Today let’s begin with this news item today:
Seven-in-Ten Americans Now See Russia as an Enemy Attitudes toward NATO increasingly positive.
You got to love the “logic” of these folks!
Russia intervenes in a country which neighbors Russia, thousands of miles away, and the US Americans see that as a threat to the USA. And nevermind that the USA is the country which forced Russia into this war which the Kremlin spent eight years trying to avoid.
How is such a result even possible? Here are a few options:
- A majority of US Americans are simply stupid and cannot think
- A majority of US Americans are unbelievably ignorant
- A majority of US Americans are brainwashed by their media and schools
- A majority of US Americans have been trained/conditioned to fear and hate whomever their rulers designate for demonization
- A majority of US Americans sincerely believe that the USA ought to be the planet’s cop and no matter where a conflict starts, even when that conflict started by the USA, they believe that it is Uncle Shmuel business to deal with it. In their tiny minds, the USA has a God given right to intervene anywhere and attack anyone.
- A majority of US Americans perceive any truly sovereign country as a direct threat to their way of life.
- The PYSOP campaign to demonize Russia has been a resounding success.
A mix of all of the above is probably the most accurate cause for such a result.
Next, I bumped into a Fox News propaganda piece featuring a clown which, apparently, in some very distant past was a US Lt. General in the USA military, his last name is Kellogg. I decided to give it a try and I have to say that I sat absolutely *transfixed* listening to him: according to him, Russia has already suffered a huge defeat at the hands of the Ukronazis and with NATO’s help the Ukraine can, and probably will, win this war.
And both that “general” and the presstitute “interviewing” him delivered that crock of shit with great gravitas and appropriate facial expressions (angled eyebrows, the way the journos try to look very sincere). I was expecting at least one of them to burst out laughing but, no, of course not.
These two simply lack both the brain and the humor to realize how terminally stupid and ridiculous they both sound.
As I have written many times in the past, US generals are much more “corporate CEO in combat fatigues” than real combat officers. By Russian standards this guy would not even be allowed to clean latrines in a construction battalion. A man who says with a straight face that delivering 20 Soviet era aircraft or S-300 to the Ukrainians will make a difference in this war is either a clueless civilian or a deliberate liar prostituting his (putative and now former) officer’s honor for a few bucks.
No wonder the Russians have stopped taking telephone calls from these clowns.
Does anybody still wonder why “Kabul” happened or why the USA cannot win a war against anybody except Grenada (and that one barely, they had to bring the 82nd to fix the usual SNAFU created by US “special” operation forces)?
As for the German Eurolemmings, they have truly lost any sense of decency or even basic common sense: they are now seriously thinking about sending old Leopard 1 tanks to the Ukraine!
Let me explain something really basic here:
- You cannot just send weapons to the Ukraine and have that make a difference. I mean, yes, if you send AKs, bullet and clubs, they might get used. But modern weapon systems require training. They also require maintenance. Then they need to be integrated into the rest of the armed forces. Then your forces need to train and practice a lot to perfect their combat coordination. Then you need a supply/maintenance/repairs network to maintain/repair your systems. Advanced air defense systems require crews with sometimes many years of training. Considering that the reinforcements sent by Kiev to the Donbass even include their Volkssturm, you can imagine how utterly useless the operators of the few weapons systems surviving the trip from Lvov to the Donbass will be. And the interval between the moment this ancient S-300 goes live and the moment a Russian ARM hit it will be counted in minutes at most.
- Next, old weapons (ex-Soviet or ex-NATO) are just fat targets. In almost all cases, Russian equivalents are one or even two generations ahead, so why are all the EU sending them? Well, for a couple of reasons, the main one is to get rid of them, since storage or recycling of such systems is rather costly. The next reason is that it makes NATO politicians look “tough” – after all, if Zelenskii wants old tanks, artillery or air defense systems (he ain’t exactly a military genius either!) then, by all means, we give it to him and look like we are doing *something*. By the way, the four S-300 sent by the Slovaks were, apparently, already destroyed in a strike yesterday. And the Slovak taxpayers did not spend a penny on this. How is that not a good deal for Slovakia? Oh sure, this is an act of war, a casus belli, as are ALL but UNSC approved “sanctions”, but the Euroemmings Master Race are so superior in every sense to the accursed Rooskies that, screw that! The only thing which can bring the Eurolemmings back to reality is a Russian strike on such a weapons convoy INSIDE a NATO member country because, as I have already explained, when the Eurolemmings try to hide behind Uncle Shmuel’s back, all he will offer them are statements of support, outrage, freshly printed fiat money and the usual mix of threats, fear and hate Western politicians always spew about Russia. But the US won’t allow NATO to go to war with Russia over one such strike, especially if the Russians clearly explain what they did and why (I actually expect that quite a few “old-time” Western officers will get a good kick out of their newfound NATO “allies” hysterics once that happens).
- As I have mentioned in the past, weapons convoys in the western Ukraine (and, possibly, even inside Poland) make for easy and lucrative targets for the Russians. Just mix in enough civilians and, voilà!, sooner or later you will have a “Russian atrocity”, something like “the Russians kill scores of innocent feeling Ukrainian civilians” or “the Russians attacked trucks clearly marked with red crosses” (FYI – the SBU and Azov uses red crosses on its vans and ammo/supply trucks!). This is likely one of the reasons the Russians have, so far, chosen not to attack early on but to wait for solid intelligence and then strike the NATO forces/hardware when it is nicely concentrated somewhere. Still, we know that Azov ALWAYS used civilians (especially those perceived as “not sufficiently patriotic”!) as human shields. By the way, NATO taught them this technique. Anyway, to expect NATO weapon convoys NOT to be protected by human shields would be simply stupid. The Russians simply have to ASSUME that NATO/SBU/Azov will ALWAYS be surrounded by captive civilians.
Which brings us to the issue of false flags. Here are a few headlines about this topic:
- CNN: ““All options are on the table” for the West’s response if Russia uses chemical weapons“
- Vesti: “French gendarmes arrived in Lvov” (to investigate Russian war crimes and atrocities)
- Sputnik: “US Cannot Confirm Use of Chemical Agents in Mariupol, Senior Defense Official Says“
Need I say anything more?
Even by British standards, this is the most pre-announced pre-publicized false flag in history, I am amazed I don’t see ads and previews for it on Amazon and Netflix…
I guess, I will just say that if the public opinion is being prepared for a Russian chemical attack (maybe even with the – apparently harmless – “Novichok”) then we know for sure which side is winning and which side is not winning.

Medvechuk, one of the main leaders of the opposition at held in the SBU offices, according to Zelenskii who is very proud of that “capture”
There are also a few other reasons why the Empire of Hate and Lies badly and urgently needs a false flag:
- Mariupol has fallen and all the rescue or escape attempts have failed. Yes, there are probably several hundred, possibly around 1000 Nazis still left in the deep and many underground facilities under the industrial complex, but they have become militarily irrelevant so the Russian National Guard forces are taking their sweet time to avoid any unnecessary losses on the Russian side.
- Reports of Nazi atrocities are literally all over the place, especially on Telegram. A few of these have leaked into the legacy corporate ziomedia thereby creating the first, still tiny, cracks in the official narrative.
- Nobody knows what/who exactly is hidden deep in the bowels of Azovstal, but considering the immense efforts to get “it/him/them” out of there, the inevitable takeover of the underground floors by the Russians will result in some major embarrassment for the Empire, unless the Kremlin decides to show “goodwill” again and mistakenly believe that any such goodwill will be appreciated in the West. IF there is a deal made, it will have to offer the Russians something really substantive and very quickly verifiable since just promises won’t do, not even with the Atlantic Integrationists (who are now busy rebranding themselves as “patriotic Russians”).
- There are also lots of reports of atrocities in the Nazi-controlled Ukraine, including public floggings and executions. Again, Telegram is flooded with such reports and footage and the Bucha false flag petered out without providing the needed “distraction” and return to the “correct” narrative. The Ukronazis even reportedly told the Brits that they have no intention of abiding by the Geneva Conventions (what a surprise!).
On the photo above and on the closeup, check out the face and expression of Viktor Medvedchuk, the leader of the Ukrainian opposition. If that is how the SBU OFFICIALLY – the photo is from ‘Ze’ himself – treats a top political figure, just imagine what they have done to the thousands of people they have “disappeared” over 8 years now!
Over the past week or so, the Western PSYOPs have begun to lose control of the narrative, which means that they need to seize the initiative and regain control of the narrative. Not exactly a difficult task when dealing with a terminally stupidified public in Zone A.
In the meantime, the Eurolemmings are continuing their acts of highway robbery. European “values” at work, from the Crusades to the modern age :-)
A few weeks back I wrote that while the immediate objective of the SMO in the Ukraine was to denazify and disarm the Nazi-occupied Ukraine, the real end goal was to change the European collective security architecture which, itself, is the cornerstone of our entire, worldwide, international order. I called that “denazify the planet” and I am pretty sure that many readers reading these words thought “what’s Andrei smoking?”.
Well, how about we now listen to both Sergei Lavrov and Sergei Karaganov?
The first one, Lavrov, called the “end of the course for US hegemony as the goal of the operation in Ukraine“. As for Karaganov, he declared that “we are at war with the West. The European security order is illegitimate“.
Still, for the time being, the big event will be the initiation of the 2nd phase of the war: the elimination of the Ukrainian forces inside the Donbass cauldron. Very few people know how long such an operation would last, it depends on so many things that it makes no sense to try to guess it, but the outcome itself is not in doubt.
Only God, and Satan, know what kind of demented scheme the likes of Nuland or Blinken will come up next.
All we can say is that a rabid dog is cornered, it makes it even more dangerous.
And we have to keep in mind that they REALLY and SINCERELY thought they would (finally!) break the will of the Russian people and that they know this long awaited and oh-so-sweet revenge-victory is slipping away from them – just imagine the rage they must feel. After eight years of endless provocations, insults and “negotiations” the Neocons have FINALLY forced Russia to intervene openly, which was always the dream of the Neocons. But what they did not expect (and neither did anybody else, myself included) was that instead of “just” liberating the LDNR from constant Ukronazi strikes, Putin chose to liberate the entire Ukraine and change the entire collective security architecture of Europe. Even better, Putin has confirmed this openly in his ultimatum and many times since.
You could say that Putin’s message to NATO was short: “We are coming for you”. I think of it as the modern equivalent of the ancient words “хочу на вы идти” (pronounced “khochu na vy idti”) spoken to his enemies by the famous commander of ancient Russia, the Grand Duke of Kiev Svyatoslav Igorevich (955-972) and which can be loosely translated as “my intention is to attack you”.
I don’t believe that NATO has fully understood this or, to the extent they did, they will dismiss it as “bluff” (as if Putin ever bluffed, which is really something Russians very rarely do).
But by the time the 2nd phase is over, this reality will have trickled into the delusional minds of the likes of Borrell or Stoltenberg and you can be sure they will run to their beloved Uncle Shmuel for protection. At which point the Empire of Lies will have exactly two options left:
- Admit a total political defeat of NATO in Europe or
- Commit suicide and try to attack Russia. And since the US/NATO/EU/etc do not have anywhere near the force levels to take on the Russian military through a direct US military intervention, this would be utterly pointless and bring the leaders of the USA to the same choice (to nuke or not to nuke?), except that a really embarrassing military defeat will be added on top of an already really embarrassing political defeat
So, apparently, the Eurolemmings are totally willing to die for the Ukraine, as long as the fighting is done by the Ukrainians themselves.
The same Eurolemmings are also willing to eviscerate their own economies only for the privilege to brown-nose Uncle Shmuel and get a “certificate of democratic credentials” as a reward.
But will US soldiers be willing to die for either the Ukraine or the Eurolemmings? Will the Neocons have enough influence and power to force the US military to execute a civilization-ending order? Or will there appear some personality/group which would do, but this time REALLY DO, what Trump promised and “drain the swamp” and get rid of the likes of Bliken or Nuland?
I very much doubt it. But I can still hope for it.
And then there is China which clearly supports Russia, and which is clearly preparing for a war against the USA. Even their minister of defense said so quite openly. And here are two things the Chinese know for sure:
- If the Empire defeats Russia, China will be next, thus China cannot afford a Russian defeat under ANY circumstances (and neither can Russia afford a hypothetical Chinese defeat at the hands of the Empire).
- If the US and Russia go at each other in earnest, this will be the perfect time to not only solve the Taiwan issue, but to boot the US out of the Far East just as Iran booted the USA out of the Middle-East. From the Chinese point of view, “just” liberating Taiwan is not enough – the US must be removed from Taiwan, Japan and even the ROK. So yes, China also wants to denazify the planet, they are less blunt about it than the Russians, but it is clear to me that this world denazification plan was agreed to by both Putin and Xi.
The folks at the Pentagon must realize that – at least a sufficient critical mass must do so. Yes, I agree with Andrei Martyanov, the former US generals on TV sound like ignorant infantiles, but I will never believe that all US military commanders are that stupid. I studied in Washington DC from 1986 to 1991 and most of my teachers were active-duty military, and none of them were stupid. I also had a lot of fellow students who were from the US military, in the “lieutenant to major” range, and, again, these were smart men, very well educated and, I believe, honorable men. By now some of them must hold very senior ranks and they could make the difference.
Again, I don’t expect that to happen, but I get to still hope that it will.
I did not study with either General Mattis or General Milley and I know very little about them except this: Mattis seems to be the person who deliberately botched the US missile strike on Syria to avoid a possible Russian reaction leading to war and General Milley called his Chinese counterpart to tell him that the US has no intention of striking at China thereby telling the Chinese that they are NOT in a “use them or lose them” situation, which would have put the entire USA in the very real danger of getting nuked by a desperate China. In both of these cases, these generals appear to have contravened direct orders for the greater good of service to their country and protection of the US population of the imbecilic orders given by imbecilic US Presidents. Mattis was “let go” pretty soon by The Donald while Milley was subjected to a vicious smear campaign.
So if “Biden” (meaning Nuland, Sullivan, Blinken or any other demented psychopath) gives the order to attack Russian forces I still want to believe that there will be a critical mass at the Pentagon to tell the “crazies in the basement” to finally shut up and get back to where they belong: the basement they crawled out of.
Is there enough true and real patriotism left in the USA? Or is patriotism just waving (Chinese made!) US flags, vote for the “lesser evil” from either branch of the Uniparty, and remain an Israeli colony forever?
If it wasn’t for the US nuclear triad (old, but still formidable and capable!), I truly wouldn’t give a damn, but alas that is a luxury nobody can afford, at least until the USA is finally denazified and disarmed too. But until all of Zone A is absorbed and re-civilized by Zone B, that danger will threaten every human being on the planet (and now even in the southern hemisphere courtesy of the comprador leaders of the US colony in Australia which have decided to paint a big Chinese nuclear crosshairs on their brainless heads!).
Okay, I will end with some major good news: the entire 36th Marine Infantry Brigade in Mariupol has surrendered! That is over 1000 soldiers, including 300 wounded and 90 seriously injured.
Now, careful here, these are NOT the Azov forces hiding in the underground floors of Azovstal. First, they are not Azov but regular Ukrainian military and, second, they were barricaded in the Illich industrial complex, near the Azovstal, but already cut off from Azovstal.

The Ukrainian 36th Naval Infantry Brigade has surrendered
It is important to note that unlike the Azov Nazis, the Naval Infantry forces are NOT considered as Nazis by the Russians and that they will all get full POW protection under the Geneva Convention.
The very best the Azov people can expect is to be identified and arrested on suspicion of war crimes, crimes against humanity and all kinds of atrocities. If some of them are clearly clueless idiots who made some bad choices, they might return home one day after either being found innocent (a minority) or after serving their time in Russian jails.
Those found with tattooed swastikas or those who are already on the FSB wanted list will get harsh sentences in equally harsh high-security prisons.
As for Azov commanders, they have already been told by everybody that they will get no mercy. Which means that they will get interrogated and executed.
[Sidebar: Russia has had a moratorium on the death penalty to appease the Eurolemmings. Now that Russia has quit all EU institutions, you can expect the death penalty to be reinstated under popular pressure. Besides, the LDNR republics DO have the death penalty. As does every single Chechen subunit :-)]
The bottom line is this: while the surrender of the 36th Naval Infantry Brigade is absolutely wonderful news – just think of the saved lives – it is very unlikely to set a precedent to the Azov forces in Mariupol or elsewhere. Worse, I strongly suspect that the two reasons why the 36th Naval Infantry Brigade could surrender were that:
- They were cut off (by the Russian National Guard units) from the Azov forces in Azovstal
- They were considered an elite unit that the Nazis of Azov could not simply and safely massacre
In the Donbass, the situation is, reportedly, much worse: the ratio of Nazi to normal soldier seems to be close to 1:10 which means that the Nazis can act as “barrage forces” and shoot anybody refusing to advance or trying to retreat – a technique which the West loves to blame on Stalin, but which was invented by the Nazis on the Eastern Front. They can also act as “political commissars”, a category invented by Leon Trotsky himself to force former officers of the imperial Russian military to obey orders given by these commissars or face execution. And those who will say that 1:10 is a great ratio for the Ukrainians to dispose of their “Nazi commissars” miss the point as any such conspiracy will be detected long before it materializes.
