Dear friends,
I have to say that the reactions elicited by my posting my question yesterday far exceeded anything I had imagined. Sure, I expected exactly that, I very deliberately did even predict the nature/tone of many of these comments knowing that the hardcore COVID-dissidents either would not see it, or that they simply could not help themselves and would react exactly as I predicted. Still, the vociferous petulance of many of the comments truly exceeded even my wildest expectations and really made my day!
Next, 500 plus replies is huge, second, about 98% of them were clearly infuriated by my post. That, by itself, is quite fascinating and while this is hardly a scientific survey, it shows the “prevailing winds” in the “alternative” or non-MSM media (at least in Zone A). It also shows the level of intolerance the political discourse in Zone A has sunk to.
Also, I need to reassure (or disappoint, depending on your view point) everybody – the blog has not been taken over by Big Pharma, I have not been kidnapped, I am still me. Yes, for some of you this seems impossible, if not unthinkable, but yes, I actually do hold the kind of crimethinking opinions I have expressed in that post. Blame me for it all :-)
Next, I have to say that both the tone and the (overwhelmingly) infantile “argumentation” of the reactions have made my point better than I ever could have: the level of ideological fanaticism and intolerance of almost all of these infuriated comments would have many any totalitarian party youth organization very proud.
One thing was clearly misunderstood by a vast majority of commentators: when I mentioned Putin, I did not mention him alone. I mentioned him and contrasted him with Xi, Khamenei, Maduro, Arce (and Morales!) and Diaz-Canel. The point was not to refer to an appeal to authority, but an appeal to DIVERSITY (the real thing, not the woke/home/BLM/antifa/Covid-dissident version of diversity, of course).
So, especially for the alternatively gifted, let me clarify this with a visual aid:
National leader | political philosophy | spiritual/cultural roots | personal background |
Putin | sovereignism | Orthodox Christianity | PGU KGB SSSR |
Xi | Marxism | Confucianism | CCP |
Khamenei | Islamic socialism | Shia Islam | clergyman |
Maduro | modern socialism | Marxism/Christianity | unions |
Arce/Morales | indigenous Marxism | native spirituality | unions |
Diaz-Canel | Marxism | Marxism | CuCP |
Okay, these are quick, tentative, categorizations. They are all very debatable and please don’t hold me accountable for using them (make your own table with your own choice of labels if you want). I just use them to make a point: Putin, Xi, Khamenei, Maduro, Arce (and Morales!) and Diaz-Canel are all very different people, ruling over very different societies and very different backgrounds. I would also add that most of these leaders have proven their courage and their determination to resist the AngloZionist Empire with everything they, and their countries, have. You can dislike these leaders, you can even distrust them, but you cannot say that they are all identical or that they are cowards.
Calling them members of a single conspiracy without providing any unifying explanation is simply logically unsustainable (whether you understand that or not makes no difference).
Thus, my question, which almost nobody bothered to reply to yesterday, still stands: if all these very different leaders hold the exact same position, how do we go about explaining that?
There is something else which struck me while reading the comments yesterday: COVID-denialism is almost exclusively a Zone A thing. Oh sure, there are COVID-deniers/dissidents in Zone B too (Putin has complained about what he sees as a very lax attitude of many Russians towards this pandemic), after all, the western/imperial MSM does very much penetrate these societies, but this is a minority and a much less vociferous one.
By the way, minorities are typically vociferous in an inverse relationship to their influence on society: the smaller the minority, the louder it has to scream to be noticed. You can tell almost anybody that the world is round, and that won’t elicit much of a reaction, but tell that to a flat-earther and you will immediately get in ear-full. Ditto if you ask a woke-person what the evidence is for racial equality (whatever that means).
Still, since yesterday’s open thread with a suspension of moderation elicited so many replies that I will also suspend moderation today. However, this will be the last time, so make good use of it: ad hominems, insults, “divorce letters”, threats to stop donating, declaration about me being kidnapped, etc. – they are all welcome today too, so use it while you can. Come Monday and this blog will return to the evil “censorship” and “gate-keeping” it is so famous for :-)
Last, but sure not least: the unmoderated open thread yesterday showed better than any argument that we absolutely and desperately need moderators. To each his own, of course, but the low intellectual level, the pompous arrogance, the sheer crass ignorance of some (many!) comments yesterday show beyond doubt what a unmoderated comments section invariably turns into. Frankly, if one day I cannot find moderators, I will do what PCR did and simply close down the comments section. I do believe that our comments section is one of the best on the Internet and that is *solely* thanks to the moderators! Guys – I thank you all for your superb and crucial help!!
Okay, that’s it on my end for now. I might drop by later if something interesting happens.
And now, let the stoning resume :-)
Hugs and cheers
The Saker
What a douche bag
Thank you!!!! Again, you make my case better than I ever could.
Your comment is absolutely *perfect*, really.
So few words proving so much – this is truly elegant!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
The Saker
It is really, really clear that you have not read nor understood many of the intelligent reasoned comments made on this topic. I have gone through many of them and have found most of them to be of a high caliber. If you could just come down from that high horse you are on maybe you might learn something about a “pandemic” that is not. But you won’t.
It is like you are in a bad mood and wanted to pick a fight with someone, anyone and of course with that pre set attitude some people obliged. Careful what you ask for?
Hey, who needs moderators anyway. It’s just free speech anyway.
I have gone through many of them and have found most of them to be of a high caliber.
Good, I am happy you enjoyed them!
To each his own I suppose
To me, I was mostly embarrassed for the folks who posted them
but, again,
to each his own.
That raging Kindergarten is not the target audience for this blog.
Never was, never will be.
Your mentally ill there Saker. You need a vaccine for psychopathy,
Thank you Mike, for all your comments, really, you are one of those I really need to thank for making my case!
Please don’t stop, you got until Monday to tell me all you think about me, the blog and whatever else you want to preach about!
Hi Saker,
I have been on this site for years and found great benefit. This is my first time posting.
I have a few questions for you and do not expect answers here. These are for you.
– Are you a Christian?
– Do you believe the Bible is God’s word?
– Can you see, based on Revelation 13:16-17, that this ‘disease’, vaccine, and vaccine passport are getting people ready for the mark of the beast?
Please pray about this with an open mind. God will show you the truth. I am praying for you.
All this because some people don’t want to inject themselves with experimental genetic therapy drug pretending to be a vaccine for virus with a less the 1% chance of killing you. So that makes me and others of similar opinions a bunch of nut cases. Your posting such attacks, in your blog on others and then making follow up with the same tone, shows you have some real emotional and mental issues.
You are the idiot, that is very evident to anybody with half a brain. if you do not like this intelligent blog, then you know where you can go. you are pathetic.
Dear Saker, Russia, China, Cuba, Iran and basically every other country on this earth are obliged to adhere to the IHR (International Health Regulations) The IHR are an instrument of international law that is legally-binding on 196 countries, including the 194 WHO Member States – the WHO oversee the implementation of the IHR’s – The biggest donors to the WHO are corporations and privat foundations – Who have leverage over the WHO, have to some extent leverage over the world – Yes It’s hard to believe but all countries sign up for that – Whatever bullshit comes from the WHO, it’s legally binding !
Kristian, you nailed it with your comment…..
thats why Russia, China etc. made their own vaccines …
the Empire wants Russia, China and co. gone from WHO, from UN… etc. to have full dominance about everything….
By the tone of his reply to you, I suspect the Saker is saying that only people who agree with him are the targets of his blog. Fair enough, but it indicates a rather narrow perspective.
But on other subjects people disagree all the time.
To engage in intellectual debate a prerequisite is respect and consideration. On this particular topic I differ with the Saker yet it behoves reason and justice to consider his position. In this regard I belive it is the underlying principle of this site is to behave with courtesy and consideration regardless of the strength of your views. Should your views be strong then nothing can suppass their well constructed exploration as a matter of logic and well put.
That we may be losing this ability makes me sad.
The basic problem I have with the logic is that for 15 or more years the development of the virus has been ongoing in a situation to make it invunerable (yet supposedly curable) after the invunerable stage is reached. Thereafter it is released (by what means is not scientifically important) and then within 3 months a vaccine is found as an antidote. To me in such a senario a certain degree of implausibility exists. In conjunction with this a repurposed cheap antidote is also later found.
This seems to be the background situation we have now.
Should this be the situation (rather than deciding who is to blame) what does logic tell us to do next?
Here we run into a philosophical problem. Capitalism may have one solution whereas Socialism may have antother. Here we look to the answer of how the various countries will conduct their solutions depending on their politics rather than pure practicalities. That the ‘west’ is trying to sell their solution while some others are not buying is a senario we see playing out.
That the Saker is not idelogically on the side of the sellers of the vaccines is a given. Perhaps he is also not convinced the ivermectin is an answer as well. To impune other motives to his considerations is obscene.
“if all these very different leaders hold the exact same position, how do we go about explaining that?”
It’s simple:
1. They know it’s an Anglo-Zionist plot to destroy the Empire’s competitors and “enemies”, and as such want to protect their people from a very real virus. The fact that APARTHEID Israhell bribed Fauci to con and enslave the world through procedures and vaccines that don’t really work gave the game away.
2. Given that the entire world is brainwashed that “vaccines” are efficient, all of them jump on the “vaccine” bandwagon, most likely not aware that there’s the IVERMECTIN solution, as most everywhere it is being suppressed. India is not suing the WHO representative in their country for murders because he tried to suppress the efficacy of Ivermectin.
Of all the vaccines, I would trust the Russian one more, but I’ll take my chances with a virus that has a 99.5% chance of survival. And if I catch it, Ivermectin to the rescue!
“Thereafter it is released (by what means is not scientifically important) and then within 3 months a vaccine is found as an antidote. ”
Actually, this makes perfect sense (face slap) in the context of the rationales that have been forever proffered for this dangerous research fiddling around with viruses.
Namely, the rationale for GoF research has always been to develop more dangerous viruses *in order to* develop vaccines to counter them. Remember? It sounds like cuckoo logic to a normal person who just wants to live out their four score years in peace on planet Earth.
I mean, totally backwards! Why sup with the devil?
But as you point out, the “vaccine” appears to have been in the wings, waiting to come onstage, the whole times. If this the virus “origin” was an intentional bio-lab leak, the idea may have been to have the “vaccine” already on hand in the “home country” just in case. This could also partially explain the refusal to countenance actual treatment—that would vitiate the value of the “vaccine rollout” experiment and the study—the actual study.
Namely, of the whole scenario, not just part of it.
1. Create new deadly virus.
2. Create vaccine for the new deadly virus.
3. Try out the latter—release the virus on enemy territory and see what happens.
4. If there is blowback of the virus to the “homeland,” roll out the “vaccine” and see how that goes.
All one experiment. That might also explain why no Russian or Chinese jabs allowed in the USA:
Not part of the experiment.
Katherine (“covid crazy ha ha”)
To your original question. We know the disease is real. All leaders must appear to be addressing the problem. The difference is right before your eyes. What is the prevalent vaccine used in the countries you list. Well, the west did not rush to these countries aid which was really dumb by the way, No, these paryas were left to fend for themselves and they did. You have answered your own question. Hopefully you are attempting to guide this rudderless crowd out of the tempest that is battering the boat. You know the answer, the competition has not been suspended. All vaccines are not equal.
Imagine defending the same things that carles scwhab defends..
Saker… fell for that hook line and…..
Agreed. Engages in the behaviours of which he accuses others. I was particularly amused by his imputation of motive, and assumption of facts not in evidence from the text of commenters he was criticising. Useful in his lane, the main purpose of this blog, and thus I’ll keep reading, but that’s about it. Disappointing (in the diplomatic meaning of the word).
This and billion other arguments just prove what the real dreaded potential of this pandemic is. The black death itself would not divide and antagonize everyone at this extent!
As for the subject, I got the covid back in November, my whole family did. Luckily, no one died nor had longterm effects. We did not take the vaccine. We will, once conditions meet for the vaccine to be mandatory, meaning it receives FA (full authorisation) I instead of current EUA (emergency use authorisation). This attitude is defended by constitutions in many countries and by Human rights, especially with Nuremberg Code establishing the Principle of Informed Consent.
We are simply not feeling informed enough to give our informed consent to be vaccinated right now and we have a right to opt so. Not that we are trying to be vise guys, but we will feel comfortable to receive it once EUA switches to FA license and we are not required to sign that we are receiving it on solely our risk. These rights could be suspended, sure. But it doesn’t remotely look like humanity is on a brink of extinction by this virus.
I really hope this is understandable attitude. Because if we cannot agree even on this, we are about to fall apart as a civilisation.
You say you and your family got Covid, but my question is “How do you know?” People who don’t want the vaccine commonly claim they already got Covid and it was no worse than a common cold – but the never got tested. So I have good reason to doubt their claims. My brother-in-law, aged 64, died of Covid, and so did my wife’s 84 year-old cousin. I know a man in his mid 40’s who got Covid in November, 2020 and he still have no taste sensation. His ability to think was severely lacking. In short, he was goofy. After 6 months, he has started to lose the severe fog and perform his mid-level white collar job again.
I’d also like to say I am appalled at the extreme verbosity of many people on both sides of this debate. People are reaching for complicated language to hide the simplicity of what they have to say. They must think such language will somehow increase their credibility when really it only decreases it.
I have to agree with the Saker that the second best thing on the site is the quality of the comments, and for that we have to thank the Moderators. I’m afraid their work might be underappreciated. But look around the web, and note that there is no other comment section of the same high quality where you don’t have to ignore trolls and morons.
The “How you know” question:
We went to covid ambulance, run the tests which came out positive. In addition to this, we did lose both senses of taste and smell for a couple of days. I personally did the test with taking a full breath of air through the nose with my head inside a public container full of flies and rotting trash to make sure I do not poses a sense of smell before I went inside of covid ambulance, to eliminate the possibility of any false positive. Two weeks after the therapy test were negative. I also know people which died from covid.
I am trying hard not to take these claims you stated as directed to me, because you are operating with assumptions here, and then again, all are here, in reply on my comment. If you noticed anything complicated in my comment, please let me know and I will gladly explain. Is my comment really so offending that it should be deleted? The subject here IS covid and our personal view on it.
I did not intend to direct my “trolls and morons” comment at you personally. If that was not clear, I apologize.
“Trolls and morons” was at the very end of my comment, which started with a question to you, and in the next two paragraphs, went on to general topics. You certainly answered my question to you personally. But it’s always an open question with anti-vaxxers. I have a close personal friend who shares 98% of my politics – except on the vaccine, and a sister-in-law and her family; they all claim to have had Covid but I have good reason to not believe them. So I generalize that without significant symptoms or a positive test, they can’t distinguish Covid from the common cold, and the common cold is far more … uh, common.
I recommend this short introductory article:
“Is it COVID or Is it the Flu? Not Even Your Doctor Knows for Sure”.
Not a single one of the signs and symptoms of Covid-19 is unique; according to the US CDC, they are identical for both diseases except for loss of taste and smell.
However loss of taste and smell has often been documented with flu; and anyway it would be expected as a side effect of severe nasal congestion.
Moreover, there is no reliable diagnostic test for Covid-19 either. Dr Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR process, explicitly and specifically warned that it was not suitable as a diagnostic test, simply because by increasing the cycle count one can find anything at all. Incidentally, WHO and national authorities required cycle counts of 40 and over throughout 2020 and (for all we know) they may still be in use today. Intriguingly, WHO reduced the required cycle count to 25-30 the day after Mr Biden was inaugurated.
As each cycle doubles the sensitivity, 10 cycles increases sensitivity by 1,024 times and 20 cycles by about a million times.
The lateral flow test is now considered even less reliable than PCR, although that may be as meaningless as denoting an integer as smaller than 1.
There is literally no way to tell if a person is suffering from Covid-19 or any of a number of other respiratory virus infections. Significantly, during most of 2020 and the early part of 2021, national authorities reported that flu had almost disappeared. The facts are wholly consistent with the possibility that flu has been reported as Covid-19.
That is imo all obvious, The life experience of people who have ever had the flu or even just a cold should be enough. But there are (sometimes deadly) overreactions from the immune system to this normal flu virus.
I suspect they are triggered from former flu shots, the hysterical fogwall the media has build can be a hint to that.
But it is only a hypothesis and a can’t proof it.
The bigger problem with the Covid test is that the virus moves around inside the body. it only sticks around the nasal passages for a few days, early in the infection, and then moves to the throat, lungs, wherever. So a person can be positive and the test returns a false negative.
Hear ye, hear ye.
Topping it, it makes sense from a precautionary principle point of view.
Only 5 to 10 years from now we will have the required data to assess safety and eficiency.
Many things will only be known even further down the road. Some maybe never.
Imnsho for this experiment you should never have a control group of less than 33% population.
Those that that have really had Covid-19 and have recovered will have a long term immunity against it and all similar variants. These people will gain nothing from vaccination and will have an increased chance of an adverse reaction from the Covid vaccine.
Not vaccinating those who had already had a disease used to be standard medical practice, as was not carrying out mass vaccination during an epidemic or pandemic. Like so many other things Covid has caused these good practice norms to disappear. Very strange.
doodz and doodettes! You are clearly being trolled by the saker. is this not clear to yaall yet? 🤣
but to add my 2 centavos to the survey: no vax here, shall not get one unless they hold me down. if and when necessary, I will gladly buy/manufacture a fake certificate.
hope I could be of some assistance.
What an highly unintelligent comment! I now understand why (and i very much appreciate ) that The Saker Blog has moderation in its comments section. That was a truly retarded comment my friend. 👎🏻
The only petulant man I see here is you Saker, you know that most people didn’t agree with you on the scamdemic or plandemic known as Covid, yet you insist in making a follow up your previous article full of insults and attacks on others that disagree with, seriously so people can’t be skeptical of this. You are behaving no worse then the tin-pot Western fascists you claim you stand against, you must be mentally ill or something. Also unlike you I will say if I had taken or not taken the vaccine, and the answer is big NO, I’m not big fan of the idea of being lag rat for something no worse then the flu. Your just plain sick in the head Saker try posting that, you sound like self-destructive individual.
you know that most people didn’t agree with you on the scamdemic or plandemic known as Covid
Actually, there is no logical evidence for that. What there is evidence is that most people who felt angered/disgusted/offended/etc. by my post disagree with me. But you (collective “you”) are but a small fraction of my readers, don’t kid yourself.
I just don’t see that in most of the posts.
Certainly not regarding the actual message/question.
It is, however, reasonable to take offense when addressed in a gratuitously snarky tone.
Actually, it is interesting to see how many continue to discuss reasonably despite the snark shots.
I just don’t see that in most of the posts.
same reply as to Vlad above.
to each his own and if you like it, open a blog and invite everybody, you will be doing me (and most of my readers) a favor.
I just don’t need that stuff on my blog.
Again get off your high horse there Saker.
I must agree with Katherine here. I am saddened to see how emotional (negatively) the Saker is about this, and how he keeps insulting us. It is really so, so sad, and I wonder what is causing it.
As long as I can remember and that is a very long time, we have been subject to an avalanche of propaganda designed to tell us how wonderful and life enhancing vaccines are. It will always be very hard for most people to break this lifelong mass media/medical mafia spell and then go on to examine the subject with an open mind. Many people will only question the safety of vaccines following a vaccine adverse event in their family and of friends.
It is those who are sceptical of the idea of enhancing immunity through the point of a needle, who will be the most likely to have done some serious research into this thorny issue.
it’s like with any religion. Mr Saker has been riding this golden calf for too long and his judgment rather clouded.
