’s it. Nothing more is required as far as I’m concerned!
Also, while we all agree that Christians have committed many crimes, this in no way absolves the Muslims of their crimes. There are some who want to play a completely pointless numbers game about who killed more millions of people, Christians or Muslims.. all I can say is iif one includes the Armenian, Greek, and Assyrian genocides perpetrated by the Ottomans the contest may not be as one-sided as one would think….
The fact is, today the biggest enemy we all have is the empire and it’s minions/ proxies. The situation of Muslims and especially the Arabs is incredibly difficult. While we live in extremely dark times, I think our side can take comfort in our extremely strong leadership, Assad and Putin at al.
“IMHO the best thing Muslims can do when discussing the Ottoman empire with the Orthodox christians is simply to condemn their crimes and distance themselves from it. That’s it. Nothing more is required as far as I’m concerned!”
As a Muslim, I agree with the above statement. The crimes of the ottoman empire are to the eternal shame of Muslims all around the world.
I support attempts such as those done by Sheikh Imran Hosein to bring forth Muslim Orthodox reconciliation and to call a spade a spade when talking about Ottoman oppression.
With Love,
What a beautiful message!
Yes I agree the Sheik is great. Awab, we know what your people have gone through and are still going through.
“Out of suffering have emerged the greatest souls” Kh. Gibran
On a personal level, I thank you for your comment. Take care Awab!
Great article. The real enemy of the Peoples of the World is unrestrained International Zionism, IMHO.
There are many elected in the Congress and Senate who hold two passports. That should be unacceptable. Either you hold a US citizenship only or you do not hold office. We need not go into the ownership of financial institutions, media, and etc.
Nor do the “International Zionists” consist only of one “tribe.” There are many of different backgrounds who see advantage in supporting IZ.
What is obvious to me is the amount of unwarranted, unrestrained power the IZs have in the USG and in society. It must be stopped, but I don’t know how.
The whole Islamophobia thing is the result of a strategy of tension, the once dominate European culture is deliberately downplayed, white males and female looked down on as oppressors, traditional morality is relegated to a Christian fundementalist ghettowhile non-reliable narrators like the New York Times Lament the rise of hate — which is always against immigrants and sexual/religious minorities and never against a country that the Empire seeks to destroy. It was never considered bad to hate Saddam.
On the matter of Sharia law, it seems that a kernel of concern is justified, in that judicial elites see it as an opportunity to further monkey with our dwindling legal protection — which again is part of the strategy.
The Jewish owned and, mostly, staffed NYT, criticises others for hate. There’s a fine old irony and a deal of projection there, that’s for sure. Israel is an island of love and human solidarity, is it not.
Islamophobia is not unfounded. There are definitely Muslims, even Americanized ones, who walk around thinking “if non-Muslim looks at my sister, I kill.” The sword waving maniac is dramatization, and usually a protestant cia creep dressed up for show, but it’s based on something. Islam is not, alas, the truth and leads its followers away from God. And tell me you didn’t think of censoring that comment . . .
It’s further true, however, that America will make Muslims into cheap, sexual pervert, brand whores. They will have no tradition within a generation. They’ll be as Muslim as Nancy Pelosi is Italian Catholic. Look at these “Muslim” women in politics. Does anyone realize, the minute these women are born, they’re put into feminist indoctrination classes. When they land here, you’ll find them in fed buildings, taking finishing school classes: How-to-be-Hilary-Clinton 101. That’s the reality. Islam is no match for Lucifer.
Lastly, ask yourself, why would a Muslim come here? This place was once a land to restart your life, without having to sacrifice your soul (oftentimes.) There was nothing good about how people came here. I am simply saying, for a long time, you did not have to become a sodomite, eat toxic food, breath toxic air. Nowadays, the first thing North America asks for is your soul. Anyone coming here is a person who has already given up. Islamaphobia is justified, but only for a second, because liberalism is a monster that will eat alive all but the Truth.
Some additional points along this line, as there can be more than one point of view.
“Christians believe in three gods, but there is only one god.”
“Christians believe in a god who died, but a real god can’t die”.
These are some common conceptions amongst muslims today.
Christianity and Islam appear to be incompatible.
In 723 Charles Martel stopped the muslim invaders at the battle of Poitiers,
The plan was to conquer Christendom.
800 years later, in 1529, muslims attacked Vienna, to conquer Christendom.
Again in 1683, they lay siege to Vienna, and nearly conquered.
Today there is Colonel Gaddafi’s famous quote
“There are signs that Allah will grant Islam victory in Europe – without swords, without guns, without conquests. The 50 million Muslims of Europe will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades.”
Something to think about.
I rather think about what the europeans did to Qaddafi and his country in a few days. What they, by the way have done to the entire third world for centuries. Funny enough some turk is promising the same thing too. This time from Syria destroyed by the west too!
Here is something to think about: Look at what is in your face once in a while instead. So far you have been killing and destroying our nations for centuries, regardless of the delusions of dead men the likes of Qaddafi. Did the muslim population in his own country manage to turn his stupid face into a muslim before taking on europe? It is so far you, who have colonized, plundered and killing us by the millions, remember that, next time the devil whispers in your ears!
Imagine Europeans whining about being ‘colonised’. I wonder what the ghosts of the tens of millions exterminated as Europe colonised the world (make that hundreds of millions)for 500 years think of that humbug?
Minute by Minute,
In Libya under Ghadafi the central bank crated money out of nothing and lent it to people without interest.
When Ghadafi wanted to use gold dinars in trade with his African neighbours France felt threatened, a few emails went back and forth and Libya got attacked.
The first thing the “Liberators” did was to create a central bank that asked interest for money created out of nothing.
Please do not blame “western” people for that.
Wasn’t it Stalin who said that the best revolutionary was a youth with no morals? How wrong he was!
The best revolutionary is someone who commits suicide by strapping a bomb to their person on and in the name of Allah to kill the infidels. And of course to push the agenda one is of course promised 70 virgins in heaven?
I can’t begin to imagine what his thoughts and actions would have been to watch the jihad go about their daily business?
What Stalin would have done if he had been faced with jihad against him and his forces? I imagine he would have gone nuclear?
Yeah, Islamphobia came for me when I came across the news of those three 16 year old teenage Christian schoolgirls who were murdered beheaded actually in Indonesia.
Nice eh?
Next to this I worked with and befriended an expat Syrian who had married a Canadian girl which shocked me because of the vast difference in culture. Late 1990’s.
It was then that I read about and followed news and a docu out of America about an American girl who lost all her children because of her husband an expat middle eastern who decided unbeknownst to her that America wasn’t the place for him. He returned taking the children with them against their mothers wishes and she paid the price and a terrible price it was to!