Yet again, I am not expecting this to happen, but I will keep hoping with all my heart that a huge massacre (because that is exactly what this is shaping up to be) can still be avoided. I really hope that the Russian PSYOPs are doing all they can to reach out to the Ukrainian soldiers in the Donbass cauldron and that the RU+LDNR forces will do everything short of taking serious losses to spare the lives of the 60-70 thousand or so Ukrainians who are now waiting to be obliterated by heavy Russian strikes.
One of my favorite Russian poets, Maksimilian Voloshin, wrote a poem entitled “Civil War” which I love and which I will share with you, in Russian and in a somewhat corrected machine translation:
Одни восстали из подполий, Из ссылок, фабрик, рудников, Отравленные темной волей И горьким дымом городов. Другие из рядов военных, Дворянских разоренных гнезд, Где проводили на погост Отцов и братьев убиенных. В одних доселе не потух Хмель незапамятных пожаров, И жив степной, разгульный дух И Разиных, и Кудеяров. В других – лишенных всех корней – Тлетворный дух столицы Невской: Толстой и Чехов, Достоевский – Надрыв и смута наших дней. Одни возносят на плакатах Свой бред о буржуазном зле, О светлых пролетариатах, Мещанском рае на земле…В других весь цвет, вся гниль империй, Все золото, весь тлен идей, Блеск всех великих фетишей И всех научных суеверий. Одни идут освобождать В тех и в других война вдохнула А вслед героям и вождям Сгноить ее пшеницы груды, И не смолкает грохот битв И там и здесь между рядами А я стою один меж них |
Some have risen from the underground, From exiles, factories, mines, Poisoned by the dark will And the bitter smoke of cities. Others from the ranks of the military, Nobles from now ruined nests, Where they would accompany to the graveyard The fathers and brothers of those murdered. In some the flame of ancient fires has not been snuffed out yet And in the steppes, rebellious spirit of Razins and Kudeyars remains alive. In others – devoid of all roots – The corrupting spirit of the capital on the Neva: Tolstoy and Chekhov, Dostoevsky – The anguish and turmoil of our days. Some are posting slogans about Their nonsense and bourgeois evil, About the bright proletarians, A petty-bourgeois paradise on earth…In others, all the color, all the rot of empires, All the gold, all the decay of ideas, The brilliance of all the great fetishes And all scientific superstitions. Some go to liberate In both, the war breathed in And following the heroes and leaders Rot her wheat piles, And the roar of battles does not cease And there and here between the rows And I stand alone between them |
These verses were written in November of 1919 and they refer to the Russian Civil War.
Today, the situation is radically different in too many ways to list, but on a spiritual level, I think that this is again yet another Russian civil war. I have exactly ZERO sympathy or, even less so, empathy for the Ukrainian Nazis, but when I see the young faces of Ukrainian POWs I can’t help it – I see *my* people. Yes, confused, mistaken, misguided, possibly stupid and even deeply sinful. And I would not hesitate for 1 second to fight them with more than a keyboard. But as long as they don’t embrace the Ukronazi/Baderista/Azov/SBU/NATO/EU/US ideology I will always see them as my people and I will never rejoice in their suffering or demise.
Finally, when Voloshin wrote “I pray for both sides” it was not a political statement. It was a recognition of our common humanity. Even if the core of the Ukronazi/Baderista/Azov/SBU/NATO/EU/US ideology and even IDENTITY is to deny us, Russians, that common humanity (other than in vapid words, of course).
To the demons in Washington DC we need to oppose our saints, both living and long dead.
Our most formidable weapon is not a nuke or any “Tsar-Bomba” but our modest prayer ropes.
Let’s use that most formidable weapon of ours which only we have (there is no real hesychasm in the West, and there has not been for many centuries now),
And strictly in that sense, I do the same, I also pray for our people on both sides.
The graph in the poll makes perfect sense. It shows that the U.S. govt media complex can manufacture opinion. That the U.S. public is perfectly compliant while chortling that our enemy does not have a free press.
While this is about Russia, I’ve seen the same polls on N. Korea, Iran, and China.
‘Who is the biggest threat to the United States’, Lo and behold, it is whoever we have been complaining about for the past 2 mo’s.
People must keep in mind that polls can be faked with many techniques, and if the pollsters cant get the paid-for results, they can simply fake the data. If elections can be stolen, then polls are much simpler. Living in an extremely typical US state, I talk with people from all social classes. Absolutely no one sees Russia as a serious enemy that would be worth crossing the street to harm, let alone any serious wartime sacrifices. If they see it on TV, they might raise a can of beer to it, but that’s all.
Where I live, they support Russia and I’m in the US. They think fanboy Zelensky is a fruit, of course they also think that about everyone in our goobermint. I see people up here with “I Stand With Russia” Tee shirts.
“…“I Stand With Russia” Tee shirts”… in the US?! Not all hope is lost it seems. Have you talked to any of those people? Motives?
Where can I get one?
I’m placing an order for four T-shirts right now.
It’ll be an interesting test. In our country, that’s three years in prison ;-).
“Who dares wins” (you have to beat them with their own weapons :) )! Thank you for the link – shirt looks very agreeable.
You’re welcome ;-). I’ll be glad if it helps.
By the way. It will be a welcome addition to T-shirts with Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin on them and to T-shirts with the inscription “I love Russia”. I’ve had these since 2014. And to two russian presidential flags ordered two weeks ago from China (suprisingly E-Bay).
“If elections can be stolen, then polls are much simpler.”
Good point. Everybody knows that, but still, pools are taken into account. They are extremely unreliable tool and should be avoided like the plague.
I recall when all the polling in the US said Hillary was going to win decisively in 2016, and any poll that said otherwise was taken down and explained away as the result of bots. You see, they make their own reality, and if whatever is coming in through their five senses does not please them, they rewrite it in self-comforting terms.
After the journalists who warned us all of “weapons of mass destruction” in Iraq kept their jobs when that turned out to have been a lie, the only people I think who really believe American propaganda are those who have benefited from the status quo to the extent that anything bursting the US bubble would result in a big downshift in their lifestyles, for which they have made no preparations. That is a shrinking portion of the US population now. (Of course, there is also a substantial group for whom politics and such is just beyond their abilities, who go along with whatever the smart people in their lives say.)
In Japan, where I live, I think the people are much more likely to be influenced by propaganda because of the language barrier, but even here, the past few days I’ve heard many people remark that they are getting sick of hearing about Ukraine, an itty-bitty country way over yonder with a war going on for some reason only God knows, where a few thousand have died–really small-scale in Asian terms–but for some unspoken reason you can’t watch the TV for 15 minutes without it coming up again, and we are only allowed to hear what one side has to say about what’s going on (here, where Rashomon was filmed) and the other side must only be silenced and condemned. As far as propaganda campaigns go, this is so blatant that the average dude is sickened by it.
Shooting oneself in the foot is not limited to the freezing and starving of the EU. I wonder in fact if it is a deliberate judo move by someone up high who knows the occupying hegemon freaks out at the word “no,” but can still be dealt with in other ways.
Rashomon: “…The film is known for a plot device that involves various characters providing subjective, alternative and contradictory versions of the same incident…”
If so utterly fitting and striking remark of yours!
I heard japanese TV news are not much more than a show. True?
Hi all
A few lines from Spain, 1st comment:
Same it is true here in Spain.
Massive brainwashing on all MSM at prime time Tv and internet.
Just think that Borrell is a very well valued person among the population.
Spain is lost.
Thanks Saker for your superb work.
Whenever you see a poll taken by or commissioned for a mainstream media source, you must seek out the actual question that was asked. Questions can be created to elicit a desired result.
For example…. in view of the Russian atrocities including the targeting of civilians and ongoing genocide in the Ukraine, do you view these activities and those who do them as enemies of American values?
I admit this example is over the top but it is a tactic the media uses to reinforce narratives. American/Western polls are to be considered irrelevant until you can see the actual question that was asked. As well I would not put it past them to fake the results. Such is the state of Western journalistic integrity.
True. The ´right´ result can be gotten by asking the question in a particular matter. Standard operating procedure of western propaganda peddlers. That´s also how they convinced most Americans that universal healthcare would destroy their country.
Some of us are old enough to remember when healthcare in the US was a sacred and voluntary relationship between patient and doctor, and it worked well including for people who could not completely afford it. Now that it has been subjugated by the state for the last 60 years it is a tangled web of out of control costs, red tape and corruption where patient and doctor are pawns of the power mongers in Washington such as Anthony Fauci et. al.
While many of us here at this site would like the US government to cease and desist intervening in the political conflicts of other countries, many of us here in the US would like Big Brother to stay the fuck out of our everyday lives which includes most importantly how we take care of our bodies.
“You must seek out the actual question that was asked. Questions can be created to elicit a desired result.”
Exactly, and this is the case.
There is no necessity whatsoever to believe that US people are stupid/ignorant/brainwashed just for having responded that “Russia is an enemy to the US”. Even a Russia supporter could answer that way, without any contradiction.
This of course doesn’t mean that Americans are not stupid/ignorant/brainwashed, generally speaking, but this specific poll doesn’t demostrate anything besides the initial quote.
Andrei wrote:
“The German Euro-lemmings are now seriously thinking about sending old Leopard 1 tanks to Ukraine!
In December 2014 the German Parliament approved to develop a new Leopard 3 tank.
The decision came amid the experience made during the battles of the Global war on terror and the Ukrainian war in Donbass, where even the Leopard Vers. 2A6 tanks were proving to be inadequate.
The Leopard 2 came into service in 1979 during the Cold War.
Germany has commissioned more than 2,000 Leopard 2 at the peak of the arms race of the 1980s.
In 2010 an upgrade to Leopard 2 was revealed, referred to as Leopard 2A4. The upgrade featured a new armor package ADS, to make the Tank less vulnerable to RPG rounds, anti-tank missiles, IED and mines.
In 2014, the second upgrade, called Leopard 2A6, introduced a new digital fire control system with increased firepower and was manufactured by Rheinmetall.
In May 2015, Russia showcased the T-14 Armata tanks, during the Victory Parade in Moscow.
The Armata tanks are equipped with 125mm cannon, the highest levels of armaments, and secondary Active protection systems (APS). The Active protection System is a secondary defense against armor-piercing projectiles, bazookas, and missiles approaching the tank. The projectile is detected by the APS, and at a range of five to ten meters before the Tank, the projectile is destroyed.
The Leopard 2 Tanks uses tungsten tipped ammunition instead of depleted uranium.
Tungsten ammunition is unable to punch through the armor of the Russian T-80, T-90 and the Armata Tank.
The Germans are against the use of depleted uranium rounds, and the US-made depleted uranium ammunition is incompatible with the Leopard 2, L55 gun.
Thus in 2019 only 240 Leopard 2 was in active service by Germany.
And the Leopard 3 tank is first expected to enter mass production in 2030.
So in Jan 2019, German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen announced plans to reactivate and upgrade 100 Leopard 2 tanks to Vers. 2A7, in order for them to have a chance against the Russian tank.
If Ukraine receives Leopard 1 tanks from Germany, they will be just as dangerous to use in battle against modern Russian Tank, as the Cold war USSR Tanks recently delivered by NATO Nations to Ukraine.
NATO is getting rid of its outdated military inventory, by sending it to Ukraine, while the Military Industrial Complex is gearing up to make billions in new arms deals with NATO nations.
Russia is NOT an enemy of the American people.
However, the Ashkenazi tribe (which includes absolutely every single Neoconservative in Washington D.C. They were Trotskyists before their fellow Ashkenazi were booted from power in Moscow by the Russians in 1991) absolutely ABHOR the Rus’ (regardless of whether he regards himself as Russian, Byelorussian, or Ukrainian ethnicity, it is ALL the same tribe, just the same as the Austrians, Norwegians, Dutch, Netherlanders and the English are all Germanic.
The Ashkenazi also have a firm control over the mass media (radio, tv, movie industry, newspapers, magazines, and largest book publishers) throughout the English-speaking world AND western and much of central Europe.
This is really all about Ashkenazi tribalism, and them provoking the southern Rus’ to overthrow their own government (paying protesters during a time of high unemployment — the Ukrainians in 800 years of government which ranged from all the way from very very bad to unbelievably atrocious never once protested before Soros started throwing money at people to show up in Maidan square to protest against a leader for actions which absolutely were to the benefit of the average Ukrainian, but not so good for Soros (Ashkenazi) and western bankers (also mostly Ashkenazi).
This entire thing starts with the Ashkenazi (Project for a New American Century — AKA surround, weaken, invade, and then balkanize Russia), executed by Ashkenazi (Viktoria NUDLEMAN aka Nuland) and Ashkenazi Zelinsky and his pupper-master, “Ukrainian Oligarch” on the lam in Switzerland (also Ashkenazi).
The only people dying are Rus’ and Euros (including English speakers from the ANZAC countries).
I agree. I am a US citizen who is a friend and supporter of Russia, and I would likely answer that question Yes, interpreting US to mean “US government”.
Once you understand propaganda is essential a physical force, you should be thankful if you are immune to it…
There was some really bad news I saw this morning here in Australia (14th April) & some good news albeit not on MSM. See below for Links worth looking at : — Russia Confirms Black Sea Flagship On Fire, “Seriously Damaged” Off Odessa After Reported Missile Strike. The Ukrainians said earlier they struck the vessel with two Neptune anti-ship cruise missiles… See Video 4 min — – This is the Bad news – – Chris Hedges: The Pimps Of War Excellent Anti War — Western Dissent from US/NATO Policy on Ukraine is Small, Yet the Censorship Campaign is Extreme. This is excellent. Preventing populations from asking who benefits from a protracted proxy war, and who pays the price, is paramount. A closed propaganda system achieves that.
Well at least if you look, a lot of web sites are telling it for real. But not the MSM !
It is high time that russia and the Muslim countries join forces. Remember that zios supplied weapons and arms to the Serbs and caused the Bosnian war. The serbs were used because the zios did not want a Muslim community to be thriving in the heart of Europe. Remember Myanmar and the horrible fate that befell the rohingyas. There to zios supplied weapons to the Myanmar government and create a fake conflict using Facebook. Same in syria.Every country has a story to share and if the world does not wake up to this evil Anglo zio American and french bullshit we are all doomed.
I completely and totally agree!
True Islam and true Christianity can coexist in peace and should join forces against the unbelievers.
Now the Takfiris, the Zionists and the Latins richly deserve each other, we just need to make sure they can’t break us.
Kind regards
Saner, Don’t forget that RSS in India which carries out lynchings of both Muslims and Christians and was responsible for the horrendous riots in Gujarat (later conscientious Indian journalists reported that they pulled out fetus from pregnant women). The zios have been working hard to construct a deep tie between Hinduism and Judaism both of which are founded on racial superiority. Kashmir has been flooded with mossad agents for the past two decades. It was the Indian farmer’s protest that sobered Modi down. But he is not a good person. So mother russia please be wary. The rulers of Saudi Arabia and uae are made of the same cloth but they are nowhere near the propaganda driven Bollywood machine of india.
There are good & bad people amongst Christians, Muslims & ‘the Unbelievers.’
A persons deeds & intentions are what defines their character & informs how they might be judged ( as a great man once said.)
Wise words – definitely agreed!
Saker,I`m “an unbeliever” in the sense that I am an atheist quite able to distinguish what is good and bad for humanity.Should I be a victim of the “believers”for just been an atheist?
I have the same question. Are atheists “unbelievers”?
And I’m not even an atheist, because atheism can only be concieved in a believer’s mind.
As an ancient Greek or Roman philosopher, I’m beyond the totally ridiculous dichotomy of “believers/atheists”. Which have been of course invented by god believers, acting in that case precisely as “thought poisoners”.
I also belong to that flock of unbelievers/atheists. I believe that human beings carry within themselves the knowledge of what is good and what is evil.
Respecting any religion, none will be superior to any other. I remember a parable where a group of blind people try to decipher by groping what an elephant is. One grabs its trunk and says it’s a vacuum cleaner, another grabs its tail and says it’s a broom… that’s how religions will each believe they hold the ultimate truth, not realizing that they all talk about the same…
I always distrust those who are intolerant of others, and I also believe that there are sects/religions created such as NGOs to act as Trojan horses. See what happens to evangelicals in Brazil and the rest of Latin America.
The problem will be the creation of divisions between believers/unbelievers, or between different religions. If we are all part of something bigger than we can imagine, isn’t it time we put ourselves in the right place and respectfully accept each other?
