Lot’s of good stuff to share with you today. So let’s begin
First, the misunderstandings resulting from an absolutely terrible public information policy explaining the reality of what is being negotiated between the Ukraine and Russia has resulted in a massive “NIET!” from the Russian public opinion. There is a Russian saying “нет худа без добра” which can roughly be translated as “even a bad situation can have a silver lining”, in this case, the truly tremendous pressure put upon the Kremlin has resulted in a lot of damage control which, in turn, has strengthened the position of those who want to prosecute this war till its end and weakened those who dream about some kind of Minsk 3.0.
Second, General Shamanov, the former commander of the operation in Chechnia, Hero of Russia and Duma member has announced that Russian special forces have successfully snatched away the two Ukronazi soldiers which filmed themselves torturing Russian prisoners. Yes, that is only two out of many thousands, but this still sends a chilling message to the Nazis. The Russians have also publicly shown the photos and name of the Ukronazi who stuck a bayonet into a Russian POW eye to kill him. Here I want to remind everybody that the Russians ended up killing almost all the Wahabi terrorists which ruled over Chechnia during the civil war. It is now clear that the Russians will summarily execute any Nazis they find unless they present a public interest, in which case they will send in their special forces to capture them and judge them, à la Eichmann. Finally, some will simply be executed where found. Either way, the message here is clear: “we will not forget or forgive, we are coming for you“. God willing, this message will save the lives and limbs of the Russian POWs currently held in Nazi captivity.
Third, Scott Ritter wrote a good piece explaining the basic nature of the Special Military Operation (SMO) which you can read here: https://mobile.twitter.com/realscottritter/status/1508816667098423296.
Fourth, maps. Here are two maps showing the exact same thing:
Remember the Russian “gesture of good will”? The idea was that Russia would dramatically DECREASE her combat activities around Kiev and Chernigov?
Okay, now read Ritter above and please understand that Russia had no intention of occupying either city or, at least, no intention of taking the city in street-to-street fighting.
Both Kiev and Chernigov are blocked, but evacuation corridors are opened on a regular basis, utilities all work and besides Ukie hallucinations about Russian reconnaissance-diversionary groups all over the city resulting in innumerable cases of Ukies security forces shooting each other, no Russians are to be found inside these cities. In fact, the point for the Russians is not to take Kiev or Chernigov, but only to prevent the Ukronazi forces from using these cities to resupply, rotate, reinforce or otherwise support other Nazi forces. Which ones? We will come to that in a second.
Here is the 2nd map I would like you to take a look at:
This maps shows the same area, but from a wider perspective. The most important thing here is that Mariupol has now been taken, at least from a purely military point of view. There STILL is an ongoing “mopping up” operation in and around the Azovstal industrial facilities, but this operation is executed by the Russian National Guard and not the military. So look at the 2nd map. What you will see is that forces from the north and the south are now moving to encircle the large Ukronazi force, which has already been cauldroned-off (see first map) into an even bigger cauldron.
So translated from diplomatese into plain English “we will dramatically reduce our military operations around Kiev and Chernigov as a sign of good will” would be “we are liberating a large force to go and finish off the Ukrainian military in the Donbass“.
Hopefully, this explanation will reassure those who assumed that what the Russians offered was a ceasefire. It was not. It was ONLY a REDUCTION of military activities around two cities which the Russians never planned to invade in the first place.
You might wonder what the Eurolemmings are up to these days. Simple! They are still waging a glorious and heroic battle against the letter “Z”: “Samsung drops letter ‘Z’ after Ukraine’s request“. This just makes me wonder what these hate-filled infantiles will come up next…

The hyena of Europe smells blood
As for our Polak friends, they have just made russophobia “mainstream”. What a surprise! Who would have ever thought…. They are also planning to attack, sorry, liberate the western Ukraine as soon as it looks like a safe thing to do, with minimal risk and maximal pomp.
Will they do it?
It all depends on one thing: will the Kremlin be able to convince them that Russia means business and that, if needed, Iskanders can also be landed on the other side of the Polish-Ukrainian border.
When I look at freaks like Morawiecki, Duda or Sksipchak, I see the, shall we call it, “more extreme version” of the garden variety hate-filled infantiles I see in most European capitals. That such people expect anybody to treat them with sincere respect absolutely amazes me.
