[This column was written for the Unz Review]
Folks in the West are taught that their civilization has its roots in ancient Rome and/or ancient Greece. This is more a case of self-aggrandizement than serious historical research. While it is true that the city of Rome was sacked in 410AD, the Christian Roman civilization continued in the East for another 1000 years until 1453. The real roots of what we nowadays call the western civilization are to be traced back to the following time periods:
- Most ancient (theoretical) roots: the early Frankish Merovingian Kingdom (481–751) and Carolingian empire (751–843).
- Formative roots: the so-called “Holy Roman Empire” (800-1806) which was “Roman” only in name (this term appeared only in the XIIIth century; in French it is called more accurately “Saint-Empire romain germanique” but it really ought to be called the “Germanic Empire”, since it was neither “Roman” nor “Holy”).
- Modern (ideological) roots: Renaissance, French Revolution, WWI, WWII, Cold War.
But in practical terms, we can say that the western civilization emerged from the Middle-Ages (5th-15th centuries) or, even better, from the times of the Crusades (1095-1410). Far from being the heir to the Roman Empire, the AngloZionist Empire is a direct descendant from the Franks and the civilization they built in the West on the ruins of the Christian Roman Empire. When Muslims nowadays speak of “Western Crusaders” they are absolutely spot on. The only difference between the original Crusaders and their modern descendants is that the former at least pretended to be Christians. The latter wear their crass materialism as a badge of honor.

The true birth of the Western Civilization
This civilization can be characterized by tremendous intellectual, technological and scientific achievement, arguably the most beautiful music ever composed (especially J.S. Bach) and many other artistic and architectural masterworks. Alas, it also has a darker side: imperialism, racism, genocide, slavery, religious and political persecutions and, of course, two world wars. So that record is checkered, to put it mildly, but it cannot be denied that in spite of its sins and flaws, western civilization also brought the world an immense intellectual legacy which inspired people worldwide. If you ask most western people what they associate with the western civilization they would probably name things like the scientific method, democracy, human rights, civil rights, the separation of powers, equality before the law, etc. People from other civilizations might view the western civilization in a very different way, but we can ignore that for our purposes. But what the so-called “collective West” (aka the AngloZionist Empire) is showing today is the exact opposite of what the West is supposed to stand for. Here are just a few examples:
- International law: with the US/NATO aggression against the Serbian nation, a major feature of western civilization died: international law. What began then with bombs on Serbian civilians in the Serbian Krajina and Bosnia continues today with the absolutely disgraceful “alignment” of the key western power and the diktat of the Anglosphere, be it on the Skripal false flag, the many chemical false flags in Syria or, most recently, the AngloZionist coup against the legitimate government of Venezuela. The truth is that nobody gives a damn about international law in the AngloZionst Empire’s ruling class and that nowadays “might makes right”.
- Human rights: the sad and outrageous truth is that the West is currently backing a (completely illegal) Nazi regime in the Ukraine, a Takfiri regime in the KSA and a Zionist (and openly racist regime) in occupied Palestine. All these regimes are mass violators of human rights and basic norms of civilized behavior. Needless to say, the US does violate a huge number of international norms and conventions in human rights, labor rights, due process, civil rights, etc. And we all know that the infamous Patriot Act was written even before the 9/11 false flag operation.
- Law of War and Geneva Conventions: same here, the US is gleefully ignoring many of the most sacred provisions of the laws of war and the Geneva Conventions either by not ratifying parts of these instruments or by finding ways to circumvent them (think GITMO, Abu Ghraib, Bagram or even the many “black” CIA prisons located in various countries world-wide; think “extraordinary rendition” too, of course). Likewise, the USA totally and unconditionally support the Uber-violator of all imaginable legal obligations: Israel
- Due process, especially evidentiary rules, have become a farce. Anybody doubting that should look up the following names: “Sami al-Arian”, “Sibel Edmonds”, “Victor Bout”, “Anwar al-Awlaki” or even “Julian Assange”. While nominally independent from the other branches of government, it appears that at least the main US courts are fully controlled by the Neocons and their Deep State.
- Respect for the political process: it is absolutely clear that the Clinton Gang never accepted the election of Trump as POTUS and by rejecting this outcome, or by trying to label Trump as a “Russian agent”, the AngloZionist leaders will never accept their defeat. Hillary’s famous “basket of deplorables” comment is a perfect illustration of the immense contempt in which the AngloZionists hold the regular people of the USA.
- Open, competitive, markets. It is pretty clear that the US has no use for open, competitive, markets and that the leaders of the Empire will use any and all methods to avoid an honest competition with the other countries, hence all the endless lists of sanctions, of threats against countries which might dare purchase non-US systems (the entire S-400 vs F-35 issue with Turkey is a perfect example). When we look at western countries, especially the USA, we see what some call “crony capitalism” with absolutely fantastic levels of corruptions, huge mega-corporations in control of entire segments of the economy, exports imposed by sanctions and threat of sanctions rather than competitive advantages, feudal labor laws, a ruthless imperialist/colonial policy of systematically robbing those who dare to live above resources the Empire needs or wants.
- Respect for alliances and partnerships. The AngloZionist Empire has no allies – only vassal states, puppet regimes and comprador 5th columnists. The US has always treated its so-called “allies” with utter contempt, but until Trump this contempt was hidden behind a thin veneer of diplomatic language. With Trump, even that is long gone.
The list goes on and on, really.

The last emperor is also naked…
On January 18th of last year I wrote an article entitled “The good news about the Trump Presidency: stupid can be good!” in which I tried to show that by his illiterate actions, Donald Trump was maybe not making “America” (should be the “USA” but nevermind that megalomania) great, but he sure was weakening the AngloZionist Empire. But this is much bigger than just one narcissistic person, What we are witnessing today is the agony of a civilization which has outlived itself and now that the Empire is in its dying throes I want to mention another good thing Trump did: he became the emperor who himself shouts “the king isn’t wearing anything at all!!” (in the original story, a child does that, but in this case, we have a “fused” “child-emperor” who does that himself).
What are the “clothes” which I am referring to? Primarily what I would call the “Cold War cloak of imperial benevolence”.
Remember the Cold War?
There was the “Evil Empire” whose Commie-Red agents were about to take over the planet and stick everybody in a labor camp versus the (collective) “West”, which embodied the ideas of freedom, democracy, human rights, equality before the law, fairness, objectivity, economic prosperity, impartiality, tolerance, pluralism, etc. etc. etc.
Then, when Clinton became President and the Neocons finally openly and brazenly seized power, a good friend of mine spoke of a “grand coming out” which would be impossible to reverse. He was right. Not only are the Neocons now in total control of the Empire, but they have completely given up on any pretense of respectability. I am not only referring to Gitmo and torture, or the obscene and unconditional support for the last openly racist country on the planet (aka “the only democracy in the Middle-East”) or, for that matter, a long string of completely illegal wars ranging from the wars against the Serbian nation in Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo. Neither am I referring to the growing list of treaties, agreements and even organizations which the USA has abrogated, denounced or withdrawn from. In fact, I am not even referring to the USA alone, but also to the so-called “friends and allies” of the Empire which can be described as “the collective West” or, maybe less charitable, the US colonies overseas.

No more ‘human face’ for capitalism!
When the Neocons finally came out and showed their true face, they did more than just affect the image of the USA abroad, they also gave a signal to their colonial administrators that all pretense of decency could now be dropped. Force, brute force, was now the order of the day. This is why Theresa May could spew out the most ridiculous and self-evidently stupid lies about the Skripals (or about Syria, for that matter) or Macron could ban RT from the Élysée and nobody would peep. This is also why Poroshenko can safely declare that the Russian armed forces have invaded the Donbass or the EU can declare that the Russians are culprits in the recent Kerch bridge incident.
The Cold War forced the masters of the Empire to show a kind of “capitalism with a human face”. That Cold War is over now, and there is no need to pretend anymore.
Will the almighty USA join the USSR on the trash-heaps of history?
Many Russians living in the West (such as Dmitri Orlov) have noted the numerous similarities between the late Soviet Union (especially the so-called “stagnation years”) and the modern USA . I myself made such a list of similarities as far back as 2014 when I listed the following:
1) A bloated military budget resulting in an ineffective military 2) A huge and ineffective intelligence community 3) A crumbling public infrastructure 4) A world record in the per-capita ratio of incarcerated people (US GULag) 5) A propaganda machine which nobody trusts any more 6) An internal dissident movement which the regime tries to keep silent 7) A systematic use of violence against the citizens 8) An increase in tensions between Federal and local authorities 9) An industry whose main exports are weapons and energy 10) A population fearful of being spied on by the internal security services |
11) A systematic assimilation of dissent with espionage and terrorism 12) An all-prevailing paranoia about internal and external enemies 13) A financially catastrophic over-reach of the empire across the planet 14) An awareness that the entire planet hates you 15) A subservient press-corps of presstitutes who never dare to ask the real questions 16) A sky-high rate of substance abuse 17) A young generation which believes in nothing at all 18) An educational system in free-fall, (the Soviet one was much better, btw) 19) A disgust with politics by the general public 20) A massive and prevailing amount of corruption on all levels of power |
But even more crucial to the eventual fate of the USSR, I would argue, is the immense chasm between what the official ideology proclaims and what the ruling elites actually really do. Speaking about the Ukraine, I wrote in 2014 that ” what the AngloZionists are openly and publicly defending in the Ukraine, is the polar opposite of what they are supposed to stand for. That is an extremely dangerous thing to do for any regime and the AngloZionist Empire is no exception to that rule. Empire often crumbles when their own people become disillusioned and disgusted with the massive discrepancy between what the ruling elites say and what they do and as a result, it is not so much that the Empire is faced with formidable enemies as it is the fact that nobody is willing to stand up – nevermind die – in defense of it.”.
The immense, mind-blowing, obscene hypocrisy of the Empire is not only revealed in its actions in the international arena or by the fact that the Empire does not shy away from allying itself with Zionists, Nazis, Takfiris and any other morally repugnant gang of thugs (see in Kosovo, for example) as long as these thugs are willing to act as the cannon fodder of the Empire. The exact same mentality permeates every political action of the Neocons in internal politics too.

The only acceptable outcome for the Clinton Gang
The Democratic Party especially, reached a new moral and ethical low when it invited Michael Cohen to testify before Congress even though the man is a convicted felon and liar and every word he would speak would be in total violation of the fundamental right of Donald Trump to keep his communications with his lawyer protected by the client-attorney relationship. What is absolutely amazing is that it is Congress which is violating the civil rights of a standing US President, and yet very few observers seem to be outraged by such actions.
This outrage was just the latest in a long series of actions by Congress which show that Congress considers Donald Trump as a traitor and a thug and we can rest assured that the Democrats won’t stop until Trump is jailed. The fact that he is the person chosen by the people of the USA to be their president does not seem to matter at all to the lynch-mob in Congress.
Again, what is so striking here is not only how the US elites are turning against each other (which is a sure symptom of a deep crisis), but also the fact that the open persecution of Trump by Congress and the Ziomedia does not even try to come up with some semi-credible explanation or semblance of respectability. What we see is a lynch-mob which is determined to hang the man they have designated as the ultimate evil.
As for Mr MAGA himself, he is now busy calling Ann Coulter a “wacky nut job” to which she responded by calling Trump an “idiot” and that having him as a President is a “national emergency” (Rex Tillerson would agree with her on that!).
Nobody can predict how this struggle between the Neocons and the Clinton Gang on one hand and Trump on the other will play out, but my personal guess is that Trump is a disposable President: the Neocons will use him to do all the crazy shit they typically are known for, and when the inevitable disaster strikes, they will blame him, him alone, while hiding their own role in what took place. This way Trump first gets to play shabbos-goy for the Neocons for a while, until they decide destroy him like Haman or Amalek (the fates of Saddam Hussein or Muammar Gaddafi immediately come to mind). Mr MAGA himself clearly was never told that tob shebe goyyim harog.
A dictatorship of minorities next?

What began with the Crusaders will end with this…
We are often told that in a real democracy minorities should be protected against abuse from the majority and, to some degree, this is true. However, the primary function of any kind of real people-power is to protect the majority, the masses, from the abuse they typically suffer at the hand of various (and often federated) minorities. Whether the Founding Fathers intended this or not, the sad reality today is that the US political system is structured in a way to primarily benefit minorities, financial or otherwise. Hence the 1% meme popularized by Occupy Wall Street. The following are some of the characteristics of the most typical minorities found in the USA (and elsewhere):
- They are typically far more aware of their minority identity/status than the majority. That is to say that if the majority is of skin color A and the minority of skin color B, this minority will be much more acutely aware of its skin color.
- They are typically much more driven and active then the majority. This is probably due to their more acute perception of being a minority. Minorities themselves present their social success as a sign of intelligence, of course, even though in reality this is the direct result of a drive which representatives of the majority typically don’t exhibit.
- They are only concerned with single-issue politics, that single-issue being, of course, their own minority status.
- Since minorities are often unhappy with their minority-status, they are also often resentful of the majority.
- Since minorities are mostly preoccupied by their minority-status linked issues, they rarely pay attention to the ‘bigger picture’ and that, in turn, means that the political agenda of the minorities typically does not threaten the powers that be.
- Minorities often have a deep-seated inferiority complex towards the putatively more successful majority.
- Minorities often seek to identify other minorities with which they can ally themselves against the majority.

Trump Derangement Syndrome
The reason why the Neocons and their Deep State love to support all types of minorities is very plain and simple: minorities and their (hyper narrow) political agenda represent absolutely no threat whatsoever to the real, hidden, powers which run the Empire. Furthermore, minorities are extremely easy to manipulate. Thus these various minorities represent the ideal power base for a party like the Democratic Party which can then use its control over minority (identity) politics in its struggle against the Republican Party.
Furthermore, if you look at that list of characteristics above, you will immediately recognize the kind of nutcases suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome which seems to chronically overcome Trump-haters.
What makes this situation particularly dangerous is that the Clinton propaganda machine (through the testimony of Mr Cohen) is now suggesting that Trump might not be willing to accept a defeat in the next elections. I submit that the there is much bigger chance of seeing Trump win again and the Clinton gang trying to play a “Guaido” trick on Trump. The screaming creature in this photo does not strike me as willing to accept that anybody but her own preferred candidate would occupy the White House.
Don’t get me wrong – screaming lesbians are funny, especially when they wear these pink “vagina hats”, but there is also a much more ominous aspect to their antics. They are all based on a categorical rejection of the outcome of the electoral process and, which is even worse, a rejection of the “other”, in this case the “deplorable” who dared to vote his/her conscience and not simply obey the instructions of the Ziomedia.
The truth is that the level of ideological intolerance among the opponents of Trump is much, much, higher than among Trump supporters. It is therefore only logical to assume that the potential for violence is much higher among the Trump-haters than it would be elsewhere. Right now all these folks are content with screaming, protesting and drinking every drop of Cool-Aid the Idiot Box delivers to them on a daily basis. But once in power, this “coalition of minorities” will ruin the USA even faster than Trump did and whatever regime (as opposed to government or Administration) they put in power, will be a far cry from the worldwide Empire the USA attempted to build after WWII.
Conclusion: Quos Deus vult perdere prius dementat

The true face of western “democracy”
What is taking place before our eyes is an amazing sight to behold: an Empire which is collapsing both internally and externally at an accelerating pace and the worse the Empire’s objective situation becomes, the more delusional and out of touch the Neocons and their Deep State appear to be.
Irrespective of all its flaws, mistakes and sins, it is sad to see how a civilization which gave the world the likes of Newton or Bach now rots away while being led by a gang of evil, arrogant, clowns. There have been plenty of villains in the history of Europe, but never such a gang of clueless and yet fantastically arrogant rulers. Just look at Trump, Macron or May – these are non-entities which pale in comparison to such leaders as Reagan, Mitterrand or even Margaret Thatcher (hardly a hero of mine, but the lady was smart, no doubt about that).
Now, with the likes of Pompeo in charge we can only pray that the losers running this dying Empire will not trigger a nuclear holocaust, whether by design or by sheer stupidity.
The Saker
I would simply point out that it was Obama who elevated Trump to the Presidency. You think not.? Then explain how it is that his FBI director destroyed Hillary’s chances 2 weeks out from the election. Or tell me why Obama led Hillary to focus on the coastal cities a month out from the elections.
He, like many others, made the assumption that hrc could not lose the election, so anything done for or against her would be immaterial toward that final outcome, a # of deplorable outcomes proved the original one to be a false one, and the democratic house of cards fell down like humpty dumpty and could not be put back together at the finish line.
and I bet that that was a pure piece of luck for the rest of us, and exceedingly prescient on the part of Obama for Hillary Clinton is beyond words as a hubristic, supremacist nut, and an ignorant, Iron maiden of violence.
in all likelihood the world would have been ended already..we would not be talking here and now about existential possibilities. we would not have been here at all
Yes, it was so awful that he actually told the truth (for one of the rare times in a disgusting political career at the FBI), after lying and covering up for Hillary for months up until then.
If the FBI had properly investigated the allegations that Hillary Clinton had a complete lapse of security as Secretary of State long before then, then Hillary Clinton would not have even been close to being in a position to try to steal the Presidency a couple of weeks before the election. And as well they had to try to sweep four years of Clinton Pay to Play as Sec of State under what was of course a very lumpy carpet.