Well , cognitive dissonance would be my answer, he nailed his colours to the mast early on and being a strong minded individual hes simply unwilling to modify that based on new knowledge . Strength is admirable but flexablity and adaptability is key is conflict .
Actually saying “i was wrong i based my judgement on information that is now superseded amd outdated. “ would involve numerous uncomfortable realisations not just on a personal level but in this case huge consequences to the geopolitical “ mindmap”
. I find this in many highly intelligent people who assume their intelligenge is sufficient . When new objective information is offered its simply rejected and the subject is unwilling to examine that data because it conflicts with their opinion that they are sure is correct and opon which they base their understanding of the world .
Were they to actually examine the information they would be forced to accept their own human fallibility and to admit to them selves and others that they were wrong .
The human ego is essential and fundamental to our nature but at the same time it can also be a serious , fatal weakness . Hence the Daoist path and others .
This is of course my opinion and I could be wrong .
If Only i were wrong about the vaccine and the NWO . Sad days . Let us hope god is with us .
The most intolerant call the other the most intolerant. The thief thinks everyone is a thief and so on. This is what I have found in life. I saw nothing wrong with most comments, other than they disagreed with the saker. That what he read is what he describes above is actually a testament to what is in his soul. “As a man thinketh in his heart so is he”. If intelligent disagreements is what he calls what he has written above, his response is correct “to each his own”. To me, I just see someone pissed that we have refused to agree with him, and intelligently so too. All the insults that infact he is the one throwing out and projecting out, as others insulting him reveals a lot. Can you honestly read what is written and not feel the vitriol? How then do those who obliged him by responding intelligently be dismissed as stupid, misinformed, uncouth and some such. No attempt whatsoever in addressing even a single dissent. You may be an intelligent analyst with what you do but others are not stupid. And no matter how much you think you are the smartest in the room, we all know so little in the scheme of things. It pays to know that you don’t know much at all really. I have not seen anything that makes the saker abrogate to himself his great superiority. He produces analysis that anyone can with access to the same Information. And that’s all it is. Access to information that others may not have. This pieces prove it. We all have access to the same information on this covid thing and his analysis is mediocre at best and downright imbecilic at worst. His tantrums are of someone completely beaten and he knows it. It’s actually quite amusing to see. No wonder mods like to trash thoughts that are contrary without resorting to disapproving what is written. I am sure this may also be trashed because I have written imbecilic or something disagreeable. We have a saying “the baboon doesn’t see it’s own bum. It looks and laughs at other baboon bums thinking it’s own is better”. This written pieces are insulting but don’t dare say that, they are derogatory but again don’t point that out, dishonest since he says he is agnostic but don’t point that out because guess what? Your comments will be labelled insulting and rude. And an example of why he right to have expected nothing less than what you have written as if that proves him right. When in truth it shows him for who he is —- his interpretation of your response as a justification for having called you names in advance for your lack of intelligence and your stupidity and your inferiority and your lesserness to his superiority. But all you may have done is to return back to sender in the manner it was sent —- unintelligent, insulting, belittling, condescending, arrogant and totally dismissive of your “low intellect” and thus you have nothing to say or can say that would be worth his attention or even acknowledgement let alone response. So people, give back as good as you are getting.
Again your childish response and, your delusional statement that I’m in the minority, seeing that most people didn’t agree with you on your pro vaxxing covid article. Shows you must have mental illness not see the folly of what you are writing, you have the same mental and emotional issues as the neo-cons in Washington D.C.
Shows you must have mental illness
Same line of reasoning used as “evidence” by the Soviet KGB to declare opponents insane.
You are making my case better than I ever could.
Thank you!!
Funny you say that, since your are the one started this mess with your blog post about equating skepticism over covid and these vaccines as somehow being insane. Then after that you have the nerve to make this second article being all pissed off because most posters didn’t agree with you. To me your arrogant and angry rants on covid skeptics make you appear like said KGB agents, who made such accusations.
If you don’t like being called insane then don’t do the same to others who disagree with you.
The intention of western authorities to get the whole world vaccinated looks rather suspicious. In the circumstances the question why begs
The western vaccines do no prevent Covid at all…they are useless in that regard so why vaccinate the world with a useless vaccine?
Lots of horrific side-effects anyway so again the question begs….why vaccine when the costs of such vaccination appears to be absolutely overwhelmingly negative?
Why the supress medications that appear to have some positive effect on Covid leaving vaccines as the only alternative at the cost of billions… trillions of dollars even.. to the general public of the entire world, endlessly fattening up the pockets of Big Pharma, and seemingly only horrific side effects for the rest of us?
Why is the USA/UN/Big Banks, loosening up their purse strings to LOAN trillions to African for Covid vaccines and never did the same for real development projects for Africa?
And the reason I highlighted LOAN is that in the fine print of that financing is an ever worse fleece and looting of Africa that ever before as reported by some financial experts…if African governments accept that noose for the African people
We have naturally the human immune system that served humanity absolutely faithfully for as long as we have been in existence until Pharma developed vaccinations, tablets and all manner of intervention for profit and called it a health system. Especially vaccinations are massive, unnatural intrusions into the human body that is well know to be unnecessary and very dangerous to human health actually. It is well known as alternative that humans should endeavor to stay healthy by eating right and living an active life that keeps humans physically fit. This keeps the immune system functioning fine, ready and able to meet all natural, and even unnatural biological challenges to the human body
But what do we have instead! the world over especially in the western nations, the greatest purveyors of health systems and their manufactured content, created by Big Pharma, the worst diets imaginable that destroys human health pushed by corporations, and sanctioned by the very health systems and the governments themselves. diets that make humanity awfully sick and dying, full of all manner of deleterious chemicals, poisons in food production DNA re-sequenced foods called GMO’s and worse.
It does appear that the big corporations-Food and Pharma- and big governments, are united in pushing that which sickens populations and that which is reputed to cure them at the same time, manufactured by Big corporations the cost of the very sickened populations at massive! MASSIVE!!! profits to each and every one of the corporations involved
Then there is the long experience we have had with the health corporations, Big Pharma ever since pharmaceutical corporations have emerged…disaster after disaster especially since vaccinations appeared. there has been so many disasters or should we call them genocides from vaccines, all created and applied in so-called medical emergencies why in the hell should we trust anything the health corporations claim, say, explain? Every one of them have proved over their generations of existence to have been and are up to currently, to be enormous, comprehensive, complete and continuous and absolute liars, in pursuit of their aims and goals in global society
There is absolutely no grounds at all for humanity to trust all global corporations, the Pharma and Food ones in particular. It seems clear that for the restoration of popular confidence in food and medicine the corporations must disbanded and with health and medicine returned to small and medium production spread over cities states and provinces and countries, that affords a greater measure of popular control, along with sane productive and business attitude that is not extreme money grubbing, with no interest in running the whole world to bleed for total control and profit. And to depopulate when the capitalist corporate business model runs out of steam and the world must evolve sanely, properly rather than in genocide of the ordinary population of the world
and their is much, much much more along the line that exists, reality around us that tells us that is actually going on is not in the popular interest… like masking which does nothing positive for human health but create more physical and health hardships we would not have otherwise: social distancing that prevents people for discussion of the issues with which society is faced and coming up with ideas and initiatives that may help, that may revolutionize the situation positively in their interest. like masking social distancing and lockdowns are injurious to the health of society as a whole with only the elites expanding their profits and social power at the general expense of society, the people falling backwards socially, most egregiously so…particularly children not in school and no one knows when the schools will re-open etc.
I Cannot agree with the Saker here and that Escobar journalist at all on and in this issue. the general social experience we have all lived, the history of it and all that led to this stage is available for all to peruse and digest and conclude thusly. its all there and it supports the popular attitude on this thread…not Saker and Escobar!!
“But you (collective “you”) are but a small fraction of my readers, don’t kid yourself.”
Saker, it looks like you are starting to lose your grip on reality. At the same time than you tell us that “500 plus replies is huge… about 98% of them were clearly infuriated by my post”, you claim that Mike and most of us represent a small fraction of your readers?
I want to add to this that certainly also I belong to this “small fraction”. Yesterdays post was possible worst you have ever written, but this new post is even worse.
See reading conmprehension is a real problem. The saker could have worded the statement better but you have completely misrepresented the statement. Correct me if I am wrong, but what he tried to convey is exactly the opposite of what you understood.
As The Saker is not a medical specialist or a biologist, it is inappropriate to discuss Covid-19 and its ramifications in this blog.
Even real experts have difficulty because so much information appears to have been hidden or falsified for non-medical reasons.
I agree.
In fact, I have been proclaiming my IN-competence on these issues since, well, March of last year at least.
No, all this storm in a glass was started by a question, not a positive statement.
That was all it took with these folks :-)
But, no worries,
Come Monday this blog will return to its normal focus and totally stay out of this discussion again as I proved to my satisfaction what I wanted to illustrate.
The Saker
Then don’t post about such topics, and then look down on others when most don’t agree with you.
Dear Mike
I am oh so sorry, but I fail to see any reason why I ought to confer with you (or anybody else) before I decide what to post (or, for that matter, what to “censor”). My blog, my rules. Don’t like it? Cry me a river!
I must have really struck nerve there, but it’s true if you don’t like the response then drop and stick to topics you are half assed reasonable at. Because when it comes to this topic, you are way over your head the Saker.
Oh dammit! I’m going to do it. Mike, you do not know even what the discussion is ..
You appear to be unable to comprehend that someone can analyze something and have a neutral position on the matter in question. This is a binary mindset. You want to see everything in black and white, I don’t know. But you are choosing to ignore reality.
What is the discussion Mike?
Chill dude.
“Mike” is clearly a bot/troll from the tribe using this window of opportunity as a spleen vent.
Look, the Saker clearly has his jerk side. Welcome to the club, so do I.
And I have ‘punished’ him in the past by declining to continue donating for some petty censorship of one or three more edgy replies I made along the way. Care factor zero, imo. I have a point of view and if it does not meet the publishing benchmark then so be it.
That said, the blog is a great watering hole for serious thinking on certain topics.
Personally, I find quite a few gems in these comments — but the repeating patterns of denial are not informative.
I just don’t find them annoying like the blog host seems to. But having to wade through 500 to find these is a pain. Bring on Monday, I say.
thanks for the try, dear Amarynth, but I think that Mike’s comprehension problems are beyond rescue :-)
The reality is that last year starvation killed much more people that the covid. Same for cancers and other well known diseases.
I think that for instance if the governments would care so much about saving lives then they would have solved the starvation issue a long time ago. Remember around 10 millions people die every year because of starvation. Nobody cares. Why?
In France the covid did not increase the mortality last year in comparison to other years. But if I refuse a completely untested vaccin I can not take a plane anymore. Some people who refuse that same completely untested vaccin are losing their jobs.
This is madness. And this is the new reality.
The reality is that saying because putin is against us emperialism when he says something then it is true doesn’t make sense and doesn’t prove anything. It’s like saying that because he is a neocon when mike pompeo says something it’s automatically wrong. It’s stupid. If Pompeo says 2+2=4 he is not lying despite being a neocon.
Take the 9/11 for instance. The official story doesn’t make sense we know it. OK?
When did putin say the truth about 9/11? Never
So because putin never challenged the 9/11 story then the official story of this event is true? No it s not.
I wonder what brand of toothpaste Putin uses, as none of us should be using anything else.
“What is the discussion Mike?”
Yes, Amarynth, do tell, what is “the discussion,” aside from trading childish jabs??
I am curious.
I believe I met the Saker on his “logic” ground, and so far I don’t see a response from him.
Really ”My Blog, my rules. Don’t like it? Cry me a river!”
This seems a hardly an adult response to other people who take a different view to you. The Covid phenomenon is hardly the Black Death which accounted for half the population of Europe in the middle-ages, or the Spanish Flu which resulted in a death total of 50 to 100 million souls in 1918. Unlike the present time where recovery rates are of an order 99.8% and the people who do contract or die of this particular malady are overwhelmingly those in the very high age groups 80+ who also tend to suffer from co-morbidities such as cancer, type 1 diabetes, Alzheimer’s, or simply old age. That is just a fact of life.
But what seems more important – to me at least – are the political motives of those who are pushing this agenda. Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, and the Eugenicist lobby who assure us – the mere hoi-polloi – that what they are doing is for our own good. and we are assured that when the utopia is established that we will ‘own nothing and be happy’, yes of course we will, joyously and deliriously happy. Build Back Better, more like Build Back Bitter. They even had a trial run before the whole thing kicked off. Thanks but no thanks. And BTW who authorised these non-elected persons at the WEF and WTO to arrogate powers to themselves without so much as a by your leave?
The whole corona virus hysteria phenomenon was set to panic the opening of a real and more latent political/economics agenda. The virus will eventually come to an end, except for the ‘variants’ which are designed to keep this farcical show on the road ad infinitum. I should of added of course the whole programme has been successful in carrying out a massive redistribution of wealth and income from the masses to the elite. In normal times that policy would have caused a revolution. That was its real purpose.
The closing down of the economies throughout the world has lead to a massacre of small and medium businesses SMEs which the oligopolies can pick for cents on the dollar. Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates can hardly believe their luck, or was it really luck?
I could go on but I won’t. The whole thing seemed staged from the outset and none to well designed to move wealth and income from the majority to the tiny minority. The show must go on with the ever ready supply of ‘variants’ being pulled from the bag.
klaus schwab aka darth vader made a quote about the pandemic being a small window to reshape the world. i guess these folk do dream big to rule the universe.
So having no expert credentials disqualifies someone from commenting on a subject affecting the whole of humanity. only experts can comment – all others are bottom-feeding uninformed, intellectually-challenged “Covid-dissidents”, yes?
It is as if you haven’t read or understood a thing that many intelligent people have posted on this topic. Amazing your rigid closed mindedness, lack of actual medical/scientific information presented and unwillingness to even review these issues. You are showing yourself to be self righteous and uneducated on significant medical issues facing us all. You picked a topic in which you are way out of your league and can only respond by attacking those who you think are in zone A whatever the hell that means. You are convinced your in a real pandemic when the numbers for that pandemic are based on the proven bogus PCR test. So I ask you. Prove it. Show us the numbers NOT using the PCR “test”. You can’t. And of course all the rest of us are full blown crazy. But you aren’t.
You know what, if you can’t handle intelligent, educated, reasoned opinions offered here then why don’t you just go ahead and close the site. Your not up to the task of free and open discussion. You and PCR can retire together and complain about the rest of us idiots.
You know what, if you can’t handle intelligent, educated, reasoned opinions offered here then why don’t you just go ahead and close the site
LOL! You wish….
Saker your losing it. I know, we are all idiots who don’t know what we are talking about. And everybody is picking on you.
Really, try to read some the great comments I have seen here. Larchmonter, Katherine, Hank and many many more.
If you don’t want an open discussion on something, don’t have one. No, I’m not wishing for you to close the site. If you don’t like what we have to say why bother?
I have absolutely no problem with anything Larchmonter wrote and I consider him highly intelligence.
You must have me confused with somebody else :-)
Well, Larchmonter does not appear to be in line with you on quite a few points.
Indeed! And contrary to your assumptions, that has never affected my respect for him or, indeed, our mutual friendship. Imagine that! The Saker
Which I noticed, because I know you would never publicly diss and put down Larchmonter as you do others.
The study of philosophy requires dispassionate and objective analysis. There are no exceptions. Personalities are not part of the argument. Such considerations are well practiced by both Larch and Saker and as such I respect them both.
“Indeed! And contrary to your assumptions, that has never affected my respect for him or, indeed, our mutual friendship. Imagine that! The Saker”
Uh, not contrary to my assumptions.
That was actually my point.
Your antennae seem to be malfunctioning
I have to agree with you, Meghan. The attitude displayed by the Saker on this issue unfortunately amounts to arrogance, and laughably with nothing to back it up. It boils down to a vulgar fixation on authority figures of world leaders.
Heck, Saker, what does it mean they all agree? Do the states they represent all adhere to the United Nations? Do they all serve Truth and only Truth – or their very own raison d’état? Do you know how the world really works behind the scenes?
I certainly don’t. But I can see with my own eyes that there is no and never has been a pandemic – only a ridiculous propagandemic.
And you’re seriously trying to pass off your conformist attitude towards the Corona issue as crimethinking? Give me a break.
I have to conclude it is demanded of you to align yourself with the Corona party on this issue.
I have seen quite a few sites do this – report inconvenient truths but fall 100% into line with corona.
I suspect they may have been given quiet ultimatums: go along with the coronahoax and we will leave you alone to continue doing everything as before, otherwise we will shut you down. That could mean seize their websites (as per PressTV), DDOS attacks, false fabricated charges, harm friends or family, or harm them.
With the plethora of very informed information presented by readers of this site, there is just no other explanation for it. (Actually I correct myself here, there is one other explanation: Putin and Xi with their CONVENTIONAL vaccines are fighting asymmetrical warfare against the DNA modifying bioweapon depopulation vaccines and great reset plan and are playing along with the hoax trying to defeat it “from the inside”.) Is Saker aware and part of this, and he’s playing his role too? Lots of question, but definitely something is wrong…
I have seen quite a few sites do this – report inconvenient truths but fall 100% into line with corona.
That is easy to explain: we are all paid by BigPharma, the UN and Bill Gates.
Saker, your childish answer don’t help – you act like a teenager. It certainly looks like that you are blackmailed – not paid.
Like also Russia. Mother Russia doesn’t still understand how 110% evil the West is.
My guess is that Putin tried to win some time, and started to flirt with western powers. What was the result? He ended to the trap – it’s clear that IMF and WHO are playing the first fiddle in Russia now. Keep in mind Lukashenkos story about how IMF tried to blackmail Belarussia to lockdowns.
I agree, blackmail is indeed what it looks like. It would explain the desperate tone in these deranged articles. Your point about Lukashenko is well taken as circumstantial evidence. In any case, I smell desperation in the minds of TPTB.
This is a case of pathological science. According to Langmuir’s discussion in 1953, one of it’s main characteristics is that the “Ratio of supporters to critics rises up to somewhere near 50% and then falls
gradually to oblivion.”. The ratio of supporters to the “pandemic” narrative is clearly on a downward trend by now, hence the desperation and extreme measures.
You used to give me the impression you were a very humble, open-minded person honestly seeking truth and respectful of those who felt the same way. I am truly disappointed at seeing your true colours come out with these posts. The bias and vitriol you push to anyone not in agreement with you have shown you in a completely different light.
Not once did you accept that any of the posters who disagreed with you had valid points, esp the well-reasoned ones. Instead, you have put them all into one group – “Covid-dissidents”, a one-size-fits-all description of intellectual “deplorables” who advocate strange “conspiracy theories”, who have absolutely zero intellectual credentials, and who should be visiting “tinfoil hat” blogs sites rather than yours.
I saw many, many reasoned arguments against your position – you saw many, many intellectually deficient mental cases. What does that say about your openness to real discussion?
“That is easy to explain: we are all paid by BigPharma, the UN and Bill Gates.”
Sarcasm aside, those Scrooges do not have to pay anyone anymore, since they can cancel whoever they (dis)like.
They also excell in turning their enemies on each other, which is exactly what happens on this precious forum.
Saker, do not let them into your head. Their goal is to drain you emotionaly and drive you to abandon this site. Then, hopefuly, hijack whats left of it.