Could it be more laughable Milan, can it even be possible? So you became an islamophobe, when you heard the news about 3 christian girls being murdered in some far away muslim country. Funny though it didn´t happen when 911 was going on! What about 500 000 children, would that be worth your boiling blood. What about the the order to kill every single male in Philippines??? What about your soldiers going on rape sorties and kill and burn the bodies of the entire families of the little girls to cover it up? What about the 170 000 000 victims of yours for the last 100 years??? What about entire continents plundered and destroyed? Would that make your list???
How foolish of your Syrian friend. He should have made sure to convert to american before entering the country! How dare he be different! Don´t these arabs get american with their mothers milk???? What world we are living in???
What a horrible thing a father does, not believing in the lies and the glitter of the degenerate west. Maybe he should have left his children in order for his 3 year old childen to learn how to sexually satisfy his classmates in the name of freedom, democracy and all that jazz!
Every day we muslims pray for enemies like you! You are a gift!
@ minute by minute
Okay, just back up a moment really. 2 wrongs never make a right and I am not one of those who support the killing of any. As for my Syrian friend my multi cultural society is very accepting but if I on the other hand went to Syria and married a girl from there would I be as accepted into their culture as he was in mine? Further how would two cultures and families on the other side of the world ever be a family a true family really? so what’s the motive for leaving Syria for the land of promise? Money? A better life? And then guess what? He tells me if war breaks out he would immediately leave his family here to fight for his homeland.
As for the father who left with his children I would think one should learn about the culture one wishes to move to and vice versa for the American girl before one jumps into bed. What you think it was right for this guy to take the children and leave a mother with no means of either seeing her children or for that matter asking her to leave with them? If she knew beforehand her husbands wishes he would have faced a very difficult escape and would probably have left alone. Further to make a judgment that everyone over here is a pedophile and such my word I can only reply to that well maybe this father who left would teach those children the jihad way and become the next sacrifices!
O good grief.
It is past 2am here and I will do the sacrificing in the hope of some enlightenment.
Let me tell you about the young daughter of an important Ayatollah, who went to his father and told him, that he must either sends her abroad or she will kill herself! Faced with choices like that and he being an Ayatollah, he decides to send her to Malaysia or Indonesia thinking, that she will be among muslims. But something funny happens on the way and she ends up in the usa, where she opens office for better relations between …….wait for it…….. not usa and Iran but………. Israhell!
The daughter of an Ayatollah shouting: Give me the west or give me death! I wonder how this love and passion for the west entered the mind of this Ayatollah girl, all western before being able to spell America! So why do they go to the land of milk and honey? Maybe they love the slave labor in California, or love the smell of toilet in the morning. Take your own pick! Personally I would not go there, even if paradise is there and all the milk and honey for all the money in the world. But I do dream of seeing their cities burn to ashes before I die!
With regards to pedophiles, I have not mentioned a word about it. Maybe English is not where you shine best. But I do hope, that you take a look at un and sex education to small children as young as 3 years old. It is after all a human right, right? Maybe you should read about teaching school children to give each other oral sex. It is the future baby!
Dear Minute,
there is no better way how to deconstruct Islamophobia than to admit you are dreaming of seeing American cities burned to ashes, I suppose :-)
For me this is an crystal clear evidence that our cultures should not be mixed, especially not in big doses. I can tell you I deeply disagree with our western “exports of democracy” and foolish attempts to “integrate” millions of refugees at the same time.
As for the smell of the toilet in the morning, there is definitely such possibility for Persians in the west, but take Dr. Falzur Khan or Zaha Hadid for an example that it is not always ending this way. This is written with my full awareness of that I’ve just call integration not to be possible. There are always exceptions, but single cases-this makes world more beautiful.
Children in the kindergarten doesn’t actually learning how to sexually satisfy their classmates. They will learn themselves later :-) They are learning, with all regards to their age, what the sex is. I know, you’ve got the book for it, one book for everything, I’m not going to pretend I can understand that. This is that mutually exclusive cultural part, I know.
I’m not a big fan of Americans, they are “de facto” occupying my country nor a big fan of Russians -they’ve occupied my country before, but I see it somehow good that God has first given the atomic bomb to both of them. Maybe that is the reason, why your beautiful cities are still standing.
You see beautiful cities and I see rivers of blood running beneath every street, blood of billions upon billions of people who´s countries have been destroyed, wealth has been plundered, their dreams of a better life shattered and their lives destroyed. That is your cities! The western world is nothing and their societies will crumble without the theft and plunder of the poor. The last thing the west wants is freedom and democracy. The entire house of card of the western world will fall apart, the moment the poor people of this world achieve true independence.
If you are searching for justification for your racism, you are barking at the wrong door. I could not care less about your country. I am talking about britain, france and usa, I do not hide the fact, that I despise usa and everything it stands for. I do not pretend to be an armchair humanist. Those who are, should tell it to millions upon millions of and going victims of usa. It has committed astronomical crimes, for which mankind has to yet invent a fitting punishment. Just because they talk and walk like humans it doesn´t make them one. The likes of you seem to forget, that it is you killing us by the millions and you destroying our nations! Save me the good intentions of a racist!
For your information, I have been living most of my life in the west. I love the country where I live and if needed, you can be sure, that I will defend it with my life, which I consider an honor! To burst your racist bobble, I was told decades ago by the authorities, that I was the best integrated individual in the entire county, where I live. Whether you live to be a racist or not, is up to you. I have never met any racist, who was not an ignorant idiot, a scared chicken and an egoist or a fool trying to cover their own inadequacies with amongst others futuristic statistics. I was once travelling by train and by accident sat beside a racist lawyer, who actually presented me with the same blind racist argument as yours. I asked him to tell me, how many immigrants he knew. I asked him, if he knew 10 000, or 5000, or 1000 or 100 or A SINGLE ONE! It turned out, that he didn´t know a single one. I was the first immigrant, that he had ever talked to! Racism is taught and every idiot can be one, regardless of their degree! Take a look at the racist Russian Sputnik news. They think they are doing Russia or the world a favor by every day publishing something antimuslim, regardless of how ridiculous the news may be. I used to work at a tv station, that used to name the religion or the country of origins of a criminal, as if it is the cause of the crime. After doing this for years they suddenly found their humanity and stopped mention the religion or the country of origin of a criminal. I asked the editor in chief of the news of the channel, why did changed their policy, and he replied, that it was wrong!? I told him not to do us any favors! For years they had conditioned people to the idea, that muslims or people of muslim countries were criminals and by no long mentioning the nationality of the criminal, every single crime was automatically attributed to muslims by the people.
I do not know llija, where you come from or what education you have or how much money you have in your bank account, but you can be sure, that we Persians are the most educated minority in the west. Some years back the prime minister of Canada thanked the Islamic Republic for all the doctors and engineers, that had immigrated to Canada! Personally I have studies both nursing and journalism and when it comes to books, you have to spend a few lives to even come close to my level. It is not that I like to talk about myself. It is what it is. You feeling of superiority could not be more displaced. Tell it to the millions of Christians from Latin America cleaning the toilet for the 1% or the Chinese slave laborers in the usa. We the Persians were ruling the world, while the british were still jumping from treetop to treetop!