A good review of the current status of the criminally insane, the socially insane and the insanely hapless, powerless pawns of the Empire.
It does lead one to pray for an outcome with no nuclear exchange.
Tonight, the North Koreans said that Kim is considering abandoning talking peace and denuclearization, and he may return to testing rockets, ICBMS and nukes.
This comes from Trump/Bolton/Pompeo in Hanoi refusing to give something on the edges of the sanctions. Five of eleven sanctions was what Kim wanted relieved. Trump played hard ball and refused.
Of course, China and Russia will now have an opening with Kim. He will need protection more than ever.
So, deftly, the neocons have empowered the two biggest “threats” to Empire, while weakening their own position.
This kind of irrationality by the Empire led Russia to become the decisive force in the ME.
We are truly in an Age of Stupidity. There has not been such psychotic and irrational policies in millennia.
AOC and her 93 Trillion Dollar Green New Deal pales at the feet of the Empire/s Schizoid Fantasies of Global Dominance.
But both are a reality the rest of us must deal with. Grab the straight jackets and syringes full of Amisulpride,
Aripiprazole, Clozapine, Olanzapine, Paliperidone, Quetiapine or Risperidone. Any of them will do.
It’s an Emergency. Humpty Dumpty is ready to fall.
I believe Trump was chosen to be President a long long time before the election. That Obama proved that by having Hillary’s FBI investigation reopened and closed again two weeks out from election day. Obama certainly knew reopening investigation of Hillary two weeks out from election day would lose Hillary the election.
So face it…Obama made straight the path of Trump to the Office by deliberately crueling Hillarys chances. Ask yourself how it could be the case the Agency’s were working against Trump if they brought Hillary into direpute two weeks out from the election. We are told their skin in the game was all loaded on a Hillary win at any cost including things like the Steele dossier BUT attacking Hillary two weeks out from the election proves that was in no way the case. We have all been conned. We are still being conned. All the theatre, the enquiries, the media bias is confected to hide the fact that Obama intervened in the election to ensure a Trump win.
Qui bono? How would Obama benefit from sinking Hillary?
There are no opposing sides in US politics. Behind the charade sits the uniparty. It is not a question of how could it benefit Obama. It is how does it satisfy the Uniparty. There is a ME peace plan about to be unveiled. Only Trump can do it because Trump was born 700 days before the declaration of Israel. Was elected with 77 electoral college votes margin. Turned 70 on his inauguration. And a whole host of other numerics prized by those who believe in such things. The so called Sanhedrin has minted a silver half shekel with his head and Cyrus’s head on it. He has been favoured by them all his life. Every misstep cleaned up.
You’re wasting your time, Anony, because most people cannot accept that Left v Right (and East v West) is a con game controlled by the trillionaire oligarchs. Sure even when you provide evidence of that charade (look at the intense media coverage that Trump’s candidature received), people will still not believe.
A person cannot be red-pilled — they’ve got to accept it themselves. That is why most Sakerites look longingly towards Communist China as their saviour. That is the dialectic at work. Trump is another actor chosen to lead the scripted downfall of the West so that we can all accept some new-fangled totalitarianism being cooked up for us.
In before the strawmen wielding their straw man — “the West” is a fascist totalitarian society posing as a liberal nirvana. That does not mean we have to accept another totalitarianism in its place, e.g. the silk road, social credit score nonsense.
You might find this article both illuminating and informative and hopefully it will encourage you to see that the Chinese social credit system is not nonsense and is completely different from the Zionist/fascist police state model in many ways.
No – everything is not hopeless and a waste of time. Our morally degenerate “leaders” just want us to think that so in our demoralised and fearful state we are easier to control and will thus tolerate their aggressive xenophobia.
“No – everything is not hopeless and a waste of time.”
It is, unfortunately https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2019/01/19/made-j19.html
“It’s pretty clear from this article, China is prepared to become a global hyper-capitalist player discontent in playing it’s current role. Domestic consumption economic goals are a dead end now, before being a strategy out of the 08 global recession. What the U.S. will not brook is China designing product AND having the sweatshops in place to realize huge profits. How long will their working class bear this weight?”
Trot cobblers. The WSWS mob seem to harbour definite racist antipathies towards the Chinese style of socialism because they refuse to recognise that socialism in a vastly different civilization might just deviate from the Trot blueprint. The rigidity of mind betrayed by the Trots almost undermines the excellent reportage that they produce, in my mind at least.
Mulga – and why do we call Trotskyite ravings cobblers?
Because it is the most murderous form of zionist terror ever witnessed.
We quite rightly condemn the Hitler era but overlook the horrific communist/Zionist slaughter of millions of Russians in the period immediately after the coup in 1917.
Hitler, incidentally, was funded by the same people who funded the Bolshevik terror regime
“American companies associated with the Morgan-Rockefeller international investment bankers… were intimately related to the growth of Nazi industry… those firms controlled through the handful of financial houses, the Federal Reserve Bank system, the Bank for International Settlements, and their continuing international cooperative arrangements and cartels which attempt to control the course of world politics and economics.”.
Fascists, communists it is all zionism.
Lev Davidovich Bronstein better known as Leon Trotsky, was a Jewish communist, mass murderer and Marxist ideologue.
Trotsky advocated a ‘Permanent Revolution’ that facilitated the ‘revolutionary holocaust’ revealed by Marx. Funded by Jacob Schiff and Max Warburg, Trotsky was the preferred candidate of the international Jewish bankers.
“Meanwhile as head of the military wing Trotsky had Lenin’s authorisation to mobilise state forces against the people. This he did to devastating effect. A horrific cycle of crucifixions, scalpings and other “bestial tortures” ensued. Eyes were poked out, tongues cut off, and victims were buried alive. Shootings by Jewish Communist Cheka (police) where common place and there where those who cut open their victim’s stomach, pulled out a length of small intestine, nailed it to a telegraph pole, and with a whip forced the victim to run circles around the pole until the whole intestine became unravelled. To emphasis Trotsky’s utter distain for the European people in 1921 messengers who represented starving peasants asked him for help he said “You are starving? This is not famine yet! When your women start eating their children then you may come and say we are starving”.
For those that believe the horrors of Jewish Bolshevik cruelty are solely a part of a forgotten past they are sadly mistaken. The future looks much bleaker. One must point to a contemporary example that compares in all its horrific detail with Trotsky and his Cheka brutality. Be assured if creatures such as those involved in this current incident are unleashed on the world unfettered the crimes of the past will seem tame compared to what the future holds. Recently a group of Jewish men were arrested in connection with a massive human organ trafficking operation involving the removal of organs from living ethnic Serbs.”
Let us not be fooled by this wsws “socialist” rubbish. It is the”chosen people” characterised by their trademark of utter hatred for the human race. Kidnapping children for sexual abuse and removal of their organs is very much part of zionist activity today.
Tomsk…thanks for that Greanville Post article…a super informative read…I will be reading more from this author…
China’s social credit score is a means to reward social and personal decency and solidarity, and identify the spivs, rorters, rip-off merchants and parasites, the very types who rule in the glorious West. Most of the negative scores are designed to identify business crooks, to warn the public against them, based on their record. To do that in the West would be unforgivably ‘antisemitic’, ‘anti-business’, ‘anti-American’ or some other such epithet designed to protect the predators.
@ Mulga Mumblebrain
China’s social credit score is a means to reward social and personal decency and solidarity, and identify the spivs, rorters, rip-off ….
Who determines what is right and wrong in such a system Mulga? Are we ruled by our own conscience in determining what is right or wrong or is the government there to tell us what the laws are? And who or by what authority does a government act to legislate morality? A Genhgis Khan perhaps or a Hitler/ Stalin?
There is a very dangerous precedent that is being set in china and apparently all over the world. This unfortunately flies in the face of God who is the ultimate lawgiver and for mankind to recognize that it is the lawlessness of mankind that is the ultimate source of all suffering and pain and yet reject what God says about the sin nature of mankind again flies in the face of God. Freedom and happiness begins by recognizing the sin nature and then dealing with it at the cross and then by way of the self government of the individual person. Our rulers however, want to reject this in favor of a system that is going to take away all of our liberties and freedoms. Wow! Is this not what Christ spoke about the Abomination of Desolation which is basically a man another nebuchnedazzar boasting itself a god and not man and demanding from you your praise and worship for you to receive its welfare in a system that promise so much and yet robs us of everything we hold dear. The 666 is about technology {we are being watched our ever move?} linked with banking and political expediency and soon a king is to arrive who will rule over it all and demand your allegiance otherwise bye, bye? Do people not understand that someone else wants to play god with you and people want it that way instead of following the only true source of liberty and freedom that is in Christ Jesus!
It’ll be time to run for the hills soon enough.
milan, in China what is considered good or bad social behaviour is determined by the Government, as in most States. Leaving it to God is difficult, so in the few countries that claim to do so, which we call theocracies; ‘God’s’ preferences are interpreted by intermediaries called imams, mullah, ayatollahs, rabbis and priests, preachers and sundry others, who refer to texts written millennia ago. In China the law is based on the political ideology of the ruling Communist Party, traditional Chinese practise, and the thorough sampling of public opinion that the Chinese Government engages in more wide-rangingly than any other Government on Earth. As a system it is not perfect, because no human system of governance is, but it seems pretty satisfactory to my eyes.
“but it seems pretty satisfactory to my eyes.”
“One city, Rongcheng, gives all residents 1,000 points to start. Authorities make deductions for bad behaviour like traffic violations, and add points for good behaviour such as donating to charity.“
So, rather than the Communist Party adequately funding social programs via taxation of the billionaire class, citizens will be “incentivised” to provide funding.
This is similar to lottery taxation of the poor in the US https://thinkprogress.org/powerballs-1-5-billion-swindle-of-americans-260a3d58e19e/
@ Mulga
“Leaving it to God is difficult,”
I don’t think so. As far as religion and politics goes the greatest political statement ever written by anyone in this miserable history of ours this ‘sewer of humanity’ that the Saker has perfectly illustrated here came by way of a prayer:
‘Our Father who is in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.
‘Your kingdom come.
Your will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven.
‘Give us this day our daily bread.
‘And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.
‘And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. {Mathew 6:9-13}
Next to this are the words of the Historian Josephus who upon experiencing all the nonsense that is human government rightly said:
Some nations place the sovereignty of their land in the hands of a single ruler [monarchy], some in the hands of a number of rulers [oligarchy], and some in the hands of the people [democracy]. Moses our Teacher taught us to place our faith in none of these forms of government. He taught us to obey the rule of God, for to God alone did he accord kingship and power. He commanded the people always to raise their eyes to God, for He is the source of all good for mankind in general and for each person in particular and in Him will people find help when they pray to Him in their time of suffering, for no act is hidden from His understanding and no hidden thought of man’s heart is hidden from Him.
Faith is not blind but my how the authorities want it to be so and why? Because they want to play god themselves and the precedent being set in China and elsewhere is frightening. I am reminded by a quote by the oligarchy: a Col. House:
“[Very] soon, every American will be required to register their biological property in a National system designed to keep track of the people and that will operate under the ancient system of pledging.
By such methodology, we can compel people to submit to our agenda, which will affect our security as a chargeback for our fiat paper currency. Every American will be forced to register or suffer not being able to work and earn a living.
They will be our chattel, and we will hold the security interest over them forever, by operation of the law merchant under the scheme of secured transactions. Americans, by unknowingly or unwittingly delivering the bills of lading to us will be rendered bankrupt and insolvent, forever to remain economic slaves through taxation, secured by their pledges.
They will be stripped of their rights and given a commercial value designed to make us a profit and they will be none the wiser, for not one man in a million could ever figure our plans and, if by accident one or two would figure it out, we have in our arsenal plausible deniability.
After all, this is the only logical way to fund government, by floating liens and debt to the registrants in the form of benefits and privileges. This will inevitably reap to us huge profits beyond our wildest expectations and leave every American a contributor to this fraud which we will call “Social Insurance.”
Without realizing it, every American will insure us for any loss we may incur and in this manner; every American will unknowingly be our servant, however begrudgingly. The people will become helpless and without any hope for their redemption and, we will employ the high office of the President of our dummy corporation to foment this plot against America.”
I can’t begin to imagine what those in power 1930’s would have implemented if they had the kind of technology that exists today? Rockefeller especially has this desire to chip everyone? Believe me when the time arrives that the government demands you to be chipped remember what I have tried to share here. The bible amazingly warns us beforehand. and here’s another statement from a true political power the only power that should be taken seriously and no one doesn’t need a priest, imam, etc etc for this:
“I have told you these things before they happen so that when they do happen, you will believe.” John 14:29
Yes, milan-I get it. You are a theocrat and you know exactly what God wants. Lucky you. I respect your opinion and am happy for you in your certainty.
@Mulga…I agree with you about the social credit being a way to empower the consumer and ordinary citizen vis a vis any flim flam artists in a position of power or economic leverage…the western misinformation about this subject is so crude that it’s funny…of course the hopelessly indoctrinated will fall for the koolaid…
Also, I don’t believe China is at all interested in being a world empire…another koolaid canard from the psyops machine…westerners don’t actually understand the idea of virtue and humanism…the fundamental western ideology of individualism as embodied by the psychopath Ayn Rand is fundamentally opposite to objective truth…in other words, Chinese culture with 2,000 years of Confucianism has imbued itself with objective truth that has eluded the west…which has simply been on the wrong path for 500 years now…
The west and its people have just helplessly deteriorated… physically, mentally and spiritually…the Chinese people display a vitality that exudes health and balance…you can just see this in people…
FB, the Chinese repeatedly state that they have NO interest in bullying or exploiting other countries, just in trading with them, exchanging students and ideas and millions of tourists, and aiding them in their development. The Western political and fakestream media hate-machines do not compute such ways and means, after 500 years of relentless aggression, destruction, genocide, exploitation and racist and civilizational contempt directed at the non-Western untermenschen, so they lie about China and project their own racist methods and habits onto the Chinese. The USA has over 1000 foreign military bases, China ONE. The USA interferes, maliciously, in virtually every country on Earth and practises an insane extraterritoriality based on manic delusions of racial and cultural supremacism, and China, to say the least, does not.
It is quite correct to understand that the divisions being fomented are used as a distraction from the real enemy – the ruling class. Tribes go to war over money/resources. Magas are taught to hate the poor for making government steal from them to give to the hand below and Libs are taught to hate the rich who have more ways to circumvent wealth appropriation than they can think of.
And meanwhile the owners of the system are hermits in a hidden Paradise.
This comment sounds like Alex Jones-style pysops about the “scripted downfall” of America. This psyops is a self-serving alibi to portray the so-called West (and America in particular) as the victim, when in fact it is a victimizer on a global scale for the past several centuries.
America and the West in general will deservedly collapse because of their own malign culture and unsustainably parasitic way of life–regardless of any “trillionaire oligarchs.” Indeed, this focus on assorted oligarchs is another psyops to avoid confronting their morally bankrupt Capitalist system in general, which the controlled opposition shills like Alex Jones and the Alt. Right Media carefully avoid talking about.
As for China, it’s true problem–like that of Russia–is not because they have failed to embrace the Goebbelsian deception called (Western) Freedom and Democracy™, but because they have not fully broken free from the malign civilizational influence of the West and America in particular.
These Euro-American crusaders simply cannot stand to face fact that their “cherished values” have always been lies since 1776 and beyond. Now, when their false secular religion of Euro-American Freedom is showing its true fraudulent nature, they contrive self-serving Orwellian memes to divert attention from this reality.
Pathetic and insecure bastards.
Governments controlled by Nationalism, Ideologies or Religions are inevitably totalitarian and tyranical ie Communism; Nazism; you name it. In 1776 the USA was founded on the rights (and responsibilities) of the individual: it was not based on “lies”, and showed a vision of what could be for “all men”. It got corrupted by greed, power, and the Banksters, (notably, English banksters), a profound Hypocrisy and laziness on the part of the people to stay involved and informed. It was a worthwhile vision yet to be realised.
When the USA was founded, such ‘individuals’ as the Indigenous ‘savages’ had NO ‘rights’, so were exterminated. Black slaves and white ‘indentured labour’ had no ‘rights’ so were exploited, often to death, and brutalised. Women had no ‘rights’, politically and very few otherwise, and the labouring classes were second-class citizens at best. The only ‘individuals’ enjoying full rights were the rich owners of the country, the ‘Founding Fathers’ and their ilk. And despite occasions in the intervening years when various ‘rights’ were permitted for the untermenschen, mostly out of fear of communism, these were always wound back when the opportunity arose, particularly in the realm of economic rights, which are nowadays more or less non-existent. Or, to paraphrase Anatole France, in America everyone, rich or poor alike, has the right to lie drug-addled in the street amidst human faeces and garbage if they choose to do so.
and they do that a lot – before I left San Francisco last year I walked from top of Russian Hill where I lived to SF Opera it took about 20 min.
I counted I think 12 dirt-poor homeless mostly white and young, injecting heroin openly (along the way – not all together) at around 2 pm.
