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Russia SITREP November 24th, by Scott Humor

Earlier this week the German Stern asked a tongue-in-cheek question which I want to try to answer. Was will Moskau mit so vielen Panzern? I don’t know German, but this looks to me like they want to know why Moscow needs so many tanks. Putin lässt 3000 Panzer aus dem Depot modernisieren Wladimir Putin hat bereits 2500 T-14 Armata Kampfpanzer bestellt, nun lässt er noch einmal 3000 T-80 komplett modernisieren.

People wake up!

by Peter Koenig Neoliberal-fascist atrocities become rapidly ever bolder and are carried out with impunity. They should wake up the 99.99% from our brainwashed dreams and make us SCREAM! – Scream for change, not at the margin, but fundamental. This apparatus has to stop, not just be ‘reformed’ as the caviar ‘left intellectuals’ suggest. Absurdities have to be eviscerated. Our socio-economic system needs rebuilding from scratch. Washington has shown us

Soviet song Old Maple performed at the Kharkov train station in Ukraine

Following  the November 13th vocalists of the Zaporozhye musical College of Mayboroda performance  the hit song from beloved by millions classic film “Spring on Zarechnaya street” The Soviet song flash mob went on this time on the opposite part of the country in Kharkov with a performance of  the song Old maple [ Stariy Klion (Старый клен) ]   No matter how intensely and mercilessly people living in the occupied

Fruit Of The Poisonous Tree

This comment was chosen by Mod KL from the post  “Fear and Loathing Inside The Deep State”. The moderator feels it is a very well written comment that in order to save this planet we need leave the “moral” ideals of Islam, Judaism and Christianity behind, and embrace the idea that we are all in the same boat and we need to be pragmatic, not religious, about it. Comment by

Germany and the EU SITREP November 22nd, 2016 by C.

 The featured image captions: – Wait. I think they are up to something! The news in Germany have lately been dominated by Trumps victory. At least in the mainstream media this outcome is generally portrayed as a complete catastrophe.  The Spiegel cover “THE END OF THE WORLD (as we know it): Scroll down for more quotes from German press. Or the venerable FAZ: They quote Vice Chancellor Gabriel: “Trump ist der

NAVAL BRIEF 03 November 22nd, 2016 by LeDahu

Maybe I was slightly overenthusiastic last week and with hindsight I should held back the brief by a day, but the crystal ball didn’t function correctly that day.   After much anticipated media talk about when the Russian fleet off Syria would go into action, it finally got deadly serious on the 15th Nov.  I am not going to dwell much on the bigger picture of what this means for the

Serbia To Adopt Repressive Srebrenica “Genocide Denial” Law

by Stephen Karganovic A process of revision of Serbia’s Criminal Code has been going on for quite a while. It recently emerged that a government Task Force was set up for the purpose. Nothing is publicly known about the composition of this committee or its brief. One of the Task Force’s goals (or directives) apparently is to introduce a change in the Criminal Code that would make Srebrenica “genocide denial”

Moveable Feast Cafe 2016/11/21 … Open Thread

2016/11/21 12:00:01Welcome to the ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’. The ‘Moveable Feast’ is an open thread where readers can post wide ranging observations, articles, rants, off topic and have animate discussions of the issues of the day. The ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’ will have two new open threads each week. The Saker stated moderation policy will apply eg ‘no caps’, no obscenity … etc to all post. The Cafe is now open for

President Trump and other geo-political oddities, by Scott Humor

Donald Trump has won the presidential election despite polls that indicating that Hillary Clinton was favored. One popular explanation for this is that some people were too afraid to admit to pollsters that they supported Trump — what’s being called the “shy Trump” phenomenon. A review of the evidence, however, suggests that probably isn’t why the polls got Trump wrong. “Shy Trump voters started to come out of the woodwork

Will Donald Trump be the United States’ last elected president?

by Ernst Wolff During his election campaign, Donald Trump presented himself as the champion of America’s blue collar workers. He promised to ‘bring jobs back home’, create millions of well-paid new jobs, and raise the standard of living of the middle and the working class. He called himself an ‘enemy of the corrupt establishment’ and vowed to ‘dry the swamp in Washington’. In the final stages of his campaign, Trump