As I feel disappointed in the middle of the 21st century, humanity instead of elevating and progressing continues to prefer competition where the strong wins the weak. Where the weak are seen just like someone lazy that me, deserves the air they breathe.
I live in zone A and it is sad to see the homeless on the streets of the cities increasing in number day by day, and you often hear that they are rogues and do not want to work. Many may have even given up on living slaves to a capitalist system that only looks at the citizen as a consumer, who will be worth something as long as he can consume. From the moment you stop doing so, you become a garbage man.
This order of progress urgently needs to be corrected or we will soon have the extermination of the “weak” either by gas cameras / diseases / vaccines…
All or nothing to say that Russia is a source of hope for many who are dispersed in zone A and have become aware of what is really happening.
Thank you Russia and gratitude and respect for your soldiers fallen in combat.
Your question deserves an answer. I will do my best.
It was the great Dostoievski who saw the angel in the Apocalypse of Saint John say to one of the churches that “…it is better to be hot or cold than lukewarm…” Ivan, in his last novel, is an atheist. He is not the hero of the novel, but his views are given so much credence therein that many people take his views to be those of Dostoievski. I do not think that answer is correct. What one can say about Ivan and about all atheists is that they are indeed our brothers. They deserve respect. Early in that novel, Ivan is given respect by its chief protagonist, Father Zossima. Here are his words [Pevear translation]:
“…in all likelihood you yourself do not believe either in the immortality of your soul or even in what you have written about the Church and the Church question…the question is not resolved in you…Even if it cannot be resolved in a positive way, it will never be resolved in the negative way either…May God grant that your heart’s decision overtake you still on earth, and may God bless your path! ”
I hope that helps.
What are you talking about Sheba? “Zios supplied weapons and arms to the Srbs”? Nonsense, Zios supported Bosnian Muslims and Croatian Nazis heavily. Let alone Albanian Muslims in Kosmet, US controlled terrorist. You do not know what are you talking about. Go educate yourself!
The zios did not supply arms to Serbs, on the contrary, they supplied the arms to Bosnian Muslims who started the war. The supply was run by Iran. FYI Serbs retained old Yugoslavian Peoples Army weapons.
Thanks for this. I was about to respond to this ridiculous statement.
The Zios/ Saudis/ Iranians were on the same side and were arming the enemies of the Serbs.
And somehow managed to sneak in India and Hindus as well, with a factoid that’s wrong. Gujarat riots started because the muslims burnt a train coach full of Hindus to death when they were on a pilgrimage
Then, this is a captive audience that does not know the backpages…
Do you have other/more sources?
Probably of interest:
//There to zios supplied weapons to the Myanmar government and create a fake conflict using Facebook. //
Wrong. There were many cases where the Roghinyas attacked the Buddhist people of Myanmar. The Buddhists attacked in response. Now the Western media paints it as a Buddhist attack against ‘innocent, peace loving’ Roghinyas.
Wrong Sheba, although I agree Muslims and Orthodox should stand united against the Latins and zios, the only thing the Serbs got from the Jews was a racist hate propganda campaign that makes the exceeded current anti Russian hate feast look tame in comparison.
Serbia also got as result of the propaganda a total economic embargo that far exceeds the current sanctions agsinst Russia. Serbia endured this embargo for almost 10 years.
The Bosnian Serbs were allied with the Muslim leader Firkit Azdic, but he was sidelined by the US in favor of Izebegovic a jihadist who brought Osmam bib laden and his head choppers.
The US facilitated air trandport of weapons to the Muslims from Iran.
Since the 14th century the Roman church has made common cause with the Turks agsinst the Slav Othrodox civilization, no more so than in the Balkans.
‘Remember that zios supplied weapons and arms to the Serbs and caused the Bosnian war’ .
Hi Sheba, with all due respect, you are totally misinformed. The leader of the Bosnia, back in 90’ies and Zelensky are both servants of USA. And the son of that leader is the same servant, in nowdays Bosnia.
” Remember that zios supplied weapons and arms to the Serbs and caused the Bosnian war”
Normally, I wouldn’t comment on statements like this because it’s kind of pointless, a person who arrives at a conclusion like this clearly can not be helped & neither should anyone try. For the sake of countering false claims however – the Bosnian war was caused by the destruction of Yugoslavia, principally by leading western powers support the secession of Yugoslav republics, Croatia & Slovenia in 1991, Bosnia in 1992, & later via NATO the west supported Kosovo’s Albanian secessionist/insurgent movement. “Zios” as the comment referred to them had nothing to do with this directly. Germany was a major instigator of support for Croatia & Slovenia’s secession, along with the Vatican, & the US pushed for recognition of Bosnia’s independence. During the Bosnian war, a major role in arming Bosnia’s muslims was made by Iran. Iran’s motives were stated solidarity for a muslim population the Iranian government perceived to be being slaughtered, the real reason was Iranian imperialistic designs on gaining a base for itself in Europe & cosying up the Americans in a combined foreign policy endeavour, Iran did something similar in Afghanistan in 2001. Israel as a consequence of Iran’s involvement in Bosnia, opted to involve itself highly covertly on the Serbian side, via Mossad Israel provided some weaponry the Serbian forces, & involved itself in sanctions busting via Cyprus, implementing an Israeli mafia in Belgrade. Israeli support for the Serbs was no more genuine than Iranian support for the Bosnian muslims, except that Iran’s involvement was more open & significant, Israel largely wanted to plant Mossad in a friendly part of Bosnia, Republika Srpska, so they could spy on the Iranians. That’s what was going on there, back then, the west is the major cause for war in former-Yugoslavia, their role in Bosnia was particularly cynical & criminal. Zios as zios had nothing to do with it at all. If by “Zios” Israel is meant, well, their involvement was minor & did not influence anything either way.
Impossible. Islam is diametrically opposed to Christianity. There is such a thing as doctrine, the essential facts. The Ten Commandments of Exodus 20 are the basis of Christian doctrine with case law in Leviticus, Deuteronomy, scattered throughout the rest of the Old Covenant and further expounded by Jesus – very God and very man. God has revealed himself to his creature mankind as being tripartite – Father, Son, and Holy
Ghost – as the creator of the earth, the universe, living things, and mankind in six days, the day defined as one rotation of the earth before the earth was even created.
Christianity has nothing whatever in common with Islam except the history of the Abrahamic Covenant and even there God plainly stated that Isaac, not Ishmael, was the only son of Abraham to carry on the covenantal line. That bloodline means nothing after the advent of Jesus, but for Mohammed to claim he was greater than Jesus who is actually divine, is sheer blasphemy exposing Islam as a sham, deifying an evil murderer, robber, child molester, and false prophet. The people? The Muslims? A field of souls created in the image and likeness of God – Father, Son, and Holy Ghost – ripe for the harvest.
I pray for the salvation of all Muslims, that God the Father will elect them for regeneration and send the Holy Ghost to change their hearts to accept the fact of their created existence and live to glorify God by obeying his commandments and honoring his name. I pray God to forgive them as he has forgiven me of my sins – my disobedience of his law and my dishonor of his name in my life of rebellion. In the name of Jesus,
10 commandments is in Old Testament, the Hebrew part of the Bible, thus more connected to Jewish faith.
New testament is based on the teaching of Christ (hence the word Christianity…), and His teachings goes beyond 10 commandments, and focuses on Love (love your neighbor, and love God more than anything).
Can’t pass this…
“Remember that zios supplied weapons and arms to the Serbs and caused the Bosnian war. The Serbs were used because the zios did not want a Muslim community to be thriving in the heart of Europe.”
I don’t know what you are smoking to make such a blatantly inverse statement, but the ukies are playing the very same role the Muslims (both in Bosnia and in Serbia/Kosovo and Metohia) were used for. That zionazi “success” in the ex-YU, unfortunately, encouraged the psychopaths to carry on with all the subsequent wars including the ongoing one in the realm of the Russian world. In fact, the Bosnian war was the template for this war.
As for the ultimate cooperation between the Russian/Orthodox world and the Muslim world I have no doubts.
Our planet and our people are too precious to be sacrificed for the evils whims of zios.
The least we can do is to show God where we stand. Willing to pay the highest price for being with the Creation and dismiss the Liar.
To your excellent list of seven possible reasons why Americans view Russia as “the enemy,” I would add an eighth. Americans believe they have a two-party system that represents two distinct political views, the Democrats and the Republicans. However, this two party system fundamentally rests on a single platform – private enterprise, and both parties encourage an accumulation of wealth at the very top, to the neglect of most USA citizens who are increasingly fighting over crumbs. This elite does have a philosophical difference for making war. There is one elite segment that believes that the USA should have full spectrum dominance over all rivals on the world stage and should use this dominance to prevent rivals from rising and to extract/exploit resources necessary to make the elite even more wealthy. Call this group the neocons. The other segment believes that the USA is Reagan’s “shining city on the hill” and must lead from the “moral” view that war is permitted on “humanitarian” grounds. Call this group the neoliberals.
With regards to Ukraine, the neocons want the USA to prosecute this war up to and possibly including a direct confrontation with Russia because they see great gain in breaking Russia (forcing it to bend the knee) in order to access its great basin of natural resources and exploit these resources for their personal (note not America’s but their personal) gain. The neoliberals want the USA to prosecute this war as they believe Russian is a threat to world law and order, made evident by its wholesale and wanton aggression against the peace-loving, self-determining, sovereign state of Ukraine. It is to this latter group that all of the false flag war crime BS is being directed.
It should be noted that, IMO, USA public opinion is irrelevant to the elites. Even if the vast majority did not view Russia as an enemy, the elites would still prosecute their attempts to overthrow Russia. One can see this from the Vietnam War, which went on for years even when public opinion had turned decisively against the war. The same with the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars. Public opinion of these wars was negative long before the Afghan pullout and Iraq is still occupied!
It should be noted that, IMO, USA public opinion is irrelevant to the elites.
Exactly. It is for that reason why I take issue with outdated tropes like “Manufacturing Consent”. The elites don’t the consent of anyone, especially the average Joe’s and Jane’s consuming the tripe. I think a more accurate description of the elites’ media manipulation is simply “narrative creation” for the sole reason of foaming up the runways in their pursuit of more
acquiredI’ll-begotten wealth.+Saker
“USA public opinion is irrelevant to the elites.” – was it ever relevant beyond trial balloons?
…. think a more accurate description of the elites’ media manipulation is simply “narrative creation” for the sole reason of foaming up the runways in their pursuit of more acquired I’ll-begotten wealth……
Neocons vs neoliberals — just two marketing strategies. Sometimes the general public buys one, sometimes the other. But the underlying policies don’t really change.
“The Kansan”….we Americans who have been around for some tine recognize that you have “Hit the Nail On Its Head.”
So allow us to add a few details about today’s “America.”
1. The fall of the American society started with the advent of “NEO-Liberalism” that started under the Reagan/Thatcher years. Result? Multiple millions of good paying labor jobs were off-shored to China/Elsewhere. That started in the 80s-up to 2000.
Why was this done? With the rise of Neo-Liberalism, came with it, the rise of millionaires becoming billionaires and multi-billionaires.
2.The wealthy no longer paid labor costs, while we saw the rise of Corporate Food Stores/Clothing Stores/Electronic Stores – you name it.
And those corporate heads slashed the wages of their lowly employees. Then they started part-time jobs at lowly wages. No health care, no benefits of any kind.
3. The super wealthy investors eventually wormed their way into Financializing all universities, and Puplic Utilities, Road/Freeways/Bridges by paying off the now “bankrupted States.” (No tax $$s with millions earning minimum wages.
Between intense commercalization, tech toys, Hollywood/Disney World & trumped up, corrupt brainwashing of gender issues, Black Lives Matter (that NEVER served any Black Americans)….the social framework exists no longer. Period.
With millions of Americans, trying to keep food on the table and a roof over their heads, they have no inclination in keep up witth the usual Uncle Sam’s endless enterprises in their predatory behavior towards smaller nations. (It’s estimated, there are nearly 40 MILLION Americans are in abject poverty. (
So while the US Elites & their close pals, the Neo-Cons, send out rampaging screams about Russia, most Americans fall into these compartments:
“It’s just another US War…sigh.” “My family sees incredible prices at the grocery store. Who cares about Russia? Let’s watch another movie on Netflix.” (Inflation: nearly 15% NOT 6,2% (, “Hurrah, we’re gonna kill all those Russian Commies.” Then there are millions who abhor & despise what the US is doing! But these folks do NOT understand, it ISN’T what the US Govt. is doing….it is the US/EU Elites frightened by the thought that………OMG! The US Hegemony is dwindling and we’re gonna lose billions of PROFIT.
Rubicon, I invite you to read Doughlas Reed in “the COntroversy of Zion”, where he details the activities of one “Colonel House”. and revisit your first statement. I would also recommend “The creature form Jekyll Island” by someone whose name eludes me for the moment, on the creation of the Federal Reserve. Both take the fall of America back well beyonf REagan and Thatcher, and have been far more devestating in their impacts.
That said, your detailing of Regan and Thatchers impacts is correct, but imho it is an outcome of prior events more than soley due to their policies.
Both books are available free as pdfs via your favourite search engine
Yes, the ESF: Exchange Stabilization Fund, created right after the Federal Reserve, with a virtually unlimited and secret budget. One could say that Qadaffi and Sadam Hussein were overthrown by the ESF, as they threatened the petro$, by creating the gold-backed Dinar and trading oil in Euros, respectively.
Originally, the industrial offshoring was largely pollution-driven, hence unbreathable air in China and India, polluted waters all around the chip manufacturers. The Union-busting was under reagan and thatcher, but carter started us down the ‘free market’ path.
eagle eye – The author is Edward Griffith
Sorry, my mistake. Should be Edward Griffin 😔
There’s a free download:–Pori1NL6fKm2SnY
J. Edward Griffin–Pori1NL6fKm2SnY/The%20Creature%20From%20Jekyll%20Island.pdf, first issued in1994.
Rubicon – Reagan and Thatcher had a very good pal in S’pore’s late PM Lee Kuan Yew (LKY),who introduced neoliberal economics to the island nation in the late 1980s. The same devts – businesses were advised to go regional w/China being the first port of call. Similarly, wages were suppressed, contract and part-time work w/none of the benefits was/is another way of shafting the local workers, and liberal imports of foreign labour and professionals. Privatization, market and price deregulations, and the emerging FIRE economy that result in higher costs of living rather than a high standard of living (touted as Swiss standard) as assured or promised by LKY’s successor, Goh Chok Tong. The little red dot is the only country in the world that has a millionaire cabinet. We see an ever increasing number of millionaires, billionaires many times over since. So we see the financial trapeze performers in power and influence, rather than wizards, juggling to keep the balls in the air. What we see unfolding in the UK and US is also happening here except that we are a small island state, and anything unsightly could be tucked away neatly out. The situation is seriously unsustainable and there are efforts to mitigate some of the fallouts…
The Chechens have scores to settle with Banderites.
The Donbass has scores to settle with every Ukrainian who took up a gun against the people of Donbass.
The Russian forces now have scores to settle for all the torture and murder of Russian soldiers. Who and how they settle that is up to them.
No Ukrainain is innocent or not guilty. They all have known of what has gone on in the Donbass for eight years.
They would gladly kill us all if they could because we support the people of Donbass, Crimea and Russia.
So, justice is for those in immediate contact with such a danger.
The US was building bioweapons of mass destruction built specifically to affect/maim/kill Russians.
Their partner is this crime was Ukraine.
I say again, Ukraine cannot exist when this is over. Leave these POWs with no homeland. Let them drift to the West that used them and sent them to kill.
But the Ukrainian people voted Zelensky in against the incumbent, Poroshenko because his main promise in his election campaign was a commitment to ending the hostilities in the Donbass.
The Ukrainian people put their trust in Zelensky and have been let down by his inability to implement the commitments contained within the Minsk agreements. I really believe he wanted to, but with his political inexperience he allowed himself to be thrown off track by threats from the neo Nazi elements with power drawn by means other than “democracy” and outside threats from the US.
I think it is a little unfair to blame all Ukrainians and call them enemies of Russia, as I believe most Ukrainians wanted peace in the Donbass, as bourne out in the Presidential election result.
By Zelensky’s cowardly actions, Russia had no other choice but to intervene militarily to stop the “genocide” in the LPR and DPR.
He along with the leaders who cow towed to the fascists and their western NATO supporters are the real perpetrators of this unnecessary conflict, which now has to be seen through to the end militarily with a decisive Russian victory and after, a decisive political and economic victory bringing on the long overdue “multipolar fair world order”
I hope I am around long enough to witness it, and can leave this place knowing that the future of my children and grandchildren is secure in a fair, more equitable and free world.
