First, a painful, but necessary, clarification:
Basement crazies. Neocons. Zionists. Israel Lobbyists. Judaics. Jews. Somewhere along this list we bump into the proverbial “elephant in the room”. For some this bumping will happen earlier in the list, for others a little later down the list, but the list will be more or less the same for everybody. Proper etiquette, as least in the West, would want to make us run away from that topic. I won’t. Why? Well, for one thing I am constantly accused of not discussing this elephant. Furthermore, I am afraid that the role this elephant is playing is particularly toxic right now. So let me try to deal with this beast; but first I have to begin with some caveats.
First, terminology: For those who have not seen it, please read my article “Why I use the term AngloZionist and why it is important.” Second, please read my friend Gilad Atzmon’s article “Jews, Judaism & Jewishness” (or, even better, please read his seminal book The Wandering Who). Please note that Gilad specifically excludes Judaics (religious Jews,) from his discussion. He writes: “I do not deal with Jews as a race or an ethnicity. I also generally avoid dealing with Judaism (the religion)”. I very much include them in my discussion. However, I also fully agree with Gilad when he writes that “Jews Are Not a Race, But Jewish Identity is Racist” (those having any doubts about Jews not being a race or ethnicity should read Shlomo Sand’s excellent book “The Invention of the Jewish People“). Lastly, please carefully review my definition of racism as spelled out in my “moderation policies“:
Racism is, in my opinion, not so much the belief that various human groups are different from each other, say like dog breeds can be different, but the belief that the differences between human groups are larger than within the group. Second, racism is also a belief that the biological characteristics of your group somehow pre-determine your actions/choices/values in life. Third, racism often, but not always, assumes a hierarchy amongst human groups (Germanic Aryans over Slavs or Jews, Jews over Gentiles, etc.). I believe that God created all humans with the same purpose and that we are all “brothers in Adam”, that we all equally share the image (eternal and inherent potential for perfection) of God (as opposed to our likeness to Him, which is our temporary and changing individual condition).
To sum it all up, I need to warn both racists and rabid anti-anti-Zionists that I will disappoint them both: the object of my discussion and criticism below will be limited to categories which a person chooses to belong to or endorse (religion, political ideas, etc.) and not categories with which one is born with (race, ethnicity).
Second, so what are Jews if not a race? In my opinion, they are a tribe (which Oxford Dictionaries defines as: a social division in a traditional society consisting of families or communities linked by social, economic, religious, or blood ties, with a common culture and dialect, typically having a recognized leader). A tribe is a group one can chose to join (Elizabeth Taylor) or leave (Gilad Atzmon).
Third, it is precisely and because Jews are a tribe to which we who are non-Jews owe exactly nothing: no special status, neither bad nor good, no special privilege of any kind, no special respect or “sensitivity” – nothing at all. We ought to treat Jews exactly as we treat any other of our fellow human beings: as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise (Luke 6:31). So if being Jewish is a choice and if any choice is a legitimate object of discussion and criticism, then (choosing to) being Jewish is a legitimate object of discussion and criticism. Conversely, those who would deny us the right to criticize Jews are, of course, the real racists since they do believe that Jews somehow deserve a special status. In fact, that notion is at the core of the entire Jewish identity and ideology.
Now let’s come back to our opening list: Basement crazies. Neocons. Zionists. Israel Lobbyists. Judaics. Jews. I submit that these are all legitimate categories as long as it is clear that “Jews by birth only”, what Alain Soral in France calls “the everyday Jews”, are not included in this list. Thus, for our purposes and in this context, these terms are all interchangeable. My own preference still goes for “Zionist” because it combines the ideological racism of secular Jews with the religious racism of Judaics (if you don’t like my choice, just replace “Zionist” with any of the categories I listed above). Zionism used to be secular, but it turned religious during the late 20th century, so now for our purposes this term can encompass both secular and religious Jewish supremacists. Add to this some more or less conservative opinions and mindsets and you have “Ziocons” as an alternative expression.
[Sidebar: This tells you something about the power of the Zionist propaganda machine; I call it the “Ziomedia.” Perhaps I should preface this article with a 700+ explanatory words to try to overcome counter conditioned mental reflexes in the reader to infer I might be an evil anti-Semite. By the way, I am under no illusions either; some Jews or doubleplusgoodthinking shabbos-goyim will still accuse me of racism. This just comes with the territory. But the good news is when I will challenge them to prove their accusation they will walk away empty-handed].
The reason I decided to tackle this issue today is that the forces who broke Trump in less than a month are also the very same forces responsible for his political 180: the Neocons and the US deep state. However, I think that these two concepts can be fused into what I and others have called the “Ziocons”: basically Zionists plus some rabid Anglo imperialists à la Cheney and McCain. Ziocons are the folks who control the US corporate media, Hollywood, Congress, most of academia, etc. These are the folks who organized a ferocious assault on the “nationalist” or “patriotic” wing of Trump supporters and ousted Flynn and Bannon, and these are the folks who basically staged a color revolution against Trump. There is some pretty good evidence that the person in charge of this quiet coup is Jared Kushner, a rabid Zionist. Maybe. Maybe not. This does not really matter; what matters now is to understand what this all means for the rest of us in the “basket of deplorables”, the “99%ers” – basically the rest of the planet.
Making sense of the crazies
Making sense of the motives and goals (one cannot speak of “logic” in this case) of self-deluded racists can be a difficult exercise. But when the “basement crazies” (reminder: this term was first used here) are basically in control of the policies of the US Empire, this becomes a crucial, vital exercise for the survival of the mentally sane. I will now try to outline the reasons behind the “new” Trump policies using two examples: Syria and Russia.
Syria. I think that we can all agree that having the black flag of Daesh fly over Damascus would be a disaster for Israel. Right? Wrong! You are thinking like a mentally sane person. This is not how the Israelis think at all. For them, Daesh is much preferable to Assad not only because Assad is the cornerstone of a unitary Syria, but because Daesh in power gives the Israelis the perfect pretext to establish a “security zone” to “protect” northern Israel. And that, in plain English, means fully occupying and annexing the Golan (a longstanding Israeli dream). Even better, the Israelis know Daesh really well (they helped create it with the USA and Saudi Arabia) and they know that Daesh is a mortal threat to Hezbollah. By putting Daesh into power in Syria, the Israelis hope for a long, bloody and never-ending war in Lebanon and Syria. While their northern neighbors would be plugged into a maelstrom of atrocities and horrors, the Israelis would get to watch it all from across their border while sending a few aircraft from time to time to bomb Hezbollah positions or even innocent civilians under whatever pretext. Remember how the Israelis watched in total delight while their forces bombed the population of Gaza in 2014? With Daesh in power in Damascus, they would get an even better show to take their kids to watch. Finally, and last but definitely not least, the Syrian Christians would be basically completely wiped out. For those who know the hatred Judaics and Jews have always felt for Christianity (even today) it will be clear why the Israelis would want Daesh in power in Syria: Daesh is basically a tool to carve up an even bigger Zionist entity.
Russia. Ziocons, especially ex-Trotskyists turned Neocons, absolutely loathe Russia and everything Russian. I have explained the origins of this hatred elsewhere, so I won’t repeat it all here. You just need to study the genocidal policies against anything Russian of the fist Bolshevik government (which was 80%-85% Jews; don’t believe me? Then listen to Putin himself). I have already discussed “The ancient spiritual roots of russophobia” in a past article and I have also explained what rabbinical Phariseism (what is mistakenly called “Judaism” nowadays) is little more than an “anti-Christianity“(please read those articles if this complex and fascinating history is of interest to you). The bottom line is this: modern Neocons are little else than former Trotskyists who have found a new host to use. Their hatred for everything Russian is still so visceral that they would rather support bona fide Nazis (isn’t this ironic?) in the Ukraine than Russia, which is even more paradoxical if you recall that before the 1917 Bolshevik coup, anti-Jewish feelings were much stronger in what is today the Ukraine than in what is the Russian Federation today. In fact, relations between Russians and Jews have, I would argue, been significantly improving since the Nazi coup in Kiev, much to the chagrin of the relatively few Russians left who truly hate Jews. Even though you will hear a lot of criticism of organized political Jewry in Russia, especially compared to the West, there is very little true anti-Jewish racism in Russia today, and even less publicly expressed in the media (in fact, ‘hate speech’ is illegal in Russia). One thing to keep in mind is that there are many substantial differences between Russian Jews and US Jews, especially among those Russian Jews who deliberately chose not to emigrate to Israel, or some other western country (those interested in this topic can find a more detailed discussion here). Jews in Russia today deliberately chose to stay and that, right there, show a very different attitude than the earlier attitude of those (Jews and non-Jews) who took the first opportunity to get out of Russia as soon as possible. Bottom line – Ziocons feel an overwhelming and always present hatred for Russia and Russians and that factor is one of the key components of their motivations. Unless you take that hatred into account you will never be able to make sense of the Ziocons and their demented policies.
Making sense of Trump
I think that Trump can be criticized for a lot of things, but there is exactly zero evidence of him ever harboring anti-Russian feelings. There is plenty of evidence that he has always been pro-Israeli, but no more than any politician or businessman in the USA. I doubt that Trump even knows where the Golan Heights even are. He probably also does not know that Hezbollah and Daesh are mortal enemies. Yes, Trump is a poorly educated ignoramus who is much better suited to the shows in Las Vegas than to be President of a nuclear superpower, but I don’t see any signs of him being hateful of anybody. More generally, the guy is really not ideological. The best evidence is his goofy idea of building a wall to solve the problem of illegal immigration: he (correctly) identified a problem, but then he came up with a Kindergarten level (pseudo) solution. The same goes for his views on Russia. He probably figured out something along these lines: “Putin is a strong guy, Russia is a strong country, they hate Daesh and want to destroy it – let’s join forces”. The poor man apparently had absolutely no idea of the power and maniacal drive of the Neocons who met him once he entered the White House. Even worse is the fact that he apparently does not realize that they are now using him to try out some pretty demented policies for which they will later try to impeach him as the sole culprit, should things go wrong (and they most definitely will). Frankly, I get the feeling that Trump was basically sincere in his desire to “drain the swamp” but that he is simply not too clever (just the way he betrayed Flynn and Bannon to try to appease the Ziocons is so self-defeating and, frankly, stupid). But even if I am wrong and Trump was “their” plant all along (I still don’t believe that at all), the end result is the same: we now have the Ziocons in total control of BOTH parties in Congress (or, more accurately, both wings of the Ziocon party in Congress), in total control of the White House, the mass media and Hollywood. I am not so sure that they truly are in control of the Pentagon, but when I see the kind of pliable and spineless military figures Trump has recently appointed, I get the feeling that there are only two types of officers left in the top ranks of the US military: retired ones and “ass-kissing little chickenshits” à la Petraeus. Not good. Not good at all. As for the ridiculously bloated (and therefore mostly incompetent) “three letter agencies soup”, it appears that it has been turned from an intelligence community to a highly politicized propaganda community whose main purpose is to justify whatever counter-factual insanity their political bosses can dream up. Again. Not good. Not good at all.
Living with ZOG :-)
ZOG. Or “Zionist Occupation Government”. That used to be the favorite expression of various Jew-haters out there and it’s use was considered the surefire sign of a rabid anti-Semite. And yet, that is precisely what we are now all living with: a Zionist occupation government which has clearly forced Trump to make a 180 on all his campaign promises and which now risks turning the USA into a radioactive desert resulting from a completely artificial and needless confrontation with Russia. To those horrified that I would dare use an expression like ZOG, I will reply in this way: believe me, I am even more upset than you are about having to admit that ZOG is real; I really don’t care for racists of any kind, and most of these ZOG folks looks like real racists to me. But, alas, they are also right! Facts are facts, you cannot deny them or refuse to correctly qualify them that because of the possible “overtones” of the term chosen or because of some invented need to be especially “sensitive” when dealing with some special group. Remember – Jews are not owed any special favor and there is no need to constantly engage in various forms of complex linguistic or mental yoga contortions when discussing them and their role in the modern world. Still, I am using ZOG here just to show that it can be done, but this is not my favorite expression. I just feel that committing the crimethink here will encourage others to come out of their shell and speak freely. At the very least, simply asking the question of whether we do or do not have a Zionist Occupation Government is an extremely important exercise. Hence, for today I ZOG-away :-)
Some might argue with the “occupation” part of the label. Okay – what would you call a regime which is clearly acting in direct opposition to the will of an overwhelming majority of its citizens, and which acts in the interests of a foreign power (with which the USA does not even have a formal treaty)? Because, please make no mistake here, this is not a Trump-specific phenomenon. I think that it all began with Reagan, and that the Ziocons fully seized power with Bill Clinton. Others think that it all began with Kennedy. Whatever may be the case during election after election Americans consistently vote for less war and each time around they get more wars. It is true that most Americans are mentally unable to conceptually analyze the bizarre phenomena of a country with no enemies and formidable natural barriers needs to spend more on wars of aggression then the rest of the planet spends of defense. Nor are they equipped to wonder why the US needs 16/17 intelligence agencies when the vast majority of countries out there do fine with less than 5. Lastly, most Americans do believe that they have some kind of duty to police the planet. True. But at the same time, they are also sick and tired of wars, if only because so many of their relatives, friends and neighbors return from these wars either dead or crippled. That, and the fact that Americans absolutely hate losing. Losing is all the USA has been doing since God knows how long: losing wars against all but the weakest and most defenseless countries out there. Most Americans also would prefer that the money spent abroad on “defending democracy” (i.e. imperialism) be spent at home to help the millions of Americans in dire need in the USA. As the southern rock band Lynyrd Skynyrd (which hails from Jacksonville, Florida) once put it in their songs “Things goin’ on“:
Too many lives they’ve spent across the ocean
Too much money been spent upon the moon
Well, until they make it right
I hope they never sleep at night
They better make some changes
And do it soon
Soon? That song was written in 1978! And since then, nothing has changed. If anything, things have become far worse.
Houston, we got a problem
ZOG is not an American problem. It is a planetary problem, if only because right now ZOG controls the US nuclear arsenal. And Trump, who clearly and unequivocally campaigned on a peace platform, is now sending a “very powerful armada” to the coast of the DPRK. Powerful as this armada might be, it can do absolutely nothing to prevent the DPRK artillery from smashing Seoul into smithereens. You think that I am exaggerating? Business Insider estimated in 2010 that it would take the DPRK 2 hours to completely obliterate Seoul. Why? Because the DPRK has enough artillery pieces to fire 500,000 rounds of artillery on Seoul in the first hour of a conflict, that’s why. Here we are talking about old fashioned, conventional, artillery pieces. Wikipedia says that the DPRK has 8,600 artillery pieces and 4,800 multiple rocket launcher systems. Two days ago a Russian expert said that the real figure was just under 20,000 artillery pieces. Whatever the exact figure, suffice to say that it is “a lot”.
The DPRK also has some more modern but equally dangerous capabilities. Of special importance here are the roughly 200’000 North Korean special forces. Oh sure, these 200,000 are not US Green Beret or Russian Spetsnaz, but they are adequate for their task: to operate deep behind enemy lies and create chaos and destroy key objectives. You tell me – what can the USS Carl Vinson carrier strike group deploy against these well hidden and dispersed 10’000+ artillery pieces and 200,000 special forces? Exactly, nothing at all.
And did I mention that the DPRK has nukes?
No, I did not. First, I am not at all sure that the kind of nukes the DPRK has can be fitted for delivery on a missile. Having a few nukes and having missiles is one thing, having missiles capable of adequately delivering these nukes is quite another. I suppose that DPRK special forces could simply drive a nuke down near Seoul on a run-of-the-mill army truck and blow it up. Or bring it in a container ship somewhere in the general vicinity of a US or Korean base and blow it up. One neat trick would be to load a nuke on a civilian ship, say a fishing vessel, and bring it somewhere near the USS Carl Vinson and then blow it up. Even if the USN ships survive this unscathed, the panic aboard these ships would be total. To be honest, this is mostly Tom Clancy stuff; in real warfare I don’t think that the North Korean nukes would be very useful against a US attack. But you never know — necessity is the mother of invention, as the British like to say.
I don’t believe that Trump is dumb enough to actually strike at North Korea. I think that his dumbass plan is probably to shoot down a DPRK missile to show that he has made “America great again” or something equally asinine. The problem here is that I am not sure at all how Kim Jong-un and his Party minions might react to that kind of loss of face. What if they decided that they needed to fire some more missiles, some in the general direction of US forces in the region (there are fixed US targets all over the place). Then what? How will Trump prove that he is the biggest dog on the block? Could he decide to “punish” the offending missile launch site like he did with the al-Sharyat airbase in Syria? And if Trump does that – what will Kim Jong-un’s reaction be?
To be candid, I don’t think that the “very powerful armada” will do anything other than waste the US taxpayer’s money. I am getting a strong sense that Trump is all about appearance over substance, what the Russians call “показуха” – a kind of fake show of force, full of special effects and “cool” photo ops, but lacking any real substance. Still, being on the receiving end of Trump’s показуха (po-kah-zoo-kha) must be unnerving, especially if you already have natural paranoid tendencies. I am not at all sure that Kim Jong-un will find the presence of the US carrier strike group as pathetic and useless as I do.
Both Russia and Syria have shown an amazing amount of restraint when provoked by Turkey or the US. This is mostly due to the fact that Russian and Syrian leaders are well-educated people who are less concerned with loss of face than with achieving their end result. In direct contrast, both Kim Jong-un and Trump are weak, insecure, leaders with an urgent need to prove to their people (and to themselves!) that they are tough guys. Exactly the most dangerous kind of mindset you want in any nuclear-capable power, be it huge like the USA or tiny like the DPRK.
So what does that have to do with the ZOG and the Ziocons?
They are the ONLY ONES who really want to maintain the AngloZionst Empire at any cost. Trump made it clear over and over again that his priority was the USA and the American people, not the Empire. And yet now he is playing a crazy game of “nuclear chicken” with the DPRK. Does that sound like the “real Trump” to you? Maybe – but not to me. All this crazy stuff around the DPRK and the (few) nukes it apparently has, is all just a pretext to “play empire”, to show that, as Obama liked to say, the USA is the “indispensable nation“. God forbid the local countries would deal with that problem alone, without USN carrier strike groups involved in the “solving” of this problem!
[Sidebar: by the way, this is also the exact same situation in Syria: the Russians have single-handedly organized a viable peace-process on the ground and then followed it up with a multi-party conference in Astana, Kazakhstan. Looks great except for one problem: the indispensable nation was not even invited. Even worse, the prospects of peace breaking out became terribly real. The said indispensable nation therefore “invited itself” by illegally (and ineffectually) bombing a Syrian air base and, having now proven its capacity to wreck any peace process, the USA is now right back in center-stage of the negotiations about the future of Syria. In a perverse way, this almost makes sense.]
So yes, we have a problem and that problem is that ZOG is in total control of the Empire and will never accept to let it go, even if that means destroying the USA in the process.
I can imagine the gasp of horror and disgust some of you will have at seeing me use the ZOG expression. I assure you, it is quite deliberate on my part. I want to: 1) wake you up and 2) show you that you cannot allow the discomfort created by conditioning to guide your analyses. As with all the other forms of crimethink, I recommend that you engage in a lot of it, preferably in public, and you will get used to it. First it will be hard, but with time it will get easier (it is also great fun). Furthermore, somebody needs to be the first one to scream: “the emperor has no clothes“. Then, once one person does it, the others realize that it is safe and more follow. The key thing here is not to allow ideological “sacred cows” to roam around your intellectual mindspace and limit you in your thinking. Dogmas should be limited to Divine revelations, not human ideological constructs.
Where do we go from here?
Things are coming to a head. Trump presented himself as a real alternative to the ultimate warmongering shabbos-shiksa Hillary. It is now pretty darn obvious that what we now have is just another puppet, but that the puppet-masters have not changed. The good news is that those who were sincere in their opposition to war are now openly speaking about Trump’s great betrayal. From Ann Coulter to Pat Buchanan, many paleo-Conservatives clearly “got it.” As did the real progressives. What we are left with is what I call the “extreme center”, basically zombies who get their news from the Ziomedia and who have so many mental blocks that it takes weeks of focused efforts to basically bring them back to reality.
The key issue here is how do we rescue those who are still capable of clear thinking? I think that a minimalist agenda we can all agree upon could be composed of the following points:
- Peace/pacifism
- International law
- Human and civil rights
- Democracy
- Pluralism
- Anti-racism
- Ethics and morality
Sounds harmless? It ain’t, I assure you. ZOG can only survive by violence, terror and war. Furthermore, the AngloZionist Empire cannot abide by any principles of international law. As for human and civil rights, one quick look at the Patriot Act (which was already ready by the time the 9/11 false flag operation was executed) will tell you how ZOG feels about these issues. More proof? How about the entire “fake news” canard? How about the new levels of censorship on YouTube, Facebook or Google? Don’t you see that this is simply a frontal attack on free speech and the First Amendment?! What about Black Lives Matter – is that not a perfect pretext to justify more police powers and a further militarization of police forces? To think that the Zionists care about human or civil rights is a joke! Just read what the Uber-Zionist and [putative] human right lawyer, the great Alan Dershowitz writes about torture, Israel or restriction of free speech (especially for Norman Finkelstein). Heck, just read what ultra-liberal super-mega human righter (well, after he returned to civilian life) and ex-President Jimmy Carter writes about Israel! Or look at the policies of the Bolshevik regime in Russia. It is pretty clear that these guys not only don’t give a damn about human or civil rights, but that they are deeply offended and outraged when they are told that they cannot violate these rights.
What about democracy? How can that be an intellectual weapon? Simple – you show that every time the people (in the USA or Europe) voted for X they got Y. Or they were told to re-vote and re-vote and re-vote again and again until, finally, the Y won. That is a clear lack of democracy. So if you say that you want to restore democracy, you are basically advocating regime-change, but nicely wrapped into a “good” ideological wrapper. Western democracies are profoundly anti-democratic. Show it!
Pluralism? Same deal. All this takes is to prove that the western society has become a “mono-ideological” society where real dissent is simply not tolerated and where real pluralism is completely absent from public discourse. Demand that the enemies of the system be given equal time on air and always make sure that you give the supporters of the system equal time on media outlets you (we) control. Then ask them to compare. This is exactly what Russia is doing nowadays (see here if you are interested). Western democracies are profoundly anti-pluralistic. Again, show it!
Anti-racism. Should be obvious to the reader by now. Denounce, reject and attack any idea that gives any group any special status. Force your opponents to fess up to the fact that what they really want when they claim to struggle for “equality” is a special status for their single-issue minority. Reject any and all special interest groups and, especially, reject the notion that democracy is about defending the minority against the majority. In reality, minorities are always much more driven and motivated by a single issue; that is why a coalition of minorities inevitably comes to power. What the world needs is the exact opposite: a democracy that would protect the majority against the minorities. Oh, sure, they will fight you on this one, but since you are right this is an intellectual argument you ought to be capable of winning pretty easily (just remember, don’t let accusations of crimethink freeze you in terror).
Lastly, my favorite one: ethics and morality. Modern western society has been built on a categorical rejection of ethics and morality. Slogans like “God is dead” or “Beyond good and evil” resulted in the most abject and viciously evil century in human history: the 20th century. Furthermore, most people by now can tell that Hollywood, and its closely related spinoff, the US porn industry, have played a central role in basically removing categories such as “good,” “truth,” and “honor” from the mind of those infected by the US mass media, especially the Idiot-box (aka “telescreen” in Orwell’s 1984). Instead, unbridled greed and consumption became the highest and most sacred expression of “our way of life” as Americans like to say. Hollywood movies effectively proclaim that “greed is good.” In fact, at the very core of capitalist ideology is the belief that the sum total of everybody’s greed yields the happiest and most successful society possible. Crazy and sick stuff, but I don’t have room to discuss this here. All I will say that that rehabilitating the notions of right and wrong, good and evil, truth and falsehood, healthy and natural versus unnatural and pathological is a great legal way (at least so far) to fight the Empire. Ditto for sexual morality and family. There is a reason why Hollywood movies frequently present only divorced or sexually promiscuous heroes: they are trying to destroy the natural family unit because they *correctly* identify the traditional family unit as a threat to the AngloZionist order. Likewise, there is also a reason why all the western elites are constantly plagued by accusations of pedophilia and other sexual scandals. One Russian commentator, Vitalii Tretiakov, recently paraphrased the old communist slogan and declared “naturals of all countries – come to Russia” [in modern Russian “naturals” is the antonym of “homosexual”). He was joking, of course, but he was also making a serious point: Russia has become the only country that dares to openly uphold the core values of Christianity and Islam (that, of course, only adds to the Ziocon’s hatred of Russia).
[Sidebar: by the way, and contrary to popular belief, Russia is not an especially religious country at all. Although only a minority of Russians is truly religious, a majority of Russians seem to support religious values as civilizational ones. I don’t think that this is sustainable for too long; Russia likely will become more religious, or more secularized, but for the time being we have this apparently paradoxical situation of a generally secular society standing for traditional and religious values]
You might wonder how pacifism, international law, human and civil rights, democracy, pluralism, anti-racism, ethics and morality can help avert a nuclear war in Korea. In truth – they cannot directly do this. But in the long term, I firmly believe that these values can corrode the AngloZionist Empire from within. And look at the alternatives: Organizing political parties does not work in a system where money determines the outcome. “Direct action” does not work in a system that treats libertarians and ecologists as potential terrorists. Public protests do not work in a regime where the Ziomedia get to decide which demonstration gets coverage and which one does not. Civil disobedience does not work in a regime that has no problem having the highest per capita incarceration rate on the planet. Running for office does not work in a regime that selects for spinelessness, immorality and, above all, subservience. Even running away abroad does not work when dealing with an Empire which has 700-1000 (depending on how you count) military bases worldwide that will bomb the crap out of any government that strives for even a modicum of true sovereignty. The only other option is “internal exile,” whereby you build yourself you own inner world of spiritual and intellectual freedom where you basically “live there” with no external signs of you having “fled” the Empire’s ugly reality. But if nuclear-tipped ICBMs start flying, no amount of “internal exile” will protect you, not even if you combine that internal exile with a life far away in the boonies.
Orthodox Christian eschatology teaches that the “End Times” are inevitable. However, the Fathers also teach that we can push the End Times back by our collective actions, be it in the form of prayers or in the form of an open resistance to Evil in our world. I have three children, 1 girl and 2 boys, and I feel I owe it to them to fight to make the world they will have to live even marginally better. And even if all my efforts are vain, at least I know that I resisted with everything I have. At the very least, I hope that it will inspire them to fight for their own children. I also believe that I have to resist this Empire because of all the good, decent and kind people I met in my life, including the Americans I have been living next to for so many years now. I don’t want any of them to die in a useless and stupid war triggered by the demented minds of a tiny demonic minority of mankind-hating psychopaths who, driven by their apparently infinite capacity for evil and self-delusion, apparently having convinced themselves that either they will own the planet or they will destroy it.
Saint Paul very accurately explained that “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Ephesians 6:12). As for Ernesto Che Guevara he wrote that “the true revolutionary is guided by a great feeling of love” (love of living humanity). Today is Holy Paskha, the most joyful and sacred day in the Orthodox year, the day that marks the victory of Christ even against death itself! In the beautiful words of Saint John Chrysostomos:
O Death, where is your sting? O Hell, where is your victory? Christ is risen, and you are overthrown. Christ is risen, and the demons are fallen. Christ is risen, and the angels rejoice. Christ is risen, and life reigns. Christ is risen, and not one dead remains in the grave.