Speaking of hating Russia, I want to share with you an example of the kind of things which now have been canceled by the Empire of Lies:
Okay, that’s it from me for right now.
I will “see you” later, God willing :-)
So Poland is attempting to recover the part of UKN that was theirs before WW2 ?
I wonder what Zelensky thinks of that ?
Perhaps the UKN nazis forces will invade Poland ?
Would be an amusing development.
I suspect that if Polish army goes into ukraine, they will be attacked by banderites. Those people are so effing crazy, that they could very well do this. They hate the Poles probably more than the Russians.
Besides, we don’t know what Belarus might do, if Poland tries to enter ukraine. Been listening to Gonzalo Lira’s interview with Scott Ritter, who raised this point: would Lukashenko allow the Poles to possibly stab Russia in the back from the rear?
“I suspect that if Polish army goes into ukraine, they will be attacked by banderites.”
Why not, they did it before?
Do the Poles remember, who killed their General ?? Lieutenant-General Karol Swierczewski …??
I have promised not to express myself with a word “hate”. Unfortunately, I have to. I hate all politicians, previous and current ones. What you suggest is another type of Middle East drama to be brought to the CEE lands. That’s the Ashkenazi grand plan to eternally tease the Bear on the way to finally reconquer their promised land of the ancient Khazaria. MIC would have loved the idea and unfortunately I must admit they have already loved it by factoring it into their future budgets (eg. 250 Abrams tanks + other weaponry due to come to my country). What a shame! May your life be interesting………..with “F” words in the middle
Well said. My response to this infantalism won’t make it past the moderators. I admire your firm restraint.
“ That’s the Ashkenazi grand plan to eternally tease the Bear on the way to finally reconquer their promised land of the ancient Khazaria. “
That sounds very anti-Semitic. Am I wrong ?
It has been posted many times. I recommend reading carefully, digest and draw your own conclusions
Not wrong so much as incorrect. Real life semites would be people from places like Lebanon and Syria. In the above case the author is referring to descendants of the Khazars who are not semitic. But the entire subject is so lopsided that it’s nearly impossible to have a conversation about it.
Khazars are no semites. They have adopted the jewish religion looong time ago but that does not make them semites.
kazarianos não são semitas
I suspect MR. Kinzhal, Mr. Kalibr and Mr. Iskander might have something to say about that. That trio have an un-nerving habit of arriving unanounced and unexpectedly.
This music is beautiful. What is it?
Yes, the music is wonderful! Which coral is this? Where was it filmed?
The hermitage museum
the gold drawing room of thew winter place
The cancelling of it is no problem for eurolemmigs, they have conchita wurst.
Below is a link to my favorite Russian song, The Twelve Brigands, by basso profundo Vladimir Pasjukov:
There are many versions of this song but this is the best IMHO. Once you hit the link, you will find many more rocordings such as the Don Cossack Choir.
Thank you.
Gazalo Lira was going to have a live stream earlier today with Scott Ritter but it never showed up on YouTube. Supposedly it did stream on Twitter??
I think Friday is April 1st and D-Day with Europe buy gas and oil paid for in rubles. Europe is saying no. This is a really big deal. We may see the petro-gold-gas ruble replace the petro dollar.
If the USA ever purges the criminals then the USA could maybe get back to a normal country. Meanwhile, Disney, Hollywood and a possible new Supreme Court Justice in the USA are pushing ped-0-phili-a. Russia obviously has the moral high ground in the world. We saw Russia coming to the aid of Syria plus what the west did to Iraq, Serbia, Libya and other places.
he did the stream on twitter
Please post a link to Gonzalo Lira’s interview of Scott Ritter. I’m really looking forward to seeing it.
Europe will obey their masters orders for now:
I fail to comprehend the stupidity, but it seems that to qualify for a western politician these days the first requirement is to excise all functioning brain cells.
This message makes no sense at all. That supposed proposal of Putin would contradict the call for rubel-payment.
If the bamk takes €, it takes no rubel, it would have to exchange it into rubel through the central bank, which would accumulate worthless €,it can’t use.
It is a US news site!
Russia Today, if you can access it, has information on this. The conversion process will take time to implement, and until that time the payment in Euros can be made to the still unsanctioned Russian banks who will then convert the funds to Rubles.
It sounds like Germany started to climb down and Russia met them halfway, which is good for business.