Zelensky is a creature of Biden, lie like hell and then pretend you said nothing. Biden’s rape of the union address repeats the lies he spread during his ‘campaign’ and that’s all the clown prince of Ukraine has to do. Remember when Trudeau called Biden to ask his advice about what to do with the truckers. There was one Nazi flag at a demonstration and he and the Ukrainians in the Canadian gov’t went crazy calling them Nazis and fascists, all the while arming and training real Nazis and fascists in Ukraine. Canada should go.
Sorry, author is Edward Griffin, not Edward Griffith.
There’s a free download of his audio book now as I doublechecked his name…
Lyin’ with Biden
You say that only because you see the Ukies as Banderites.
I see them as my people, maybe sinful and misguided, but still mine.
Unless they actually truly adopt the Nazi ideology.
But yes, I agree with you, the Ukraine is over as a country and a concept.
It discredited itself into oblivion.
You’re right Saker, when you say that the so-called Ukrainians are in fact orthodox little russians. The medias (including pro-russian medias have created a real mess) The majority of Ukro boys (and girls) are from western Ukraine (in fact they are catholics). There is many testimonies of that on the front (presence of Caritas in Mariupol, catholic marial iconography, uniate priests among soldiers) This is a war of western Ukraine against 90% of the population of Ukraine and against Russia. They are crusaders and this is why they are so ruthless with ordinary people. Nazis are from western Ukraine and football hooligans, prison inmates and other society trash.
Besides anti Russian propaganda, there is one more PR technique. And that is oppression of anyone who oppose.
Both are tools of the same strategy, controlled by the same people. The successfulnes of demonization campaign is in inverse proportion with effort to silence opposition and instigate fear on population.
What Zelensky does is a sign of underlying discontent among Ukrainians. Not surprising, as Maidan brought nothing by misery and failed promises. Overwhelming brutal force was used to quench any sign of resistance all these years. Most of us forgetting that total control of population on individual level is possible today.
What Ukrainians think we will know only after all these mechanisms are destroyed. Today we see only motion picture projected by Western PR masters on background of zombified Ukraine.
But, these are small things. The Big picture shows that Western wave stopped and started to roll back, pushed by Russian one. Many will be crushed under its weight, innocents, brainwashed, or evil, alike.
Those who survive should pray for wisdom to discern them.
All true, but to take this to its logical conclusion, its not over until Russia comes after the US.
And don’t tell me that the majority of Americans are “good” and its just a few hundred rotten politicians. I don’t buy that myth. The “good” ones, if they exist, have done nothing. The system is fundamentally rotten.
Larchmonter, do you really believe that the average Ukrainian adult actually supports the Kiev government ? As outsiders, you from up close but still outside, and me from a comfortably greater distance, don’t appreciate what life is like under Nazi occupation. Thousands of Ukrainians been been tortured, murdered and disappeared by the SBU and by private gangs. That is real terrorism. Then we can consider the corrosie effect of the 7×24 Ukrainian Lügenpresse which saps people’s vision and then their morale.
If there is one thing I could urge people to do, it is to never refuse to make distinctions among their enemies. Not all Ukies are Nazis. Jews are not all Zionists and many have never thought through the consequences of the crimes done in the name of their God. Most Americans don’t actually support the Empire. What matters is not that these peoples don’t support the evil done in their name. Rather, the important point is that these people don’t come out and actively oppose the evil. Some Ukrainians are obviously too scared to do so, and I can’t blame them. Nor should you. Of course the blame game doesn’t solve the underlying problem, but it’s also hardly ethical.
According to Brzezinski’s 1996 book, Ukrainians were 52 or perhaps 55 millions at the time, now they are only 36 millions. If they loved this anti-russian garison land why have they left their country?
One more thing, is what becomes of 404 land after peace is achieved. I will leave that to the Kremlin and secondarily to the people of 404 land who must make things work. But the last thing I want to see is a Galicia where the Nazis can fester and come back for Round 3. There is a danger of this, if the war on Syria sets a precedent. Idlib might work there, but an Idlib type Galicia must not happen.
Cosimo – Agreed 100%. I have been watching Patrick Lancaster’s videos and it is clear that the people of Mariupol support Russia and the republics but they feel let down after being abandoned in 2014. They want to be convinced that they are not going to be abandoned again to the mercies of the SBU and the CIA. If that is so in Mariupol is even more so in Kherson and elsewhere. That means that the Russian forces are going to have to stay in areas they occupy for a long time or betray their natural supporters to a horrible fate. We know there was a massacre or massacres in Bucha and it was committed by the SBU against anybody accused of collaboration with Russian forces.
The Russians do not have to stay and occupy the remainder of Ukraine outside Galicia. They could instead recruit and train local Slavic Ukrainians including Russian speaking ones to take care of their own security, with Russia as a back up from across the border.
Secondly, I don’t think Russian speaking regions and cities like Mariupol, Nikolaev, Kherson, Odessa etc will want to continue being under Ukrainian Nationality and will probably join up as part of Crimea and the break way independent republics of Donetsk and Lugansk, eventually becoming a part of Russia proper.
These developments will eventually see the same outcome with Russian speaking regions bordering Russia in Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia seeking to join up or affiliate with the RF.
@ Cosimo
Re: Galitsia
It might be a good idea to spare the peaceful citizens of Galicia from the opprobrium of being associated with Banderastan (although I admit that one Galician was very close to the Nazi ideology).
I have not researched the etymology of that word but note that the Ukrainian name for that region is Halychyna ( Галичина), the same as in Russian.
I’ve seen one true and loyal Galician commenter in our midst who found it necessary to post his messages as “Galician (from Spain)” to show his true-blue credentials and not be confused with the Banderastanians.
Please show your appreciation to our Galician, with whom I share some ancestry from Swebian times.
as another galician, from spain, and ethimologically and historically oriented I can tell you I still dont know why both are named similarly.
the best i can tell you is that the local versions Галичина and Galiza sound phonetically diferent. Galiza will always refer univocally to norwestern spain galiza.
as a curiosity, crimean region history probably contains many secrets, as atested by its stones and quarrys. there are ancient connections, between remote regions, e.g. armenia and portugal, that seem to predate our known history, and stones quarried there have been found globally.
If all Ukrainians are guilty of the actions motivated and undertaken by their ruling forces, then by the same logic you are guilty of the comprehensive list of egregious sins instigated by US ruling forces. I think you would object to that latter premise.
“you are guilty of the comprehensive list of egregious sins instigated by US ruling forces. I think you would object to that latter premise.”
Nope, no problem with the premise. Plenty of problem with the reality
I think your taking Larchmonter445 comments out of context, I believe he was initially referring to Ukrainians who took up a ‘gun’ against his brother or sister – ‘justice is for those in immediate contact with such a danger.’ –
referring in essence to the military or volunteers and politicians who endorse violence against another human-being.
Correct me if I’m mistaken…
“No Ukrainain is innocent or not guilty.”
That seems comprehensive.
The point of my critique isn’t intended to be personal. It is to better illuminate the fraught nature of ‘social responsibility’ in the face of endemic dysfunction. As I previously noted, many people might similarly be, indeed many are, inclined to hate or at least blame every American for what they ‘allow to continue in their name’. But in their complete fullness, things aren’t that simple.
No Ukrainian is innocent or not guilty. They all have known of what has gone on in the Donbass for eight years.
My dear Larchmonter,
You should know by now that for every Theodore Kacszynski or Nasim Aghdam, there are several hundred million people who just want to live their lives. I did not start paying attention to this stuff until I was already old … The immense power of the 5th column was explained to me in 2014, in a video by a very smart man by the name of Yevgeny Fedosov (Russian with English subtitles). He had a book I had never heard of, written by Gene Sharp. You may know of them (Fedosov and Sharp).
About six years ago, my wife and I were visiting a popular north Austin restaurant, as we frequently do. Our waiter spoke with an accent, he was a blonde white guy about 20 years old, working at a Mexican restaurant … my wife was curious where he came from and before he could answer, I guessed “you are from the Ukraine!” It isnt like I knew his accent, nor anything about his first language. We Americans don’t do language, not even English by some accounts. Hungarian? Czech? we have no idea. He verified my guess.
My guess was based on what I knew at the time from the writings of guys like Dmitry Orlov, and from some Twitter accounts I followed. I was aware of the “Eruomaidan” putsch. If our young waiter had remained in the Ukraine, he would now be in the trenches of the Donbass, lobbing Tochka missiles at Valentina Lisistsa, another blonde Ukrainian.
He was soon gone from the restaurant, and probably isn’t waiting tables any more — perhaps he is a middle manager at the Samsung plant, or at Silicon Labs. I hope he is raising children here.
My point, my point is this: the Ukraine will heal when it can convince our waiter to return to it, and his young family. And not when some crazy Communist old fart moves from here to there to “fight the Nazis”… although it isn’t like I hate the old Communist, he speaks with a familiar accent.
As usual, when I read my own comment, it is not entirely clear … (though I’m sure you know which old Communist I was talking about — the name shall go unmentioned)
I would like to thank Andrei for his analysis, I think it is correct — the Ukraine will never return to its pre-2013 state of existence. And it will not be simply handed over to the asset-strippers and base-builders of Zone A. Our young Ukrainian family would be unlikely to return to that.
Best case for the people who live there is removal of the Banderite gang, and perhaps RF membership for several new territories. And “Finlandization” of the rest.
As for Finland itself, now becoming a new can of worms, I don’t know …
Thank You
Russia is in a war for its life because it cant dial it to the status quo and idea of pretending that there are good Ukrainians is truly an admission of defeat esp given Russia has for SOME REASON elevated the Ukrainian Nazis to being partners in peace through even the pretense of negotiating with them.
(Negotiate with these people to get …what?…Russian language classes back in the Ukrainian schools or allow the Russian language to be spoken in public again.
Don’t ask for too much now.
Perhaps the Ukrainians will allow a transition period to bring SOME of that stuff back.
Mind you that would be the internal domestic policy of Ukraine and Russia should tread carefully in such areas)
Are they evil Nazis or people you can work with, Mr, Putin.
(Oh what do I see on my RSS feed, a NOW emboldened war criminal Z is now issuing a red line TO RUSSIA in which includes the return of the Crimea and nothing less!
Try not to think that such a demand at this point is a sign of catastrophic failure. Another demand is of course regime change in Russia.
Mind you I suspect in another month of ‘special operations’ Russians will be more than happy to throw Putin under a bus for promising a quick war … and everyone will home for Christmas, right?)
Russian so called war crimes are used by the collective west to justify the fact that they refuse to negociate about anything.
For Russia it doesn’t change much because as Lavrov said a few years ago the collective west is non agreement capable.
The west can only escalates. The current crisis is a global one as stated recently by Lavrov. The current leadership in the west could be one of the worst in history. I don’t think we can avoid a military clash between the collective west and Russia.
Moreover we need to keep in mind that in a few months we can expect food shortages in many many countries. In the EU the energy situation is likely to become critical. Same for other key materials such as titanium for instance. Prices of vital commodities will likely skyrocket. The world will literally be boiling. In such unpredictable times and with such a level of instability the worst case scenario becomes likely.
Personally I do not expect the leaders of the collective west to be able to handle the global crisis they triggered with their insanity.
And when you say ‘Brits’ you really mean The City, and that means Banksters and that means You Know Who’s and that means ‘Old Money,’ ‘yeah back into the Middle Ages.’
I believe the CIA was formed by this ‘Brit’ – based network.
JFK believed in the ‘we are a representative Republic’ narrative, acted on that belief and was put in his place, six feet under.
No doubt the Russian civilization has similar skeins, both hidden and open, in play, some of which are no doubt in lockstep with internationalist networks connected with the City et alia.
Be that as it may, for right now it seems like Russia’s kinetic front in what is a push by an emerging new Eurasian Civilization makes sense and the West’s push to impose their hegemony using hegemony fuelled by propaganda driven ignorance, hatred, lies and greed deserves to be put down like a rabid dig.
That said, it remains to be seen where or not, once they become a true World Power, they too try to tyrannically impose some sort of totalitarian dystopia on us all.
Exhibit A: that video clip last week of all those Chinese kneeling in the street waiting for their Vax pass inspection conducted by armed soldiers. Not a good look. (And probably heralds a second wave of infectious disease coming our way soon out of that country which this time will bring economic collapse and famine.)
“The current leadership in the west could be one of the worst in history.”
Perhaps. The current apparent leadership, definitely. But who knows who the real leaders or networks of power truly are?
For what it’s worth, I understood what you meant with denazifying the planet lol. As to whether that’s going to be possible. I think it requires a lot of people in the West to stop smoking the stuff the MSM feeds them. It is imperative Russia reaches all its objectives in the Ukraine so that the cracks in the MSM’s narratives become too big to ignore for the doped up masses. Thank you Saker, discovering your blog has made a big difference to my outlook on this whole situation.
“I think it requires a lot of people in the West to stop smoking the stuff the MSM feeds them”
You are right. And they will. But not by action from Russian side, at least, not directly. West is overblown bubble that floats high elevated by huge amount of hot air.
Walls of bubble is thinned as we speak due to unsustainable spending on (mostly) useless endeavours. The resource base is shrinking (Loss of Asia, disobedience of Arab vasals…), $ is about to lose its privileged status.
When baloon burst, no amount of MSM bs will be able to feed population. No denazification from outside will be needed. In fact, “Der Untergang” will be so severe that some 20th century Nazi regime would look like paradise compared to what reality will be.
Multinational, multiconfesional, multiracial, nitroglycerine barrel is remained stable, cooled by constant influx of free resources and money-for-nothing from abroad. Robbing Russian assets, and cannibalizing EU should be considered as the last meal before inevitable finalle.
Present and future turmoil has nothing to do with Russian actions, it is all about full spectrum collapse of Western civilization. Once it shined bright, now it is old, ugly, and decadent.
Time to rest in pieces.
The USA people have become infantilized. The more miserable someone is, the more they are apt to seek out authority. The USA people are very miserable.
George Orwell said that a totalitarian government’s ultimate goal is to make you think that 2 plus 2 equals 5. The USA owners are succeeding at a great rate. For example, government health employees are now forbidden to call someone who has given birth a “mother”. They must instead “person”.
The Russia used chemical weapons bullshit and the “capture” of Medvedchuk are a “Tell” that Russia will soon officially announce that Mariupol has been liberated.
To anyone who has become demoralized by the rate of Russia’s progress in its military operation, did it ever occur to you that time may be on Russia’s side? (not always reliable but this time believable) says that Medvedchuk was actually grabbed by the SBU on 27.February. His emaciated, lifeless face seems to confirm that he has been through hell for much longer than just a day.
Sucks for the guy, but I think that Russia should not agree to any VIP exchanges. This scenario with Medvedchuk allegedly trying to escape and getting caught may be fake news so that a prison arrest and most likely torture of some kind be conducted on him to compel Russia to relent, and release someone important hiding in Mariupol. Russia should not agree to this. If Medvedchuk is harmed in any serious way, it will be on zelstein´s dirty hands. So I hope Putin calls the ukies bluff.
And if Russia agrees to swap him, Ukraine would just pick someone else, and demand exchange. It will never stop.
It was the same thing in Donbass, 2014-15. Donbass captured Ukrainan soldiers, treated them well, and Ukraine, unable to catch more than a few PoW (who they tortured horribly), just picked people from the streets, to use for prisoner exchange, people who LDNR could only send back, because they were innocent people.
That made me so mad…
You could have said the same about the Russian people a while back. This is what Putin meant when he warned the US that it was about to repeat mistakes made there in the recent past. It is not the people who are and have been constructing the downward spiral — and Russia nearly succumbed; its rise from that low period is my reason for hope. Certainly the downward spiral is not over in the west, but Russia gives us hope in more ways than just military success. We in the US are not different from Russia in this, nor from Ukraine, and that is my hope for a future I myself may not live to see. I thank Putin that he has always differentiated between the people of a country and its leaders who have the power to orchestrate good or ill. There is a difference!
The people are like a river. If someone builds a dam, the river cannot go. If another digs a path, the river will make its way just as Russia’s people are doing now.
Thanks for that very comprehensive article.
However if you believe it might be a good idea to launch . . .”a Russian strike on such a weapons convoy INSIDE a NATO member country” might it not be an equally good, or even better idea to take out the Romanian and Polish missile launchers.
Politically firing missiles into a nato country is no worse whether they destroy a convoy of weapons or a couple of missile bases but the security benefit for Russia of the latter is much much greater.
This fits with Russia’s declared and legitimate security demands from December and removes a real threat whilst sending nato the message that missile bases such as these will not be tolerated.
I think the west would just have to accept the new situation and no they would not start a nuclear war.
In any case, isn’t that just what these bases are intended for anyway?
@ Kempston
I have on several occasions raised the same issue in the context of international customary and statutory (treaty) law and have also “given” the green light to extinguish the lights of the offending missile sites.
The concept of self defence is very fluid. The US used that concept – here contemptible excuse – to invade and destroy Iraq and Afghanistan (Lebanon was under UN’s “authority”)! Not to mention the Cuba missile crisis, Grenada, Panama, etc.