I don´t care, that what I say is not kosher, or doesn´t sound humanitarian! All the nations of the world have armies, but you don´t see them destroy country after country. The americans, the british and the french do, because they can, and because they know and feel, that they have impunity. Their leaders can´t even hold on to their zippers, but destroy country after country to show the American people, that they are presidential! It was only after bombing Syria, that the western media declared: He is now the president! Their president becomes presidential and their generals get yet an other star on their shoulders and their politicians get more money and power from their weapons industry……..! While their people drink their coffee at their favorite café and keep dancing at their favorite disco and cheer, while their sisters and brothers, fathers and mothers bomb our people to the tones of “Burn mother F…..ker Burn” from the speaker system of their tanks! The American people must suffer. Only when their cities burn to ashes, only one they have did day after day to find pieces of their fathers, mothers, sisters and brothers form the rubble, only when they have to find pieces of their newborns in the ashes, only when they children sit by the torn to pieces bodies of their fathers and mothers and find no mercy, only then maybe they will stop considering the murder of 500 000 children worth their policies! As I said, I wish to be alive to see it, on tv, while these animals dressed in human skin tear each other apart!
I am not a racist humanitarian like you! That is western too!
Since you asked about bookds, read “War is a racket” by the most decorated marine in the usa military history Smedly Butler!
Dear Minute,
I’m a racist in the sense of protecting my culture and way of life of my community for whatever it is. I do not think my culture to be superior to any other, but still I love my country most.
About levels of how high do I piss, or how many books I’ve read I can only congratulate you- you won! Enjoy it. Feel better? Good. Decorate me with names- racist? Feel even better ? Did it help? Good for you!
I have a lot of admiration for Persians, to admit. I’ve never never been to Iran, but my some of my friends were there and their feeling was always very positive. I know some basic facts about your long history, I like some of your architecture, I ‘d like to see your nature once and I admire your self-sustainability in the modern globalised world. That’s all.
I’m from Czech republic, former Czechoslovakia, so I’m from post communistic central Europe (first audiovizual theater in Azadi Tower came from my country). We are small nation of 10 millions but we have survived in our original borders for more than 1000 years, which is quite unique. Sometimes we were occupied, sometimes independent, mostly this was mixed. I was born into state socialism filled with memories of elders about WWII tragedies, our leaders were pointing fingers to our enemies, than was some revolutions and your former enemies became friends overnight. New friends take some short rest 5-10 years and than they started pointing fingers to our former friends to be enemies now and brought in some new ones. Muslims for instance. I am very skeptical to that. It is very hard for me to comprehend the hate based on political or religious ground. Level of hate you have towards Americans is for me something beyond understanding. We here are not integral part of the “West” as you call it, politically and economically yes, but not as equals, everybody knows i here and in the old EU too. We are more an undeclared colony, but on the other hand, we like a lot of west European things. Your language is very similar to Russians and we have a lot in common with Russians too. We were occupied by Austrians (2 hrs driving south from where i sit), by Germans (40min driving west), by Soviets… My great grandfather died in the concentration camp but I don’t feel hate towards Germans now. I felt it as a child, but I didn’t know them at the time, they were just abstract enemies behind the fence.
So when you talk about westerners to be exterminated and yet you know the people, because you have lived with them, it is for me hard to understand. My own feeling towards Muslims is just that I don’t want them in large numbers in our country (because we believe in rule of law over religion and they believe in Sharia, that’s incompatible and never will be), but unless they attack us there is no reason for attacking them. I know, Americans are attacking many countries for money (I’ve read Smedley Buttler years ago), others do it for influence, for religion or for old unresolved injustice. Americans are the Rome now but they will not hold this ground very long. There will be other Romes, there always will be violence and inequality. Because death is a part of life and every light has it’s shadows. Even if you will rule the world and finally start the rule of God and Truth, it wouldn’t come without suffering and injustice for many. You were the Rome once (in the time when British were jumping from treetop to treetop and we were standing below the trees impressed by their superior technology of jumping), but now it is long time gone, because nothing lasts forever. I hope neither the hate.
I have been to your country with nice memories of the people. But as you mention with regards to Romes, people do not stay the same either. Take a look at East Germany. I have never in my life met a people nicer that the East Germans, not before and not after the fall of the wall. Look at them now. I am sad to see, what they have turned into!
Trust me, you are a racist by all means. I don´t even thing, that I have ever called someone a racist in all the time, that I have been on the net. But I am telling you, you are. What do you think racism is. You are literally giving us the nazi excuse, but don´t seem to be able to connect the dots. It is normal though. One does, one can to justify it being it through logic, nationalism or even religion or science. At least be true to yourself. If anything, I am sad for you walking a path, which has and is and will bring misery and tragedy with it. There is nothing wrong to be a nationalist.. I am one and fell the same for two countries. As it is today whether it be muslim or christian morality, morality itself seems to be a danger to the degeneracy of the west.
Please do not pretend indignation, when someone gives a reply to you accusations and indignation. If you read my comment honestly, you will see, that half of your reply is based on things invented by yourself and attributed to me. This is not an honest way of discourse. With regards to the americans, you can call it hate or justice. Even the mighty americans have to dehumanize their victims before slaughtering them. Naturally they consider themselves to be the good and their millions of victims the evil incarnate. As I said, justice must be served and armchair humanism based on racist fear of Sharia, which by the way means the law, or none existing muslim invasion is just the other side of the coin of the same tragedies. The fact of the matter is, that if it was an eye for an eye, every american would go blind. That would be a sight to see!
With regards to books, I can not say, that they have ever brought me any joy in life. Those that see this world for what it is, can hardly enjoy the knowledge. Maybe you are the lucky one!
It is 01am here in Isfaha, the old capital city of Iran, and as usual I am having a hard time sleeping. Having read this article several times, I had originally decided not to comment on the article. But it seems to me, that a few clarifications are needed. Both Shia and Sunni relate to the hadith by the Prophet, where he declared 1400 years ago, that Islam will be divided into 73 “schools”, as the saker calls it. But according to the same hadith only one of them is the true Islam. This begs the question of “Which Islam”!? One cannot understand Islam or the history of Islam without understanding the differences between Sunni and Shia Islam. The problem does not end there, because The Quran itself differentiates between muslims and believers, where a muslim is whomever says Shahada for whatever reason, while the true believer in Islam is by The Quran called a believer. One can say a lot about muslim rulers, but a believer is the last thing they can be called except one: Imam Ali. He is the only ruler in the history of Islam, who followed the Islamic faith to the letter. All the rest of socalled Caliphs in the history of Islam were liars and usurpers, murderers and plunderers. Not long after The Prophets death, Ali himself described Islam as a beautiful fur coat, that was turned inside out. It may be of interest to the reader to know, that only a dozen of his true followers including Imam Ali took part in the burial of the man, whom they socalled believed to be a messenger of God. Some go even as low as 7 people! The ones, that had literally poisoned and killed him plotted against Ali, whom The Prophet himself on many occasions had declared as his true heir, while he was burring The Prophet and took the power becoming the first, the second and the third Caliph of Islam, all of them jews! Abu Bakr, the first one killed anybody including Fatima the daughter of our Prophet and her unborn son, not to mention entire tribes, who did not accept him as the true Caliph. The second one gave his generals incentives in the form of percentages of their war booty, who in return conquered, plundered and destroyed the Persian empire. The third Caliph of our sunni brothers destroyed whatever was left of the society created by Mohammad in Medina to the point, where the daughter of the first Caliph Aisha, the socalled 6 year old 21 year old bride of our prophet, who by the way was the very person, that poured the poison down the throat of our Prophet, called upon the muslims in the mosque built by The Prophet himself to: killed that old beared jew, before he leaves nothing left of the religion of The Prophet! That is according to the holiest of holy sunni books the sahih!