These words and this promise should give us the courage to resist no matter how ugly, evil and insane the world around us can become. Because we do not struggle against flesh and blood, but against wickedness in high places, and because we are not moved by hatred, but by the love for our fellow human being. Finally, the following words written by a true Jew several millennia ago will, I hope, give us all the courage to struggle until our victory: “I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people, who beset me round about. Arise, Lord; deliver me, my God: for thou hast smitten all who were without cause mine enemies; thou hast broken the teeth of sinners. Deliverance is the Lord’s, and thy blessing is upon thy people” (Ps. 3).
I greet you all with the ancient Christian greeting of Christ is Risen!
The Saker
PS: I pretty much know what to expect next. First, some will make me say things I never said by beginning their dishonest paraphrase with the words “in other words…” and then fill the blank with stuff I never said. Others will try to summarize this 6300+ words long text in a one line slogan that will grossly misrepresent my analysis. I won’t ask the moderators to ban such post, but I warn you that the use of either one of these techniques will guarantee that I will ignore your post. Likewise, I have included a lot of pointers to outside texts and sources, and if you failed to read them and that shows in your comment, I will likewise ignore your comments. You have been forewarned ;-)
To call a spade a spade is not allowed any longer. I think the assault against humanity is happening on many levels; Our food is deeply compromised and causes numerous diseases. This is not done out of pure greed (although it is one of the driving forces) – it is done out of love for destruction, chaos and suffering. Lenin and Trotskiy could’ve simply escaped with the stolen, Russian goods and be done with it. Unfortunately, killing millions was much more pleasurable…all while appearing to be saviors of humanity. They were Jews and I have 0 discomfort saying it.
Hello, Lenin was not a Jew. He built a great country, didn’t make off with any goodies. Yes, there was a civil war, with all of the west uniting in the support of the white guard against the new government. Nazi Germany in 1941 was just a continuation of that. They have been demonizing Lenin for more than a century now. Look how they demonize Putin, a living person. Think how much easier it is to demonize Lenin or Stalin, both very dead. Please stop this with Lenin. You are not familiar with what you’re talking about.
Lenin’s mother was Jewish, which according to Israel’s criteria for citizenship, would rank Lenin as fully Jewish, going by the matriarchal principle. Added to which, the real mastermind of the Bolshevik coup d’etat was Leon Trotsky/Bronshtein, ziomist to the core.
Yeah, and its well documented that Trotsky received his funding and marching orders from New York Jews connected to the Rothschilds.
The “Russian Revolution” was an affair carefully planned and choreographed at the highest level of World Jewry.
The plan was to eliminate the Russian Monarchy and Orthodox Church and subjugate the people.
Everything was going along swimmingly until a a pock-marked Georgian called Joseph Stalin came along and “purged” their asses – pun intended.
Yeah Koba wrecked their plans and sent them packing and Trotsky found that not even exile could save him from the long arm of Uncle Joe.
They came back with a vengeance during the Yeltsin years to seize control of the Russian economy, and they were pretty much in control of things, until out of nowhere, came Vlad the Impailer.
Vlad emerged to wreck their plans wrest back control of the Russian economy and state from their corrosive clutches.
Do you remember when the criminal Khodorkovsky actual “owned” Yukos?
Long live Vlad!
Quite correct in your assertions. In fact, the “Russian Revolution” of November 1917 (not the February one) has been called “The Jewish Revolution”.
An excellent historical and journalistic piece of history on the subject is Robert Wilton’s 1920s book, “The Last Days of The Romanovs”, which cites a lot of what you already describe. Wilton was there in Russia as a foreign corespondent when all this went down and as a result, his book is first person account of the events.
What you say is true…Jacob Schiff and his masters financed the Bolshevik revolution.
They also stole the $400m just deposited at NY banks by the Tsar, we have seen a modern day repeat with gaddafys deposits in the West too.
What l am learning that there is no platform to tell such stories, even the internet is not enough. MSM still wins, hands down, on telling fake news that is being told over and over again. That is what people are believing. For instance, due to the MSM and even on internet, depicting Stalin as one of the most Nazi (fascist) leader in the world who slaughtered millions of Russian people. This is the story that is being told and that I believed. There is no means countering false news as soon as it gets out. This is the reason people mostly support the other side. Information is vital.
I believe is ” Vova”. Not ” Vlad”.
I believe it is President Putin.
So far, Trump is certainly no Stalin. The US must have further to fall! It’s a topsy-turvy world.
Which brings me to a post-Soviet joke:
A roped climbing expedition was crossing a high glacier.
The end man slid and the rope broke, flinging him into a crevasse.
The other climbers rushed to the crevasse and started yelling down to him:
“Are you alright?”
“Yes” came the reply from somewhere below.
“Can you move your arms and legs?”
“Yes I can.” came the reply.
“Can you make your way back up?”
“No.” came the emphatic reply.
“Why not?”
“I am still fa-a-a-ling”.
That is the USA. Still falling.
That is a very debatable claim. His mother’s “father” was a Christian convert from Judaism. Her mother was of Swedish-German ancestry. So even if it was important,I’m not sure how he would be Jewish under Jewish law. He was friendly to Jews,there is no doubt about that.Many of his supporters were Jewish. But I don’t see that as some crime in itself. How those people used that power was the crime. They hated (from what we see) Russia as a state.And Russians as a people.Now it needs to be understood that they rightly saw “Russians” the same way I do. They thought of Ukrainians and Belorussians as “Russians”.And its those groups they hated more than say a Russian from today’s Russia. It was in those other areas where hated of Jews was most prevalent.And so they easily hated those “Russians”. But they saw the real power in the Russian Empire was in “Great Russia”.So they turned their hatred on them.Hoping that by “breaking” those people they would gain power for themselves.And that is why we see “so many” of the Bolsheviks being Jews.Up until Stalin the Jewish elements in the USSR had the same power (if not even much more) than Zionist supporters do in the US today. Stalin realized that prevented him from getting his ideas put into place. And stopped him from uniting the mass ethnic peoples of the USSR to support him. The Jews outside the USSR,had until that time been the biggest supporters of the USSR.But once Stalin changed the Jews in the USSR from being the “masters”,to only being “one” of the peoples of the USSR. That support started to fade. Until today many of the most Russophobic groups in the West are Jewish supporters of Zionism.
Many Jews (not all) ‘converted’ in order to seek greater economic opportunity. The Russian State, knowing that problems would come with them, created a pale of settlement, when it agreed to take then into the Empire as, in every other way, fully protected citizens. They were right. The Jews flocked to the Trotskyite Bolshevik Red Terror, installed, in lieu of the Romanoff Dynasty, by the Second (and one half) Reich. The Second Reich (The Holy Roman Empire) not being entirely dead and the Third Reich (The West and its forward post Nazi Germany) not being entirely born.
His mother’s “father” was a Christian convert from Judaism. Her mother was of Swedish-German ancestry.
Miles Mathis disposed of both of these fictions by tracing both his parental lines back further in time. Guess what he found ?
Sadly, it seems you will have to guess because now his site is inaccessible (at least to me).
If I read read the article correctly one has to decide to be Jewish, even if one’s mother happens to be a Jew.
This is the racism that Saker was talking about. I’m not sure it is a conscientious choice on your part, or just a reflex thought. Calling someone a “Jew”, as a bad term, because his mother, or grandmother, was Jewish, is racist, and otherwise completely unproductive.
You basically force a person to side with the “Jew”s, because they have Jewish blood, even if the fell otherwise. It’s no wonder that Nazis and Zionist have the same definition of Jews as yourself, both being racist ideologies.
Israel, as a racist state, considers a person to be Jewish if he has a Jewish grandmother. Not sure what “Jewish” means in the context of the grandmother, must she be born to the faith? Can she be a convert? Can she be nominally Jewish as a religion, without having any genetic link to the Jews?
In any case, you are treating Jewishness as a genetically transmitted disease. If I had a Jewish grandmother, and basically be 1/4 Jewish by blood, would you consider me a “Jew”, although I have no sympathy for them? How about my child? Is he a Jew also? His children, all condemned to Jewishness forever?
I think this train of thought is a big boon for the Zionists, as it makes people with some remote connection to the Jews more likely to join their ranks, because they think they will be hated by the gentiles anyway? I suspect many Hollywood “Jews” have been converted using the same technique.
According to Jewish Law, one is considered Jewish if one’s mother is Jewish. However, this is not so simple. If a woman converts, the legitimacy of her status as a Jew as well as the status of her children depends on a particular rabbinical authority. Orthodox rabbis may (and do) reject conversions guided by Reform rabbis. Children of a Reform Jewish woman (particularly a convert) would typically not be accepted as Jewish by an Orthodox rabbi (such as the authority in Israel).
Matrilineal descent sometimes has a genetic component and sometimes does not. The Ethiopian Jews were judged to be Jews although had no credible genetic line to the Mideast. Other groups, such as Sephardic conversos are not considered Jewish despite clear descent from a Jewish lineage. So it is really a legal question (rabbis are effectively lawyers).
The State of Israel extends the Law of Return to persons with one Jewish grandparent. However, these persons are NOT regarded as Jewish. This is true of many Russian immigrants. This causes problems since these people cannot be married in Israel.
A very thorough analysis. Jewish Talmudic law sounds like Nazi Phariseeism to me.
Yes, you’re probably mostly right, Mish.
Lenin (partly Jewish himself and too trusting towards the Jews) – as Stalin at first seemingly – might’ve been partly fooled by the whole thing as well. Things are seldom black-white (except Nazi cows in Holland). Anyway, The Russian Revolution was a Roth-child mafia organized color revolution.
The West’s ‘fight’ against the Jewish Bolsheviks’ Red Teror was as fake as their ‘fight’ against ISIS nowadays, or as their ‘fight’ against the Nazi fascists in WWII. It was to pull the wool over the eyes of the (western) public. They were actually merely impeding the Whites, and helping the terrorists.
Very true, Laika. I have quotes here about the “help” the West gave to the White Movement …
«Weapons and equipment, which the British supplied the White Army, proved to be defective. The shells did not explode, rifle did not fire, and the aircraft could not fly.»
«The British promised weapons. Shells, uniforms and supplies. Would be better if they did not promise anything! Shotguns sent them kept no more than three shots after the fourth cartridge so tight wedging in the muzzle that pull it could only be in the studio.» — Alexander Kuprin, “Dome of St. Isak Dalmatia.”
Lenin/Ulyanov/Blank ‘trusted’ his fellow Khazar fake-jews to commit genocide against Russian Christians. They did not disappoint. Twenty million were murdered in the GULAG which Matthew Berman designed for them. Berman staffed every one of the sixteen administrative districts of the GULAG with his fellow jews. The first edition of The Gulag Archipelago, YMCA Press, had their mugshots as a centrefold. Subsequent editions removed them.
The time for pretending Trumpy wasn’t one of theirs the whole time is over. A Killary email at the start of her campaign stated this outright.
Mish seems to have it ass-backwards about Lenin/Ulyanov/Blank too.
Yes, see Jim Stone , one of the best sites I know of. The U$ is comparable to Nazi Germany (1933), far lousier actually, more like Nazi Ukraine (2014) or ISIS..
The US is the real leader (Israel is still in the shadows) of the Fourth Reich, just as they were the hidden leaders of the Third Reich.
Lenin was not a Jew.
Miles W. Mathis recently showed that he was a Jew, beyond any serious doubt. That essay seems to have been the straw that broke the camel’s back — these last three days I have been unable to access his website. Even the Wayback Machine is compromised when I try to use it to read older essays of his.
That ‘Miles W. Mathis’ entity fooled me too a couple of days ago. It’s a pure (e.g. CIA, ‘think tank’, whatever) disinfo site. Of course they tell a lot which is at least partly true also, in order to fool you.
The Bolsheviks were as Jewish as the Mafia are Catholic. I feel the more accurate term is Khazarian Atheists because that is where they came from and that is what they were.
A very interesting idea as to why some groups are more aggressive and violence prone is that those groups are higher in Neanderthal DNA. The Caucasus mountains were the region where the Neanderthals lasted the longest and hence would have the highest percent DNA.
It is an interesting idea. I would love to see some genetic testing of various groups. Those that have isolated themselves genetically for religious or cultural reasons would have the highest. Since 640 AD the Khazars and their descendants have not diluted the Neanderthal DNA much.
As far as I can recall from reading there is no evidence that Neandertals were more prone to violence or effective at it. In fact, since they mysteriously died out after living in proximity with homo sapiens, it is reasonable to assume that they were less violent, or less effective at violence, than h. sap.
From what I’ve seen they were less violent, and not as fast on their feet or running, but excelled at billiards and darts and could hold their beer (or vodka) well, and usually spent their time hunting with spears in dense woods, or socializing in primitive log pubs. When forest game ran low they could not compete with the faster homo sapiens for plains animals.
Well — that’s what I heard somewhere, anyway.
I would look towards accumulative cultural development among the species as a dominant factor in survival.
Hilarious. You made my day. I met the tribe you mention in the flyover zone and rust belts of North America. They are some of my favorite people. The Scribes, hypocrites and Pharisees inhabit the coastal zones. Probably so that they can escape the Day of Wrath more easily.
The forensic analysis of the bones compared to Cromagnon shows twice the violence induced injuries. Dr Trinkhaus has written a lot on them.
suggests it’s not clear where such injuries may have come from. They might even have resulted from attacks by Homo Sapiens (perhaps with slings), as well a the interactions of game animals hunted at close quarters.
Also see
Difficult to draw conclusions.
“Difficult” but watching the antics of the Soros-directed Liberals, very tempting.
They hunted rhinos and mammoths at close range with spears with stone points. You’re going to get hurt doing that (the more impressive thing is that they survived those broken bones).
In any event, no, there was no hold out population of Neanderthals in the Caucus mountains who then adopted Judaism. We don’t really need to invoke another conspiracy to explain an easily explained conspiracy.
Beyond this, are you seriously arguing that Khazars are prone to some level of violence unknown among other humans? Never mind that nearly every group in Eurasia has some history of awful violence that they have readily embraced, but we can find violence in Africa where there was no hybridization. More likely that violence is an H. sapiens trait.
It’s no “conspiracy theory” that part of modern humanity is a Neanderthal- Cro Magnon mix. More of a verified scientific theory. And – that the so-called Caucasian part of humanity (but also asians, even some africans, but to a lesser degree) are neanderthal-cro magnon hybrids. Of varying degrees, depending – among other factors – on the proximity to former Neanderthal heartlands.
Michael Bradley (linked above) speulates that the rise of (the most fanatic branches of) monoteism is closely associated with higher neanderthal admixture. So, the “conspiracy theory” is not that “Khazars are nenderthals”, it’s way more complicated.
I could recommend Eric Trinkaus book, “The Neanderthals”, on the topic.
They are not Atheists… they are Satanists… Illuminists… they descend from off world “Fallen Angels”. The Pre Adamites. 14′ Giants with Cone Heads. Atlantis (Antarctica).
Just report the truth, don’t apologize for it. The kindergarten psy-op conformity-inducing power is illusory, we all know it.
Thanks Saker – very inspiring…
I disagree on that one, personally I find analyzes on what is happening more interesting then when authors try to invent new terms or re-appropriate others terms, it is too cult like for my taste.
Alot, perhaps most of the terms thesaker uses are actually terms invented by the American white nationalist community as well as nazi community.
The term “ziomedia” for example is a term coined by David Duke, and the term “ZOG” was coined by the white supremacist terror group known as “The Order”
But if terms like ZOG were created by fringe people such as David Duke, and they were the first to create a very useful shorthand, what does that mean now ? Should we disrespect them for being right -but years before it was “respectable” ? This is like the “premature anti-fascist” tag which the US government and its media whores used to smear Communists and fellow travelers in the 1940’s. So you can’t be against something until the establishment says so, even though what you thought was true all along ??? The principle is despicable for many reasons: It’s self-serving for morons – especially the gatekeepers; it’s a form of moral and intellectual intimidation which leads to even more stupidity and immorality; it protects the criminals whom the label exposes, and so on.
ZOG is an accurate and respectable term. I’ve heard some phrases which are not so proper, but what can anyone expect, when the entire topic of Jewish poser has been taboo and people were not allowed to air their thoughts in public, so they and their discourse could be challenged and thereby become more reasoned … and more articulate ?
As for David Duke, I have this to say: Gilad Atzmon was on Dr. Duke’s radio show. People, whom I otherwise respect, condemned Gilad for being on his show, which is McCarthyism in our era. How else can “rednecks” learn that they shouldn’t dislike all Jews, if they don’t know about the 3 kinds of Jews, as Gilad Atzmon articulates, or 4 kinds, as Adrian Salbuchi adds ? This stuff needs aired out in broad daylight ! As for David Duke, Ph.D., Gilad Atzmon said he was amazed that he actually learn a few things about Jews from Dr. Duke. Gilad, of course, is famous for being willing to talk with absolutely anyone and for demanding the right to do so.
Dear Andrei,
I desperately need to write to you by email. Could you please give me an address I can respond to. By this comment, you will obviously have mine.
Thank you.
you can email me at
@ Saker: As I’m sure you anticipated, I was with you until you tried to address the “morals and ethics” problem, and headed straight for your particular religious belief system as having the magic formula for human salvation. I have 3 points to make about religion, democracy and relying on broad labels like “Anglo-Zionist” to try to achieve your 7-point “Minimalist Agenda”.
1) The mere presence of hundreds, if not thousands of culturally entrenched variations on the “god” theme means there is no workable religious resolution to the moral and ethical dilemma. Virtually all religions make the claim their belief system is based on a divine morality, and that peace is the final objective. If over 5,000 years of documented failure in the god-based “peace process” across all human cultures is not proof of the basic failing of that method, I don’t know what is. Bottom line, all religions are prone to corruption by any and all human “isms” and power-mongery.
Religiosity is no guarantee of moral and ethical behaviour, and as someone who has worked hard to leave behind the religious frame and its psychological programming, while maintaining a highly moral and ethical life, I find the premise that only religion (one religion) can be the source of moral/ethical behaviour highly insulting. I had to unlearn most of the religion I was indoctrinated into to learn true moral/ethical behaviour. I am responsible for my behaviour, and cannot hide in absolution after confessing any “sins” to god.
Milgram and Zimbardo’s experiment results apply equally to religious leaders in robes carrying ancient scriptures as “proof” of their authority to direct the masses when to “press the ideological button” against non-believers, as those experiments apply to bogus lab-coated, clipboard carrying authority figures. Too many of their detractors focus on the subjects’ behaviour, when it is the authority figure’s methods that are the great discovery. Look for any implacable, unassailable “truth” and you will find leaders wielding illegitimate authority as in Milgram and Zimbardo’s experiments. With the notable exception of the Soviet Union, every war-making country on earth, “democratic” or otherwise, has told the soldiers and the public god was “on their side”.
2) There has never been a true democracy in any major country, anywhere on earth. The wealthy/powerful in “democracies” ensured their iron aristocratic grip was retained, if within a velvet glove of party electioneering and voting. In “revolutions” like the US, all that changed was the fist within the glove. Predominant religious establishments tended to either openly pander to the power aristocracy, or remained silent on aristocratic immorality in return for being allowed to fleece their flocks separately from the gov’t. Render unto Caesar writ large.
You are correct that no true democracy can exist until a practical, robust model for moral/ethical thought/behaviour is widely understood and implemented in all cultures. The positive aspects of all cultures should be retained, only the negative aspects which lead to conflict (interpersonal to international) need be identified and eliminated. (more on this at the end)
3) As in corporations, where individuals making immoral and unethical policy for others to carry out (see Milgram and Zimbardo) are never held to account (particularly in the Zionist/US/NATO-MIC) we know who the primary generational instigators of the current Zionist project are. The Rothschilds. There are other in cooperation, or even pretenders to the Rothschild throne, (Soros, Koch, Bush, Clinton) but the Rothschilds have been as diligent as the European Royals were in strategic marriages and placing family/sycophants in powerful positions within key national, banking and corporate posts.
Any discussion of the Zionist project that does not name this preeminent family misses the point, and should extend to naming specific family members who control the banks/funds/corporations that are behind the specific action. As in, we know Raetheon manufactured the 59 Tomahawks used in Syria, so what is the Rothschild link? Which Rothschilds control the banks/boards that direct the majority of US MIC production? Is the US destroying chemical caches in Syria to prevent links to Rothschild-controlled companies being known?
Lastly, what non-religious moral/ethical framework do I think would be a major step forward? It is a concept I found in the writings of Rudy Rummel’s Conflict Helix, where all ethical/moral (or unethical/immoral) behaviour boils down to communication between humans/groups/gov’ts, and the legitimacy/illegitimacy of the authority implemented in that communication. In these “modes” of communication, legitimacy is the key to whether a conflict moves positively closer to peaceful resolution or negatively towards open aggression.
The “positive modes” are
1) Altruism
2) Fair Exchange
3) Intellectual Authority
4) Legal Authority (as in just laws, policing, gov’t, business, truly democratically agreed to by the whole population)
The “negative” modes are:
5) Illegitimate authority (corrupt courts, police, gov’t, corporate elitism, landed aristocracy)
6) Manipulation
7) Coercion/Physical force (where not made legitimate under 4 above)
There you have it… religious morals/ethics stripped of cultural/religious trappings, history and biases.
Imagine… I wonder if we can…
nice try,
Brilliant post. Thank you. I have been reading The Saker and related links and comments for the past couple of hours.
Though I don’t do religion, nor the Rothschilds, I would like to award both you and The Saker a small chocolate easter egg each.
Both solutions assume some form of movement, among zombies…
That is simple not realistic . 10% of people fundamentally do not care, 10% truly care, 80% are zombies that can be swayed either way.
it is not enough to neutralize the evil, they will come back or better said they will re—bounce. and they will continue to spread hate against Russia throughout generations…
Evil needs to be totally destroyed…
Unless there is a revolution within US, military and intelligence, we are heading towards WWIII.
Then we will pray to God.
@ Zero: Praying to god has done exactly zero for world peace in all of recorded history. The opposite effect of religion/beliefs is irrefutable. And yet the indoctrinated, “received wisdom” plays the same old automatic religio-patriotic narrative in people’s minds so the illegitimate leaders can drive the masses to kill each other for the 0.001%’s profits/power.
There is no “movement” involved in the “Modes of Communication”. A simple explanation to any reasonably intelligent adult on how these concepts can be applied to interpersonal, business, legal or international disagreements/negotiations is all that is required. As we treat each other and our children with respect, it will spread through the world like wildfire. I think the 80% you quote overwhelmingly want peace, to deescalate conflict worldwide. The 80% do, however fall prey to the likes of Goering/Eichmann (“Nobody wants wants war- ), any POTUS/Party/militarism, and of course the psychopathic royalty, Medici, Rothschilds, etc. and their minions. Milgram and Zimbardo show how the Bernays propaganda system so easily works. “There is no alternative” is the line taken by those who manipulate the masses to violently support/propagate conflict… well actually, there is an alternative.
To claim that “evil must be destroyed” (like the war on “terror”) is to fall into the trap of thinking mode 7), illegitimate coercion and physical force, is a viable means to reduce conflict. It is the historically failed “an eye for an eye” tactic. And as Gandhi so famously noted, “just makes the whole world blind”.
Evil can only survive if good people can be manipulated into thinking the negative modes are “necessary”, and the positive modes are impractical. The exact opposite is the truth.
And exactly how will this “revolution” you propose to remove the US ruling class and its Rothschild/Soros/Rockefeller/etc. paymasters happen? Your definition of 80% zombies will rise up and do it (via the Milgram/Zimbardo proven, Bernays-inspired model of a “revolutionary” propaganda)? Or the self-proclaimed 10% who “care” will take over by force? Which 10% will that be, the McVeys or Osama Bin Ladens of the world? The US survivalist militias? Check out French and Russian revolutions to see how that works out… badly, when the masses are led by extremists little better than the Establishment psychopaths being ousted.
History shows the means you propose are ineffective at best, and actually entrench the “evil” we all wish destroyed. Only peace between people from the grassroots up can drive out evil. Violence begats violence, no matter how strongly those wielding that violence believe they are promoting peace.
Let’s take a look at the Brit Royals’ latest tactic to capitalize on and minimize PR damage from the Princess Diana “tragedy”… Prince Harry solemnly coming out against landmines, one of Princess Di’s controversial anti-war projects. More crocodile tears from a British military officer. I can fix the landmine “problem” in about 15 minutes. Given land mines are illegal under international law ( ) , a clever lawyer/activist group simply needs to get CEO’s and board members of any munitions company that manufactures/distributes mines charged as complicit in war crimes (the paper trail is already a matter of public record). The punishment? In my world, those CEO’s and board members will serve their sentences personally de-mining areas world-wide, anywhere their “product” is found. Not standing back at a safe distance, actually digging up the mines with their own hands. I’ll bet the “deterrent factor” on other MIC CEO’s would be very effective, and if the worst offenders don’t survive the de-mining experience, let’s just say they won’t be making/selling mines anymore. Then Depleted Uranium munitions manufacturing/distribution get the same treatment, and so on…
Make war personally unprofitable, even dangerous, for those who now profit from the harm it causes others by applying logical consequences to their actions. The world cannot survive “same old” strategies of installing a “new boss, same as the old boss” much longer. An new mindset is required.
Gandhi’s non-violent resistance is the best means yet, and the 0.001% know it. That is why they fight so hard to keep the fundamental illegitimate religious/patriotic/militarist/historical underpinnings of their propaganda and power-systems in place.
@nice try :
you assume that people want to be woken up and that some type of good reasoning will do so.
Yes Gandhi is excellent example but those were different times.
Different in a sense that people were closer to each other, families were cohesive more than today, you trusted your neighbours, media has not being manipulated masses to extend they are doing it today, countries indeed existed and had their sovereignty. Today there is more fear, more poverty, more control and more desparate people. Only in the last 3 days there have been 5500 more migrants, poor poor people from Africa saved in Italian waters.
Military industry is another story. That is evil disguised in human body.
The peaceful transition you are talking about, in my opinion belongs to intellectual cycles.
That is usually theory little action.
The hypocracy Western has been all about and still is what makes people angry and when that acummulates over long period of time , it will not come out peaceful .
I am not advocating war, far from it, I have been in one and more than anything wish for peace. World peace. Nor I am relying on religion, that you misunderstood .
people in general do not want to be woken up. In my opinion that is a wrong assumption.
Adults are not per se adults nor the reason runs their lives.
Few will wake up willingly , those 10 %, that care.
80 % will wake up in case they are jeopardized in some way.
As Russina will not lead any war on their theritory and Western government fundamentaly do not care for their citizens, and as Russia has been and always will be the target of the West, the West is going for war . We passed the point of peacefulll resolution . Either that or some miracle happens in the US military and than by some magic all military build up on Russians borders is reversed.
It is a life and dead situation. Either the rest of the world finally gets free from imperialisim of the West or we are all slaves . I do not particulary care much for myself, I share the blame of stupidity , naiivity and shere ignorance of my generation, around 50. But yes I do get very upset that millions of children will not know what normal is and looks like.
I listen to a rasistic jewish author Yuval Noah Harari in an interview recently.
He said due to technological development, millions and millions of people will become ” useless “.
He used that word.
That in itself does not sound peaceful to me.
I used to work on the Royal court. They reffer to us as – “dispencable small people ”
Do you think they will allow us to reproduce or reduce us ?
yes I am pessimistic..
@ zaro (Zero?): It’s not that “people don’t want to be woken up”, it is that they are brainwashed/indoctrinated to believe they have no influence.