To be honest how anybody could fall for such an obvious scam astonishes me. I mean really ?! You actually believe this junk?! I dont think so so yes you probablly not sarcastic and are merely another sleeper.
In which case id ask what price your soul?
Interesting Article and for myself personally I can only offer this as a answer. My Answer is quite simply not just a choice by the so-called freedoms that we of as you say Zone A, are supposed to have, but also that this does not FEEL right. That’s right a emotive response, but one that is also fed by the duplicity of information given.
What is the correct Narrative here. When information is recorded by governmental bodies stating abnormally high percentages of adverse reactions and injuries, but denied in the MSM or when OTHER THAN government scientists of virology etc give opposing views but are then “Cancelled” by social media platforms, then that is not going to inspire any confidence from myself.
This is also in line with bribes of food, lotteries or simply to do the “Normal” activities.
Admittedly my family members have made the choice to receive either the AstraZeneca or Pfizer treatment and I do not condone nor applaud.
Like I said for myself My decision is based on a emotive “Somethings not right here”
I hope this helps in some understanding.
All the best
Saker are you drinking?
I have never read so many detailed and informed comments anywhere
My comment was deleted and it was because I mentioned Jews
That is something I didn’t expect here
Private finance hybrid war is happening against Russia and against home populations in US and EU
It’s on
Mostly Bubbly sparking water these days, I like the lime version.
oh, and before I forget,
Jews! Jews! Jews!
Happy now?
Get a psychiatrist Saker.
The Saker has been deceived and is now a tool in defending the deception
Wow, another modern Cicero, what eloquence!
So much packed in so few, but admittedly well chosen, words :-)
Not making great case for yourself Saker, if you have any shred of rationality apologize to your readers and drop this topic or are you to proud and arrogant for that.
Mike, don’t you see that I don’t take orders? Why waste your breath?
Use your superb logical and oratory stills on a blog which so clearly does not deserve them!
Don’t waste them on low-lives like me :-)
Bye bye!
You certainly behave like you do, even if on an unconscious level so don’t be that sure of yourself.
You don’t take orders? Really? How about the “orders” issued about SouthFront… you seemed to have obeyed those and made a decision to never mention or reference them again. Nor did you ever elaborate, and stated it is not up for discussion. I’m not blaming you of course, because no doubt “they” would do great harm to you if you did not obey. But I’m guessing there is some kind of similar order to push the coronahoax despite massive real scientific evidence against it from not only peoples’/journalists’ own observations and research but also the testimonies of some of the world’s best scientists and doctors who are viciously attacked and silenced. With respect to the SouthFront issue I surmise it may have been (or maybe not) a general public order that was given and you voluntarily complied, but in the case of this virus I think it may have been directly communicated to you.
I also have a thought that perhaps your vehement and aggressive pushing and attacking of “dissidents” (your words) is maybe an attempted covert signal to us all that you are being coerced in this, since such aggression is not your usual style. I’m sure you would be unable to ever confirm this… but this is what it’s appearing like.
“… since such aggression is not your usual style.”
Rob, in fact Saker has acted and responded in a similar style also before this. But most of us ignored his behaviour because usually we had a common consensus in most of the topics. We felt that since we are on the same side, why rock the boat unnecessarily?
Unfortunately that’s not the case now. But still, your point is valid, because Saker has clearly gone to the extremes.
Occasionally the Saker goes somewhat over the top, but it’s his website, so no problems there. However this doesn’t seem to be one of those occasions and his hostile and unreasoning attitude in this most important matter cannot be dismissed as just another foible, it is all far too serious for that.
Perhaps Rob is right, when he says that Saker may be acting under duress. In itself, this is every bit as worrying as Saker actually believing the Big Pharma pro vaccine propaganda, that he is now pushing on those once had had great respect for his worldly wisdom. I smell a very big dead rodent here.
To Rafael
I think our host is acting under stress rather than duress. To run for several years such blog as this one, with an open, although moderated, comments section, would be more that enough to stress anyone! So, have some understanding and a bit of sympathy for him. He is trying very hard to keep this exceptional blog going – exceptional in many respects as it is not only does attract a great number of intelligent readers – most comments expressed are truly worth a great merit. There have been lots of knowledge I have gained reading the informative, awesome comments even under my own offerings. So, dear Andrei, take pride in what you have achieved. You deserve it! It is a great site and may it continue to be so.
The controversial topics like the present one is a minefield, as most people, not having a properly researched and generally accepted information which is confirmed by reliable, trusted authorities, are trying to find for themselves as much information as they can, relying on their own research and it is a veritable minefield, with lots of constant contradictions. In my opinion these various contradictions are thrown in deliberately to create even more confusion. You know, the Cabal’s motto: THE ORDER OUT OF CHAOS. They spell that in Latin. What is happening to all of us right now is that we all are in some macabre worldwide “Truman Show”, run by this cabal, with only one ultimate goal – to implement their long-planned de-population agenda AT LAST! and this is the only chance they will have. Some people see it clearly, some have not arrived to that understanding yet. Human nature. But please give our host some slack, he lives in the belly of the beast and is doing the best he can under the circumstances. He will get there..
The southfront comment is total BS. You cannot even find southfront on GOOGLE. Since The Saker is on Google for now. I cannot fathom how you cannot understand the problem. If I go to southfront now, I have to go through Tor or Brave. And even so it comes up in german. You have to take the de. out for it to appear in English. The videos have to be loaded twice to get them to play. Since I have 5g. I don’t think it is a phone issue.
Interesting point, re South-Front! Thanks for mentioning it.
Another site that waqs suddenly pronounced verboten—I think at the same time as South-Front— was
And I believe the specific reason given by The Saker was that he had to tread very carefully as a non-citizen running this blog.
So, he must have gotten some kind of clear signal.
Now, the stakes are MUCH higher when it comes to the covid19 operation than they are in connection with sites like South-Front and, because the latter two are basically about foreign doings, whereas the covid19 op is directed squarely at the domestic US citizenry. If the US falls out of step, the whole thing crashes.
Could that be why the community is being subjected to what amounts to a psy-op and being trolled by the blog’s owner?
Is The Saker playing the “Odysseus” gambit? (Reread the Iliad—never a mistake!)
The best immune system is the one that nature has developed for us over millions of years. Even trees have immune systems. The idea that a cabal of scientists in different countries have come up with a better solution in a matter of months is breathtaking in its arrogance and smugness.
By all means go ahead and get your Pfizer jab, but leave me and my nearest out of it. Don’t mess about with my life by closing borders and demanding “vaccine passports” and such draconian impositions. Don’t tell healthy people to stop socializing and to wear masks. But if you want to wear a mask, go ahead. You could have done that in 2019. No one would have stopped you – unless you were entering a bank.
Your readership is a lot smarter than you seem to think. I am only an engineer. But I have a US patent for an disease prevention solution. It received the approval of the FDA as a medical device. How many engineers have ever done that – without someone else paying all their bills.
Alfred, you are quite right. This is one of the reasons that our big pharma driven health care system de-emphasizes strengthening our immune systems with vitamin D, particularly in Northern states in winter and as we get older. Putting aside these experimental, mRNA gene therapies, we are massively over vaccinated with traditional vaccines which utilize neurotoxic aluminum as an adjuvant with compulsory vaccination for children. We are a profit driven society, public health an incident, not an end.
As a young man I came in contact with many children with twisted paralyzed skinny legs and arms due to polio. In Africa many adults, ( those that survived )were disfigured and pockmarked by smallpox. The graveyards were full of those unfortunates who died of yellow fever. I was protected from the by vaccines. Recently in Samoa hundreds of children died of measles totally unnecessarily due to being advised against the MMR vaccine by anti vaxers. As well as the formentioned diseases you don’t see whooping cough, diphtheria, mumps, chicken pox, meningitis, typhus, cholera and many others due to the beneficial efforts of modern science, not the efforts of human immune system, although of course we should do all we can to strengthen it
“As a young man I came in contact with many children with twisted paralyzed skinny legs and arms due to polio.”
Polio was eradicated from Africa until the Bill Gates philanthropic organisation and the WHO reintroduced it with their faulty vaccine. In the West, improved hygiene was getting rid of this disease. The vaccine came AFTER the disease had almost disappeared. Today, it is totally unnecessary and harmful due to the aluminium in it.
“Vaccine-derived polio spreads in Africa after defeat of wild virus”
“In Africa many adults, ( those that survived )were disfigured and pockmarked by smallpox.”
In much of the Middle East, a “vaccine” for smallpox had been available for many years before the English “discovered” it. Anyway, this vaccine has absolutely nothing in common with the fake vaccines using mRNA. It is like comparing a lamb with a tiger. They are both called “animals”. The same is true for all the other diseases you mention.
There is absolutely no need to vaccinate kids in the West against a host of diseases that no longer exist. Many of these diseases are easily cured with modern hygiene and medicine – cholera, typhoid. Severe measles is caused by a deficiency in vitamin A. I had measles as a kid in Egypt and it was a nothing event. They put my younger brother next to me and he never caught it – he probably already had immunity.
I suggest you look at the toll of neurological conditions such as autism in the places that have the most vaccinations. California is a good place to start. Take a look at the chart for California in the following article:
“Face it, There IS an Autism Epidemic”
The idea that vaccines (real vaccines not the experimental and untested mRNA crap) are an unmitigated blessing is supremely naive.
Thanks for the comment, Alfred. I hope that your linked article on autism doesn’t get deleted as “fake news” for deviating from the official imperial line. When Biden’s domestic anti-terrorism bill passes (is there any doubt?), we both could be classified as domestic terrorists for our comments. It is all part of the global restructuring underway.
The human immune system is indeed very powerful. However, it does not develop in a vacuum. It is a product of environmental inputs.
What if humans could develop precise “environmental inputs” that trigger a desired behavior in the immune system? What if we called this immunotechnology “vaccination”?
But of course, surely such technology is pure science fiction…
It’s not a question of being antivax. It’s a question of being anti certain backed, specifically those using experimental mRNA technology.
From the Moderna website:
Our Operating System
“Recognizing the broad potential of mRNA science, we set out to create an mRNA technology platform that functions very much like an operating system on a computer. It is designed so that it can plug and play interchangeably with different programs. In our case, the “program” or “app” is our mRNA drug – the unique mRNA sequence that codes for a protein”
Give me Sputnik V any day. You on the other are welcome to have this “operating system” installed in you.
Only problem is I don’t see the uninstall button.
I share massive misgivings regarding mRNA gene therapy shots, which have not been property researched thus necessitating Emergency Use Authorisation. I have researched many eminent and highly respected Doctors and Professors in appropriate disciplines, many who have been disappeared from social media/youtube for some reason.
But the point of my post is to query your faith in Sputnik V. As I understand it, imperfectly I admit, Sputnik V is an mDNA “Vaccine”, which, as far as I can tell from the limited info that seems to be out there as to how it works, is itself a gene therapy treatment rather than a traditional vaccine. Can someone tell me otherwise?
I’ve done some of this work.
You are right.
“Sputnik V is based on the virus’s genetic instructions for building the spike protein. But unlike the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines, which store the instructions in single-stranded RNA, Sputnik V uses double-stranded DNA.”
Not sure, though, whether the DNA is also synthetic, like the mRNA, or somehow “natural.”
“Give me Sputnik V any day”.
This. I wouldn’t have any problems taking the sputnik vaccine.
But these vaccines produced by western companies?
Yeah, no.
And this is yet another benefit of Covid — hoax or not: It wreaks havoc upon the West’s social cohesion. It is one thing to believe that the West’s ”Elites” are omniscient and omnipotent when everything is quiet. Case in point: Sweden is going down in an impressive display of ”Covid related” chaos as well as alarming levels of shootings and hold-ups in the streets, absolutely impossible to hide. Covid — hoax or not — is clearly a double-edged sword. Seems still however as ”interested parties” here believe that Covid works mostly to their advantage (even though its anti-Chinese rhetoric has been largely abandoned). But at the rate things are spiralling out of control, I wonder if they really will stick to their commitment about ”fighting Covid”. After all, unless something is done about all the violence and lawlessness, ”fighting Covid” will be perceived as a frill with little justification.
And this is yet another benefit of Covid — hoax or not: It wreaks havoc upon the West’s social cohesion
True, in fact most ideologically loaded topics if our times (abortion, immigration, guns, elections, race, etc.) only further destroy the West because the debate is almost always framed in a way which results in TWO sides (both sides) being equally wrong and equally disgusting.
But, hey! Since folks in Zone A somehow “know” that dialectics are unimportant commie crap, they are unable to see the obvious.
Yes, they are destroying themselves and their societies, but they don’t see that.
Karma indeed.
The Saker
Thanks Nussiminen. I’ve been talking about this social cohesion over in the Cafe for a year and bit. Needless to say, it did not help much. Seemingly people want their bit of social dis-cohesion and incoherence. Its the fashion.
Someone said to me today that there’s something going on with people since the lockdown; and gave as an example the bad driving habits of tailgating, speeding, reckless driving, and the reported increase in fatalities. At the same time I’ve been thinking about the Miami tower collapse, how it’s said that the tenants had removed dividing walls to make open spaces, and that this “fashion” weakened the whole structure. This sent me off on a tangent, thinking about fashions and society, and etymological root which is also the word “faction.” The original design is for family to live comfortably, with both private and common spaces. this was the fashion of those times (to keep factions at bay). Today’s fashion of one large space, surely reflects the needs of the individual over the group. My space and my rules, no compromises. Have we all become fashion victims?
amarynth, OT – but should you know what “nussiminen” means in Finnish…
Look Saker, most of those responses were simply ‘out of the gut’ feelings, … not much of the insight other than perception of popular propaganda and and personal experiences, … and all without the primer of scientific background.
Anyway, … as I suggested yesterday, a scientific and political primer is an absolute must before we really can proceed with some meaningful dialogue – for better or worse. Consequently, I’m reposting a link here to the best primer that I run across recently, … it’s a presentation by a doctor. Physicist-Nuclear Cardiologist-Biologist-Chemist-Psychologist. It’s about 3 hours long. It’s by Dr. Richard Fleming. It’s a science-based presentation on the covid pandemic, from the virus to vaccines, treatments, and the public health response. Just ignore the first few minutes of preamble and hear the good doctor out, … it’s well worth it for anyone even remotely interested in the topic.
… only bestest,
F.S. – Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
a scientific and political primer is an absolute must before we really can proceed with some meaningful dialogue
I totally agree, but the Saker blog is not the forum for that, a medical blog would be much better suited
but the Saker blog is not the forum for that,
Indeed. But you did open the topic yesterday. Yes? Anyway, … that presentation is not exactly for medical profession. It’s actually quite well prepared just for hoi polloi. It truly is! Try it, …
But you did open the topic yesterday. Yes?
Yes, I did. But my purpose was not to affirm any medial truth. It was to show the rabid fanaticism of the COVID-dissidents (not all, but most). I clearly said two things:
1) I am not competent and, therefore, I am agnostic (except on the biowarfare issue)
2) I found a major logical flaw in the COVID-dissident’s theories and I see only 4 possible answers to it, then I invited people to either chose an option or even offer their own.
That started a shitstorm which proves my point better than I ever could.
As far as I am concerned, my “little rattling of cages” was a total success thanks to folks who are even so blind that they don’t realize how what they post looks to anybody capable of critical analysis. I am now done and I won’t repeat this one – let the medical blogs deal with this :-)
I am not competent and, therefore, I am agnostic (except on the biowarfare issue)
Ah! I’m glad you mentioned biowarfare, … I just knew you would be interested in all of that. This doctor’s presentation addresses this issue in spades! It presents a facts-supported history of development of this virus. Machination of it and all of that, … it’s frightening information, in fact. [Hint: … it’s a bioweapon!]
Hi Figmund – well, I am a military analyst and I know what it takes to not only design a weapons system, but also to built it, test it, deploy it and use it. I also know what a bioweapon looks like. It ain’t COVID, but here and now is not the right time and place to discuss this, sorry, I already have my hands full with the shitstorm I created :-)
The Saker
well, I am a military analyst and I know what it takes to not only design a weapons system, but also to built it, test it, deploy it and use it. I also know what a bioweapon looks like. It ain’t COVID
Fair enough, … we know what we know and damn the phlunkin’ torpedoes! Good doctor in that presentation claims otherwise [ “] … provides information, evidence, personnel involved in development of it all, time line, … the source of fundings! But as you are saying, … here and now is not the right time and place to discuss this, I respect that, … my lips are pressed tight, …
… over and out.
Dear Figmund,
That is an extremely interesting and telling link. I believe everybody should be aware of its message,
Greetings, Mr. MacGregor,
…telling link, yes, … but also most puzzling element buried in it all! Puzzle being: … What would compel a hegomon to contract out a gain of function development to a foreign – adversary – laboratory? Stealthy move, … means of plausible deniability of some insidious action by hegemon at some point in near future? Dunno, … mind keeps wandering off!
Dr Flemming’s past is somewhat controversial.
The real CV also clarifies that the Fleming Heart Health Institute (1999-2004) and the Camelot Foundation (2000-2005) are no longer operating. He has been misrepresenting his institutional affiliation in his research papers and on the US clinical trial website. That study is discussed here:
Dr Flemming’s past is somewhat controversial.
Indeed, he is a felon. Dr. Fleming’s addresses all legal shenanigans here, spells out all the facts, … all sufficiently exculpatory as far as I understand. Your conclusion may be quite different, …
Dr. Fleming puts the pandemic to rest permanently, and scientifically.
Sadly, most people can’t read science.
=”rudeness or contempt arising from arrogance; insolence”.
(wasting a big word on a small mind !)
The anti-vaxxers are only asking to not be FORCED into taking a 1 YEAR OLD VACCINE. In what universe is this UNREASONABLE?
The “lab-leak” people have a better perception of reality and probabilities than the naysayers. 1) All three world powers are doing bio weapon research 2) One of these world powers has a long history of FALSE FLAGS and the USE OF NUKES. 3) One of these world powers is run by people whose ideology boils down to : “We are the chosen race of god and we are willing to false flag, kill, sacrifice humans if they don’t belong to our tribe”. 4) The other two superpowers are not as maniacal, but there exists a slim (but non-zero) of incompetence or accidental leakage.
You are very wrong on this one.
dear BigBoyPants,,
You missed something. Remember the SS Patria with all those Jewish refugees on board which the Zionists sunk in Haifa?
And did Barry Chamish ever mention the fate of the Hungarian Jews?
They will even kill their own if they’re not in the same club.
As if your initial post and comments weren’t insulting enough… time to double down! I wonder who that reminds me of.
Actually I think you got confused and went to the wrong blog. I read most of the comments here and there was hardly any insults nor fury. Just well educated readers expressing their point of view. I wish to thank every poster. Regardless of opinion, the posts were well written and worth reading.
You’ve a lot of nerve complaining about insulting posts when you trolled from the get go to provoke such posts. Nearly all responded with facts and honest opinions. You return now with more trolling!
I would have expected an intelligent man who runs a thought provoking website would be the ultimate diplomat. Like Bernard at Moon of Alabama, who allows comments and stays above the fray. Instead what we got here was diplomacy John Bolton style!
I do hope you return to the subjects you are better at writing about. Frankly I am concerned because your behavior towards your loyal readers has been shockingly arrogant, even infantile. Someone suggested you’d been vaccinated. if so, I’m wondering if the spike proteins have crossed the brain barrier.
I’ll still be reading but with a more skeptical eye. See you on the Unz Review comment section!