If the first 3 caliph were Fabian jews, the entire Ommiad dynasty beginning with the 6. Caliph were all jews. The 6. Caliph Moavia had declared openly, that his mission was to remove the name of our Prophet Mohammad from history, while his son Yazid slaughtered Hussein the grandson of our Prophet. And when his generals brought him Imam Hussein´s head, he began beating the head with a stick and declaring, that there was no Islam or Prophet and that Mohammad had lied in order to rule over the arabs. Did I mention, that he was a jew too, following jewish prophecy!
If it sounds complicated, it is because it is. Considering the above is it reasonable to differentiate between the religion of Islam and the history of Islam, which is at best a contradiction to the Islamic faith?!
P.S. Saker, I have not forgotten our discussion. I have been ill the entire time, I have been in Iran and will try my best to do as mentioned.
Best wishes
But both Sunni and Shia believe in the same Quran, don’t they? Don’t both condemn the ‘associators’?
Actually Anon the Sunni are told to believe, that we the Shia have a different Quran! Regardless the very first weapon the jews used to destroy Islam was the very Quran, that you are talking about. When The Prophet Muhammad was dying, he asked for pen and paper in order to write his last testament, but the jew Omar, who was appointed by his coconspirator the first Caliph Abu Bakr as the second Caliph, took the pen and shredded the paper proclaiming, that The Prophet was delirious and The Quran was all they needed! Funny enough both the Sunni and Shia have mentioned the same many hadiths from The Prophet warning muslims of the day, when some people will declare, that only The Quran alone is the guidance for muslims. It is written in Both the Sunni Sahih and Shia history, that The Prophet repeated time after time, that he leaves two things behind for his followers in order to be saved, which can not be separated from each other until the end of time; The Quran and his progeny! According to both Shia and Sunni The Prophet declared, that he will be followed by 12 imams, which he mentioned by name. Following this logic all of the Caliphs except Imam Ali and Imam Hassan were illegitimate according to the hadiths and the sunna of our Prophet. The enemies of the prophet fixed the problem by making reciting any hadith by The Prophet as punishable by even death for almost a 100 years after the assassination of our Prophet. But the usurper jews calling themselves Caliphs had to justify and legitimize their actions, so they hired the jew Kabul al ahbar and the scum like Abu Huraira to manufacture thousands upon thousands of hadith attributed to The Prophet. Still the very first person to ever lie about the sunna of our Prophet was the first Caliph Abu Bakr, when he not only took the power but also make sure to leave Imam Ali without economic means by falsifying a hadith contradicting even The Quran only a few days after killing our Prophet. Being the good jews they were, they knew the power of wealth too, so they took away the land, that The Prophet himself had given to his daughter Fatima, the wife of Imam Ali, the true heir to the muslims by declaring, that The Prophet had told him personally, that Prophets don´t leave inheritance behind! They needed to destroy the sunna of our Prophet from memory and replace it with a manufactured sunna in order to justify their actions They falsified the history of the Prophet and his sunna, and gave themselves glories never achieved in real life. Even the mighty George Orwell swallowed it all line, hook and sinker! In his book on history he described Omar the second Caliph as the bastion of morality, dignity and integrity and as the person, who saved our Prophet from himself time and again! But in reality Omar the jew was a true coward and ran from the battlefield time and time again. Suffice to say, that the year before our Prophet conquered Mecca, he gathered his followers outside the city and decided to send someone to negotiate a deal with the meccans. Whenever they mentioned the name of someone suitable for the mission, they had to disregard the man, because of the risk of vengeance on the part of the meccans, because it turned out, that the candidate had killed some enemy of our Prophet in some battle against the meccans. They searched and searched and finally found a muslim, who had never shed any meccan blood during all the battles against them. That man was Omar, who famously ran from almost any battlefield to save his own skin. The fun part of the story is, that during same the same gathering our Prophet forced Omar to make an oath and promise to never again run to safety during future battles!!!
This is the story of Islam in a nut shell or rather the history of Islam is the tragedy of Islam!
The matter in discussion here was the Quran condemnation and cursing of those who say that ‘Allah is one of three in a Trinity’, i.e. the Christians. The squabbles for primacy between Shia and Sunni are totally irrelevant. They both follow the same Quran, they both curse the Christians. But that’s the real tragedy of Islam.
Anon, that part of the discussion is going on below. As I have mentioned about it is problematic to attribute to Islam the history, which has been shaped by anything but the religion of Islam. I did write a reply to Stand Easy below, but it was not uploaded or overlooked. If you are writing provocative statements in order to fish information, it is fine with me. And if you are an army of hasbara under the name Anonymous it is fine with me too. But anybody with a rudimentary knowledge of The Quran knows, that as much as it declares the jews as our enemy (in todays world the Zionists) and forbids us from alliance not only with them but also anybody else being their allies, it declares the Christians as friends. At the same time our religion recognizes both and calls them the people of the book, which means a recognitions as true religios with true prophets of God with all the respect and privilege, that it demands. This is an ideological battle, where according to us the jewish leaders and Christian leaders including Paul distorted and falsified the word of God. It has nothing to do with the a billion christians as individuals, whom by the way openly declare day and night, that the rest of us are lost cause without the salvation by their mangod! What a word!
Don´t be hypocrites. Day after day, month after month, year after year you attack our religion and tell lies. I just mentioned, what we believe Paul to be. Look at this article by our Saker with all the good intentions it is written with and all the accusations and insinuations it applies. Like the Saker I had to study amongst others kant and even Saint Augustine´s disputation on Trinity in the university. And I tell you, that they can hold all the meeting they want; it does not compute. Any God that is subject to anything is not a God and any man inventing a mangod is not a worshipper of God!
To quote the character of Mark Antony, in the acclaimed TV series Rome of a few years back, in his rejoinder to a pandering sycophant: “Fork of Juno, what kak you speak!” Do you even know the difference between fact and fiction? You are most definitely the worst enemy of your tribe on this blog. Take pity on your people man!