Of course Gandhi’s approach will need to be adapted, but the basic premise holds. The “modes” premise is not pure intellect, it is the basic way humans interact with each other. Look at them again and consider what each positive mode could do to improve your personal relations with others, and how the negative modes damage those relationships.
The “royals” and 0.001% require the masses to keep their empires going.
You get to choose how to view the world, and if the psychopaths in Washington and Tel Aviv will start WW3, there’s little you or I can do other than live our lives as best we can until the end. If they don’t start WW3, we’re that much further along than if we gave up in despair.
the problem is religions have figured out that if they brainwash their victims early enough -they will rewire their brains forever and keep them confused forever. I remember reading an interview by Sting the singer about his experience in catholic schools – he said even though he understands the story he was thought makes no sense, he still felt confused even as a grown man.
I read in Christianity the first 3000 years (a great book) how one of the Roman emperors was not happy about Christians (who were then considered as harmless cult of death members /slaves) because they were brainwashing their kids very early (basically turning them into mental slaves).
I come from Serbia, Ortodox background. Religion was considered a private thing (nobody was preventing anyoen from being religious, but my parents and grandparents etc left it up to us to decide whether to embrace religion or not).
The problem here in the US is that children have no choice (they are basically subjected to child abuse whereby instead of teaching them about reality and useful skills, their parents perform child abuse – they fear-monger them, confuse them and they lie to them – they basically normalize lying – the lesson is reality is not what matters – lies and unreality are very important).
I have always thought religion is the original totalitarianism and the original enforcer of fraud – all the present problems we have (including psychopaths in power) have evolved from religion.
it’s a way to turn children into life-long slaves before they have any choice. Basically child abuse.
I love Sakers articles and I send them to friends and family but he sometimes reminds me of Don Quihote – he was always bright and brilliant and made lots of sense unless the subject of discussion was Books of Chivalry – which I always found to be a metaphor for religion – Don Quixote was written I think 400 years ago – and I think the ‘madness’ Cervantes describes is basically religion. I read the book about 10 times and only then I understood it.
“Yes Gandhi is excellent example but those were different times.”
Actually, Gandhi’s intransigence and incipient Hindu nationalism was a factor that led to the disastrous Partition of India.
One must be realistic about Gandhi.
And yet, as The Saker, put it, Jesus Christ is indeed Lord, and risen! Yes, prayer is powerful, as is obedience to God’s will for us in Christ.
@ Ted: “obedience” not happening for me. When all humans can agree on which god is the “one”, that god may then be potentially hold legitimate authority to require our obedience.
I can’t obey a god than can’t get all religious believers agree on what should be obeyed. Only fish on Fridays? No pork? Burkas all around? Interest rates, usury?
The true moral/ethical test is whether others can accept my choice. But repeatedly religious believers essentially demand I accept theirs. Any can believe what they like, but the right to that belief ends where it negatively affects another’s right to their different belief. Rationally question my belief, FINE. Simply try to impose your beliefs on me, tell me to “obey”? No way.
Great explanation in being realistic.
Remember, just a while ago, a nation would declare on known enemy coming to invade you. Today enemies within and across the globe is created attacking every nation. This method can only be to bring about NWO where leaders are no longer pledging allegiance to their nation but to the NWO. This is more dangerous than the ordinary enemy that is known. So I agree, the rise of the people without favoring any pseudo system, party, economy, leadership is the key to free nation. Now, just because i said the rise of the people i don’t mean socialism or commuism that is what I mean not favoring every system created to benefit certain groups. The people can only decide as all these systems including capitalism have failed. The answer lies among the people considering they don’t bicker amongst themselves. Peole invite themselves to enslavement because they don’t put aside their differences for the common good.
@nice try
“There you have it… religious morals/ethics stripped of cultural/religious trappings, history and biases.”
Stripped of “cultural/religious trappings” (especially of ‘religious trappings’) ethics and morals have absoutely no basis. They become merely another taste/opinion, in no way superior to a taste for murder and sadism. Iris Murdoch tried in Metaphysics as a Guide to Morals (1992) to systematize an ethical system without a god. I submit that the book is practically unreadable.
So… nice try.
@ Franz: And again, posters attempt to attach my thinking to that of others’ lines of reasoning. Definition: Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy exploring the fundamental nature of reality.” Since my objection to god/religion is based in science and straightforward deduction, not a “philosophical” dance on what “reality” is, you have launched yourself in the wrong direction. More angels, more pins.
Murdoch probably failed by attempting to circumscribe her version of morals/ethics as merely “religion without a god”, closely following her chosen ancient, Plato and her propensity for writing around moral dilemmas. I haven’t read Murdoch’s book, but will pass along a small part of one reviewer’s view which seems to fit: “Resistance of that sort is most acute when Murdoch is attacking one’s own philosophical point of view (I have had the experience, but Murdoch won). With the notable exception of the American Pragmatists (Dewey, Peirce, etc) there seems to be no-one Murdoch has not read and challenged in her digressive narrative. A difficulty this creates is that most philosophers have their favourite philosophical heroes, and so reviewers tend to start out from a position of offended religiousity: how dare she say that about Wittgenstein/Sartre/Derrida?”. Murdoch seems to have gored many sacred cows, and therefore may be on to something… but I doubt she was on the same page as I.
If morals and ethics (as but one aspect of religion) are indeed somehow immutable, sacred and timeless, then how is it humans cannot even decide on which god truly embodies those imperatives, much less what those specific morals and ethics are? The answer to this simple question is required before any wider discussion of religion and morals/ethics is feasible. But all the sages want the precondition of picking their conveniently culturally prepackaged god/religion, framing the argument in their favour, then proceed to negotiate on ideology from there.
The religion defenders will point to any anti-god types as being moral relativists… sorry, the universe is not morally relative. It simply IS, and all energy/force found within it is by definition right and true (or in other words, moral and ethical). Electricity is not “moral” when it flows through our bodies, wires and semiconductors as expected and in some human-centric productive event. Electricity is not immoral when it leaps from the sky and kills a human or starts a destructive forest fire, let alone bad house-wiring connection burning down a home and killing the residents.
But god is a moral relativist, if only by allowing him(her?)self to be cast by humans as endorsing differing moral/ethical standards in the wide variety of religions. Morals and ethics are therefore a human construct, one routinely appropriated and embedded in all religions and attributed to some divine, human-caretaker god… but be sure to pick the “right” god or you’re a sinner, an infidel, etc. and the leaders will use surely that religion bring one nation/religious group to hate/make-war on another.
@Nice try
You say: “If morals and ethics (as but one aspect of religion) are indeed somehow immutable, sacred and timeless, then how is it humans cannot even decide on which god truly embodies those imperatives, much less what those specific morals and ethics are?”
I did not make such a claim. But I will answer you anyway. I believe that
morals and ethics are encoded in the practices, credo, and rituals of a religion.
Religions (the form of ethics and morals) change when the need for a change in morals and ethics becomes necessary.
I do not know whether Christianity is the final word in religion. And neither does anyone else. That is a matter of faith. However, as an ethical system which solves the riddle of the split between God and his opposite, humankind, in a rather clever way. It does seem to be the equivalent of a Ferrari to the square wheeled cart that early homo sapiens may have used.
The conundrum (or mantra if you prefer) of God becoming man so that that man could become God was and is a huge advance in the understanding of both states and the desire to ‘re ligio,’
re-bind them.
Religion is the belief that the state of humankind is sundered from and fallen from an ideal state, and that there is a road to get back to that perfect place. We just have to find it and walk it. Seen in this way religion becomes not merely sensible and pragmatic but actually what many practice without even knowing that they are practicing it.
You also say in your closing paragraph: “But god is a moral relativist, if only by allowing him(her?)self to be cast by humans as endorsing differing moral/ethical standards in the wide variety of religions.” I wholeheartedly agree. God is the entirety of the beliefs of what all human beings think he/she is… plus 1%. Or, to put it apophatically,God is exactly NOT what all human beings think he/she is.
I do not see, from your statement above, that “morals and ethics” are necessarily a human construct, any more than the human body is a human construct (though it is the human habitation). It appears to be a form that we borrow and inhabit without any requirement for comprehending it or being able to consciously duplicate it. A doctor might make some Frankenstinian life-form or short-lived homunculus but a yobbo prole could not. Yet both live.
It is possible that morals and ethics evolve as our consciousness evolves but exist independently from our agreement or disagreement or even our consciousness.
I am trying to say that we cannot conjure morals and ethics into being. They have reality and independently of our perception or will.
@ Franz: Good dodge attempt, but no cigar. You personally may not be “making such a claim”, but those who influence the geopolitical machinations of religions certainly do (and always have). It is their main reason for being, to maintain a mass belief/moral system magically held to be divinely inspired and encoded in a bunch of piecemeal ancient texts, of course interpreted (manipulated?) by certain sage leaders. There are at least 90 recognized, published versions/revisions of the Christian Bible since 1900. So the English Christian “word” would seem to be fragmenting further, rather than being consolidated into a single belief system. And if one considers the literally 1,000’s of foreign language translations/versions… does the Tower of Babel come to mind?
And that is the crux of the biscuit: It is not up to the few % (especially if the Buddhist-style “no-creator-deity” religions are excluded) who don’t accept the religion industry and oppose the resulting warmongering to set right the racist, bigoted, misogynist, homophobic excesses that apparently religious secular, sectarian, military and political leaders induce their followers to visit on others in “gods name”.
It is up to the followers of those religions to see to it that their claimed tolerant, peace-based “brand” is not misapplied by the psychopaths who play fear/war-monger, divide-and-conquer pied piper. If over 2 billion Christians can self-organize to collectively celebrate the birth or resurrection of Jesus, why can they not similarly by force of numbers convince their 0.001% “Christian” world leaders to make peace, not war? Ditto for nearly the same number of Muslims who self-organize for Ramadan etc., a religion which moderate Islamic leaders also claim is a “religion of peace”? The Rothschilds/Zionist-tail would be largely powerless if the Christian/Muslim dog was not so easily wagged.
Oh ya, it’s that underlying, Old Testament genocidal eye-for-an-eye, no-gods-before-me thing that the Big 3 Religion Incorporated share… how convenient. “Just following orders”, or in this case, the holy scriptures… sorta. Milgram and Zimbardo apply to religion as well, whether religious believers accept that fact or not.
Do unto others, thou shalt not kill… what other human core moral/ethical imperatives are there? And the Modes of Communication I set out elsewhere in this thread codify the universal, basic human social behaviours/attitudes which promote or detract from making/keeping peace. But somehow religions and those who exploit them always manage to append all manner of extraneous exceptions and contradictory conditions resulting in setting one “exceptional” group against others. Unintended consequences or deliberate manipulation is of little matter… the 6,000 recorded history of “disaster religion” and its recent stepchild “disaster capitalism” is clear.
As Dickens intoned via the Ghost of Future Christmas: “They are Man’s and they cling to me, appealing from their fathers. This boy is Ignorance and this girl is Want. Beware them both, and all of their degree, but most of all beware this boy for on his brow I see that written which is Doom, unless the writing be erased.”
What new practical moral/ethical wisdom is to be gleaned if 6,000 years of humanity’s best efforts to find the peace such religious morality promised is ever less likely. For all that religious “wisdom”, Ignorance is still with us.
Religion is no Ferrari, it is by its own definition the ancient “square-wheeled cart”, being pulled in several directions by sectarian mules whipped by various sages and “moral” gatekeepers.
Your post exhibits little understanding of religion. You wish to apply scientific principles to something that has no claims upon and nothing to do with science. Which is why science is seldom commented upon by religions, except to, usually, praise the benefits it has brought, such as the dishwasher, the microwave oven and the nulcear bomb. But surely you cannot expect it to praise the evils. I do not dismiss your post by applying religious principles to it, but through logic.
You may want to apply the scientific principles of the enlightenment to poetry and painting and all human thought. We have seen before where that sort of thing leads. Pol Pot, Lenin/Trotsky and yes, Adolf Schikelgruber and Bill Maher.
Religion is, above all a practice, and most religions do not even inhabit the same space as phenomenal reality – the space measured by Science. Religion may also be controlled by a gene, which you I can say with ‘a high degree of confidence’ probably lack.
To make a virtue of your genetically predetermined path through life is to crow about nothing.
Like Christopher Hitchens, the itinerant, militant-atheist clown of the late night US talk show circuit, your scoffing at the straw-men you bring with you may be mildly entertaining, especially for the utterly ignorant, but even you would surely not claim that this kind of frippery can measure up to a serious discussion on the topic.
Do you know Voltaire’s prayer: “Lord, make my enemies look ridiculous. And He has.” And this: “To believe in God is impossible. Not to believe in him is absurd.” From the ‘Father of the Enlightenment. Apparently he was more enlightened than some who post here.
This conversation is closed as its getting personal. Thx. Mod
FWIW, I call Scientism a religion, militant atheism also. Ever been to an American Atheists meeting? A more self-righteous, self congratulatory bunch of people would be hard to find, even in the Bible Belt. The Amazing Randi is but one spokesman. Underneath it all is a coarse materialism (they outlawed the concept of “beauty” some time ago).
Scientism is largely a religion, as any sort of rigid doctrine can be termed. Science itself has nothing to say about a non-material world except that it doesn’t look at that because it has no tools or methods for it.
I’ve caught Dawkins in many logical or philosophical errors, and he is more abrasive and emotional than his arguments merit, and too arrogant. He is not the best spokesman for atheism, but he, like others, gain notoriety by it.
But I can’t they outdo many of the religious folk in this either. Good dialogue in anything is hard to come by — more so lately it seems. Before I stopped playing chess for a few years had gotten out of the competitive attitude and if the other player made a blinder or obviously bad move I would tell the problem and urge him to take back the move and find a better, because I didn’t want to spoil a good game — it was the beauty of the game, not winning which was important.
We need more Bohm dialogue
Religious belief and morality is also a matter of taste an opinion, and we can see that in the wide variation of it, often with diametrically opposed values.
Now, there are some natural predilections which have evolved over time. People who think it’s good to kill one’s children will be weeded out of the evolutionary process rather quickly, while other destructive tendencies, such as failing to support one’s society and gene pool, can take more time, but, over all, survival of the genes is a value enforced by biological reality. That’s a consequence of natural selection.
If we try to go beyond that we get into ‘unnatural’ (or alleged supernatural) selection — hence religion, which is also a human invention, but perhaps also ‘natural law’, and the nature of the reality system (which may go beyond what we call ‘material’). Mathematics, for instance, describe how various elements can be combined in various relationships which favor certain outcomes, such as Stephen Wolfram explored ( ), and Norbert Wiener with his work in cybernetics ( ; ). In brief, some ‘morality’ systems enhance survival and efficiency while other are deleterious.
One can choose to think that enhancement systems result from some ‘god’s plan or nature’ while others can think is just part of the mysterious why of the universe being the way it is, or one can simply say we don’t know. In any case, the basis is similar: perception, thought, and accumulated knowledge or beliefs. If destructive ideas act locally in the short term than those ideas go away along with those who think them. If they act long term they may survive until catastrophic forces catch up and take everyone out (such as with nuclear war, environmental destruction, or misapplied high technology or bioscience) — imagine playing ‘Russian Roulette’
with a revolver with 100,000 chambers, which seems a perfectly safe game until one eventually happens to hit the chamber with the bullet.
Well, we already have some rather good illustrations through history how reliable religions are with morality for survival and prevention of catastrophic results. I would not trust any ideological system which incorporates the destruction of everything as part of the game plan, even welcoming it, or working towards that end. Such nihilism seems a bit too pessimistic and self defeating to me.
Just one line struck me blue: “People who think it’s good to kill one’s children will be weeded out of the evolutionary process rather quickly”.
I wish. Check out these lines from By the Rivers of Babylon from the Holy Book of Jews, (Ezekiel 1) and alas, Christians:
“7Remember, O LORD, the children of Edom in the day of Jerusalem; who said, Raze it, raze it, even to the foundation thereof.
8O daughter of Babylon, who are to be destroyed; happy shall he be, that rewards you as you have served us.
9Happy shall he be, that takes and dashes your little ones against the stones.”
I’m not familiar with this and some cursory searching did not help much, but “Happy shall he be, that takes and dashes your little ones against the stones” is not the same as ‘dashes our little ones” — they seem to be talking about killing someone else’s children.
“It ends with prophetic predictions of violent revenge, telling a “Daughter of Babylon” of the delight of “he who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks” (New International Version).”
I don’t see Ezekiel fit in with this.
Poor Assyrians and Babylonians, paragons of mildness towards conquered peoples, verbally abused by the Holy Book of (alas) Christians!
Sorry Blue. I always thought it was Psalms and it probably is. I had a stupid site and I was working with it. But your interpretation is correct.
The Jews are admonished to bless those among them who brutally murder babies.
And the Lord helps those who help themselves, by borrowing money and jewels from the Egyptians.
After letting all the Egyptian babies die the Jews go on to stiff the Egyptians of their goods and cash as well.
Even just admonitions against sex is not good for group survival — such as celibate Shakers.
While prohibition of homosexuality would seem to have roots in survival it doesn’t seem to be well thought out since the naturally genetic percentage seems to be fairly constant (and there is the question of if it helps groups survival), and from I’ve seen of cats when the males think ‘something smells sexy’ and get in the mood they will go for almost anything cat sized with fur, four feet and a tail, even other males, including juveniles (‘not sure, maybe a rabbiit? but better cover all the bases anyway’) — and from the number of cats it seems to be a successful strategy.
‘Natural law’ understood properly, seems to be at least as a good basis for ‘morality’ as 3,000 year old shepherds who were probably out in the noon day sun too long.
The more intelligent animals, BTW, have a built-in sense of fairness, and get bent out of shape if experimenters rewards behavior unfairly.
As I said, one can attribute such ‘natural law’ to different causes, direct or indirect, but ti sure seems that religion is not needed for morality or ethics. A difficulty seems to be who is included in the group and who is considered alien — how big is the tribe, and how far does morality extend beyond the immediate clan or tribe.
I was once briefly discussing how dangerous something was for the neighborhood kids — traffic or something — and the guy said ‘I don’t care — it’s not my kids’. He had extremely ‘local morality’. The complete sociopath has no empathy and maximally local morality — just about what is good him alone — doesn’t take the point of the Good Samaritan story.
@prohibition of homosexuality would seem to have roots in survival
Homosexuality was always called an ‘abomination’. Abomination is related to uncleanliness, filth, putrefaction, feces. Homosexuals provoke revulsion because of their association with feces. It is a disgusting act in the first place. Spilling the seeds of life into feces is a sacrilegious act.
Just to toss in my couple of cents — I do think there is evidence to demonstrate that prayer to God makes a contribution to world peace.
I say this based on listening to this Christian radio station, run by evangelical Christians, for the past two years. I am not an evangelical Christian. And at times, like this Easter weekend, it makes me crazy that they do not promote an anti-war message through their radio station – while Pence is in South Korea, no less!! Instead, I hear cutsy family Easter stories and I feel an impulse to react harshly to this. (“Why do they have to be so compliant with the authorities??”)
However, also on this station, I hear bits of personal stories from thousands of people who live differently because of simple prayer to God. This act of turning to prayer helps some overcome addiction every day. Others report turning to prayer to control anger, limit impulsive actions, access an extra bit of courtesy and grace in a confrontational moment, give more loving attention to their kids, devote more time to take care of elderly family members.
It is difficult for me to concede that society would be more peaceful without all these small (and sometimes not so small) choices, done (reportedly) through the use of prayer. Simple yet effective.
Yes. This criticism of religion or religiously-inspired motivation is lacking in a baseline or a placebo group, and so the conclusion that religion makes or has made no difference is not compelling.
We would have to know whether the world would be better or worse off today with no vestige of religion, a comparison which we cannot make.
So while the world is certainly hellish in this era for all we know absent any religious disposition anywhere it might have already completely destroyed itself.
…For this reason, we would be wise to acknowledge the positive effects of religious inspiration/motivation when it is properly practiced, for example by Christians abiding by the teachings of Jesus.
LET people who would live rightly by the true teachings of the great religions do so – instead of lecturing them against what already works for them. Nothing is gained by that. And let others make their own assessment and decision.
I have no problem with adults freely, knowledgeably choosing and practicing religious beliefs. It is the incessant drive to gain vulnerable converts and indoctrinate the young that bothers me. Our children asked why we did not go to church like the families of some of their friends… we told them when they were old enough to learn about all religions and understand/explain rationally why they might want to join one, they were free to do so. Now adults, neither has decided to join a religion, and are happy, moral/ethical, well-adjusted people. They have both often thanked us for respecting them enough to allow them to make their own choices, seeing the emotional, and sometimes psychological, struggles of their friends raised in various strictness levels of religious homes.
If religion (or political/military leaders using the pretext of such beliefs as cause for hate/war) did not have the history it has, I would not be speaking about it as I do. If all wars are bankers wars, the bankers conscript god in the first call-up. The unfortunate fact of the historical persistence of religion is no proof that had religion died out and civil societies had been allowed to form rational moral/ethical mechanisms unimpeded, that war would have been more frequent or severe.
History demonstrates that religion is the partner of warmongering. Take away religion and the leaders have one less means of inciting hate and war. I’d say that is well worth gaining.
One first needs to understand the effects of intention, the placebo effect, and other social and psychological forces before even beginning to grapple with the questions of possible effects of religious belief or actions. Simply having intentions towards peace, and optimism, can have good effects regardless of whether any religious, or superstitious or magical, interpretation is associated with them.
One first needs to understand the effects of intention, the placebo effect, and other social and psychological forces before even beginning to grapple with the questions of possible effects of religious belief or actions.
You do as you are trained to do : reduce every issue requiring an actual response to a real situation to abstractions, then analyze these until the energy which prompted it is dissipated, accomplishing nothing. This is western “education” in a nutshell. It is so prevalent here that departure from it is experienced as an annoying shock.
Futility by design.
Excellent article, you are spot on with your analysis.
The only thing missing is a mention of the fact that the Ziocons aren’t alone in running this world for their evil purposes. They work together with the Jesuits and various European ‘blue-blooded’ families. But I guess mentioning this would have made this article way too long.
Yes, they’re infiltrators, and the latter merely whores. The protestant churches are even far more submissive and infiltrated. The Churchills for instance became ‘Dukes’ when they sold out England to the Sephardi mafia and their puppet William of Orange.
how fascinating
The Pharisee system is basis for supremacy of “learned elders”. The Sanhedrin still exists. The common law systems where judicial opinions control government and judgments rather than law . The power of judicial opinion leads to corruption that is deep but not hidden. Jesus referred to Pharisees as those who teach for commandment the doctrines of men. These judicial decisions doctrines are manipulated for Pharisee class in common law countries. In common law those who interpret law are more important than those who make the law. Assad ,Maduro as well as Kim Jong Un retain supreme executive power nder their Constitution because the president not judiciary controls the government. But in USA the Supreme Court is more powerful than US president authorizing war without US congressional approval despite the specific authority of Congress to authorize war. The Syria Tomahawk attack occurred just before Gorsuch approval and may have been part of the “deal”.
Hristos Voskrese!
I agree with most of your article and would like to add a link to some other ones I find interesting and are related to Israel and Jews.
The first one is about Russian Jews who left Russia and moved to Israel but are coming back to Russia again. Some of them openly calling Israel a fascist state.
‘Russian Israelis Are Leaving Promised Land for Putin’s Russia’
Another one is quite interesting article from Andrew Korybko, who is also regular writer for your blog, I believe. Andrew see Russia-Israel relationship completely different and even calling Israel Russia’s ally. I do not agree with this article at all, but it would be interested to hear your opinion on what he wrote and also ask Andrew to comment on what you wrote in this article.
Link to Andrew’s article
Perhaps they are sent to affect Russia from inside
There it is as plain as the nose on your face, the elephant called ZOG.
So how do you eat an elephant, one bite at a time.
Thank you Saker for your enduring work, it is analysis like this that I committed to support you with a monthly contribution to this site, I encourage others to do the same.
One bite at a time and the Empire will crumble.
Thank you for presenting your understanding in great depth of what is happening. There is nothing missing. Bless you Sir.
I wonder who wrote this ? Ah, I think its Scott –
Ann, I wrote that. That is why I signed it “The Saker”
substantial differences between Russian Jews and US Jews
I strongly disagree and you’ll find it out only when it’s too late, that’s what history teaches us. Jew is a jew, nothing racial just a fact.
while a Jew is no doubt a Jew, a Jew is also a regular human being and just like any human beings Jews come in a great deal of varieties and differences of opinion. You seem to believe that all Jews monolithically adhere to the same ideology, make the same choices or express the same opinions. I categorically disagree. I find as least as much diversity in Jews as I find in non-Jews.
There are PLENTY of Russian Jews who are patriots and who died for Russia and there are plenty of Russian Jews who are russophobes. Russian culture, including Russian popular culture, would not be what it is today without the contribution of Russians Jews, I think especially of Vladimir Vysotskii (but there are many others).
So no, a Jew is not always a Jew ;-P
The Saker
Other example are famous Soviet/Russian songs from ww2 such as
just read who are singers and authors of this and other songs such as Zhuravli
Non Slavic speakers names of authors will not mean much, since they can not understand their etymology.
In this case music is written by Nikita Bogoslovsky (which one could translate (one who believe or spread (Bog)God (slovo)word and sung by Mark Naumovich Bernes of Jewish ancestry and before him by another Jew Leonid Osipovich Utyosov (Lazar Iosifovich Vaysbeyn).
Modern version here:
The modern versions are good. But I don’t think anyone matches the power of the Bernes version. It might be because he was singing it during the war I suppose.But that version is “special”.
I tried listening to Bernes a few days ago. I found him false and ungrounded.
I wonder what you would say about the Dmitri Khvorstovsky rendition of the war songs?
I find them definitive.
And here is the entire concert:
Yes,I love that rendition as well. He is one of my favorite musical artists.But Bernes is also one I like. And his rendition was made “during” the war. So it has a special meaning for me.I think any Russian alive then and for some years after,would disagree with you. Bernes’s many songs of that era were extremely popular throughout the USSR as a symbol of the peoples sacrifice during the GPW. Many great performances of those songs are still done today. But hearing the original lends a special meaning to them.
PS Franz. Here is the song by Dmitri Khvorstovsky that he does better than anyone else I’ve ever heard perform it.Sadly without English subs.
And here is that wonderful song with English subs. But without his great voice to enhance it.
Beautiful, yes. There is a painting in the Tretjakov gallery I believe, of those Hills of Manchuria in the song.
Another thing that was grossly underrated in the West was Russian Painting.
The debt owed to Diaghilev in overcoming the ignorance-based Russophobia in the West for dance and music is enormous.
No one has yet broken through the iron curtain of disapporoval pulled by the West to keep us from seeing the enormous talent of Russian painting. But a visit to the Tretjakov Gallery in Moscow or an exhibition of Serov paintings can change all that.
My mother liked Bernes, so he cannot be all bad. And I apologise if, in the heat of polemical battle here, I overstated my case. I have a CD of Bernes and from time to time, I try to hear what she heard. But of course she lived it and I have not.
I think my general problem with the era is knowing just how much nepotism the tribe practiced freely and often in the USSR, where they pretty much had cultural work as their private fiefdom.
So I wonder how many talents were lost to that decades long corruption.
A wonderful friend of mine who edited the emigre journal Sovremennik for many years once focused me mightily when he said: “Degustibus est non disputandum”. (There is no arguing tastes).
