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Gulf War Report: Houthi Strikes Shut Down Half Of Saudi Arabia Oil Production Saudi Arabia continues to suffer consequences of its unsuccessful invasion of Yemen. On September 14, the Armed Forces of the Houthi government carried out a successful strike on facilities of Saudi Arabia’s oil giant Saudi Aramco in Buqayq and Khurais. In an official statement, a spokesperson for the Houthis, Brig. Gen. Yahya Sari, said that the attack, dubbed Operation Deterrent Balance 2, was a response to the Saudi aggression.

Iran Was Ready to Attack US Bases in Case of Retaliation after US Drone Downing, Says IRGC General

by Nader Talebzadeh for the American Herald Tribune Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh, commander of the aerospace unit of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), says Iran was ready to attack US bases in the region if the country tried to retaliate after Iran downed its intruding spy drone over the Strait of Hormuz. “As was mentioned in previous interviews, if they wanted to attack, we would have attacked US

Exclusive Interview with Russia’s Foreign Ministry Spokesperson

Moscow — In a simple meeting room at the Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry building, Russia’s Foreign Affairs Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova gave me a generous hour of her time in a conversation peppered with bemused laughter at Western allegations about Russia and clear frustration at the West’s incessant vilification of all things Russia. I traveled to Moscow in August, where to my delight I had the opportunity to interview Zakharova.

Russia prevents Israeli airstrikes in Syria

The Jerusalem Post reports: The controversy between Israel and Russia regarding airstrikes of Iranian targets in Syria and Iraq continues, despite the meeting Between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Russian President Vladimir Putin. This was reported on Friday by Independent Arabia. According to the report, Moscow has prevented three Israeli air strikes on three Syrian outposts recently, and even threatened that any jets attempting such a thing would be shot

Moveable Feast Cafe 2019/09/13 … Open Thread

2019/09/13 20:30:02Welcome to the ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’. The ‘Moveable Feast’ is an open thread where readers can post wide ranging observations, articles, rants, off topic and have animate discussions of the issues of the day. The ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’ will have two new open threads each week. The Saker stated moderation policy will apply eg ‘no caps’, no obscenity … etc to all post. The Cafe is now open for

President Macron’s amazing admission

[this column was written for the Unz Review] I don’t know whether the supposedly Chinese curse really comes from China, but whether it does or not, we most certainly are cursed with living in some truly interesting times: Iran won the first phase of the “tanker battle” against the AngloZionists, Putin offered to sell Russian hypersonic missiles to Trump (Putin has been trolling western leaders a lot lately) while Alexander

Some of the Many Things Most Americans Never Heard About 9/11

by Paul Craig Roberts reprinted by special permission The “Dancing Israelis” who turned out to be Israeli Mossad agents caught filming and celebrating the destruction of the twin towers. Arrested by police and released without investigation, they were not mentioned in the 911 Commission Report. Later on Israeli TV they said they were sent to New York to film the destruction of the twin towers. Allegedly, there was no advance

7 Decades of China’s achievements

by Prof. Engr. Zamir Ahmed Awan China is an old civilization and has been passing through various ups and downs throughout history. Which is very much rational and the natural cycle of human history. There was a time when Romans were at the peak, but today they stand nowhere, British and French colonialized half of the world, but today squeezed to a small state only. Ottoman Empire in Turkey was

Color Revolution Comes To Hong Kong   Written and produced by SF Team: J.Hawk, Daniel Deiss, Edwin Watson; The Hong Kong protests represent a major challenge not only to the authorities of Hong Kong itself, but also to Beijing, due to both their protracted nature and a high level of organization resembling the Kiev Maidan of 2013/14. The Hong Kong rioters have gone so far as to produce and disseminate a veritable urban warfare manual describing in

We are all hostages of 9/11

By Pepe Escobar – Posted with permission After years of reporting on the Great War on Terror, many questions behind the US attacks remain unresolved Afghanistan was bombed and invaded because of 9/11. I was there from the start, even before 9/11. On August 20, 2001, I interviewed commander Ahmad Shah Massoud, the “Lion of the Panjshir,” who told me about an “unholy alliance” of the Taliban, al-Qaeda and the ISI

The Russian respond to US DefSec Mark Esper

Drago Victorien writes: As newly appointed US Defense Secretary, Mark Esper, was reported to have claimed about wanting for Russia to ”behave like a normal country”, Sergey Lavrov urged for him to clarify what he means by ”normality” during a press conference in the Russian capital; if Russia was to behave like the US, it would have had to bomb Iraq, Libya, supporting an armed, anti-constitutional coup in Kiev, and

Booming Sochi – Debunking the $50-billion Olympic Expenditure Hoax

by Jon Hellevig for The Saker Blog It’s a two and a half hour flight from Moscow to Sochi and when you land you are in another world. Sochi is absolutely unique and like no place else in Russia, a gem in its own right. Sheltered by the Caucasian mountains from the severe northern winds which sweep over most of Russia in wintertime and tempered by the Black Sea breezes

Moveable Feast Cafe 2019/09/10 … Open Thread

2019/09/10 09:00:01Welcome to the ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’. The ‘Moveable Feast’ is an open thread where readers can post wide ranging observations, articles, rants, off topic and have animate discussions of the issues of the day. The ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’ will have two new open threads each week. The Saker stated moderation policy will apply eg ‘no caps’, no obscenity … etc to all post. The Cafe is now open for

Russia works on new missile that deactivates all enemy weapons

Pravda reports: Russia continues surprising the West with new weapons. According to recent reports, Russian engineers develop a jammer missile called Alabuga. Rumor has it that this weapon will be able to completely neutralize enemy without even opening fire at its forces. This weapon produces a very strong radio electric impact, the power of which is comparable to the power of a nuclear explosion. The missile can literally disable all

Zakharova scolds Poles as global bigots

Second World War 80th anniversary events in Poland These events were supposed to commemorate 80 years since the outbreak of World War II, a tragic chapter not only in 20th century history but in the history of all mankind. This date has been marked for many years, bringing together representatives from various countries as an event that truly deserves global attention. But frankly, it is appalling to see what this

Steve Bannon’s Gift

By Chris Faure for The Saker Blog If you thought that the demonization of Russia and incessant Russophobia over the past years from the West, with hardly a highly likely shred of evidence, was unconscionable and the absolute pinnacle of all demonization campaigns ever, get ready for the demonization of China. In true Hollywood Blockbuster style, the China Fear campaign promises to be bigger and better theater than the complete