NATO’s actions in the past eight years, at least, either as a body or separately by its members, have painted it with the colours of beligerent. It is the directing mind behind the Ukrainian government and military operations since 2014, including the Maidan coup d’etat, the kernel of the offensive against Russia.
Striking at military objectives (personnel and materiel) clearly destined for a theatre of armed conflict are fair game, even if they were in the middle of the Atlantic. For instance, the Lusitania was lawfully sunk by the Germans because it was carrying war supplies to their enemies, although it was a civilian liner.
Considering that there is an armed conflict in fact and in law and NATO’s participation in it, whether officially or not, and considering the totality of the current geopolitical situation and context, Russia has the legitimate right to obliterate not only any military material on course for use in the war, but also any installation susceptible to be an imminent threat to its security wherever it is situated.
Further, if – say, Russia destroys those missile sites in Poland and Romania – the receiving country complains of an aggression, it has to establish two main hurdles: its neutrality and seeking peaceful resolution before engaging in armed conflict (the Nautila doctrine and its tests).
International law experts know all that and many countries even write new laws with retroactive effect to legitimate their war crimes. Anyway, the victor is the one who decides what is and what is not “lawful”. Under a moral natural law all the main NATO criminals, the “directing minds”, should end up in Nuremberg 2 in a international criminal court held in Donbass.
The Russians already demanded the removal of the Aegis Ashore ABM systems in Romania and Poland in that letter of demands they sent to NATO before the move into Ukraine, but never received a response. That letter was essentially an ultimatum to remove those missile sites, amongst other demands like NATO going back to the 1997 German borders…or else. I therefore believe that once Ukraine is pacified, Mr Zircon will come knocking and demanding his due on those missile sites… at 11000kms per hour.
That should send a magnitude 11 on the Richter scale earthquake throughout the ranks of NATO members, because those ABM sites are US Defense Dept property. What will NATO then do? Nothing, because it can’t. NATO, and the US, simply don’t have the conventional military power to effectively retaliate, but at the same time, it cannot do nothing because it’s weakness will be exposed for all it’s membership to see.
Would the US use nukes and risk devastating nuclear retaliation? We shall see, but those ABM systems are going down.
There are rumours on some telegram channels that Russian forces are planning to flood the remaining bomb shelters with seawater, in order to:
*Minimise damage to the steel plant, in order to restart as soon as possible (i.e put people back to work)
*Provide an absolute last chance to surrender
*Ensure the hardest of the hardcore Nazis suffer to their final breaths
There are also rumours these surrounded shelters contain former US army generals working for “Academi,” the rebranded Blackwater
terroristmercenary corporation. If true, would it not be better to capture these USA generals or other NATO flag officers alive, and publicly parade them in a cage on their way to a war crimes tribunal, for the entire world to see?Publicly parading them in a cage is a war crime, although I understand your feeling, it is not justice to inflict war crimes on war criminals.
The Russian government has stated the Geneva conventions do not apply to Academi/Blackwater, nor any other mercenaries. If these USA generals are indeed “retired” from the US military and thus employees of Blackwater, they are mercenaries.
That said, I also understand your view of taking the moral high ground. Best case scenario: senior NATO-aligned officers/operatives are taken alive without Russian casualties.
The so-called “Common Article 3” of the Geneva Conventions might still apply and all the human rights legal instruments still would apply to mercenaries.
In other words, skinning these Nazis alive might feel like justice, but it would be illegal under most definitions of legality.
Punishment is not for us to mete out, let God deal with that :-)
I disagree with holding up the Geneva Conventions. Law is only reasonable if it is equally inforced to all. Since there is at least one nation in which these laws are not enforced they are meaningless. There are no human rights as long as the USA exists.
They could be “paraded” on their way to a court hearing or to gaol; nothing wrong with that!
“would it not be better to capture these USA generals?”
– categorically “no!” because this can endanger the Russians’ lives.
Not a single drop of Russian blood should be shed for the capture of the dishonorable mercenaries in service to US Ziocons.
The US logo of today is the Jewish Star of David with the Nazi Swastika inside.
What if Russian Spetznaz were to do a modified version of the Dubrovka Theatre rescue operation, i.e. with plenty of medics on hand? Would this be acceptable, and feasible? If successful I believe the Russian military could:
*Gain valuable information from potentially high-value targets
*Put war criminals in front of a tribunal
*Claim moral high ground by limiting casualties
Dubrovka was one theater. Azovstal is more like an entire city, above and under ground.
Reportedly 24 km of underground tunnels, bunkers and passageways. At least 6 levels underground.
What they would need is robotic weapons and UAVs, small hummingbird sensors.
In the end, hunger, thirst and mental fatigue are the best tactics.
Azov ideology is not like ISIS. Azov has no reason for suicide. They prefer to die fighting. ISIS didn’t care. They’d strap on a bomb and blow themselves to hell as likely as standing up amid a firefight to fire a RPG.
The Azov guys will come out with guns blazing like Butch Cassidy and the Sundance kid.
“There are rumours on some telegram channels that Russian forces are planning to flood the remaining bomb shelters with seawater, in order to:”
Sounds like a great idea but I do not agree that they should be “Captured ” at all. They should be eliminated ( drowned or blown up). NATO would just say they were there to help Ukraine because big bad Russia was threatening to invade. No way would they admit any wrong doing. So that’s it in a nut shell. Captureing them & letting them go will not help Russia one little bit.
Agree completely. I’m not confident that the Russian political leadership won’t simply set free any captured high-level mercenaries and enemy combatants. (I’ve thought about it and so far as I can tell there’s literally nothing Kiev or the empire could credibly offer Russia which would justify a deal for the mercenaries. So any deal would equal letting them go for nothing.)
I’ll be glad if events prove me wrong on that, but so far I’d prefer if none of them are taken alive. As for interrogations, what worthwhile information could such professional cadres have and be willing to tell? They’re well-trained and well-motivated to resist breaking down under questioning. I assume the Russians won’t torture them (nor would we want them to), and torture doesn’t work well anyway.
A parallel? “…to flood the remaining bomb shelters with seawater…” reminded me of:
See chapter “Uprising” paragraph four:
“…The next day, Dostum ordered the dungeon flooded with frigid irrigation water.[31] This tactic worked and the last holdouts finally surrendered on 1 December…”
One news comment then (sorry, no link):
“….They poured wagonloads of ammunition into the complex, but the battle was won by medieval means…”
To the extent that there are bio-warfare labs underground, flooding could destroy evidence to be used against the war criminals, and potentially cause disease contamination.
Flooding is costly in terms of mess and labour required to clear up. It’s more cost effective/methodical to cut off air vents. Lack of oxygen, food and clean drinking water, they either choose to die “naturally” (due to organ failure) or surrender. Some will choose the first option, some will choose the second. Humiliation is the best revenge.
Andrei; Regarding the data you posted about Americans now thinking that Russia is their enemy, is this not taken from standard polling? If so I really don’t see it carrying much real weight. Reason being that polling American style is notoriously manipulative and all too frequently carefully crafted to produce a desired result. American polling I am informed is little more than PR manipulation. So much bias is evident in the way questions are posed and the tone in which they are delivered. Also all too frequently those polled are minimally invested in the substance at hand and often merely wanting to get the questions over with. And then there is the notorious American tendency to go along to get along. Taken all together this sort of polling does not really measure the depth and quality of feeling involved.
If the average American gets a poll question “is Russia America’s enemy” he or she is all too likely to just say what is expected of him or her and then go about their business with little or no commitment on their part to the substance being discussed. So often it is just a matter of how the questions are presented.
Anyway this is what I have been told about American polling and for that reason it carries very little weight with me. How is it more than just more PR manipulation from the empire’s agenda? So for myself I do not take such data too seriously. I really can’t see this highly manipulated data analysis as being worthy of serious emotional response on my part. It is produced by lightweights and responded to by lightweights is it not? What do you think?
I have to agree. I think most Americans outside of Dems and other hardcore leftists don’t particularly care about Russia all that much, and see Biden’s attempts to blame the inflation on Putin as deflection, even in the wake of the Ukraine invasion.
They have plenty of problems, true, such as the subservience to Israel and the way they talk about how Trump was “tougher” on Putin and the reason a war in Ukraine happened is because Biden is “weak”.
However, they might be the last hope to save the country and avoid a nuclear conflict.
So I am not quite ready to give up just yet.
Ultimately over the long run I think it is possible for enough of them to “wake up” and crush the ambitions of the Russia-hating Nazi 1%.
It ain’t over until the fat lady sings, or the nukes drop in this case, as far as I’m concerned.
With all due respect Mr. Saker, I think you might just get the surprise upset you’re hoping for. But the gun-toting patriots, libertarians and others, who still have a modicum of true patriotism remaining and still value the concept of freedom will need a true leader who really can truly “drain the swamp” as you say. Someone who is ready to sacrifice it all and ride fearlessly into the fire and face all the powers of darkness head-on, to lead and inspire them towards a final victory over these elites and their lying pawns in the media, a victory which has the chance to both save as well as transform this world forever.
On top of that, it will need to be somebody who really *gets it* and has a full understanding of geopolitics and the Neocons and their Satanic tendencies.
Either that, or there will be a nuclear apocalypse which even then the elites will try to use to their advantage, to have even more control over a greatly reduced & desperate global population.
But I’m not willing to accept that it will be the case. It cannot be allowed to happen under any circumstances.
Godspeed friends. The allotted time is approaching when the fate of the world will be decided, and God’s hand will be shown.
A great leader will be necessary but a bootom-up politico – social sea change is necessary first. A depression with a touch of famine, States seceding and suchlike might do the trick.
Meanwhile, I nominate General Macdonald.
Exactly! The single charismatic leader idea won’t work. It’s going to take a movement supported by and held accountable to the people.
“Snow Leopard” absolutely correct about US “polling.” We confirm.
@Snow, i think any more American serfs are getting it than polls project A mechanic here in Phoenix recently scheduled my car for a minor repair two weeks out … longer, he said, if a couple of parts were delayed.
“You know how it is,” he said
“Yeah, I know,” I said, “it’s Putins fault.”
“Of course,” he chuckled, “Everything’s Putin’s fault.”
I’ve had several similar casual exchanges with people recently about gas prices and inflation. I also bought a tube of silver dollars two days ago, and the dealer said it was his last in stock for about three weeks. Demand is up and suppliers are struggling to meet it. He explained how banksters like JP Morgan have for decades been gaming (suppressing) real metal prices with fiat certificates (derivatives, etc) pegged to a much smaller base of actual metals. Now they’re unable to deliver the real stuff behind their promises and their suppression schemes are about to blow up. He also railed about the utter stupidity of “forcing” Russia into war, “robbery” of its sovereign assets, and the suicidal sanctions imposed, all without even consulting the “Fed” cartel or anyone who understands finance and the dollar’s reserve status. Retailers don’t typically don’t typically volunteer such “political” speeches absent real passion. My anecdotes don’t prove anything of course, but I think current (push-) polls about Americans’ anti-Russian sentiment are about as accurate as Hillary’s “sure-win” in 2016. I trust Putin understands this.
I’m 75 now. “My” war was Viet Nam. Started by false flag and ending in shame. I was 19 and knew nothing but USA war stories and God Bless America. I was wounded as a “grunt” and for a decade or two after I had this empty numb feeling about it all. My moral base was good so atrocity was not something I ever entertained. My conduct was good in a bad situation. I was the invader. Over the last 40 years with much open minded study and reflection I fully understand the post above and see nothing to disagree with. Out of this darkness, if we survive as a species, a universal enlightenment may have a chance to bring we humans to eliminate the evil we see.
My US Army Regiment was The 27th which entered Russia during the “Bolshevik Revolution” at Vladivostok and gained the nickname “Wolfhounds”. I’m proud of that nickname but maybe not how we earned it. I’m not proud of the people and institutions who have taken control of my country in the distant past and now threaten not just me but the entire world.
Steve Pahs/Wolfhound
Dear Sir
We we all lied to. So was I.
All we can do is try to overcome these lies and live according to the voice of our conscience.
I will also add that I noticed that A LOT of Vietnam veterans understood me very well, when young US Americans did not even have a common language left with me.
I don’t think that we ever were real enemies.
In fact, I would argue that Russia and the USA would be natural FRIENDS!
And we have the same enemy today.
Let’s keep on resisting with whatever means we have, no matter how meager.
Kind regards and thank you,
Genuine victims of imperialist aggression can come to assume an attitude of collective guilt, I know after the NATO bombing of Serbia in 1999, when 9/11 happened, many of my Serbian friends were like f***k them, the Americans, its their own fault. Right now some people may feel that towards the general population of the Ukraine, but average people anywhere in the world simply do not have what is called ‘command responsibility’. I live in the UK, I am against everything the government does, I mean everything, from foreign policy to domestic policy, their social policy – whether Labour or Conservative – is just atrocious, during the course of my lifetime I have seen the UK descending into more severe poverty. Whilst there is an upper crust of truly obscene wealth. All people have a responsibility but we live in a world in which the mass is conditioned into ignorance, for those of who consider ourselves aware of what is going on – I hate to say “enlightened” because of how pretentious that sounds – it is extremely annoying to encounter day in day out the ignorance & base stupidity of the average person. And that can make us unforgiving, like you brought this on yourself fool, so deal with the consequences.
I was cut off & disturbed before I got to finish my comment – so I’ll try again. My point was there is no country in the world, no society in the world, where the general population, say 2/3 or 66% have any say or influence in anything. The system in every country in the world is designed to keep the populace out of the decision making process, this is achieved by a variety of means, you have outright military/fascist type dictatorships with a brutal police state, or more subversive Anglo-Amero style propaganda driven socio-cultural conditioning. The entire school system is designed to impose servility, Gonzalo Lira did a half decent talk about this although I think he was incorrect in some of his observations, the school system takes a child away from their parents & forces him/her to sit in a class room listening to instruction under a tyrannical kind of punishment system if the child dares to even disobey slightly – like say talk to the kid at the next desk. The originality & curiosity is beaten out of children early on, the child’s mind is warped into a phobic fear of actually trying to learn in an organic authentic manner. Why on earth does a child of 6, 7 or 8 years need to sit in a class room for days on end, for hours on end, learning say history? What the hell is that? A child does not learn that way, children learn through discovery, & the most valuable aspects of a child’s education can be learned through games & play, literacy & numeracy can be learned that way to quite advanced levels. So my point is, the mass of people all over the world behave almost like shell shocked numbed out automatons, no interest in anything, just instant gratification. The system has shaped people & it is easy to lose sight of this & to begin to feel real contempt for the average person – I get it all the time, I am often appalled by people’s ignorance & stupidity despite the fact that I know better. It takes quite strong willed children to resist conditioning & develop an independent mind, & as Gonzalo said, there is a heavy price to pay sometimes for this. So Ukraine today is not a place where the populace can be said to be responsible for anything, the majority that is, no one asked them & had they tried to influence anything they would have ended up like the Donbass or the victims of the Odessa massacre. Which doesn’t excuse anyone, but for us who consider ourselves awake & aware, I think we should resist falling into a trap of blaming masses for things. No small number of people think the US deserves to be nuked, no one says it, but many people think this way. Not the White House & Wall St, but the entire US, population included. What to say to that? I think as the Russians liberate Ukraine, there will be a suprising amount of pro-Russian sentiment that will surface out in large sections of the country, it may take a little time, in some places it will be instant, in others it may be months or years, but it will happen. Russia must take its ancient territories back home, not just Crimea, but all of it, & why should Russia not do that? Because of a few Banderists? They will leave the country for good & show how patriotic they really are, they will try to get to Germany or the US & take up residence there, where they feel they belong.
Anyone have an idea on how these prisoners will be treated?
They aren’t POWs since this isn’t a declared war.
They aren’t Nazis or mercenaries.
So will they be held and let go after an interrogation?
.Started by false flag and ending in shame..” but why so, you didn’t ask? When I lived in Hong Kong, in the later 70s, I met a business man who had been a Phantom F4 Navy pilot in Vietnam. He told me that they dropped more bombs in the S China Sea in precise grid patterns, than they dropped in the Viet Kong. Specialized ships then analyzed the sea floor data resulting from the explosions, to search for hydro carbons. They apparently discovered the mother lode. Why so the great friendship today between the Viets and Murikans, who murdered them with napalm and agent orange?
In the early ’80s a friend told me the South China Sea resembled the Gulf of Mexico geographically, and was expected to contain alot of oil.
The Nazis will be treated in direct violation of the Geneva Conventions.
Does that answer your question?
I would add a third option to the two options left after the second phase is over and the Ukrainian Donbass army has been smashed. In addition to the two you mention will be left to the Empire of Lies:
1) Admit a total political defeat of NATO in Europe
2) Commit suicide and try to attack Russia
My third option:
3) Negotiate a viable treaty that guarantees Russia’s security. This would include:
a) a neutral (or occupied?) Ukraine
b) a verifiable removal of all THAAD missile batteries from Eastern Europe
c) a verifiable compact that states there will never be any NATO nuclear weapons or biolabs in Eastern Europe
d) a verifiable reduction in force to agreed upon minimums by Russian and NATO forces in Eastern Europe.