I 110% agree with you. I think I read that 500,000 or more Jewish background soldiers died in the GPW fighting for the USSR.And both Jews and non-Jews have both enriched what we know as Russian culture and science.Tarring a people because of their birth is just wrong in all ways. Its their “actions” not their birth that count.
I do not ‘tar jews because of their birth’. They tar themselves by acting in accordance with their freely chosen beliefs.
I will give you one example which can be universalized quite readily: When Jonathan Pollard, Israeli spy and fake American, was asked at his sentencing if he wished to say something, he said this:
“I am a Jew, and as a Jew my first allegiance is to the state of Israel.”
That is what every Jew, the majority, who left the Soviet Union said in their hearts. But they said more. In leaving the USSR under false pretenses, (there was no anti-Jew feeling to speak of in Russia, and still there is not) they had to sign on to the Zionist-run, US-funded campaign (‘Free Soviet Jews’) to blacken the USSR and, by extension, all Russians. They had to pretend that the cossacks were once more on the brink of massive pogroms (they never were even in the early 1900’s) and that Russians were cruel and anti-jew beasts by their very nature.
When they got here, (to America, Israel was never their destination) of course, many called themselves Russians when it suited them.
Betrayal was and is systemic and their ‘faith’ incorporates, condones and encourages it.
Remember the Jahwistic order from their God when they were departing Egypt:
Exodus 12
31And he called for Moses and Aaron by night, and said, Rise up, and go forth from among my people, both you and the children of Israel; and go, serve the LORD, as you have said.
32Also take your flocks and your herds, as you have said, and be gone; and bless me also.
33And the Egyptians were urgent upon the people, that they might send them out of the land in haste; for they said, We are all dead men.
34And the people took their dough before it was leavened, their kneading troughs being bound up in their clothes upon their shoulders.
35And the children of Israel did according to the word of Moses; and they requested of the Egyptians jewels of silver, and jewels of gold, and clothing:
36And the LORD gave the people favor in the sight of the Egyptians, so that they gave unto them such things as they required. And they spoiled the Egyptians.
“And they spoiled the Egyptians”. As they spoiled Russia and will spoil America as well.
They only pretend to serve God. Their actions show that they serve what most of the world would call Mammon or Satan.
In leaving the USSR under false pretenses, (there was no anti-Jew feeling to speak of in Russia, and still there is not)
This is simply not so. Groups of people with independent identities are never without resentments toward each other.
I am an American, and cannot speak from first hand familiarity with this. But, as it happens, I was (at the time) a symphony violinist who was on friendly terms with two Jews (violinists also) in the orchestra. The first had been a soldier in Berlin when the US & Soviet armies met each other. In those first days, they socialized freely. He got along very well with one Russian in particular who, when he realized his American comrade was a Jew, acknowledged his own Judaic background, in confidence. Asking him, when he did, to keep this a secret, because it was better for him to not be identified by his fellows as a Jew.
The second one left during the “free Soviet Jewry” business. Having no desire to wind up in Israel, as many did, when he reached Vienna (the transit point), he applied to immigrate to the USA.
Although he had done well in the USSR (even better than just “well”), he resented that there was a mandatory Russian language competency test used there for admission to the Moscow Conservatory in addition to testing on musical competencies. This he regarded as a pretext the Russian majority used to limit the number of Jews admitted.
You got to be kidding me, right? *This* is the reason for why a person wanted to leave his/her country of birth?! And then, in the USA, I suppose that he/she did not have to speak in English to enroll into any US college?
And what language do you think Soviet Jews spoke at home – Yiddish?!
(sigh, rolleyes)
The Saker
The test required deep, from-the-cradle familiarity with highly idiomatic speech, was graded very strictly, and no appeal from the grade was allowed (no one could review the grading of the answers and argue with it).
Two people is a small sample size, but it is what it is.
Dear Saker
Ironically, I share your opinions about 95%. I was not trying to troll the board (or you). I can only repeat what he told me for whatever it may be worth.
True, but one must exercise caution with Roswell crash witnesses and playground fight protagonists. The words “chutzpah” and “jive” come to mind.
Undoubtedly true. But I find support for the stories I heard from them (which I do not claim are objective truth) in the fact that, of the noteworthy refugee, Milstein and Pyatigorsky never returned; Heifetz went back once (1934) so he could show his sister the former family home in Vilna, and Horowitz, I believe, returned once also. These were Russian Jews who wanted to escape communism and breathe free air (this was the motivation of the second man I cited, who had been associate concertmaster of the Moscow Radio & TV Orchestra — one of the best jobs possible for anyone not a touring soloist). Heifetz in particular was vociferously anti-communist.
Other Jews there were, of course, patriotic Russians. There is no “one size fits all” assumption possible.
Unfortunately, the trajectory of the artificial entity called the USSR was so so short that one must speak about the moods/events that took place there in very small increments of time. The West and especially the modern Kremlinologist to be found it it, do not comprehend that fact. Concerning the two-violinists of your tale, it may be helpful to know the year of your anecdote.
I will tell you another anecdote. My family was in music and pedagogy as well as in the priesthood in Russia. When one of our friends finally came to the West to perform, quite late in life, she was a huge hit. One English reviewer wrote: “Where has she been all our lives?”
‘Where she had been’ was blocked from touring by a cabal of international impresarios, all jews, and their jewish counterpart in GosConcert (or some other horrible contraction). Perhaps that is why your violinists did not want it to be known that they were jews. Their fellow musicians (non-jews) in the orchestra, though a majority, were second-class citizens in the music world, not by talent, but by ethnicity. Anyone with a shred of conscience, as I have to assume your violinists still had, would be embarrassed by that fact.
For more on the life of this ‘exceptional'(not only for being a non-jew) Russian concert pianist read here:
The years were, respectively, 1945 and the early 1970s.
I not only agree with your view, but would extend it further. The fault line in the classical musical world (Russian and American) was/is NOT simply a Jews vs. Gentiles one; it was not unlike competing factions of the mafia within Judaism. Since we re elucidating the behavior of the people under discussion (and not simply digressing), I suspect you would find how the careers of Aaron Rosand
and Eric Friedman
were torpedoed by what the music world here called/calls “the Kosher Nostra.”
It is long and ugly story indeed.
The 500,000 Soviet soldiers of Jewish background that died to defend their Motherland don’t fit that image.Even one of the hero officers shot by the nazis after the fall of heroic Brest Fortress was a Jew. As Saker as said over and over,but it seems to be forgotten sometimes ” …a Jew is also a regular human being and just like any human beings Jews come in a great deal of varieties and differences of opinion”.
“A Jew is a Jew…” Well Saker, I think you and poster “Stalin” are not actually in disagreement on this point. The difference between what you have stated and what “Stalin” states lays only in your definition of what “Jew” is. You seem to argue in this article that a “Jew” (as the term is used in this article) is not someone born of Jewish lineage, but someone who self-identifies as a “Jew” (I would argue that some are not “Jews” by choice, but were raised to be Jews by their parents, but that is another argument).
If you use YOUR definition, then “Stalin’s” point is perfectly valid. Those who self-identify as “Jews” will always tend to stick together in defense of “what is good for the Jews” in their eyes. A self-identified “Jew”, regardless of where he may have been born, raised or lived his life, can never be a patriot of any other nation than the Jewish one… His loyalties will always lay with the people he has chosen to self-identify with. So long as you have such people living within your borders, they are always a security risk and should never ever be trusted, PERIOD.
We have thousands of years of historical evidence that supports this proposition…and precious little to cast doubt upon it.
Zionism was a fatal curse for most of the World. And also for the World’s Jews. it poisoned religious Judaism. While its totally denied by the Zionists,they welcomed the rise of Hitler at first. And worked with the nazis until a little after the start of WWII.The proof is overwhelming of that.Its simply historical fact. But if its openly talked about in Europe it can lead to criminal charges of “hate speech”.They and the nazis, both wanted their “peoples” to be pure “Herrenvolk”. And the Zionists thought (rightly as it happened) that the nazi persecutions against Jews would make most Jews turn to Zionism. So right from the start they made agreements with the nazis to form “Jews only” groups,and help the nazis to get Jews to stop considering themselves as “German Jews” and immigrate to Palestine.The nazis provided much of the seed capital and goods to support Jewish development in Palestine during the 1930’s in barter arrangements.The German Finance Ministry reported that the agreements actually cost Germany money. But Hitler ignored their reports, saying getting rid of the Jews in Germany was more important than saving money. Its a tangled web,that unholy relationship in pre-war Europe.Where you had zionist supporting, and non-zionist supporting Jews on the one hand leading an anti-German boycott against Germany. And on the other hand the zionist organization itself working with the nazis in Germany and in Palestine. That relationship continued, until with the war, immigration was cut off. And the nazis decided on “other methods” to use in their plans for Jews.
But since then we’ve seen zionism and love for Israel,trump love of national citizenship countless times among many Jews. Not all certainly,but a great many. Even in the US,out of fear of that,there was an unwritten rule ( disregarded in the late 1960’s) in the CIA that no Jewish-American would be allowed to work on the “Mid-East” department desk. They were afraid they might feed Israel classified information that might harm US interests.A nightmare proved correct in the famous Pollard case.Which wasn’t in the CIA but another information handling agency.The development of Israels nuclear program was advanced using local Jewish citizens in Europe and the US, as spies to help get the materials to help in the bomb building. And Israel uses Jewish-zionist politicians and supporters as their spies and shock troops throughout the World (especially the West).
Official zionism was a movement founded in Europe among some Jewish elements in the late 19th Century. At a time when extreme nationalism was the “rage” throughout much of Europe.And the zionists patterned their movement along those lines.Today when that extreme type of thinking has been discredited throughout. The zionists are the only extreme nationalistic regime in power ( I could add Ukraine to that. But I don’t see that regime as firmly in power there).At the time of its founding there were two opposed philosophies leading in the Jewish World.One,the smaller one,said Jews needed to stay apart from the societies around them and stay to themselves in a “Ghetto mentality”.The other one,much larger,preached assimilation into the local societies they lived in.The first philosophy was mainly found among many Jews in Eastern Europe and especially the Russian Empire.The second philosophy was strongest in Western and Central Europe.Zionism added a third philosophy to the mix. Which like the first preached that they were a separate people. But tried to appeal to the second group,which was made up of the most modern elements of the Jewish communities.Zionists strength came from the numbers of converts to it in the East. Coupled with a leadership and money backing from Western and Central Europe and the US. Where almost 2 million Jews had settled over the 19th and early 20th Centuries.
It was its extreme nationalism (a fascist like ideology) that allowed it to justify any crime. Working with any other group. Even Jew hating groups.To get what they wanted.And what they wanted was to make of all Jews Worldwide “zionist”.And in the Middle East to form a pure Jewish state of Israel.Where they would gather all the World’s Jews into one mono-national state.With their party as the rulers.In their first years,they may have had 10% of Jews as their supporters (at best). The assimilationists and “isolationist” supporters were the other 90%. Supporters of assimilation being by far the largest in numbers.
The British in WWI becoming the patrons of the zionists,and giving them rights in Palestine, began to change things.Along with the defeat and breakup of the Central and Eastern European Empires during that war. Those Empires had been stabilizing forces in those regions. And the large numbers of Jews there (except the Russian Empire) had been very supportive of the ruling powers.When new countries sprang up they were not as friendly to the Jews as the old regimes had been.And that was the needed “cue” for the zionists to gain many more converts to their thinking.The isolationists among Jews almost disappeared,most went over to zionism. And the assimilationists were badly weakened.The rise of nazism and Polish nationalism were other great recruiting tools for the zionists. With WWII,zionism completed their victory in the Jewish communities. Most of the most devoted assimilation elements died or were uprooted in the war. Leaving the zionists the clear winners. They were backed by almost 100% of the vast US Jewish community.And when the British played a “Pontius Pilate” and washed their hands of Palestine. The zionists proclaimed a “Jewish State” on Palestinian land and ethnically cleansed the majority of the native population from their homes.They brought to “Israel” as many Jews from Europe as would go,the vast majority of Europe’s remaining Jews.As their cleansing of the Palestinians enraged the other Arab States,Israel imported the Jews from those states as well.Today Israel is home to “around” 40% of the World’s Jews. The US is home to close to the same number.Leaving the other 20-23% of Jews scattered around the World. With Europe, Canada,and Latin America having the largest numbers.
I left out of this comment the happenings in the USSR of that period.With the rise of communism there,zionism,at least official zionist groups weren’t permitted there. And so it made that region different than the rest of Europe until the breakup of the USSR.When it began to fit into the same pattern of the European States.This comment is purely an overview of the situation. And not detailed. A book could be,and some have been,written on any of the points mentioned.
I don’t know man, but to me, the overwhelming majority of so-called Jews of the international variety always tow the line for the tribe. They have a mysterious way of working collectively when times call for it. Very little, if any dissent from Jews on the dastardly . diabolical doings of their race(tribe). With the devastating threat of ‘excommunication’ and violence/slander, few Jews speak up.
In the world today, extremely few Jews can trace their lineage to the Israelites, and about 5% of the Jews today are actually semitic.
People of the Levant(esp. Palestinians) are the real Israelites.
So, to me, a Jew is a Jew. Until I see otherwise. I simply am not going to get into micro-differentiating between them . All in all they are the open enemies of humanity and its progress, naturally.
Some would say, ‘well, the same can be said about Muslims, that they are all Jihadi’s’….. well, there are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world, and if even 5 percent were Jihadi’s, that would be millions and the world would have been destroyed, overcome, and Islamized centuries ago. In truth, maybe 0.009 % of Muslims are fanatical Jihadi’s. Big difference between Jews and Muslims. I hope I have made my point.
great article
Cut out all the religious stuff and we are still left with ethics and morality in a universal and pragmatic — a systems — sense, which put value on the development of individuals as well s the continuation of the species and its sane cultures.
If one looks at the psychology, the premises and characteristics of neonliberalism, political realism, imperialism, and capitalism, and compares it to the individual psychology of the psychopath, they are about identical. This holds for either religious people and systems or atheistic humanism ans similar. The values of the psychopath, and the capitalist, etc., revolve around grabbing and maximizing power and territory. Naturally capitalism. etc. become populated with psychopaths over time: they are made for (and by) each other.
Let us not then, be too put off by examining these things in terms of good and evil, religious symbolism, ethical principles, sociology and history, or system control science (cybernetics) principles, which are talking about the same things in different contexts or from different, roughly parallel, viewing angles and terminology. Look for the consilience and synergy. Any of these viewpoints and contexts can be distorted, perverted and co-opted by psychopaths, extremists, and morons.
Thanks Saker! Excellent composition. I disagree with your assessment of Donald Trump you have never given me any reason to question your integrity and insightful perspectives. And I am one who also feels your passion! Happy Easter Brother! AMDG!
This ground breaking article covers many topics and is I believe completely correct in its findings in that which it covers, which if expanded to complete a thought or historical background would undoubtedly fill a volume or three. I could expand on these uncompleted lines, like how the financial came to dominate the political in western civilization and who initially were basically forced into the financial trade by the dogma of the day and who now have come to rule but this too would fill a book. Great piece that I will consult from time to time!
Yes, or else behind every post WW2 Jewish caricature lurks a WASP in the shadows for whom Zionism has always only ever been a useful colonial tool and at best a junior partner in crime.
We can certainly agree to disagree, it doesn’t really matter as global power is increasingly leaderless with a non-human life and rationale all its own.
Note by the Saker: the comment below was, of course, intercepted by the mods. Still, I decided to post in full because it *perfectly* illustrates both the total intellectual dishonesty of the Zionists (just compare what I actually wrote with what this guy “creatively paraphrases”) as well as the vicious hatred anybody who dares to disagree the notion that Jews should be given a special status elicits.
Notice the “what he is really saying” which I predicted in my post-scriptum as “in other words”? He then goes on to accuse me of really saying “that non-Jews are free to murder, genocide, mistreat, disrespect, deny human rights to Jews and commit violence against Jews” in spite of the fact that I clearly wrote “We ought to treat Jews exactly as we treat any other of our fellow human beings: as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise (Luke 6:31)”.
I don’t know if they guy is totally blinded by hatred or if he thinks that you, the readers, are so stupid as to not see that his “creative paraphrasing” of my words is a total lie.
Whatever may be the case, I am posting this comment as a textbook example of the blind rabid hatred these modern pharisees *still* feel for the Truth in all its forms.
My conclusion for the anonymous commentator: Christ is Risen! (-: you have been warned :-)
The Saker
All those Christians who say platitudes like ” anti-Semitism is a sin”, should be asked a question: how is it not anti-Semitism to NOT tell Jews that Christ is their Messiah, the one who they were waiting for?
Saker should be reminded that Jews also owe exactly nothing to non-Jews, especially to haters like himself. What he really says that non-Jews are free to murder, genocide, mistreat, disrespect, deny human rights to Jews and commit violence against Jews. When he says that he does not include Jews who were born Jews in the subject of this article, he means exactly the opposite. It was always the lay, common non-religious ordinary everyday Jews that people like him wanted to attack and cause harm to. By what right does he reduce and label an entire people “a fraud”?
When he talks about human rights, he specifically means human rights for non-Jews. What Saker should be asked is whey does he think that Jews owe something to non-Jews? Why does he insist that Jews should be forced to listen to all the hate directed at and spewed at them as human beings , but something that he and other haters deem as the ” legitimate and constructive” criticism?
By what right does he insist that this nasty and hateful piece of writing, which he wrote with the sole purpose of attacking the humanity and dignity of Jews as a people should be viewed as mere criticism? Something which it never was, never is, and never will be? I would correct myself and say that in the past people like S. would resort to various scare tactics in order to force the Jews to accept all this garbage as criticism either at gun point, or by pushing it down their throats, but which of course they never could. It is precisely the sick mindset of people like the Saker that the world is in such mess as it is.
I owe nothing to you, you owe nothing to me, lets just say GFY to each other, make war on each other, obliterate each other, and maybe destroy this beautiful world in the process. What that man advocates is just the perfect recipe for the world to go down the dangerous path it is on, but at a much faster pace. I owe “Tribe X ” ( his emphasis, not mine) nothing, and only care about the continuation of and well being of my own tribe, and don’t care if I would need to murder all the men, women and children of “Tribe X” in to ensure the well being of men, women and children of MY own tribe, which I consider far superior and more deserving of life than the “Tribe X”. WTF?
Humanity today is still a collection of tribes, so all tribes ( states, nations) in fact do owe each other some degree of respect, recognition and consideration. To say that the Tribe X is the exception should not and cannot pass in today’s world.
TribeX is the one saying it is exceptional.
That’s the point.
Consider a hypothetical group of wise-guys whose one defining feature is that by co-operating and favoring their kin, they have successfully secured for themselves, the prime real estate inside the emergent apparatus of State power. Why should not these same people espouse a minor world religion, and apply it to their situation, others surely are envious of them. Therefore, they are persecuted.
Membership of a tribe spans borders, membership of a nation does not. That is why tribal membership can be so very dangerous to the well-being of a nation-state. Therefore your assertion “so all tribes ( states, nations)” is disingenuous and in my view deliberately misleading.
“which he wrote with the sole purpose of attacking the humanity and dignity”
Tell me what humanity or dignity exists for the people who call themselves “Jews” who have stoled the land of the people of Palestine and on a daily basis deny these people basic human rights while committing genocide towards them.
We are constantly reminded by the Jews of the genocide of the Holocaust yet where are the jewish people when such genocide occurs towards others, ie: Rwanda, Cambodia etc. Where were their voices? Because these people were “non” jews do their lives not count?
They have shown through their group actions and inactions their total lack of “humanity and dignity” towards other members of the human race. They are a tribe, there is only one race of peoples, the human race. They are a racist tribe as demonstrated everyday by their actions.
“humanity and dignity” Bull S..t
Look at facts look at history look at the ME. Gaza. occupied territories . How many people have the IDF bombed historically speaking. How many times have they bombed Lebanon /Syria .Bombing of the US cole in 6. Facts speak louder than words and reason and logic doesn’t seem to enter into ur way of thinking. Just remember 2 percent of the US population is of so-called jewish faith or background but you get an honourable mention during easter from ur anointed anglo-zionist puppet. Cheers to u.
Do you mean that “the bombing of the US Cole” was a false flag, either carried out or orchestrated by Israel, (quite possible, btw), or did you mean to cite Israel’s overt attack on the USS Liberty?
Yes an error om my part. Their r still some retired marines who gather every year in memory of the dead soldiers .US Liberty
For the ‘tribe’ the revelation that against their firmly held beliefs, they are not ‘chosen’ anymore and have been rejected from the inheritance of the Kingdom, is so painful that they switch instantly to denial mood and to fits of rage that obliterates also the tiny remnants of sane judgement. They simply cannot live without lying (to themselves and to the others) because they ” belong to their father, the devil, and they want to carry out their father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies”.
Even though you object to what Saker said. And accuse him of meaning things he didn’t mean (not from his writing could you truthfully say that.).But what you didn’t do,is point out statements he made that weren’t truthful.I could easily see if you are Jewish,especially if you are a zionist,you wouldn’t want to read his thoughts in the article.But either you think they are incorrect.In which case you need to present evidence that counter his thinking. Or on the other hand you are just upset because he was stating the truth.Which is it?
” You must understand. The leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians.They hated Christians. Driven by ethic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of remorse. The October Revolution is not what you call in America ‘The Russian Revolution’. It was an invasion and conquest of the Russian people.More of my countrymen suffered horrific crimes at their bloodstain hands that any people or nation suffered in the entiret of human history. It cannot be underestated. Bolshevism was the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant of this reality is proof that the global media itself is in the hands of the perpetrators.”
” We cannot state that all Jews were Bolsheviks. But: Without Jews there never would had been Bolshevism. FOR A JEW THERE IS NOTHING MORE INSULTING THAN THE TRUTH. The blood maddened Jewish terrorists had murdered sixty – six million in Russia from 1917 to 1957″.
—Aleksandr Solzhenitzen ( 1918- 2008) Noble Prize winner and Historian
English translation of Aleksandr Solzhenitzen ” 200 Years” by Dr. Kevin McDonald, ” 200 Years, chapter 9.
It would also behoove the Jew that was insulted by The Saker’s truth, to read the article of Israeli Jew, Sever Plocker. Titled ” Stalin’s Jews”. Written in the Israeli Jew newspaper ” Ynet”.
Though it probably by now has been removed or ” Zioedited” it might be possible to find it.
In it you will read about one of the greatest Jew murderers. His first name was ” Yagoda”. That Jew murdered, according to the Israeli Jew newspaper ” Ynet”, over 20 million!!! people. He was finally executed by Stalin. Also, the Jews that managed the Gulag were genocidal psychopaths. I also remember, reading about some dwarf Jew, that was nicknamed ” The Evil Dwarf” or something to that effect ( in same article).
Too many Jews see themselves as ” eternal victims” but never as ” eternal perpetrators”.
They insist, century, after century, nation after nation, doing the same old crap. And they expect a different result from the peoples of the nations.
How does that phrase go: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result” or the phrase used by Gilad Atzmon: ” Anti – semitism is the result of the Jews’ behavior”.
Ps. I have yet to see another group of people so obsessed with navel – gazing as the majority of The Tribe.
Carmel by the Sea
The GULAG itself was invented by a Jew – Matvei Berman. I should say ‘perfected’, it was started by Lenin/Blank and Trotsky/Bronstein with the help of Jewish homosexual Polish barfly Felix Dzerzhinsky.
According to Solzhenitsyn’s GULAG ARCHIPELAGO, YMCA initial edition in Russian, Every one of the administrative districts of the GULAG was headed by a Jew by the year 1937. Yes. They have a lot to answer for. They should at least tear down all their Holoacaust museums and be forced to turn them into Museums of their own crimes against Russians primarily, but now Palestinians as well.
Thank you. I did not know a Jew had invented and “perfected” the GULAG. Of course, I received the new knowledge you imparted to me with zero surprise.
Know, I agree with your post in its entirety.
Carmel by the Sea
Someone should make a movie about Matvei Berman and his colleagues. Russia has so far proven unwilling or unable. Two movies come as close as possible: The Chekist and The Priest (unfortunately translated as ‘Pop’). Both have subs and are on YouTube.
Perhaps Spielberg can make that movie.
Franz…Whom do you think has a better probability of making that movie Spielberg or me?
I’ ll give you a hint. All I know about movies is — watching them.
God bless.
“Priest” is a very “heavy” movie (in all the right ways) as we say over here, thanks, it was great to watch. Very interesting to see the change in production values from “Chekist” (couldn’t make it through) to the high production standard in “Priest”… There’s been a film revival in Russia and no one in the West has noticed. [Not that there ever was a lack in Russian cinema but it seems to me every other film has a fine shot of river waters with plants in them right out of “Solaris” — and right they are to emulate this masterpiece] The Russians have also pioneered the use of interesting camera shots via drone to make up for (and make irrelevant) miles of tracks and cranes. Interestingly, “Brother” (Brat) suffers not one bit from production standards of its time, being completely a classic of its kind that couldn’t be bettered in any way.
The US stopped encouraging Russian films being shown to the US people. After the, not entirely untrue, dirty kitchen sink dramas like Little Vera, and the entire canon of the Yeltsin era, Russia has rescued its own narrative and is now telling its own story. But as that story contradicts the official CIA narrative, they are effectively banned. The same is true of literature. The CIA culture section would like Americans to believe that Masha Gessen is the new Dostoyevsky. As long as the CIA controls American culture in key areas, and it does, this situation will grow worse and make the false packaging of Russia, and the world, possible.
The film styles transformation from late Soviet to Yeltsin Era to Putin Era really need a thesis. I want to write about what’s going on these days. Of course like anything there’s better and worse, but the production quality is superb, and even better, I see the cameramen doing innovative shots with drones and emulating their own Russian film conventions. It’s like they suddenly realized they didn’t have to be an emulation of Hollywood and have taken techniques from all of the best of Russian film to form a new standard. Even the television dramas stuff Star media produces at a breakneck pace look and feel really, really solid. The use of CGI is more like Chinese films than American: They use little bits of it here and there to the point you don’t notice, rather than bang you over the head with it.
The problem for the Western propagandists is that (surprise) the Russians can do more with less and the movies _look_ great.
You’ve pointed me towards interesting films before and I’d like to learn more about what the films looked like from the Yeltsin years to now. Thanks! When I first saw the Star media stuff, I was shocked. They’re like the Shaw Brothers of Russia with very high quality; no idea how they do it.
Fat ugly producer Albert Broccoli comes to mind too. The destroyer of millions of miles of celluloid in the UK and USA.
And frankly, Davil Lean was generally a loyal propagandist for the tribe.
If “Alexandr Nevsky” (with music by Prokofiev) was representative of Soviet films in the 1930s (the era of Tractor Dramas), the SU was not behind Hollywood in cinematography, at all.
I’m not in the west, and I’m actively looking for Russian films, and books for that matter, but they are very hard to find, or lack English (or Romanian, lol) subtitles/translations. Maybe you could help by recommending some site where I could get stuff like that.
As a parenthesis, the few big budget Russian films I saw, were pretty crappy, but I’m still looking for more, just for the cultural diversity.
I’m catching up on Russian film history but Andrei Tarkovski is a place to start. The more modern TV war movies are a revelation, a complete contrast to Hollywood. They’re brutal, hard, violent, and about people sticking together in horrible circumstances. That said, technically there’s nothing like them outside of modern Hong Kong. Someone mentioned the Fortress and I also like The Dawns Here are Bright, a series that blew me away. All those have links to other stuff including “Spies Must Die”, more of a mixed bag but still better than anything on American TV. Even people who just like thriller action pics will like them.
