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The Pashtun will outlast all empires, but can they hold Afghanistan’s center?

“An empire within an empire,” the Pashtun are essential to understanding the complexities of Afghanistan as a nation-state today. What is the ‘Pashtun universe,’ and why will they always outlast those who try to govern them? by Pepe Escobar posted with permission and cross-posted with The Cradle It was bound to happen: the remixed Saigon moment at Kabul airport and the stunning comeback of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, led

Debate : Michael Hudson and Thomas Piketty

Debate between Michael Hudson and Thomas Piketty on September 23, 2021 (Posted with special permission)   The debate was monitored by Lynn Parramore, and introduced by David Graeber’s widow, Nika. Nika: Hi, I’m Nika. I’m David’s wife. This is an event in the honor of the first anniversary of David Graeber’s passing, and then the spirits of his rejection of academic arrogance, and our urgent need to get out of

Decentralization of Afghanistan – the road to peace

by Batko Milacic – Independent analyst – for The Saker Blog The Taliban really wants to prove to the whole world their legitimacy and readiness for dialogue. The radical Islamists who have established control over most of the territory of Afghanistan have learned from their mistakes 20 years ago. They even created an anti-terrorist structure, however, the question is, who will it catch? Now the Taliban need international recognition and

Moveable Feast Cafe 2021/09/30 … Open Thread

2021/09/30 21:00:02Welcome to the ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’. The ‘Moveable Feast’ is an open thread where readers can post wide ranging observations, articles, rants, off topic and have animate discussions of the issues of the day. The ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’ will have two new open threads each week. The Saker stated moderation policy will apply eg ‘no caps’, no obscenity … etc to all post. The Cafe is now open for

More tectonic developments taking place

First, there is the crazy behavior of Germany. Rather than repeat it all here, I will simply point you to Andrei Martyanov’s article about this here: ===>>>BTW I recommend to all my readers to check Martyanov’s blog every day!<<<=== Then here is this: the DPRK is testing a hypersonic missile and Some western “experts” have declared that the test “might” have been a failure.  Make of that

Luis Salinas interprets a medley of Argentinian zambas

I will be away from keyboard for a few hours, so I want to leave you with with yet another superb video of my absolutely favorite Argentinian jazz guitarist who here plays a medley of traditional Argentinian zambas (not to be confused with Brazilian sambas).  IMHO this guys is a virtuoso and a pure musical genius.  Each time I listen to him play this music my nostalgia for the “old

Avert Afghanistan from a catastrophe

By Zamir Awan for the Saker Blog Hundreds of thousands of Afghans working for the US government, directly or indirectly, have been evacuated, either by air or by road, direct to destinations’ or via transit from any third country. It was a massive migration operation. Yet, Many Afghans are trying to slip away to destinations in the Western developed world. The US was ruling Afghanistan through such agents and they

The Living Dead Pax Americana

Perth in Australia will be a forward base for nuclear-powered and nuclear weapon-carrying American subs. by Pepe Escobar – posted with the author’s permission and cross-posted widely.  Pax Americana was always a minor character in a zombie apocalypse flick. Pax Americana is actually The Eternal Return of the Living Dead. “Pax” was never in order; War Inc. rules. The end of WWII led directly to the Cold War. The unipolar

International Order, World Order, Order of the World, and Things to Come

By Amir NOUR for the Saker Blog [1] This is a chapter from Amir’s forthcoming book, titled : “L’Islam et l’ordre du monde: le testament de Malek BENNABI” (Islam and the Order of the World: Malek BENNABI’s Testament).  First available in French with translations to Arabic and English planned. “Islam began as something strange and will revert to being strange as it began, so give glad tidings to the strangers”

A Poisoned Chalice? – Part 3

by Observer R for the Saker Blog My previous articles (A Poisoned Chalice? – Part 2) and (A Poisoned Chalice) offered an opinion that the winner of the US presidential election in 2020 would inherit such a mess that in some sense it would be better to lose the election. So far, events have tended to validate that opinion. The projections are that the Republicans will gain control of the

Hungary does the “unthinkable” and defends its national interests

Hungary has just signed a 15 year contract with Russia for the delivery of Russian gas via the southern route, thus bypassing the Ukraine completely (3.5 billion cubic meters via Serbia and 1 billion cubic meters via Austria).  But that is not all.  The Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto has stated, in so many words, that this is a sovereign decision of Hungary and that it is nobody’s business how

Geopolitical Shifts – A New Future Dawns in the East

by Peter Koenig for the Saker Blog A shift in the world’s power base, alliances and economic strength, will undoubtedly happen within the coming years. In fact, it’s already ongoing. But not necessarily according to Klaus Schwab’s (WEF) “The Great Reset”. “Not necessarily”, because We, The People, can stop it. Plus, there are nations and their allies, who do not agree and won’t accept the enslavement of much of the

China’s Fortune Cookie Crumbles : Michael Hudson and Renegade Inc.

Interview:  Renegade Inc and Michael Hudson (posted by special permission) Ross Welcome to Renegade Inc. With China’s increasing wealth, Western investors want some of the action. One of those investors is a bullish gentleman called George Soros. However, the Chinese are acutely aware that with Western investment comes inequality. So as Beijing begins to rethink how to do proper economic growth, we ask, will China learn from Western mistakes? Ross

Christian Vignette #3 – theologians in early Christianity (part 1)

In my last vignette, I tried to explain “why I mostly avoid modern theologians like the plague“.  But what I did not explain is what a “theologian” was in original Christianity.  But first, for contrast and, I admit, for a little fun, let’s see what Wikipedia has to say about this.  This is so “perfect” that I will quote it in length the top paragraph: (emphasis added) Theology is the

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s news conference to sum up the high-level meetings week at the 76th session of the UN General Assembly, New York, September 25, 2021 Question: Which opportunities and risk factors does the new Taliban’s Islamic Emirate in Afghanistan present? Does Russia fear that the presence of Taliban could somehow feed Islamic extremism in the region? If so, what can be done? Sergey Lavrov: Of course, Afghanistan is now on everyone’s mind. We believe, and we did believe from the outset, that what has happened there is a reality. Unfortunately, the hasty pull-out, let’s

Iran’s SCO promotion & the rise of a new world order: Report

Original link: Description: A recent report published on Al Mayadeen’s website highlights the significance of Iran’s accession to full membership status at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), a powerful international body that just grew even bigger. The report suggests that Iran’s admission into the SCO is part of a broader global shift to a new world order in which the Asian region plays a central role. Source:  Al Mayadeen (Website)

Moveable Feast Cafe 2021/09/27 … Open Thread

2021/09/27 09:30:01Welcome to the ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’. The ‘Moveable Feast’ is an open thread where readers can post wide ranging observations, articles, rants, off topic and have animate discussions of the issues of the day. The ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’ will have two new open threads each week. The Saker stated moderation policy will apply eg ‘no caps’, no obscenity … etc to all post. The Cafe is now open for

Who Really Runs the Middle East?

By Cynthia Chung for the Saker Blog Afghanistan is on many people’s minds lately, though the sentiment is rather mixed. Some think of it as a cause for celebration, others for deep concern, and then there are those who think it an utter disaster that justifies foreign re-entry. Most of the western concern arises out of 9/11 and the Taliban’s supposed connection to this through Al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden,