So this bank will convert and give the € in form of rubles to Gazprom, yet the converting bank has € in their books,with which they can’t do nothing. Sounds like the “bad-banks” they built in the west in 2007/8 to collect the debts of the financial system,only to let them go bankrupt afterwards. Big time tax-payer money, to save the investment-banker.
There are other factors in the works that may make this workable.
You should research the proposed new currency that China and the Customs Union is working on. Euros can also be used to purchase product outside of Russia from countries that accept them and are not sanctioning Russia, that is middlemen.
More important were the political aspects, Germany climbed down a bit, and Russia met them half way. This is a strong visual.
If Russia agreed to this, then Russia must’ve gotten something in return. But for the hopeless nutcases like Poland and the Baltic statelets, there can be no deals or special considerations. Russia needs to make an example out of them.
Exactly. The Russian bank will transfer the Euros to the Russian Central Bank, which will allow Russia to use Euros to purchase assets (gold)??? Think of it as an economic lubricant-a stopgap until the next phase of de-dollarisation. Remember the dollar is the target; the Euro is an artificial currency that is only accepted because of the size of the European market. But Europe’s relationship to Russia is one of a beggar, a price taker and not a price maker, thus their panic at the ruble scheme. They know that if Russia insists, Europe will have no choice.
If the buyer were required to take their € to the Russian CB and purchase the Rubles to settle their gas invoice, the CB still has to dispose of the €. The CB then goes into the market place and purchases physical Gold for delivery to itself, not for ‘safekeeping’ at another CB.
This is how the Ruble becomes tied to, and fungible with physical Gold.
It makes little difference if the € are presented to the CB buy the gas buyer or the gas vendor. Two key aims are still achieved – 1) Russia does not build up foreign currency reserves overseas which can be confiscated.. & 2) The western governments are denied a captive bond buyer (defecit funder) who needs a storage mechanism in which to place his holdings.
Either way, the gas vendor ends up with Roubles and the Russian CB gets Gold.
In theory it sounds a good idea , yes. But the problem arises at the gold market. As you can imagine , gold-certificates are not an option. You have to buy phisical gold , bars , bullions , Krügerrands etc etc.
That market , in comparision to the money flows necessary to settle russian gas supplies to Germany , is miniscule. That will make the gold price skyrocket to the level when at the last moment ca 400.000 tonnes of gold (world -wide ) will be equivalent to the total cash amount of western currencies.
Current price is 60000$ /kilo 60.000.000$ / tonne
60 billions $ / 1000 tonnes
24 trillions $ , actual price of all phisical gold worldwide.
23 trillions $ USA GDP 2021
Key is to get rid of dollars and euros by buying something that has real value, so euro and dollar lose their value and EU and US suffer economic problems that hopefully will snap them back to reality.
However Russia pulls that off is up to it. Whatever makes the boat float, as they say.
You’ve nailed it. The end result will be the same, no matter if the German companies pay directly in ₽ or if the Gazprom bank gets & convert the €/$ into ₽ by whatever process. The important details are that the €/$ are in RUSSIA and cannot be frozen. Even if the empire sanctions ALL russian banks in the future these €/$ could still be changed into either commodities or currencies of friendlier states like China, India and so on. The effect in regards of emasculating the ₽ and raise the value might be similar, it’s just a bit more complicated and will take longer.
In my opinion this is just a gesture to the Germans to save face (and their industrial base as well as social peace) for a transition period. Russia does not want Germany (as the main engine of the EU) to collapse but rather push it to the edge to influence their decision making and by that change the EU’s policy or even bring fragmentation to EU and NATO.
Listening to German MSM and the delusional government ministers one can notice even these pieces of sh!t start to realise the hard facts of the economical and political reality.
Also ordinary people start to recognise the effects of the sanctions not just in regrads of fuel, gas and electrial energy price hikes but also in the super markets. In Germany as well as the Netherland it has become a challenge to by sunflower oil lately. Shelfs are either empty or if your are lucky you now pay twice as much as 3 weeks ago.
The next few months are gonna be very interesting and I wouldn’t bet on the west to come out of it victorious…
The word lobotomy comes to mind.
In Germany the phone call of Olaf Schulz is presented as victory over Putin.
Putin backed down. Putin pulls back……..
Europe is saying no, but someone is saying yes on the Russian Exchange.
It seems Scholz changed his mind and set up a deal in a phone call with VVP.