Russian cinema back to Eisenstein is a rich well of usually interesting and often beautiful stuff. I’m sure there are film buffs here who know way more and I want to learn from them.
To see modern Russian directors “quoting” old Soviet films, and European classics of the 20th century, also the CGI work which is subtle and effective (like the Chinese use it) and technical innovations with drone tracking shots, is very cool to say the least.
[All this relates to subject at hand vis. Hollywood, or what can or can’t be done in cinema. The West will call these war films “propaganda”, but what would you call “Spiderman IV”?]
You could also start with some Sokurov. Russian Ark (the longest single take in cinema history – over 1.5 hours) and his new Faust (in German with English Subs). Sokurov is totally one-of-a-kind.
Big Budget films are almost always crap no matter where they are made.
Try YouTube – enter ‘Russian films with English subtitles’. When Russia was about to be cut up into pieces and handed out to International USraeli interests (the Yeltsin years) almost all Russian cinema was YouTubeized. To hell with copyrights and royalties. They are still there.
Beware some problems like assholes who have taken them and stuffed them full of ads.
Once you find a person with a clean catalogue you will generally be able to watch without problems.
Check ‘Generation ‘P’ ‘ One of the few good ones from the Yeltsin years.
Then check ‘Mongol’ and ‘The Horde’. And of course ALL of Tarkovsky – the director.
No wonder, volumes II-III of the “Gulag Archipelago” where the story of Naftaly Frenkel and Matvei Berman was told, are as hard to find in the Anglosphere as “200 years together”. Matvei Berman was a secondary figure, executed as Trotskyst agent in 1938.
The real creator of GULAG was Naftaly Frenkel a very ‘mysterious’ figure.
But thanks to Wikipedia we are able to know more:
“Naftaly Frenkel’s (‘Jewish Russian businessman and member of the Soviet secret police’) origins are uncertain. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn called him a “Turkish Jew born in Constantinople”. Another described him as a “Hungarian manufacturer”. Yet another claimed that Frenkel came from Odessa. Yet more said he was from Austria, or Palestine. His prisoner registration card states clearly that he was born in Haifa, then part of the Ottoman Empire. From Haifa he made his way (perhaps via Odessa, perhaps via Austria-Hungary) to the Soviet Union where he described himself as a ‘merchant’.
Finnish communist Arvo Tuominen claimed in his memoirs that Frenkel was related to a prominent Finland-Swedish family named Frenckell and that he spoke Swedish.”
He went unscathed through all the ‘purges’ of Stalin and ended his life in quit retirement (three times decorated with the Lenin Prize) in 1960. He certainly had a greater role (Zionist agent). Although probably we won’t ever know the whole truth, his dealings in Turkey could have brought him in contact with Alexander Lvovich Parvus (aka Israel Lazarevich Gelfand), “Marxist theoretician, revolutionary, and a controversial activist in the Social Democratic Party of Germany (“This man possessed the ablest brains of the Second International”*), arms dealer and British ‘intelligence asset’, the man who financed Lenin in Switzerland, and facilitated his transfer to Russia in April 1917, along with the transfer of funds for the Revolution from the Schiff-Warburg German-American banking family.
* “German counter-intelligence had penetrated part of the socialist revolutionary network** and upon reading his writing in the socialist press during the Russo-Japanese War, found Parvus had predicted that Russia would lose the war, resulting in unrest and revolution. When this proved to be the case, Parvus’ prestige among his socialist and other German comrades increased. Thus, German intelligence soon estimated he would be useful in efforts against the Russian Empire.
During this time he developed the concept of using a foreign war to provoke an internal revolt within a country. It was at this time that Parvus revived, from Karl Marx, the concept-strategy of “permanent revolution”. He communicated this philosophy to Trotsky who then further expanded and developed it. There were broad discussions on the questions of “permanent revolution” within the social democratic movement in the period leading up to 1917. The method was eventually adopted by Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks in Lenin’s April Theses in 1917.”
**code-words for underhand collaboration.
You may well be right. It is a long time since I read Arkhipelag GULAG and I may have given Berman more prominence than is his due. Thank you for correcting me.
“Saker should be reminded that Jews also owe exactly nothing to non-Jews”
“I owe nothing to you, you owe nothing to me…”
And this mentality is precisely why cohabitation of Jews and non-Jews is impossible in the long run.
No society can survive if a tribal group within it acts as if morals do not apply to anyone else except their own in-group.
You explain to me why the Jews have been expelled from every territory and every nation they have ever lived in. It’s because their culture is fundamentally racist and ethnocentric.
Perhaps for starters, the jews might try an apology.
No, the Jews think that everybody owes everything to them, but they don’t owe anything to others. Everywhere they fought to get the same rights with the peoples among whom they lived, but to be exempt of the obligations these peoples have.
And this mentality is precisely why cohabitation of Jews and non-Jews is impossible in the long run.
No society can survive if a tribal group within it acts as if morals do not apply to anyone else except their own in-group.
Once again, somebody is twisting my words. It was the Saker who said that non-Jews owe nothing to Jews, not me. It was he who said it first.
If this is so, then it would be fair to conclude that the opposite should apply as well.
If non-Jews owe nothing to Jews, then Jews owe nothing to non-Jews, very simple and fair.
You cannot demand that a certain “tribal group” should act within certain moral boundaries towards other tribal groups, when members of those other tribal groups do not think that they are bound to act as if morals should apply to that tribal group as well.
That’s funny… I could have sworn that we read the same essay.
You might want to take your verbal cortex in for a diagnostic check-up.
Truly He has Risen!
Thank you Saker for sharing your thoughts so openly. Yes, agreed, we all need to push aside the indoctrinated ‘crimethink’ and speak openly, but with love for humanity and most of all for God.
Whilst what you write is a sad and sorry reality, Pascha shows us the path of humility, truth and love, and that evil will always be trampled by Christ.
Of course, it requires us to each do our part and not be quelled by the fear-mongering of those that want to destroy our Faith. The actions you have spelled out are a very good starting point!
Dear Saker,
Words of wisdom from you: “Dogmas should be limited to Divine revelations, not human ideological constructs.”
Ваистину васкрсе! Christ is risen!
Mujjammill, i agree fully with your evaluation of those words. Entire article can go into Saker’s best of compilation but those words expose a process of relativisation behind many narratives.
If you criticize ZOG they act like you are going against dogma. But how can you claim dogmatic rights when you are not a religion? If you show support to those opposing ZOG they start with no one is perfect mantra, which again is part of man’s fallen nature which comes from scriptures they are working so hard to discredit and destroy. Then they sow doubt by saying all men are equal. Logic behind is this. If a man A is a bad man and man B is a good one, by saying that all men are equal you are saying that because man A is evil therefore man B must be also. Have you noticed how they usually compare A to B but almost never B to A? It goes to show you what are they implying with those phrases, that bad corrupts but the mere possibility that other way around is possible is totally alien to them to the level of not being able to utter it.
This thought process is widely used and unsuspecting people are easily tricked. That process is applied because it leads to state of hopelessness and faithlessness. First is used to deter oppressed from rising against oppression and the second one is used to convert to their cult.
If everything is relative than why bother with rules? But there are rules that you must obey! Why when everything is relative? You must obey them! But must is absolute? You must not look there! Ah,now i see, you are proclaiming yourselves as new absolutes but you are first getting rid of the old ones by saying that aboslutes are not needed, but what are you doing in fact is that you are just trying to replace them and take their place. Shadowy usurpers.
Relativisation is the best gatekeeper at their disposal and at the same time tool for conversion.
Thank you Saker. I have recently had “discussions” on this topic. So this wonderful article of yours comes at a very relevant time. I pointed out:
Nazis are evil.
Zionists are evil.
Anyone who is against Nazis is not necessarily Zionist and Mossad.
Anyone who is against Zionists and Mossad is not necessarily Nazi.
SANE people are not Nazis or Zionists.
Those people are few and far between
In Ukraine today we see a perfect marriage between Nazis and Zionists. Nuland and Biden. The same collusion goes on in the Middle East. CIA (Nazi) and Mossad ( Zionist) support of the ISIL.
But need need to add one more. Muslim Brotherhood Wahhabi.
Sane people are none of these three.
They are to my mind the unholy Trinity of
Caiaphas – Zionist
Herod – Wahhabi ISIL
Nothing changes and their ramping up their murderous schemes over this Easter Period will fail again, as it has and will always fail.
Blessings to you Saker on this Glorious Day!
If you follow our ((friends)) back into pre-history, you find Haibaru donkey caravan routes. These were merchant traders between then city states. Haibaru (Hebrew) donkey bones have been found buried outside of Sumer.
Going back further in time to post fourth ice ages, Armenoid heavily neanderthalic racial group formed as CroMagnon came into now flooding Caucasus region by sailing along coastlines. CroMagnon had invented small boats that were constructed with beeswax sealed leather. Cro’s had already domesticated cattle as per their cave art as seen in neolithic France. In other words, a Jewish ethnotype with a long hooked nose, receding forehead, long barrel torso, short legs, large eye sockets, wrap around mouth, and general hairiness, was formed due to cross breeding of Cros and Caucasus Neanderthals. These overt racial characteristics, sometimes including high pitched voices are not to be ignored. Jews are a race. In subsequent years interbreeding to be less obviously racially neanderthal and armenoid does not change their genesis. This is why phariseeism/talmudism remains as a Jewish racial supremacist doctrine.
Our ((friends)) ran their east west metal money gambit for many centuries, where they took usury on exchange rates between silver and gold. Gold was plentiful in the East, and Silver in the West. Caravan routes moved both spices and metal. It is no accident that Mecca was a Jewish controlled entrepot city on said caravan routes, where Mohammed had to compete as a merchant. Medina was also controlled by our friends, hence Islam’s post Medina hostility to Jews. The choke point across Bosporus at Constantinople is where the West meets East, and where Jewish metal money movement was interdicted.
It is also no accident that Rome moved East toward Bosporus and Constantinople, as it had converted to precious metal money during second Punic War.
After Vasco de Gama discovered Southern Route around Africa, our friends lost their overland caravan usury game with metal money exchange. East West mechanism fell to shipping and Portuguese. This is why Portuguese got so rich so fast. Portuguese unloaded metal as money, and spices in Amsterdam.
Our Sephardic friends followed their former trade to Amsterdam. This can be seen in population statistics. Later their Ashkenazi brothers followed as well.
While in Amsterdam, ZOG was invented. Stock market capital, including gets, puts, forward contracts and the like were invented by 700 unlicensed Jewish traders – almost all of who were Sephardic.
The marriage of stock market capital then merged with the formation of stock held companies. (Example:Tulip Mania and Dutch East Indies company.)
Stock market capital then aimed its quiver at England, and finally jumped there after 100’s of years of effort. This effort was full spectrum including religious means by emphasizing old testament (Jews are special people memes, also including printing of bibles at great expense), and putting English rulers into debt, along with funding Cromwell, and Orange King revolution. This was the first color revolution.
In 1694, Bank of England became first corporate debt spreading bank in the world. And yes, it was Jewish stock market capital out of Amsterdam that initially funded this bank into being. BOE then went on to put English population onto a debt hook. Meantime, British aristocracy became less and less anglo-saxon, and more Sephardic looking. Our friends bred themselves into aristocracy.
The parasite became fully formed with England becoming a corporate state under debt control. For example, British East Indies company originally had their own mercenary army. After BOE takeover, the “state” became enforcement arm for making sure contracts were made good. And of course, these international contracts were denominated in BOE bank notes, created at debt. Our friends by this time, were attached to a shipping power and could spread their usury game to the globes far corners. Private corporate banking would also benefit by taking tithes on trade contracts; it became an intermediary in international deals.
Revolutionary war in America was largely due to England demanding trade be denominated in BOE notes, and for American Colonies to stop using Script. Benjamin Franklin says, we could have easily handled the “tax” but it was the BOE notes that caused high Colonial unemployment. England demanded gold and silver to settle imbalanced trade, while simultaneously demanding American Colonials use BOE bank notes. This was the real reason for revolutionary war in America.
So, ZOG has been with us a long time. The money power has long been Jewish at its core, to then take rents and unearned income. Money power morphed from metal usury in 1694, and became debt means with usury, along with the capture of government and corporations. Rothschild simply played the same game as his ancestors. Private corporate money power is in alliance with Pharisee-ism (Illuminism is a sub branch), and thwarts any attempts for high civilization to be birthed.
It is proper to separate moral Jews who know little of their in-groups nefarious history. They are often victims themselves. We should applaud these amazing Jews who manage to break free of their programming. It is right to challenge Jewish supremacist doctrine, usury methods, and repeated attempts to host populations. ZOG is a sophisticated evolutionary construct that hides in plain site. It is morally wrong, even suicidal, to give it a pass.
There is, and remains an elephant in the room.
Fascinating read Mefo…
Much of this historical narrative is quite illuminating…particularly as regards to debt usury…and the clever parasites who have been behind its insidious spread through the human host over the centuries…
I have looked into this myself with some interest…and you have managed to connect a lot of seemingly disparate points into a cohesive and plausible plot…
As for neanderthals…I think this issue is less clear…I have seen some anti-Semitic materials that point to such a link…but even if true…it would seem to be self-defeating…
Reason being is that Neanderthals actually had a bigger cranial capacity than modern humans…they may in fact have been smarter than us…scientists do say they had stronger eyesight…
The neanderthal genome was recently sequenced and has 99.7 percent commonality with the human genome…
Also…there is strong evidence for interbreeding with modern humans as you point out…but interestingly not among sub-Saharan Africans…
I would also add that I am generally not supportive of this type of discussion as the Сокол has presented here…
Despite all the caveats…it still boils down to singling out a specific group of humans based on their ethnicity or religion…
My problem is strictly with the ideology…which transcends all ethnic and tribal groups…
I have no problem with the term ‘Khazar’ or neo-Khazar…but I include in that not only Jews…but the many non-Jewish participants in this global cabal…at the center of which is the money trade…
We have to face facts…Jews make up only a small part of the global banking cabal that is enslaving humanity on a grand scale…
True…Jews do make up a disproportionately large fraction of that cabal…but they are still the absolute minority in terms of overall numbers of the membership…
This is why I think we must be careful with this subject…personally my experience has been that most Jews are ordinary folks like the rest of us…no different at all…with all the human feelings and failings…
At the same time we have the ends of the spectrum…On one hand some of the best people I have known have been Jews…including many who can be counted as the most courageous supporters of the trampled Palestinians…
And on the other…people like Thomas Friedman…Robert Kagan and their ilk… have got to be considered simply subhumans…but strictly on an individual level…just as one would describe a sadistic serial-killer or child-rapist…
Only difference is that the Friedmans and Kagans of this world do a lot more damage to humanity as whole…
I will just throw this in the mix…some here may not have heard of the ultra-Orthodox sect ‘Neturei Karta…’
Naturally they are hated by Zionists…especially in the US…
Stock market capital then aimed its quiver at England, and finally jumped there after 100’s of years of effort. This effort was full spectrum including religious means by emphasizing old testament (Jews are special people memes, also including printing of bibles at great expense), and putting English rulers into debt, along with funding Cromwell, and Orange King revolution. This was the first color revolution.
Indeed so.
Nearly unbelievable, but I have never seen anyone notice that the King James Bible ignored the Christian Septuagint Old Testament entirely, translating the Hebrew Masoretic text instead, imposing this as the “correct” one.
Much could be said on this, but it would be digression.
What a terrific Easter present you’ve given us there, Saker. Our gratitude to you knows no bounds. We salute your courage, your lucidity, your love for humanity. Our ZOG-infested planet might still have a chance of survival if we the general public wake up and fight back with all our might. Otherwise it’s curtains for us all. On this the most luminous day in the Christian calendar, let us stand tall and reiterate our commitment to fight the enemy in every way we can until death claims us for its own.
Come on Friends. We can do it if we try. One thing is for sure: God will not abandon us if our hearts are pure. So stand up and join the fight.
Well done Saker, you are a good and honest man.
And my new favourite analyst/philosopher.
Fact: Stalin was not Jewish and under his rule millions were killed so much so that a museum under auspices of Putin was established to commemorate this .
The Russian revolution and the history of the years afterward were more complex than “it was a Jewish-Bolschevik cabal” running it–certainly the hundreds of Soviets at the local level during the active phase were run by non Jewish Russians more than by Jewish Russians. So they went along with the leadership of the Bolscheviks willingly at least in the first years.
What Putin says about the top level is true in the first years But as far as I know Lenin was not Jewish either in heritage or upbringing.
As for what you say about the USA today: you are totally right on.
But American Christians bear much responsibility for going along with the ZOG.
Why the Christian Zionists have penetrated many of the Christian Churches today with their attitudes towards Israel baffles me. It is a kind of perverse belief that the world’s assisted suicide by Israel is necessary for the coming of the Messiah and so they support uncritically all Zionist policies in the mid East. When I point out to them that the Christians of Syria support Assad because they know they will be killed otherwise, all I get is a blank look and silence.
No one is thinking critically or clearly . Everyone is in a ZOG-FOG ( Zionist Occupied Government–Full Of Groveling) of cognitive dissonance.
Fight the good fight! Thanks so much for this excellent article. It applies here in the UK with a succession of our shameful governments subjugating themselves to the Yankee empire. In the Labour Party we have had to vote twice for our leader because we elected the wrong man (who conveniently is also anti-Semitic!) interestingly that tag amounted to nothing in local council elections about a year ago (or more – time flies). The corporate media claimed Labour would lose 500 seats as a result of Corbyn’s anti-semitism but it didn’t. It’s not an issue other than in the minds of the elites who run the show. A fun exercise for Saker readers – whenever I am in a newsagent or supermarket I hide the most offensive ‘news’ magazines behind others such as Cycling Today or Runners World. My main target is the viciously anti-Russian Economist. Hide it well! Sadly can’t do this with the newspapers but their circulation is falling and they are bankrupting themselves both financially and morally.
Hahaha! I thoughti was the only one hiding offensive russophobic books and magazines in the news agents and book shops. Let’s start a movement!
The amount of humiliation is necessary to bring the jewish volks down to reality is so high, that they prefer to destroy the whole world befor they regret and step down from their imagination of beeing exceptional.
But thats not the reason why we get world war 3.
The reason why we get world war 3 is because other nations try to enforce the humiliation of the jews.
The only way to defeat the jews is by ignoring them. But to be able to do so we need to know every single trick how they try to influence us. Thats the way it works. Do not attack the jews, not even touch them in any kind because they are cursed down to infinity and there is no way to get that healed. By touching them we get cursed as well and thats the way they get stronger and stronger.
Do not attack nor even touch the jews, do not talk with them and do not hear any of their cursed words. Thats the only way to get rid of the jewish curse.
No, you can never bring about peace by hating and humiliating a single group of people
for being born into a particular ethnic group, and vilify them for something that they had never any control over.
I don’t know what you meant by saying by enforcing the humiliation of a group of people. If by humiliation you mean that it is the fate of the Jews to be humiliated by non-Jews and suffer at their hands for eternity, then such supremacist thinking is exactly the recipe for endless war and conflict.
If you think that suppression and oppression of Jews by non-Jews is necessary for the world peace to be brought about, or maintained, then I am not afraid to state that it has been tried before, and had been an utter failure. Romans tried to subjugate the Jews by laying waste to their homeland, but it was Rome itself that had been laid to waste eventually and suffered the same fate.
It is not the Jews who are cursed, but it is the likes of you who are stained and blighted by insane hatred, and you are right in that that it is people like yourself who can never be cured or healed of this hatred. One reason being that you insist on it. It is people like yourself who should be ignored and never touched. It is you who are shackled and blighted by your hatred!
No matter whether you like it or not, the majority of Jews will eventually come to Christ and will find salvation and healing. When there is a will, there is a way. Seek and you shall find. I am not afraid of you, or what you may think of me.
The Romans succeeded in eradicating the people who controlled the Roman Province of Judaea as successfully as someone destroyed the Etruscans or the Romans destroyed Carthage.
The problem with modern Ashkenazi ‘Jews’ is that they have no DNA connection to the original inhabitants of the Middle East. They are a Turkic Caucasian tribe from the mouth of the Volga. This is now irrefutable fact.
Their claim to Palestine is fraudulent.
Their claim to Palestine may well be fraudulent, but matters seem to be more complicated than that. The results of DNA research on jewish people makes their claims of being true jews (genetically), whether sephardic or askenazi, much less certain than we could ever have imagined:
With centuries of intermarrying among themselves you will almost certainly find a trace of ancient Judean DNA in all/almost all the current Jewish population. And in the DNA of millions of other people as well. Since many Jews over the centuries have intermarried with non-Jews and many converted to other faiths,Christianity and Islam in particular.But historical research shows that there were vast numbers of European (and Khazar) converts to Judaism,especially during the days of the Western Roman Empire and shortly after.And in the days when the Khazar’s were a great military power in the Caucasus region and Southern Russia.
The ancient peoples of the Levant region were mostly all of the same sub-group ethnicity in the past.So the languages and appearance of the peoples were similar. Its not an accident that the ancient Arabs were called the cousins of the Hebrews.So then,common sense would dictate that the Jews today if they were mostly of ancient Hebrew origin would resemble to a great extent the peoples of the Levant and Arabia.And yet while its true some Jews do,mostly those coming from those regional countries.Its also quite clear by the use of our eyes.That the great majority of those Jews coming from European countries don’t resemble those peoples.Their light hair,even blond in some cases,and light skin,marks them as being more descended from others than from the ancient Jews.There is a sarcastic joke made by Palestinians that pretty much spells it out,”how come you left Palestine brown skinned,and now return white skinned”.
The problem I see with DNA studies on Jewishness today,is “who” conducts that research.While certainly there have been several Jewish scientists over the last years that have reported the type of points I’ve made. The vast majority (close to 100%) of those researching the DNA of Jews are only fellow Jews.And those supporting the zionist position,the vast majority, have a good reason to not let “inconvenient facts” be revealed. The Jewish scientists “bucking” the zionist claims have all said that they were pressured to not reveal their conclusions. And much is done to attack and discredit their research.Only unbiased and non-zionist research done could come out will definitive facts on the DNA of Jewish and non-Jewish peoples. If research ,from the start is meant to prove a certain “point” it can’t be relied on to be factual.
The latest DNA research from Johns Hopkins is objective and confirms the Khazar Turkic Caucasian origins of Ashncanazi jews without ambivalence.
I’d need to see that. I can’t imagine any scientific study that would categorically state something like that. You get no 100% certainty in any DNA research on ethnic origins that I’ve ever seen. Usually on any ethnic group you have several different opinions and studies. And I figure the one to believe based on historical research and the common sense factor,”what is more likely,given the circumstances of the period”.
From the link below:
The question of Jewish ancestry has been the subject of controversy for over two centuries and has yet to be resolved. The “Rhineland Hypothesis” depicts Eastern European Jews as a“population isolate” that emerged from a small group of German Jews who migrated eastward and expanded rapidly. Alternatively, the “Khazarian Hypothesis” suggests that Eastern European Jew descended from the Khazars, an amalgam of Turkic clans that settled the Caucasus in the early centuries CE and converted to Judaism in the 8th century. Mesopotamian and Greco-Roman Jews continuously reinforced the Judaized Empire until the 13th century. Following the collapse of their empire, the Judeo-Khazars fled to Eastern Europe. The rise of European Jewry is therefore explained by the contribution of the Judeo-Khazars.”
It was the late Egyptian president Jamal Abdel Nasser who said during a televised speech ‘ You left Palestine brown, and came back white, we cant accept that’…..
@anonymous on April 16, 2017 · at 7:11 pm UTC
I don’t know what you meant by saying by enforcing the humiliation of a group of people.
Sioxx’s reasoning may be unclear, but his prescription is not :
If you think that suppression and oppression of Jews by non-Jews is necessary
He didn’t recommend that at all. He said: don’t attack them, don’t talk to them, don’t listen to them.
it is the likes of you who are stained and blighted by insane hatred, and you are right in that that it is people like yourself who can never be cured or healed of this hatred.
Your immoderate reaction suggests to me that Sioxx may be on to something.
He didn’t recommend that at all. He said: don’t attack them, don’t talk to them, don’t listen to them
Are you the person who wrote the riginal post?
If you are not, why do you pretend to know best what that commenter intended to say?
You are preemptively rushing to his defense by trying to interpret what he did NOT say, while ignoring what he DID say.
Your immoderate reaction suggests to me that Sioxx may be on to something
I am fully within my rights to react to this comment the way I see fit.
My reaction had actually been somewhat moderate. I didn’t even try to throw his hateful words back at him. Only observed that it is he who is blighted and plagued by hatred.
There are additional reasons, probably more decisive reasons, why the Anglo-Zionists are risking WW3, or perhaps are even hoping for a limited WW3.
Capitalism needs ever-expanding markets, and empires tend to aggressively expand for as long as they can. Russia is one of the last big areas for cheap raw materials, and economists have estimated that digesting Russia could add as much as 20 to 30 years to the life of the existing system. Have no doubt that this Empire is in its “sunset years”, along with the paper money scheme of the Rothschilds and other financiers. If you look closely, you can see that there’s a split within the elite, even within the Jewish elites, over whether risking WW3 is a good idea or not. Kissinger came out against it back in September 2014, although he was writing specifically about Ukraine and with his usual degree of BS.
Very interesting article.
With the numerous points noted, and based on what we see playing out in realtime in Trump’s presidency, I want to ask a question:
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion – in which most of what is taking place globally were laid out as a plan of action for global domination in macabre, but clear details- how does it figure in all of this?
Or, are we to satisfy with the explaination that has been repeated ad nauseam that it was just a clever hoax or a “forgery” of Czarist Russia?
Henry Ford said it was uncanny that so much of what was outlined in the document had been realized, yet it was deemed a hoax:
Destroy nations – done✓
Destroy religion – done✓
Destroy family – done✓
Destroy Gender – almost done
For a complete understanding of this history and that which came before it, I recommend you read a book called the controversy of zion which you can download online. It is in fact the only way you will find it due to its unpublishable subject matter.
The book was finished in 1956 and reads like a novel, written in beautiful English and contains much history which has been suppressed.
a forged banknote, bond or what have you, presupposes that there is such a thing as a real banknote.
therefore ‘the protocols’ being a ‘forgery’ means there must be a real one….
and needless to say, the ‘forgery’ is probably, like a banknote, almost identical to the real one.
Versus: Protocols, how about the Hasbara Handbook?
Want to know how to short-circuit thought?
This literary masterpiece will enlighten ye of little faith on all kinds of stuff, such as “Point scoring” vs. “Genuine Debate”; “Gliterring Generalities”, and a favorite truism of the ages, “name calling is hard to counter.”
Great analysis, Saker! You are completely justified in speaking so plainly about what others are afraid to mention. “The sting of the rebuke is in the truth” and having told the truth, the Neocons, Zionists, Israel Lobbyists,(and their mindless supporters) etc. will be howling.