At least the latter is my hope….
The third – and sane – option would require the removal of the greedy and blackmailed trash in charge of NATO and the EU countries. Europeans need to look for the vestiges of energy and moral force to stand up to the Empire of Lies and Hypocrisy. Otherwise, the approaching fascist regime will be the only future for the Western world.
I agree. But as long as there is money involved, corruption of principles will inevitably follow.
All of these third world countries (Pakistan most recently) are controlled via corruption from Western financial bribes, manipulations or worse, blackmail and sabotage.
The Western nations are no different. One of the reasons folks come to power in the West is their degree of tolerance of corruption, especially those who stand a reasonable chance of taking power.
In the USA, in 2016 we were forced to choose Clinton or Trump. In 2020 we were forced to choose Biden or Trump. I voted third party in both elections. But the vast majority cling to these tribal vestiges. It is sad.
France will be interesting – with Macron’s faceoff against Le Pen and her possible appeal to the left to cross over. Hopefully, if she wins, she will immediately pull France out of NATO. The ground will shake if she does.
If Le Pen wins the presidency in France, NATO could be fracturing sooner than hoped.
Well, let me make you comfortable. Le Pen will never win. The sheeple will select the piper as they always do.
Macron said during Trump’s admin that NATO was brain-dead.
The DeGaulle tradition of dumping NATO (1966-2009) is still there.
I would not rule out Macron doing a “deGaulle” , trumping lePen, as it were….
Politics is the art of the impossible.
@ Kansan
All that fine and dandy; ok, if we lived in a different world.
With the Hegemon’s unequaled track record of abrogating agreements, treaties, conventions and wahtnots, plus riding roughshod over all international laws and basic moral decency, what’s the point of “verifiability” and other “assurances” of compliance?
A sane government would never trust anything from the Hegemon until it is brought to heel by internal revolution or external force. Since the former is not possible (see what has happened to lame attempts in US history at restraint), the only option is for Russia (and China) to do the job by hook or by crook.
In discussions with my friends that began with NATO’s expansion eastward, I argued that East Europe be made into a demilitarized zone. I also observed that with NATO expansion eastward, the Cold War was not over, it was only sleeping. Little did I realize that 30 years later we’d be facing the grim possibility of a hot war between NATO and Russia. Let’s hope that all of Eastern Europe can collectively decide that it is best to become neutral an unaligned rather than provoke a nuclear war on European soil (to begin with). This will be especially problematic for the rabid Poles and Baltic states. For the rest, perhaps not so much. However, this neutrality would not extend to Ukraine. IMO, Ukraine, after the war, should be considered defacto Russia.
There has been an argument expressed that Ukraine would present a financial drain on Russia and that it is in Russia’s interest to leave it to its own devices. However, here’s where the Chinese card can be played. China loves to build and could invest in Ukraine, restoring its infrastructure to world class standards. Ukraine and other East European countries willing to develop economic relationships with Zone B would then have a conduit.
The war is spreading throughout the South with regime changes, like the one that just happened in Pakistan. The West no longer accepts “neutral countries.” Either they join the war against Russia-China-Iran, or they will get the “color revolutions” treatment.
Sad but true. And beside being a softname for political coup like in Ukraine 2004 or Georgia 2003, “color revolution” also means LGBT+ invasion. How come there are still religious people in the West not seeing that their countries are turning into modern Sodom & Gommorah?
I’m from Poland and it’s already socially unacceptable in most places to openly criticize LGBT+ movement.
All i know is everyone i know backs Russia but all the hysteria is in one ear out the other the concerns of getting by is the priority the endless Minitrue scamdemic crisis war etcetc psyop fatigue and disgust is real my only consolation is the two card monte political system has shown its absolute true colors and we all have guns with lots of ammo ZOG knows that too So bring it mofos wanna get real?
I agree with you about all 7 of the reasons why many American people are waving around the flag of a country they could not find on a map. I think #3 is paramount. Well, you live here, you know what it’s like. We are beaten on the head 24/7 365 with propaganda of some sort, be it medical (the specialty) or political.
You know I want to blame the Ukrainian citizens who really knew what was going on for 8 years with the shelling and killing of the people in the east and who are, IMO, nazis with a small n – racist fascists who really hate Russian speakers for no reason I can tell but then I think, look at us here in the USA – maybe the Ukrainians are the same as us – beaten over the head with propaganda 24/7 365, plus the other 6 reasons, which can apply to all of us.
It is difficult for people who work all day and are as you list above “all of the above” to be able to ferret out some kind of truth or fewer lies, whatever.
what should be taught in U$ Schools, but would probably be illegal:
The cross-cultural influence of the Russians and the U$ers has led to the most positive of effects for both countries. If it weren’t for the Russians, we may have the queen-of-england on our stamps and currency.
Hahaha! I hope you read the priceless comments on the Gen Kellogg’s interview too? Most viewers knew EXACTLY what his capabilities and failures were. They were not fooled but it still has great effect on the “unbelievably ignorant” zombies!
Indeed it is a civil war. Painful to see Ukraine poisoned by the ideology of Bandera-Lebed that would have been eradicated long ago except that it was kept and nurtured by the Anglo-American empire to be injected back into a nation used and pillaged by its so-called friends in the west.
The whole list of reasons for the hate is true, especially ignorance. If anyone finds themselves in disagreement with a hashtag warrior, ask them to define “Ukraine” and “Ukrainian”.
One addition to the list. US public opinion polls are often dominated by the boomers. IMO, they were so heavily propagandized during their childhood that it’s a matter of reactivation. My parents’ generation was made to hide under their desks to prepare for the evil Russian commies nuking them. They were just kids during the Cuban missile crisis and the JFK assassination with the Oswald as a Soviet agent story. Clinton reactivated the propaganda lizard brain of the dem party to excuse her unelectability and campaign failures. Every Boomer Dem I know ran with the Putin stole the election meme. That’s when I came up with the propaganda reactivation theory. It was too fast and too complete as well as being against the traditional dem propaganda that third party voters ruined it for them.
Okay doomer, I am almost a boomer, but I fought the National Guard in the streets at Ohio State during the time of Kent State with thousands of other kids. I threw bricks. I didn’t sit around blaming my parents, there were no computers at home so we didn’t smoke dope into oblivion while masturbating like there’s not tomorrow. I NEVER believed the BS. Still don’t. What have subsequent generations done? Pretty much nothing but grab their exceptional ankles below their fat calves.
You wrote, “I also had a lot of fellow students who were from the US military, in the “lieutenant to major” range, and, again, these were smart men, very well educate and, I believe, honorable men. By now some of them must hold very senior ranks and they could make the difference.”.
Sadly no. They will have retired years ago. Even the late joiners and “stay-ons” would have in excess of 30 years sevice by now – which is very rare indeed these days.
The educated fools we have today – who are taught and believe they are the brightest and the best and part of the greatest military machine the world has ever seen – can, and likely will, take us past the brink where one side or the other uses nuclear weapons.
Whatever the strategy of the Russians in Ukraine is, the strategy of the West (British and Kazarians / Americans in particular) is to destroy Russia. Note “destroy” not “contain” as some people thing – but to remove Russia from the map and all traces of her peoples, culture and historical records.
If it were not for Turkey preventing a British and US naval run on Odessa at the beginning of the war (supported by the carrier group which was parked in Italy and the international air wing in Romania) I believe we would not be able to have this conversation now.
There is footage on the net of Russian missile batteries (including coastal defence sytems) being moved to the border of Finland right now, apparently because some idiot politician in Finland said that when they and Sweden join NATO they will seek to reclaim “The Finish Republic of Karelia” from Russia. I had previously never heard of it.
Firsrt it was taking “back” Kaliningrad,
Then it was taking “back” the Kuril islands,
Then it was taking “back” the breakaway regions of Georgia,
Then it was taking “back” Crimea
and now NATO talk of taking all the above and adding somewhere called Karelia to the list.
I see little hope for peace in the future.
A couple days ago the radio played Sibelius’s “Karelia” suite, the first time I heard it since Finland’s self-destructive proclamations. It was interesting listening to it as backdrop music for an imminent resumption of the long-running, sometimes interrupted 20th century Russo-Finnish war. Apparently the Finns still haven’t had enough.
RE: The propaganda campaign currently emanating from the US and why the (always skewed) Pew Research poll indicates how well the campaign is working. This multifaceted campaign is a continuation of Project Mockingbird* and is constantly injected into the mainstream media while being directed by US Gov’t agencies w/the support of Big Tech. I am posting these links that AC posted that describes this process in detail. (Credit belongs to AC who posted the link below today).
“Project Mockingbird was brought into the open by having Congress fund CIA front-groups which are open about helping fund propaganda outlets that will write what they are told, just they claim the propaganda is solely to advance US interests. But as a result there is no fear of it being exposed, since they are open propagandist operations. What isn’t described is how once funded those outlets don’t just publish propaganda, they also hire only who they are told, meaning they don’t just cover for the conspiracy because they are outsiders being paid. The funded propaganda outlets become the whole media, since regular media cannot be profitable. Only these outlets, funded by government on orders of the conspiracy, remain, and they end up not just taking the money, but wholly staffed by the conspiracy. So much for a free press committed to justice, and manned by idealistic young journalism majors who want to use the media to fight for justice and what is right. Add in Big Tech, Big Business, the Intel Agencies, Federal Law Enforcement, the Civilian Informant Networks (which do the same thing among local business and social groups), probably most lawyers, the Judiciary, and all the Politicians in government, and it is one huge machine of control.”
This is Pedro Gonzalez’s in depth article mentioned in the above link:
It is just as informative and concise as Pepe’s articles. Can’t go wrong with Pedro & Pepe!
The constant shilling for Ukraine and Russia/Putin bad (just today grandfather Biden incoherently mumbled “We saw today’s inflation data. 70% of the increase in prices in March came from Putin’s price hike in gasoline.”) is spammed daily in MSM American “press” and social media. So:
A majority of US Americans are simply stupid and cannot think. Check
A majority of US Americans are unbelievably ignorant. Check (seems like most are but the dissidents & critical thinkers do not have the ability to have their thought disseminated in the public sphere, and I would say this for all in Zone A. The village idiots have the bullhorn now).
A majority of US Americans are brainwashed by their media and schools. Check
A majority of US Americans have been trained/conditioned to fear and hate whomever their rulers designate for demonization. Check.
The PYSOP campaign to demonize Russia has been a resounding success. 100x Check.
*Operation Mockingbird is an alleged large-scale program of the US CIA that began in the early years of the Cold War and attempted to manipulate news media for propaganda purposes.
From the (always skewed) Wiki.
“To the demons in Washington DC we need to oppose our saints, both living and long dead.” Thank you for this post. I’ve been wondering how Russians survive all the hate thrown at them and this is part of the answer. As someone who grew up in India in the 1970s era of Indo-Soviet friendship, I hope that impulse towards world peace and justice can be realized this time around.
Aye, as a Russian, I can only hope and pray that more of the 404 citizens will shake off the Banderite plague as soon as possible. Without Banderism, they’re just people – not much different from Belarussians for us, in terms of common origin the three East Slavic territories are the same, we come from the same root culture of Rus even if some variance has emerged over time. While I refuse to rush and embrace them as brothers after 8 years of most of them standing by and allowing Banderism to fester and grow among them, their greatest sin for the most part is apathy and complacency. I can only hope the war Banderism brought upon their heads will help shake enough of them out of their stupor.
Any true-believer Banderite is akin to a devil worshipper. Their holy principles are anathema to any right-thinking person if only one cares to examine them. Thus 404 is akin to a possessed person collectively. The evil spirit is the enemy while the body is but a confused vessel.
So, it is my hope that as many redeemable or confused or weak-willed people will be able to survive as possible, even amongst soldiers, that they might find redemption. And as for those thoroughly steeped in Banderism, well, the person we seek to preserve but the evil spirit that led the person astray is to be sent back to hell.
But will US soldiers be willing to die for either the Ukraine or the Eurolemmings? Will the Neocons have enough influence and power to force the US military to execute a civilization-ending order? [snip]
I very much doubt it. But I can still hope for it.
As do I, Andrei. I too am hoping the people who actually have their finger on the trigger, the leadership of the US military, have their heads screwed on right and do the right thing.
Thank you for that touching passage at the end — yes, the regular soldiers fighting on both sides are the same people. One can hardly tell if they are Russians or Ukrainians without looking at their armbands, white or blue.
In a sense Russia has been forced into fighting a civil war. A real tragedy that has been brought to pass in the Ukraine by people who are expert in sowing divisions, hatred; people who love to agitate for violence and who exalt in wreaking suffering, destruction and death; a God-less people. In his videos Ramzan Kadyrov often uses a word that describes these people perfectly — they are the shaytan (devils).
In his videos Ramzan Kadyrov often uses a word that describes these people perfectly — they are the shaytan (devils).
He does indeed, and I TOTALLY agree with him. It is absolutely compatible with these words:
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. (Eph 6:12).
Speaking of which,
I heard a good one yesterday: “Mariupol is the place where when Orthodox Christians hear “Allahu Akbar” they cross themselves and reply “Glory be to God!”.
There is a lot of wisdom in this anecdote.
Kind regards
“I heard a good one yesterday: “Mariupol is the place where when Orthodox Christians hear “Allahu Akbar” they cross themselves and reply “Glory be to God!”.
There is a lot of wisdom in this anecdote.”
These words brought tears to my eyes. And somewhere on a Caribbean island near Venezuela, which you visited not too long ago, a gentle old man is weeping with happiness too!
The Lord has melded hearts in His crucible, using the fire of the satanists themselves, using their hate to forge the very weapons which will defeat them. All that is in store for them is loss. And for us, we will be given aid to persevere, gain inspiring martyrs and march on to Victory!
There is a lot of wisdom in this anecdote.
There certainly is.
In one of his blog posts Prof Richard Falk wrote this about the Ukraine operation:
‘The wider war is best understood as occurring on two levels: a traditional war between the invading forces of Russia and the resisting forces of Ukraine as intertwined with an encompassing geopolitical war between the U.S. and Russia.’
As you imply, and of course I totally agree, there is a third yet higher level, indeed the highest level, apparent to those who subscribe to a providential view of history, a view that has God playing a role in human affairs. This is the level meant by VVP when he said — pre-SMO — that if Russians were to die in a war against the West, they would die as martyrs whereas their adversaries would die as nothing. For VVP and the Russians then, this wider war is about fighting on the side of Good against Evil.
Thanks to the Saker for this “birds eye view.”
I agree with the statement above of Larchmonter445.
I am sure, that soon, (even while this conflict rages), the Russian leadership will have a few words for the Polish, Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, and Finnish leaders. Russians have the right, as with all the world’s nations, to live in Peace & Free Trade unfettered by Sanctions, and with no enemy imperialist Tanks & Nukes stationed along their border.
The Saker’s 7 point view of my fellow Americans, is, actually, quite mild, (a bit kind).
We Americans have lost our Manhood, our Honor, and lie disgraced before History. After our last Constitutional President, John F. Kennedy, was assassinated, and our Republic overthrown (11/22/1963), we stood around and did nothing. We learned, or pretended to learn nothing (Oswald did it), and using our pretended stupidity as a cover, have allowed many crimes to be committed by our gauleiters.
In our Congress, no bill is passed that does not have the approval, the very fingerprints of Rothschild and his military outpost on it. We are Slaves (it is a myth that slaves were freed after the Civil War).
There was a time when Kennedy & Khrushchev saved the world from a Nuclear catastrophe. There was a time!
Dr. Peter J. Antonsen – nom de guerre, Durruti
“We Americans have lost our Manhood, our Honor, and lie disgraced before History. After our last Constitutional President, John F. Kennedy, was assassinated, and our Republic overthrown (11/22/1963), we stood around and did nothing. We learned, or pretended to learn nothing (Oswald did it), and using our pretended stupidity as a cover, have allowed many crimes to be committed by our gauleiters.”
BRAVO!!! Exactly what I thought when I started High School in 1970. Americans allowed the 1965 Immigration Act, which guaranteed the destruction of American culture by replacement immigration. Americans allowed atrocities to be done in Vietnam. Americans allowed Israel to get away with the 1967 attack on the USS Liberty. Americans did nothing about the murders of RFK and MLK in 1968. Blame it all on the ‘Boomers’? Nope. The oldest Boomer was only aged 17 when JFK was killed and the youngest boomer was still unborn. To be fair, the US Republic ended in 1871, and every generation since then is guilty of complicity, ignorance, or cowardice for not overthrowing our alien AngloZio overlords. The ‘West’ needs to collapse just as the Soviet Union did. Perhaps out of the ruins a Christian polity can be formed from the American regions still holding values recognisable by the founders of the first republic.