Jin, I can not be responsible for your lack of knowledge. Maybe you should try reading a book instead of watching acclaimed tv series skewing your sense of fact and fiction. Personally I learned to differentiate between the two while studying journalism. Why don´t you read and learn instead. At least show us, that you have a clue about the subject. I used to say, that I know enough in this life for my urine to have a couple of PhD. I have been waiting for a long time for someone to impress me with their knowledge. Read and learn, because all you get otherwise is regurgitation upon regurgitation! When someone like Orwell gets it so wrong, I doubt that some sycophant like you even counts! Don´t feel sad, I am just throwing back some of your own words.
Causes of Islamaphobia
(I’m doing this from memory. Please excuse errors.)
1. For Judaism to have a lock on monotheism, knowledge of other, monotheistic religions had to be suppressed. E.g. Zoroastrianism, and also knowledge of Jewish polytheism pre-Babylon. The mission of St. Paul converted Christianity from strict monotheism to the Trinity. Along came Islam, with its strict monotheism, but also its inclusiveness. The exclusiveness of Judaism versus the inclusiveness of Islam is, in my opinion, a problem for those who want to be chosen and above all others. How can God grant special privilege to one tribe when approx. one-fourth of the world accepts monotheism? The answer is to deny that Allah and Yahweh represent the same ideal, though obviously they do.
2. The MIC needs someone to hate in order to justify atrocities against them, using expensive ordnance of course. It’s okay to murder Muslims en masse; otherwise profits suffer.
3. Let’s face it. Tribal people from MENA do not mix well with Europeans. It’s too hard, mentally, to attribute this dislike to culture. Easier to blame it on Islam.
4. Catholics are pro-Pope, Protestants anti, by definition. Islam tends to make the Pope irrelevant.
Actually James, Shia Imams cursed the jew Paul as one of the 5 most evil men to have ever walked the earth, who was tasked by the jews to destroy christian covenant with God. Our Imams cursed him for exactly what you mention.
Why do Shia Imams like to curse others, whether they’re Muslims (Sunni) or Christians?
The Imams curse St. Paul because the Quran itself curses the ‘Trinitarian associators’. This fact casts more light on the Judeo-Christian-Nazarene (more Jewish than Christian) origins of Islam itself. St. Paul is reviled by the Jews precisely because of his ‘betrayal’ of ‘pure monotheism’ and ‘invention’ of the divinity of Christ.
It is at least intriguing that a Shia luminary like Abu al-Hasan Ali Ibn Ibrāhim al-Qummi, considered that the term of ‘Bani Isra’il’ (“sons of Israel”) is an allegoric ‘code word’ for ‘Ahl al-Bayt’ (“People of the House”), the family of Muhammad. It is known that Kadijah, the first wife of Muhammad, was a Jewess, and the ‘first convert to Islam’. Rather a Queen Esther like person who converted Muhammad! Actually it was Waraqah ibn Nawfal, the cousin of Kadijah, a Judeo-Christian Nazarene who convinced Muhammad that the ‘revelations’ he received from the Jinn Jabrail were from God.
I am really being honest with you Anon, when I say that i enjoy comments like this. The most fun reading I have is when I read anti Islam books! According to us, God has given man 124000 prophets and our Prophets lineage goes back directly to Abraham and it is called Abrahamic religion. If a burning bush begins to talk to you and commadd you, will you just take it is if it is business as usual like talking to your friends. If you had ever in life faced forces and being so horrifying like demons face to face, then you would question your sanity or even may loose it as obviously many residing in the psychiatric wards have. Maybe you should study why the jews left home and settled in the deserts of Mecca and Medina. Maybe you should ask yourself, whey the jews killed his grandfather, his father and tried all his life to kill him and finally did! Ask your self, why the jews killed Imam Ali and Imam Hassan and Imam Hussein. Why did they drag Imam Hussein to a put first before beheading him alive. Why not kill him, where he was! The fun part about it all is, that all of our enemies think, they have found our Achilles heel again and again, but in reality all they have is a lack of basic knowledge, ignorance with a touch of hate. But if our Prophet´s crime is to be a descendant of Abraham, he is guilty. Then again we know, that the jews are our mortal enemy and they know, that we are theirs. The jews sent Paul into christianity to destroy it the same way they sent Ibn Taymiyya into Islam to destroy it. But since trinity was our of the question he gave God hands and feets and an ass so big it gave God existential questions! Paul is the jews greatest hero!
The Saker has definitely quite a few feathers. But then that is what happens when a saker is around.
Reading the article and the comments has made me wonder. Why is it that when it comes to inter-faith conflicts and violence and sectarian conflicts and violence it is invariably the case that either Muslims or Christians or both are involved. Take China for example- It is/was largely Confucianists, Taoists and Buddhists. I have never heard of Confucianists/Taoists/Buddhists having sectarian or interfaith violence in all of their history. If there have been any they are probably of so little significance as to be hardly worth mentioning.
Or India for example- Most of the sectarian violence seems to be between Muslims/Hindus and Christian/Hindus. Conflicts between Christians and Muslims seem to be rare. Similarly, conflicts between Hindus and other religions like Buddhists and Jains are also rare. Conflicts between the myriad Hindu sects are also very rare.
So, why is it that Muslims and Christians have no (or very few) problems with each other in India and China (and maybe elsewhere) but put them in Syria or Lebanon or North America or Europe and we have big conflicts?
To jiri:
These conflicts are usually political motivated and therefore instigated. Moreover, the Roman-Catholic Church is since its inception by the Romans more a state religion and even today in Europe they still have an extraordinary place in far too many states (please see for this also special agreements between states and the Vatican; in some countries it doesn’t pay taxes for it’s wealth etc.). (Remark: up til now there isn’t even thorough research how many Europeans had been murdered, raped and its wealth stolen because they hadn’t “by free will converted and abandoned its former believes” during the first several hundred years. And even during the Renaissance and Barock-times, just when the Luther proclaimed his religious stipulations, in some European states, counties etc. the elite who had been converted to the Lutherian Christianity had been forces either to abandon and return to Roman-Catholic Church or to have to leave and the Roman-Catholic Church confiscated their wealth!!) And even within Europe there had been many smaller wars between the Lutherian Christian believers and the Roman-Catholic Church believers.
Power, wealth, money are usually driving forces – some religions are therefore no exception.
Totally unrelated, but what is happening in Bolivia?
While everyone is somewhat familiar with German Barbarossa, not many know of the original Barbarossa, Turkish (Greek convert to Islam) pirate who slaughtered and enslaved hundreds of thousands Greek Christians and other Christians from Italian Islands and South of France.
The video below has Turkic, Arab speakers as well as one in English
One English commenter shortly after 14:05, the lady at 15:01 throws some numbers, the Greek speaker after her talks about Islamists all over the Mediterranean ganging up with these Turkish pirates against the Christians.At 27:10 they talk (in Greek) about the destruction, although they admit that there are numbers of casualties available. At 30:28, when they talk about attacks on one of the Islands, they mention 27,000 people slaughtered, thus wiping the population of the Island totally. The pirates were more interested in enslaving the population and selling it in their slave markets.
