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What does Russia produce? 1

by Scott Humor This past September, in one of his regular interviews with the newspaper Parlamentní Listy, retired Czech Major General Hynek Blaško commented on the possibility of a conflict between Russia and NATO with a following anecdote: “I have seen a popular joke on the Internet about Obama and his generals in the Pentagon debating on the best timing to attack Russia. They couldn’t come to any agreement, so they decided to

American Fascists Co-Opt Trump Protests Hiding Inside Civil Rights Movement

by GH Eliason Over the last couple of years I’ve written volumes on fascists making inroads into American politics and civil life. With civil and human rights it starts with understanding a little about what’s known as the Four Freedoms. And there are many legitimate civil rights groups today that go under that banner. In 1941, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt gave what became known as the Four Freedoms speech. He

Syrian War Report – February 22, 2017: Syrian Army Aims ISIS Stronghold Of Deir Hafer

Syrian War Report – February 22, 2017: Syrian Army Aims ISIS Stronghold Of Deir Hafer     On February 21, the Syrian army’s Tiger Forces, supported by Russian warplanes, liberated the key town of Rasm Harmel al-Imam and the village of Tabaret Madi from ISIS terrorists in the province of Aleppo. Government troops continued putting pressure on ISIS in the town of Humaymah Al-Kabira near Deir Hafer. The Tiger Fores

Syrian War Report – February 20, 2017: Turkey Further Pushes Its Plan For Raqqah Offensive

Syrian War Report – February 20, 2017: Turkey Further Pushes Its Plan For Raqqah Offensive     Pro-Turkish militants and the Turkish army have still been facing difficulties in breaking ISIS defenses around al-Bab. Turkey-led forces have failed to seize Qabasin and Bzaah, and retreated from almost all areas seized inside al-Bab. Intense fighting is ongoing. Meanwhile, the Syrian army, supported by the Russian Aerospace Forces, continued its operation against

Are Russian diplomats being assassinated? (UPDATED)

Since the death of Vitaly Churkin I see more and more speculations that Russian diplomats are being killed (example here and here)  This is exceedingly unlikely and I consider these speculations to be based on ignorance and a form of “clickbaiting”.  Here is why: So four senior Russian diplomats have died in one month.  Considering how many diplomats Russia has worldwide, this hardly a tsunami. They died in Ankara (murder),

A former (?) Mossad officer predicts that Trump will be impeached on grounds of treason

Thanks to “MS” who drew my attention to this amazing video.  This is an except from an RT program entitled “Watching the Hawks” (see full video here).  In this excerpt, a (supposedly) “former” Mossad officer, Juval Aviv, predicts that Donald Trump will be impeached for treason in the next few months.  See for yourself: Nevermind the telling way Aviv constantly uses “us” when speaking of the USA and nevermind the

EXCLUSIVE Interview with first head of LPR South-East Army counter-intelligence unit Vladimir Gromov

EXCLUSIVE Interview with first head of LPR South-East Army counter-intelligence unit Vladimir Gromov about paths the future of Ukraine and South-East could take. (Interview by PolitWera. Translation by V.P.E.) Can we say that partitioning of Ukraine benefits the West? If yes, why? V.G.: I would put it this way. Nobody needs Ukraine in its current configuration. The “color revolution” tactic based predominantly on destruction and division, is a US tactic.

What does the Tao say about Europe and Islam?

by Ramin Mazaheri Look, we are just butting heads here, we Muslims and Europeans. Constantly arguing over whose ideology and culture is superior. And all the while the 1% of families who own 99% of the world’s wealth are just looking down and laughing at us as they read their stock tickers. And that 1% is multicultural, multiracial and practices multiple religions. They don’t care about European or Muslim or

WordPress trainers needed!

Dear friends, I am looking for a few people who are comfortable using WordPress and who could donate some of their time to train others on how to use (not set up!) WordPress: creating a new post, uploading or copying a text file, adding media, formatting the post, add keywords, chose a category and add a featured image.  Straightforward stuff but something I don’t have the time to do myself.

US vs Iran: a case of rotten apples vs rotten oranges

[Note by The Saker: some of you had noticed that I did post this article and then almost immediately removed it.  This was due to a technical reason: the transcript at the bottom was missing.  I removed the article at the request of the author.  Now that we have the full text, I am posting it again.  Sorry for any misunderstanding.  The Saker] US vs Iran: a case of rotten

How Russia Implements the Minsk 2 Agreement, by Scott Humor

A few years ago, I was having coffee with my then-business partner. He happened to be in the middle of a process called “enrolling your child in a private school.” In my naiveté I thought that this process was a fairly straightforward one: you give them your application and a check, and they accept your kid. But apparently, there were more people with money that this particular school was willing to

Moveable Feast Cafe 2017/02/19 … Open Thread

2017/02/19 23:00:03Welcome to the ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’. The ‘Moveable Feast’ is an open thread where readers can post wide ranging observations, articles, rants, off topic and have animate discussions of the issues of the day. The ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’ will have two new open threads each week. The Saker stated moderation policy will apply eg ‘no caps’, no obscenity … etc to all post. The Cafe is now open for

National Anthems – a comparison

by Christine Marais Although involved in many wars, there is no indication that Greece, Persia, Rome or the Ottoman Empire ever had or needed national anthems.  When we look at their history, they conquered countries and overtook people but once settled, they pretty much allowed them to go on with their lives with little interference.  They conquered the land but not the nations. The mere concept of national anthem appears

Trump dreams vs Trump reality – hopes still permitted!

This article was written for the Unz Review: For a lot of Trump supporters the past week has been a painful one. Whether we chose to react with abject panic or pretended like nothing happened, something did happen and it was something big: the Tree Letter Agencies pulled-off a de facto coup against Donald Trump by forcing him to fire his most important foreign policy advisor and the man

Iran and Hezbollah respond to Donald Trump

by Sayed Hasan Since his election campaign, Donald Trump has not hidden his fierce hostility to the international deal on Iran’s nuclear program, calling it the worst of the agreements in history and promising to dismantle it. On February 2, 2017, following a conventional ballistic missile test by Iran that did not contravene the agreement, Trump said in a Tweet that Iran, as a dissipated student, had been “formally warned”

There’s a Deep State in America?!

by Ramin Mazaheri Imagine my surprise when, on my flight back from San Francisco to New York, that’s what my trusty New York Times revealed to me. My first thought was: I can’t believe how this horrible Donald Trump has set up a Deep State in less than a month?! Surely Russia was involved in its formation. Then again, I strangely find myself thinking a lot about Russia these days.