Americans allowed the 1965 Immigration Act,
a very republican thing to say, when the california railroad was built by the Chinese (and then thrown into camps), the japanese people were gulag’d during WWII because the mighty WASP owns USA
conveniently forgetting the fact there were people here before and they were cheated in good faith and sent off to reservations
ah, those inconvenient facts… the 1965 act was just a small redressal to all the wrongs
Andrei, ALL public polls are fake. It is legal to run psychological operations on the US public by their military and gov’t. (“The NDAA Legalizes The Use Of Propaganda On The US Public”) They use the logical fallacy: Argumentum ad Populum. “Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media” by Edward S. Herman, Noam Chomsky, clearly goes thru this process… which I don’t think works on the majority of ppl, at least 60% of them aren’t dumb or ignorant enough to fall for it.
The legacy media ratings, even FOX which leads them are such that most don’t even watch, read or listen anymore either. Look at the demos, it’s ridiculously low.
I really hope Russia cleans the US after it “rebalances” NATO because the war is unavoidable, and maybe after many millennia, the world can be somewhat free of rapacious oligarchs that think ppl are just food and toys.
Thank you for voicing this loving sentiment for your people on both sides Andrei.
I served in the U.S. Army in Afghanistan (my experience would confirm the observations posted here) and seeing a video of captured UAF POWS being treated with dignity as they cleaned a devastated area made me think of some of the cluess “kids” (children in all reality) that I served with. Seeing one of the captured “boys” smile brought tears to my eyes. My thoughts, “Yes, they get to live.”
They have politicized every country to fit their shallow needs.
Lavrov has been very blunt lately. No more polite euphemisms!!
Global denazification. Nothing less will do.
Having failed in ukraine the empire will head for Opium War 3 on China. Hopefully everyone is well prepared.
Amen, Honorable Saker! Amen!
“A few weeks back I wrote that while the immediate objective of the SMO in the Ukraine was to denazify and disarm the Nazi-occupied Ukraine, the real end goal was to chance the European collective security architecture which, itself, is the cornerstone of our entire, worldwide, international order. I called that “denazify the planet” and I am pretty sure that many readers reading these words thoughts “what’s Andrei smoking?”.”
Whatever you’re smoking Andrei, pass the stogie along. I realized years ago that WW2 was not so much a matter of the defeat of Nazism, it was really the defeat of one branch of Nazism by another branch that became ascendant in the years following the war. People of color in the US always saw themselves as living under a just-below-the-surface fascist regime. It is just in better times, the mask more or less held up for those looking in from the outside. Now the mask has fallen completely off.
It is one of the reasons you often speak about how Russians are now seen as “ice niggers” or some other such epithet. The symmetry is as natural (from a historical perspective) as it is astounding. Fascism always needs a negative pole. Black people have served in that role from since the country’s founding. It is therefore not much of a stretch to extend that visceral hatred towards Russians for both present day calculations and, as you well know, historical reasons. I fear, however, that the American variety of fascism shares the same self-destructive and uncompromising, maniacal mindset as other the other varieties we’ve seen and will choose suicide over defeat. We see this with the Nazis in Ukraine, who not only refuse to surrender themselves but kill anyone else who tries. Of course, the granddaddy of them all: Hitler stands as a monument to the ignominious end that is always the fate of fascism. The problem is that this time, it looks like the shot in the mouth will be collective, taking down all of humanity, rather than just an individual and a particular country or society.
Touching… Let’s hope God has not gave up on humanity.
What may be interesting to you scholars at the Vineyard is what is most often overlooked: the fact that the US GOVERNMENT is actually a British Territorial government that has usurped the lawful American government-“American” meaning non-US CITIZEN (this is a corporation), unincorporated, land jurisdiction-based people.
The proof, via a scholarly analysis, is here, in a couple of PDF articles from Anna von Reitz:
And how it happened that the Brits actually usurped the lawful American government, via this guy:
And so?
Well: when you are speaking about US involvement in all these conflicts you are actually talking about the Brits interfering with all and sundry-Iraq, Venezuela, Nicaragua, et al.
One indicator is the fact that former US Secretary of State Colin Powell was knighted by the Queen. Why?
Because he served her admirably, and had no hesitation in doing her dirty work for her. After all, he did lie to Congress about the Iraqi weapons of mass destruction, didn’t he?
I agree 100%, the real satan is in the City of London(not part of the UK) which owns Wall Street and not the opposite.
The worse satanic false flags (chem) are always stagged by London(white helmets in Syria, multiple fake journo or oligarchs/diplos killings in London, Skripalgate, Russiagate was Steele MI6 agent created, Navalny, MH17..),they worked with the real head office which is in Israel.
Merika is just their racket/world police. Eurocrats their ennemies which must be destroyed but not too much(brexit), business is business dear.
Their idea to attack China is revenge for Opium times in Shanghai, lost of HKG.
Blinken + Nuland are just the usefull idiots manipulated by Tel Aviv + London, neocons don’t care a second about Merika, about fuck the EU, even less about Ukraine + eastern Europe…they also hate France and want to destroy Germany (former)industrial powerhouse.
Perfide Albion .
Thanks for your comments Gary and War is On.
Its reassuring to see others who are informed.
Indeed, its the City of London’s (the 1 sq. mile of banksters head offices) tail that wags the American dog – and not the reverse as many commentators seem to believe.
Consider the following:
1 The US’ money supply is controlled by the Federal Reserve, aka The Fed, a consortium of private international banks
2 The US flag bears the same red stripes as the British East India Co; the canton of the Union Jack being replaced by the 50 stars.
3 Up to Obama (the 43rd POTUS) all except one POTUS was related to British royalty. No coincidence.
4 “Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws.” – Mayer Anselm Rothschild (The First Bank of the United States was established 1791)
5 *Control of the US money supply (the lifeblood of an economy) has changed hands FOUR times during its history, revealing that its something of critically importance to an economy.
6 “The United States was the first nation in history to be established as an Empire” – Chomsky
7 Then there’s the United States – United Kingdom “Special relationship”
As another astute commentator here at the Vineyard observed: ‘The United States has only ever had one enemy’.
Perfidious Albion, indeed,
sir, I feel the pain in your words, you have written from the heart. may our God ease that pain.
the poem evokes a range of emotion, from despair to grim acceptance. Lovely in its complexity, thank you.
exactly what i am thinking. Thank you, Andrei
I suppose this is possible but I do NOT believe polls published here in the empire of lies any more than i believe “news” reports of CNN or FOX, etc., ..or labor bureau employment statistics, etc., ..These are people who have recently admitted to us (if we may believe it) that official reports repeated by corporate media are lies designed for “information warfare”..These flakes are waging “war” on information, by their own acknowledgement ! ..It is not prudent to believe ANYTHING they say, much less uncritically, and I don’t have any data to answer them with, so this is just more more point of information on which we are left in the dark.. i will say this..I don’t use social media, that is, I don’t even own a “smart” phone, I don’t patronize Twitter, or facebook or snap chat – AT ALL..i have never needed or wanted to ,so i don’t. In fact i wouldn’t even know how to access these platforms ..If its not easy and convenient to use from my desk top PC, i don’t use it. I live in the heart of the aforementioned empire of lies – about 1 hour from DC, about 3 hours form NYC – and NO ONE , off of social media, seems even to be aware that a war is being waged against Russia. I have NOT heard this talked about in stores, or on the street. I don’t see a Ukrainian flag or so much as a blue and yellow ribbon on someones collar . This is the condition of American public opinion. If one wishes to participate in the “information war” on the empire side, it is easier..If one want’s a Russian perspective, it is more difficult to get but (in America ) still available..Most don’t even know there is something to look at, or they heard some rumor on the wind..Americans are FAR more interested in Will Smith, than ANYTHING at all, that happens in Europe. Nearly any Americans opinion about the weather today, which was very normal and seasonal is more vigorous than opinion about the war.. This may change if, and as our lives are effected by it, but it wont necessarily change in the way the Finance/CIA/State dept./Defense complex want it to.
I agree with your analysis, seems to me to be a social media phenomenon, not a topic of discussion among what might be called the masses other than those few who follow politics. Plus polls often use loaded questions “how do you feel about the innocent Ukranian people dying due to Russia’s illegal invasion, sir”. as you wrote, Will Smith a hotter topic.
One further comment, I’m retired, many of us socially interact at nearby parks or chat with passing neighbors, both old and young. Entirely Black and Brown faces. Weather indeed a topic, so is inflation. World politics comes up often, which might surprise those not from here. Basic opinions are S***w Nato and Ukraine, they should be spending the money here or S***w Biden and Kamala we don’t want Black (or Brown) young men to die for somebody else’s freedom. I’ve yet to hear anyone hostile to Russia, occasionally something like “Ole Putin, he ain’t taking no BS”. for what it’s worth that’s the view from the Hood. as Saker might say “cheers”
Dear Saker,
i read all you write regarding the conflict since 2014. okay not all, but close to all. But is there not something what is now very obvious. Zelensky promised peace but the far right did not want that. There is a video of a azov officer discussing with him in the Donbass. The pentagon seems very soft regarding all accusations so far. For example butcha. Biden talked about a small incursion before the SMO. Europe send WO2 material (they even announce it) or maybe slightly better. All over the internet you can read about the dire financial situation of especial the EU. (I assume Russian economist understand the situation). We all lived on debt !!!!. How is that going to end ???? The real big money players uhhhh not bill or george. But the big pension funds have made promises to their jubilados/pensioners. They own :D let say 1 trillion dollars in obligations !!! How to solve that ? Food for taught. The USSR was a balloon which needed to be taken down now it time for the west. China will come too. Than will come other again. My two cents.
Official inflation reaching 8.5 in USSA(experts are more pointing at 15% as the real rate).
Spain: 11.5 %, in Prague : 12% Holland: 12% Belgium : 9% France is faked for the moment as Macron blocked the price untill after all elections(end of June).But even faked at 5.8 %
Here in the capital of occupied zone A: no big difference seen yet as salaries/pensions/social alloc are automatically raised (indexed) to inflation, we received + 8 % increase.
They lowered the VAT on electricity + gas from 21% to 6 %.
We received a 100 eur check (per person). Social tariff has been offered to 40 % of the population.
Pensions, unemployed payments etc were also increased by 8 % and will continue to follow inflation(unique in BELUX), not existing anywhere else in Europe (but external debt/gdp will raise above 125%). Which is common now in Europe, even Germany will not be able to control inflation.
In the supermarkets no product missing for the moment, a very small increase of some items(but like a few cents).
Holidays booking are almost sold out.There is a clear ‘ukraine’ narrative fatigue as Easter holiday approaching and the warm season is back.
NATO is hiring like crazy(mainly administrative staff).
EU countries (not belux) will start to ‘feel’ the pain I would say as of sept. Then like there is not autom link from inflation to salaries, it will become very hard and painfull, expect a ‘yellow vests 2.0 ‘ return.
What will happen if in June Finland and Sweden enter NATO? Will the all ukie war finally be prouved counter productive as St Petersburgh will become a potential ‘ 2 or 3 minutes’ target of nato nukes?
President Biden Accuses Putin Of “Genocide”, Says “Evidence Is Mounting”
Are US joe 6 pack really believing that?
The steel factory or Azovstal can be sealed, all entrances and exits, for a period of time so that the Russian soldiers can take a breather, refreshed and return for the Azovs inside to surrender.
to many exits/vents/windows/holes/etc.
@ Stephen
It will be flooded pumping water from the river.
Lone Wolf
Why Serious Nuclear War Must Be Global in Scope
If nuclear war were not survivable, then the postattack situation would be of little concern to the two combatants, and the attack might rationally be limited to the two combatant nations. But nuclear war is, or at least may be, survivable, depending on the level of damage. Previously, it was assumed that large-scale nuclear war was not survivable — that was the basis for the Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD) strategy. With the advent of national missile defense (NMD) systems, however, the situation changes dramatically. Even large-scale nuclear war might be survivable, depending on the effectiveness of the missile defense system. If one of the two combatants, say the US, has an effective national missile defense system, then that nation may be still very much “alive” after the attack, albeit substantially damaged.
Given this situation, what are the two combatants likely to do? It is rather obvious what they will do. If there were no chance of survival, then there would be no point to targeting nations other than the other combatant. If there is any chance of survival, however, then both sides must target all other potential enemies, in addition to the principal opponent. Then, after the war, only allies will survive (if anyone survives), and the damaged nation will have a significant chance of recovery and freedom. Since both combatants will do this (the optimal strategy will be similar for both), what happens is that, in the event of war between two major nations, all of the world’s industrial nations will be attacked. So large-scale nuclear war will never be a two-nation affair, if survival is likely or possible. It will surely be global in scope. All industrial nations will likely be targeted. If no nation has an effective missile defense system, all industrial nations will be destroyed. If either of the two combatants has an effective missile defense system, however, it may retain some of its industrial capacity and prevail after the war.
I have a limited interest in poll results for a few reasons
1. The framing and the wording of the questions is under the control of whoever sponsors the poll.
2. The interviewed have no control on how the results are interpreted.
3. There is no debate that would help to fix the semantic of the questions before the poll.
and there are others. In short I view polls as another tool in the propaganda toolbox that is used to manipulate the opinion. The polls work in support of the “big lies” when there is no vigorous opposition.
In this specific case I find the fragment “Russia is the ennemy of the US” as rather abstract and some people might understand the opposite i.e. “The US is the ennemy of Russia.” That just reflects the constant war drum beating going on in the medias. That does not mean that Americans are basically hostile to Russian people after the war drums stop.
The poll is disturbing in any case since it means the administration will feel free to handle the conflict the way they wish without expecting any significant opposition from the public.
Please read articles by Patrick Buchanan. He is one by if the few true Monroe Doctrine practitioners left. I am so saddened that my fellow Boomers, who made sure Americans got out of Vietnam, have lived to see their hard work and busted heads from protests so cavalierly tossed aside. Right wing neocons and left wing Biden worshippers are gunning to send our young sons and daughters (and everything in between) to die for a drag queen who toadys to the Great Reset. Libtards are pining for “proof” of chemical weapons. Zelenskyy’s sense of “entitlement” to US and NATO armaments and soldiers put six generation US welfare recipients to shame. Believe me we have true conservative media and politicians. And publications like yours are read by many of us. Carry on!
The word stupid is superfluous. The keyword here is Conditioned.
I can assure everyone on this channel than there is a critical mass of awake and constitutionalist Americans who despise the western MSM and are privately rooting for the Russians in Ukraine and globally in their war against evil and tyranny. These Americans are fighting the evil and corruption in their country today. You do not stand alone and you will be foolish to write off all Americans. It only took 3% of the American population to fight for and win the Civil War of 1776. Please remember that.
And the rich irony of Russia’s Navy parked at NY and SF in 1863 with an official note to London to back off or else.
That an absolute ruler of Russia, then, fully supported the young Republic, the Union, tells more about the mutual intent to end the Empire of Lies, then the British Empire, now Boris’ Global Britain.
Getting to the root of the matter, and why, for centuries, Brits have tried to overthrow Russia.
Man they carry a grudge, nasty teef too.
Cheers M
“It is important to note that unlike the Azov Nazis, the Naval Infantry forces are NOT considered as Nazis by the Russians and that they will all get full POW protection under the Geneva Convention.”
I would go a step further, bearing in mind that once this is over winning the peace will be a serious consideration. After interviewing these soldiers and weeding out any Nazi elements, I would offer them the following deal:
They can either remain as prisoners until the end of the war, after which they’ll be repatriated, OR, upon swearing an oath to never again take up arms against Russia, continue to serve in their present units under new command and with full service pay until the end of their hitch. They’ll be housed, fed, and given work repairing the damage caused, while earning money to send to their families. Jobs are going to be scarce for some time after this is over, and someone will have to repair the damage, so it may as well be them.
Keeping their respective units together means they’ll have friends with whom they can discuss the future, without Nazi minders breathing down their necks. This will give the intelligent among them a chance to influence the weaker minds. Some may even choose to reenlist and pursue a career in the reformed military. At a minimum it will keep them busy and out of the trouble typically caused by unemployed young men.
The polls and surveys are fake. Don’t believe them.
The US media from left to right is pushing this war, but the average American is ambivalent at best. There are a couple Ukraine solidarity signs up in my neighborhood, but nowhere near what was up for Covid and BLM.
“You cannot just send weapons to the Ukraine and have that make a difference.”
The Western pundits have proclaimed their intention of making the Ukraine region a Forever War to drain the resources of Russia. And my guess is that the same will be attempted in Taiwan.
Do sending weapons make a difference?
Of course – in the revenue and profit columns of the MIC corporate balance sheets.
So Western ‘leaders’ jump on the Fascist bandwagon and make transfer payments of public funds to Western weapons manufacturers to send endless amounts of ‘consumable’ weaponry to the hot-zones.