37:21 short English comment
40:28 more English
42:28 more English
Well then, interesting “something” for you to ponder on as to why did Hitler chose to name his plan of attack on Soviet Union Barbarossa, as well as the fact that Germany and Turky always cooperated closely together.
Germany and Turkey collaborated closely in the Armenian genocide. But of course, that was because of the ‘Russian threat’.
No wonder I like reading the posts in your site : professional, high quality , the type helps us advance, that nourrishes our minds.
Really appreciated this overview of Islamophobia: clear, referenced, concise, precise. For a person with no knowledge on the subject but, like any citizen, needs a minimum to understand the topic to discuss intelligently, you supplied it. Thanks.
On the topic of God, I must admit that you made me progress . Like St-Ignace said, God always present in our life, all one has to do is see it. Well, your “God of Creation” is exactly that: it raises my faith a significant step higher. God, the All mighty, the All loving, the Ultimate Beeing made Creation with a capital “C”, meaning not only our earth, life on earth, humanity, but our universe, likely more universes, but also “Creation” meaning anything beyond what man can conceive. How can one not be “aspired” by such reality. Thanks.
With regard to Papacy, I know the subject hurts you and I do not want to pursue further. My knowledge here is limited so I can’t appreciate your feelings. It appears to be a complex matter and even today we have much difficulty.understanding how some human beings can be so evil ( e.g. bankers spreading conflicts and getting millions of people killed for the sake of money and power). We should maybe pray our God of the Creation to intervene in his manner on this little earth to protect his creation: mankind.
Thank you for all your work and to the people that you bring to you site.
Referring to your excellent article and the comments by Monnalisa, and others, I am an Indian with something to share. It isbeyond doubt that he Catholic Church forcibly converted two whole continnts to X’ianity. As all know, Bangladesh is a largely Muslim country which is quite secular , and won its freedom from Pakistan in 1971, when Indian army entered East Pakistan (as Bangladesh then was) and secured surrenderof 90000 Pak soldiers. During the crackdown after March 1971 by Pak army on all Bangladeshis (Bangla leaders had won a majority of seats in Pak parliament in DEcember 1970 election, but the military ruler, Yahya Khan was unwilling to transfer power to a democratically elected Govt), Pak soldiers and various Islamic militias that they supported ,not only raped and killed B’deshis but there was a special targeting of HIndus who comprised around 15 million out of then population of over 70 million in Esat Pakistan-Bangladesh. There was also foced conversion fo Hindus to Islam in 1971. The present govt in Bangladesh has created a tribunal for war crimes to try and sentence hose B’deshis who were guilty ofcrimes against humanityin 1971. Already around 12 have been executed. One of them , Dilawar Hossain Saeedi, was sentenced to death for, among other charges, “forcibly converting 20 Hindus to Islam”. Death sentence for forcible conversion to Islam delivered by a Tribunal where 4 out of 5 Judges were Muslims ! (There was a sole Hindu, who later became also Chief Justice of Bangadesh.) . That is how civilised countries behave. Of course, the zio-Nazis dislike the present Govt in Bangladesh , and Islamis c extremists from Bangladesh find shelter in London. There is a man called Lord Carlile, a senior lawyer in Lindon who has written against the War Crime Tribunal in B’desh. He says in one piece that “forcible conversion is a crime against humanity only if it is done repeatedly ” ! This may be the first instance in world history when anyone has been punished for forcible conversion.
Muslims and Christians do NOT have the dame God. You are an ignorant false teacher.
The name “Allah” was known in pre-Islamic Arabia, and it had a feminine form, “Allat.” (Jeffrey, Islam: Muhammad and His Religion, p. 85).
“Allah” is a proper name, applicable only to their [Arabs’) peculiar God.” (Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, ed. James Hastings (Edinburgh: T.&T Clark, 1908), I:326).
“Allah” is a pre-Islamic name…corresponding to the Babylonian Bel.” (Encyclopedia of Religion, eds. Paul Meagher, Thomas O’Brian, Consuela Aherne (Washington D.C.: Corpus Pub., 1979), I:117).
“Allah was known to the pre-Islamic Arabs; he was one of the Meccan deities” (Encyclopedia of Islam (ed. Gibb), I:406).
“The origin of this (Allah) goes back to pre-Muslim times. Allah is not a common name meaning “God” (or a “god”), and the Muslim must use another word or form if he wishes to indicate any other than his own peculiar deity.” (Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics (ed. Hastings), 1:326).
One of the names of the moon god in pre-Islamic Arabia, was “Allah.” (see Guillaume, Islam, p. 7).
Allah was married to the sun goddess, and together they had three daughters (Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, and Manat). (Morey, The Islamic Invasion, p. 50).
“Historians have said that Allah was actually the chief of the 360 gods being worshiped in Arabia at the time Muhammad rose to prominence. Ibn Al-Kalbi gave 27 names of pre-Islamic deities…Interestingly, not many Muslims want to accept that Allah was already being worshiped at the Ka’ba in Mecca by Arab pagans before Muhammad came. Muslims become angry when they are confronted with this fact. But history is not on their side. Pre-Islamic literature has proved this.” (G.J.O. Moshay, Who Is Allah? (Dorchester House, Bucks, UK, 1994) p. 138.
“The name Allah, as the Qur’an itself witness, was well known in pre-Islamic Arabia. Indeed, both it and its feminine form, Allat, are found not infrequently among the theophorous names in inscriptions from North Africa.” (Arthur Jeffrey, ed., Islam: Muhammad and His Religion, (New York: The Liberal Arts Press, 1956), p. 85).
“Allah is a pre-Islamic name….” (Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, I:117).
“Allah is found…in Arabic inscriptions prior to Islam.” (Encyclopedia Britannica, I:643).
“Allah was known to the pre-Islamic Arabs; he was one of the Meccan deities.” (Encyclopedia of Islam, ed. Gibb, I:406).
“Ilah…apears in pre-Islamic poetry…By frequency of usage, al-ilah was contracted to allah, frequently attested to in pre-Islamic poetry.” (Encyclopedia of Islam, eds. Lewis, Menage, Pellat, Schacht (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1971), II: 1093).
Allat: Astral and tutelary goddess. Pre-Islamic…One of three daughters of Allah.” (Encyclopedia of Gods, p. 11).
“Manat: Goddess. Pre-Islamic…One of the so-called daughters of Allah.” (Encyclopedia of Gods, p. 156).
“Allah: Originally applied to the moon; he seems to be preceded by Ilmaqah, the moon god…Allat: the female counterpart to Allah.” (Dictionary of Non-Classical Mythology, p. 7).
“Allah: Before the birth of Muhammad, Allah was known as a supreme, but not sole, God.” (Oxford Dictionary of World Religions, p. 48).
