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Breaking news regarding armed conflict in Ukraine, by Scott Humor

On Monday November 28th, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation announced that they have initiated a criminal investigation of war crimes committed by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. RT has published a summary of the SK statement and the interviews of the attorneys and legal experts involved in this investigation. The Investigative Committee has established that from September to November 2016, the Ukrainian military and employees of the National

Bait & Switch- Fake News, propornot, the Real Inform & Influence Operation

by GH Eliason A few days before the 2016 election I contacted several publishers and told them they were on a list to be dealt with/ taken down after what was supposed to be a Clinton victory. This effort was against news sites and websites that spoke or wrote against current US policies that Clinton supported. As I was writing this Glen Greenwald’s great article came out specifically about propornot.

Lenin comes to the White House

by Pepe Escobar for Sputnik International Donald Trump, commenting on the passing of Fidel Castro, branded him a mere “dictator”. Whatever the long-lasting results (and mistakes) of the Cuban experiment, History has already de facto recognized Fidel as one of the great revolutionary leaders of the modern – and post-modern – era. Trump – historical irony obliges – also has all but christened the groundswell of anger that delivered him

Moveable Feast Cafe 2016/11/28 … Open Thread

2016/11/28 11:00:02Welcome to the ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’. The ‘Moveable Feast’ is an open thread where readers can post wide ranging observations, articles, rants, off topic and have animate discussions of the issues of the day. The ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’ will have two new open threads each week. The Saker stated moderation policy will apply eg ‘no caps’, no obscenity … etc to all post. The Cafe is now open for

Flash mobs performing Soviet Patriotic songs across Ukraine

Spring on Zarechnaya street theme song performed in Zaporozhye Old Maple in Kharkov   November 27th 2016, people are singing Smuglyanka-Moldovanka  inside the Odessa train station   Смуглянка-Молдаванка Smuglyanka-Moldovanka “the dark haired Moldovan girl” is a song immensely popular during the Great Patriotic war 1941-1945 and ever after. Смуглянка, песня из кинофильма “В бой идут одни старики” This is a movie version from the film “Battle For Old Men (Tried

Goodbye Fidel

by Jimmie Moglia  “He was a man, take him for all in all, I shall not look upon his like again.” Hamlet, act 1, sc. 2 For many across the world, the death of Fidel Castro strikes us with an obscure sensation, like that which would be felt from the sound of darkness. And though expected, there was an indistinct unuttered hope that this news could be postponed to a

First interview of the Saker in French ever

That really makes me happy: Slobodan Despot, a Swiss journalist and publisher, made a first time ever interview with me in French.  Though I have now been away from Europe for 14 years, it felt good speaking in French again.  And I have to say that I had a great time talking to Slobodan Despot and we hope to repeat that conversation on a regular basis in the future. I

Butt-hurt Clinton crybabies in the Ziomedia

I know, I know.  The Internet is just full of such compilations.  This is just one amongst many.  But I can’t help it, it just too sweet.  I had to share it with you.  Is this Schadenfreude?  You betcha it is!  And I make no apologies for it, since God knows these guys really, really deserved it.  Call me infantile (I am in many ways!), but as soon as I

The Saker blog finally blacklisted by the corporate media :-)

Over the past couple of days emails have been pouring in warning me that the Saker blog made it to the “An Initial Set of Sites That Reliably Echo Russian Propaganda“: (this is just a partial list, go to the website for the full thing) Not only that, but the WaPo decided to advertise this list which, let’s be honest, badly needed some official imprimatur since it is made by

The Russian destroyer Vice-Admiral Kulakov rescues a Ukrainian fishing vessel in the Mediterranean

Kind of a symbolic news item today: the The Russian Navy destroyer Vice-Admiral Kulakov has rescued the Ukrainian fishing ship “097” in the Mediterranean.  The engines of the fishing vessel “097” broke down and she was adrift for two days until her captain decided to send an SOS.  The closest ship was the Russian destroyer who came to her help (no NATO or EU vessel offered to help).  The Russians

What are the Ukronazis up to in Crimea?

This article was written for the Unz Review: First, it appeared to be a fluke: this summer the Ukronazi regime sent a small terrorist unit into Crimea tasked with blowing up several targets in the Crimea (see here for details). They were arrested by the Russian security services. In November, another two saboteurs were caught by the FSB (see here). And now something really remarkable happened. The Ukronazi security

Who is behind an air strike that killed three Turkish soldiers in Al-Bab Syria, by Scott Humor

A year after the downing of a Russian jet over Syria, another false flag attack. This time against Turkish servicemen. An astute analyses from RoSsi BaRBeRa Situation/Update Briefing There’s still very little known about this incident. However, according to the Turkish General staff, today at 03:30 in the morning, an attack allegedly by the Syrian air force in al-Bab killed three Turkish soldiers and injured 10 people. No harsh words

Moveable Feast Cafe 2016/11/24 … Open Thread

2016/11/24 23:30:01 Welcome to the ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’. The ‘Moveable Feast’ is an open thread where readers can post wide ranging observations, articles, rants, off topic and have animate discussions of the issues of the day. The ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’ will have two new open threads each week. The Saker stated moderation policy will apply eg ‘no caps’, no obscenity … etc to all post. The Cafe is now open
