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The New Silk Road Increases the Strategic Importance of Karelia

by Sakari Linden Republic of Karelia and its Head Alexander Hudilainen have targeted their eyes and hopes to China. After its relations with the West have been deteriorated due to the Ukraine crisis, Russia has increasingly directed geopolitically and economically towards Eurasia and China. Russia’s new direction changes position of Karelia, but at the same time it opens totally new opportunities for the region. From the point of view of

US Wants Him So Yatsenyuk Stays

This article was first published on Russia Insider: Altercation in Ukrainian parliament obscures fact of Yatsenyuk’s political survival because of US backing. by Alexander Mercouris Last week’s fight in the Ukrainian parliament between Prime Minister Yatsenyuk and a deputy of Poroshenko’s party has made world headlines. In doing so it has obscured the single most important fact about political developments in Ukraine over the last two weeks. This is that despite

Chess in the Age of ISIS

by Tom Mysiewicz “Iraq is breaking up before our eyes and it would appear that the creation of an independent Kurdish state is a foregone conclusion.” Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman to John Kerry in Paris, 26 June 2014 “The goal is to proclaim a ‘Kurdistan’ straddling the border between Iraq and Syria, and then expel the Syrian populations who live there, followed by the transfer of 10 million Turkish

EU Sanctions on Russia to be Extended – No Veto or Discussion Allowed

This article was originally written for Russia Insider: In conversations with Russian news agency TASS EU diplomats and officials outline the undemocratic means whereby the decision to extend the sanctions will be imposed. by Alexander Mercouris Recently I wrote a piece for Russia Insider discussing how the EU really works. I pointed out that the veto small states supposedly have over key EU decisions is a fiction. Decisions are made

Pepe Escobar’s new book it out, and it is very original!

Dear friends, Pepe Escobar has just penned a new book, short and very original.   Here is it’s description from the publisher (same as mine – Nimble Books): A nomadic political analyst realizes he will soon become a grandfather. So he decides to write a digital letter to his grandson-to-be; an intangible legacy, encompassing some lessons he learned from life. The letter can only be “opened” in 2030, when the grandson

How bad is the crisis in the Ukrofreakistan? How is the Nazi regime doing?

I often see the comment “how bad is the crisis in the Ukraine really?  is the regime really in difficulty”? I suppose that you have all see the wonderful fights in the Ukrainian Rada.  If not, check out the latest one around “our friend Iats”: But, the Rada is the Rada, right – we expect nothing else from that zoo.  Right? Well, take a look at a non-public meeting of

The Petro-Islamic extremism phenomena

by Nauman Sadiq In its July 2013 report [1] the European Parliament identified the Wahhabi-Salafi roots of global terrorism, but the report conveniently absolved the Western powers of their culpability and chose to overlook the West’s role in nurturing Islamic extremism and violent Jihadism all over the Islamic world, especially when it used the Jihadists as proxies during the Cold War against the erstwhile Soviet Union; and even today, during

International Military Review – Syria, Dec. 15, 2015

Message from SouthFront: Inspired by your support, we released this documentary Syrian battlefield report. We are continuing our struggle to keep the project alive. Tomorrow, we will try to produce a battlefield report which includes animated map. Due to your support, we got a chance to restore the video production not in one week, but by now. If you have a possibility, if you like our content and approaches, please,

SITREP Crimea 13.12.15 by Auslander

by Auslander Electric supply from the mainland is now a fact. The first power cable from the nuclear power plant in Krasnodar Krai was put in operation a little over a week ago. The amount of electricity provided by this cable is, depending on who you listen to, 200 to 225 megawatts. Last night, 11.12.15, the second cable from Krasnodar Krai was put in operation, this resulting in temporary power

Qatar Unplugged

by Ghassan Kadi When Qatar received its independence from Britain in 1971, its population was a meagre 100,000. Fifty years or so later, its population has ballooned to nearly 2.2 million, but only 275,000 are actual Qataris. The rest are not migrants, they are not going to be integrated in the population as fully fledged citizens, they are simply hired expats on contracts, performing different tasks, and when they finish

Russophobia as a part of the Western mass culture

Translation by Alena Scarecrow “Украина. Ру” observer Alexander Chalenko interviews Aleksei Kochetkov, the Director of the Fund of Civil Institutions Development. – Over the course of the last 20 years I’ve been all over Europe, you know. And never have I – an ordinary person – noticed any signs of russophobia. Recently you chaired a conference in Moscow on this subject and, as far as I see it, you maintain

Ukraine SITREP December 13th, 2015 by Scott

It’s been over a month since my last Ukraine SITREP. and the Saker’s Ukraine SITREP covering the latest “democratic” elections in Ukraine. Nothing has changed since then. It seems that Ukraine experiences Groundhog Day over and over again. Even worse, since Russia has commenced its fight against ISIS in the Middle East, since the beginning of the Middle Eastern and African refugee crisis in Europe, since the Paris terror attack

SouthFront needs help *NOW*!

Dear friends, I always hate asking for money, but when it is for somebody else, then I feel no such compunction or need to apologize for it.  So I will be as blunt as I can: SouthFront needs money *NOW*. It is easy to forget that they are the ones producing the excellent daily videos with news, analysis, conflict reports and special maps and infographics which they kindly share with

Week Ten of the Russian Intervention in Syria: the “Assad must go” policy leads to war with Russia, Iran and Hezbollah

This column was written for the Unz Review: The “news” that Israel and Turkey are systematically violating international law is hardly news at all. After all, we all know that Turkey has been regularly bombing the Kurds in Iraq and Syria, that Turkey still illegally occupies northern Cyprus just like the Israelis have been bombing Syria and Lebanon for decades and that they are still illegally occupying Palestine. The

How U.S. and EU Manipulate Public Consciousness: Montenegro

By Ion Todescu I’ve been working on this post for a long time, meticulously collecting scraps of information piece by piece to give you a comprehensive picture. It is well known that the U.S. employs a sophisticated network of non-governmental organizations to manipulate public consciousness in multiple countries across the world. NGOs also play a key role in preparing color revolutions. These last months I’ve been closely following the events