In the depth of his heart, the saker actually sees government as an authoritative and perhaps good(?) entity with good interests at heart. I tend to think that people that fall more in the anti-vaxx/lab leak frame of thinking have no such a reverence and respect for ANY government. He mentions several country leaders (some of whom are very smart and capable I should add) but are nevertheless government incarnate. You can explain why all of these different world leaders agree with the vaccine and the “pandemic” angle with a single sentence: “Political F*CKING Reasons”. Some of these governments are playing the “pandemic” card to get sanction relief, others have taken huge hits (economically and politically) from this pandemic and the “vaccine” and the “pandemic” are perfect political forces to play at their convenience.
yes, brilliant, and the timely “F*CKING” just nailed it.
Bravo and thank you!
How old are you Saker
The Saker
Your snarky article on this issue make you seem your 16.
oh well, we just saw how good your guesses are I guess :-)
Then how come below you say that they are all following the same science—quality, honest! science?
And your whole position has been to deny the reality of political considerations in the “pandemic.”
Political considerations of *all* players. Not just your heroes.
Yet this proposition is a better ideological fit with the so-called “anti-vaxxers”—let’s call them “pandemic skeptics”— than with the “vaxxers”—let’s call them “pandemic believers.”
The idea that pandemic skeptics are anti-strong-government comes from cloud-cuckoo-land, unless you equate strong government with authoritarian/totalitarian government. Is that what you think of Maduro?
Well, join the gang in DC!! That was the rationale for the bipartisan coup attempts, IIRC.
IOW, pandemic skeptics are “anti-strong-government” because they don’t want to follow govt orders to get unwanted and unneeded jabs. Only “strong government” can impose universal jabs. Even thouigh they suspect that the imposition of universal jabs is political, not health-oriented.
Something here does not compute. In fact, a lot of things.
What does compute is: Governments’ “pandemic” responses are “F—CKING political,” not based on actual science or public health.
Glad we finally got THAT settled!!
I agree regarding the difference to MoA, but there is one clear parallel: In January of 2020, Berhard posted this , conluding:
“The novel coronavirus is likely a variant of some animal virus that crossed over to a human host. This probably happens way more often than we recognize.”
In other words: No need to panic
Then, a few weeks later there was a 180 degree turnaround, aligning himself with TPTB and starting to censor people who questioned the narrative, telling us there is indeed a need to panic. Looking back at it now, my best guess is that someone knocked on his door. I think something similar has happened here.
Thus, my question, which almost nobody bothered to reply to yesterday, still stands: if all these very different leaders hold the exact same position, how do we go about explaining that?
To that I can only reply I haven’t been sick for over a year. It was March of 2020 when I suffered from a cold and have since taken covid with some seriousness but not to the point of wanting or receiving any kind of vaccine. For me its been a wait and see game and continues to be such. I however am taking Vitamin D along with zinc and use an over the counter medicine called Betadine whenever I feel any onset of sniffles. So far so good and i continue to work. I hear too many stories and testimonies from many fellow employees but nothing on the scale of a full blown pandemic. The only place where I did come across some concern but it was so minor it leaves me scratching my noggin about it all. I had surgery for drooping eyelids and in the consultation we discussed the covid thing and I complained about and then the surgeon said back to me ‘we see it the hospital Gerry, its not political.’
I have not taken the vaccine and feel fine, am continuing with my duties and life both at work and outside of work and will wait until the winter to see what happens and then i make a decision about this vaccine.
I can only reiterate as I have a couple of times now the work of the scientists over at USANA. They have and live by a conclusion that what we eat today is so devoid of nutrients that food is no longer ‘be your medicine.’
Indeed, I remember well a Dr. Strand who said about the turn of the last century we were all dying from infectious diseases but today it is the direct opposite we are dying from degenerative diseases. So very true!
I also reprinted an article from yesteryear about this in a comment from Jimmy Moglia’s essay.
Read and ponder what some scientists at the pinnacle of study have to say.
And O one last thing about :
“They all want to create a single world government, kill a few billion people and usher in the Times of the Antichrist.”
To this my dear Saker:
But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. 1 Thess. 5:4
We will have our answers soon enough I’m afraid and it won’t take “I got my opinion and, dammit, I am right!!!”
Q: If all these very different leaders hold the exact same position, how do we go about explaining that?”
A: The resistance countries are promoting the Russian and Chinese vaccines; not the corporate greed and profit driven junk. Also, it’s plain to see that they are beating the Axis of Kindness with the aid of the latter’s own media noises. It would be criminal negligence on the part of the resistance countries not to seize the opportunity. Covid — hoax or not — is a blessing. The more reactionary, corrupt, arrogant governments have ended up engulfed by it. They stand exposed for all the world to see. It was a huge blunder on their part trying to implicate China. National leadership quality is absolutely crucial. Greedy, incompetent fools vs. qualified, honest, dedicated people.
Just to recap the Saker’s question, and his answer:
“So here is my question. There are four logical explanations of this for COVID-dissidents/anti-vaxxers:
. . .
Don’t confuse me with facts, I got my opinion and, dammit, I am right!!!
“Which one do *you* pick?
“Personally, it is my choice to trust the best political leaders on the planet, especially when their conclusions are supported by the best (both in quality and honesty!) scientific community on the planet.”
(Dig that slam (!) after “honesty.” !)
Who are these, “the best [and most honest]. . . scientific community on the planet”?
PS.Per The Saker his question yesterday was
” if all these very different leaders hold the exact same position, how do we go about explaining that”
I don’t see that question in yesterday’s post.
I suppose it might be implied in his *answer* to his actual question that I see posed, namely,
““Personally, it is my choice to trust the best political leaders on the planet, especially when their conclusions are supported by the best (both in quality and honesty!) scientific community on the planet.”
But I don’t see this question:
” if all these very different leaders hold the exact same position, how do we go about explaining that?”
It seems that in his follow-up The Saker has chosen to frame a new question in order to elaborate on his own answer to yesterday’s rather different question. In fact, yesterday’s post seems to have been actually a challenge to disagree with him, not a genuine question as to the (admittedly absurdly limited) four choices he offered and of which he asked: “Which do you pick?”
This is, rhetorically, akin to posing a question in the negative—“Don’t you agree that X?”— as opposed to “Do you agree that X?” The latter is an actual question. The former is actually a statement or a challenge in the form of a question, not a genuine question.
Who are these, “the best [and most honest]. . . scientific community on the planet”?
For sure the Russian one. Possibly China and India too.
I am unaware of better ones (if they exist).
But, no worries, that is just my quite subjective opinion
OK, As to your second question, Saker,
“if all these very different leaders hold the exact same position, how do we go about explaining that?””
Your answer: They all have access to the “best science,” so they all come to the same conclusions! Just like our own leaders, our media, etc. Easy peasy! (BTW, Why stop at these four? They are all on the same page with our “lesser” Western leaders such as “Biden,” Macron, BoJo, Merkel etc., AFAI can see. Leaving that aside for now.)
But AFAIK there is no way to prove what science these four leaders have access to. I certainly have no idea what Maduro and his advisors think. Do you? No. Just your “subjective opinion.” ( Not sure what “no worries” is supposed to mean. I have no “worries” concerning my abiltiy to distinguish between strong and weak arguments.) Also, it is a pretty big assumption that four people who say the same thing do so for the same reasons. Perhaps they all actually have access to the same intel? Or perhaps they are playing follow the leader themselves, just like you??
I think the comments regarding possible explanations for Putin’s sudden change of political stance were quite insightful. You, not.
Anyhow, Both of your questions assume that there is consensus on the basic health scenario.
It is a black/white picture—full-on emergency vs. hoax— allowing for none of the nuance that your readers have provided.
So we just have to leave that for now and accept the premise of full-on international health emergency with no treatments, weak though it is.
So, there is a horrifying worldwide pandemic. Of course no one would try to make *money* off it, for instance, on the jabs!! No one would try to prolong the pandemic! No one would try to cut it off at a convenient moment to make even more money on their jabs! would ever try to take advantage of the pandemic!! Oh, never!! None of these entities would ever *invest* in the corona crisis!! China would never do that! Korea would never do that! International bankers and funds such as Blackrock would never do that! Oxford U would never do that! the UK govt would never do that! The Gates, Wellcome, Google would never do that! No one has a stake in this!
In case you are truly searching for explanations and answers to your question as to why four foreign guys all appear to say the same thing, if you are truly interested in venturing beyond your base assumption that there is a horrifying worldwide pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2 and this is enough to explain everything else that has occurred and the stances of your four chosen knights (which of course are wholly apolitical, just like “Biden’s”), check out
Catherine Austin Fitts, Corona Ausschuss Session 37
Whitney Webb, Corona Ausschuss Session 59 (most recent); no German needed.
Just one among many–Vaccitech.
In this discussion about Vax or not to Vax one thing is clear.
The Saker has stated that he does not believe that this is a leaked Bio Weapon.This statement alone begs the question: If the evolving virus is not a “leaked Bio weapon” is it therefore a used with intent Bio weapon?
This here is the shape of the Elephant in the room that skews rational analysis.
To analyse any conundrum it needs to be understood clearly what is afoot apart from a mutating virus that has successfully upturned all social order which globally was considered normal pre Covid.
If we approach this discussion from the viewpoint that a Bio weapon has been unleashed with intent,all changes.
This view is held by many people including myself,I have no proof, only a gut feeling that made me physically ill to contemplate last January 2020.
To accept the possibility of such an origin of Covid changes how we may look at all methods useful in fighting this weaponised pandemic.
This view can explain the Chinese reaction to the attack on their nation.I have Chinese friends amongst them a medical doctor excelling in TCM and orthodox medicine. In January 2020 on being asked if this was a Bioweapon the answer was….Yes.Just one word.This person is also a member of the CPC.
Of course it is very difficult to establish proof of this view, nonetheless, there is also no proof that I am aware of that the virus came from nature, jumping species. Just some lurid speculation promoted initially by Breitbart and we all know its intent.
This comment may be ridiculed .I have no problem with that.
Suppose for a moment that we had analysed the events of Sept 11 2001 based on the official narrative, what would any rational person find themselves believing? And if one were to accept at face value all of that narrative, would this not lead a person to become somewhat dogmatic and messianic in their views?
This indeed is my experience of such people,When challenged by an alternative explanation the simply get frustrated that you will not accept their dogma and then angry.
Returning to The Vax or not to Vax business I already commented on the first thread of this discussion,I started writhing the comment and took a while over it, by the time I I had finished an posted it there were 100 comments posted in the space of an hour or so.
I merely suggest that we could just for kicks, if you will, try to be honest about what we are really discussing here.
Are we discussing a fightback against a bioweapon using vaccines? And if so are the people developing these vaccines aware that their products will be used to fight this Bio weapon or are they unaware of this weapon and simply trying to develop a vaccine that is effective against a “naturally occurring “ virus.
There is a significant difference in both scenarios and a significant difference therefore in how a person concerned about vaccinations might be inclined to accept a vaccine if there was transparency about such origins of this Pandemic.
The world leaders are faced with the same conundrum, they cannot come out and say for certain that this is a weapon for fear of ridicule as the proof is indeed very difficult to obtain.
Therefore, they(world leaders) who may themselves hold the view that we are dealing with Bio weapon can only urge people to get vaccinated.
There are plenty of secrets untold by leaders everywhere for one reason or another.
Denying the Elephant in the room is a weird place to find oneself from which there is no easy way out.
Over a year ago I posited here on this blog that we could be dealing with a virus released with intent and nobody took this possibility seriously or even wanted to contemplate such a scenario.
Well I guess here we are at the juncture where we should at least be capable of rational discussion on such matters.
Great post, TJT!
I really appreciate it.
You clarify (for me) the connection between figuring out the origin of the virus to the issue of imposing universal jabs.
Not just the “origin” of the virus but whether it was released.
And how.
And with what intent.
Even if multiple govts all consider themselves to be under bioattack (whcih they must do, since basically they have all responded similarly), there are still plenty of medical and policy questions to answer.
Do the measures really match the danger?
Alleviate the danger for citizens?
Has it been worth it to “ration” normal life (analogous to rationing food etc. during WW2) in order to survive the attack?
But people don’t need me to spell this out. They can do it for themselves.
Thanks Katherine …I have like many others, been observing the mayhem and disruption.I could write more and ask more questions,to which answers are not easy to find …thankfully many of us have adapted to the landscape and will continue to do so using common sense and some intuition.
I have learned over and over again not to ignore that little voice that is not doubt,no,a deeper more basic survival instinct or something of this nature.
“The world leaders are faced with the same conundrum, they cannot come out and say for certain that this is a weapon for fear of ridicule as the proof is indeed very difficult to obtain.”
Not only hard to find proof, which would necessarily be far too intricate. If found such proof, it would be very hard to communicate, but most importantly, it would constitute a world wide crime of never before seen proportions leading to a world wide reaction event (ie. WWIII), What would you think would happen to the proven culprits.
Zone B leaders have proven to be on the side of peace before, and my interpretation is that a decision as been made not to trigger such a belligerent response, treat it instead as an health issue, since it is one (see China – first response, Russia – follow up) absorb its impact much like all humanity must, deal with what remains at a later stage. This response explains away China’s refusal to accept any narrative of a biological attack. That is not how the Empire will fall.
I agree,Vasco de Gamma.
Could lead to a hot war.We have been in in a global hybrid war where all methods are being deployed and used in this conflict since probably the end of the Cold War and fall of USSR.
Some mess indeed since Covid has been added in.
All explanations deserve examination,not,dismissal,Sure dismissal is advisable after observation but not before.
There has been ample opportunities for cooperation on tackling Covid but the response has been pathetic from sectional interests including many governments, mostly western, while multinational corporations offer “solutions” in the form of untested by previous standards,vaccines,whilst suppressing,including controlling previously available effective remedies and more.We are blind if we cannot factor all of this into our common database.
Best to all here
I think the leaders the Saker trust also have access to certain inteligence and know the origin of the bio attack they also are not using the wests vaccines which is a give away as to where this began.
Dear Saker,
you are missing the point. If I had access to Sputnik, I would have been vaccinated yesterday. But here in NZ we only get the experimental mRNA. Therefore my personal risk assessment is minimize risk, optimize my immune response by vitamins + zinc.
make sure its USANA otherwise you’ll find out very quickly what those scientists discovered 50 IU of vitamin C when the bottle reads 500 IU and unfortunately in some botulism in very small doses?
you are missing the point
uh, that would be you. I am not advocating for any particular vaccine. I am not even advocating vaccinations (though, obviously, I consider that the smart thing to do). I am just pointing at a major contextual flaw in the nonsense peddled by anti-vaxxers cum Great Replacers & Co, that’s all.
I also successfully revealed the totally fanatical attitude of most of these folks (well, they did it to themselves, really).
Yes you are advocating especially since ion the West there is only that gene-therapy poison masquerading as vaccine, quit lying to the rest of us and to yourself.
Mike (you are really all over the place, thank you again!),
If you have reading or comprehension issues, that can be remedied.
But if you chose to read things I never said or wrote, then there is no remedy.
Probably the latter, eh?
Wow condescending much, maybe you are trying to justify that Pizer or Moderna you took because you gave in to the MSM.
is that another one of your “educated guesses”?
Saker, ‘Mike’ is the lad who I equated talking to as producing some brotherly sympathy for the Biblical Philistines, ‘flayed by the jawbone of an ass’.
An Incident On Simonka paperback edition. NATO Is Invited To Leave Sevastopol, One Way Or The Other.
Never The Last One, ebook edition. A deep look in to Russia, her culture and her Armed Forces, in essence a look at the emergence of Russian Federation.
I break my ban of commenting on this site because you, the Saker, cannot see that you are a zelot for orthodoxy.
I cannot for the life see the purpose of taking a vaccine for a virus that kills 1 in 8000 and 99 % of these people are at end of life already?
We are told that the vaccine has 95% efficacy, why would I reduce my chance of recovery from 99.7% to 95%?
What about long Wuhan virus?
All viruses leave a mark on our health….what do you think brings us down in the end, its the slings and arrows of all this little things like the process of eating and viruses, there is no free lunch.
This period will be looked on by furture generations on par with the Tulip craze and South Sea Bubble, there is a bad flu, it kills the old who were already near death thats all.
A friend at work tells us all a friends father was suffering from cancer and for a long time and ultimately just died from it a short time ago. They wrote on the death certificate Covid? The family is beside themselves with disbelief and grief and ANGER because guess why? Life Insurance which they now have to fight with?
And O you forgot about Aids which I still remember and the worry this caused. That should have been a pandemic? Y/N?
Even if covid killed only old people, something which is surely not true, there would still be plenty of reason for society to fight it by all means.
I’ve read this type of cold and insensitive comment in reply to another article several months back (I think the article on China’s response to covid), and it shocked me as much then as now.
I’d just note that Covid denialism may be a zone a thing, and i’m just bored with the whole thing, i don’t care or really believe in exact certainty when it comes to much of this phenomenon, but, zone ‘africa’ is largely unaffected. it’s a very young, non-obese, sunny, non-flu-prone continent that has pretty much shrugged off the whole thing despite not exactly being switzerland or whatever when it comes to medical infrastructure
Same here from Senegal,
But than i know somebody old he got Corona and he suffered big time.
2 months later he was back on track.
Definitive answer? …… sure, simple ….. because they ain´t wit dat, which offered by people they don´t want to follow. :P
All the best Saker.
because they ain´t wit dat
Perfect! Another very good one! Thank you!
None of the Leaders that you mention took Pfizer or Astra Zeneca, J&J etc, (“Western” based vaccines) Three of them took Sputnick V and the others took products made by their own countries.
So, I have problem in that while one, (Sputnick) seems the most sure, it is not available where I live, Thus I am an anti-vaxxer because I am scared of the physical reactions mentioned or not mentioned in the MSM about the only available vaccins. Literally. To make the point even clearer, my wife had an AVC (Stroke) in January last year so she has spent one and a half years locked up. Wheelchair and paralysis of the left hand side etc.. However, another blood clot, even a small one, I assume would be fatal.
She apparently had Covid (or at least was tested positive by PCR at a high number of cycles) and had to spend a fortnight in solitary confinement. BUT, now the EHPAD (Home) insist on a vaccine to partake in any interesting “animations”. (Even though theoretically she has now developed immunity.). She ( and I) will need a “Pass” to participate.
This is in France, and this is my first post here (I saw your article by chance, although I quite often “drop by” to read interesting articles !). One question is – what now? I would really be happy for us to go to St. Petersburg for the three weeks necessary for a Vaccine holiday, but that solution is obviously excluded. Although I actually sympathise with your article – that a vaccine is a good idea, you have made it conditional, as you have excluded “western vaccines”, which have had painful after effects for some people (including two of my immediate friends).
PS. I do not expect any real answer to what is an ongoing personal problem, but it is an indication that clear cut “answers” do not alway exist in the real world. PPS. I would also trust the Cuban vaccine. That possibly says more about my level of trust in the society in which I live.
Bien a vous.
I posted on this blog few hours before the ban, so I think it is appropriate to post again – why would I miss the opportunity :-)
A year later and I am still at the same opinion about this Covid process.
I see Saker’s list of leaders not as a list of diversity, but commonality – what is the one common feature between these diverse people – and the answer is very simple – they all presiding in their respective governments, having the government’s interest at heart, as any good true patriotic leader should.
Here I should expand the list to include the whole world – practically, the leaders of all members (and non-members of UN) as good basis for my theory.