Americans pretended not to notice them , but tourists walking buy were very shocked and scared. I advised them to pick a different route
Once I took a train to Sacramento – there were tent cities all the way by the rail way (mostly white people sleeping in tents)
I have never seen so much (and so extreme) poverty anywhere else
It’s not a rich country at all – even the very wealthy friends I see when I go back are getting more and more fearful and stingy
Perhaps some Sakerites look to China, where rationality appears to reign, because they are not paranoiacs.
Primary handler to the Hildabeast – George Soros – Rothschild backed NWO ultrazionist multibillionaire. Primary handler to Trump – Sheldon Adelson – Rothschild backed NWO ultrazionist multibillionaire. I propose that the apparent attempt to “take down” Trump is kabuki theater where most on both sides, including most of the federal politicians, are “useful idiots,” and only the top of the compartmentalized, pyramidal power structure knows the agenda. I highly suspect that the intention of our Owners (as the late George Carlin so aptly nailed it) was a Trump election victory all along to intensify the fractionalization of the body politic. The old Roman Empire ploy, divide and conquer. Has worked well for millennia along with the action> reaction> solution Hegelian dialectic. And when I read the New York Times or the comment section of Zero Hedge (who all consider themselves thoroughly red pilled), I see how well it is working. There is a lot of talk of a second Civil War. I prefer to refer to the first one as the War of Southern Secession, nothing civil about it. But what would be a realistic name for the upcoming one? My wife also has Trump Derangement Syndrome, but fortunately for me, not very similar to the unappetizing poster girl above. It’s all knee-jerk emotional with little critical thinking. Trump’s full court crudeness, minuscule vocabulary, and con-man narcissism can blind the “snowflakes” as to how they are being played for suckers.
Re Qui Bono, maybe Obama, who must have known Hillary best of all, was as terrified of a Hillary win as the rest of us.
I agree. Hillary would have much more compliant with any of the elite’s empire maintenance demands. Trump is a bull in the china shop.
I’m rather of the camp, Anonymouse, that sees Trump as a great big accident. Judging from his facial expression of shock and surprise when he won, and the mumblings of various ‘insiders’ since, I imagine that the whole campaign was a big PR stunt, that went out of control when the DNC double-crossed the Bernouts, imposed the hideous, cackling, Queen of Bloodshed on the Democrats, and 100 million voters absented themselves. ‘Won’t Get Fooled Again’ won by several lengths, from Popinjay, with the favourite of the bookmakers, Banshee Beach, trailing, but lodging interminable protests at the result.
@Mulga…regarding ‘Won’t get fooled again’ et al…now that’s some seriously funny stuff…hats off…LOL
Thanks, FB-it came to me in a dream. A waking nightmare, really.
You are a clear thinker Anonymous!
Well the Ides of March is upon us.In early calendars it was the first full moon of the year.
Depending on your preference, we may have a week to go before it hits. Just a random thought.
Probably just an overreaction to the shit that just went down in New Zealand
We need to fear the approach of Purim. The renewed bombing of Gaza, the declaration by the Zionazis that they will never return an inch of stolen land, the moves to illegally annex the Golan, the loony disinfo that Syria had threatened to re-take the Golan militarily, and the massacre in Christchurch all look like they are setting the scene for Satan-yahoo’s much desired ‘New Purim’, like his and Sharon’s beloved ‘New Pearl Harbor’.
This may sound ‘over the top’ but these front men for the ruling cabal, dark, angry, soulless liars, make Lil Kim in North Korea look like a good guy. Are we surprised at how this latest meeting with Trump turned out? The real tyrants don’t negotiate. They only make demands. Total surrender, and then we will discuss the sanctions and what relief might be provided. If you were the leader, Kim, would you bow and surrender, hoping for the great kindness of this Empire? If the U.S. was not involved, the two Koreas could probably sort this all out in an equitable fashion. But the tyrant won’t have any of this. Since they met in Hanoi, it is my understanding Kim was encouraged to take the same route as Vietnam whom Trump called ‘wonderful people’. I had wondered since in modern times the U.S. has good relations with that country, how this all transpired. As it turns out, Amerika did not lose the Vietnam war. They forced them to pay war reparations first. The U.S. started the conflict. Bombed the crap out of them. Showered their land and people with poison, the effects of which still linger, and the Vietnamese had to pay war reparations!! Then they got them on the IMF loan trap. Basically, Vietnam is a slave nation, most being desperately poor with no education or medical care. These are the ‘good people’ Trump lauds. This is what they recommend North Korea accept. It should repulse every decent bone in our bodies.
Vietnam is not a ‘slave state’. Anyone who has visited knows that, and as for no education or healthcare-you’re thinking of the USA, surely? That is not to say that the USA does not wish to make Vietnam its slave, like the rest of the world that it controls, but I very much doubt that they will manage it before their own collapse.
AOC and her 93 Trillion Dollar Green New Deal pales at the feet of the Empire/s Schizoid Fantasies of Global Dominance.
Sorry, what I meant to type with that post, which went awry, was:
“What does this statment mean?”
I don’t understand the juxtapostion here.
I’ve got a bit of a different take on this mess, although I wholeheartedly agree that The Empire is falling at an ever increasing rate.
I might not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but looking at Foggy Bottom from afar I’m coming to the opinion that President Trump’s election was the greatest false flag in history. In other words, I think he and the deplorables were had in an epic ‘up yours, idiots’ scam. The proof was in the pudding when before the dust settled from the election and the final two states were still counting, the loser’s minions were shown to the nation in their stunned silence and the ‘media stars’ were in poleaxed mode and the calls for impeachment of president elect Trump started. For those with a short attention span, months before president elect Trump took the oath of office and became President Trump the impeachment and indictment schemes were coming to fruition.
Now. Is President Trump a sweet hearted starry eyed kindly gentleman? While I’ve never met him I would tend to say probably not, one does not get to those halls of exalted power by being gentle. On the other hand, I’ve never seen the likes of the vitriol spewed towards president elect Trump or President Trump. As President Trump gathered his team of advisers and assistants, many of us watched in surprise as one by one qualified candidates were destroyed and moved aside as the likes of Pompeo appeared to ‘replace’ them. With ‘friends’ like these, who needs enemies? On the other hand, here is a conservative who managed to not only overcome a vehemently antagonistic ‘news’ media, both national and international, but his ‘own’ political party, the GOP, the ‘Grand Old Party’, who were supposedly conservative and who have done everything possible to hobble and actually destroy President Trump. In the end, all the President could do was stand there in stunned silence as everything he said he would do if elected, and he was elected by what to all intents and purposes was a landslide, was systematically defeated by by his own party and an entrenched opposition coup d’etat fomenting group of Clinton installed minions in the FBI. (And yeah, someone should shut down Trumps ‘twitter’ account, if he even has one. The census of opinion hereabouts is even a ten year old knows Trump is not tweeting.)
Now, for those of you who still have some ray of hope that things will change and get better, forget it. Ain’t going to happen in our lifetimes, there will never be another Republican president or administration. The changes in some state’s laws for ‘counting’ votes, with more changes coming, assures that this will never happen. ‘Vote harvesting’ after the fact has changed several outcomes in state representative elections from victories of Republican candidates to Democrat winners. This little trick bodes no good and it’s an amazement that ONLY Republican candidates had their victories overturned days and even weeks after the election, not a single Democrat lost their ‘victory’.
So, what does this little drib of opinion and information tell? For starters, what to all intents and purposes is an empire intent on ruling the known world is in a downward spiral the bottom of which is unknown. The economy in USA is in the toilet and this is incontrovertible fact. I have a singular way of judging ‘how things are’ in US for we ordinary workers and peasants and the death spiral has been ever growing for the last 5 years. At this time, things look really bad for those who work at something beyond a television screen connected to an electronic box that does wondrous things with something called ‘the internet’. The Middle Class of skilled tradesmen, small business owners and skilled craftsmen is gone. Period. It’s gone.
More ominous, I keep in contact with those who, like me, are of a ‘conservative’ bent including many who either served or are serving in the armed forces. I can’t tell you how may are quietly preparing for hard times, really really hard times, and this includes moving from east or west coast areas where they served and/or worked to ‘back home’ in the central states. I will not go in to the details of what they are telling me, I will simply say that preparing for a disaster is simple prudence and these men and their wives, many of whom both served for years, clearly see impending disaster.
One more little tidbit of info from a friend of over twenty years standing. He lives in central US state, a small town but far from being a backwater village. We were discussing things late last month and he very clearly told me that many in his town and area are planning. Of interest, almost a footnote of what we discussed, was his statement that the local law enforcement department and citizens know who each and every narcotics dealer and petty thief is and each and every person those dealers and thieves are dependent on. He clearly said that come ‘the day’, life and livelihood for these dealers and thieves would change instantly. He stated that come the worst, his ‘area’ could become self sufficient almost overnight in regards to the basics of life such as food, transport, water supply and even electric power. When I asked him that if in a worst case scenario with cities crumbling and starvation and depredation walking the streets of the cities, what would he and his town do if ‘migrant’s’ started to appear demanding succor. His reply was actually realistic, and prescient, for catastrophic times. “We can not take in useless mouths to feed.”
An Incident On Simonka https://saker.community/product/an-incident-on-simonka-a-novel-by-r-h-auslander-pdf-ed/
March 2014. NATO Is Invited To Leave Sevastopol, One Way Or The Other.
Sevastopol, The Third Defense, Book 1. A story set against a backdrop of real events and real places.
The ‘bellum omnium contra omnes’ looms. Here in Austfailia, the raw hatred between the ‘Right’ and ‘Left’, say on the question of the ecological Holocaust, that can only be denied by those willfully blind and deaf to reality, is rising to a fever pitch. It will just take a spark and -kaboom! Social solidarity is nil, save in small, loony, tribes united only in their hatred of anyone unlike themselves.
I’d hate to see what happens when the cities start having more problems than they have now. Instant anarchy and only the strong will survive. This situation, if it does happen, will start slowly and reality is it has already started in some cities with entire streets covered with the ‘camps’ of the homeless. When the public funds run out, all bets are off and it will not be pretty.
The Outback is a fairly demanding environment . Cooper Pedy? Anyone?
Anonymouse, I see the blackfellas going bush again, along with smart whitefellas, and, if they survive the ecological collapse and the Mad Max types that will swarm out of the coastal regions (like the lunatic monster responsible for the Christchurch butchery), after a few thousand or tens of thousands of years, when ecological balance starts being restored, the 200 years of Western ecological carnage might end up as Dreaming stories. A nightmare epoch that ended in self-destruction.
Who really cares what would happen in a few thousand years when you won’t be around anyway?
Thank you, Saker, for your ongoing courage and… sense of humor, making the bitter palatable enough to consider and discuss with many good faith contributors.
I acknowledge specifically Mulga, Tomsk, and Auslander for their contributions.
The symptoms decline-past-the-point-of-no-return-to-collapse in the empire, as summarized in the article are valid, and the argument predicting the collapse is reasonable.
It is likely clear to many avid collaborators, here in the Vineyard, that Don Don is playing a part in a long and incredibly reliable trend, which has been repeated many times in the past 2500 years; The Don is more of a symptom, or, as suggested above, playing a role, in a manner which exceeded the expectations of the ‘management class’, likely because of increasing detachment from the vast majority, 99%, aka ‘humanity’.
In the larger world view, we can detect a logarithmic increase is events resulting in “fracturing” cohesiveness, at many different levels from global to the extremist ‘feminist’ activism, creating rifts in the bedrooms of the empire.
Except, as pointed out by Mulga, ( /mr-maga-and-the-end-of-western-civilization/#comment-624280 ) within a global, extra-national ideologically cohesive affiliation, which is associated with the cause of the ‘disruption’ so fantastically beyond random chance, that we must acknowledge a relationship of some kind, if we are to justify our own rationality.
We see at the same time that discrete geopolitical units which have been able to lessen the systematic sedition of their national sovereignty from the parasitic social infection, are comparatively well-off, but no one is well off when the disease of the hatred of humanity is so widespread in control across the entire biosphere.
The symptoms decline-past-the-point-of-no-return-to-collapse in the empire, as summarized in the article are valid, and the argument predicting the collapse is reasonable.
… but it is the architecture, cause, infrastructure, and ongoing activities promoting the death of the host society, which is the relevant information.
It is very possible that this is by design, to evade (more likely forestall) the quite expectable censorship, which may nonetheless ensue at any time.
Like piecing together a jigsaw puzzle, around a single missing piece, the remaining free minds may realize what is contained in the missing piece.
The information is out there.
Yes it is guarded, and there is much watching at those accessing this information, like Hasbara and Oded Yinon, or throughout the sacred texts, voluminous though they are, are replete with extremist hatred of humanity and reiteration of the prime directive of enslavement and destruction of humanity, and encouragement for any actions which lead to this outcome.
Please, if you are not aware of this information, please refrain from responding to my comment with your (programmed) negative condemnation, prior to educating yourself on this material; I can suggest you start with Douglas Reed’s exceedingly coherent overview in “The Controversy of Zion“; from there, you will see a myriad of further avenues of investigation.
One Tribe, here in Austfailia, after the Christchurch butchery, the Islamophobes who have been fomenting hatred, often to please their Zionazi paymasters, and to grab that crucial 5% of the hard-core race haters whose votes are vital in our preferential and compulsory voting system, since at least 2000, have, with practised chutzpah, audacity, mendacity and hypocrisy, begun preaching brotherly love for Moslems, and blaming the Left for Islamophobia. It’s rather reminiscent of the rabid Zionazis accusing Corbyn, probably the most noted anti-racist in the UK Parliament, of virulent ‘Jew-hatred’, but, nothing ventured, nothing gained as they say. Or, as Adolph H., the patron saint of all such detestable liars said, when lying, tell a Big Lie, because that will impress the plebs, who would doubt that anyone would have the gall to tell such a whopper. The simple fact is that, among the inhabitants of any state or society, a certain number, depending on circumstances, is morally Evil, to varying degrees, and not, one hopes (if not believes)intractably so. In Austfailia it is bloody easy to spot who they are, but in our Through the Looking Glass Darkly world, we pretend that there are no racists, no bigots, no xenophobes, no class haters and no enemies of Life on Earth who put profit before our children’s lives. And every word of hate speech, no matter how vile, is sacred as ‘Free Speech’. From the moral and spiritual point of view we are a great, big, Potemkin society, all facade, with a crumbling and corrupt mess behind the front.
I agree. I was boy scout…simple prudence means being prepared the best ya can. Once a scout, always a scout…
In times of real trouble, eg 2 or 3 days after the lights go off and stay off… Then the blood runs freely. Horrible prospect, and many small US towns and their sheriffs, know it. They’re pretty screwy, but not blind or stupid. They’ll block the roads with deputy militia and whatever they can muster – just fer starts.
What did China used to call the US? Paper Tiger? Not entirely the case, but close enough…dying tiger might be more accurate…dangerous…but you know how it ends.
That’s why I mentioned in my original post that the clever ones are quietly withdrawing to ‘back home’, family, kith and kin are there. Most folks in the ‘countryside’ are armed and always have been. Local law enforcement are generally local men and women who grew up there. Local heads of departments, water, electric etc are local folks with family there. Many of them grew up on the farms or had friends on the farms and spent many a day in spring, summer and fall helping out or simply visiting their school chums. They all know how to live and do without and there’s plenty of older folks who remember very well the hand water pumps to get well water and the outhouse for biological functions. Everyone knows everyone and like my friend send, they won’t take in ‘useless mouths to feed’. I’m sure those with useful skills have a chance. No one else does.
It’s the city and suburban crowd who will be in deep kaka. The libs think they can rely on their paid guards but if things get really bad, these ‘paid guards’ will be more concerned with their own families than their paymasters. One week without water or electric or sewer in a city and it’s over, the fight will be on. While this probably won’t happen tomorrow, I’m afraid a lot of us, even folks my age, will live to see it. At least I’ll be reading about on the news. I pity those who will go through this.
I am not conservative, but I spent almost half of my life in a rabidly conservative region of the US (Texas). While living there, from the beginning of the Vietnam War until 1987, I was constantly exposed to nice, conservative people who talked of genocide — fill in random national, ethnic or political target [here] — as casually as asking mom to pass the potatoes. They were the most intolerant people I ever knew, and I have lived in San Francisco, London and Sao Paulo, Brazil, where I live now. (I must admit, however, that Bolsonaro’s Brazil is reminding me of Texas on a daily basis.)
I’ll get to the point now. Are these wholesome folks you speak of — these conservative people preparing for hard times — casually speaking about plans for mass executions and torture, in exactly the same manner the good folks in Texas speak of it? And do these hard timers, who seem to think their suffering is exclusive to them, take any personal responsibility for voting for, and supporting, and signing up for, the stupid and purely offensive wars they fought in Iraq, Afghanistan and/or Syria?
Just curious to know if these “upright”, moral conservatives are just hypocrites thirsting for even more blood.
I’ll get to the point now. Are these wholesome folks you speak of — these conservative people preparing for hard times — casually speaking about plans for mass executions and torture, in exactly the same manner the good folks in Texas speak of it? And do these hard timers, who seem to think their suffering is exclusive to them, take any personal responsibility for voting for, and supporting, and signing up for, the stupid and purely offensive wars they fought in Iraq, Afghanistan and/or Syria?
Just curious to know if these “upright”, moral conservatives are just hypocrites thirsting for even more blood.”