It should be noted that many self-described “bible believing” Protestants also support the Neocon/Zionist agenda. Because of their delusional theology and its influence on their political & worldview, these misguided, but sincere people give great assistance to the Neocon/Zionists. Many of them willing sacrifice their sons to the Zionist god, in the name of U.S. patriotism. (because of their misguided eschatology these sola scriptura fanatics simply adore Zionists ). They also hold that the USA is the “indispensable nation. The American flag is their religious icon because the heretical Reformations (both classic and radical) eventually led to the founding of the USA, where this heresy has reached its zenith. Not only do they try to export freedom but also their anti-Orthodox religion, trying to convert people in Ukraine, Russia, sending multitudes of missionaries to exploit the people. I pray that the Orthodox Church will grow ever stronger and more pure and Holy in Ukraine, Belarus and Russia (Holy Rus). These anti-Orthodox, self-described “bible believers” are constantly demonizing Russia, Putin, etc. Just listen to or read the likes of Tony Perkins (on American Family Radio (with their motto: faith, family freedom), Jan Markell (, Jay Sekulow (with his organization working in Russia)(, etc. These crazies truly believe the U.S. military is protecting these Evangelical Protestants’ families and their freedom when the U.S. military bomb innocent civilians and break international law in their wars of aggression. In the vanity of their minds, their Sola Scriptura doctrine has led them to be promoters of death at the hands of the U.S. military, i.e. “bible believing”killers. Of course this is all in the name of faith, family and freedom.
Recently, when visiting my family in Ukraine, it made me so upset to see the brainwashing advertisements in the train stations, etc. encouraging young men to join the Ukraine military. They use the same slick marketing as the U.S. Of course the military being advertised is the one supporting the illegitimate coup government of Kiev…the Neo -Nazi, NATO supported Banderas who seek to kill their fellow Ukrainians and impose American culture on Ukraine. One Ukrainian told me he she feels that her country has become a colony of America and no longer exits as an independent, sovereign nation.
Keep fighting the good fight, Saker! Yes it is spiritual warfare, my brother.
Despite all these troubles, we can drink Vodka and rejoice in that Christ is Risen! Truly He is Risen! Because of Jesus Christ, Death is defeated. And it necessarily follows that if death is defeated then the merchants of death are also defeated! Yes presently they cause great evil, but it is temporary. Their time is short (by God’s accounting. After all God is not constrained by time) for He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead. And His Kingdom will have no end.
…And I believe in One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church… The Orthodox Church , of course.
Chris. Most of those people who follow them are like sheep, sincere but misguided. If you are patient and cogent and well read (how else could you have stumbled here), you may well be able to correct quite a few. Patience and persistence my friend. The empire is the enemy of God and is a great ally of the satan and would finally produce the anti christ. So God is on our side, the side of Truth and justice.
So please go ahead and try your best to guide the misguided and correct their world view.
edited for language -mod.eo
Race issue is nothing more than the fake jews’ attempt to promote cohesion and alleged superiority of their religious community. Pure garbage. Races are BIOLOGICALLY and GENETICALLY determined- not choices or preferences of decision. Black, asian, caucasion, hispanic- these are races. NONE of which one can choose to convert to or renounce. Dont give a s*** what the Talmudists’ self-serving myths claim or for how long they been claiming this stuff. It is scientifically verified fact. Jews’ nonsense was plagiarized from Babylon Sumer myths that they are the “Fallen Angels” and hence have different DNA. these liars are enabled by the useful idiots in American Evangelical circles and false xtian patriot like Steve Quayle, Jones, Haggmann and that ilk. Khazars are MONGOL TURKS- proven genetically and linguistically. Jews mythology is old and disproven. Some say- “you can tell they’re a race cause you can see even facially who is a ‘jew'”. Sometimes yes- most often no. Even so-same can be said about the Irish, or Scandinavians. Does this prove their are of a different race?
Jews are no more a race than are Muslims, Catholics, Hindus or Sikhs. We need to quit stifle their fakery by refusing to revisit and entertain this tired and self-serving theory.
Beautifully said, Saker!
Bush Jr. once asked Papa Bush, “What’s the difference between conservatism and neoconservatism?”
According to one witness, Papa Bush replied with one word: “Israel.”
I am sure there are some people who may read these comments assuming that Zionist above is simply a troll or someone trying to discredit Zionists. But as a Jew by birth myself, I attended in my younger years several arguments over Zionism where the pro-Zionists made *exactly* the argument this commenter is making: namely, that anything less than allowing the modern State of Israel to continue its occupation and slaughter unabated is equivalent to wishing death on one’s own race. This is an ideological weapon that they use to keep the more compassionate Jews in line, and together with the implied threat of expulsion from their tribe and public denunciation in the controlled media, it becomes very convincing. But Saker, your post was so carefully and strongly written that it defeated the false dilemma of the Zionists before he even had a chance to say it. No wonder he was so angry that he spent several paragraphs attacking you.
Ezekiel made siege upon a clay figurine of Jerusalem…
A red heifer is sought high and low.
Jerusalem by all accounts is to be torn in two on a line running north to south…proceeded by a huge tumult.
The oil and tar under Golan and the fight for it is noted too.
Damascus will be attacked and destroyed as is written.
The ukroids will no doubt go multichernobyl…westinghouse has filed for bankruptcy…is it domiciled in the US still.?
We have some years yet but if you are alive today you will likely see it.
Apart from that bravo all.!
Confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that Christ is Lord.
I know of an orthodox looking Jewish man in Amsterdam who has this message next to his doorbell together with a Mezuzah, in order to avoid being wrongly criticized:
“Not all Jews are Zionists.”
About the Mezuzah:
To me doorposts symbolize the frame of our senses, like the edges of our eyes for example. In that sense having the “blood of the lamb” on your doorposts means that you keep your awareness framed by the consciousness that in truth you are an innocent spiritual child -extension- of God. Not separate from God, but so one with Him that He is experiencing everything we experience, including being us, and all the sufferings that entail experiencing being but a human, one of those experienced being the feeling of not being good enough, and guilty of so many human imperfections. In that sense the crucifixion is a spiritual parable for taking on the human experience by entering this world. We gave our Life for the souls we experience having, that also they would one day realize that Who they really are is infinitely great heroic pure altruistic Charity.
It is indeed God Who is reading this now disguised as you.
The first law is about how to love yourself, the second one -like to the first one- is about how to love your neighbor. In both cases: as God. Keep that on the frame of your senses and in your awareness.
Thanks for your short storie about the Dutch Jew who did not want to be assumed as Zionist ( why someone could go through such fatigues? ), I liked to know about Mezuzah, seemed to me a beautiful custom….
From now on, every time I visit a Jewish neighborhood ( numerous in old cities in my country ), I will be looking for Mezuzahs.
Did you know that I am keen on photographing muslim door styles and door knobs? Yes, I have them from places ranging from Tunisia to Zanzíbar, passing over Yemen, Iran and so beautiful ( before war ) ancient Syria….
I think I will, from now on, photograph these Mezuzahs as well.
I love ethnic art work…and folklore…..I think “God”, in any case, wanted us all diverse, in order to show world and human richness, but at the same time, equal, and any person trying to contradice this message of “equal and different” is very far from God´s message, in spite of the near they feel/believe they are.
Something I never read or hear much about is the possibility of a DPRK submarine carrying a nuclear weapon into a US harbour on a suicide mission.
Sure, the USN / USCG might be able to detect such a boat on its approach, but then again maybe not as there is a LOT of noise in the water around a harbour. I am sure the DPRK has some sort of ‘creative’ solution to wreak vengeance on the US mainland in case it is attacked.
Maybe that is what the American people need to FINALLY understand the real danger the ZOGs in Washington present. As the US mainland has never been significantly attacked by outside forces in living memory the American people feel safe and snug, free from any real outside danger.
I was thinking the exact same thing yesterday, remembering having seen these clips in the past:
“north korean submarine missile launch”
And this:
“North Korea ” worlds second largest submarine forces in number ”
Then yesterday:
“Pyongyang Parade: North Korea displays new ICBMs & submarine-based missiles”
As for the spiritual meaning of “blood”:
“But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat.”
~Genesis 9:4
That is about not assimilating the belief that we are but the human animals we seem to be, “life” in this case meaning “consciousness”, as that is what gives life to our humanity. Without consciousness we are dead.
Yet we are commanded to “eat” the flesh and “drink” the blood of the body of Christs, who symbolizes God in human appearance, anointed by the mercy and grace of God on Himself, even in His human appearance, ours now. Thus we are told to assimilate the belief that our flesh or human experience, and the consciousness -blood- thereof, is the human experience and consciousness God is willing to experience as each one of us.
As has been stated by the old mystic: “God made Himself man, to make man God.”
Verily He is risen!
I had a distinct feeling this might be our last Easter in Russia last night. I’m passionately on the side of sanity, The Saker’s side, in all this. Saker, thank you for existing!
The people I’m with, in spirit mostly, in Russia are people who feel that to bash the Soviet Union or the founders of the Soviet state is the same as bashing Russia. Anti-Soviet equals Russophobic. Its true that sundry interests were involved in the events of October 1917, including some deeeply wacky ones, and there was a large Jewish element (Trotsky and co.). They had their own agenda, for sure. But these weird interests would be phased out later. Stalin did not kill “millions.” There were just under a million people convicted between ca. 1927 and ca. 1953, and only a fraction of that number were wrongfully convicted innocents. Otherwise we would not have won the big war with the dark forces of the world. And anyway, you do what you’ve got to do in times of war, and the Civil War on the ground in some parts of Russia went on till about 1934. These are the same, same as in 1941, dark forces on the offensive again, and sometimes it looks that they are winning. I just wish the periodically recurring Soviet Russia-bashing would stop on this site. Judge by the results: what country did Nicholas II leave behind? None. What country did Lenin leave behind? A great one. Stalin? A much greater one. Gorbachev? Left behind a country in ruins, robbed of dignity, of historic entity-hood. Russia-bashing continued almost unabated for how many decades? First it was directed against the Soviets, they claimed they were fighting communism, but Russia was OK. Now, if i may be allowed this simile, they are saying that Putin is bad but Russia is OK. Trying the same old bait: get rid of Putin and we’ll embrace you. But who are we kidding? It’s Russia they’re after. The corpse of Russia is what they covet.
Please check Solzhenitsyn (sp?) on this assertion about Lenin and Stalin’s contributions. Now, Putin I highly respect.
Judge by the results: what country did Nicholas II leave behind? None.
A very myopic (and uninformed) opinion. Those who wanted to live in a highly industrialized dystopia were free to immigrate to England or the USA.
Judge by results: Read Dickens (or Orwell’s The Road to Wiggam Pier) and say what country England was. Read James Agee (Let Us Now Praise Famous Men) and tell about America.
Regarding Gorbachev, is he really who he says he is? What made him destroy his own nation? The devil made him do it?
That being said, in strange way, U.S method in tricking one shoot his own foot is something to admire. Think about it, even if it is till death, “no one can make you inferior without your consent”. It is also important to remember in the bible how Christ had been tested several times by the devil but Christ prevailed.
“…the “Ziocons”: basically Zionists plus some rabid Anglo imperialists à la Cheney or McCain.”
This is back to front and will be used to discredit you opinion by insinuating (rightly) that you are positing a (quasi/faux/para) Jewish world conspiracy. The zionist tail doth not wag the Washington barbarian dog, it is a proxy force, like the head-chopping, heart-eating rapers in Syria and the arse-licking British political establishment.
It was mentioned briefly in the above article, but to focus on it now:
“syrian terrorists medical treatment in israel”
Absolutely brilliant article.
Every word truth and a template for action.
Thank you.
Thank you Saker for everything written above.
Yes Kushner might have been the useful family jew to put in a word for kibbutzUSA, but as well, Trump’s bankruptcies might have been plugged by the zionist’s bankers, Goldman’s ….so he owed them! Also, throwing freaks(lesser conformists) like Bannon & Flynn under the bus when their usefulness is done….is called capitalism. Or, D Trump, this is your life.
N Korea is a side show, a distraction from the real killing field… for now.
…So what to do about the ongoing very real international disaster of humanity that is the ME?
– Talk about it? Surely S Lavrov has been trying that. This diplomacy some might have suggested back when it started, to be a difficult ask when the opposition (rigid zionists & their wahhabi cannon fodder) don’t speak the language of compromise.
– Directly confront the zionists? Apparently impossible currently for the honest power broker who specialises in reacting, and successfully so far.
– A phone call to Bibi? A talk to Trump’s useful idiot? ….Ho hum.
– Or….Wait for them to destroy themselves hoping for our minimal losses – heroic indeed. When you don’t know what to do, doing nothing is the most difficult thing.
Humans have been playing these same games for eternity without ever tiring of them. Psychologically the brain has never advanced from this dead end, and having made no progress, the fact that we in the west love to kill and win at any cost is therefore what our lives are worth….Pleasure and pain….This is our life….An ethical moral education fail. So, no matter how many gods we invent to save us, there’ll always be another god to take our money and run.
Oh Zionism?….Herzl, and his bankers, must have been overwhelmed with hatred for the other. As V Putin might have said had he been there so long ago – Do you know what you have done?
“Racism is, in my opinion, not so much the belief that various human groups are different from each other, say like dog breeds can be different, but the belief that the differences between human groups are larger than within the group.”
How can someone write something like this with straight face yet claiming to be against propaganda and lies is mind boggling, case for medical study really. Take any group of ethnic people and you will see idiocy of this position/claim. Let’s take German people. There are many Germanic tribes consisting of today Germany, many have had their own states not that long ago (remember Germany as nation-state was created in 1848). To claim that the difference between German tribes are the same as the difference between them combined, i.e. Germany and Bantu people of Congo or Nigeria or any other ethnic stock (let’s say east Asian ethnic stock of Chinese, Japanese and Koreans) is not just outrages lie per se, but sheer lunacy which anyone with even half of working mind can see how stupid and preposterous that notion is. I don’t think there is anyone sane here or anywhere who thinks that differences between Norwegians, Swedes and Danes are the the same as the differences between Danes and Japanese/Nigerians, Swedes and Chinese/Congolese or Norwegians and Koreans/Zulus. Unbelievable that someone can some up with such nut notions.
“Second, racism is also a belief that the biological characteristics of your group somehow pre-determine your actions/choices/values in life.”
Geneticists and biologists know that genes determine our behavior. It’s called behavioral genetics, and it tells you that no matter how much you can teach someone something, his/her genes will never allow him/her to develop beyond their capabilities. A person with short legs will have impossible task to become good sprinter, just as someone with IQ of 90 will have impossible task to learn high mathematics. Behavior of thousands generations of our people which lived before is written is our genes. Author of this claim is similar to this young man who came to Muslim scholar to shape Islam in the way he would like it to be, but gets quickly schooled by the scholar:
“Third, racism often, but not always, assumes a hierarchy amongst human groups. I believe that God created all humans with the same purpose and that we are all “brothers in Adam”, that we all equally share the image of God .”
If not all human races and ethnicities are equally productive, able or smart, and I think we can all agree that they are not, then hierarchies will naturally emerge. Person would have to be oblivious or logically impaired not to understand natural order of things. Besides hierarchies among humans exist in every corner, nook or crevice you look at, be it if they are conceived by money, position in organizations/workplaces, etc. — they all exist everywhere we glance.
That scholar himself gives but a merely human interpretation of those Koran texts. It is a merciless (loveless) interpretation. And God is Love and the Merciful One.
The interpretation that gay man gives is in accord with a loving merciful loving God; that you don’t rape.
The merciless interpretation leads to rape, as IS demonstrates.
And what about the “killing” of unbelievers? By becoming a believer you “kill” the unbeliever you were before. That one is now “dead” in the sense that the child we once were is “dead”, having turned into a grown up. Even though no one was physically killed.
What is it to believe? That God’s loving desire that we be as happy as He is happy is so great that He is now appearing here as each and every one of us. And it is Christ believing it as we when we believe it:
“By this work then we shall do the works of Christ, the very believing in Christ being the work of Christ, for He works this in us, though not without us.”
~St. Augustine, Catena Aurea, John XIV: 12-14
“For it is God who works in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.”
~Philippians 2:13
Elsewhere Augustine explained that the devil did believe Christ when He said He was God, but that the devil did not believe in God. And that there is a difference between believing someone, and believing in someone.
We can believe Paul, but not believe in Paul, as we are not Paul, and believing is an activity which takes place in the one doing the believing.
So that we can figure out what it really means to believe in Christ, or in God… and Who it really is that does the believing in Himself when we His humanity do the believing in God.
Actually in the great scheme of things we are all equal. Just because we are alive today means that we were able to beat the “natural selection” game. Some by power, some by intelligence, some by cowardice, some by lying, some by infiltrating the “stronger” tribes and using them (see the subject at hand).
There may be some genetic trait that favors intelligence, or strength, or whatever. And maybe black people as a whole are less intelligent than white people (just as an example, not saying they are, and I don’t really care if they are).
But let’s not forget, the Indian people, which many could consider inferior, to this day, gave us Gandhi. We could say Indians are less intelligent than the Japanese, or whatever, and weaker, and with less morals, but in the end if we take this path, we miss on the next Gandhi.
What makes a greater contribution to society, the average white man that is smarter than the average black man, or Gandhi, Muhammad Ali, Alexandre Dumas, Neil deGrasse Tyson, just to name a few.
Apologies to the blacks, and the Indians, I was just making a point.
Democracy, humanity and international law ruled by Empire are weapons of mass destruction. Just like Embargo targeting Japan (the real reason for Pearl Harbor 1941). These are the lessons we have learnt especially since Helsinki Accords 1975. Believe me, no Finns ever though in 1975 what TNT that smuggled to Europe and then to whole world. “Democracy and liberty or i will kill you and your dog”. It might be possible WW3 will start because issues like gay rights.
I think it was the Tsarist autocracy who, together with the imperialist Entente (Britain and France) led an ill-prepared Russian army into the war against the central powers (Germany and the Austro-Hungarian empire) in 1914. This turned out to be a military disaster which eventually gave rise to the demise of the Romanovs and the February and October revolutions which followed in 1917. After the Bolsheviks took power, Trotsky concluded a peace agreement with the Central Powers at Brest Litovsk (1918) which took Russia out of the war. The imperialist powers took umbrage at this turn of events but stayed their hand to see how the civil war in Russia (1917-1923) was likely to pan out.
In due course, it appeared that the White Armies under Kolchak, Kornilov and Denikin were losing against the Bolshevik Red Guards under Trotsky. This prompted a full-scale invasion of the imperial powers, 9 in all including the US, Britain and France. The Whites and the Reds fought the Russian Civil War from November 1917 until 1921, and isolated battles continued in the Far East until 1923. The White Army, far from being patriots turned out to be collaborationists —aided by the Allied imperial forces (Triple Entente) from countries such as Japan, the United Kingdom, France, Italy and the United States and (sometimes) the Central Powers forces such as Germany and Austria-Hungary—fought in Siberia, Ukraine, and the Crimea. They were defeated by the Red Army due to military and ideological disunity, as well as the determination and increasing unity of the Red Army.
So, who was defending Russia and who was selling out to the imperialist armies of intervention? I am not Russian, and I don’t have a dog in this fight; it makes no difference to me who was involved in a civil war in a faraway country a hundred years ago. But am interested in truth and objectivity. Attributing all of Russia’s problems to the Bolsheviks seems clearly narrow and one-sided, and tends, moreover, to vitiate some of the more valid points you make.
If you are interested in truth and objectivity you should correct first the false Trotskyst premise on which you base your argument presented as a question.
It was NOT “the Tsarist autocracy who, together with the imperialist Entente (Britain and France) led an ill-prepared Russian army into the war against the central powers (Germany and the Austro-Hungarian empire) in 1914.This turned out to be a military disaster which eventually gave rise to the demise of the Romanovs and the February and October revolutions which followed in 1917.”
Russia indeed was not yet prepared and therefore had no intention to attack the central powers. It was the Central Powers which precipitated the war before Russia could finalize the program of massive reorganization and modernization of her Armed forces (due to end in 1916), in the belief that Russia was not prepared and would obtain an easy victory resulting in the demise of the Romanovs and the partition of Russia. As that did not happen they fomented the ‘revolution’ which was in fact an act of high treason perpetrated by the ‘liberals’ and abetted by the covert agents of the American imperialism, the Trotski-Lenin gang. In the civil war the Western Powers supported underhand the Bolsheviks, betraying Kolchak (the role of the French general Janin and of the Czechoslovak Legion which stole the Imperial Gold Reserve in the demise of Kolchak is well known, even if less publicized).
It was the arch British imperialist Winston Churchill who once said:
‘’The failure to strangle bolshevism at its birth, and then to bring Russia, then prostrate, by one means or another, into a general democratic system, lies heavy upon us today’’ 1949
However you seem to be arguing that the imperial armies of intervention were actually working with Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin and Bukharin: thus, ”In the civil war the Western powers supported underhand the Bolsheviks.” Sorry, but unless you can bring evidence to support this claim it doesn’t stand up. The fact that the Red Army – led by Trotsky – defeated the White Guard and the foreign imperial armies of intervention, actually caused considerable chagrin to the imperial powers. Hence Churchill’s comment above.
Moreover, from this time onwards the White Russian dispora, estimated at some 2 million settled in Europe, North American and parts of Asia, Harbin and Shanghai for example. In the main there were 3 political groupins: In order of importance, the Monarchists, the Liberals, and the Mensheviks. This is what tends to happen after civil wars, the losers leave.
All true except that I would argue that Monarchists, such as my family, were clearly in the minority, if only because they were in a minority in the pre-revolutionary elites. The main ideology of most upper class emigres was liberalism. When Kerensky abjectly failed, this liberalism lost a lot of steam, but the general hostility towards the Czar and the monarchist ideals did not, alas, leave the minds of these people. Even the reactionary circles were not real monarchists in the sense that what they wanted is power for themselves, the self-declared ‘elites’, and not for the monarch. Finally, I would never underestimate the degree of penetration Freemasonry had in the Russian emigration (and the Russian aristocracy in general).
Nowadays the image if the White officer is one of a beautiful, idealist hero. There were definitely some like that. But most of them were in various shades of grey and not nearly as “pure” as some nowadays imagine them. I say that with sadness and I come from these roots myself.
The Saker
Indeed. It was the German aggression against Russia that caused the uprisings(similar to 1905) and not some Jews. It was Germany that allowed the infamous train with Lenin through its territory and supported all kinds of insurgents to break-up Russia (and still is today). I wonder why some choose to ignore those irrefutable facts. Even before there was a German Reich in 1848/49 most German politicians wanted war against Russia.
“As a “means of struggle against Russia,” the “rebellion of not only Poland, but also of the Ukraine” was sought, according to the decree handed down August 11, 1914 by the Chancellor of the German Reich.[4]”
The German war against Slavic peoples is 1200 years old. One of the oldest Slavic songs is a war song that has been verbally passed on to the next generation for over 1000 years: “Serbja so do Nĕmcow hotowachu”(Sorbs are preparing [for war] against Germans).
Hardly there is talk of German influence especially today but everything seems under the radar. There seems to be German’s involvement in all of many troubles as well፡ Marx and Engles created communism and it was applied in Russia against the Csar. The creation of Protestant by Martin Luther that split the Christian world and the Protestants today allying with the zionists are creating havoc in the world started by the born again George W. Bush. We all know what happened under Nazism. Germany was also allied to the Ottoman that ethnically cleansed Armenians. Nato bombed Yugoslavia under the leadership of Germany.
The German aggressors even made up “the Ukrainian people”(which means “borderland people”) to divide and conquer Russia. You can make up “borderland people” in every country if you want to break it up. To ignore history is the best way to repeat it.
“Germans Taught Russian Prisoners of War the Idea of Ukraine”
Who are the powers and principalities?
Reptilian aliens with bases in Antarctica in league with Nazis since just before WW-II?
Who are the angels?
ETs who keep disabling nuclear weapons?
This may sound like completely crazy conspiracy crap.
But have a look at evidence. It links into elite secret societies, banking and black budget unacknowledged special access projects.
+1, as techies say. I just came upon this last year. While normally it would be so orthogonal as to be irrelevant if not preposterous, whistle-blowers say that ALL of these political and power-dynamics are related behind the scenes, and they are all coming to a crisis point now.
Another way to put it is that the ZOGs and their ilk ARE involved in these “ET” and “SSP”-related dramas – this is one source of their power. So you might as well read up on them to get ahead of the game.
Thank you. And Happy Easter to you and yours.
I would like to thank you for your great article. I will only add some other expressions that I have come across. ZIO-WAHABISM This expression really made me think more of the khazarian middle eastern mentality and how they have now united with the House of Saud. in political and social philosophy. Further more having lived in various WASP countries I have been totally aware of their mentality IE exceptionalism way of looking at the world. The term anglo-zionist or ZOG are one in the same. If one can follow the History of the creation of occupied Palestine(Israel) u will find thats where the origins come from. Balfour accord( Sir Rothschild) Hence a colonial outpost for the elite /anglo-zionist. Hence Khazarian jews morphing into WASP identity.
During the the 50’s into the mid 60’s the vile zionist in Israel performed a little eugenic experiment with serphedic jews and almost exterminated a vast majority. See jews are racist amongst their own religious identity. We see it today in Israel how they treat African /black jews from Ethiopia or other middle African countries and not mediterranean African jews/serphedic.
Jews whom have khazarian origins and whom reside in the west are extremely racist and ayrion in nature and mentality and philosophy. Now not al jews r like that not all jews think like that but the ones that have real power and real agendas r. One comes across the term Likudnik I guess that would some it up.
Another expression that I have come across of late is IDENTATARIANS. One can only see how totalitarian the msm /universities and political discourse has become in the west in the last 25 years. It is sad and scary at the same time. Secularism is dead and buried .
POST SRIPTUM; I suggest my fellow bloggers listen to Trump the Frumps Easter address and b4 u do better take some strong anti-emetics .
DOCIUS IN FUNDEM; I would like to leave you with a favourite expression from the late great Gianbattista Vico A city divided by religion is either already in ruins or close to it. AMEN
Yes it this quote of yours is true “Those of you offended by my haughty tone” we discuss ideas and event on this blog and not trash talk the intelligence and educations of our readers …. your post has been sent on to the Saker to decide to post or not. …. mod-hs
Truly is risen!
@It all began with Reagan and… the Ziocons fully seized power with Bill Clinton. Others think that it all began with Kennedy. Whatever may be the case, what is clear is that election after election Americans consistently vote for less war and each time around they get more wars.
It certainly all began much (much) earlier. At the very least with Woodrow Wilson who proclaimed at the beginning of WWI that his primary objective was to keep America out of the war in Europe, and his policy was, “the true spirit of neutrality, which is the spirit of impartiality and fairness and friendliness to all concerned”. He was re-elected in 1916 on the campaign slogan “He kept us out of war”. Exactly hundred years ago America entered the war to “vindicate principles of peace and justice in the life of the world as against selfish and autocratic power”! He send the Bolsheviks against the ‘autocratic powers’! America delayed the entry in the war because it did not want to be allied with an ‘evil tyrant who waged pogroms and massacres upon his people’. He, like King George, the very cousin and the best friend of the murdered Czar, refused asylum to Czar Nicholas fully conscious that he would be sacrificed.
At the start of World War II President Roosevelt assured the nation (and the powerful non-interventionist faction in the Congress) that he would do all he could to keep them out of war. But in 1940 67% of Americans believed that a German-Italian victory would endanger the United States, that if such an event occurred 88% supported “arm[ing] to the teeth at any expense to be prepared for any trouble”, and that 71% favored “the immediate adoption of compulsory military training for all young men”.
Behind all this were the same ‘basement crazies’ which it always happened to be Jews (and you scratch further, the parents and grand-parents of the present ones) .