I believe that all world leaders, as diverse as they are politically and ideologically, are acting uniformly to fight a particularly strong common adversary – let’s call them, the “Evil Tax Dodgers”.
I have observed the following dynamics during since the early 2020 – all the below businesses have been hit very hard by the governments enacting certain make-shift restrictive laws:
1. Airliners operating international routes have been avoiding tax payments (while heavily polluting the atmosphere) by claiming that their operation is mostly in international airspace, hence no need to pay taxes.
2. Same applies to cruise ships and International passenger ferries.
3. Unaudited, or loosely audited small and medium size businesses – particularly in the hospitality sector – point me to one of these that pay real taxes – large hotel/restaurant businesses excluded (amazing, is not it…)
Hence, the people living in very politically diverse systems have been irrational (yet legally) deprived from their rights – of movement, of assembly, of expression etc. – for a simple reason – to suffocate the Evil tax Dodgers to a level of submission.
Now, in my above theory – the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the actual effect it has on the society is purely instrumental to the agendas of the United Patriotic Leader – and that is of pretext to issuance of specific, emergency laws.
Lastly, I separate the law form the reason – as the law does not need to be reasonable to be obeyed – the law is a law – and if something does not add up with the reasoning of a particular statue, that is a separate discussion, all while the laws are adhered to, by all.
Therefore – my message to any leader – I will fully comply with any law that you and your parliaments enact, it’s OK – but to ask me to believe in the “virus” story, take the word of your select “specialists” over the one of science and reason – that, thankfully is not a legal requirement – so, F-off!
Hence, I am an anti-vaxxer – until they make it compulsory and legally binding – they I will see if i can avoid it…
The Western people have been lied to for so long, that they are not able to think straight or logically anymore. Their education and rational thinking has also dropped to an all time low.
They are either completely apathetic, materialistic athiestic zombies or emotionally triggered conspiracy theory nutcases. Lots of zero sum thinking, sweeping everything under the same rug. Facts and proof is not important, only assumptions and “most likely” scenarios.
One of the reasons I do not read the comment section anymore or comment on here.
The Saker, I truely hope your audience is much more broader than zone A.
Yes, and since the schools stopped teaching logical entirely, most folks are unable to a) understand what an argument says and does NOT say and b) to see logical the flaws in their own arguments.
Yet another reason why the collective West is going down the tubes…
And no,
Most of my audience is from Zone A, but the COVID-crazies are only a small subset of them, so no worries.
And, again, numbers are not my priority, my priority is to reach the right people, and that I know I do.
And you are just as bad as any Western neo-con judging from you last post.
“o see logical the flaws in their own arguments.”
Well, I have to say—just trying to be helpful—check out the mote in your own eye.
What happens to Russia if they resist the Covid story?
How does she not get international blame as “Covid Masha”, suffer boycotts, travel restrictions, and international media attacks?
The posters here are highly intelligent. You can objectively determine that by analysis of their vocabulary. The overwhelming skepticism presented by them here, with little in the way of rational opposition to them is indicative.
Something stinks, a lot of things actually.
I will try to be brief. The COVID pandemic cannot be viewed in isolation from the overall features of the global political economy. We are at the end of the hydrocarbon era. The global political economy is being restructured. Consumer capitalism is over. The global elites (who confer regularly at such supranational organizations as the World Economic Forum) are attempting (successfully, so far) to transition to a form of totalitarian neofeudalism. The pandemic is a pretext for a controlled demolition of the old order, lockdown and medical martial law new highly effective innovations. The entire bottom half of the political economy is under attack. Small businesses are being put out of business by the lockdown with resultant massive unemployment even as billionaire wealth skyrockets. Small Third World farmers (think India) are under attack. Even small landlords are under siege due to eviction restrictions. The fragile financial system will be restructured. Surveillance will be ubiquitous in what they hope will be a cash free society utilizing electronic money. The pandemic is a pretext and a distraction. I am more concerned with Bill Gates and all of the new homeless living in tents that I am over a coronavirus. This is a huge topic with momentous implications.
Event 201 -> COVID-19 -> The Great Reset
another *perfect* one, thank you!!
Great Reset, is why I very angrily disagree on these attacks on covid and covid vaxxing skeptics from you. That non-Western leaders have been stuck in lie, doesn’t mean the lies doesn’t exist, after nobody is hiding that conspiracy sounding word The Great Reset.
Then again these gene therapies for a harmless bug, is nothing more deeper of a conspiracy then being a giant cash grab for big pharma, either way I don’t want part of it nor in good consciousness promote it or agree with it. If that makes me insane, so be it.
If Seattle Keith’s and Down South’s comments are “perfect,” this flies in the face of all of your positions (e.g., “covid deniers,” “covid crazies,” “conspiracy nuts,” etc.) since this began.
Or is this another snark shot?
use your head, it might give you a clue
Huh, wonder what you think I am using.
Seriously Saker? Shutting down the global economy for the first time ever doesn’t strike you as odd? Extending the lockdown requiring increased government spending along with plummeting tax revenues so that most States, Counties and Cities are drowning in unpayable debt, effectively bankrupt seems like a reasonable course of action? The lack of MSM discussion of the impact of this normal? The creation of conditions soon requiring a global structural adjustment an unanticipated consequence of the necessary response to a pandemic whose (inflated) per capita death rate remains orders of magnitude below the 1918 influenza pandemic? Medical martial law necessary and desirable? Seriously?
I agree Seattle Keith, we are at an end to cheap energy, the global authorities have to slow down consumption, countries like Australia who rely heavily on fertilizers to produce food will not be able to produce that food.
The push for renewables, electric cars, global warming scare is all about the end of cheap energy.
We have been told that this is the great reset.
When Saudi Arabia sold off parts of Aramaco it told you cheap energy was coming to an end.
Just a friendly reminder Saker; a genuinely deadly pandemic doesn’t require 24/7 advertising to remind you it exists.Real pandemics don’t need marketing campaigns and endless propaganda, but, psychological operations DO.
I respectfully disagree. Why? This is a complex question, but I would summarize it as so:
1) The western medical profession has lost all credibility. We all know that most (not all!!!) MD are but useless pill pushers who only care about money and everything BigPharma does to absorb and control them.
2) Most westerners have been raised in societies were governments lie 24/7 and wall to all. Why would ANYBODY trust these lying vampires?
3) The previous pandemics were not at all what they were supposed to be (they were nowhere nearly as bad as announced)
4) US propaganda now describes China as even worse than Russia (imagine that!) and so-called “conservatives” mostly buy into the China-bashing nonsense.
5) BigPharma has been wrong so many times, resulting in unspeakable suffering of many innocent people that only a totally ignorant nutcase would trust these corporations about anything. I sure have zero trust in them.
6) a lot of people now feel that their civil right have been taken away and they feel like wearing a mask (nevermind getting vaxxed) is the ultimate insult and the straw that breaks the back of their patience with government funded propaganda. I very much sympathize with that feeling.
So for these, and many other, reasons a campaign to promote voluntary vaccinations makes perfect sense.
Looks, I HATE the US (and all other western) government(s). But I would not recommend anybody ignore NOAA warnings or GOA reports about the budget. Even a broken clock is right once every 12 hours, no?
The truth is that those hell bent on managing our societies (the Faucis and Trumps of the world) deserve zero credibility. And when I see so many people turning to “alternative medicine” in despair and disgust, some of which is superb, much of it is snake oil (I know, I tried many of them!) – I lay the blame squarely at the modern medical profession (I refer to allopathic medicine here) for all the needless suffering so many go through.
However, in the case of Russia the medical profession has not discredited itself like MDs in the West. As for Russian scientists, they have almost nothing in common with their western counterparts. In a way, you could view Russia as a society where medical discussions are, well, mostly medical, not nearly as ideological (and hysterical, I would add!) as in the West. This is why the assumptions of COVID-crazies on this issue (they are all the same! By definition! Axiomatically!) is ignorant and simply false.
Last, but certainly not least, people will suffer and die due to all this western (not Chinese!) misinformation. If just ONE person can avoid that fate, then I am happy with the outcome!
You post seem to contradict yourself there with the express belief that here in the West we can’t question this make believe pandemic. If it’s pandemic the you can say the same for flu season, which amazingly didn’t happen last year while supposed covid numbers went up. Logically if that was the case last flue season should both been the covid death count an flu at the same time, but I guess flue took a vacation in the fall of 2020 and winter of 2021. Seriously your no better then the Western MSM, the only misinformation being peddled if from you.
useless pill pushers
After moving away to a larger city trying to find a doctor was virtually impossible. For a long time I had to go to these store front lol walk in clinics and when I finally found a doctor and described my ordeal he blurted out to me ‘what you call them doctors do you?’
His disgust with it all was telling and later I came to the conclusion these walk in clinics are to try and resolve the increasing population. It really is just a turnstile with pill pushers. It’s just insane.
And if you truly want an eye-opening exercise count how many pharmacies are just outside your front door. Outside mine there are 11 of them within 4 blocks. 11 of them? 4 in the same block even? It’s just mind-boggling really? And there all making a living? I haven’t seen one of them go broke not one and the advertising they have the best cheapest prices? If your a diabetic especially?
Drugs and alcohol – welcome to the real world ladies and gentlemen!
I tend to think that government auditors must look at their paperwork at the health care costs and just shiver with fear? Alcoholics must cost the system just huge money huge.
The Saker makes sense and I think most here would agree with him—down to this:
“This is why the assumptions of COVID-crazies on this issue (they are all the same! By definition! Axiomatically!) is ignorant and simply false.”
This is an emotional outburst.
What does “all the same! By definition! Axiomatically” refer to or even mean?
What axioms? What assumptions?
The assumptions of the “covid crazies” are pretty much as the conditions the Saker just listed.
The “covid crazies” —pandemic skeptics—are in the main the ones who are trying to cut through the disinformation and misinformation.
On both the political and the medical levels.
He equally excoriates the obvious lies and mendacity of our medical and political institutions AND those who are asking questions, trying to see through the fog.
This is not logical, Saker.
Why does the Saker hate pandemic skeptics, when he is in basic agreement with them?
I don’t get it.
Maybe he is angry because he thinks the “covid crazies” don’t accept the Russian vax?
But that doesn’t make sense either, since a large number here have stated that they would like the Russian jab.
This is like reading entrails trying to divine some coherent message.
I am speechless. You just perfectly described the reasons and motivations of the “hardcore COVID-dissidents”. Points 1 to 6 sum them up nicely. And – of course – having been subjected to a massive demonization campaign by the MSM and politicians, the “dissidents” are primed to see every criticism and question as an attack.
The reaction was to be expected. What we are seeing are the results of a long-running campaign to sow division and hatred within the society in the name of “diversity” and “inclusion” (Oldspeak: “divide et impera”.) If you inject craziness into the population, it does not stay confined to “our bastards.” Wherever you look, you now have at least two camps screaming at each other.
I have always admired this site and The Saker’s analyses of global events. I have never posted before.
I am halfway through reading yesterday’s replies, and what I am reading bears absolutely NO resemblance to Saker’s summary characterisation above. He writes:
“Still, the vociferous petulance of many of the comments truly exceeded even my wildest expectations and really made my day!”
… but that is just flatly untrue. The replies and discussion there are overwhelmingly calm, reasonable, well-argued, respectful, and evidence-based. With maybe a few exceptions, the only straw man or ad hominem arguments seem to come from the Saker himself.
This is very odd. It is hard to imagine that the Saker is so lucid and principled on other topics and so incapable of self-reflection on this topic alone. Saker ridicules those who ask if his account has been hacked, but at this stage that explanation seems as likely as any other.
In any event, I would encourage anyone who hasn’t actually read the previous comments section to do so before relying on Saker’s summary characterisation of it.
okay, you win, we took his account under out control!
–Bill Gates
(happy now?)
I think this summary is very good about the comment section from the previous article. I felt the comments were very articulate, well-thought out and coherent. It made for very thought provoking reading.
The Saker claims to have somehow exposed COVID skeptics for what they are, but he has still not made it clear what he has exposed.
One of the consistent themes in the comment section yesterday was how different the confidence levels were in the MRNA vaccine versus the COVID vaccine. The Saker does not acknowledge this at all in today’s article.
It’s unbelievable to me that he ignored that.
I by contrast was appalled at their stupidity, bias and vitriol.
Look while i accept that some of the comments were more anti big pharma than anti vax, most of them i classify as anti science and based on rubbish put about by snake oil salesmen.
Hey, Watcher, can you flag the “stupidity, bias, and vitriol” to make it more visible to us normies??
Aunts (aka Thanks In Advance).
There are good arguments both ways. I’m vaccinated (J&J), and consider the risk of complications from the vaccine an acceptable tradeoff against the risk of contracting Corona virus. But there are also arguments against. I see a political use being made of the disease. If this was a scientific discussion of the merits of the different vaccines, the Russian or Cuban vaccines would be considered alongside Western vaccines. This is not the case.
The problem I think is that there are abundant of examples where these pig phrama have exploited, experimented and benefited from human suffering which would make anyone even with little knowledge skeptic. On top of that this whole vaccination thing is being pushed on us forcefully one way or another. Look at what is happening about LGBTPW whatever funda. It is being forced on us how we are allowed to talk, wich word we must and must not utter. When government forces its subjects to something some of them will turn to militancy. Vaccines are experimental drugs, a medical device and if you are unlucky your body will fight it till your last breath, i.e. autoimmune sickness. Do we want that for ourselves or for our children? No.
The unifying explanation is the pyramidal nature of the global power structure. There is a TOP and the orders in this case go down to everybody via establishment machinery in every country that has Freemasonry at its core.
What world leader is NOT a mason?
You have not earned the right to criticise other people’s ability to think.
You did not investigate anything put to you nor investigate possibilities outside your own chosen delusions.
Seeing that you don’t appear to be stupid it is difficult to avoid the conclusion that someone who fails to see the forbidding of all public debate on an issue as problematical, especially after this and other major problems are spelled out tim …. that individual can only be … essentially dishonest.
I’m outa here. I will not continue to respect such a person just because he appears to have expertise in military matters or Russia or something.
What world leader is NOT a mason?
Please list your evidence that the leaders I mentioned are Masons.
Thank you!!
Saker, you believe in God, right? Then you should understand that no evidence or any scientific approach will help in the search of God.
What comes to your request, I think that instead of evidence, you should listen Jesus: “You Will Know Them by Their Fruits…”
Il y a des choses qui ne vont pas dans ce que les medias mainstream nous racontent.
Par exemple si on regarde les morts dus au covid on n est loin d avoir la principale cause de mortalite dans le monde en 2020.
Moi ce que je voudrais savoir c est pourquoi les gouvernements sont prets a confiner et a vacciner tout le monde pour nous sauver du covid lorsque en meme temps on peut continuer a acheter de la nourriture pleine de pesticides d engrais chimiques cancerigenes qu on continue a avoir de plus de cancers D obesite morbide d AVC qu on continue a rouler dans des vehicules diesel dont les emissions polluantes tuent des dizaines de millers de personnes en Europe tous les ans.
Le covid a tue 100 K personnes en France en 2020. Les cancers? 180 K personnes. Maladies cardio vasculaires? 150 K. Sur l annee l impact du covid n a pas engendree de hausse signicative du nombre de deces par rapport aux autres annees. Pourquoi alors nous massacrer de terrorisme mediatique tous les jours depuis 1.5 an?
De plus pourquoi les gouvernements n investissent ils pas autant d energie et de volonte pour eliminer la fin dans le monde par exemple (5 millions de deces par an plus que les morts dus au covid en 2020)? La plus grande catastrophe humanitaire du monde en ce moment est au Yemen tout le monde s en moque. Pourquoi? Si sauver des vies est le seul objectif de nos chers gouvernements pourquoi ne font ils rien?
Pourquoi avoir ferme des hopitaux et licencie du personnel hospitalier (par dizaines de milliers rien qu en France) pendant des annees si la vie des gens est si precieuse? Cela a ete fait partout en Europe. En France le gouvernement a continue de fermer des lits d hopitaux pendant la pandemie!! Ou est la logique? Je n en vois pas.
Concernant les vaccins la il y a une incoherence evidente. De nombreux medicaments ont ete interdits parce qu ils étaient juges dangereux. Je parle surtout de l hydroxichloroquine. Ce medicament est utilise deluis 70 ans et en France il a ete classe comme substance dangereuse par le gouvernement en decembre 2019 soit 3 mois avant le debut de la pandemie. Pourquoi le faire a ce moment la? Savaient ils quelques chose en avance? Je ne peux rien prouver mais je suis obligé de me poser la question.
Des etudes ont montre qu Elle etait efficace et peu dangereuse pourtant Elle a ete interdite. Pourquoi? Logiquement tout ce qui peut sauver des vies doit etre utilise. Mais dans ce cas non. Etrange. Combien de milliers de personnes auraient Pu etre sauvees si les cures pour le covid n avaient pas ete interdites? Ils les ont interdites malgre tout. Pourquoi vu qu ils tiennent tant a nous sauver?
Ces memes gouvernements qui interdisent l hydroxichloroquine parce que c est dangereux sont prets a vacciner tout le monde avec des vaccins dont on ne connait pas les effets a moyen long Terme. Pourquoi etre aussi scrupuleux avec certains medicaments pourtant utilises depuis 70 ans et aussi tolerant avec des vaccins developes en 6 mois dont on ne sait rien? Encore une fois ou est la logique?
Je me suis concentre sur ce qui s est passe en Europe par ce que c est la que j ai le plus de recul et de connaissances.
Globalement il y a de nombreuses incoherences qui me font douter de la version officielle qui nous est racontee par les gouvernements.
Un peu comme pour le 11 septembre si vous voulez. Dailleurs en parlant de ca j attends toujours que le gouvernement russe declare que le 11 septembre etait une Demolition controlee et un false flag. Tout monde le sait sur ce blog que la version officielle ne tient pas debout. Je pense que gouvernement russe le sait aussi pourtant il ne l a jamais remise en cause officiellement.
Avant le covid le 11 septembre a ete l evenement le plus marquant de ces 20 dernieres annees et tous les gouvernements du monde ou Presque ont suivi l histoire officielle. Pourquoi?
J ai mis en evidence des incoherences evidentes. Je suis une personne rationnelle. Quand je vois que certains elements ne sont pas logique je me mefie et je me pose des questions pour essayer de comprendre. Comme vous le faites dans vos articles quand il s agit de mettre en evidence les incoherences des medias mainstream sur certains sujets (l attaque chimique en syrie en 2018 par exemple).
Je pense que c est legitime et sense de reflechir de faire preuve de logique et de bon sens et surtout de se poser des questions.
Comme on dit en francais la prudence est mere de surete.
Yandex translation. Mod:
There are things that are wrong with what the mainstream media tells us.
For example if we look at the deaths due to covid we are far from having the leading cause of mortality in the world in 2020.
What I would like to know is why governments are ready to confine and vaccinate everyone to save us from covid when at the same time we can continue to buy food full of pesticides of chemical fertilizers cancerigenes that we continue to have more cancers of morbid obesity of stroke that we continue to drive in diesel vehicles whose polluting emissions kill tens of millers of people in Europe every year.
Covid has killed 100K people in France in 2020. Cancers? 180 K people. Cardiovascular diseases? 150 K. Over the year the impact of covid did not result in a significant increase in the number of deaths compared to other years. Why then slaughter us of mediatic terrorism every day for 1.5 years?