I love it when someone tries to put words in my mouth.
Never The Last One https://saker.community/product/never-the-last-one-a-novel-by-r-h-auslander-pdf-ed/ A deep look in to Russia, her culture and her Armed Forces, in essence a look at the emergence of Russian Federation.
You and your acquaintances speak a code I am intimately familiar with. What you assert is putting words in your mouth is me translating the bloody-mindedness you alluded to in your previous post, which to summarize, was a description of people planing violence against people they simply don’t like. Your post was an unvarnished threat against some of your neighbors.
You and your acquaintances speak a code I am intimately familiar with. What you assert is putting words in your mouth is me translating the bloody-mindedness you alluded to in your previous post, which to summarize, was a description of people planing violence against people they simply don’t like. Your post was an unvarnished threat against some of your neighbors.”
Ummm….how did I threaten Babushka Viktorya on our east side? How did I threaten her son Kostya and his wife and lovely daughter who live across the street from us? How did I threaten Babushka Ksenya who lives on our north side and whom we’ve taken care of for over a decade? How did I threaten Dedushka Yuroslav on our west border? I certainly would never threaten our six daughters and one son living with us, Plyushya, Zychkya, Alyeesya, Ye’katarina, Sophia, Ella and Aleksandr. I never threatened our son and two daughters serving in Novorossiya. I never threatened our other two daughters safely succored well over a thousand kilometers from us. I never threatened anyone I know or don’t know in SehSha far to the west of us.
Please, kindly enlighten me as to who I threatened. However, I think you need a little emotion massaging. You need to read this:
Blue Cloud https://saker.community/product/blue-cloud-my-life-annya-koli-pdf-novel/
Annya’s words and gentle voice with her charming Russian accent have a calming effect that might make you a little less irritated. As for me, I never threaten anyone.
With kindest regards
Was that soothing irony, or confusion or both? You tell of violent plans being made by people in the US, no doubt adherents of the ironic style of fascism — as referred to here , then go on about sweet, innocent Russian sons and daughters.
As for my needing an emotion massage, that’s a dumb thing to say. (What I need is justice, not a massage. And yes, I am very irritated, little man.) I assume you’ve never been tortured by FSB agents, nor any of their street level goons working in your city, in your medical labs and barber shops. I have been psychically tortured by American goons in two countries, and have survived a near twenty year Zersetzung torture session. To someone of my experience, you sound rather silly as you fantasize about what you and like minded Americans are going to do to petty thieves when the hard times arrive.
Twenty years ago, I never would have imagined myself talking down to someone in Russia who may have lived through the collapse of the USSR, the depredations of the neo-liberals, the shortened life spans and other hardships Russians endured in those years. I never imagined I might understand what that experience might be like. But there it is, I can talk down to you, who has no idea what it’s like to be tortured and receive death threats from USAF and God affiliated relatives — relatives who helped the American Alphabet Stasi develop my Zersetzung program.
You seem the pampered child trying to deflect attention from your boast about violent plans your buddies in the US are making.
Link “here” did not render.
Here it is:
Stan it takes some chutzpah for a Zionazi filth rag like the Guardian, filled to the gills with Islamophobes and Zionazis like Cohen, Freedland and their coterie of feminazi hags, to pontificate about on-line Islamophobic hatred. The global epicentre of genocidal Islamophobic agitation is Israel, which the Guardian Zionazis would die in a ditch to defend, and critics of which terrorist, apartheid state, are routinely slandered by the Guardian thugs as ‘antisemites’.
And that’s “physically tortured”, not “psychically”. My mind is just right, and still my own, despite the Zersetzung gas-lighting nonsense US goons perpetrate from their hiding places.
“What I need is justice, not a massage. And yes, I am very irritated, little man.”
There is no justice, my friend, we, the ordinary workers and peasants, can expect none and none will ever be given. Such is life. You sound very angry but that happens. I can do nothing to assuage your anger, life is what it is, good, bad, worse than bad, and trust me, you can not say anything to me that has not been said in times past nor can you make me angry.
You have not a clue as to who I am or what I am. I will only tell you that I have not lived in SehSha, USA, since 2005, by choice. It is common knowledge on forum where I live, Severnya Region, Federal City of Sevastopol.
I am not sure whereabouts in Texas you may have lived. There are a lot of different places in Texas. And across the old South in the USA.
I live in the suburbs of the capital of Texas, and they are nice suburbs. For now. But I am carefully considering where I want to be. Have done some thought experiments (what if the electric grid fails?), and started thinking about such things years ago. I do not think my neighborhood would fare as well as Venezuela. We don’t produce our own electricity in this neighborhood (although we could have, if we thought about it — for maybe 10% of the price of a house, every house could have solar power, and the sun shines here). We don’t produce anything, really. This city is in the bullshit business. Whether it’s the State government, or the City, or the University (currently embroiled in a headline-making scandal {which amounts to nothing, imnsho}), no useful product comes from this city. No one has a big enough back yard to grow their own food.
I suppose it’s advancing old age or something, but my own views have taken a sharp turn toward the ‘conservative’, in particular since Mr. Trump won the election. You could say it has been an educational experience. I have watched the sensitive, tolerant political ‘Left’, of which there are plenty here, turn into a vicious mob since then. I wasn’t even a fan of Trump, and still am not, but I find myself defending the election process, and some of the tenets of conservative politics. Will he “Make America Great Again”? Nah. But neither will the ‘Progressives’ with their ‘Green New Deal’. They’ll wreck it faster. And they won’t stand up to the deep state or foreign policy blob, either.
Now, Stan — I suppose if you lived in Killeen, in that ghetto of failed ex-military dropouts and-or wannabees and neverwases, you might have heard some of the language you mention. A co-worker of mine, who had done a military stint in Afghanistan / Iraq, said Killeen was the scariest slum he had ever seen, including the ones overseas. Just a guess here, but I’d say you can probably also hear such stories in a bar in downtown Austin. And of course that sort of stuff can be seen online at Twitter, etc. if you look for it.
But my experience with flyover country agrees with that of Auslander. You meet someone, exchange names, and then “Are you kin to so-and-so?” This is even true in the deep woods of Mississippi. Family relationships and long friendship are more important than race. . . there are actually quite a few people of mixed race living in the deep woods. There will always be a story. Among the country folk I have met in Texas and across the South, I have not seen a lot of evidence of this racist or religious discrimination. Certainly not like in the popular mythology of the ‘media’, and certainly not like in the minds of people from the ‘blue states’. It’s more a matter of who you are ‘kin’ to.
But if that electric grid has failed, and you are living on 20 acres and trying to grow your own food, and a bunch of city folk come around begging, what are you going to do? What can you do? Are they your kinfolk? Can you afford to support them? Or will they be like locusts?
“No one has a big enough back yard to grow their own food. ”
You’d be surprised how much food one can grow in a very little land. I have seen families in Greece growing the vegetables they need in an 1/8 of an acre. It is a matter of carefully choosing your crops (both in variety and quantity), fertilizing the soil, and weeding.
The old folks I knew, never used chemical fertilizers either—they simply couldn’t afford them. Most often, they would have some chicken roaming around to naturally fertilize the soil in exchange for the kitchen scraps. Some, once or twice a year, would supplement this by decomposed goat manure from a nearby farmer.
Science, however, has given us a very creative solution to lack of space: aquaponics. Basically, a system that combines aquaculture (i.e. fish in a tank) with hydroponics in a symbiotic environment in which the fish effluent waters and fertilizes the plants. It takes some work to get it up and running, but it produces food like in a assembly line. There was this family in Detroit, that had set up such a system in about 300sqf and they had fresh vegetables and fish year around. They didn’t have a whole lot, but they had enough for their daily needs. If you are good with your hands, you might want check out this idea.
As they say, where there is a will, there is a way.
Much depends on the speed of collapse.
If it’s a slow, economic collapse, you have a result like Detroit, or what’s going on now in St. Louis. Neighborhoods fall into decay, but those who remain will find a way to survive. They will garden and form communities.
But in a sudden catastrophic collapse, you will have the hordes of zombies, of refugees. Any sudden catastrophe will do, a solar flare, or an act of war. Or just simple stupid failure of the electric grid.
Absolutely, aquaponics!
One of the many avenues of research being pursued by the industrious Dutch.
Not that there isn’t enough info out there already for DIYs, but new agricultural systems that challenge traditional *images* of what agriculture looks like can come up with “traditional” results. That is, healthy food for large numbers of people.
The guy who really dove into aquaponics was/is John Todd. He did a lot of his basic work on this right in my neck of the woods, Cape Cod.
Here is his website:
Here is another website:
Here is a s hort film describing aquaponics, with some nice shots of fresh fish and fresh greens.
Probably any discussion of the collapse of the US as a country should include a sidebar about aquaponics.
A self-sufficient closed-system approach to producing food.
Just curious about this aquaponics thing…here’s my question…what do you need to put in…?…if this little ‘factory’ is putting out food, which is caloric energy…then there must be a GREATER energy input…otherwise this is a sort of perpetual motion machine that violates the laws of energy…now I understand that plants get their energy from sunlight, but what about the fish…?…do they eat some of the plants…?
“and even electric power.”
Please do share with the rest of us the kinds of plans those in the know are making!
Meanwhile, regarding power, there is always the bicycle pedaling option.
The one item I recall from Simon Schama’s book on The Netherlands (one of them) in its Golden Age, was that miscreants had to repay their debt to society by manning the pumps. LIterally. they had to pump manuals pumps in pumphouses (that that is not a beer pump!) to keep the water flowing uphill to keep the Low Lands dry.
I think it is an excellent idea. In fact, all gyms and fitness outfits should be linked up to batteries so that the energy expended on staying fit is stored or immediately distributed to those in need of electrical power. Or, goes backward, into the grid.
Oh! what a brilliant idea! From all the exercice-bikes, the treadmills, and everything that “spins” for nothing?!… to be connected to generators and the grid. Electricity while we exercise since we can’t walk or go up stairways to get our exercice.
Now we’re moving forward. We can all help with actions!
the seagull
You’re right in that the SJW crowd are the useful idiots of Oligarchy. The goal of Oligarchy is totalitarian, and we always thought it would come from the right, but apparently the left is a much more direct road. I don’t think the NeoCons and their deep state fellow travellers are the driving force of the Empire, I think it is the financial Oligarchy that controls the central banking franchise, the big resource extraction industries, and the war machine. War and Empire is only ever about the control of resources and the trade routes to get them to market. In the current age it is about hydrocarbons. That is all. Who is driving the wars? The financial Oligarchy, that’s who. The financial oligarchy seems to be very old and while it seems to have originated in Venice, whether it predates Venice is open to question. I recommend people read up on this. I started wondering about the nature of evil at the outbreak of the Ukraine war. It was pure evil. Peace was not an option. That’s what brought me here. To find where this policy was originated and who was behind it. Anyway, to understand empire, you need to understand Oligarchy. There is tons of stuff on line.
Also read up on the occult symbolism the oligarchy uses. Fascinating stuff.
You are all smart people. Decide for yourselves.
A late friend, an art major, showed me a collection he had been gathering. It was for a project he was preparing titled; Occult Symbolism In Corporate Logos. From what he showed me ,most main corporate logos have some form, overt or covert, of occult symbolism.
Check justin trudeau`s foundation, he literally uses the pedophile boylover” symbol on the foundation report!
symbolism is a huge part of the “elites”, both satanic and others..
@ Beijing Expat The now nearly global network of central banks, including the Vatican Bank, was initiated by the Rothchild father and sons in the mid 1700s who, using “fractional reserves”, lent to European Monarchs and their governments. They funded all sides of all European wars, with interest and spoils received, thus always profited.
The Warburg Banking Family, related through intermarriage to the Rothchild Banking Family, funded both sides of the American “Civil” War. John Wilkes Booth, Pres. Lincoln’s assassin was a Rothchild agent. The Rothchild Empire didn’t want the Union to continue to produce “Lincoln Greenbacks” which was constitutional government money paying no interest to the Rothchild Empire Banks for it’s use.
A Warburg was the head of the German banking System at the end of WW1 and the Treaty of Versaise was negotiated with his American immigrant brother Warburg heading the U.S. Treasury. What a joke! The Rothchilds are early Zionists, the extraordinary family wealth is hidden. Rothchilds funded the founding of Isreal and most of the early Israeli Govt buildings.
The U.S. Federal Reserve, is actually privately owned by huge banks such as Goldman Saks, and other huge Wall Street and Rothchild European central banks, and some private investors, often world monarchy.
The square mile, gated and private “City Of London” within the city limits of London town, is apparently the center of the Worldwide Rothchild controlled banking system of central banks. As the senior Rothchild said long ago, “he who controls the money, controls the nation”. The spot price of gold is manipulated, among other commodities, there. I once met an old Jewish coin dealer who had once been in the room where six men agreed on the value of gold several times a day. Col. House, President Woodrow Wilson’s “handler” was a Rothchild agent. On his deathbed, Pres. Wilson muttered that he feared he had destroyed the United States by passing the Federal Reserve Act which took the money system out of the government’s hands and gave control to the private banking system. Contrary to what we see in federal government Pie charts, most of U.S. taxpayer federal taxes are used to pay off the interest the Federal Reserve earns for the use of it’s money. A small fraction is returned to the U.S. The U.S. Treasury Department prints the money and the Federal Reserve Banks buy it at a tiny fraction of it’s face value. A huge profitable scam. A tiny percent of the interest paid by the U.S. Federal government as interest for use of the dollar, is paid to the to the U.S. Treasury to make it look like a good deal. Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Automobile Manufacture said back in the 1920s “If the American people understood the banking system, they would revolt over night. Lots of fascinating information on the banking system out there if you look for it. Don’t believe the “official” explanations. We are surrounded by lies and lyers. I have a fear that China and Russia will be eventually be destroyed by the parasitic, privately held, central banks if they are allowed to exist in those nations. Peace!
Thanks Saker, a deeply well built case about the fall of the American/neocon Empire. When the Soviet Block went down with the Berlin wall, I said to myself that capitalism as we have known it would be next.
The Empire represents somehow that approach gone wild with no more morality/decency.
Since I’m a believer that we co-create our reality with our thoughts, I choose to put my focus and my thoughts on what would be the best scenario/solutions/way forward…
Would be nice to have you or some of your “intelligent knowledge-able people” give us a “vision” going forward after the crumbling. Let’s not wait for the crumbling down of the Empire which will take some years.
What would be the vision to move towards a sensible view of a “world working together in peace”?
Or, Saker, point me/us to some good analysis/visions, books that give a view on the way forward.
After we have woken up to everything you say here. Beyond the corporations, Israel, the politics, the minorities being used by demon-crats.
the seagull
“Now, with the likes of Pompeo in charge we can only pray that the losers running this dying Empire will not trigger a nuclear holocaust, whether by design or by sheer stupidity.”
Is there an alternative? I cannot see a scenario wherein they go away quietly.
jiri, the alternative is bio-warfare, on which the USA has been spending tens of billions, per year, for decades. The Pentagon runs a global archipelago of ‘research’ stations, and has a program to collective example of DNA, blood, tissue including neoplasia and other biological specimens from every identifiable human population-for ‘defensive’ purposes, of course. I suspect that a truly virulent plague, against which the oligarchs will secretly immunise themselves and a few million of the needed technocrats, scientists, armed thugs etc, and their families, will do the job nicely. The need for huge human populations is over thanks to robotisation, automation and computerisation, and their consumption is simply ecologically unstable, so they’ll have to go, I fear. Any alternative such as a circular economy in an ecological civilization with human population humanely reduced to a couple of billion, would require the ruling parasites to conceded their wealth and power, so is anathema.
While I agree rather closely with Saker’s expressed ideas above, and understand that it’s a sketch and not a history-book, I do want to say that geography and disease and genetics are also a factor in the rising of the Anglo-Saxon Imperium… I think it was Jared Diamond who pointed out some of this. The genetics is a third-rail to touch, highly non pc…but the added Neanderthal ( hybridization induced variability ) in Europeans and the waves of plague that created waves of poverty and wealth – these and more are also major factors in the rising, and also in the death of this Empire. Economic also, well, theft…rule by the sea and all that comes from the geography…as do the waves of disease…and so on. Complicated and non pc…
Taking such a long term view, I do wonder what the Chinese and Russian Empires will look like in 500 years…
If, as the indicators suggest, the AGE (anglosaxon empire) expires, what then of all the stuff and peoples in North America? Would prudent reason not force the surviving old empires to police the space, keep themselves safe from the infernal materials of all sorts – which would otherwise cause all sorts of problems?
The neoconzz…or as Dima puts it “ultraconz” dire and false idea that “we: should fear them and believe they’ll attack “us” – is, it seem quite clear to me, is going to come true. Russia and China will be obliged to “invade” and “police”…and probably help some poor people, a little anyway, as well as arrest some of the criminals…those they can catch…. One does hope that the reprise of Hitler being permitted to escape will be seen as a grave error, not to be repeated this time. In short, ultrakonz’ fear is probably accurate, so far as their own soft skins go…
One might also say that the curated German nazis were a crypto-expression of the deep character of the AGE…and that what we see now is an AGEnazi eruption.
I am sad to see all of this. Death is pretty ugly, eh?
