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10 Questions for David Rovics

It is truly a huge pleasure for me to publish this Q&A with David Rovics, a phenomenal artist whose music I have only recently discovered, and about whom I wrote a piece entitled “David Rovics – the beautiful voice of the American Resistance“. Three months have passed since I wrote this piece. I discovered more of David’s songs and I came to the conclusion that he is probably the most

Israel’s latest SNAFU

You all heard the story: the Israelis got pissed-off at Turkey for showing a TV show which they don’t like, they decided to humiliate the Turkish envoy to Israel with some totally immature antics (sitting him on a lower chair, only putting a little Israeli flag on the table and by, quote, “not smiling” – at least on camera). This time, the customary arrogance of the “Jewish state” ended up

The truth will prevail

by Gilad Atzmon The Israeli government doesn’t think twice before it orders a genocidal attack against civilians. Israeli military leaders do not think twice before they drop bombs on one of the most densely populated places on the planet. They also do not hesitate whether to use artillery shells against a UN refugee shelter. The Israeli people do not think twice before they approve en masse their army’s inhuman tactics.

Us vs. Them: On the Meaning of Fascism

by Roger Tucker “We have met the enemy and they are us.” – Pogo Pretty much everyone nowadays rejects fascism, but nobody seems to know quite what it is. The words “fascist” and “fascism” are frequently flung about, but they seem to be applied to all sorts of different and unrelated people and things. The dictionaries and Wikipedia are no help because they all assume that the word refers to

U.S. Sen. John McCain declared national hero of Georgia

RIA Novosti reports: Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili awarded on Monday the National Hero of Georgia title to U.S. Senator John McCain. McCain, along with Senators John Barrasso and John Thune, arrived in Georgia on Sunday. The award ceremony was held on Monday in the southwestern Georgian resort of Batumi. “The fact that a part of Georgia is free today is the achievement of our friends. It was the idea of

Iran accuses the USA and Israel of assassinating and kidnapping scientists

Iran’s Foreign Ministry said Tuesday that it has found traces of US and Israel’s involvement in the assassination of an Iranian nuclear physics scientist. “Primary investigations into the assassination revealed signs of the involvement of the Zionist regime [Israel], the US and their allies in Iran,” spokesman Ramin Mehman-Parast said. Professor Massoud Ali-Mohammadi, a lecturer at Tehran University, was killed by a booby-trapped motorbike blast in the Iranian capital earlier

Russia, China, Iran redraw energy map

By M K Bhadrakumar for The Asia Times: The inauguration of the Dauletabad-Sarakhs-Khangiran pipeline on Wednesday connecting Iran’s northern Caspian region with Turkmenistan’s vast gas field may go unnoticed amid the Western media cacophony that it is “apocalypse now” for the Islamic regime in Tehran. The event sends strong messages for regional security. Within the space of three weeks, Turkmenistan has committed its entire gas exports to China, Russia and

Venezuela to reinforce troops on Colombia border with Russian tanks

Ria-Novosti reports: Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has announced plans for the deployment of new Russian-made tanks and combat helicopters on the border with Colombia. Ties between Venezuela and Colombia deteriorated last August after Washington signed a deal with Bogota allowing U.S. forces to run anti-drug operations from Colombian bases. Chavez has criticized the deal and called for the Venezuelan people and army to prepare for a war. “We are expecting

The ‘Underwear Bomber’ story reeks to high heaven

The Strange Case of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab by Tom Burghardt for Dissident Voice Despite some $40 billion dollars spent by the American people on airline security since 2001, allegedly to thwart attacks on the heimat, the botched attempt by Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab to bring down Northwest Airlines Flight 253 over Detroit on Christmas Day was foiled, not by a bloated counterterrorist bureaucracy, but by the passengers themselves. Talk about validating

US Imperial innovation: subversion goes private (has anybody noticed?)

CIA Agents assassinated in Afghanistan worked for “contractor” active in Venezuela, Cuba reports Eva Golinger for her blog Postcard from the RevolutionAt least eight U.S. citizens were killed on a CIA operations base in Afghanistan this past Wednesday, December 30. A suicide bomber infiltrated Forward Operating Base Chapman located in the eastern province of Khost, which was a CIA center of operations and surveillance. Official sources in Washington have confirmed

Iran bans “color-coded” organizations

You have probably already heard that Iran has banned a list of 60 foreign organizations. Here is a list of these organizations: 1. Soros Foundation — Open Society 2. Woodrow Wilson Center 3. Freedom House 4. National Endowment for Democracy (NED) 5. National Democratic Institute (NDI) 6. International Republican Institute (IRI) 7. Institute for Democracy in East Europe (EEDI) 8. Democracy Center in East Europe (CDEE) 9. Ford Foundation 10.

Clashes in Crimea

According to, Ukrainian nationalists have organized a congress in the center of the city of Sevastopol in Crimea. About 1000 local residents demonstrated under the slogan “Fascism will not pass”. Clashes ensued. About 300 demonstrators were able to break through the police barriers and were then violently engaged by police special forces. A number of arrests were made.——-Commentary: there we go, exactly as I predicted. The Ukrainian nationalists are

Reagan’s ghost: Starwars stops START

Hopes are fading that the historical treaty between the US and the Soviet Union will be renewed, observes Eric Walberg Russian confidence that US President Barack Obama might represent a fundamental change in the direction of US foreign policy is fast eroding. Even pro-Western analyst Dmitri Trenin, director of the Carnegie Moscow Centre reflects, “The people who see Russia as a problem are still at the Pentagon,” and he predicts

A big “THANK YOU” to all of you!

Dear friends, I have to frankly admit that when I posted my “Where do YOU want to go” piece I was a little unsure as to the kind of feedback I would get. Reading through all your comments now, I am deeply touched by your words of support. Blogging is in many ways a somewhat frustrating activity as I have no good way to see whether anybody cares, whether anybody

Where do YOU want to go from here?

Dear friends, I think that it is time for me to share with you some of my thoughts and ask for your opinion. This blog has been up since May 1st, 2007, a little over 2,5 years now. Frankly, when I started this blog I did it mainly for myself. I saw it as a place to do something which I could never have done before: to speak my mind

Israel admits to organ thefts

al-Jazeera reports: Israel has admitted that it harvested organs from the dead bodies of Palestinians and Israelis in the 1990s, without permission from their families. The admission follows the release of an interview with Jehuda Hiss, the former head of Israel’s forensic institute, in which he said that workers at the institute had harvested skin, corneas, heart valves and bones from Israelis, Palestinians and foreign workers. In the interview, which

Venezuela Accuses U.S. Drone Of Violating Airspace From Colombia

By Christopher Toothaker for The Air Force Times: CARACAS, Venezuela: An unmanned U.S. spy plane recently violated Venezuela’s airspace and the military has been ordered to shoot down any such aircraft if it happens again, President Hugo Chavez said Sunday. Speaking during his weekly television and radio program, Chavez said the aircraft overflew a Venezuelan military base in the western state of Zulia after taking off from neighboring Colombia. He

Yemen: Pentagon’s War On The Arabian Peninsula

By Rick Rozoff URL of this article: Global Research, December 15, 2009 Stop NATO Yemen will become a battleground for a proxy war between the United States and Saudi Arabia – whose state-to-state relations are among the strongest and most durable of the entire post-World War II era – on one hand and Iran on the other. It is perhaps impossible to determine the exact moment at which a
