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The Spiegel interviews Sergey Karaganov, Putin’s foreign policy advisor

SPIEGEL: Sergey Alexandrovich, NATO is boosting its presence in Eastern Europe in reaction to recent Russian advances. Western politicians have warned that the two sides could stumble into a situation that might result in war. Are such warnings excessive? Karaganov: I was already speaking of a prewar situation eight years ago. SPIEGEL: When the war in Georgia broke out. Karaganov: Even then, trust between the great powers was trending toward

Hillary Clinton’s axis of evil

by Pepe Escobar for Sputnik International Let’s cut to the chase; Hillary Clinton is ready to go to war against Russia in Syria – with inbuilt, potentially terrifying, thermonuclear consequences. Anticipating an outcome of the US presidential election as a remix of the 1972 Nixon landslide, Hillary has also coined, George “Dubya” Bush-style, a remixed axis of evil: Russia, Iran and “the Assad regime”. That’s not even counting China, which,

Russia, Syria and the UK SITREP October 12, 2016 by Auslander

Informations have come to light that British Pilots have permission to shoot down Russian aircraft.  “The first thing a British pilot will do is to try to avoid a situation where an air-to-air attack is likely to occur — you avoid an area if there is Russian activity,” an unidentified source from the UK’s Permanent Joint Headquarters (PJHQ) told the Sunday Times. “But if a pilot is fired on or

“CrossTalk” Bullhorns bantering with Peter Lavelle

    With Syria locked in a statement while Russia-US relations spiral downward, which party in this conflict is the barrier to peace and what needs to happen next? CrossTalking with Mark Sleboda, Alex Christoforou, and Mohammad Marandi. Recorded from RT, CrossTalk, October 10, 2016

Moveable Feast Cafe 2016/10/10 … Open Thread

2016/10/10 20:11:47 Welcome to the ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’. The ‘Moveable Feast’ is an open thread where readers can post wide ranging observations, articles, rants, off topic and have animate discussions of the issues of the day. The ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’ will have two new open threads each week. The Saker stated moderation policy will apply eg ‘no caps’, no obscenity … etc to all post. The Cafe is now open

A few military secrets to put in your pipe and smoke, by Scott

After September 17th when the US  Air force bombed the Syrian troops that were besieged by the US terror troops in town Deir EzZor, and the following provocation with the UN humanitarian convoy, we have been waiting for the next Pentagon and CIA provocation. The military psyop specialists are getting paid millions of dollars to invent these provocations, and we, collectively, trying to prevent them from happening and to untangle

Short update from the Saker

Dear friends, My family and I are incredibly lucky.  Just 24 hours ago we were looking at a CAT4 hurricane making landfall just south of us and then slowly moving its eyewall over our county.  Remember Punta Gorda in 2004 or Homestead with Hurricane Andrew?  Something like that was a definite possibility.  Instead, we got a CAT3 whose eye never moved over land (at least not near us) and which at

MH17 Report Taken Apart by Saker Reader

This comment was chosen by Mod KL from the post  “Moveable Feast Cafe 2016/09/30”. Mod KL found the comment to be a good summation regarding Ukraine and flight MH 17, it was of a reasonable length, and contained detailed information. Comment by Terry “All that can be said is that the question of who shot down MH17 remains unresolved, primarily due to blatant interference in the investigation by the NATO powers.”That

Syrians are dying for Hillary Clinton

A small announcement from the Saker: he is alive, but away from home, and he expresses his deepest gratitude to  everyone for their kind words of support.   Syrians are dying for Hillary Clinton, by Uncle Vania Lieutenant General Stephen Townsend, new commander of US forces in Iraq and Syria, made the statement on the expansion of special forces that indicates belated coalition attempts to cover their July and August

Interview of President al-Assad to Denmark’s TV 2: Moderate opposition is a myth…

President al-Assad to Denmark’s TV 2: Moderate opposition is a myth… We won’t accept that terrorists will take control of any part of Syria   Damascus, SANA – President Bashar al-Assad affirmed that the United States doesn’t have the will to reach any agreement about Syria, and that Syria knew in advance that the US agreement with Russia will not succeed because the main part of that agreement is to

Moveable Feast Cafe 2016/10/07 … Open Thread

2016/10/07 07:37:57 Welcome to the ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’. The ‘Moveable Feast’ is an open thread where readers can post wide ranging observations, articles, rants, off topic and have animate discussions of the issues of the day. The ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’ will have two new open threads each week. The Saker stated moderation policy will apply eg ‘no caps’, no obscenity … etc to all post. The Cafe is now open

Russia. The Grave of Armies. SITREP October 7th, 2016 by Auslander

The situation is getting very serious. I cannot fathom what Obama thinks he is doing, my only conclusion is he is so far from reality he really has not a clue. Since a very great deal of this aggressive noise is emanating from The Pentagon one can only conclude that Pentagon is doing what Obama wishes, if they were not he has the power to cashier them instantly. He has

General Konashenkov: Russia will take down any unidentified flying objects in Syria

    Oct 6, 2016 Press briefing of the Russia’s Defense Ministry spokesperson Major-General Igor Konashenkov ‘S-300, S-400 air defenses in place’: Russian MoD warns US-led coalition not to strike Syrian army Video credit Russian MoD Greetings dear colleagues. Some respectable Western media outlets reported about the leaks from the White House briefings discussing possible air strikes against Syrian Army. History tells us that often this kind of “leaks” happen

Guys, this does not look good – I have to evacuate

Dear friends, Things are not looking very good tonight: check out the 11PM predicted track for Hurricane Matthew: What this means is that Matthew will pass over my house as a CAT4 Hurricane (hence the letter “m” as in “major” on the map above) with very high winds, torrential rain, isolated tornadoes and a significant storm surge.  This also means that all of the coastal areas will be evacuated and

Russian options against a US attack on Syria

This article was written for the Unz Review: The tensions between Russia and the USA have reached an unprecedented level. I fully agree with the participants of this CrossTalk show – the situation is even worse and more dangerous than during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Both sides are now going to the so-called “Plan B” which, simply put, stand for, at best, no negotiations and, at worst, a war between