Moreover why do governments not invest as much energy and will to eliminate the end in the world for example (5 million deaths per year more than the deaths due to covid in 2020)? The biggest humanitarian disaster in the world at the moment is in Yemen everyone makes fun of. Why? If saving lives is the only goal of our dear governments why do they do nothing?
Why close hospitals and lay off hospital staff (by tens of thousands in France alone) for years if people’s lives are so precious? This has been done all over Europe. In France the government has continued to close hospital beds during the pandemic!! Or is the logic? I don’t see any.
There is an obvious inconsistency with vaccines. Many medicines were banned because they were dangerous judges. I’m mostly talking about hydroxichloroquine. This drug is used for 70 years and in France it was classified as a dangerous substance by the government in December 2019, 3 months before the onset of the pandemic. Why do it at this time? Did they know something in advance? I can’t prove anything but I have to ask myself the question.
Studies have shown that It was effective and not very dangerous yet It was banned. Why? Logically everything that can save lives must be used. But in this case no. Strange. How many thousands of people could have been saved if covid cures had not been banned? They banned them despite everything. Why are they so keen to save us?
These same governments that prohibit hydroxichloroquine because it is dangerous are ready to vaccinate everyone with vaccines whose effects in the medium long term are unknown. Why be so scrupulous with certain medicines yet used for 70 years and also tolerant with vaccines develop in 6 months of which we know nothing? Again or is the logic?
I focused on what happened in Europe by what I have the most hindsight and knowledge.
Overall there are many inconsistencies that make me doubt the official version that is told to us by governments.
A bit like September 11th if you want. Dailleurs speaking of ca j still wait for the Russian government to declare that September 11 was a Controlled Demolition and a false flag. Everyone knows on this blog that the official version does not stand up. I think the Russian government also knows this yet it has never questioned it officially.
Before covid September 11 was the most significant event of the last 20 years and almost all the governments of the world have followed the official history. Why?
I highlighted obvious inconsistencies. I’m a rational person. When I see that some elements are not logical I mefie and I ask myself questions to try to understand. As you do in your articles when it comes to highlighting the inconsistencies of the mainstream media on certain topics (the chemical attack in Syria in 2018 for example).
I think it is legitimate and sense to think of showing logic and common sense and above all to ask questions.
As they say in French prudence is mere of surete.
Sorry. When I wrote “fin dans le monde” I meant “faim” which means hunger. I made a mistake.
While I agree with many of your observations, I’d like to point out a very significant difference between covid and other causes of death, like cancer, stroke, heart attacks or car accidents: covid is contagious. If a person next to you in a bus has cancer or clogged arteries, it doesn’t increase a bit your chance of suffering the same type pf death. This is obviously not true for covid. So, while cancer may kill more people than covid, covid is more worrisome from a standpoint of spreading. A doctor who is treating a patient who has cancer is not going to get infected and die from it, while there are plenty of doctors and nurses who got killed by covid.
Machine translations are not always reliable:
“La prudence est mère de sûreté” means ‘prudence is the mother of safety’.
Many of us are old enough to remember what life was like 50 or 60 years ago. I know I am. I think I have a pretty good handle on what freedom is about and I believe I experienced it when I was a child and in my teens. But things have changed since then, especially in the last 25 years. We used to think the world was made up of good and bad people. But lately, we have been forced to admit that there are some people who are not just bad…they are as evil as Satan himself.
Yes, many of us now see ourselves in a struggle between good and evil. And I certainly believe that. All you have to do is look around at all the crises! Those who are willing to investigate now realize that the 911 was a terrorist act perpetrated by our very own government, with Israeli help. I totally quit trusting my own government when I realized that they were willing to murder 3,000 of their own citizens just to be able to justify going into the middle east and destroy nations and steal oil. After that, I looked back to see what other evil they were responsible for. Assassinations of the Kennedy’s and King come to mind, along with Waco, Ruby Ridge and a whole host of other things. And now…the Covid19 affair. Nothing seems to heal and get better, only worse. We don’t know what’s likely to get us first…the virus…the vaccine…or a war with Russia and China!
Those who hold the reins of power know what they want to do, and then decide how to do it. Those of us “lesser” folks see what they are doing, but don’t know why they are doing it. We are only left to guess as to their true objectives. We see the foundation being built with our blood, but don’t know what the end structure will look like. You can bet that if the foundation is sinful, we can’t expect a righteous structure to follow. Jesus put it best when He said, “A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, nor can a bad tree produce good fruit. (Matt. 7:18)
Some people think we are now living the book of Revelation. Well, I’m not sure about that although Revelation 20:7-9 does come to mind. Here’s the point I want to make. We are all in the same situation in life. Those in power above us have total control and there’s not a thing we can do about it, not one thing. When the government ordered us to stay in the house…I did. When they ordered me to wear a mask…I did. I complied with everything they told me to do. I suspect most of you did, too. I couldn’t even find Christians who were willing to disobey to go to church! And many Christians have not questioned the vaccine at all, they went ahead and got it. I will not judge them, but I wish they had at least thought more about what was happening and what their response should be. My guess is that I will behave in exactly the same way the next time they give me an order. How can I resist? They have the militarized police who, like the gestapo, do everything the government tells them to do. We have politicians who are willing to make laws and rules that will hurt even their own children and grandchildren! Where is the love they are supposed to have?
To tell the truth, I can only see one option available to each of us. As we are helpless to save ourselves, then we MUST turn to God with all our hearts for help in our time of need. If there’s another solution, I don’t know what it is.
Roger, you will find the answer here:
All I remember before this pandemic the U.S exhausted many heavy handed attacks on Russia, Iran, and Syria and they were losing face and didn’t even have a cow to bargain with as America was just seen as the aggressor, and didn’t receive the response they wanted….then the droning of General Qassem Suleimani and Mahdi al-Muhandis which was literally an act of war and and I remember WW3 was trending on twitter at this time..Huge mourning ceremony for the two attended by hundreds of thousands of iranians so it was also convenient to have the virus around at this time..What I am more interested is what is happening in the secret agency world with this pandemic..are sleeper cells easily being found? Are domestic agents of foreign countries trapped in host countries? are assassinations easier? be it in the mob world or political world…has clamping down on criminals been easier due to the lock down ect…There is many perspective one can see the how this pandemic was useful for benevolent means…but to me it just seems some biowarfare agent was released and the usual crooks had something to get called to arrive at the negotiating table where as before there was nothing in common and ZERO credibility after Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Ukraine, Venezuela, ect
Is this a public divorce from the alt-right?
My respects.
Oh no, the Alt-Right have been hating me for years!
But yes, this will not endear me to them :-)
The Saker
I fully agree with your analysis of why COVID cannot be a conspiracy…I have been saying the same thing to people who ask for my opinion on this subject: why would the leaders of countries, some of whom literally despise each other, agree that COVID is real? It just doesn’t make sense.
Because said leaders are to deep in to this exaggeration of a common corona bug that has been conflated as a pandemic.
Finnian Reilly’s last comment of page 4 of previous thread listed a lot of medical experts. Most comments were thoughtful. The intolerant fanatic was The Saker. Lumping many different people with all kinds of opinions as “Covid dissidents” than denouncing them as wild eyed lunatics is well ,disappointing.
Revelation 22:15 ‘But outside are dogs and sorcerers and”. The original Greek for sorcerers is Pharmakoi , meaning drugmakers.
“The original Greek for sorcerers is Pharmakoi, meaning drugmakers.”
That’s interesting. Book of Enoch tells that in ancient times people learned the craft of witchcraft – including the use of herbs – from fallen angels.
This and billion other arguments just prove what the real dreaded potential of this pandemic is. The black death itself would not divide and antagonize everyone at this extent!
As for the subject, I got the covid back in November, my whole family did. Luckily, no one died nor had longterm effects. We did not take the vaccine. We will, once conditions meet for the vaccine to be mandatory, meaning it receives FA (full authorisation) I instead of current EUA (emergency use authorisation). This attitude is defended by constitutions in many countries and by Human rights, especially with Nuremberg Code establishing the Principle of Informed Consent.
We are simply not feeling informed enough to give our informed consent to be vaccinated right now and we have a right to opt so. Not that we are trying to be vise guys, but we will feel comfortable to receive it once EUA switches to FA license and we are not required to sign that we are receiving it on solely our risk. These rights could be suspended, sure. But it doesn’t remotely look like humanity is on a brink of extinction by this virus.
I really hope this is understandable attitude. Because if we cannot agree even on this, we are about to fall apart as a civilisation.
The past year has been really confusing for me, I even wound up giving up my Anarcho-Capitalist worldview (Still working to fill in that void tbh) This is what it boils down to for me
1. Here in the states, trust has become a very..unbalanced affair. (“The media lies, so Trump must be god”, that sort of thing). Covid is no exception. It’s very interesting to note the relation between support of Trump and opposition to lockdowns, even though President Trump penned the executive order that allowed states to lockdown (And used the crisis to get his friends on Wall Street trillions printed by the Fed). So a blind partisanship explains part of the phenomenon(Though not all, of course)
2. Both MSM and “alternative” media (Looking at you, Tyler Durden!) have used the crisis as a opportunity to create a public relations disaster for China. Actually as a ex-libertarian, I couldn’t help but notice how similar “pro-democracy” elements in China sounded like our anti-lockdown activists. It goes without saying that I don’t buy the Wuhan lab leak theory, it’s just a little TOO convenient for my tastes
3. I would take the sputnik v in a heartbeat at this point, if for no other reason than to get on with my life. But I have some serious issues with Big Pharma vaccines, esp the mRNA ones. But no, I am not anti-vaxx per se, but the better options are banned, which gets me to my last point,
4. The crises here in the West has been used to cause global division by the (dim-witted and greedy) PTB. I would assume that if the WEF had its boot on the necks of every nation on Earth, why would Western powers be so concerned about who’s vaccine you take, if it’s gonna kill you anyway? The crisis could be framed by the msm as a geo-political “reset”, where all nations put aside their petty differences and come together. I don’t see much evidence that’s gonna happen. Likewise, whether one agrees with what the Mayor of Moscow is doing or not(I don’t live there, so I won’t comment on that directly) It’s worth noting that Putin and the Russian state is working to stabilize Belarus against Western powers, and to my knowledge has not used that leverage to demand Mr. Lukashenko change his Covid health policy. So that speaks against a grand illuminati conspiracy that involves…every political leader on Earth.
But on many of the finer points of Covid, it seems there is a good room for debate, like its lethality(Which, not being a health expert in anyway, shape or form I would like to add, Probably varies by region, demographics, the strain you’re dealing with, etc) The best way to deal with the virus, And whether or not some agendas are being moved forward by exploiting covid(Hint: They are) But of course, people should remember that just because cynical people exploit a crisis, does not mean that there is not a crisis per se. Anyways thats my 2 cents, be good to each other y’all!
The Pandemic has; for all of the physical grief it has caused, also brought out of the woodwork some of the most childish argumentations I have ever come up against in my life that defy all logic and reasonable reflection from people who I had always thought were the real avant guard of our world today.
As we all know, Corona Viruses have been around since thousands of years, The common cold, the seasonal flu, Sars, Mers, Ebola etc.. are all caused by Corona Viruses. As is Covid 19. Is everyone in agreement so far? If our present form of Corona Viruses came from a bat or from a lab is at present irrelevant. We have to deal with it as it is now. One of the reasons that bats are not adversely affected by corona viruses, of which they are the host for many, is that they are the only mammal which flies. Flying, for those of you who have attempted it wiithout artificial aids, know that it requires extreme effort, for the feat of being able to fly, bats also have a very high metabolism which renders their bodily temperature higher than ours, this higher bodily temperature allows them to live with many viruses without suffering from them. All in agreement so far? Well, some at least I hope. When this particular Corona virus found its way to humans, it found itself a host without natural resistance, read immunity, and found that it could reproduce and reinfect virtually at will. The human race was caught with its pants down and had nothing at first to defend itself with. (of course here I have already lost many, but I digress and shall continue) The Gamaleya Institute in Moscow had already had a lot of experience with Corona viruses and had devleoped a vaccine against the Ebola virus. Building on this vaccine the Gamaleya Institute was able to bring out quickly Sputnik V. All of my Russian friends who have been vaccinated with Sputnik V have had no side effects and have not come down with Covid 19. and many Russian friends who have, for whatever reason, not been vaccinated, have become very sick with covid 19 and some have died, as in not breathing anymore and being buried. Some other friends in -Switzerland and Germany who have long covid report serious mental deterioration, as in not being to think clearly and forgetting things even though only 30 years old. Now for those of you who are still with me, we know that this virus has an incredible ability to mutate. As ir mutates it will try to find a balance between being able to propagate itself and kill the hosts. Now I would like to inject some new information. The Salk institute in San Diego (Salk – Polio Vaccine) studied covid 19 for about 15 months before publishing their findings that covid 19 is a vascular disease and showed how it is able to use the vascular system to find itself in every corner of our bodies and which explains in simple terms why there are so many diverse symptoms from different organs, including the brain, with covid 19.. For me this is not a joke, I have many friends in Russia, China, Eruope and the US who have been sick, in some cases ended up with severe long covid and some have died (as in not breathing anymore and being buried). I have been vaccinated with Sputnik and had no side effects. About Mrna vaccines as opposed to vector vaccines … I am not a vaccine scientist. However, if we don’t stop the ability of this virus to mutate and adapt itself to available hosts, we will end up on the very short end of the stick. If Evermecetin, or whatever it’s called works for you, good, then use it. However the first thing we should do is not to be infected at all. This thing could care less who the host is, what their political affiliation is, whether they are vaxxers or anti vaxxers. Its mission in the universe is to infect as many hosts as possible and kill or maim as many as possible. I trust the Gamaleya Institute and, for that matter any vaccine if it works to slow down and stop this virus from replicating. Because if that doesn’t happen, what we have had so far is just a warm up for the main event.
@EVERYBODY Friends, just like yesterday, I need to bow out now. I don’t expect this open thread to come up with something very new or original, and so I think we all said what we had to say and what is being posted now read is mostly a rehashing of the same or simple frustrated name-calling. Fun for sure, but only for a while.
I will leave this unmoderated thread up until Sunday evening, at which point the blog will return to its business as usual (God knows there are enough really serious things to discuss out there!).
So, all those who have not cast their stone yet, or have some more left in their mental pockets, please do it now. Starting Monday all you “Saker-blog-freedom-fighters” will return to the usual “censorship” and “crushing of opinion I don’t agree with” which I am infamous for. You have been warned :-)
I wish everybody a great week-end!
Hugs and cheers
The Saker
Saker, you originally asked as follows:
So here is my question. There are four logical explanations of this for COVID-dissidents/anti-vaxxers:
1. Putin, Xi, Khamenei, Maduro, Arce (and Morales!) and Diaz-Canel are all less well informed that we
(COVID-dissidents/anti-vaxxers) are.
2. Putin, Xi, Khamenei, Maduro, Arce (and Morales!) and Diaz-Canel all know the truth, but they are all lying.
3. Putin, Xi, Khamenei, Maduro, Arce (and Morales!) and Diaz-Canel all working with the Great-Replacers
and “chippers” from Davos, with the Bohemian grovers, with Bill Gates and CFR, etc. etc. etc. They all want
to create a single world government, kill a few billion people and usher in the Times of the Antichrist.
4. Don’t confuse me with facts, I got my opinion and, dammit, I am right!!!
Which one do *you* pick?
Seems to me that the most straightforward response to that question would simply be: “None of the above.” And then allow you as the poser of a rather strangely framed question to request additional clarification if you actually wanted any.
That is a perfectly reasonable answer.
Too bad so few offered anything even remotely relevant to explain this.
Instead, most of what we got is hateful frustration and hysterics.
Too bad
Yes, the consequences have been quite unfortunate for all concerned, I think. But, in case you’re interested, my own disagreement would be with the premise that only four logical explanations are possible for various levels of disagreement with and objections to all or some parts of “official proclamations” about Covid-19, its origins and the vaccines currently offered around the world.
In saying that, perhaps I should add that I’m an 80-year-old geezer who grabbed two (2) doses of the first vaccine available to me — Pfizer in my case. so far, so good. :)
1- you cannot explain/ understand stupid; it takes to be one.
2- you cannot argue with stupid once it’s clear it is one because: they will drag you their level and beat you at it. They have Experience.
3- stupid dears anything that’s actually how you recognize them. (French actor Bodiard I think)
Many said “none of the above” in so many words.
Then went on to elaborate their own answers.
Also, I didn’t see much simple frustrated name-calling except for by The Saker.
Sorry, Saker, but that’s how it is.
Oh, it was a trick question all along. And everyone took it seriously and gave their opinions instead of replying “none of the above.” And then you got mad.
Again with the snarky sarcastic post, next time don’t open a can of worms that don’t need to be opened.
Well I seem to have missed the boat again today.
To repeat yesterday’s remark, the best reason I have to quibble with the vax is that it is being pushed so hard by the same propaganda machine that told us the Russians stole the 2016 election for Trump, and the virus is all China’s fault because it came out of that lab that Fauci built over there… and endlessly repeating (several times in every news broadcast) that the 2020 election was perfect, and anyone who questions it is a bigoted jerk who wants to upset the empire’s whole apple cart.
If I lived in Zone B, I’d probably want the Sputnik jab, but Auslander said it is in limited supply, and he can’t even get it.
From what little I know, the Sputnik V is also a transfection agent, and it also codes for the wickedly toxic Cov-19 ‘spike’ protein. Side effects are possible… However, it is my impression that Gamleya takes a little more care in their procedures and preparations, if only to serve as a showcase for modern Russian technology.
@Saker, thank you for running this news service, and many many thanks to the mods! I can only imagine what a lot of hard work that must be, from my past occasional glimpses of the truly unfiltered internet.
Again replying to myself — but I chose the wrong saved name, usually posting here as Amerikanski. Oh well..
And to clarify my point from above — I am not saying the virus came from that lab, although it does seem to be a plausible event. Things also escape from US labs sometimes… but by now, any evidence is obscured by noise.
I am merely saying that the propaganda machine has turned its firehose on China. (which still manufactures an amazing amount of our stuff)…
The answer to your question about different world leaders agreeing is simple.
A leader, given whatever weird and wonderful pigeon hole you chose to place them in, (your categorisations are risible BTW) whether you unconditionally love them (in your case Putin) or loathe them you have to accept they will want to maintain that power by any means possible. Fear of a disease is a perfect way of maintaining and reinforcing power. You just cannot come to terms with the idea that your favourite autocrats are as bad as the western ‘leaders’ this leads to confirmation bias on your part. These leaders may not be colluding but they all know a good dictatorship ploy when they see one.
Haters gonna hate, hate, hate!!!
Don’t let the detractors put you down Saker as this site and its intelligent views/followers outweigh the uneducated trolls…
Wishing you and the greater Saker Community strength and best wishes during these difficult times.
I know, no worries.
But thank you for your kindness!
The Saker
Saker asks how six strong leaders with diverse political backgrounds could come to the same conclusion re the covid pandemic and how to respond to it.
It appears to me that they understand that no leader can go too far and too hard against this virus with lockdowns, masks, forcing vaccinations etc and then suffer any bad political consequences.
In Australia two State Labour Party governments were strongly returned to power at elections because huge numbers of normally conservative-voting over 70 year old boomers switched over to vote for them because many were petrified with fear from the 24/7 FEAR message pounding at them through the rigidly controlled mass media.
The Federal Liberal government of Mr Morrison is travelling well and the Opposition leader can only criticise them for not going hard enough.