And what does it mean to ‘Make America Great Again’ (MAGA) if not the same slogan of American exceptionalism, the “City upon a hill” of the New England Puritans , “the shining city upon a hill whose beacon light guides freedom-loving people everywhere” of Reagan and Kennedy, the ‘indispensable nation’ striving to be ‘accepted’ as an equal by the only ‘indispensable chosen nation’ who pays for every election campaigns? Actually the MAGA slogan was first used in Ronald Reagan’s 1980 presidential campaign.
Now, we all agree that “Jews are not owned any special favor and there is no need to constantly engage in various forms of complex linguistic or mental yoga contortions when discussing them and their role in the modern world”. The real problem is that Jews think that they are owned all special favors (be them innocuous “everyday Jews”, or ‘secular Zionists’, or fanatical Chabad Kabbalists, or anti-anti-Semitic ‘Jews’, or ‘anti-Zionist’ Jews). Paradoxically, the aim of ‘classical’ Zionism was exactly that, to be considered like any other people, to be Jews because they were born Jews and nothing more, but precisely that encountered the fierce opposition of the ‘everyday Jews’ who eventually swamped it, because it was threatening the myth of the ‘exceptionalism’ of the ‘Jews’ (even more paradoxically, of the converts to the fallacious religion of ‘Judaism’, which was NOT, I cannot stress enough, NOT the religion of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob from which Christianity sprung) which is the ground on which they built their false identity.
How would you ‘detoxify’ the American ‘nation’ of this poison which was instilled in her veins from the moment of her birth, when they are not aware (nah, they refuse to acknowledge) that they are sick and even take pride in their sickness and want to spread it all over the world?
Btw, it’s “Make America Grate Again” …
federal reserve act 1913. Woodrew Wilson was rumoured to say months later saying .’I might have committed the worst act in history.
Note to falcemartello … please read moderation policy about the use of caps. I changed your caps to lowercase this time but next time your comment will not get posted … mod-hs
What a brilliant and heart-warming Easter message! Many thanks to The Saker for putting this down in writing with such powerful explanation.
I have had a number of good Jewish friends over many years and most made it very clear that they wanted nothing to do with the pernicious doctrines and actions of Zionism.
I don’t know how this can all work out to a more positive world — I wonder whether the traditional remedy of giving the playground bully a bloody nose might be relevant in this broader context.
I have had a number of good Jewish friends over many years and most made it very clear that they wanted nothing to do with the pernicious doctrines and actions of Zionism.
Same exact here. This is why Jew-hating racists are SO WRONG! They cannot admit that Jews, like non-Jews, come in many flavors and opinions. One would never accuse all Germans of being Nazis or all Russian of being Communists. Why accuse all Jews of being Zionists then?
In my personal experience, I have also known many, many Jews who wanted nothing to do with ANY form of Jewish supremacism, not secular not religious. Furthermore, in critical parts of my life, Jews have been *far* kinder to me than my putatively Russian or Orthodox brothers. To one of them I even said “you are my compassionate Samaritan”.
For all these reasons I chose to focus solely in moral/religious/tribal *choices* and not on where/whom people were born. I am personally convinced that the ratio of good to bad people is exactly the same amongst all races and ethnicities.
The Saker
Reminds me of a famous quote from Solzhenitsyn …”the line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either — but right through every human heart — and through all human hearts.”
Reminds me of a famous quote from Solzhenitsyn …”the line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either — but right through every human heart
This — as you use it — is all very well as an abstract idea. But when there is a mixed-faith marriage in prospect, when the question of how the children are to be raised (as one, as the other, or neither) appears, reality rears its ugly head.
All it takes is a few Jews to subvert and destroy a city, country or even an empire. Look at the Persian empire, and the most celebrated conspiracy hatched by the Jew Mordachia and Esther. Where the King fell under the hypnotic sway of the Jews and killed off about 100,000 of his own people, then Persia fell in quick time once the Jews took over. Who opened the gates of Babylon to Cyrus and his army, in the conquest of that empire? It was the Jews, who like chameleons, change loyalties at the drop of a hat.
I recently saw this wonderful film made circa 1930’s in Germany about a happy and prosperous kingdom in Europe. Well, the king wanted to gift his fiancé jewelry, so he had his advisor go to the ‘man’ merchant who had such. The Jews lived outside the city in a ghetto. The Jewish merchant loaned the king the jewelry and trhe Jew became close to the King, to the weary eyes of his advisors. Soon, the Jew convinced the King to allow his tribe into the city. In no time at all, the King turned against his own people, civil war, war, strife, destructive usury and rampant promiscuity and before long the citizens of the city had to rise up against the King.
Since todays Jews believe the Talmud supersedes the Torah, there is no room for error with these nefarious folks. Talmudism must be eradicated and banned worldwide, for the sake of humanity. There cannot be room for racial supremacy ideology and usury, to say the least.
Anyone doubting the danger of just a few Jews? Think again. Sorry, it is what it is.
That “wonderful film” you mention was one of a set of race baiting films the nazis made before WWII to justify their hatred of Jews (I’ve seen it myself). They made some about Poles and Russians as being sub-humans as well, to justify their hatred of those people’s. Maybe you might want to post lovingly over those as well. Away with pro-nazi propaganda.We don’t need more of it ,we are full up,thank you.
I think you’re both referring to “Jud Süß”. I had to study that thing once, it’s the classic Nazi propaganda film par excellence in any film studies class. Sadly, the author of the book, Feuchtwanger, was himself Jewish and anti-Nazi. I haven’t read the book because the copy I have is in Fraktur font, very hard to read, but according to his Wiki entry “it’s a study of the tragedy caused by the human weaknesses of greed, pride, and ambition.” Now, if you can dig turning that around into a propaganda piece, you see the bare soul of the propagandist at work: Turn something perfectly good into something insidious, and make it work for you. Hollywood excels at this task, day in, day out, year round.
I’ll have to try reading it again. It sold well in the 30’s in Germany. Take a best-seller, and twist it to brainwash people and hype the agenda of your regime. Where have we heard this before?
The Jew Seuss is a very incisive critique of the Jews Feuchtwanger understood from the inside out.
That “wonderful film” you mention was one of a set of race baiting films the nazis made before WWII to justify their hatred of Jews
And you think that the Zionists they were working hand-in-glove with to motivate every Jew possible to leave Germany for Palestine did not support this 1000 % ?????
Yet it is only the Germans in the picture who were evil.
Typical . . . ; (-
Христос Воскресе,Saker! И смертью смерть поправ!
Thank you, Saker, for your honesty and courage.
You are right,the country Israel, with all itsillegal deeds and atrocities, is at the root of far too many problems not only in the Middle East.
I believe that Zionism was from its very inception nothing more than a tool to increase the power of a financial elite, one that had started out as the Rothschild family in the early 18. century. This elite and its power has grown exponentially ever since.
Zionism was initially the tool used by the very racist Rothschild family to prevent their less rich fellow Jews from assimilating into European society and adopt its values. These values have their roots in the universal and egalitarian teachings of Christianity.
In time Zionism became the financiers pet project, a project which in order to reach its aims justified even the deliberate sacrifice of poor European Jews (as the orthodox “Jews against Zionism” have found (“One cow in Palestine is of more value than all the Jews of Europe” Yitzhak Gruenbaum,Polish Zionist leader during WWII)
After the establishment of the State of Israel and the attempted genocide of the Palestinian people, the Zionist state became a training ground for regime change agents and other terrorists who brought chaos to the Middle East, the rest of the Muslim world and beyond.
It’s quite easy to see those connections, but to spell them out in public can be dangerous for anybody’s career. A left-wing German politician who named Goldman Sachs as one of the vulture corporations responsible for the financial crash of 2008 was framed as a Nazi sympathizer, fishing for the votes of Nazi-minded people.
Questioning the scale of the anti-Jewish atrocities by Nazi Germany, doubting even a single aspect of it, like the official number of victims killed, will get you into jail in Germany.
However while exactly these Nazi atrocities are considered unique, unprecedented and unsurmounted, they are able to fuel the prevalent Israeli victimhood ideology.
And it is this victimhood ideology which allows ordinary Israeli citizens and Israel supporters abroad to justify for themselves any atrocity Israel commits against the Palestinians and their other neighbors, and even occasionally against their own allies, the Americans,( like when they attacked the unarmed Navy vessel, the Liberty).
This victimhood ideology is drilled into Israeli youth from a very young age. It creates fundamental fear. Out of this fear hatred grows easily, a racist hatred against everyone non-Jewish, because they are all seen as potential Jew-killers.
I believe it’s important to no longer surrender to this Jewish victimhood ideology, so the world -including ordinary people born into Jewish families-, will be able to identify the true victimizers of humanity, the leaders of the financial empire, which started with Rothschild family, but has expanded far beyond them. This empire is led by some Jewish as well as some non-Jewish power-brokers, most of them though are Luciferian esoterics (high level Free Masons and related groups like Rosicrucians and others)
I think the end-game -of some of these groups at least- is the eventual eradication of humanity in favor of a genetically engineered “new and improved” humanoid species. These are the ideas of transhumanism for a post-human world.
This is why we need the religious humanistic egalitarian ethics of Christianity (and Islam) as political-philosophical guide-lines, since the secular (and/or esoteric) rulers of the world economy and the American military industrial complex have gone stark raving.
And since I’m a Christian I still have hope and faith, that after the torture and darkness, after the crucifixion and the death of the Son of Man,there will be the resurrection, there will be Easter.
To you also a Blessed Easter, Saker
YES!! Jesus Christ is risen and He is coming back very soon!
@Simon Chow
Are you being sarcastic or do you mean that? why I ask is afaik you are from china and I thought most Chinese were atheists or Buddhist (or daoist) all with a Confucius underlining.
Were you being serious? Are you Chinese Christian and how is Easter celebrated in china?
@LowHi. I am serious. I am a believer in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour since I was 20 years old. China had changed and still changing. My ancestors were from China, but they emigrated and I was born outside China and educated in the West. The number of Christians in China very likely exceeds the entire population of the Russian Federation. They do celebrate Easter but largely underground. By culture I am a Chinese. But only by culture.
1 “Jews do X” is ambiguous as between “all” and “some”. As a matter of pragmatics, the reader is more likely to assume that what is meant is, “all Jews do X”. Try it out with “Jews kill children”. Certainly, some do. Most do not. And most who kill children are not Jews. The statement is misleading. This is why “Jews” does not belong in the Saker’s list of those it is okay to criticise en bloc.
2 To say “Jews hate Christians” is of course ambiguous and misleading. Even if the writer manages a more accurate form of words, it would be misleading without the corollary. Hatred of Jews by some
Christians has been as intense and a great deal more lethal.
3 To characterise secular ethics with a couple of slogans from Nietzsche is to set up a straw man.
And just on the historical record, Jews could claim with at least as much justification that Christians are renegade Jews and their followers who misunderstood a populist rabbi in early first century Galilee.
And first century Christians would find tenth century Orthodoxy (or third century,come to that) as strange as first century Jews would find later forms of Judaism.
@To say “Jews hate Christians” is of course ambiguous and misleading
It is an understatement. Jews hate Christians because they hate Christ:
“18 “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. 19 If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. 20 Remember what I told you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also. 21 They will treat you this way because of my name, for they do not know the one who sent me. 22 If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not be guilty of sin; but now they have no excuse for their sin. 23 Whoever hates me hates my Father as well. 24 If I had not done among them the works no one else did, they would not be guilty of sin. As it is, they have seen, and yet they have hated both me and my Father. 25 But this is to fulfill what is written in their Law: ‘They hated me without reason.’ (John 15:18-25)
Spare us the pilpul.
You’re quoting a Christian text as authority on the subject?
I know plenty of Jewish friends willing to respect Jesus as a teacher. Indeed, they are closer to what the historical record indicates Jesus thought himself to be.
To say “Jews hate Christians” is of course ambiguous and misleading.
There is absolutely nothing “ambiguous” about what the Talmud teaches about Christ and his people. Or about this poisonous contempt and hatred being inculcated into the minds of the young in religious (and religious-influenced) environments from little on up.
In point of actual fact, that there even might be anything ambiguous about the eternal necessity of the interior wall of separation is the one great unquestionable axiom. Be a financial swindler, be a homosexual rapist who preys on children, sell trusting people poisonous drugs . . . so long as the wall is intact, you may be a bad, immoral man, but you are still a Jew. Breech the wall, however, and you are — as they see it — the enemy of your own people.
Refer to the Talmud once again on this if you are in doubt.
Hatred of Jews by Christians is because of what they do to them. Stop this, and the hatred largely disappears. In the USA (where this is kept out of sight) there is so little “anti-semitism” that it has to be continually manufactured. But hatred of Christians by Jews is because of WHO THEY ARE — an example of the eternal, inflexible genetic determinism the Saker objects to in actual practice. Alleging that these are moral equivalents is a grotesque dishonesty.
The Ziocons are ideologically driven.
They will carry out their planned actions until they succeed or are defeated.
Saker says that this “quiet coup” may have been executed by Jared Kushner. However, he also says “it doesn’t matter”.
This is where I disagree: if it is indeed Jared Kushner who is remotely responsible then he should be named (and shamed) **personally** and **publicly**. By going after individuals, the attack becomes specific & effective and one also avoids accusations of being ” anti-Semitic” “conspiracy theorists”.
Resistance must be a precision strike.
Thanks for the great write up, Saker. A beautiful Easter gift. Hristos vaskrese to all.
Than you for your message of hope and courage. God knows I needed it .
Thank you, Saker, for this extensive and clarifying article – which, as usual, also draws some very interesting comments.
I am (relatively speaking), a ‘newcomer’ to the Zionist issue, which I prefer to call ‘Talmudist,’ as I will briefly explain. Surely, I have worn my Palestinian scarf for years, in felt (though practically useless) support for the Palestinians. Interesting ‘mini-social’ experiment but I will not go into this here.
Anyway, even a cursory reading of the Talmud (inescapably cursory for those who don’t know Hebrew), is a revelation.
For we may or may not agree with various aspect of the sacred texts of religions. But the New Testament, irrespective of the actual religious conviction of Christians (or of those born into a Christian milieu), is non restrictive (in terms of races or ethnicities) and, above all, it carries a message of universal redemption. A kind of a metaphysical rendering of the “Rights of Man” plus.
But the Talmud is loaded with hatred. It is therefore plausible to infer that, just as the New Testament tenets influence, at whatever depth, even non-believers, so the Talmud must influence at an equivalent depth, even atheist Talmudists.
Examples would fill a book – one of the most glaring is the concept of any non-Talmudic woman being a “shiksa,” a euphemism for a whore. Which explains, I assume, the conversion of Trump’s daughter to Talmudism, in order to marry a Talmudic.
Still, among the many mounting questions that each of us encounter when he sets himself to learn, there is one which I find defies common sense.
A certain (substantial) corner of the right, given that so many Bolsheviks were Talmudists, dismisses the whole history (and in my view) glory of the USSR as a Jewish-inspired, demonic adventure.
Whereas, for what is worth, I see the 1917 revolution as the explodsion of a desire for justice at large, inspired by the Russian culture, developed and expanded by her XIX century classics.
Furthermore, a Saker’s blog of some time ago which I cannot no longer find, listed the religious affiliation of the thieves and godfathers who destroyed the USSR in 1991, and who almost succeeded in turning Russia into a US/Talmudic colony.
My still superficial knowledge of the USSR refuses to accept that Talmudism was the inspiring thought behind her great conquests. And, I am repeating myself, I owe indirectly to the USSR my free education, health care etc. Social services made available to the people at a time when my defeated country of origin (in WW2) was at its lowest ebb, and when the fear of communism forced the government (actually a US colony) to deliver them to prevent the real possibility of an internal revolt – before TV, consumerism and the presstitute media converted the populace into sheep (offending the sheep).
I hope that in time the Saker may address this point, which unifies the counter-racists, –those who equate Talmudism with communism.
If Russia, Iran and China agreed to only use the US dollar for international trade they would suddenly become good guys and could kill babies and kittens on TV with sarin gas and nobody would care. It all comes down to what I call the “reserve currency war”. If the US loses the dominant reserve currency status it is over. They all know it.
Since 1973 bad things have happened to all countries that tried to sell oil for non-US dollars. Slapped back into line by Saudi Arabia, coupes and assassinations, civil war, invasion by neighbors, sanctions and as a last resort bombed and invaded by the USA.
The problem for the USA is if none of those 3 break rank the USA dollar continues to drop in use for international trade. They all know that as long as the US dollar is the reserve currency they are just paying for the US occupation.
What about the Special Drawing Rights argument? Isn’t China part of it? Nobody follows that. It is just a recommendation. US 42%, Euro 30%, Yen 10%, Sterling 10%, Yuan 8%. Yet the US dollar is used in 66% of international transactions (down from its peak of 72%).
Yes the new “axis of evil” is the 3 countries smart enough to figure out a way out of that scam. They have their own SWIFT, World Bank & IMF equivalents so they can’t be sanctioned effectively. Luckily for those 3 they are geographically close enough to support each other.
Count on the empire getting more desperate and violent as the threat to their reserve currency status grows. Dangerous times.
To start with, I am not a guy. Secondly, I am insulted that you would cut and label me a “modern day Pharisee”, which I am not. In fact, I am neither Zionist nor Judaic. If this is how you label anybody who disagrees with you, then it only shows your own degree of Christian Phariseesm, not mine.
Nowhere in my article did I argue for a “special treatment” for the Jews. What I did argue, is that you consider the notion of treating Jews with due dignity and respect, and as equal human beings is tantamount to giving them special privileges in your eyes. From this piece of writing, it is clear that it is this notion that you are against. For you, treating Jews as just one of the many tribes, is something to be avoided at all costs. If you say you insist on the opposite, then why do you drag ordinary Jews into the subject of this article at all? It is them who you want to be seen as the elephant, isn’t it?
I am also a believer in Christ, and just like many Christians around the world, do celebrate his resurrection. I am not afraid of your attempts to demonise me and make me out into some kind of fanatic.
To start with, I am not a guy. Secondly, I am insulted that you would cut and label me a “modern day Pharisee
Assuming you are the same person as the ‘anonymous’ to whom I replied above, I will just say that when I see how you grossly misrepresented my views I would not trust you now if you told me anything about you. For all I know, you might be a gentile gal or an old African fisherman from Ghana. I don’t care, but I won’t trust a word you say. Not after reading your lies about what I said and meant.
As for being a Pharisee, that you richly deserve regardless of anything else. Just as they lied and twisted everyword to back up their slander, so do you. That title you gave yourself with your own misrepresentations.
Lastly, even if I do assume that you are not a Zionist, then you are the textbook case of the brainwashed zombie. So whether puppet-master or puppet – you still illustrate my case better I could do myself. And, for that, I thank you!
The Saker
Hmmm….” his resurrection”.
Usually Christians that are extremely respectful and strong believers of Jesus Christ would write:
“His resurrection”.Capital ” H” is a must .
Solemn believers of Jesus Christ are very, very careful with those capital letters.
You missed it. Interesting. Very.
If you are a ” Christian ” Zionist you are a fanatic that worships Israel and Jews over God Himself and have no compassion for your Christian and Muslim brothers and sisters in Palestine, Syria, and elsewhere in the M.E. where the Zionist Jews’ boots strangle and slaughter (daily) their innocent lives……And that is —bad ju-ju! :-)
Good catch, Carmel! Therefore, behold, a creature for your amusement:
“Hollywood: An Empire of their Own” (1/3)
Such things are not hidden in the private parties of tinseltown, I can assure you. Here, the tone is almost gloating, and one must notice what isn’t said. Also, note the cursory footnote of Russian oppression. From the hairdos this production is early 2000’s at latest and probably a cable TV stocking stuffer from the era. The denials are for fly-over purposes only.
I know very little about this topic, but I remember Nikolai Starikov suggested that Trotski was an Anglo Zionist instrument to some extent. This lines up well with what you suggest about ex-Trotskyists turned neocon.
I know that the economist Michael Hudson has a family relationship with Leo Trotsky (that he doesn’t seem to be very comfortable talking about extensively in public).
My question is now, does anyone know or have any qualified guesses about Michael Hudson’s work and how it should be seen in relation to Trotskyism and by extension the ideological power of the AngloZionists?
My interpretation would be that his criticism of the rentier class would tackle a cornerstone of their power, so he would be “against” the AngloZionists.
Does this mean that he would also reject his Trotskyist ties, because he’s in “their” camp?
Any comments are highly appreciated.
I know very little about this topic, but I remember Nikolai Starikov suggested that Trotski was an Anglo Zionist instrument to some extent. This lines up well with what you suggest about ex-Trotskyists turned neocon.
True. There is overwhelming evidence that Trotsky was a paid agent of the US banking elites. Starikov is not the only one who writes about this, but he is as good a source as any.
I know that the economist Michael Hudson has a family relationship with Leo Trotsky (that he doesn’t seem to be very comfortable talking about extensively in public).
True again. But I think that in Michael’s case that link is not an intellectual one other than he also has the kind of brilliant mind which Trotsky also had (I don’t have to agree with or, even less so, like a person to recognize his true talents).
I don’t want to psychoanalyze my favorite American economist other than to say that none of us are responsible for the sins of our fathers and that when we are born we all start with a clean slate. I will conclude that I have the highest respect and profound admiration for Michael with whom I have had the pleasure of interacting (by Skype) in the past. Truly a great man, and a world-class economist in my humble opinion.
The Saker
I suspect you will find this of value re. Trotsky’s backers —
For the general context, “Tragedy and Hope” by Quigley, although long, is (IMO) indispensable.
The real threat of DPRK is that it mastered light isotope fusion. The initial three DPRK tests were all low yield tests. The low yield were called duds. DPRK had access to lithium deuteride and eventually is accused of selling lithium. The DPRK likely tested other light nucleons with atomic mass less than 12 for use in nuclear weapons. Lithium deuteride sustains a reaction based on high energy photon chain reaction at light speed. Plutonium or Uranium chain reaction involve neutron or fractured nucleus with mass moving at high speed but below speed of light.The mass chain reaction does not proceed at light speed. The radiation thermal energy can blow reaction apart in mass chain reaction but the photon chain reaction is much faster. With Lithium deuteride the chain reaction speed is at light speed . Both lithium 6 and lithium 7 are natural isotopes of lithium and not restricted.Deuterium is available in seawater. The need for energy to begin photon chain reaction was first supplied by fission reaction in US program. The US and USSR did over 2000 nuclear tests. It is entirely possible that other better substitutes were found for Lithium deuteride with lower ignition energies than lithium deuteride. The low yield of DPRK first tests were likely searches for triggers or primers for analogs of lithium deuteride. The 2006 DPRK test was test for triggering Lithium Deuteride chain reaction with a yield substantially from primer. Interestingly DPRK is only country to claim in KCNA a break though in cold fusion in 2010 . With its limited stock of Plu 239 DPRK needed U238 and LiD or analog to provide energy. Fusion-boosted fission bombs can also be made immune to neutron radiation from nearby nuclear explosions, which can cause other designs to predetonate, blowing themselves apart without achieving a high yield. The combination of reduced weight in relation to yield and immunity to radiation has ensured that most modern nuclear weapons are fusion-boosted. Wikipedia says “The fusion reaction rate typically becomes significant at 20 to 30 megakelvins. This temperature is reached at very low efficiencies, when less than 1% of the fissile material has fissioned (corresponding to a yield in the range of hundreds of tons of TNT). ” Since implosion weapons can be designed that will achieve yields in this range even if neutrons are present at the moment of criticality, fusion boosting allows the manufacture of efficient weapons that are immune to predetonation. Elimination of this hazard is a very important advantage in using boosting. It appears that every weapon now in the U.S. arsenal is a boosted design. So while the world laughed at DPRK it was searching for low energy triggers for Lithium Deuteride or its analogs. It shows a mature long term approach to solving DPRK lack of fissile material. This suggests the Sixth DPRK nuclear test should be a photon chain reaction producing 150-250 KT. 38 North has noted the spoils pile for digging the sixth test is deeper and has capacity 250 KT. The basic raw materials lithium deuterium and U 238 are available to all poor countries. If DPRK has mastered a trigger for these available materials or their substitutes nukes might become available in mass to all poor countries. Knowledge would create power to transform common materials into KT weapons. All this information is available studying wikipedia and open non classified sources .
With KT weapons available what poor country would chose to buy from US weapon manufacturers? So you see the predicament of DPRK. Their knowledge if attacked will be difficult to suppress. If DPRK nuclear research succeeds then many poor countries will imitate their achievements and sales of US conventional weapons will suffer. US has countered DPRK nuclear success with economic sanctions to discourage imitators of DPRK program.
Nobody knew the elephant better than Eustace Mullins.
By nature, the elephant defies understanding.
Eustace solves this problem for us in plain English.
although i don’t click on every link… i am really glad i did with this one from eustace mullins.
if you have the time to read 28 pages of small text, it is a scholarly work which hits all the points, and then
what is depicted by saker’s article is excellent, but for me, mullins is much plainer with references
to animal, fish. frogs’ parasites but stops short of the human parasites with these references.
an animal predator eating a weaker animal is nature but parasites live free from providing
the own food supply but living off the backs of the hosts, sometimes to the death of the host.
well worth the time.
I haven;t read the paper yet, but I don’t know about the parasite vs predator thing, with the subjective definitions necessarily involved,
We are parasites when when raise chickens, cows, wheat, or hunt — we live off others, which might regard us as parasites. Fleas have to find (hunt) a dog, jump on and bite — which is work. It’s not free to be a parasite, but perhaps more efficient. If I live under an apple tree I can just sit and wait for apples to drop in my hand, which is efficient and parasitical.
I think ticks are parasite while the tick thinks it has hunted it’s prey and can eat for a while without immediately killing it as a human hunter would do to a deer.
And added dimension is, as Michael Hudson explains, the parasite may convince the prey that it’s OK to let the parasite stay there, and is a part of the preys body. But there are also many symbiotic relationships, such as gut bacteria living as a parasite but also participating in digestion such that the host could not survive without it’s breaking down food into nutrients. There are all sort s of relationships in an ecological system. A parasite, or a hunter, does not contribute to the well being of the host.
Thing is, in this reality system, everything but the most primitive life forms live by eating someone else. Even plants may directly eat other life forms, or at least depend on them to break down the soil, die and rot releasing nutrients, etc.
‘Parasite’ seems to be a matter of perspective — thinking about who is living off of you. This doesn’t mean the host should not try to recognize and get rid of the parasites — or it hunters — however. That recognition may be the key element of distinguishing a hunter from a parasite. The banksters, for instance, try to convince everyone that they are performing a vital service to the population when it truth they are just ripping people off — and that’s what needs to be recognized.
Please consult a dictionary for the meaning of “parasite.”
Thank you! That is a great link.
Glad I clicked on it.
Saker please do not waste your time with this.
Any discussion of the jews is an obfuscation of the real issue, The jews – whatever that means are nothing more than a propaganda tool used both individually and as a collective idea to isolate the oligarchy that controls the US.
The propaganda machine starts within the tribal collective mentality of jewish culture – lead of course by the rabbis. The jews who actually believe or want to believe in the propaganda are the first victims/villians in the protection racket of the oligarchs.
Like any cult the only way out is to leave – Gilad Atzmon is a perfect example but not unique. Conversion has been a common practice of many jews as a means to escape the clutches of the rabbinical commissars – but conversion is not necessarily a jump to the catholic church – but rather a conversion to humanity from the collective of the tribe.
Anglo/zionism is the perfect term in that it focuses on the root of the problem. Oligarchial globalists control the planet – through large transnational corporations and banking. Russia, SAA, Hezbollah and Iran are not fighting jews in the ME – but rather the tools of globalists – the same way as the iof is a tool of finance/power as is the entity occupying Palestine an outpost for racist supremacist oligarchial mafias.