And for all of us…. there’s nowhere to hide. Excellent indepth analysis Saker of the situation we find ourselves in. To repeat what I said a couple weeks ago, the Neocon psychopaths are full blown addicts. They will not stop until they hit rock bottom, or they’re forcibly stopped. There is no Left in the West anymore to challenge the status quo. Much of the Left has drowned in a vast pool of identity politics and been completely defanged. Here in Australia there are tiny grouplets in the larger cities while the Union movement has been co opted and bureaucratised. And I sure as hell don’t see any Gilets Jaunes in Sydney or Melbourne or anywhere period. In short, we’re screwed. And on another cherrie note – if Trump goes, then the frothing fundi rapturist Mike Pence becomes President. I also agree with Mulga M that social solidarity is pretty much zero. We’re all atomised, alienated, digitalised individuals.
The increasingly obvious prevalence of Evil in the world can reasonably be attributed to a powerful source that does not seem in the least subservient to the source of Good. Some essential aspects of the religious underpinnings of “Western Civilization” as we know it stem directly from a very odd man named Martin Luther, who used to have regular visits from the Devil, and long chats with him. One day the evil one showed up disguised as Christ on the cross, piereced by his wounds. [I have not located these passages in English but I’am sure scholars can easily do that]
Certain jour cependant, Satan apparut sous forme divine. Luther se trouvait en sa chambrette adressant une fervente prière à Dieu, quand la muraille qui lui faisait face s’illumina d’une resplendissante image du Christ percé de ses plaies. Luther considéra un instant l’apparition, en proie à la plus intense émotion, quand il se dit que cette figure pouvait bien n’être qu’un fantôme malfaisant, car le Christ, tel que nous le révèle l’Évangile, ne devait pouvoir se montrer aux hommes que sous une forme humble, modeste, empreinte de douleur, et Luther d’apostropher l’apparition:
— Disparais, démon abject!
The Devil keeps coming to whisper in his ear that perhaps he is the one who runs the show, and Luther acknowledges that sometimes he wonders if the Devil might not actually be God.
…mais que Dieu nous préserve des tentations qui touchent à l’éternité! Alors on ne sait plus lequel des deux est Dieu et lequel est le diable. On en arrive à se demander si le diable ne serait pas Dieu?
A man could be forgiven for concluding that the role of the Devil is reminiscent of the “Deep State”, the Entity who actually calls the shots. Whereas God is all pretty talk about his goody-goody work, but the one who really keeps delivering (actions, not words) is the Malign. It is a reasonable conclusion. Reading those passages, one also concludes that Luther was probably completely insane. It is a dismal view. On the one hand you have the debauchery of the Popes in constant orgy. On the other, the rantings of someone suffering from what today might be diagnosed as “schizophrenia” — as the main sources of “Western Civilization”. God help us all.
Luther being insane or not is not the really important point from a historical viewpoint. A Venetian cardinal called contarini supported Luther and the opposing catholic jesuits at the same time. Some hundred years later that seed grew to the thirty year war in Germany from 1618 till 1648. That war killed about seventy percent of the population in Germany.
What we are witnessing is the qualitative easing of the political class, slow and complete, like a decaying fallen tree in the forest, it is never seen nor heard from and therefore tis quickly forgotten, the fuel that could have heated the house that instead uses an additional resource who contributes its own destruction, slow and complete, like a soon to be fallen society.
I awoke very early this morning and should have followed my daily devotions first. But this article caught my attention. I consider this a ‘keeper’. Everyone in the west should ponder what is described because it is looking in the mirror and seeing the real society we live in. How do you like what you see?
I could debate and dicker over whether all this clamor with Trump is one side really hating him or whether he has been a willing part of the charade from the start. It doesn’t really matter. The results are there for all to see. My wife and I had a good laugh at Trump being presented as the emperor who himself shouts that he has no clothes! He appears almost as a cartoon character who is acting one part for his base while doing the opposite to support these sinister characters he surrounded himself with. I’ve said from the start that not only is he narcissistic but also amoral. When he screams about Syrian children harmed by a chemical attack from that animal Assad, it is very clear he doesn’t really care about ‘the children’s suffering’ anywhere. If he can cause more suffering to advance the agenda of the neo-cons it will make him look like a great leader, as twisted as that is.
I thought the pictures included said a lot, especially the black and white images of Pence and Pompeo. Dark, angry and souless. I’m only disappointed the mug shot of Bolton and Abrams did not receive a spot in the lineup, though we know they are part of it.
This is all a very ugly picture of an empire which claims to be one thing but in clear view is exactly opposite. I have been expecting an economic emergency to arrive by design. If it would end their ability to wage war I would hope for it to happen today. But what will it result in? I’m afraid it will lead to the completion of what is already in advanced development in the Empire: a full blown military-police state. I do agree with this article that Trump has been set up to take the entire blame, along with his supporters. Trump has owned the economy early saying it’s all great. Look at the stock market, another high! Maybe Colter is right: he is an idiot.
My big concern is found in Saker’s final sentence. I think we need to be very vocal in calling out these crazy people. No more interventions. Stop! Every time cartoon Trump gives a speech, stop cheering for him.
Very good article by the Saker. I agree with it entirely and am in agreement with the comments on this USA coming apart. I believe the blame has been placed appropriately, however the ultimate blame I shall lay at the feet of the citizens.
For over five years I have attempted to forward articles by the Saker, PCR, South front, and so many more extremely hardworking analysts that have provided the truth. I have never received a comment or opinion in reply. In conversation I have never been able to even come close to having an individual even slightly consider the truth. Never. No one cares enough to really consider what the crimminals in DC are doing. It is impossible to get care or compassion from so many on the atrocities that the USA is doing. I would have to say that the intellectual laziness of the USA is predominantly why these evil people can do their business. I have so called Christian friends that go to church, yet will not consider for one second what the truth is regarding Venzuala or Syria, Palestine or any other country we are brutalizing. I have asked these so called Christians if their Church has ever spoken out against the crimminals in DC and their actions. No, none ever has to my knowledge. Where is the voice from our religious leaders in the USA against such horrific actions against so many innocent people? It is silent. Fake news, fake Christians, fake churches. The people just don’t care. I was asked to attend a church from one of these people. I replied, when I met a Christian I would attend their Church. I shall continue to seek. I am sure one is out there.
Kalchain, my experience of trying to get the truth across is similar to yours: the response is dumb (G.dumme, not G.stummme), silent incredulity. Except for one sincere Christian friend who was receiving similar reports from Christians in Syria (reports that Dr.Assad was “the good guy). But the reports I sent him came from both Christian and non-Christian sources. There are all sorts and conditions of people defending Truth and Justice on websites such as this. Never mind being in a minority; a biologist once told me that it was an insignificant little creature — too insignificant to show up in the fossil record — which succeeded the mighty dinosaurs.
Kalchain, the blame does indeed lie at the feet of US voters, who got what they voted for. Eisenhower, now considered a Communist by the US’ political center because of the 88%-90% top marginal tax rates of his era, warned that only alert and informed citizens can keep the Pentagon and its private enterprises in check. They failed miserably.
I take only a little consolation in learning there’s someone else out there who also knows where the blame lies.
Kalchain, I have to say that my experience is similar.
I have a small list, which I started back in 2003, when we were being inundated with official lies about WMD in Iraq. Fortunately, because of my profession, I came in contact with very interesting analysis of what was really going on in the campaign to “regime-change” Iraq. It had to do with Saddam’s new oil exchange, on which all transactions would be in euros, not dollars. This made a hell of a lot of sense to me as an underlying reason for the jihad against Saddam and Iraq.
Long story short I started a list and put on it the names of peeople I though were genuine “truth seekers” interested in learning about laternative views and analyses of reality as presented in the MSM.
Well, a few people on my list do occasionally respond, so I think they might read the items I circulate. I make sure to copy the whole item in my email, so they don’t even have to click on a link but can read the item then and there. I think this does get a few more people reading the items than would otherwise. A few people have thanked me for trying. Othres have asked to be removed from my list! Most recently I have been appalled that a few people on my list were (1) suckered into the RussiaGate thing and then (2) just as easily jumped on board behind the Venezuela coup. ????
I do think it might be worthwhile to keep going with your attempts to break through the passivlty and confusion of the mainstream. It will become more important if/as things become more desperate in this country.
To Katherine, Kalchain, and others:
Why was it so hard for each us to break through the lies, and why does it seem well-nigh impossible to share these insights with our relatives, associates, and friends?
We are struggling against is a life time of mind control, continuously improved and strengthened over decades.
In this note we discuss two different degrees of mind control: (1) the general environment of mind control to which everyone is constantly subjected, and (2) the cases of people who have been subjected to intense mind control, performed by full time professionals, from the earliest phases of human life, all the way through adulthood.
The methods used in the two types differ only in degree. Information about the more extreme kinds of programming can equip us to deal with the reactions of ordinary people to our attempts to enlighten them.
The controllers make provision for the programming to break down. Should this happen to a victim of the second type, the victim has been programmed to be self-destructive, to mutilate himself, and to commit suicide. The victim will act mentally deranged, so that people around will say, “Oh what a sad case. Completely delusional, saying all these crazy things.”
Very simple example: during trauma programming of a young child, an adult dressed as Santa Clause tortures the child. When the child tries to tell other adults what is happening, he tells them that Santa Clause did horrible things to him. The innocent adults naturally believe they are hearing childish fantasies and do nothing about it.
If you can understand the above, you can appreciate that a veritable mine field has been programmed into the victim’s mind. Remember: this has been going on all of our lives, through the mass media, entertainment, advertising, schools, the medical establishment, religious ministries, social organizations, politics and law enforcement.
This “mine field in the mind” constitutes a danger to you the enlightener. The victims have been programmed to hate, report on, and attack anyone who makes certain kinds of statements, who utters certain trigger words and phrases.
I don’t need to tell you what the trigger words are. They have been beaten deep into your mind. Find a way to communicate with mind control victims (practically everyone) without using the triggers.
Therefore, be harmless as doves but wise as foxes. Take the advice Jesus gave to Simon the Zealot, as reported in the Urantia Book. Do not try to drive the error from your brother’s mind. Rather, give him the truth, and let the truth drive out the error.
Some reading: the 900 pound gorilla of this subject is Fritz Springmeier (read his books, watch his video lectures). Also see: TRANCE Formation of America by Cathy O’Brien, Thanks for the Memories by Brice Taylor, and Michelle Remembers by Michelle Smith and Lawrence Pazder.
[American joke: Question: where does the 900 pound gorilla sit?
Answer: anywhere he wants]
The empire isn’t collapsing, it is a global empire of Oligarch’s from China, Europe, US, Russia, India, Brazil… everywhere. They are in rude health with their concentration of wealth and power never having been greater.
The only thing that the rest need not worry about is nuclear obliteration.
Not worried about the ecological Holocaust, Anonymouse? It’ll cause a thermo-nuclear final act, if bio-warfare is not preferred.
Neither nuclear nor bio-warfare, rather simple starvation. As we know, Bezos already planning moon colonies for the rich https://techcrunch.com/2018/05/27/jeff-bezos-details-his-moon-colony-ambitions/.
The same people that control “the West” also control the North, the South and the East, i.e. trillionaire oligarchs and banksters. Why do people always fall into the same old lines, like a magnet applied to iron fillings? Good grief, please wake up. Even the lamest piece of googling reveals the same banksters behind Wall Street and the Chinese Communist Party; behind the “Russian” Communists and the Nazis of old. It is the. Same. Old. Trick.
We really need a new term for they Neocon movement. As you correctly point out they are now Democrats. NeoLibs perhaps?
One thing you miss is the importance of Christianity. Even with the USSR trying to suppress Christianity it remained, and is part of the success of Russia’s escape from that path.
Currently a number of high profile U.S. and European Christian organizations have been infiltrated by pagan Globalism. You can identify those organizations as they support mass movement of non-Christians to Christians lands. However, these apostate elite leaders do not represent their congregations and will be displaced sooner rather than later. Revitalized Christianity will help eject Dems who act against the Faith.
There is a huge built in base of votes for MAGA even if the current messenger is an imperfect Christian.
The scenario is more likely to look like this:
The MAGA movement continues to pull the nation out of Obama’s Great Recession. Jobs are improving everywhere. Trump cannot turn around every part of the nation in 4 years, but he can obtain votes blunting Dems in the power centers. Chances of winning against the next Dem candidate (most likely Biden) are quite high.
The most important thing will be the next census in 2020. The Supreme Court said that “by population” was an acceptable method for redistricting. It quite cleary did not say the only method. Many States will redistricting “by Citizen population” if the Census forms are allowed to go out that way. If that is blocked “by eligible voter” is the other option. Either way the artificial advantage Dems hold in the House will be wiped out as they depend on non-citizen populations, legal and illegal, to maintain their unwarranted advantage.
This will result in less government cash flowing to Dem controlled agencies and NGO’s. Without the cash to pay off leaders, special interest groups (minorty, green, and other) will begin to skirmish with each other to maintain their cut from the shrinking pot. There will not be enough to go around. Groups that take the cuts and feel slighted will leave — Thus effectively ending the Democrat party.
The Neocons, as they are referred to, is indeed an inadequate term. More accurately they are Dark Occultist Satan Worshippers that have sold out the entire human race in exchange for esoteric knowledge (that they are now hoarding), infinite wealth, and a false sense of power. They are too stupid and arrogant to realize that in their betrayal of humanity they themselves have now become puppets for a far more evil, and demonic power, that seeks to enslave the entire human race and prevent it from realizing it’s full potential.
I had one encounter with and I never, ever want to have another of what my Christian friend identified in great detail as Satan and what I was given to understand by this force ( Freud called it a death urge) is that it wants me, humans and every possibility of humanity excised from the Earth, the galaxy, and every atom in every human scattered separately to all ends of the universe nevermore to rise again.
Not control but utter, absolute Hatred and Death for all with a capital Demon “D”.
teranam, it sounds like you met Rupert Murdoch.
A123, you are arguing for vast numbers of the population not to have any say in governance, which is fascistic, racist and born of class hatred, but moot, as the 99% have NO say whatsoever in political decision (unless incidentally) because the political invertebrates follow the desires of their oligarch pay-masters in 97% of occasions, give or take, as the Gilens and Page study showed. And I see you are one of those paragons whose answer to the ecological Holocaust is to starve it of the oxygen of publicity-that’ll really work.
Really quite accurate on most accounts, but the article is tainted with the obvious loathing for the USA which is evident in the many references assumed before their point is made. If the audience is of a like mind, proofs before accusations are not needed, but if of a like mind, there is no purpose to convince.
Editorially, outside looking in, I would suggest a more impartial voice. With all the evidence available, nothing more is needed.
The clinton vs trump theater, and all the nonsense promoted that is based upon this “conflict”, is population control psywar.
I’ve just been all up in John Romanides, backing up the first part of this. This is my take:
US General Supports ‘First Nuclear Strike’ Policy
“General Joseph Dunford, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has warned against changing the current US military policy which allows the country to be the first to use nuclear weapons during a possible conflict with an adversary.”
The radars, EW and other Intel sensors in satellites makes a First Strike a Russian Roulette on Cosmic Scale. Though the revolver will be fully loaded. Thus, First Strike is Suicide.
Any First Strike will be identified before it strikes. on its way, so to speak.
The full response will then be launched at the First Strike Originator. Ergo, the USA will cease to exist 20-30 minutes later.
Only American Generals and Admirals do not understand the calculus of First Strike Suicide.
Trying to get the jump, fast draw like a High Noon showdown in the main street, is the stuff of think tank “masturbation”. Self-abusing ideologues always “think” they have the answer to the Gordian Knot.
Russia has constructed the end of the game for the Empire-Hegemon-USA-West-NATO-Khazarians.
If the US pushes the button, Game Over!
Red ants and cockroaches may be the only survivors. Though likely, the planet itself will eventually crumble in Space as its shape integrity as a planet gets torn to pieces. Thousands of Hiroshimas will have that effect.
As someone told me just this morning, a view from Tovarich General Polkovnik Gerasimov’s perspective:
“You start, we finish. Call your mother and tell her goodbye.”
Reality is for some areas, including mine in this bucolic little village, it’s a numbers game. If we have 100 anti air missiles, we’ll have 150 missiles coming towards us. If we have 150, it will be 200 missiles coming towards us. The mind boggling rage of them’s in Foggy Bottom and Five Points at their failure to get this gem of a harbor, city and island will make them the epitome of a spoiled child in the sandbox, if he can’t have the toy he will destroy it so no one has it.
I don’t know if USA will cease to exist in 20 minutes, it depends on what USA shoots at first. I can guaranty you, though, that whatever is shot at first the result will be not a single US Navy carrier group, not a single US or NATO air base, not a single US or NATO ‘anti missile’ system throughout the world and not a single US or NATO submarine will be floating or capable of operating in that 20 or 30 minutes of first exchange.
Hi Auslander,
In your last paragraph you state that no submarines will be able to operate after 20 or 30 minutes after the first shots are fired. In my view, submarines were always going to be very hard to hunt down and thus, somewhat “safe” to a certain extent. Do you mind expanding on the subject? I am curious to find out about which part I am failing to understand.