Can any political leader take a more balanced approach to these matters in this environment? No political opposition leader can go soft on these issues and hope to gain power, nor will any leader lose power by going too hard.
Most commenters here disagree with him, and as far as hating Sakers tone in the articles on this issue and his response seems to reek with hate and contempt for said people who disagree.
My contempt is not for those who disagree (have you EVER taken stock of how TRULY diverse the Saker Community is, especially with the non-English Saker blogs thrown in!).
My contempt is for those who cannot even form a coherent thought (or understand a simple sentence) but who preach their certitudes to the world and want to silence anybody who does not give them a standing ovation.
Yes, for those sad creatures I really do have contempt. I will try to turn it into compassionate pity though – contempt is never good.
Yes, I agree. Unfortunately, many people have posted some very ugly attacks on The Saker and this website in the comments recently. I wish that people would stop that. And this is coming from someone who strongly opposes the use of the two US-made mRNA type coronavirus shots.
So now we are “uneducated trolls”. Thank you Mad Serbian. You are just another example of an unquestioning, hero-worshipping, ass-kissing follower of what seems to be a “Saker Cult”.
Well friends this is not first nor last time a person went irrational due to covid pseudo pandemic. Expect escallation.
Just saying
Given the low percentage of people vaccinated in Russia one could say that the Russians have voted with their feet and that they agree with the corona skeptics in “Zone A”.
A big part of the corona skepticism is caused by the blatant mendaciousness of the mainstream media and also many politicians. Even the WHO has said that asymptomatic contamination is almost non-existent. Yet we keep hearing claims that it is a major problem. Reports from Israel and the UK suggest that a vaccination gives you probably some 50% less chance to get infected. Far less than the 90-95% that was claimed. Yet we keep hearing politicians suggesting that when you are vaccinated you can’t get the disease.
There is also the power of Pfizer. It is no coincidence that Astra and Johnson got in disrepute. Yet the databases with reported side effects suggest that rna vaccins are the ones causing most problems.
This campaign of lies of much less present in “Zone B”. So it is no surprise that people there have a slightly different outlook.
A big part of the corona skepticism is caused by the blatant mendaciousness of the mainstream media and also many politicians
Very true, the powers that be and their propaganda machine did that to themselves!
There are thousands of doctors, professors, novel laurates high specialists that had become silenced by the consensus. In my previous mail I gave you a preliminary list. You should also read the great Barrington declaration, and look for yourself the level of scientists signing it. You should look at some popular videos done by precisely those scientists.
You will learn a lot.
First of all, there is a difference between vaccines in Russia which don’t use the experimental genetic engineering with those in the west. Second, there is the threat to strike off or punish doctors who don’t follow the official script. Third, there is the suppression and censorship of information on remedies which have worked, like Ivermectin and HCQ. Remember that Ivermectin resolved the problem in India quite dramatically a couple of months ago. Fifth, there is the absurd mask requirements which common sense tells you are suffocating, and now a German study proves it. If they suffocate children they suffocate everybody else, that is, you can’t exhale the CO2 you produce through these absurd unprecedented masks. Seventh, there is the mass of propaganda on all fronts for the last year and a half. Eighth, there is the fact anything the anglozionist regimes say is open to question. Ninth, there is a violation of informed consent and suspicious use of coercion, even against people who have had the disease and therefore are immune.
3 Cheers for the Saker!!! Hip, hip, hooray! (But I have my doubts;)
Open season, hair down, shirt and shoes not required. What more can anyone ask?
This appears to be grandest experiment ever presented here . . . and we will all become better for it.
The Topics at hand:
—global conspiracy, for or against
—pandemic, for or against
—vaccination, for or against
Political camps:
—yes global conspiracy, no pandemic, no vaccine YNN
—yes global conspiracy, no pandemic, yes vaccine YNY
—yes global conspiracy, yes pandemic, no vaccine YYN
—yes global conspiracy, yes pandemic, yes vaccine YYY
—no global conspiracy, yes pandemic, yes vaccine NYY
—no global conspiracy, yes pandemic, no vaccine NYN
—no global conspiracy, no pandemic, yes vaccine NNY
—no global conspiracy, no pandemic, no vaccine NNN
There could be another camp, which is weak and unwise, it is called Christ Jesus, and him crucified.
I don’t understand your “weak and unwise” assertion.
Apostle Paul. The words are a rephrased, and halfway rhyming interpretation of Paul’s epistle to the Corinthian church: I Cor., Ch.2, 1-2:
“. . . brethren . . . I came to you not with excellency of speech or of wisdom . . . . For I determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified.”
I chose this because it could refer to us today, as Paul’s disciples, arguing over politics and worldly matters. We are much impressed with titles, credentials, educated and powerful speech, convincing arguments, daring do, and all that glitters; but God in humility, as a servant, submitted himself to the cross.
Looking at all the comments opposing getting a covid vaccine, there is ample intelligent commentary, information and references to indicate that it is a very bad idea to get one. They are mostly very articulate, logical and respectful.
That bad/nasty stuff started with the Saker’s first post deriding people who have decide not to get it. The same from the so called “anti-vaxxers” is merely a defense and return of such treatment. Plus, I’m certain, deliberate comments by the pro vax industry to cast us in a bad light and discredit anyone against it (a psyop).
there is ample intelligent commentary,
I wish I could agree. To me most comments sounded like a Kindergarten on PCP.
Again, to each his/her own.
We’re in a glass half empty or glass half full kind of debate here.
You’re focusing on the “bad” comments (some of which I believe could be psyops to discredit people who know a tad more about the dangers of the mRNA bioweapon vaccines) while I ignore them and focus on the comments with useful information content. A lot of those comments I already know they are true from previous research, so perhaps my interpretation is somewhat different to those who still have the MSM thoughts firmly implanted and see them as baseless fluff.
Just shut up and take the vax…….
And you sound like one of the Kinder.
I think any leader would be stupid not to advocate for vaccination regardless of their own opinion. Forced/coerced vaccinations are another question. As is why some vaccines are ” authorized ” and “accepted” by western countries and some are not. J&J has caused a fentanyl epidemic ( which has killed more people in my neighborhood than covid )and now I’m supposed to trust them with an
emergency use vaccine without the normal testing safeguards in place? As you know western media influences the world and these leaders know it. How many of them can produce their own vaccines? What are their opinions of western vaccines? That information would be interesting to know. The fear is real for both sides of the argument, and these leaders know it too.
A reply even more dismissive and patronizing than the original post. I resisted replying to the first one because it’s clear from the structure of the available options therein that you have no interest in discourse.
Not going to cancel my donation but stick to your wheelhouse.
thank you and will do!
Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of MRNA vaccine technology and Steve Kirsch were guests by dr. Bret Weinstein’s podcast. They talked for 3 hours and 16 minutes about their worries about side effects of these experimental vaccines. It was really interesting. You Tube deleted it after few days. But it pops here and there. Try google search.
i am sad to see what has happened on this geo political blog over this topic . at a time when official data and information do not match the actions of our leaders ( good ones and bad ), most of us that can think for ourselves have been scrabbling to make dialectical sense of the broken information ecology . we all make mistakes on this journey some of us are faster at weeding out what is likely to be true and what is not . we all can be held up on this pathway by our innate biases , so it seems to be a voyage of self unfolding on a massive scale as we find a path . it is a time for love and understanding , helping others and being helped . my personal belief is that spirit has given us this virus to speed up our desire for truth as many of us have lost the god given power of reason .it is not a time for giving others a hard time as they also struggle . i thank you all for all comments whether they agree with my version or not . our journeys are entwined as we struggle to work our way through gods plan for us .
You should stick to your strong game, Saker, Russia/Ukraine. You’re extremely knowledgeable about such.
Five hundred plus comments on a topic such as this? It is just way too funny.
Ok, I can’t help it. I’ll make it five hundred plus and one more.
Good work Saker.
p.s. try the themes gay rights, or abortion. I bet you’ll get similar responses.
Well, I don’t give a damn about gay rights or abortion.
As long as I am not forced to have either one.
This thread would be nonexistent absent the prospect of forced jabs and vaxx passports.
oh I do that on a regular basis – its keeps the blog healthy (read Lenin!) and it provides a fun break for me.
Though in all of these hot-button debates I usually equally dislike both sides.
This time, the COVID-dissidents sure sound even worse than the MSM.
But they also showed their true face, so it was worth it!
“But they also showed their true face,”
So did you.
“But they also showed their true face, so it was worth it!”
The face shown was rational and factual responses to a hateful an patronizing post that was not designed to invite a proper discourse, but rather intended to confirm a preconceived conclusion. The fact that it didn’t still did not prevent you from claiming it did.
This is truly shameful on your part, because it is not honest. I don’t like to say this, but to me truth matters. You claim that you will shut down this topic and go on as if it didn’t happen. I don’t think you will.
“it provides a fun break for me”
Whistling in the dark.
Doubling down.
Good luck with that.
“oh I do that on a regular basis – its keeps the blog healthy (read Lenin!) and it provides a fun break for me.”
Absolutely not true. You are just trying to deny reality – instead of a fun break, this should give you a shame break.
I think that with this debate you did a permanent damage to your credibility – especially because it seems to me that you are a person incapable of admitting own faults.
One aim of the physical science has been to give us an exact picture of the material world. One achievement of the physics (or science for that matter) of the XX century has been to prove that that aim is unattainable.
There is not absolute knowledge. Those who claim to posses it have always lead to tragedy and disaster.
All information is imperfect, we have to treat it with humility. That is the human condition. Science has shown us that only by updating information we can increase our knowledge without ever reaching the absolute total knowledge. Our senses, perceptions and tools increase pieces of the great puzzle of knowledge. Science welcome discussion, dissidence, opposite views and should be eager to test whatever view rather than disqualifying or smearing.
If there are thousands of highly qualified scientists questioning all measures regarding COVID, why instead of censoring and smearing them we grow tolerance to have an open discussion and even to try clinical trials instead?
Jacob Brownowski used to say that the Heisenberg principle (uncertainty) should be call the principle of tolerance and that by practicing it we would assure the continuation of civilization.
Is it a GOOD thing that people reject authority ? even if its not always rational !
“YouGov in the UK asked people if they would accept a vaccine 15% opting not to. Nearly a fifth (19%) of Brits were unsure”
70% of grunts sent to Iraq believed Iraq had attacked the USA and I think this included Snowdon ! scary – very very scary !
When people believe what the media say were all in danger and half a million dead Iraq children can vouch for that.
Most people follow authority without question, Asch and Milgram proved it, as does your own frustrating and disappointing experience of life – I like the fact that people don’t trust the system – Its often crazy but I prefer it to blind obedience – And many of these non-conformists end up on this site.
Personally I think the vaccine is less risky then the virus but its a fair point to say we cant be sure of the long term effects of mRNA and its also a fair point to say that drug companies cant be trusted.
As for the world at large the greatest danger is not the virus but blind obedience to authority.
So perhaps all us “Non-conformists” here can see what we have in common rather then fight amongst ourselves.
Saker you remind me of the Repulse and the Prince of Wales with your rebuttal.
There have been a lot of adverse reactions to the mRNA shots. Two of my friends have had adverse reactions after the second shot. The mRNA “vaccines” were released on an emergency basis. The use of Ivermectin and HCQ which greatly reduce the impact of the virus have been suppressed. None of this is a matter of opinion. Why is it necessary to vaccinate the entire public against a threat which is on par with seasonable flu? There are a lot of scientist/doctors that do not agree with the use of these gene therapies. So I don’t really care what all these political leaders think. They could have it wrong.
I think that the Saker is one of the sharpest guys out there. I don’t mean this post as an insult to him or anyone else for that matter.
The biggest problem I see here with all these comments attacking the author is not that they have a different opinion, but that they don’t know how to express a different opinion without being childish and rude.
Here’s my thoughts on the pandemic and vaccines: The virus does exist. People have died. Vaccines have been politicized. A lot of these vaccine producers are getting rich. I understand that some people do not trust their governments and are very suspicious of this vaccination drive and all the lock-downs. I don’t blame you. I don’t have a reason to trust them either. It does all look very suspicious or at least like a totally chaotic endeavor led by some really incompetent people.. Each one of us is free to make a choice on whether to take a vaccine or not. No need to attack the person who thinks differently.
My situation: Have not taken the vaccine. In my country we have a choice of 4 vaccines (Sputnik V, Sinovac, Astrazeneca and Pfizer). Of those 4, I would only consider the Russian and Chinese one as an option (sorry gringos, I don’t trust anything that comes out of your countries and especially when it comes to healthcare). I would prefer to have an option to take the newly developed and ready Cuban version (why? I trust the Cuban healthcare system more than any other on the planet).
I feel bad for those who have no option but to take the mRNA versions (sounds like some untested and unproven in the long run stuff). I don’t blame you for not wanting to take them. I wouldn’t either. But no need to attack those who do take it. Each one of us makes the choice he or she wants to make. Let’s just leave it at that.
And since The Saker is giving us free reign to post whatever we want without moderation, let me say fuck the government of united states of amerika, fuck the british government, fuck the eu government. long live Bashar Al Assad, long live Vladimir Putin, Long live Xi Jinping and God Bless Maduro, Moreno and all those fighting against american imperialism in Latin America.
And prayers to the citizens of the usa, britain and eu for God to give them strength to take back their countries from the monsters that currently run them.
More free rambling (thank you Saker): NATO bombing Serbia in 1999 – Karma is a bitch assholes. You didn’t speak up against your governments then and you deserve what you get now. It was fine when someone else was getting fucked by your governments, but now that they are fucking you, you are all of a sudden all fighters for freedom and rights. But I still feel sorry for you. Sorry, have to catch that Eurasian train now. See you on zoom or skype suckers!!!
Thanks Saker for letting us do this!!!!
You are very welcome! Enjoy and let the words fly unimpeded!
This comment…perfect…made my day. Thanks.
” … but that they don’t know how to express a different opinion without being childish and rude.”
It’s opposite. The author doesn’t know how to express a different opinion without being childish and rude.
This should be clear to any honest person here. I have never seen better argumentation in any comment section that in this debate here. Without authors preformed attitude, this could have been truly fruitful debate. So your comment is very misleading.
What’s made this blog great has always been this comment section, but because of likely growing censorship after this, I fear that it will diminish in the future.
Fuck yeah! :)
Hello Saker,
Before I explain why I am a Covid-skeptic, allow me a few disclaimers:
*Corona viruses have always existed in nature
*Covid-19 does indeed exist
The reasons why I am skeptical about Covid19 being a pandemic on par with bubonic plague:
1) Leathality rates are less than 0.5%
2) Politicians across the Anglosphere have been caught going on vacation & dining out while locking down the local population.
3) My brother is a paramedic, & he still gets to pick & choose his work days. But if it is really that bad he should be working flat out “all hands on deck.”FYI, paramedics have enough training to work as nurses.
4) Further to point #3, nurses have been laid off; in a medical emergency, don’t you need as many qualified medical people as possible? Shouldn’t the MRI technicians be given a crash course in treating infectious diseases, and put to work treating the sick?
5) Many public doctors in the Anglosphere, from Fauci to Teresa Tam in Canada, receive huge “research” funding from pharmaceutical industry, & they’ve been the biggest advocates favouring vaccines & pandemic narrative. Isn’t this a conflict of interest?
6) During this whole crisis the various health ministries across Canada have claimed ZERO cases of flu, yet they used to report flu cases in newspapers everyday during winter. How is this possible? It is not, because I caught the flu in November 2020!
7) Coroners from New York to Italy have been caught lying, claiming cancer patients & stroke victims died from Covid19.
8) Many Covid tests are wrong; in fact Tanzania showed the typical Covid tests diagnose fruits & meat with Covid:
All of that being said, the reason I am a Covid-skeptic instead of a full blown “anti-vaxxer” is because:
*Presidents Putin & Xi have reputations for honesty & cooperation.
*Cuban medical teams helped China & others contain the outbreaks & develop treatments
Like most things in life, moderation & healthy living are the best defence against dying.
Saker, what do you do here?
You ask a question and you are not able to responding in a useful manner because it is out of your competence.Then you respond in an emotional way that is far out of my readings from you before.
Now, to top the whole thing, you make a table from some leaders to proof something. This is not the Saker i know.
The fake pandemic is obvious, unsuitable test, arbitrarily manipulable, mortality medians beyond life expectancy, countries and continents without any measures, them with measures have them in a crazy manner contradictory and simply too few deaths. Can continue that endless, but that is not the point.
Your table above lacks simple factors all this people have in common. E.g. interest in political power.
At second the person is one point, but the apparatus behind them another. All of them like to press their people, Exceptions are the Scandinavians which have significant different politic in this fake pandemic.
At your level you know that or have to, but you prefer to show a childish blaming to other people instead of the standing a military normally shows. Very disappointing, good only that you publish even harsh critic.
Are you in cognitive dissonance that your beloved Russia is just a fu***ing State like ever other?
Are you in cognitive dissonance that your beloved Russia is just a fu***ing State like ever other?
Far from being “mine”, Russia is, indeed, a dramatically different state from anything in the collective West.
As are China, Iran, and all the other countries I mentioned
And Glory be to God for this!
But, then again, I suspect that I have seen many more countries than you :-P
Nice to see that you agree with the rest (the last sentence was only the trap for it).
Btw. i worked in russia, nice people, great hospitality but a corrupt and authoritarian state.
You see much more of a country when you work with the people instead of “seeing”.
Apart from that is the same childish argumentation of “but my castle is bigger than yours” from the sandbox you already shown in other postings.
About Maduro and the incredible low number of Covid cases and deaths in Venezuela compared to Colombia. (same ethnicity and climate; it used to be one country in the 19th century). Only difference is the average (over-) weight of 15 kg for Colombians.
Colombia is very loyal to the WHO policies while Venezuela uses ivermectin and carvativir (= oregano essential oil). Just compare the stats of both countries on worldometers.
One does not have to be a clinical expert to wonder why there has not been solid research on ivermectin (giving it to dying patients is not research) in the west, non at all on Artemisia annua (which is another promising natural medicine , mostly in Africa) or carvatrol oil. All of these are promising or very promising when given early. When in doubt: ‘more research is needed’, but the now corporate funded universities don’t do any! Perhaps some insights in economics and lobbyists reveals more than medical expertise.
Even mentioning one of these therapies, critiscism of the WHO often means a ban on social media and the MSM, and sceptiscism about vaccination is hardly tolerated. An appeal to ‘science’ is often used in the MSM, but all they do is quote some ‘experts’, often with deep Big Pharma ties.
It is not easy to have a nuanced and informed opinion and not to fall into a ‘camp’, and being censored on some platforms absolutely does not help with that. Very moralizing preachy talk of arrogant but incompetent politicians on TV neither…
check the percentage of vaxxed Venezuelans
% Venezuelans Covid vaccinated: 2.6% mostly Sinovac
% Colombians Covid vaccinated: 18.5 %
Cheers, Saker!
I had very mild Covid in November (thanks to…?) but have taken both pfizer shots past spring, mostly for ease of travelling. Each shot gave strong side effects (extreme fatigue and the need to sleep ca 15 hrs a night for a week both times, but nothing lasting) . I definitely would have preferred the Sputik vaccine…
And the WHO does approve Remdesivir for treating covid while they also admit that the efficacy is negligible. But despite the way better results with Ivermectin they claim there isn’t enough proof or good enough trials done.