“The other gods mentioned in the Quran are all female deities: Al-Lat, al-Uzza, and Manat, which represented the Sun, the planet Venus, and Fortune, respectively; at Mecca they were regarded as the daughters of Allah…As Allah meant “the god”, to Al-Lat means “the goddess.” (Alfred Guilaume, Islam (Penguin, 1956) pp.6-7).
“Along with Allah, however, they worshiped a host of lesser gods and ‘daughters of Allah.” (Encyclopedia of World Mythology and Legend, I:61).
In his book,”Winning the War Against Radical Islam,” Dr. Morey gives 52 scholarly references from places like Harvard, Cambridge, the University of Edinburgh, etc (and encyclopedias) proving that in pre-Islamic times Allah was only one of 360 gods married to the sun goddess, and there were three daughters, Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, and Manat.
The German scholar, Johannes Hauri writes: “Mohammad’s monotheism was just as much a departure from true monotheism as the polytheistic ideas…Mohammad’s idea of God is out and out deistic.” (Quoted in Zwemer, Muslim Doctrines, p. 21).
“By the 19th century, because of the dominance of Islam in the Middle East, the word “Allah” was used as a generic name for deity in the Arabic Bible. This was done by British missionaries, who used “Allah” as a means to appease their Muslim oppressors and to escape death. But the time has come to correct their error and to tell the truth that “Allah” is a pagan name for a pagan god.” (Morey, Winning the War Against Radical Islam, p. 142).
Allah is Morally Defective, not the Greatest Conceivable Being (God)
The concept of God in Islam is not the same concept of God in Christianity. In order to be the greatest conceivable being, God must be all loving. The Bible teaches God loves all people, including sinners. According to the Koran, God does not love sinners or unbelievers.”God does not love the unbelievers.” (Sura 3:32). He is an enemy to unbelievers. In the Koran, God only loves those who first love him. So, his love rises no higher than the love Jesus said tax collectors and sinners had. They love those who love them. The Koran teaches that God does not love the very people that St. John said God loved so much, he sent his son to die for (John 3:16). St. Paul teaches: “when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son.” (Romans 5:10). Allah’s love is partial and selective; and it has to be earned. It is conditional. The God of Muhammad is not the God of Jesus Christ, not the God of the Bible. I agree with Dr. William Lane Craig, that “The God of the Koran is a defamation of the Heavenly Father revealed by Jesus.” Allah is not the greatest conceivable being, because he is morally defective, and actually wills people to be damned.
That Christians and Muslims worship one God, does not mean we have the same God. Millions of women have one husband, but it would be fallacious to say they have the same husband.
Attempting to spread the spirit of peace (Abel) amongst the children of our father Adam (peace be upon him) is naturally likely to raise the contrary rankles of Cain, sparked by the eternal foe, Satan.
It is a noble venture to strive for humanity extricating the children from tribal conflicts, yet not papering over the reality of ignobility, emanating from all sides, to varying degrees, over varied time & place & context.
(We all have warts, & I saw those directly in Bosna as Muslims suffered at the hands of our Orthodox brothers & politics. Similarly The lands of the erstwhile Soviet Union were often forcibly ethnically cleansed & converted forcibly to Orthodoxy, as Tatars did the same. Even the Hellenic peoples wreaked vengeance upon their pagan kin to create a single identity. History is not often kind looking in the mirror truthfully)
The descendants of the first Christians, the Arabians of the Holy Land, do claim to worship Allah. Yes, Trinitarian now, compared to the Unitarian Muslims & Jews of various tribes.
The Anti-Christ spirit wants to stoke fires in the camps of Abraham’s spiritual children.
Much of the Occidental Denialism ( a strange parallel to the historirical context influenced Malay conflict) is down to the deputy fire-starter, Mendacious Moon-God Myth-Maker Morey.
To help fleshing out the balance for which much of this fire is built upon, let the Christians of Pakistan speak –
Robert A. Morey, treacherous thief, malicious person, third rate scholar, self appointed bishop, who is misleading the Christians and Pakistani Christians living in North America and with his spite, malice he has corrupted the Christianity.
There is no doubt in my mind that Robert Morey is an Insane Monster misleading the Christians of North America. He claims to be a scholar and authority on Islam yet al he does or has done so far is nothing different that an “illiterate Mullah” of a remote village of Pakistan. He is a “fame hungry” person and will do any thing that could bring his name to lime light. Robert Morey is the person who was caught by the administration of the Faith Theological Seminary Gujranwala, Pakistan, for keeping and using a degree of Doctor of Divinity that never originated from Gujranwala Pakistan. He is fighting Islam but against the very Christian spirit. He has yet to preach Christianity to Muslims but he has painted such a bleak picture of Christianity and Christians that no one from any other faith will come to Christ. He is a “hate trader”, who creates hate by insulting other religions, their “Holy Personage” their doctrine and their belief. In his writing and debates he has yet to present Lord Jesus Christ and preach salvation through faith in Lord Jesus Christ. He made some success by his cheap arguments, abusive language and immoral terminology against Islamic ideology. He was able to make some followers in North America but failed to follow Lord Jesus Christ.
I heard Robert A. Morey’s name when a dissident Pakistani met me at a common friend’s residence in August 1992. This dissident Pakistani who was a failure in Pakistan made his way to United States and was selling a “Video Tape” and a “small booklet”. The Video Tape I watched while still at the resident of the common friend. There was nothing worth mentioning. It was full of abusive language for Islam and after his lecture he left without answering any question from the audience. The booklet was nothing but a collection of various quotations from the Kuran and Hadees. Robert Morey had failed to give a reasonable and scholarly argument against “Islamic Doctrine”. All he did was to attack the founders of Islam. He lacked basic knowledge on Islam. I my self who often remained in debates with Muslims in Pakistan ever since 1980 found that Robert Morey was neither defending any Christian doctrine nor preaching the Risen Lord to Muslims. (The price of the video tape and the booklet was 20.00 Dollars Only, yet I refused to buy it even at a lower price of 10 Dollars Only). The Pakistani representative of Robert Morey was much disappointed for he did not earn his “commission” yet I did not feel the need to buy Morey’s nonsense.
In year 1993 while I was visiting my relatives and friends I was invited to take part in a demonstration against the “Blasphemy Laws” in Pakistan in front of Pakistan Embassy in Washington DC. However, I declined the invitation because frankly stating, I do not oppose the “Blasphemy Law” in Pakistan. On the other hand I have always denounced the misuse of such laws. (I requested the Pakistani Christian leadership to start a campaign to widen the Scope of “Blasphemy Law” (Section 295-B and 295-C of the Pakistan Penal Code) by including Bible and Jesus Christ. My suggestion was that Section 295-B of Pakistan Penal Code should have Section 295-B (I) for the Holy Kuran and Section 295-B (II) for the Holy Bible and the same way 295-C (I) for Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) and 295-C (II) for Lord Jesus Christ. It was printed time and again in our magazine “the monthly Kalam-e-Haq” and some of the “Columnists” of Pakistani News Papers such as the Daily Jang Lahore agreed with my proposal. This suggestion or proposal was not accepted by the Christian Leadership.