Many thanks,
While it is an assumption on my part that Mother knows where every sub is that belongs to NATO, it is just that, an assumption. Does she know where at least some are? One would think so, but I’m not a submariner and never was. On the other hand, to deliver their load of missiles subs have to come relatively close to the surface. Who knows what nasty little devices Mother has in her arsenal now, let alone in a year? I don’t.
However, if the CO’s of enemy subs know the proverbial fettuccine has hit the fan, how brave and/or willing to die does one think they will be to come to missile firing depth, knowing it is virtually suicidal?
From the Hollywood movie Dr. Strangelove, where President Merkin Muffley speaks with Air Force General “Buck” Turgidson in the Pentagon war room.
“General, it is the avowed policy of our country never to strike first with nuclear weapons.”
General Turgidson:
‘Well, Mr. President, I would say that General Ripper has already invalidated that policy. laughs”
“That was not an act of national policy and there are still alternatives left open to us.”
“Mr. President, we are rapidly approaching a moment of truth both for ourselves as human beings and for the life of our nation. Now, the truth is not always a pleasant thing, but it is necessary now make a choice, to choose between two admittedly regrettable, but nevertheless, distinguishable post-war environments: one where you got twenty million people killed, and the other where you got a hundred and fifty million people killed.”
“You’re talking about mass murder, General, not war.”
“Mr. President, I’m not saying we wouldn’t get our hair mussed. But I do say… no more than ten to twenty million killed, tops. Uh… depended on the breaks.”
“I will not go down in history as the greatest mass murderer since Adolph Hitler!”
“Perhaps it might be better, Mr. President, if you were more concerned with the American people, than with your image in the history books.”
“General Turgidson, I think I’ve heard quite sufficient from you, thank you very much!”
Stanley Kubrick was a brilliant film producer and director and had a keen insight into how military flag officers think. President Merkin Muffley reminds me of U.S. President Harry Truman and General Turgidson perfectly captures the mind of U.S. Air Force General Curtis LeMay. Truman was not a deep thinker and easily influenced by men in uniform (as is the current sitting U.S. President). As for LeMay, he was an unadulterated psychopath and enabler of monstrous genocide who cared nothing for human life as witnessed during the brutal bombing campaign of North Korea.
I think the model for Muffley was Adlai Stevenson, a perennial candidate, but never a winner of the Presidency.
And of course, Dr. Strangelove was Edward Teller, who gifted the world the H-bomb.
And I agree, the model for Turgidson was LeMay.
That film has proven to be remarkably timeless. I thought the cold warriors would shuffle off to a much deserved retirement in 1990, their job complete. But no, they have metastasized into these ridiculous caricatures like Bolton and Abrams and Trump.
I think it was the Saker who said that Trump best represents the USA, even if he was not the choice of the deep state.
I suggest Kubrick’s “Eyes wide shut”. He talks about secret society, actually as I see it: “the upper echelon of Free Masonry”, which is more secret that the lower membership. He spells the obvious: that we go through life with our eyes shut. At first I could not stomach this movie and it took more than one attempt before I could watch it to the end, it seemed so disturbing.
Anonius, have you seen the documentary about ‘The Shining’ where they show all the little errors of continuity and cinematography, that contribute to a subconscious state of unease in the viewer. Such errors were anathema to Kubrick, who was an obsessive perfectionist, so we must assume that they were deliberate.
This Saker article is the epitaph of the West.
He said it all. I cannot argue with anything in it.
The West cannot be helped – it wants to die.
“The West cannot be helped – it wants to die.” But unlike what we’ve seen in history (inasmuch as any of it bears any resemblance to truth… which needs to be proven, with the centuries of facts suppression and propaganda, and the dumbing-down of education), the West can only accept to die if it gets to take down the rest of the world with it first.
It reminds me of a very unpleasant kid I once knew who was given the choice of going to soccer summer camp or staying with the family. She opted for soccer camp but threw an enormous and ridiculous tantrum when we dropped her off to camp on our way to the airport for trip to Yosemite. Her problem? She had never anticipated that we would make plans and resented us all for going somewhere she couldn’t go to and for the chance that maybe we would have fun and be happy doing something she wouldn’t be a part of. In her mind, she was going to camp and we were to stay at home idle and dejected, miserably waiting for her return and dying with envy while she alone was having fun.
The US of today remind me of her. They will destroy the entire world if they can no longer rule, police and control it.
Bravo Saker ! I salute you for this tour de force of an article, for it’s depth of historical context and especially breadth of analysis. It says it all really. You’ve cited so many examples of the huge discrepancy between what the “leaders” utter and what really happens, each one could be an object study in and of itself
I wish it were compulsory reading in our schools.
No additional comment from me on this fine piece of writing would be either required or useful and I say “fine” because it is the truth – in these times the scarcest commodity of all, in fact more than scarce, rather it is the one thing the elite are most terrified of so much so that people get killed just for uttering it.
RE: “Again, what is so striking here is not only how the US elites are turning against each other (which is a sure symptom of a deep crisis), but also the fact that the open persecution of Trump by Congress and the Ziomedia does not even try to come up with some semi-credible explanation or semblance of respectability.”
This is the one and only positive attribute Trump possesses. He is a catalyst for exposing modern and crumbling Byzantium for what it is to its vassals and its own population, and provoking Byzantium’s Alphabet Stasi to rip at each others’ throats. (I am a USG Zersetzung target, so I want them to expend as much of their budgets and efforts on the task of damaging themselves as much as possible, not torturing me.)
Knowing what is and is not real is always a good thing, no matter the consequences for the not so bright citizens who vote for the Bushes, Obamas, Clintons and Trumps of our time.
“Wallahu khairul makirrin” The Russian deterrent is very simple, in any conflict the kazar fake jew will not be cheerily fighting in Tashkent only, it will actually be annhilated in Goldersgreen,NY,Florida,N Paris,khaziland,LA,SF ie 75% of the 15m world jewry. This means the 24/7 late night talking heads, tapper,maher,madcow,chucktodd,kimmel,colbert,leibovitz,SNL,blitzer,etc,etc will have to be working overtime doing most of the deterrence work, ie making sure the wasps in the Pentagon over whom they now hold cabala (errad moran has now even got a pilgrim to show us his buttocks), will never make a nuclear strike like in WW2. Roosevelt then could not have nuked the gooks without oppenheimer and a Trump or Biden today similarly cannot without a Maher. The jew owned MSM is in effect a Russian weapon of deterrence, their only way now is to kill putin or pull off another yeltsin like putsch from within by a pokhorivsky of kasparov.
A ‘dying empire’ can be far more dangerous than a nascent one. The pattern of history is clear – nations rise and fall. In the process of falling they grasp on to power at any cost. Often, fatalistically, they launch the very war they seek to prevent. This applies as much in the nuclear age as any other time in history. To avoid defeat a nuclear state will use its nuclear weapons: the fall-back position of Deterrence doctrine – annihilation. Pray I am wrong, but the forces bringing to Armageddon are blind to the lessons of history, putting their hold on power before the world’s survival.
@Peter McLoughlin
That is exactly Rob Kirby’s take on it: cornered animals are, indeed, very dangerous. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-F_EGjL8qqU
Christine, that’s correct.
Never corner your enemy
Sun Tzu
Perhaps that’s why RF acts so meek while planning cauldron. After all we are dealing with demented entity holding a granate in room full of people.
Just saying
It is reputed that once a western reporter asked Ghandi what he thought of “western civilization”?
Ghandi’s answer is said to have been….
“What do I think of Western civilization? I think it would be a very good idea.”
I’d say it would still be a good idea, but it appears that “western civilization” will in one way or another destroy all human civilization on this planet long before it ever becomes civilized. Our descendants will at best be trying to find a way to survive in the rubble.
Gandhiji also said, ‘Please spell my name correctly’.
“The real, hidden, powers which run the Empire.” I would like to know exactly who these powers are. For example, who gives the BIS its marching orders?
Saker: Would be interesting if did a piece on cultural maxism in the west?
self-agrandisment ?
when i was in school we studied spanish french or latin as languages (that was all there was – no russian or chinese offered for example).
we studied greek and roman mythology (norse gods for example – not studied)
we studied Alexander the great (Sun Tzu not studied, say).
we listened to Bach Beeethoven in music class.
we studied pythagoras, aristotle. i am largely ignorant of mathematics and philosophy or of anything non-greek, roman.
now isnt all of what i was taught, exposed to as a kid that what culture is ?
in what sense is that non-western ?
will accept the criticism that we fell short of our heroes, etc. but im not getting the “kidding ourselves/ self-aggrandisement” piece of this article ?
In America, the “Founding Fathers” were very afraid of a strong standing military and its threat to the Liberty they had just shed blood and fought a nasty civil war to obtain. Type the phrase “Standing Army” along with a name like Madison or Jefferson into google and see for yourself.
After WW2, the USA abandoned that in favor of world empire. As Oliver Stone recounts, the first step was the overthrow of the FDR government and the placing of Harry Truman in as FDR’s successor. We can now see that the move towards world empire was the big mistake. Since that time, massive amounts of money have been pumped into what President Eisenhower called the Military Industrial Complex and tried to warn the nation against as he left office.
The “Neocons” are the result of that. With massive amounts of money flowing into a small select group of hands, a portion of this money flowed backwards into “donations” to politicians for the sole purpose to keep that flood of money flowing. As a part of this, other parts of that money went to the “for hire” sector of academia to create the sort of twisted philosophies that said that this it was good, right and proper for the Merchants of Death to keep grabbing all of the money. Philosophies of hatred and warfare were created to keep the money flowing.
After the threat of a human and humane rebellion against the corporate war and death machine in the 1960’s, the Merchants of Death and their political minions doubled down on pushing the philosophy of death that became known as the ‘neocons’ out upon the American people.
If you want to put a time on the beginning of the end of America, it was when the CIA interfered in the American elections of 1980 to push Reagan and former CIA director Bush into the White House replacing Jimmy Carter who at least showed some human decency. This led to two further effects. One was the massive increases in the US “defense” budget, in other words, even bigger flows of money to the Merchants of Death. This of course came along with the pushing to the forefront the academic hitmen known as the Neocons into positions of power. At the same time, Reagan led the destruction of the system of American media leading to today’s world where a very small handful of corporations control almost everything that Americans see, hear or read about events.
Trump is just the fatal conclusion to those decisions that send massive amount of money to the Merchant of Death and gave them control over America.
The interesting thing about this election is that there is a strong Anti-Clinton faction which is opposed by both the Clintonites and Trump. This is of course the faction backing Sen. Sanders who describes himself as a socialist.
If America had free and fair elections, Sanders would have won the last election. And if it isn’t another stolen, corrupt election, Sanders would have to be the favorite to win again.
Notice therefore it is Trump’s own words that say that he is threatening to overthrow such a result. It is Trump who was saying that “we will not allow socialism to be imposed” in America.
The speech was supposed to be about Venezuela and his plot to put the 1% back into power there so America can steal their oil. But the above threat was obviously not about a foreign land. It was Trump clearly stating that he would not allow Sanders to win the election, even with the very twisted perspective that Socialism is somehow “imposed” upon a people and it is not the result of a people rebelling against a long series of crimes and usurpations.
Both the Clintons and the Trumps hate the idea of the American people trying to regain control of their country, and both have in the past and are vowing in the future to make dang sure that America stays under the control of the Oligarchs.
The fourth estate is trapped in high priced real estate now, the monthly mortgage payment requires anal from its presstitutes, amanpour and co need ky just as much as their laptops to earn their living. The MSM owning Murdochs are no different from weinstein, they must have their pound of flesh, and the shabbos and shikse are no Omars, they simply dont have the spiritual power to resist the synagogue of satan. A Western Civilisation that now creates unheard of wealth finds all of it frittered away in toys of war, and needless “defence”. Do all good things have to come to an end?
Seriously, Reagan? The moron that made a joke about bombarding the Soviet Union in five minutes?
Are they just plain stupid or just pretending to be?” This is the question…Both, I say !
I woke early and found synchronicity with this article and what I had written for the Cafe later last night.
Which of course was synchronous, in an anticipatory way with Anonymous’ Ides remark, early in this thread.
His Ides : /mr-maga-and-the-end-of-western-civilization/#comment-624267
My Ides Idea written hours before Actual Ides, since we are retarded in California. But not as much as Alaska and Hawaii:
Several people resonated with some parts, and the general theme fits this thread/article….just like a MAGA hat!
But I really wanted to chime in responding to Flopot’s ultra cynicism and seemingly pained and exasperated question in this paragraph of his:
“…………The same people that control “the West” also control the North, the South and the East, i.e. trillionaire oligarchs and banksters. Why do people always fall into the same old lines, like a magnet applied to iron fillings? Good grief, please wake up.”
Elementary, my dear Flopot!
Why? Because they are human! And unlike yourself, Samuel Beckett and the French Existentialists they cannot bear the thought that their entire existences are fruitless, meaningless wastes of time ….”Waiting for Godot”……and if forced to bear such hopelessness…would simply blow their brains out.
Therefore they seek to identify what is good or at least better….between Trump and Hillary Clinton…between Xi and Pol Pot…..between FDR and even Stalin and Adolf Hitler…and in their own modest selves…………and rather than writing off the entire effort “East, West, North and South” as you put it, over the last several thousand years to develop a Human Civilization….as a Doomed Enterprise From The Start…ALL locked up by Trillionaires………..finding themselves thrust into these situations of the Tectonic Plates of History Moving, Closing or Cracking Wide Open…..seek..physical, emotional …and spiritual …Survival!
For something …..ANY thing of value and meaning in their lives.
And this instinct is not to be deprecated…IMHO. For though evil still exists and may yet abort this Cosmic Experiment to Develop Intelligent Life On This Planet…….Hey, “We’ve Come A Long Way, Baby!” LOL.
Just consider: A few thousand years ago we were competing with bears and lions for survival. Now, on the other hand, we can blow ourselves up in 30 minutes……if we decide NOT to survive…….OR ..quite possibly .take all of this wonderfullness we’ve got with us to another part of this solar system or galaxy….and spread our rich spectrum of humanity from the greatest ambitions for discovering the lawfulful ordering of the Universe and bending that ordering to our wills………….OR sinking into the most Inescapable Black Holes of Despair Anywhere In the Universe….that we (you!) might discover ….Out There!
This just CAN’T be the Ultimate Prison.
It’s too damned much fun, for one!
And for some people, that really sucks.
This is a perceptive analysis, but I disagree that are similarities between the collapse of the West and the Soviet Union. What I am seeing is quite the opposite:
In the West, there is an ongoing societal collapse, but the actual state power is increasing and becoming more authoritarian. We are now witnessing a fusion of state and corporate entities where private companies like Google, Facebook, Amazon are actively enforcing the agenda of the state.
How is this comparable to the Soviet union, when Gorbachev, introduced “glasnost” and “perestroika” and eroded the central state power to the point where it disappeared virtually overnight?
Also, in the East, the rise in substance abuse & alcoholism, demographic decline, began to unfold in the 1990s AFTER the Soviet union collapsed during the Yeltsin years, not before.
Soviet union went through state collapse, the West is going through societal collapse with a strengthening of the state power. This is not the same at all. I fear that the outcome will be completely different.
In the West, there is an ongoing societal collapse, but the actual state power is increasing and becoming more authoritarian. We are now witnessing a fusion of state and corporate entities where private companies like Google, Facebook, Amazon are actively enforcing the agenda of the state.
I’ll have to disagree with that.
Recall that the USSR seemed quite strong in the 1980s. Its sudden failure was a surprise to almost everyone.
The censorship and police state tactics we have recently watched, are not signs of strength in the corporate nor state organizations. They are desperate attempts to retain control. All the corporate mergers are really corporate failures — it means that the weaker party in the merger was not a success. These mergers eventually lead to monopolies and small oligopolies, which have even greater levels of corruption (look at Boeing for a recent example). And when the state must supply trillion-dollar bailouts to the banks (as in 2009), that does not mean either party in the transaction is getting stronger.
The empire is so large that it is taking a while to rot completely, but the process is underway.
What we fear is that the remaining scraps of a nuclear-equipped military may make some unfortunate and unnecessary choices which will affect the whole planet for a while.
Not to speak for Serbian girl but I think you are missing the point. The point is not that Western society is not facing crisis, but that the affected groups and expected outcomes are completely different than what occurred in the Soviet Union. In the USSR, the overwhelming majority of the citizenry wanted to retain the Soviet system. In the West the citizenry want fundamental change. Under the Soviet system, the elite ruling group enjoyed considerable privilege, however they were in the end merely managers. They did not own the vast resources they controlled. By dismantling the Soviet system, this elite group saw the opportunity to actually become owners and not managers. Thus the ruling Soviet group became the ruling group of the Russian Federation. This process was horrendous for the citizenry but was peaceful externally. The elite ruling group of the West does not want change as they presumably cannot foresee favorable outcomes for themselves as a result of the process. Since they are control of the armed forces, it is likely that they will use the security state to fight to maintain their position as in France. Failing that, the risk is that this group will choose to employ global violence to bring down as much of the world out of sheer spite.
you point to the obvious very simply – the elite of Russia and “the West” have no primary interest in the circumstances of their respective people. To the extent that these elites do control their respective militaries there is very little hope to be had.
