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Zmiana, Piskorski, and the Case for Polish Liberation

Special report by Jafe Arnold for the Greanville Post (reprinted by special agreement) “Kremlin trolls,” “Putin’s useful idiots,” “Russian 5th column in Poland”, “threat to national security” – these are the epithets maliciously hurled at the two-year-old Polish political party Zmiana by the Polish mainstream media and government officials. “Russian spy,” “Chinese spy,” “Iraqi spy,” “agent of Putinist influence,” – these are the non-existent and baseless slanders for which Zmiana’s

Venezuela – Washington’s Latest Defamation – To Bring NATO to South America?

by Peter Koenig The Trump Administration has just accused Venezuela’s newly appointed Vice-President, Tareck El Aissami, of being involved in drug trafficking, thereby dishing out the usual criminal spiel – illegal sanctions against a foreign dignitary with travel bans and asset seizures. This is Washington’s abject behavior at its best, as are so many others around the world of similar nature. Therefore, let me say upfront: We can protest as

Straighten Up and Fly Right

This comment was chosen by the moderators from the post “Is Donald Trump a Coward, or Just a Fool?”  The moderators feel this commenter is correct that the citizens of the USA need to wake up and get with the programme. Comment by Auslander   So, the die is cast. Trump is done for, Trump is a coward, Trump is a charlatan, Trump is a Russian agent, Trump is an

Trump does something right! Very good press conference today

After a few rather disappointing days, Trump today seem to rebound.  He had a press conference which I would qualify as very successful. The best thing about this was that Trump FINALLY directly attacked the media, especially CNN.  Hopefully, this will be just the first step in an always possible counter-offensive.  Tomorrow he will be in Melbourne, FL, just south of were I live.  I will be watching that with interest.

Vladimir Putin’s statement at the annual meeting of the FSB

Vladimir Putin took part in an annual expanded meeting of the Federal Security Service (FSB) Board to discuss the FSB’s results for 2016 and the priority tasks for ensuring Russia’s national security. President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Good afternoon. These annual FSB Board meetings give us a chance to meet and not only thoroughly analyse and review the results of the agency’s work over the period, but also to discuss at length all important national security issues in general and outline the priorities for the immediate future and the longer-term. The FSB plays a key part in protecting our constitutional order

Moveable Feast Cafe 2017/02/16 … Open Thread

2017/02/16 11:30:02Welcome to the ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’. The ‘Moveable Feast’ is an open thread where readers can post wide ranging observations, articles, rants, off topic and have animate discussions of the issues of the day. The ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’ will have two new open threads each week. The Saker stated moderation policy will apply eg ‘no caps’, no obscenity … etc to all post. The Cafe is now open for

Northern Mali Conflict – Cycles of Rebellion

by Igor Pejic The crisis in Mali which started with the Tuareg rebellion in 2012, in the northern part of the country, still haunts the society and presents a serious destabilization factor for the entire Sahel region. The Mali crisis has been fueled by many different elements including: historical, demographic, political, social-economic and even climatic. Although there has been a significant international effort to resolve the crisis, the French military

The swamp strikes back

by Pepe Escobar for Sputnik International The tawdry Michael Flynn soap opera boils down to the CIA hemorrhaging leaks to the company town newspaper, leading to the desired endgame: a resounding victory for hardcore neocon/neoliberalcon US Deep State factions in one particular battle. But the war is not over; in fact it’s just beginning. Even before Flynn’s fall, Russian analysts had been avidly discussing whether President Trump is the new

Is Donald Trump a Coward, or Just a Fool?

by Eric Zuesse Ever since Donald Trump won the U.S. Presidency, the U.S. aristocracy (who control or outright own all of the U.S.-based international corporations and especially the weapons-firms such as Lockheed Martin, whose sales-volumes depend upon increasing the nation’s ‘defense’ spending — and that requires restoring ‘the Cold War’) have been trying to abort his Presidency in any and every way they can. Above all, they have been trying

Saker message – I need an administrative assistant!

Dear friends, In the midst of all the recent drama I have been forced to put-off today’s call for help. I need an administrative assistant. I would need somebody who is skilled with word processors and who can format a long text into an online book format.  I have two books I want to put online for the History of the Orthodox Peoples (HOP) project.  Right now they are one

The anti-Flynn ‘deep state’ coup – spelling it out in the clearest way possible

Okay, my sense is that a large number of commentators are misunderstanding the nature of what is going on.  So, this time, rather than writing an analysis, I will spell it out, ‘talking points’ – style and, hopefully, do a better job about making my point.  So, here we go.  THIS IS NOT ABOUT FLYNN.  Let me repeat that once more.  THIS IS NOT ABOUT FLYNN!!!  Please don’t come and

More French riots despite 12 years of trying nothing

by Ramin Mazaheri As Communist hero and the “African Che Guevara”, Thomas Sankara, famously said: “A soldier without any political or ideological training is a potential criminal.” France’s police have an ideology, because everyone has one: Only the truly apathetic or the most indoctrinated claim to not have one. I’ll be honest: I have not attended France’s police academy nor read their training manuals so I can’t say for sure,

The Neocons and the “deep state” have neutered the Trump Presidency, it’s over folks! (UPDATED 2x)

Less than a month ago I warned that a ‘color revolution ‘ was taking place in the USA.  My first element of proof was the so-called “investigation” which the CIA, FBI, NSA and others were conducting against President Trump’s candidate to become National Security Advisor, General Flynn.  Tonight, the plot to get rid of Flynn has finally succeeded and General Flynn had to offer his resignation.  Trump accepted it. Now

The Western roots of “Middle-Eastern” terrorism

By Amir NOUR[1] Convinced that terrorism, in all its forms and manifestations, committed by whomever, wherever and for whatever purposes, is unacceptable and unjustifiable, member States of the United Nations were finally able to adopt, on September 8, 2006, a common approach within the framework of the “United Nations global counter-terrorism strategy ». But, ten years later, the “international community” has yet to agree on a consensus definition of the common