One difference is Remdesivir costs a fortune, Ivermectin cheap.
People that suffer from long term covid have brain inflammation caused by the disease. It can be effectively treated with Fluvoxamine. 14 day protocol. Fitness and clear mind should swiftly return, improvement within 1 to 2 days.
As Oscar Wilde said: ” you would need a heart of stone not to laugh”.
Realistically it will be 10 years or more until we see the long term effects of these vaccines and non-vaccine MRNA drugs. So far, the short term effects are evident, and worrying, and I suspect being suppressed. There is nothing heretical is questioning the Governments narratives – how many time have we been lied to?
Everyone has an opinion, personally I don’t think vaccine embracers are mentally deranged as they do me, they just believe what they do based on the information they have. Also there is great fear in the world now, despite the covid death rate of about 0.3% a poll recently in Australia saw people believing the death rate was 38%, the US was similar at some stage. Why so wrong? because the tone of the media and government is creating fear and by reporting cases rather than outcomes it creates the impression it is worse than reality.
If Saker believes that being a Muslim, Atheist or Orthodox Christian leader provides one with special insight then so be it. How many of the “rebel” cited countries still have a Central Banking system? Regardless my argument was not about whether covid existed but our response to it. As I pointed out traditional medical theory does not include lock downs and masks, recent studies confirm they don’t work. And yet the countries cited are all using this approach exactly the same as the West, in fact China started the trend. Why is that?
Saker presumably also believes that vaccine passports are good thing, to that I have no comment, the belief speaks for itself.
Perhaps Zone A are more distrustful of their governments than Zone B, why do you imagine so many of us read your blog? It is hardly mainstream. I didn’t read every comment yesterday, but those I did seemed quite genuine in their concern. And yet you now accuse many of your readers of “the low intellectual level, the pompous arrogance, the sheer crass ignorance”, this after stating you were agnostic about covid. Then go on today to declare “That raging Kindergarten is not the target audience for this blog. Never was, never will be.” Ouch, somewhat sounds like Hillary and her deplorables comment. What’s next, a pride month?
I don’t trust the Pfizer and Moderna MRNA vaccines. It isn’t clear to me how the decision was made to develop this particular type of vaccine as opposed to a non-experimental type and I am suspicious about the motives; was it about money and did Big Parma bribe the Trump administration? As I understand it, the MRNA technology has been in development for a while, but before COVID was not able to get approval, even from the extremely corrupt U.S. government. The MRNA vaccines are expensive and difficult to use. If you had to rank the COVID vaccines in order of ability to generate drug industry profits, I bet the MRNA ones are at the top.
The COVID vaccine that looks very good to me is the Russian CoviVac:
What I like about CoviVac is it is minimalist; it does very little to your body to generate the immune response, just exposing it to dead COVID fragments. This is a classic type of vaccine; it is as far removed from “experimental” as you can get. Alas, the chances of CoviVac being available in the U.S. are nil, given that that could score PR points for Russia, which “Biden” wants to avoid at all costs.
There is also a vaccine being developed by Peter Hotez at Baylor U. which sounds interesting, although I don’t know much about it. (I don’t like the straw-mannish way Hotez criticizes Anti-Vaxxers but I am intrigued with his vaccine). Hotez is an expert in developing vaccines for diseases like COVID. He is developing one which is cheap and easy to produce. He wasn’t able to obtain U.S. government funding for his research and had to resort to crowdsourcing to fund work on his vaccine, which would not generate profits for Big Pharma.
in EU religion collapsed. even devote Christians stopped going to church.
then were to go for relief and solace ? Of course to anti depressants. And if an unexpected boon arrive at you whom do you thanks. Whom do you invoke from the depth of your heart? Recreational drugs maybe.?
The west was unable to progress beyond religion into the spiritual or the deeper core of their religions, compassion forgiveness, peace, love in short messages of harmony. . As a result of this a sort of emptiness appeared. There is No One, and no Beyond nothing . Sapiens and the great void. Then we got the famous “Muslim” terrorist ISIS etc etc. and their attacks like Charlie Chaplin hebdo. etc. There was no one to pray to. A wave of anxiety stated to fill up the emptiness. Then the “inevitable” war with Korea, Iran and the “danger” of Russian aggression and China overrunning the planet stifling all the precious demo freedoms.. Coupled with all this BLM and the influx of refugees from the middle East. This started to fill up the void created a strong unease ,annoyance resulting in uncertainty. While all this is going on there is the sex upheaval the cult of trangenderism, boys becoming girls and girls becoming boys. All this mixed with “How dare you” and the certain climate disaster.
All this coagulated and gradually filled up the emptiness to the brim with apprehension uncertainty and leading to Fear. And then came Covid the omnipotent and omnipresent master of the world and the world bowed down to “it”. We listen foremost to the prophets of disease discrepancy and death. Why not listen the practitioners of health. A healthy body in a healthy mind ? Why is walking in the park on the sea side to breath fresh air forbidden ? enough has been written about this
Or looking at it from another angle; the obvious disease is the disease of the human spirit. This is the real pandemic it is not Covid. To me it is a moment to look deeper in ourselves body mind and look for the Self inside the Spirit above. All the rest is futile.
You said a while back you would not tolerate discussion of this topic on your site, and now you are the one bringing it up. You did not not like some people’s comments so you post a part two and engage in petty arguments with them. Go do some research.
My 2 pieces:
The Saker is a great military analyst. He is not an infectious disease specialist, epidemiologist (I am), nor the Oracle of Delphi. I don’t agree with him or share his viewpoint on many things, but I still find he has a lot of valuable things to say which other sites do not.
The Saker is black and white in his opinions and thinking which lends clarity to complex and ambiguous issues. But it would be foolish to assume he is always right and to castigate him for being wrong or having a different opinion.
Keep going, Saker. You are needed!
Dear Saker,
modern economies needs the deadly vaccine the same they needed football and millionaires footballer
the virus was not identified, pcr tests are crap but that’s where the pandemic comes from [ just increase cycles and you get as many false positive as you want ]
western vaccine contains dna of dead fetuses in order to induce lethargy so you are sick all the time and you consume less and ultimately you will die from a common cold
the other vaccine are placebo
so putin and khamenei are playing the game of western liders but they do not destroy their own people
have a nice day
Some sick, sinister shit has happened/ is happening to this website. It’s very peculiar that Saker is going out of his way to offend his readers. For example, he says that the 500 plus comments are mostly infantile rude etc. Objectively, this is not true. Almost every comment was intelligent and polite. The feeling I get is that this is some sort of mini psyop. Maybe Saker has been threatened. Maybe he is and has always been a shiil for somebody. Maybe the old Saker has been replaced. Regardless, I’m getting a really bad vibe.
Maybe the Saker took the vax, and it bent his mind so that he now is secretly working for Bill Gates.
I hear one side effect of the vax is that one’s skin starts burning when one comes up against an Apple iphone.
I am also getting a bad vibe. The Sakers behavior here is a huge break from what we have come to love about him.
Nobody’s perfect, The Saker is emotional about this it happens to the best of us, but if a trend continues, well, that is entirely different.
I have lost friends as a result of my skepticism of the government narrative here in Canada as I have challenged it. The loss of these friendships hurts no doubt.
But then when I think of defending the values of free speech I get over it very fast.
That is the correct choice.
@Anton G
I agree with your analysis. There is something going on in the background that is not declared. The description of the 500+ responses are simply counterfactual, maybe it could be interpreted as a cry for help. When someone puts 2 and 2 together and arrive at 5 we understand what kind of forces are in play. I agree with your comment that a likely explanation is that The Saker has been threatened. The end of referring to South Front points in the same direction.
We saw TPTB seize, so it is clear that any and all opposition to the MSM narratives are to be shut down, and this plays into the same objective.
(Rant-ers gonna rant)
Since the blog is wide open still, I wanted to repeat my gripe about the lack of political representation for naturopathic/natural health approaches and traditional medicine of all varieties. This is not my argument, by the way. Over a decade ago, I started reading alarming reports about increasing marginalization of experts and practitioners from both categories. So what they warned about, the repeated slicing of the salami, has resulted now in no significant organized power, political power, from these folks. Otherwise, there would be those who could argue for non-vaccine-based approaches – scientifically-proven protocals. Those with political representation tend to be able to do that.
As it is, there is barely enough of a platform for any medical expert to state that IV vitamin C, for example, may possibly in some very specific and rare circumstances influence to a small degree the outcome from an infectious disease, like COVID.
If the natural health and traditional medicine communities had political power, they could lobby like hell for other approaches, lobby just like pharmaceutical companies can, for example. As it is, those of us who follow these paths have no czar, no Pope, no Chief Medical Officer.
Hi Saker,
Like most scientists and experts in the biological field, like most laymen, including yourself, you likely accept and believe totally in the “virus as a disease” model. The world has been told that some viruses are potentially dangerous to all life. Vaccines are believed by most people to have saved the human race from all manner of these “viral diseases”. There is another model, the “terrain” model which postulates that most sickness in due to poisons and toxicities in the environment (bad food, incomplete diets, radiation poisoning, herbicide and pesticide poisoning, industrial chemicals, etc.) US medical schools don’t teach terrain theories. The terrain model hypothesizes that humans and animals don’t have an “immune” system per se but more accurately a “detoxification” system that purges toxins from the body. Terrain scientists (legitimate, degreed PhDs, MDs) have examined claims that SARS-COVID-19 was “purified and isolated” and it’s structure identified. These Terrain scientists conclude that SARS-COVID-19 has never been properly isolated nor purified and therefore the mRNA sequence cannot be determined. Same with any “dangerous variants” – they have never been identified using scientific methods. Some terrain scientist provide data to support that polio was not caused by a virus but by the worldwide use of DDT starting in the 1920s until DDT was banned. There is data to support that the Spanish flu was caused by worldwide introduction of radio wave communication causing “radiation” poisoning. I know these postulates sound f-ing crazy, and not “mainstream”. However, a lot of people, maybe most, are jaded and cynical, and don’t believe much from any “mainstream” source (Kennedy assassination, 911 Towers collapse, Russian collusion, the Gov’t is here to help you, white Christians are all terrorists, mRNA jabs are good for you, etc, etc.)
Yes they sound crazy because they ARE crazy. Have you ever seen a virus under an electon microscope. I have. They are not figments of the imagination.
the terrain model is to put it mildly just a tad way off centre.
I guess you do realise that in the years before we had many chemical pollutants, when people lived in rural communities with no toxins except perhaps wood smoke, people died of diseases- fevers, epidemics- small pox, plague etc.
While i cannot claim to have seen the COVID virus isolated, I do know that they can trace its dna down to the most minute level. Here in australia we are doing this daily – whenever there is a case of COVID we are able to determine from whom they caught it because the dna signature is so complete. For example in Qld we are fighting a small cluster focused on a particular ethnic club, brought in from an overseas arrival. We have another cluster which was caught by a clerk in the hospital which was treating an overseas businessman with Covid and another the mining cluster which was caught by a mine worker who shared a hotel with a new arrival from overseas. this is fantasic and very exact science.
It might also be worth noting that much of the debate here is very USA centric coloured by the lousy health service and obsession with profit that characterises the USA and rightly makes people distrustful of the medical profession and big pharma. In Australia where we have essentially a public health model there is less incentive for anyone to falsely push the COVID theory.
Moreover we have a federal model of government which has seen highly respected medical scientists leading the charge – not politicians. Now while i would not trust any politicians, I do trust some- not all of the health professionals. Now i do admit that much of the fear of the science is because in the USA the public voice on COVID was Fauci. I do not like or trust him I admit and I guess I can sort of understand why in the USA, his advice carries little weight with many. However I suggest you look to OTHER jurisdictions where the advice of Fauci is irrelevant and base your trust there.
Saker is right to point out that China, Russia, Cuba etc have each acted to control the virus and they are NOT lead by the nose by Fauci or by the profit motive. I also trust the health authorities in NZ, Australia (State ones NOT federal) Singapore etc.
“Have you ever seen a virus under an electon microscope. I have. They are not figments of the imagination.”
How did you determine that it was not an exosome:
As Pastuzyn repeatedly tried to purify Arc, however, the single protein kept self-assembling into a more complex structure. At first, everyone thought it was a mistake. But when it kept happening, Shepherd and Pastuzyn took a peek under the electron microscope. The protein structure looked familiar.
“It looked like a virus,” she said. “It was a double-ringed structure, and the resemblance was uncanny. I had no idea that’s what it was.”
Well I saw a lot of small organelles within the cells plus viruses etc. Basically those who deny the existence of viruses are in the same league as flat earthers.
Again as I posted earlier – do not extrapolate some events into total theories.
Yes of course things change. Scientists get it wrong or perhaps some new discovery changes the way we think, but that does not make the original idea wrong, it simply needs some readjustment. Einstein largely debunked Newton but for all practical purposes withing the universe as we know and live in it, Newtons principles still stand.
Well as for being exosomes – fairly unlikely for viruses- or at least those that lack a membrane. I am no expert on exosomes (they arrived a bit after my time in research), but the genetic print of most infectious agents (virus, Bacteria, protozoa, fungi, animal) are pretty clear.
It is possible (even probable) that SOME infectious agents could have started life as exosomes from somewhere if- and it is a big if, they have some genetic material, but that does not really affect their capacity to be infectious agents, so their origin is irrelevant. The disease still exists and is able to move through the body and into others.
“I am no expert on exosomes (they arrived a bit after my time in research), but the genetic print of most infectious agents (virus, Bacteria, protozoa, fungi, animal) are pretty clear.”
Rather, hey seem to be totally unclear:
In terms of size, HIV-1 is slightly larger than an exosome, with the diameter of the virus ranging from 100–120 nm compared to the 30- to 120-nm diameter of exosomes [87]. In addition, it is thought that HIV-1 can be formed by the exosome biogenesis pathway. Gould et al. even proposed a “Trojan exosome hypothesis,” which states that retroviruses, including HIV in particular, utilize the host exosome biogenesis and uptake pathway for the generation of infectious particles and a receptor- and Envindependent mode of infection [88].
Lots of thought in this but no evidence.
Out of a little interest, when did you stop investigating?
Thanks for your post, for me infectious diseases are obvious.
But why do you need an DNA test when you can see the virus under the microscope?
“I am no expert on exosomes (they arrived a bit after my time in research), but the genetic print of most infectious agents (virus, Bacteria, protozoa, fungi, animal) are pretty clear.”
Rather, the following seems more like a Donald Rumsfeld “There are things we don’t know we don’t know.” i.e. totally unclear:
In terms of size, HIV-1 is slightly larger than an exosome, with the diameter of the virus ranging from 100–120 nm compared to the 30- to 120-nm diameter of exosomes [87]. In addition, it is thought that HIV-1 can be formed by the exosome biogenesis pathway. Gould et al. even proposed a “Trojan exosome hypothesis,” which states that retroviruses, including HIV in particular, utilize the host exosome biogenesis and uptake pathway for the generation of infectious particles and a receptor- and Envindependent mode of infection [88].
Lots of thought/hypotheseis without substance.
Out of a little interest, what size “virus” did you see and when did your research end?
My opinion about Covid-19:
There is a lot of confusion.
Most likely it is an engineered virus, originating purposely (hybrid warfare) or accidentally from a zone A bio-weapons lab.
It is not as lethal as is being made out, but the fact that it is a bio weapon means we have crossed a threshold and these lockdown and vaccinations are a response to that – chaotic, over-reactive (for the IFR of the virus), and nonsensical for the most because we are in uncharted waters.
The pandemic is also being heavily used to reinforce the surveillance state Snowden and Assange revealed, and to curb civil rights, freedom of expression, dissent, etc., and to further the new Cold War.
Many countries like India, Britain, France are finding a way to use the fear of covid to further the interest of their ruling elites, which democratic process would render impossible. It was used to get rid of Trump.
If you look at the few countries like Belarus and Tanzania that have not had any lockdown, they have not done poorly at all.
On the other hand, Israel was very early and aggressive in its vaccination program, while Iran seemed to have a feted early and hard especially and uniquely among government officials.
So it is confusing, and not black and white because I suspect there is more than one thing going on. It’s just not a apocalyptic pandemic that was pitched to us last year. In anyone less than 75 years of ago and without significant co-morbidities, the fatality rate is less than annual influenza. In fact, In people less than 30 there is almost no risk of death illness or death, and the hastily developed vaccines themselves carry more risk to these age groups.
My humble interpretation and opinions only.
“It is not as lethal as is being made out”
COVID is not your run-of-the-mill virus; it is asymptomatic. I think people try to think about COVID in terms of the symptomatic diseases they are familiar with, but COVID is a new experience for us, and we are learning the hard way what to expect from it. Personally, I also suspect it is a U.S. bioweapon, but we may never have hard evidence of this.
“COVID is not your run-of-the-mill virus; it is asymptomatic.”
A virus without any symptoms. You have to believe it to see it then. I think that sums it up quite well.
Why is an asymptomatic virus not possible? What do you claim are the properties of COVID? The common cold is asymptomatic; we don’t experience the cold symptoms until the end of the disease.
Look, I know very little about the medical side — I probably couldn’t tell the difference between an aspirin and a placebo. But what I came to understand in 2020 when researching all this covid-19 business was that the virus did not last long in the body and didn’t do much damage in most cases — it was the subsequent cytokine storm that did people in (as was the case in 1918 American ‘Spanish’ influenza). I stand to be corrected.
From what I understand, COVID can play out very differently in different people. For some people COVID doesn’t do much damage and may not be noticed or diagnosed. Some people die from it or have permanent damage to their organs. Very unlucky people are crippled by “Long COVID”. Some of this damage may not come directly from the virus but rather from collateral effects like cytokine storms, but that doesn’t make COVID less dangerous, although it likely has implications for treatments. The bottom line is I definitely do not want this sickness. Being asymptomatic makes COVID much more of a public health threat then you average disease. I think COVID is a serious menace and will be very difficult to get under control.
Just wanted to say I support you man. You have always been a solid dude and your opinions are correct. The virus is an actual virus that has killed thousands and thousands, including in countries standing up against the NWO
Thanks brother! And thanks for taking the time to say this to me.
Kind regards
And… while I’m ranting, what about UNDRIP? Does it extend protection to traditional medicine? I guess that is a question for Morales.
Sorry Saker I forgot this
western mRna vaccine are gene therapy
it is the corrupted media, the corrupted doctors that call them vaccine
vaers stopped reporting side effects after 5000 deaths [ they told doctors no to report ]
they want to inject the poisonous medicine to boys and girls, pregnant women who would miscarriage
western world has arrived to its end
it is all in the name of MONEY
God is Thruth
there is no more any God in western world
One final point:
The best way to bolster the official narrative and bury the truth is to call alternate version “conspiracy theories”.
And then to flood the field with bizarre and absurd fake facts and opinions which are easily debunked, thereby “tin-foil hatting” anyone questioning the obvious paradoxes and contradictions of the official narrative (as with 9/11).
A lot of what is being said about Covid-19 is probably wild as the Saker maintains, but ultimately many people feel they are being lied to and are trying to figure out their own views, with opinions based on their pre-existing fears and biases.
I am so looking forward to Monday. God Bless you Saker for this blog.
Спаси Христос!
Спасибо Тихон, мне это тоже начинает надоедать, но все это нужно было сказать а эту дезу разоблачить.
Но да, отбой. Вернемся в настоящий мир.
An noisy and chaotic army of trolls will be excluded once moderators are back on Monday.
Back to sanity!
Cheers from France.