Dimitri Orlov in his earlier writings makes very good comparison between USSR collapse and coming USA collapse. In his opinion USA will fare much worse. Big handicap is capabilities of US population to deal with crisis in rational way further magnified by very strict governmental regulations and interferences such restrictions on collecting rain water and producing own food.
Simple search will fetch this article
It’s simple dialectics in action.
The law of the unity and conflict of opposites.
One of the opposites vanished with the USSR. Paradigms changed. The remainin single pole opposite is doomed.
Sooner or later.
Another good article by the Saker.
Here is something that I don’t understand.
I am an American. I can what is happening here.
It is obvious.
At this rate, I would not be surprised at a Soviet Union type meltdown hitting the USA in the next two years. There is simply no longer any faith in the nation’s institutions and very little citizen support for those institutions. There are literally tens of millions of people here in the USA who see the whole culture as being nothing more than a gigantic scam – being played out at the expense of the common man.
All it would take to set things off would be a new economic crisis, which is probably “baked into the cake” at this point.
So why is no “establishment figure” – in either Europe or the USA – speaking out? Look, they are not all as stupid as Emmanuel Macron. Some of them are very bright and insightful people. And I have read that – behind the scenes in Europe – some high level people are beginning to see the writing on the wall. I imagine that the same thing is happening in the US.
But why has no one come forward and said, “we have to start getting serious about all these problems.” I find the silence to be the most remarkable facet of the whole thing.
Mike from Jersey
What you have written is something I have known for years. In fact I think I have a better perspective of the overall situation in the US than many Americans. When the average American grasps the fact that he has been played, ie. reduce to a pwn of a chess board, then the situation in the US could turn very ugly indeed.
On Google type the name of Igor Panarin. He was (maybe still is) the Dean of the Russian Diplomatic Academy. Back in 1998 he gave his famous map of the disintegration of the US into six parts. Personally I don’t think that the map is 100 % accurate, but it’s close.
Mike from Jersey,
All Americans need is the right metaphor to see more clearly what they are being subject to: try “jewel wasps”
The only question in the equation is: who are the wasps?
I’d suggest starting with dual-nationalities. They’ve always got somewhere else to run to if/when the shtf.
The analogy with the end of the Soviet Union is not really valid. The Soviet Union was dismantled from the top down by the ruling elite group of the Soviet system who were convinced they would benefit personally from the process. This was plausible since the elite ruling groups in the Western system are treated more favorably relative to the general populace than in the Soviet system. So the ruling elite group of the Soviet system became the ruling elite of the Russian Federation. In the West however, the projection is for a much more uncontrolled collapse of the system. The Western elite group would very possibly not be in control of the process and not able to necessarily dominate whatever emerged in the aftermath. For that reason a scenario where the Western system simply and more or less peacefully vanishes is extremely unlikely. The Western elites would be more likely seek to spitefully take down as much of the entire world as possible. Possibly through warfare.
Absolutely, Dave. The socialist states surrendered without bloodshed, but any attempt at a revolt by the people against unending poverty, misery and want, anywhere in the US Empire (particularly in Latin America) is met by genocidal terror, torture, mutilation, massacres etc. If a state overthrows the local parasites and reduces poverty, increases the welfare of the majority and makes life decent, as happened in Cuba and Venezuela, and to some extent in Brazil under the PT, the sheer, unremitting, hatred of that ‘good example’ displayed by the USA, local elites and Latin American elites in general, is truly deranged. They NEVER cease to work to destroy the good example, and return those countries to neo-feudal horror and want-and, apart from Cuba, they have always succeeded. On system produces a Lula, Chavez or Fidel-the other Pinochet, Videla, Uribe, Bolsonaro, Duarte, Duvalier, Banzer etc.
If I wanted to make an optimistic argument against this article, which is pretty accurate, it is that there are many more people of character, education, and ability in this country than might be apparent. Those people can rally around new leaders … that was clearly the (false) hope with Trump, whose critical flaw turned out to be a lack of intelligence. And I mean both Republicans and Democrats. I realize that could also have been said of the crumbling Soviet Union, and it didn’t help there, but the physical situation of the US is still much better I believe. The next election is going to be interesting. Assuming Trump is renominated, the only hope will come from the Democrats … I don’t see our ‘savior’ there yet (Tulsi Gabbard needs more experience), but someone could rise up. They would be opposed by every power center in the country, but could still win.
Hope I don’t sound like I am grasping at straws.
I think that you make a good point.
There is a staggering amount of talent in this country.
However, there are two real negatives.
One, we are not getting accurate information from the media.
Two, our educational system does not educate for “citizenship.” They educate for obedience.
This is a bad combination. One, Americans don’t get accurate information on what is going on, and, two – even if they got accurate information – they treat critical participatory democracy as a “lack of patriotism,” rather the very essence of patriotism, which it actually is.
That makes problems hard to fix, even with all the talent that this country possesses.
Nailed it Mike! Thought control, from the cradle to the grave. Ignorance is their most treasured currency.
And even if we’ve somehow broken free, they’ve made sure to force compliance by gutting labor markets. Most people can’t afford to carry a conscience beyond the front door. Families are barely surviving. None of this is by accident.
The other big problem is that many of the best educated are the most susceptable to believing BS, the most credible. They believe what they read in the NYT. They think that Assange should rot in the Ec. embassy in London. They believe that Maduro is a “bad man’ and so the Venezuelan coup is justified. They swallowed the RussiaGate story and belive that Putin is a thug–and alos that this gives the USA the right to mess with his country. I was appalled when leading journalists who are alumna of my alma mater were all on board with leaving Assange hanging and leaving where he is: “I have no sympathy with Assange. He is not a jouirnalist.”
Plus, none of them speak up for Pal rights. Partly it is the old problem of the Americans just being very provincial, even the “smart” ones.
So, this does not raise my confidence. And of course none of these people knows how to milk a cow.
But, they might rally round if a promising lead
Katherine, I think you are right.
I just watched a video of Stephen Colbert interviewing Tulsi Gabbard.
Colbert questioned Gabbard about her meeting with Assad. He asked her, “do you believe that he is a war criminal?” You could tell from the way he asked that question that he was attempting to set up Gabbard with a “trap question.” Gabbard – who strikes me as a wonderful person – “admitted” that Assad was a “war criminal” but focused on the necessity to keep lines of communications open to all parties.
Now, Colbert and Gabbard are both intelligent people. But the whole drift of the conversation avoided the obvious. It avoided the fact that George Bush, Condoleezza Rice, Donald Rumsfeld and others could be labelled as “war criminals” just as easily as Assad – and probably on more solid evidence.
Thus, the problem, as you noted, is that even the intelligent, talented people are operating in a system do devoid of open discussion that they swallow the basic assumptions of dominant narrative (“we are the good guys occupying the moral high ground who fighting the bad guys”) without questioning it.
One should never mistake education for intellect. Just take a gander at the kind of “hive mind” geniuses that dominate most STEM professions .
It’s also much easier for people to feign ignorance, rather than confront the awful truth of their complicity. Cowards, purposely dilluding themselves with a thin veneer of worthless virtue signaling and even the commendable trip to the local soup kitchen or the occasional donation to the ASPCA. I call them the “Canadian Goose wearing Gestapo.”
While most Americans can’t afford to pay attention, there is a sizable group, willingly choosing to accept the narrative and create their own facade of benevolence. They could afford to embrace the truth, but they’re unwilling to sacrifice a single personal comfort for the benefit of those less fortunate. Colbert and the thousands of other crafted charlatans, provide the false affirmation they desire.
“The other big problem is that many of the best educated are the most susceptable to believing BS, the most credible.”
There’s propaganda for every audience – the Sun for the illiterate, the Economist for the educated.
That is a good point.
The modern media is like a propaganda buffet.
And it is “all you can eat.”
Excellent article. I accept almost everything presented by The Saker, except the first part, where I have to disagree slightly.
The backbone of Western civilization is the Greek Hellenic culture, which was accepted by ancient Rome. When the Roman empire collapsed in 476, the Greek Byzantine Empire took over, ie. the Greeks again became the Western cultural backbone. The Renaissance in Italy was instigated by Greeks who came from Constantinople. Italy was on two occasions influenced by Greece, and the spirit of the Renaissance flowed from Italy to Central and Western Europe. Europe in effect was reminded of it’s Hellenic traditions.
The rest of the article is just first class. The following two sentances are crucial:
“The AngloZionist Empire has no allies – only vassal states, puppet regimes and comprador 5th columnists. The US has always treated its so-called “allies” with utter contempt”. Yes. That is true. Also very unwise. In effect the US in 1945 took over from Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan in it’s imperial objectives. And the result ? The US empire will go down in history as the shortest lived. Even it’s allies are finding the courage to stand up to it and say “no”. We have the example of Germany, who refused to terminate the construction of the Nord Stream – 2 gas pipeline. The alternative would have been US gas at double price and in limited quantities.
The US has given up any pretense of respecting international law. When Washington threatened Europe with sanctions if it participated in the building of the Nord Stream – 2 gas pipeline, even I was shocked. And how did European leaders feel, being reduced to imperial subjects ? After that we had threats of sanctions if any trade was done with Iran and Venezuela.
It would appear that gangsterism is now the basis of US foreign policy, backed by comedy, like recognizing puppet Guaido as interim President of Venezuela, in stark contradiction to the stipulations of the Venezuelan Constitution.
I think that in it’s entire history the US has never had such a poor selection of officials who are running the country as they have now. Some of them are quite comic in appearance. And yes, The Saker is right. These people could, out of design or sheer stupidity, trigger a nuclear war, especially if they think that they could win it. This reminds me of that scene from Dr.Strangelove, when the nutty general states that Russia could be defeated with only “20 million tops” dead in the US. Not inspiring for the future.
“Some of them are quite comic in appearanc”
“Rogues gallery” is too good an epithet.
What shall we call a gallery that includes the absurdly mustacho’d Bolton, the Orange One Trump, Satanic Eyeballs Abrams, repulsive fatboyPompeo, and Ken Doll robot Marco Rubio?
Any more? Mueller himself looks like a cadaver, but he s on the “other” side.
The course of the USA since WW II parallels that of ancient Athens after the Greek victory over the Persians. It didn’t end well for Athens, and that city-state never regained her former beauty or glory.
“The Democratic Party especially, reached a new moral and ethical low when it invited Michael Cohen to testify before Congress even though the man is a convicted felon and liar and every word he would speak would be in total violation of the fundamental right of Donald Trump to keep his communications with his lawyer protected by the client-attorney relationship. ”
Yeah, I wondered about htat, too, since anyone who has ever had anything to do with any kind of litigation knows that this is the First Commandment, more or less. Call it omerta.
Thy lips are sealed, bro’!
Communications between client and atty are protected. That is why a murderer can “confess” to his atty but the atty can argue to get him off. Indeed that is the only way that a system of justice can operate.
But I don’t know where this First Commandment is formalized
I thought perhaps the Mueller probe had been given some kind of powers that would trump this First Commandment of client-atty privilege.
Wow, I should would love to get Bill Clinton’s atty on the stand!!!
As a Chinese I am not so pessimistic, if you look at the long river of Chinese history, 200-500 years is usually just a dynastic era. The Chinese has a prediction book written by an official astrologist and a taoist master, using the methodology of I-Ching during early Tang dynasty (627-649AD). It is more accurate than Nostradamous’, based on events that have happened between then and now.
this is in Chinese, not sure whether it has English translation.
I am hopeful and positive, truth and goodness always prevail over evil and darkness, all is not lost yet.
I wrote this a while back and it may shed light in today’s world and where it is going… but it doesn’t have to.
In which case We The People have so much work to do straightening out our own kids and teaching them what matters that everything else becomes a distraction. How about not passing onto them the fear of lack and fear of death we inherited from the best grandparents and parents, who didn’t know any better than pass them onto us with the best of intentions, without realizing what they were doing and how much they paralyzed us unknowingly?
Just wondering…
Excellent article. In addition I would like to post this Greek video that just appeared today. Φώτης Παπαθανασίου (Fotis Papathanasiou) presents the history of the Germanic Europe from the collapse of the Western Roman Empire, which the West today calls Western Democracy as continuation of the Western Roman Empire, which was nothing but.
The video excellently supports what you said in your article. He has a map from 1199AD behind him as he discusses the spread of Germanic branches all over Western and Northern Europe.
Interestingly enough he discusses southern France which is still proud of their Greek roots (there are 200 cities in the south proud to be French Greeks, he says it not me). This as , as he says it the reason for antagonism between Paris and Marseilles (Massalia in the days of the Greeks, ah Massalia gave us all the cognac’s and other fancy brandy’s).
One again great job Andrey
In following the tap root rot, the poisons administered via “western medicine”, truly shine light. World War II, Mengeles and the story about experimentation on the human being has been the real coup. Physically, mentally, emotionally and thus, spiritually blubbering piles of protoplasm. Nature is going to reach critical mass very soon.
Brilliant Saker as always, your higher consciousness is a warning to all humans. Thank you very much.
Berlusconi/ Northern League to be prevented from gaining power again in Italy with new polonium false flag to be blamed on Russia within days.
Same black ops outfit who killed Arafat.
Russia to be blamed against all reason.
Terrible days ahead.
Please stay on topic. The MFC is available for off-topic conversations. Please take your discussion there. Mod.
Granma Cu has completed their three part essay dealing with the decline of Empire…Comrade Che’s ghosts smile down from heaven? Well, yeah…
From Spanish in three parts. (I miss Radio HC on shortwave…Russia, Chin, Cuba and their radio broadcasts were great fun – Cuban opening used to say “free territory in the Americas, radio-free North America broadcasting to the United States…)
“American politicians, who no longer control the main assets of the world island, Eurasia, and who could not grab the Middle East, should get used to a world where other countries act as powers, with their own agendas not coinciding or allied of the United States.”
“Everything indicates that the power will return to the hands of the powers of the world island, Eurasia, that geopolitical terrain that from the Mongols marks the real mandate of an empire on a global scale. This drift is strengthened by an increasingly important role played by powers such as India, in addition to the alignment of Australia on the Chinese side.”
part 1 >
part 2>
part 3>
translate-o-matic> http://itools.com/tool/google-translate-web-page-translator
They seem to expect this is going to take a long time. Two decades… Me? Not so much. When stuff goes, it goes fast, like a ship capsizing, or an old engine throwing a rod…bang!
Interesting last sentence that most likely only the people who play with cars would catch on. In the early 90’s while I was still young and stupid I decided to push my new Olds Cutlass and race with some bikers on the I90. Suddenly bang and a nasty smell. I made it home, though only to find out that my thrust bearing died (that engine had a design problem). But anyway, just like you said “it’s all over when the rod goes”
The American/Western empire is most definitely in decay and deservedly so.
Am I looking forward to the pain to come. No. But I’m am hopeful anyway. If the Soviet Union and the Russian people can bounce back (although after periods of extreme pain) so can the U.S.
I think the collapse will be financial in nature and in terms of lower living standards, but I don’t see a major racial or cultural conflict. It’s easy to have that impression through the MS media’s eye’s. They are of course part of the divide and conquer agenda. I remember saying before Trump was elected on this blog that the Dems were going to be in the shock of their lives when the polls closed.
The plain truth is that many, many “minorities” the working ones anyway, the patriotic ones, were sick and tired of the fake Obama left and the continuation of the neocon wars. But they never accepted that, and instead led the US down the road of wasting our time and placing their loss on anyone but themselves.
Great article.
One very important point which i Will mentioned is the intention of Scientific Methods. Mr.Saker attributed these to Western Civilization, but the original inventors of Scientific Methods were muslim scientists of Islamic Golden age. George Sarton wrote about this expressivly. Even Wikipedea began to recognize IT.
“During the European Renaissance of the 12th century, ideas on scientific methodology, including Aristotle’s empiricism and the experimental approaches of Alhazen and Avicenna, were introduced to medieval Europe via Latin translations of Arabic and Greek texts and commentaries.”
I think Mr.Saker still believe in Trump deception. There was not more pro-Zionist American president in history then Trump. The Trump deception is a struggle between two elite section of the West. The Nazi-Rascist-Zionist faction and the globalist-liberalist function. One should be blind to not see this.
Not a bad article, but I have issues with some of his assumptions and conclusions. Of the 7 points he made, point 5 I find arguable. The contempt for voters showed long before this, does the author remember the election in 2000? This show we are seeing now is just political theater for the gullible that would think there really is a difference in parties. There is no difference, especially during gang warfare. The other 6 points are pretty accurate. His next assertion that the neocons openly seized power under Clinton holds only if you ignore the previous decade. Reagan gave us the path to complete corruption. That started before he was president, with the October surprise. Although Reagan may not have had anything to do with it (unlikely), still, this started in ernest during his reign. The whole Iran affair, invasions in Latin America, the total corruption of the FDA on the 2nd day of his admin and the largest budget and deficit in US history to that point…due to MIC sucking the treasury dry. This is the time when all pretenses were dropped and force became the order of the day. Grenada was the precedent setting event they hoped it would be, the blueprint for future subversion and military incursion. If the Clinton admin showed anything, it was the willingness to blatantly attack our own country and elevate the FF terrorism threat. The first attack on the WTC, OK City, Ruby Ridge and Waco are prime examples. His covert attack on our economy was the biggest hit on our country…NAFTA. The Serbian thing was just an extension of Reagan-esk policy.