It all becomes clear when you look at the other zionists – rather toadies of the big zionists – the Sauds. A kleptocracy of goat herders that stands exposed without the thinest of veneers of neo-liberal drapery.
As for the west – the drapes are now torn and ripped – as demonstrated by the exponential decline of the MSM into the propaganda cul de sac.
How will it end. Of course with war – a war that will expose the neocons and make their position untenable – ultimately creating the conditions for the decline of the anglo/zionists. The US empire of chaos simply can longer sustain its power let alone project power against determined opposition and will be forced to strike out in desperation. At that point – when the empire finally loses faces – then it will be over. It always ends for empires when the last in the chain – the military stops taking orders.
Actually the term AngloZionism hides the problem which is Jewish Supremacism. Why else would the British Empire promise a slice of the Levant to a…no the Jewish banker, Rothschild.
And if you look closely at the British Empire, it is Jews all the way up. From the slave trade in the West to the opium trade in the East, the money trails alal lead to Jewish bankers.
I believe it is the other way around. Of course the jewish bankers created and continue to create chaos for their own benefit. But those bankers are the top tier of a criminal organization – an organization that uses the codifying of the religious/tribal mechanisms of judaism to their own benefit as a means to an end.
Specifically judaism and all that goes with it has become nothing more than a front for zionism. A cover that can create at any time a narrative of suffering and persecution which inevitably falls to the catch all of anti-semitism to stop all political movements against the corporatocracy.
That is why it is so important to take the judaism card out of the anglo/zionist bankers hand – once this propaganda tool is removed the oligarchy is exposed for the racist criminal entity that it actually is.
It maybe jews – or at least those that identify themselves as jews who control the global political/economic structure – but the real issues is that those mechanism of control are not exposed. It is the fact that the fallacy of capitalism/finance/banksterism remains hidden and the complete corruption of the globalist is never questioned by the MSM that is real issue.
The bankster globalist want to be identified as jews – that is exactly the point – quickly able to crawl into the propagandist protection shell. Remove that cover and they are exposed as the anglo/zionist criminals that they are. Zionism was never political – it certainly is not a religious movement and to apply secularism to it is to miss the point. Zionism is a tool for a racket – a tool that can be turned against the banksters by exposing it.
This is a very difficult issue. On the one hand, Jews are resented for their great wealth (with the usual references to usury and clannishness). As a Christian, I say let them have their wealth. Christ will provide whatever is needed to His faithful followers, however modest. What counts to a Christian is his/her eternal soul, and excessive wealth is to be feared. There is more security in trusting Christ’s promises than in scrambling after money.
On the other hand, having had much exposure to very educated and intelligent Jews, as a PhD student in a prestigious mathematics institute in which the faculty was overwhelmingly Jewish, I have always been dazzled by their brilliance. The same applies to physics, which is my current obsession. There is no gainsaying this. They carry on at a stratespheric level and really raise the bar for everyone. Consider somebody like Edward Witten, for example. They are also incredible musicians. These are some of western societies greatest accomplishments. Same goes for their contributions to medicine and jurisprudence.
Maybe part of the problem is that they are so intelligent, so it is easier for them to excel and thereby attain control. They value education as a rule.
I am not trying to whitewash the bad, just to offer a bit of cautionary counterpoint. As a follower of Christ, I also trust what He said about the Synagogue of Satan, whose modern expression seems to be embodied in the various Z words. Relativism is not a solution.
E Michael Jones proposes a now abandoned Catholic doctrine “Sicut Judeis non” which basically forbids any persecution of or discrimination against Jews, but at the same time tries to limit their influence on Christian beliefs and practises and militates against their obtaining a stranglehold on society.
Another interesting person to address these issues is Arnold Toynbee who tries to account for the cycle of overweening control followed by a pogram. After the Jews are expelled, they are little by little invited back due to their expertise in the “commercial arts”. This cycle has been repeating for 2000 years with mechanical efficiency. I often wonder if the pogram phase is just around the corner. Perhaps this is just baked in as a feature of western society and nobody will ever be able to make sense of it. God did promise them suzerainty over all the earth, and that does seem close at hand.
edited for language -mod.eo
Assuming you are not already a member, I suggest you enroll into the ADL. There were many very brilliant thinkers and physicists in the National Socialist German regime. But few would justify the Nazi regime and inspired frame of mind, because of the thinkers and physicists, let alone the German musicians, philosophers and writers.
If you do not perceive the mental, practical, theoretical, philosophical, ideological, existential trap of the bull**** usually associated with the idea of the Talmudic “chosen people”, then any rational discussion is useless.
Unfortunately, such dim-witted notion, born out of the collective, neurotic self-obsession of a sect, has metastasized into the idea of the US as the “indispensable nation.” Maybe you will think about it, just before you too will be flattened to the ground and sublimated by a nuclear blast.
So I advocate for some balance and that makes me some kind of Israel firster. The fact that your post had to be edited for obscenity shows that for you, this is a very charged issue. I suspect you are obsessed with Jews. I won’t call you the usual AS term because I hate that expression and believe in any case that they are more likely Hittite in origin, though I have no proof.
My whole point is that believing, faithful Christians need not have your obsession, which I believe is based on fear and envy, in most cases, representing a state of mind that is unworthy of a follower of Christ. It is us who are rich, as we store up treasure in Heaven. We have chosen the better portion.
I will even go further, as a Catholic. Our Lady gave us the Rosary and announced to Lucy of Fatima, that it would have special efficacy and power in these times. She also gave us the scapular, which has already saved my life against attacking jihadists here in Europe (so now you can take me for a complete fool).
You do realize that my Christian confidence is more of a threat to them than your “realism”?
I doubt that I will have time to reflect in a nuclear blast.
Jews are no more intelligent than the rest of us Goy. In fact, they are known to steal ideas, as Einstein did.
In fact, there was a research study of graduate students at the U.S.’s most prestigious universities, and the top students were actually of Anglo, Sino and Indian races that were most predominate per ratio.
The Jews are not more brilliant than non-Jews, they are more cunning, devious, nefarious and go by a different set of standards and methods that we find perhaps repulsive or in-orthodox.
Every race has its fair share of genius. This myth that Jews are so intelligent, more than the rest of us is something Jews themselves propagate and nurture. Its a false narrative. There is more done by non-Jews than meets the eye, because Jews monopolized higher learning and intellectual property. They are simply more devious than the Goy, that’s all.
However, Jews brought humanity two disasters, one being the Atomic bomb(Jewish hell-bomb) and chemical weapons(poisonous gas). Those two discoveries have killed off million upon millions of non-Jewish souls in WW1 Europe and Japan. They can keep their inventions, we don’t need them.
I’ve heard this canard about Einstein repeatedly. What did he steal precisely? The fact that the speed of light is constant? Every physicist knows that came from Maxwell. It is 1/ sqrt(epsilon0 * mu0). The Lorentz transformation? That was freely available. The central idea that the laws of physics are the same in all reference frames? The equivalence principle in General Relativity which resulted from a simple Gedankenexperiment?
You realize he had already won a Nobel prize for his work on the photoelectric effect. Special relativity is simple high school math and is taught in many high schools. You think that a Nobel Prize winning physicist had to cheat on that?
Furthermore, he was respected by other great physicists such as Niels Bore. Do you think such men of stature could not spot a phony?
Pray tell precisely what Einstein stole.
Bohr was a fellow tribesperson. Scratch my tribal back and I will scratch yours. It is not love that leads to nepotism but fear of being discovered. I cannot answer your question. But my cousins, both mathematicians and physicists explained to me once just what it was that Einstein borrowed and was then hyped up to a Nobel for. I remember the name Poincare may have come come up as the originator of certain theoretical discoveries that were appropriated for Einstein by the tribe Pasternak too was helped to his Nobel by the CIA and the tribe, by the way. There are too many others to mention.
Poincare and Lorentz were working out the math but they didnt interpret it like Einstein did.
They were seeking to preserve commonsensical notions about time and space while Einstein who wasnt as versed in math would find a simpler way out by ignoring such obstacles.
It was mainly about interpretation of the formulas not about discovering them.
So no he didnt steal anything in that case and the formula E=mc^2 had been discovered before in a sense but was hanging in the air, while Einstein put it on firm ground in connection with his reinterpretation of the space-time context.
He might or might not have seen the previous idea but that doesnt matter.
When it came to Einsteins so called general theory of relativity, GRT, he got significant help from David Hilbert and was very late to admit it. And that wasnt fair of him. He supposedly felt hard pressed to live up to the expectations of those who wanted him to be a poster figure for zionism.
I dont know but there was a rising nasty antijewish climate in Europe which had nothing to do with the actions of his or most other jews. He was reluctant about zionism like most jews. After all zionism was not a jewish project but a British master plan since way back to Lord Palmerstons days.
I note from the rest of the commenters that nobody seems to be aware of that. That the British were the real actors behind everything which is covered by the present article. The Zog like some of you call it was basically designed from the beginning by the British in order to use it to take control over america. British Freemasons originated all of it. The B’nai B’rit and the rest.
The Israel project dates back to the 1830s and was intended as Britains proxy to battle the French. Napoleon had plans to implement Leibniz political economy in Egypt and also to bring the jews along to help, something the British hated. The last thing they wanted was development.
When the Balfour plan came along much much later the British conned the world as well as the jews to believe that they were blackmailed, sort of, to get the Israel project going. But that was exactly what the British elites wanted all along.
It was even a much worse betrayal of the jews by the British but anyway…
While Einstein wasnt fair in that second case I think he was still the man with the vision and those who helped him were mathematicians who hooked on to the project. Bernard Riemann may be viewed as the original source of ideas of the genre Einstein was pursuing.
People learn alot from others and sometimes add a little of their own.
Its called civilization. :-)
On the other hand, having had much exposure to very educated and intelligent Jews, as a PhD student in a prestigious mathematics institute in which the faculty was overwhelmingly Jewish, I have always been dazzled by their brilliance.
How insightful, Jews sure have that brilliance above them, because reasons. But never mind that, why do you think the faculty was overwhelmingly Jewish? It just happens that no other group of people, probably out numbering the Jews, were able to rise to the brilliance of the Jews? Are you talking by any chance about some university in Palestine? Please enlighten us…
By ‘commercial arts’ I assume that Toynbee means the monopoly, stranglehold that jews hold over international finance. Allowing them to at a time of their choosing, build-up, topple or destroy states, or simply plunder them through financial rigging and manipulations.
Now there is a Jewish Conspiracy for you. It has most recently destroyed the USA.
The Banks and Wall Street colluded to extract some 60 trillion dollars from the US people and economy in the last decade. Not one of the conspirators went to jail or was even lightly chastised.
And by ‘brilliance’ I suppose you mean total and casual nepotism and self-promotion.
Jews need to think (they cannot live without, actually) that they are resented for their ‘superiority’. Material wealth (no matter how it was obtained) is the visible sign of their ‘chosenness’, of divine favor, of their supreme abilities. All the rest are the ‘losers’, animated by despicable, animalic sentiments as ‘resentment’.
They are also incredible musicians. These are some of western societies greatest accomplishments.
Complete list of great classical composers who were Jews : Rossini (one half Christian)
Very good composers who were Jews : Mendelssohn and Weniawski (Weniawski again one-half Christian).
Track along music history in the 19th century. Notice as you do the way that, after Beethoven, Schubert, Chopin and Schumann, music stopped being drawn from the Volk culture and (with Mendlssohn in the lead) increasingly was driven by what would sell in the mass market.
This pattern was repeated moving eastward, with people like Dvorak, Tchaikovsky, Rimsky and Mussorgsky followed by (except for Rachmaninov) either nobodies or heavily promoted destroyers like Stravinsky & Schoenberg.
Brahms kept the flame alive against odds, as did Wagner and Elgar. But when they were gone, so was western music.
But perhaps you meant greatest accomplishments as performers ? There you are on safe ground so long as your criteria boil down to playing faster, louder and more accurately. But, great as they were, would you rather go back in time and listen to Heifetz or Milstein play the Beethoven Concerto, or Kreisler (one-half) (and a heartfelt convert) ?
The popular impression (carefully created and disseminated by publicity) that you reflect, and the actual record are at odds. If you want a better account of what is involved than this little overview, consult Wagner’s Das Judenthum in der Musik.
Superb indeed! Many thanks Saker.
“Organizing political parties does not work in a system where money determine the outcome.” Exactly! Textbook example of democracy: Democracy is dictatorship of money.
Христос воскресе!
This was one of the most beautiful posts we I have read.
Bless you!
The same time, Saker wrote this exceptional piece, the same time
the same subject spinned within my mind.
So I present at this place some sparks of my mind again although I
offered it already in the Cafe.
Far from the comprehension of his analyzing I tried to do follow some
ideas that ascended the last two years concerning the Jewish question in connection with the astrological moment.
It is doubtful Russia would allow US to create 6 Chernobyl incidents in North Korea by bombing North Koreas facilities and then leave them spiralling out of control in a war zone for months or even years on end. Trump is saying give me what i want or i will destroy everything. Next will be the fqcilities in Ukraine. He is the red horse who takes peace from the earth.
A long time ago … a very long time ago … the concept of a monotheistic God penetrated Western consciousness … at that time the West created a “Freeze-Frame” … ergo: the Bible … the Torah … and so on. No new revelations allowed … the concept of God was fixed in time and space once and for all.
Contrast this with the Chinese approach. Some say the oldest book on earth is the I-Ching … maybe and maybe not … nonetheless the book is very likely older than the Bible.
What is the I-Ching?
A literal translation is the “Book of Change”.
The Chinese realized the world is in a constant state of flux … they embraced this truth and attempted to find the “pulse” of the universe and dance to this “pulse”.
Quelle Difference eh!
Every word…absolutely correct. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking such great time and reasoning to convey truth as no-one else has even come close to doing. For Peace and Love. I will share this far and wide and since I completely agree with you but lack your succinctness and colossal reasoning, I will only ever share this unabridged. :) Thank you, thank you Saker.
Probably the way NK would use a nuke is simply to wait until the main thrust of a US/SK attacking force was determined, lead them into a bottleneck, drive a nuke up and blow it. Take the steam out of a US/SK attack to give NK time to reorganize and counterattack elsewhere.
The other option, as Saker says, is float one near the US fleet. Probably wouldn’t work if the US navy is paying attention to nearby vessels, however small.. However, they could determine where the US was landing Marines on the coast and float one there to destroy maybe 10,000 US Marines. That would certainly cause a problem for the US.
Basically, tho, I don’t think NK would use nukes at all until the situation was so desperate for them that they had no choice. Because the instant they use nukes, the US will use them – tactical ones at least. So any strategic or tactical advantage a nuke gives NK would be instantly eliminated by the US counterstrike.
NK just can’t win that game.
Their main power is their massive military (1,000,000 vs 300,000 SK and whatever the US can land quickly) plus massed artillery protected in bunkers and 4,200 tanks, 2,200 armored vehicles, 8,600 artillery guns, and over 4,800 multiple rocket launchers. It’s damn hard to kill a million soldiers without using nukes.
Plus 100-200,000 Special Forces. And yeah, these guys are tough, probably as tough as US Special Forces. As I’ve related before, some years back 2 of them escaped a grounded NK submarine in SK. Pursued by the entire Korean Army and police forces, they stayed at large for 53 days and killed 11 of their pursuers.
Now imagine 100,000 of them infiltrating into South Korea past the front lines…
Remember, Pentagon war games say 50,000 US casualties in the first ninety days.
It is a well-known fact that Marx (Jewish) was maniacally Russophobic . He hated everything Russian so much so that it prompted Czar Nikolas to ask his cousin Kaiser Wilhelm II: “What did we do to him to deserve all this hatred?”
Marx (who was Rothchid’s third cousin) came from a long line of Jewish rabbis, whose father also became a Freemason in 1813. His mentor was Moses Hess who considered Russia as the last bastion of christian civilization.
Personally, I found it to be helpful to look at some of this stuff with the following lines in mind:
” In order that the true meaning of things may not
strike the goyim before the proper time,
we shall mask it under an alleged ardent desire
to serve the working classes…”
Protocols of Zion VI
At this same point in history, consider the amazing coincidence that Russia was denied Most Favored Nation status in the US (despite the Russian fleet having arguably dissuaded England and France from taking advantage of the War Between the States to invade the US as they had Mexico), while in Vienna, the prominent music critic Eduard Hanslick (guess his ethnicity), writing in the Neue Freie Presse (guess who owned it), savagely attacked Tchaikovsky’s Violin Concerto at its first performance — because it was (in his words) “odorously Russian” : “the violin was not played, but beaten black and blue.” “Long and pretentious,” “it brought us face to face with the revolting thought that music can exist which stinks to the ear”
And this after the Russian court violinist Leopold Auer (guess who), to whom he had trustingly dedicated it, refused to play it at all, agitating against it until its popularity became so great that he was forced to learn it and come up with a transparently disingenuous excuse for his earlier condemnation of it.
The hydra has a thousand arms but one central brain.
So, finally Saker spells it out. It is ZOG brothers and sisters!!!!
I realized that in 2001./02. I was 22 years old. Serbian refugee in Denmark. And I was an anarchist before that. Imagine my years of horror, paranoia and anxiety and loneliness that followed.
There is a curse against people like us. An ancient curse, written in The Book of Enoch the Prophet, an ancient Jewish religious work, 2300 years old :
” Woe to you,
ye perverted in heart,
who are watchful to obtain an accurate knowledge of evil,
and to discover terrors.
No one shall assist you. ”
Enoch, Chapter XCIX: 6
Let me just get one thing completely clear: the Christians and Christianity are the part of the conspiracy, they are not the part of the solution!
Even if we agree that the life of Jesus was perfect and that he as a person was aware of who was he fighting against and what he was dealing with, the very fact that all Christian denominations today (including the Orthodox one – my own one) accept The Old Testament with all its wickedness and subtle Jewish black magic directed to the situation in the world today which Saker is describing, simple exclude the Christians from the possible united human front against the ancient evil of the Hebrew prophecies.
There is only one way and one ideology that can defeat the ZOG’s of the world: return to pure paganism, to the ecological systems, like Hinduism is still doing.
India is the only great country in the world that is still ,deep in her soul, uninfected by the absolute evil of the ancient Hebrew/ modern ZOG greedy agression on everything trully holly on our planet.
Well, actually to be Christian means to be a follower of Christ. The new Testament is where Christ’s life and philosophy is recorded, so one would think that most Christians stick primarily to the new Testament. Nope, that is not the case, most Christian denominations focus intensively on the old Testament. Most Christian sects are therefore not actually Christian sects, but rather Jewish sects.
The infamous fire and brimstone preachers, a hallmark of the old Testament, belong to the various Protestant denominations, and they are of one mind with Jewish ambitions.
Yes, unfortunately, to escape the Jewish stain entirely the only route to go is East. However I don’t see why a new religion just can’t be created, one that has nothing to do with the Middle East. One that in fact actively preaches that anything from the Middle East is no good.
India is a subservient lackey of the Empire. When the U.S and/or Israel say ‘jump’, India promptly says’ how high’. India even gave Israel a missile launching platform for some of her missiles in order to strike Pakistans nuclear facilities and weapons should the day come.
India’s ruling class, as well as its middle and upper classes are in love with Jew Hollywood, and Indians imitate the west to a scary degree.
India is serving as a bulwark and sacrificial lamb for the Anglo-Zionist-Jewish world program, against China and also India serves to be useful in the Jewsih designs for a war of annihilation of Arabs and Muslims(Islam) in general.
Zionism and Hindu nationalism are about the same. Both are highly racist, reactionary, and both hate Islam and Muslims. Both occupy territory to the detrement of its millennium’s original inhabitants, Kashmir and Palestine, both of these are brutal military occupations.
India serves to actually subert efforts of China and Russia and Iran to build a great thriving Asia, they are breaking up BRIC’S, SCO, and are detrimental to the new Silk-Road China is building.
India is one of Israel’s main trading partners in weapons, that then go on to kill enourmous amounts of my brothers and sisters in Palestine and elsewhere.
No, sorry, India is acting like a global prostitute selling her neighbours for a few peks , drones, call centers and physician jobs in England and the U.S.
India is basically arriving at the ‘party’ of the west when the party is almost over. Truly short sighted India really is.
Again, Bollywood is in love with Jew Hollywood and that’s all that matters to India, it would seem.
India may be indeed the trump card up Trump’s sleeve. She is capable of doing maximum mischief. The recent Australia-India-Japan trilateral ‘convergence’ doesn’t bode well:
“The Australia–India–Japan trilateral: converging interests… and converging perceptions?”,
17 Mar 2017|Ian Hall@
“The third Australia–India–Japan trilateral meeting will present an opportunity to reinforce a coordinated message on maritime security, but also to widen the scope of cooperation to secure shared interests. The rules-based order should be upheld, but so should processes through which all get a say about how those rules are set. For that reason, the three need to collaborate to discourage a US–China “grand bargain” in the Indo–Pacific, which many in Beijing desire. They need to ensure the US remains engaged and to obviate the risk of missteps by an inexperienced administration. Moreover, they must work together to build the political, economic and military capacity of regional states to retain and exercise their autonomy, as well as defend their interests.”
Nor does the most recent Turnbull-Modi lovefest.
And why should India not have her own interests in mind? Or Australia and Japan?
These are all countries that border or are geographically close to China, and they fear the expansionist Chinese. Australia is being swamped by the Chinese elite fleeing with their ill-gotten loot, driving up property prices, shoving out the locals, and creating their little enclaves. The same thing is happening in Canada and parts of the USA. So why can’t each nation consider its own interests first?
Truly, this site and its trolls reveal themselves to be anti-India. Probably paid for by the Chinese, I imagine.
When China does business with the West, when all the major manufacturing of Western countries was moved to China, to build up China’s economy so it could serve as bulwark against communist Soviet Union (of which Russia is the true inheritor) which benefited China and its arrogant, racist elite to a maximal degree, that is A-ok. Even today, China is the largest beneficiary of the Western trade and offshoring of heavy industry. China is aggressive, territorial and expansionary. But in the eyes of the people who frequent this blog, China is can’t-do-no-wrong wheeler dealer of the world.
China invaded and occupied Tibet, but never hear a word about that on this site.
Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, Dubai and other dictatorial Muslim countries whose people enjoy/enjoyed a very lavish lifestyle due to their oil resources, no one has anything to say about how they repress and abuse their poor migrant labor, mess with the political affairs of other countries, spread Wahhabism, sponsor terrorism in other countries (of which India has been a giant target), I don’t see anyone criticizing that.
Instead, a poor India that has been colonized and looted by Muslims/Arabs/Anglo-Zionists for centuries, its history and culture destroyed (but not completely annihilated, though not for want of trying), and seeking to protect its poor and largely agrarian people, is a ‘lackey of the West’. Strange perspective yo. But totally understandable, for it is the thinly-veiled contempt of the people of the book for pagan India.
Kashmir was and is the land of Hindus. Even today, Kashmir contains many many important holy sites of the Hindus. Kasmir underwent waves of conversions when Muslim Turkic rules attacked India, and then a ‘final solution’ was implemented when the valley was ethnically cleansed of the Hindu Pandits fairly recently (last 20 odd years). But again, no one talks of that, because it is anathema to ever give the Hindus a modicum of acknowledgement of what they have suffered historically and in modern times. No, Muslims are the only ones who suffer and suffered and the whole world is out to get them, despite literally half the world population being Muslim.
India subverts efforts of China and Russia? No, India chooses its own path. India has always chosen its own, perhaps difficult path, instead of bending a knee to the rapacious Chinese, devious Israelis and flip-flopping Americans. Russia is the only country that India trusts and will listen to, within reason.
A global prostitute? Wow. That is a nice description of China I agree. They prostrated and prostituted themselves to the West for decades, for the almighty dollar, and are now enjoying very nice lives for all that.
India had a cinematic tradition that goes back to the start of the walkie-talkies at the beginning of the 20th century, and has nothing to do with Hollywood. It is only the fashion to call it ‘Bollywood’ but the tradition of theater, poetry, language and arts has existed in India’s culture since time immemorial, and that did not come from the West.
Regarding the DPRK…
I don’t think we should believe the US claims that the DPRK would bomb Seoul into oblivion. We should recall that the DPRK’s main strategic goal is to kick the US out of the south and reunify the Korean peninsula. The DPRK, like the Syrian government, would try to avoid unnecessary civilian fatalities. We should also not fall for US claims that the DPRK would initiate a war on the south. The DPRK would only launch an invasion in response to a US attack. But I do not think that the DPRK seriously expects there to be a major war in the near future. They just finished constructing a very nice modern housing project in Pyongyang, which is not something that a state planning on a major war in the near future would bother doing.
Another tour de force by The Saker which reminds me why I hang around here so much. It was cursing psalms, crying psalms, and hurting psalms all wrapped in a splendid Jeremiad. The fact that it will give offense to the watchers and bearers of fake news is simply proof of its veracity.
As “Red Green” a satirical Canadian folk figure, used to say:
“If it’s not broken, you aren’t trying hard enough”.
How, but through some violent wrenching and breaking will we ever break the maze created for us by the CIANN mass media in which we now wander trapped, alone and lost?
The liberation which the entire West desperately seeks from its Anglo-Zionist (and I have to add Talmudo-Satanist) masters has been put off too long for this to be easy.
Time to stop caring too much what anyone thinks but you, change the rules and break the walls of the maze, which are made of clay. Trying to solve the maze of lies will leave us wandering through it, forever alone.
And the longer we continue to put it off, the worse the collapse will be.
It seems to me that we are still at a speaking stage. And the words being spoken have got ZOG on the run. They want to ban us because, as you point out, they have no answers or tools except violence and repression.
The hunt for anti-Semites is a hunt for Pockets Of Resistance to the New World Order like Nazis going house to house.
and Thankyou.
Dear Saker
“Orthodox Christian eschatology teaches that the End Times are inevitable. However, the Fathers also teach that we can push the End Times back by our collective actions, be it in the form of prayers or in the form of an open resistance to Evil in our world”
Just some curious fyi for you. The very opposite is desired or wished for in Islam. In Shia mosques, everywhere, after any congregation prayer devotees call on God to quicken the coming of the messiah (Mahdi) and bring about the end of days (the desire being for God’s Kingdom on earth). The example given to Muslims is of the bani Israiel (children of Israel) who prayed for the messiah and Moses was sent to them 70 years earlier than planned to ease their suffering.
Very interesting.
As you know, Christians says “Thy Kingdom come on earth and in heaven” (as I remember the English text – I don’t pray in English – sorry). However, we also feel that the end times will be so terrible that at the same time we ought to resist Evil as much as possible to delay this terrible event.
I suppose that this can be compared to death which all Christians ought to aspire to but that we also try to delay by prayers and use of medicine.
Thanks for educating me about this!
The Saker
Mainstream Islam promotes and advocates for peace, life and prosperity. We don’t pray for the end. We actually leave that up to the Almighty to decide. There are the ‘big’ signs, and the little’ signs on the coming of the day of judgement.
Also, unlike Talmudic Judiaism, Islam does not advocate for racial supremacy, but advocates for universal humanity. We are all equal, and sons of Adam and Eve(Hawa)
We Muslims also believe that life on earth is just a ‘test’, a ‘dress-rehersal’, and that the kingdom of the Almighty is indeed in heaven, just like you Saker.
Salaam my friend(I hope I can call you that, because I feel you are one).