Battlefield Wins or Losses mean nothing. Only Profits and Losses have meaning.
And endless profits are made by “endless wars.” There is no Western “Freedom and Democracy” here; there is only Western Fascism feeding at the slop-troughs of human greed and avarice.
All wars are bankers wars.
See: US 5-star Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler’s ‘War is a Racket’ (only 5 chapters)
Butler exposed the fascist coup attempt of the US Government in the 1930’s led by Prescott Bush – father to GHW Bush & ‘Dubya’ Bush (euphemistically called: the Business Plot).
He went along with the conspirators but then at the critical moment testified to Congress of the plans afoot to take control of the US Government.
If the poem is correct, then the rf soldier must go home, and stand above the battle, looking down his nose at BOTH sides! The battle lines are drawn, as they were in 1919. We stand with the Russian people, or we stand with the armies of reaction, or we lie comatose.
“The only thing which can bring the Eurolemmings back to reality is a Russian strike on such a weapons convoy INSIDE a NATO member country ”
Exactly what I hope happens next time a NATO Country sends weapons or Equipment.
I dont think anything can wake them up.
They will just make more sanctions, more chatting, more declarations, send more lend-lease weapons to Europe and expect Poland or someone else from the huge pool of the coalition of the willing buffer nations to stand up for the next phase.
Will US Soldiers be willing to die for Europe and Biden, Blinken and Sullivan? Who knows, but here’s an anecdote sent to me by a friend:
“I posted something from gab on my Facebook page 3 or 4 days ago. Some friend was talking to two young men 22 or 23 yrs old. They had been high school classmates and we’re reconnecting. The one had recently graduated from college with an engineering degree and the other got out of 4 years in the military with the 101st Airborne. When my Gab friend asked the college graduate if Russia would invade America would you go join the Army to resist them? Before the college graduate could answer the military veteran said, ‘yes I would join up, I would join the Russian military and almost all of my old unit would as well.’ The US military has a big problem.”
Which is exactly why Uncle Shmuel openly proclaims that all US veterans are “potential terrorists.” <== This is how the US treats its veterans: with fear, hatred, and disrespect.
Once a US citizen has completed one, two, or more tours of duty in their global military, the resultant 'veteran' understands how the game is rigged.
The reference to the crazies in the basement is to the US Straussians.
That is the second recent reference after Thierry Meyssan at :
Russia declares war on the Straussians
This 2004 US election pamphlet, Children of Satan, is the definitive exposee of Straussian takeover of the US military, and policy :
The Ignoble Liars behind Bush’s no exit War
That sure looks like Putin’s reference to the Empire of Lies, and Kadyrov’s Shaytan
“The foul beast is already here, among us.
How can we be so blind?”
From Meyssan’s ominous warning :
The alliance of MI6, the CIA and the Bandéristes
See the video clip of Secret Order Centuria Ceremony.
This is the danger.
Many refugees from Ukraine are bringing years of such nihilist ideology to Europe, and go right by the radar.
Kids in school grow up with this. It is too easy to identify only Azov, or obvious ideologues.
The Lead reference to Archer’s article lacks research.
Strauss takes the role of Thrasymachus attacking Plato.
This predates modern religion.
This is classic Greek, a well known dialogue.
Strauss claimed expertise, the ignoble liar, and look at the result.
If it was just crazies in the basement there would be no real problem.
Instead there is a major problem.
8. It’s a lying push poll put out to make simple minded believe that a majority believe something they do not.
Do not fall for lies….
Let’s not forget that most of the combat casualties sustained in Grenada were inflicted on themselves. They sent one team to scale some cliffs at a beach and dispatched another to shoot down at them on their way up. Some of the best firefights in Vietnam were against different US units who knew they were fighting each other.
If the US coverage of the Ukraine war is one lie after another, what makes you think the polls are any different?
A normal poll is 250 peop!e. A good poll is 500 out of 335 million. It doesn’t take much to adjust the demographics to get the outcome you want. Huge differences in self identifying polls and so called opinion polls. Huge differences in pre election opinion polls and exit polls.
Be suspicious.
US imbeciles believe that. Unfortunayely a majority.
US imbeciles believe that. Unfortunately a majority.
” I think that this is again yet another Russian civil war. I have exactly ZERO sympathy or, even less so, empathy for the Ukrainian Nazis, but when I see the young faces of Ukrainian POWs I can’t help it – I see *my* people. Yes, confused, mistaken, misguided, possibly stupid and even deeply sinful. And I would not hesitate for 1 second to fight them with more than a keyboard. But as long as they don’t embrace the Ukronazi/Baderista/Azov/SBU/NATO/EU/US ideology I will always see them as my people and I will never rejoice in their suffering or demise”
A lot of spirituality in this text, humility, love and peace.
it’s no mystery why the 24/7 corporate media and government propaganda “convinces” most Americans that Russia is the “black hat” and the Ukrainian government is the “white hat.” Not only were older Americans bombarded with anti-Soviet propaganda their entire youths, but all Americans, young and old were saturated in anti-Putin propaganda from at least 2014 forward with an extreme ratcheting up of the anti-Putin propaganda for the whole of Trump’s presidency. People were overcome with Trump Derangement Syndrome and that inextricably linked with something that could be called Putin Derangement Syndrome. That really explains it all. Many people love to have an enemy, not just people living in the US. We, however, are really partial to the black hat/white hat narrative and reject anything to do with political economy. How could such big fans of Hollywood movies be any different?
I knew there was something weirdly off with the Zelensky regime, this was what my gut feeling was telling me…
I am pretty much in agreement regarding the split between the neocon run (Deep) State Department and the Pentagon.
One thing Biden is not is he does not preside over a functional cabinet as per in other crises eg JFK’s in the Cuban missile crisis or Lincoln’s civil war cabinet (whether true or not these two cabinets at least are reputed to have been up to the task).
State, under the neocons (eg Blinken and Nulan both with Ukrainian Jewish forebears) pushing their personal trauma driven bitter and twisted agendas of revenge against an intergenerational enemy, has gone rogue and not operating under any cabinet discipline, Biden having no weight whatsover.
This was evidenced early on by the debacle of Blinken greenlighting the MiG transfer, which surely needed cabinet approval, only to have the Pentagon put the kybosh on the idea two days later, all via the media rather than in the cabinet room. Then Bkinken uses twitter to announce travel bans on Chinese individuals with sanctions put up as a possibility.
Not being suggestive of any Q type military backed return of Trump but let’s hope the Pentagon does the right thing, if push comes to shove.
From SM about the British press:
This is what people should know about your media:
A man stood at the London Zoo, drinking beer and looking around. Suddenly, a little girl falls into the enclosure with crocodiles. The man throws away the can of beer and jumps after the girl into the enclosure. He pulls the girl out and hands her to her sobbing mother. They begin to thank him: “Thank you, you acted like a real brave Englishman!”
The man replied: “No, I’m Russian.”
The next day, all British newspapers came out with the headline: “Drunken Russian tourist stole dinner from a crocodile.”
And a typical U.S. SJW talking about Ukraine:
Virtue Signaling About Ukraine!
“Mattis was “let go” pretty soon by The Donald while Milley was subjected to a vicious smear campaign.”
There’s dissention inside the U.S. military. The army pays for transgender soldiers’ hormone therapy, mental health care and surgeries ( Besides, with good ones like those you met in 1986-1991 mixed up with average ones like Generals Mattis and Milley, it could be lots of dissention. Mattis showed us his exiguous level soon after he was nominated Secretary of Defense. He reacted on TV to the news that Russia had announced it had hypersonic weapons by rejecting it (he indicated he didn’t believe it). Mattis added that it did not matter, anyhow, because we were ready to counter it. The latter was bad – but okay too. The first part was ignorant: A big country cannot lose what in Spanish is called the “faith of the State” by lying on something like that; it had to be true as indeed it was. It was embarrassing to watch. I ask myself how would “mad dog” Mattis perform against someone like Erich von Manstein. “Cauldroned”, for sure (I listened to Mattis and I read von Manstein). There was no need for Gen. Milley to contact the Chinese without permission like he did. He imagined a danger that didn’t exist, and the media was sympathetic to him because they were anti-Trump too. He rebelled openly against President Trump on other occasions. One time he said – seated in his chair looking at the camera – that he only followed the Constitution, implying that he would not follow “unconstitutional” orders from his commander in chief (Donald Trump), thereby embarrassing and discrediting the hierarchical order. That was also embarrassing to watch. I believe Milley would lose against von Manstein like the Poles did. By the way, the Russian forces in WWII were not able to place von Manstein in a cauldron. I quote from his book “Lost Victories”:
“Even if the Army Group was largely unsuccessful in its struggle for a different operational policy, and therefore deceived in its belief that it could master the enemy, it had one achievement to its credit. The enemy had not succeeded in encircling the whole southern wing, which the operational situation and his tremendous superiority offered him every prospect of doing. Southern Army Group, though bleeding from a thousand wounds, had maintained itself in the field! [wrote “maintained itself in the field!” in italics] The greatest satisfaction of all for my staff and myself was that in this unequal struggle with a far superior opponent, as indeed with a Supreme Command which would not recognize what was clearly foreseeable, we had still been able to prevent any forces under our command from suffering the fate of Stalingrad. At Cherkassy, and now with First Panzer Army, it was still possible to deprive the enemy of the prey which he believed to have safely in his grasp.”
Zelensky and all those who think he’s “winning” should read this quote and reread “superiority” and “superior.”
Denazification of the planet should not miss the aides and abettors of Nazis, such as Canadian Deputy PM and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland, herself granddaughter of Ukrainian protonazi and escaped war criminal.
Thanks Andrei. Will pray for all but especially for those weird Russkies that always seem to do the fighting for good in the eternal battle between good and evil.
That was the most terrific thing I ever read. I,m out of tears. My dear brother Andrei. You are truly the best human being I ever heard about. It’s so hard to live in the west these days. I wonder if it,s better to seek asylum in Russia. God bless you with all the heavenly power and that goes for Russia and China and all the people that support the good thing to get rid of the nazis for ever. Thank you also for the wonderful poem. Power from the soul of eternity. I have no feelings for west anymore. It’s gone : probably for ever. It’s a new day coming for all of us that have been suffering from all lies so long time. God bless Putin. He is the man God picked for all this challenge. One thing I read from the bible that I always have in my heart and that is that God hates lies. In other words God hates the west the way it turned out to be. Praise be to God.
Ukraine is a worldwide tragedy, in the Shakespeare sense, totally not necessary. While stopping them is necessary, killing, punishing Nazi’s, fascists, et. al. has not eradicated them nor instilled enough fear to stop them. Harsh prisons harden people, they do not reform them. The friends and families of those killed and imprisoned will never forget in the wrong way for peace.
Ok, my fantasy: Putin doesn’t kill them with long range weapons, he just waits them out. They know they are abandoned. Another thousand, as you point out, just surrendered. One Nazi per unit can’t make them all commit suicide. Putin then turns them over to an international court where the citizens of the eastern Ukraine are the prosecutors. From butcher to merciful, he could finally pull off a PR coup.
“In the roaring flames and smoke
And with all my strength
I pray for both of them.”
Good poem and good sentiments, in this case because Russian and Ukrainian are brother languages. During WW2 “in the roaring flames and smoke” of Polish Galicia (now Western Ukraine) a remarkable Polish woman was arrested and tortured but not before she had courageously saved Poles from Russians, Russians from Germans, Germans from Russians, and Jews from Germans. Janina Bulzacka; there should be more like her in this world.
One Southfront article suggested that pushing eu countries to liquidate soviet weapons is a way to sell them their us sh#t weapons next.. so its only about business.
And for the lying tv generals.. it is their job to lie.. so it is not surprising they say Ukraine is winning.. it is somehow mandatory to make believe that people believe their lie for them to prop up the war as long as possible.. all about appearance.
And CIA stated goal at inception was “make sure everything americans believe is a lie”.. its not just about war, its everything.. and lets say they are very good at doing their job
“These two simply lack both the brain and the humor to realize how terminally stupid and ridiculous they both sound”.
But not to their intended audience of Western civilians! In the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is diagnosed as psychotic and blinded as a “cure” for his madness.
“US Cannot Confirm Use of Chemical Agents in Mariupol, Senior Defense Official Says“.
A fine example of saying something by saying that you are not saying it. Rather similar to the classic, “Have you stopped beating your wife?”
Abraham Lincoln, whose sense of humour seems rather “Russian” to me, was asked about the honesty of a certain official. He replied, “He would not steal a red-hot stove”.
When criticised for saying that, Lincoln replied, “I withdraw that statement”.
The quote, from which you forgot the punchline, is not by Lincoln. It is by Thadeus Stephens, noted abolitionist, responding to Abraham Lincoln. Here is the version I heard:
President Lincoln asks Congressman Thaddeus Stevens for his opinion as to the honesty of Secretary of War Simon Cameron. Stevens says “I don’t think he would steal a red hot stove.” Lincoln tells Cameron, and Cameron takes offense and demands that Stevens retract the remark. Stevens then says, “I was mistaken, Cameron would steal a red hot stove.”
“…shoot anybody refusing to advance or trying to retreat – a technique which the West loves to blame on Stalin, but which was invented by the Nazis on the Eastern Front”.
That is a gross exaggeration. Killing those who try to run away has been a necessary measure used by every single army in history. Roman officers would have done exactly the same. (After all, it was Republican Rome that invented the punishment of decimation, meaning that every tenth soldier of an offending unit was executed – regardless of his own specific guilt or innocence).
I am not sure what the proportion was of junior officers to soldiers in Vietnam, but the soldiers were known to kill inadequate officers by “fragging”. I don’t see why the Ukrainian soldiers couldn’t do the same to Nazis in their midst.
They probably are. It also happened all the time with political commissars in the Red Army.
This fragging was quite common especially during period of 1969-72. According James Gibson US military clearly downplayed cases but even official figures were suggesting cases of fragging (murder or tries) almost one thousands.
“THE MORALE, DISCIPLINE and battleworthiness of the U.S. Armed Forces are, with a few salient exceptions, lower and worse than at anytime in this century and possibly in the history of the United States.
By every conceivable indicator, our army that now remains in Vietnam is in a state approaching collapse, with individual units avoiding or having refuse combat, murdering their officers and non commissioned officers, drug-ridden, and dispirited where not near mutinous.
Elsewhere than Vietnam, the situation is nearly as serious.”
By Col. Robert D. Heinl, Jr.
North American Newspaper Alliance
Armed Forces Journal, 7 June, 1971
Look at Medvechuk’s eyes.
That says everything about the Ukraininan regime.
I still hope that in desperate situation at least some Ukrainian units will mutiny against their Nazi “shepherds”. I do assume that not all Nazis will want to die heroically, and in fact we see that in Mariupol.
To echo others, don’t sweat polls like that. They are irrelevant at both a micro and macro level.
They are interesting, though, at illuminating the biases/desires of the power structure. For example, note the construction of the question (long pre-dating the current SMO) is to set Russia in conflict with the US – the middle option is competitor and there simply is no way for respondents to express a sentiment critiquing the framework. Note also the lack of follow up about intensity of the feeling. How much money have people who think Russia is an ‘enemy’, whatever that means, donated personally to the Ukrainian military effort? How many have volunteered to go fight in the war effort? The pollsters don’t ask questions like that because the answers wouldn’t help the psyop.
And then at a macro level, remember the main points of ‘Russia, Russia, Russia’ aren’t about Russia. They are about changing the subject from the faltering COVID narrative and preventing open debate about the real forces at play among the banksters/intel/academia/etc.
The point of state propaganda isn’t to be truthful or accurate in any honest, good faith way. It’s to limit publicly acceptable discourse while maintaining the trappings of a free society and make it easy to systematically discriminate against troublemakers who don’t get the hint about doing what the ruling class wants.
Everything that the rest of Zone A, never mind Zone B, hears about America filters through the careful crafting of the gatekeepers. The actual sentiment on the ground can be shockingly different from what rich Americans broadcast on the TeeVee.
I fully agree with this: “The point of state propaganda isn’t to be truthful or accurate in any honest, good faith way. It’s to limit publicly acceptable discourse while maintaining the trappings of a free society and make it easy to systematically discriminate against troublemakers who don’t get the hint about doing what the ruling class wants.”
Even if clearly idiotic, elite discourse is like virtual border between those that are “respectable” and those that will be canceled. It works better on ambitious, educated young people. If they want career and respect, they have to show they accept elite discourse as framed by media and academia. Stupider it is, better it is (its victims are more broken inside for having to eat sh….).
Pepe Escobar, Scott Ritter and Russians with Attitude all now banned by twitter for pushing pro Russian line.
Elon Musk could now buy Twitter as he declined a Board seat. Liberals are having conniptions!
For a trifling $31 billion, free-speech again?
And there was I thinking the 1st Amendment was already free?