Trump has always been the disposable president, for obvious reasons. He is just as neocon as Clinton is, he’s just more Israel oriented. Show me where the differences are between Trump and Clinton regarding our true masters, Israel. There is no difference, except that they can use ‘crazy’ Trump to do what they have desired for some time.The same can be said about Trumps actions regarding Russia, Ukraine and Syria. But they needed a ‘crazy’ to get the ball rolling because ‘sane’ people wouldn’t do such things. This is the advantage of having Trump. He can be discounted as nuts, while they accomplish their goals. The author’s whole notion of the left fighting the right (there is no real left in the USA) is funny, as that is the scenario that is used in US politics as the instigator of division… where political stances are exaggerated to the point ridiculousness. Neocons are not out of touch with the people, they’re just totally indifferent to them. Trump may indeed win re-election in 2020, if his act continues to have value and use. If not, his departure can be handled many different ways…especially if it can be used politically. The assumption that Trump opposers are more ideologically intolerant than Trump supporters baffles me. Does this author ever read anything that comes from Trumps mouth? That of his supporters? “Just look at Trump, Macron or May – these are non-entities which pale in comparison to such leaders as Reagan, Mitterrand or even Margaret Thatcher”…got to agree on that. The bad part is that these are the ones that started us down this slippery slope. He ends his article mentioning Pompeo and the threat he poses. Pompeo is a neocon, along with the majority of Trump’s cabinet. Is this lost on him? Neocons are not fighting the deep state…they are it. Putting the neocons in power is fighting the deep state how? Another point lost on this author is that the Ziomedia was a great tool for the neocons…they used it to brand Trump as saviour, patriot and great businessman and most importantly the ‘underdog’…he is none of those. He’s just another tool in the neocon tool bag. I recall when Trump was running for president and this author held him out as a breath of fresh air, he would put a stop to the warring and Russia bashing and return control to the people. I told him then he was wrong, that Trump was a conman and a liar and could not be trusted. Seems he still ‘believes’. One would think after Syria, sanctions and Venezuela that reality would have set in
That shook me up too. Ray Gun and Thatch were the installed team to turn all things over to the war cabinet thugs and financial cabal, gut the social protections, and invade any (vulnerable) state exhibiting successful socialist policies, criminal atrocities with no respect for human rights or law. Tens of thousands of murders throughout Caribbean/Central A.
One great article except in my opinion the weight given to Armageddon
This is a little confusing and lack your usual clear analysis, still, you make good points. But let me just give you another perspective on the power struggle within Washington. Several things are important to note. First, the Russia hysteria is diminishing and may, in fact, begin to disappear. It was used, primarily, to forestall reform within the Democratic Party and the mainstream media itself. But things are changing rapidly. Fox News is now allowing real leftists to come on their station and actually allows them to express themselves. In contrast CNN and fake leftist MSNBC hector the few on the left they allow on, like Tulsi Gabbard. But this is not going to last when the Democratic debates start. While everyone will genuflect to some extent towards Empire, I think that most candidates will gradually move away from adhering to the neoconservative foreign policy of the past few decades.
Second, the corporate elite are beginning to be concerned that, unless they start dealing with environmental and social issues in a different way, the country will begin to break down as its clearly begun to do. Something like UBI is arousing a lot of interest among the elites because it solves the demand problem better than endless unproductive monetary speculation that is inherently destabilizing. Plus corruption in nearly all areas and institutions has just gone too far. Either the elites abandon the US or they support major reforms for the system as a whole that will decrease corruption–it really has gone too far.
Third, the people as a whole are not happy with the status-quo which is why Trump won the election. If the Democrats nominate a reform candidate he or she will win in 2020, I have no doubt of that. Trump is basically finished because he’s beginning to appear weak.
There are many comments in here about China. I live in Vancouver, BC Canada. We are heavily heavily influenced by the Chinese investor. There influence here is almost uniformly negative. Their financial speculation in the local economy has essentially destroyed it for the working and middle class. The latest stats showed residential housing was at 11% foreign owned and almost all of that is Chinese. Many speculate that the number is actually much higher.I think they hide behind the ‘multiculturalism’ label and it allows them to further make our economy worse for locals and more advantageous for themselves. Personally there are few things more repulsive than the rich Chinese kid zooming around in his latest Porsche or some other Euro sports car. They have taken full advantage of globalization and our local leaders have allowed them to exploit us fully.
This is my small snapshot of the world.I have never been to China and speak none of those languages. But from my view I see nothing of this so called 5000 year old Eastern wisdom some others here write about in an almost romantic way. The Chinese here are just as materialistic as any North American and in many ways worse. Goodness if I see another Michael Koors bag I might vomit all over myself.
I don’t see any reason to trust China yet at all. The bonus is they don’t have the military to go around the world and intimidate everyone with violence like the United States. This is an improvement somewhat I suppose.
Mark-I feel your pain. But I suppose that Iraqis, Afghans, Syrian, Libyans, Gazans etc, feel a good deal more pain, what with the USA, your country’s ally, having destroyed their countries. Not China-the USA, with plenty of Canadian complicity. But I don’t blame you for the actions of the Canadian regime, and while I fully sympathise with your distaste for displays of wealth by Chinese oligarchs, and the way they have distorted housing markets in Vancouver, Seattle and Sydney etc, that is the fault of the neo-liberals who allow such distortions to occur in their countries, not of China or the vast bulk of Chinese people. Your real enemy is your own, and the globalist, elites.
One comment about history:
The “Holy Roman Empire” is only half the name, the second part is “Of German Nation” if one translates the name “Heiliges Roemisches Reich Deutscher Nation” fully.
You write:
“Irrespective of all its flaws, mistakes and sins, it is sad to see how a civilization which gave the
world the likes of Newton or Bach now rots away while being led by a gang of evil, arrogant,
I fully understand and sympathize with your sadness because I’ve been watching the disintegration
and self-destruction you describe for longer than I care to remember.
But when you write that our civilization gave us great science, independent thought and art, etc., I
have to profoundly disagree with you (and this is consistent with all that I wrote in the essays of
mine you kindly published).
Civilization is just another word for culture. “Great achievements” in art, independent thought and
science do not come from culture (civilization) – they come from an area of “human awareness and
activity” (for want of a better term) which exists OUTSIDE culture (civilization). These
“achievements” only exist IN SPITE of culture (civilization); they only come about to the extent
that they DEFY culture (civilization).
Culture and civilization are UTILITARIAN social / economic / political constructs which serve
material interests. Great art, independent thought and science (while it resists being turned into
technology) lie OUTSIDE all utilitarian (materialist / anthropocentic / human reason-directed)
When a culture (civilization) turns its back on non-utilitarian “!ife” (“reality”, “nature” … whatever
one wants to call it) – this culture (civilization) DESTROYS ITSELF. This process of the self destruction
of culture (civilization) has been going on for centures and is now reaching its absolute apex. It may
be sad and very uncomfortable to watch this “senseless destruction” … but if it does not
happen, balance and order will never be restored.
It is not a self-destructive humanity which is mounting a “revolution”; it is nature itself revolting
against a humanity which has long been occupied with turning its back on her.
… and if there happens to be anyone left after all the civilizational / cultural self-destruction, we’ll still have Newton, J. S. Bach, Einstein and Malevich (along with a few others we should have been listening to instead of all the utilitarian / materialist clowns and morons).
Only Bach deserves to be kept. Malevich was a clown.
Einstein doesn’t hold up any more. It never did and the nonsense of Relativity has simply wasted our time.
Throw him in the dustbin along with Darwin and Copernicus, men whose ideas are demonstrably proven wrong and need to go away fast, as their lasting legacy is the poisoned sand upon which much of the western moral and gender insanity rests.
There was this analyst on another website. And over time regarding a particular subject – whether a person, region, government, war, etc. – he might give, say, ten generalized opinions about where he believed things were headed with it.
And also, he modified those opinions over time, here-or-there, this-way-or-that, to conform to what he saw as the latest data regarding that subject. Thus, over time, it became possible that opinion #10 could even end up contradicting an earlier opinion.
But then, in the future regarding that subject, if something occurred even remotely like one of his earlier opinions, he would say, “See, I told you”, even if his later opinions on the topic didn’t necessarily conform anymore to that earlier opinion.
And of course, it was easier for him to do this if he wrote in generalities, thereby enabling him to use more generalized words in the current time to build a word-bridge back to one of his earlier opinions.
That said, you mention Dmitri Orlov. I have not read a lot of him, but only some of him. But in what I have read, he has been reasonably consistent in his generalizations regarding the West, and specifically the US, saying how they are obviously in collaspe mode, but that he cannot forsee any specific catastrophic failure, believing instead it will most likely remain a “death-by-a-thousand-pin-pricks” kind of decline. And while it would be easy for Mr. Orlov to give an “I told you so” in the future based on what he writes, it’s doubtful that he would, because he even acknowledges that he’s only seeing a “general” picture laden with symptoms, but has no more specifics himself.
Regardless, we all might know “something is there” and cannot explain exactly what’s going to occur; but Mr. Orlov writes well, as does the Saker; and having the perspective of “outsiders” makes them a more valuable read than most forms of common Western media.
Thank you to both.
“The only difference between the original Crusaders and their modern descendants is that the former at least pretended to be Christians.”
As opposed to the ones hiding in Constantinople begging to be rescued by these same Crusaders from the Pope and the True Church of Jesus Christ? The Schismatic Orthodox are ever used to laying down before Islam, and who also make adulterous marriages kosher. They’re certainly one to talk!
The Muslims can groan all they want like the Jews, but at the end of the day, their jihadis got their asses kicked, and had to be pushed back along with their false prophet’s empire thanks to the intervention of the Virgin Mother of God. To her has it been given the power to crush this false religion.
Do keep in mind that God and His Holy Mother already forewarned the faithful true Christians (the ones in the West, not the Moscow schismatics), that Russia’s errors, which you and Orlov kindly document here, were inevitably going to spread throughout the west. We had these prophecies with us since the year 1917 from Sr. Lucia of Fatima.
What the west has become, is a contagion that has spread to it from Russia – whose chief error is the Schism from the True Church of Christ. But this was only possible because the West grew apostate, drunk on the very errors of Americanism and France that you want to celebrate here, rightly condemned by the Holy Roman Pontiffs, who saw that these enlightenment philosophies were just the fertile manure upon which Communism and the current Western insanity you observe today would inevitably breed. Because Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion inevitably translate to – I wanna do whatever I want and have it my way, to hell with reality and the law of non-contradiction.
And that, dear Saker, is what is now threatening Russia. So yes, Saker, they will be that crazy. Buckle up.
The USA, will first become or has become exactly like the USSR, and so will the rest of Europe. Then they will also go the way of the USSR. And there will be war with Russia. And Russia will prevail over Europe. Then Russia will be Consecrated by the Pope and the Bishops of the West and be converted – to the true Church – not the schismatic one that exists. But only after the current apostasy within her members, like the original Israelites who left Egypt, are passed away, leaving a new and better generation to take the Promised Land.
The West is not this fanciful, “Platonic”, middle class, christian thing which you and many white supremacists/nationalists think it is. The “West”, as a genetic, social and cultural mix of Neolithic farmers and Eurasian steppe herders(not the most harmonious mix) was/is and most likely will continue to be filled with its own homegrown contradictions. Rome and Christianity are just superficial layers over a very old, very western, social reality/contradiction(created out of that antagonism between Eurasian herders and Early European farmers). To be honest neither Rome or Christianity are essential for Western Europe because it, Western Europe, was already formed, culturally and linguistically by the Late Bronze Age(way before Rome or Christianity).
So who cares let that creation of hypocritical Italian/Roman clerics and Scandinavian pretty boys(Germanics) die off already. We the real historically oppressed “Western” masses(no not the the hypocritically conservative white middles class you obviously admire, even though they have benefited the most from imperialism. But non-Germanics, Celts, Celtiberians, Lusitanians, Gaels, Scots, Welsh and all those overseas even the “degenerate” Germanics can join) will continue what our nomadic Yamnaya ancestors could not, destroy the inherent urban oligarchy that agricultural surplus creates. That means sacking huge parts of modern Western cities like New York, Paris, London, Rome, Milan etc. The real “western” masses have been used as mercenaries and labor by the western bourgeoisie, well now its about time us, the mercenary western masses, turn our swords on them.
“non-entities which pale in comparison to such leaders as Reagan” O(ne of Ronald Reagan’s campaign statement was that USA’s 300 Billion $ national debt was a big threat. When He left office the debt was 3 Trillion, and He said upon leaving, “This has been the greatest acting role of my career.”
I was once skeptical about the Q team, but following it now for a long time, it is amazing how accurate this team has been and that is the first time that there is some sign of effective fight against the Deep State in the US: many of the perpetrators of sedition and treason involved with the collusion in their own 2016 elections, have been made to resign and will face indictments, Shakespearean type of plays of this modern era scandal of SpyGate instead of RussiaGate would be appropriate and reflect the ingrained criminal nature of the DOJ, FBI, DNC, MI6, CIA. The qteam clearly planned for this play to be acted out and then refresh the top officials of the justice and secret service system. Admittedly they said the CIA is too far gone to drain its swamp, but many replacements of officers are taking place and a lot of the work has been moved to the NSA, which has worked with the Q team members of the military intelligence of the USA. They have all the information and indictments are beginning (see the start with Devin Nunes and with William Barr). First the rot had to be removed, like all the players who were in the gang set on destroying their own principles of the Constitution and now the stream of indictments are coming (removed from office are people like Rod Rosenstein, soon Adam Schiff, Lisa Page, Peter Strzok, McCabe, Comey, charges for Brennan and Clapper are in the making, Christopher Steele will be seen for who he is (and perhaps now on its way to the USA extradition plane etc.etc.
I am no fan of Trump or any of these horrible connections with Israel and KSA, but perhaps a game is being played out there too to ensure there will not be any further wars. Some interpreters say that the Venezuela threat might expose more of the deep state while Trump et.al. are having negotiations behind the scenes, as is being done with North Korea (which was run by CIA to a large extent). Things have shifted and I agree with this article to a high degree, but still have some hope that the draining of the swamp is actually taking place, but takes years. The MSM is already losing traction and people are turning to other websites for real news (such as this one), being fed up with all the nonsense they have had to see and read for years and turning out to be proper fake news.
Israel might not get its way and the US, as Nasrallah said, will indeed leave Syria (as well as Afghanistan) and Trump might prove to keep his promise to stop wars. Yes, Bolton is awful, but Trump did the opposite there to in this game, ie.e. he did not follow what Bolton threatens to do with N Korea and other such threats: feeding the Deep State but doing the opposite. Perhaps MbS of KSA did change something with the gang of princes who had so much to say in the USA because of their ability to have corrupted many politicians for years.
Another promise Q made is the Epstein sex-scandals: there will be exposure and charges of some important people. Let’s see if Trump is one of the few Presidents of the US who does not engage or start further wars (was Guaido used as a puppet to mislead and draw out the real players and expose them?).
Time will tell, but I have hope this might be the first time that a President who does not play ball and make war, will not be assassinated and help (as a figure head, not because he is so great) a little to really turn the tide and drain the swamp!
Dear Saker,
J.-S. Bach music is without any doubt one of the most beautiful masterpiece of human art. But I do not think that this music is to oppose to the crime of western civilization. The emotions feeled by hearing this music merge with all other emotions that determine the sense of belonging to western civilization. I think it’s a basic instinct of social psychology. It is a psychological mechanism of crowd, that is impervious to reason. So J.-S. Bach participates in the cohesion of western civilization for better and for worse.
“Empire often crumbles when their own people become disillusioned and disgusted with the massive discrepancy between what the ruling elites say and what they do and as a result,……”
Actually, that is factually untrue.
Empire do not fall because their citizens stop believing in it or are disgusted by the ruling elite.
Empires fall
1. as competitors (China/Others) start chipping away at the USvia trade, via financial expansion, etc.
2. when the Empire overstretches its military and financial expansion that can not be sustained due to outside restraints
3. as promises made fail using phony constructs as NATO, and all the other leagues that the empire uses to siphon off other nation’s wealth
A interpretação parcial das minorias e a omissão do crescimento de partidos de esquerda dentro da legenda democrata revelam limitações do autor e um voluntarismo que aponta mais na direção do neofascismo do que da mudança de sistema.
Google translation,MOD: The partial interpretation of minorities and the omission of the growth of leftist parties within the Democratic Legend reveal limitations of the author and a voluntarism that points more toward neofascism than of system change.
Dear Saker
Your express that the “AngloZionist Empire is a direct descendant from the Franks”. I would not argue with that as it clearly is factually right. Still, the core of this empire is today Protestant/Judaic, while the Frank empire was Roman/catholic. As described in the book you mentioned “Franks, Romans, Feudalism, and Doctrine” by Fr. John Romanides, it was the Franks that managed with a lot of time and energy to have the Filioque integrated in the Roman dogma against the will of the Roman clergy.
For centuries, the main opponent to the Protestant/Judaic network has been the catholic church, and it is still the case today as the Holy Trinity is what makes Catholicism incompatible with the New World Order would be mass religion, namely Noachism. Therefore, it can be said that what the AngloZionist Empire high caste still considers as one big obstacle to overcome for it to reach global hegemony, was set by the Franks.