After the Washington demonstration, I met the organizer of the demonstration who was deeply disappointed for two reasons. (I) Despite the arrangement of transport only twenty to thirty people turned out for the demonstration. (II). Robert Morey who was given a round trip air ticket to attend the demonstration demanded Twenty Thousand Dollars for “Lobbying” for Pakistani Christians trying to get the “Blasphemy Law” from Pakistan Penal Code. There after I never cared to know what Robert Morey was doing, his name was unheard in Pakistan till I found out that he received an illegal degree of Doctor of Divinity from unauthorized group of people in United States in the name of Faith Theological Seminary Gujranwala Pakistan on 10th of August 1996 at Blackwood New Jersey. To save the shame of Robert Morey I termed those people who gave the degree to Robert Morey “former representatives”. On further investigation we found out that our “former representatives” in United States and whom we fired in April 1995 had “desecrated” and brought an “insult” to the Faith Theological Seminary Gujranwala Pakistan by awarding the honor of Doctor of Divinity to Robert Morey.
As I mentioned above, after 1993 we never cared what Robert Morey was doing to earn his bread and butter. We contacted Robert Morey in good faith and requested him to send his degree to the Faith Theological Seminary Gujranwal, Pakistan for verification as we do not have his name on our graduating class in March 1996. We also intended to validate his degree in case he did deserve such honor from Faith Theological Seminary, Gujranwala Pakistan. We did mention that if he did not get his degree verified from us, we shall let the people of United States that the degree that is claimed by Robert Morey was given to him in our name without our knowledge, consent or permission. Having no moral courage, Robert Morey immediately declared me a Muslim and he used filthy language. He wrote, you are probably a Muslim who want to kill those who awarded the degree of Doctor of Divinity to find a place in Islamic whorehouse paradise. He totally ignored my first name “Timotheus” and tried to hide behind my last name “Nasir”. I was surprised that how could a Christian scholar ignored “Timotheus” which is a Greek name translated in English, “Timothy”. More over the letter ended with the wording, “In Lord Jesus Christ”. How could a Muslim write these word? Further I had written “Rt. Rev. Dr. Major (Retired) Timotheus Nasir”. The first thought of any Christian would have been that the writer is a Bishop and certainly a Christian as the Muslims do not prefix the words “Right Reverend” with their names. More over I started the letter with my introduction that I am the Principal/President of Faith Theological Seminary Gujranwala Pakistan. He wrote that he has not heard of me from Pakistani Christians living in Philadelphia. I agreed that no one knows me in Philadelphia but people who desecrated our degree in Blackwood New Jersey know me too well and If I say some of them know me since last 56 years I would not be wrong. After this the real Robert Morey revealed himself fully by calling me “Anti-Christ” and “idiot”. Then came his e-mail informing me that he has “blocked” my further “e-mails” and gave reference of Matthew 7:9. He used the Holy Bible to abuse me and call me “dog” and “swine”. This is how I concluded that Robert Morey is nothing but a “thief” who was caught “Red Handed”. He had no answer but use abusive language for me. Then came his “slaves and parasites” to rescue him with their “internet and encyclopedia knowledge”. Gave illogical arguments to save Robert Morey from the “shame” he was going through. Finally he recollected his shattered state of mind and posted his “illegal” and “forged” degree on his web site http://www.faithdefenders.com Robert Morey posted “garbage” on his web site. There he translated my name from Timotheus Nasir to Timothy Nasir. I don’t know who authorized him to change my name from “Timotheus” to “Timothy”? Earlier we had canceled the degree of Doctor of Divinity and sent him a certificate of the canceled degree. (You can read the certificate in News section of our web site http://www.siloampak.org).
The point to note is that how someone sitting in America on 10th of August 1996 could sign this statement, that he or they have affixed their name in “Gujranwala Pakistan on this 10th day of August 1996? There was no legal representative of Faith Theological Seminary Gujranwala Pakistan present in Blackwood New Jersey in the so-called ceremony at Blackwood New Jersey. The Faith Theological Seminary holds its annual graduation at Gujranwala Pakistan in the month of March each year. The date of Graduation is announced in December each year and the candidates are informed well in time. Therefore any degree awarded to any one that is not awarded in the month of March from Gujranwala Pakistan is forged, fake, illegal and fraud and Robert Morey stands guilty of all the charges that are mentioned above.
Now Robert Morey may give any justification on his degree, no sane person will accept that. He has been proven guilty of forgery, keeping and using illegal and fake degree and fraudulently using it with his name. It must also be noted that no one in the world has right to validate the degree that has been fraudulently issued in our name. Only we have the right to validate or cancel any such degree keeping in view the character of the individual. In Robert Morey we found a man who is a thief, a liar, a cheat and a fraud. We do not honor such shameful individuals. Robert Morey must forget that he ever got a degree of Doctor of Divinity from Faith Theological Seminary Gujranwal Pakistan. The sooner he does that the better it is for him.
Please see down below the Fake Degree and the Notification of the cancellation of the degree that Robert Morey claims.
I meant “same” not “dame.” There is no editing feature here. At any rate, anyone who holds the view that Allah is the Christian God, is not working on a scholarly level. The claim that Allah is the same God as Christians is nothing but religious propaganda, not scholarship.
I find this article quite inaccurate. First the theology of the Shia is quite different from the Sunni. Then you have the mannerisms thereof. While being respectful of Shia beliefs, I can’t say the same about most of Sunni (most not all).
Next, I think you need to break the comfort of your home turf and see the real metric of value here..how is a Christian treated in a predominantly Muslim land VS how Therein you shall know the difference between the two. (Note: No, USA, UK or Australia are not Christian states but degenerately secular ones and there is no need to display a picture of a gay as an example of the status of a Christian state).
You need to understand factually that there are plenty of Christians living a marginalized life, if not tortured by Islamic elements in Sunni Muslim countries. Yes I know this from first hand accounts and experience.
Apologists for Islam have little stomach for telling how Muslim nations treat others. We see Muslim nations pour unrestricted billions into building mosques in Western nations, but how many Christian churches are going up in the Islamic world? Islam is intolerant of itself, for 1400 years Sunni vs Shiite has been a fight to the death.
Many Muslims are clear when they say Islam is in Europe not to assimilate, but to conquer. Christians in Muslim nations who said that would be removed or worse.
I think this is a telling fact. There are more books translated into Spanish each year than have EVER been translated into Arabic from any language. Muslims on the whole have little to offer western nations, and much to take or destroy. Really, how is the US benefiting from diversity of Somalians in frigid Minneapolis? Contemporary Europe proves diversity is not always a great thing. I do question the motives of Americans, Euros and others who fall all over Muslim immigrants to the US and Europe (mostly asylum frauds, 70% are military age males). When will we see a hysteria for new African and Muslim diversity in Israel? Huh? Huh?