1st April = April Fool’s day. A lovely day for Zelinsky
In the US the criminals own the government. There is no way to purge them other than drivining the country into open revolution, which they are well on the way of doing.
The Germans have apparently agreed to buy Russian gas in rubles with a face-saving caveat: Germany buys Russian gas in euros; the Russians immediately transform the euros into rubles … and throw the euros back in their face. The excess euros (really a euphemism for “Deutschmark”) do the same thing that excess dollars in the New World Order are doing to the American economy > inflation! Who won this round?
Everyone! Please stop posting information without backing it up with facts and links. No agreement has been made yet between Russia and Germany – the sides are talking. Mod.
This gives the Germans an opportunity to declare a Pyrrhic victory over Russia … a “victory” as chimeric as their sovereignty after WWII and their independence from the US as an occupying power in spite of the 1991 “Memorandum of Understanding” allegedly ending the Allied occupation of Germany.
Per the original design for NATO with American nuclear weapons and “boots on the ground”: NATO was designed to keep the “Russians out, Americans in, and Germans down”. Nothing has changed in 73 years.
I’m sad for the Germans. They put up with this chimera passing as national sovereignty. Since the end of WWII, the German leadership and media have been, as a generalization, CIA assets. This includes Frau Merkel and (one supposes) the current Chancellor Herr Scholz.
I’m reminded of two cameos:
The first occurred in 2003 when Udo Ulfotte published, “Journalists for Hire: How the CIA Buys the News”. The upshot was that the CIA would show up with a “hit piece” and ask a German journalist to front it in his own name and in his own words. Saying, “No!” had consequences. The journalist would no longer be invited to the right parties or get promoted. Noncooperation could be a career-ending decision.
The second occurred in 2017 was when Frau Merkel was running for her fourth term as Chancellor. Things did not look good for Frau Merkel … so President Obama on cue showed up a few months ahead of the election to campaign for her. He announced American support for Frau Merkel. This was all it took. German politicians did their filial duty to the Americans. The polls did a turnabout and Frau Merkel won the election.
Hence, the unanimity in the EU for a “Russophobia” of historic proportions over Ukraine should not be surprising. Germany, which dominates the European Union, is still an “occupied country” that gets its instructions from Langley, Virginia. Therefore, in effect, the entire EU is under American control. What is going on in the EU and Ukraine confirms this.
Volodymyr Zelensky (the spokesman for bringing Ukraine into the EU and NATO) appears to be in a similar situation: he is silent until he gets his next set of instructions from his American controllers.
There is no turning back now. Russia must win this, and not just on the military front. Losing or giving up is not an option here. Hope Russians rally behind their leaders, but remain vigilant and not tolerate any backpedaling nonsense from them.
“Meanwhile, Disney, Hollywood and a possible new Supreme Court Justice in the USA are pushing ped-0-phili-a.”
What in the Lord’s name are you talking about????
I said yesterday that I very much doubt that Phase 2 means Minsk 3. But this conflict is full I surprises. I am not going to get into predictions, apart from stating that the Ukrainian military is effectively kaput and that means they will not get a favorable outcome. Let’s see how hard Russia pushes their advantage and if they will need to make any compromises with the West.
P.S. Phase 2 appears to mean the complete liberation of Donbas.
No matter what happens, it will be spun in the West in a way that advances Western interests and denigrates Russia for generations. They will do it for decades just like they still teach that atomic bombs were dropped on Japan to save American lives and force surrender (the Japanese had been trying to surrender for weeks before the bombs fell, while their only condition was they could keep their emperour but were refused, which to me suggests the bombs were primarily a vulgar display of power, plus they were used for research purposes — Japan was allowed to keep its emperour after all, so why not allow them to surrender on those terms? Optics i guess, which will be important to the Americans in this conflict too).
Harry S Truman, the worlds only nuclear terrorist, targeted Americans, just as the CIA murder of JFK targeted Americans, just as the Reichstagsbrand known as 9/11 targeted Americans. It is no wonder US citizens are totally reeling, lost. All the actual victims were collateral damage.
Now Americans and EUropeans are being targeted using Ukraine – the Great Reset is in full play. Ukrainians are collateral damage, and Russia, China, Russia are resisting. Regime Change targets Russia, soon China. It will not work.
The atomic bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945 were not the last act of the Second World War (no military gains intended), but the first act of the Cold War (containment of the huge popularity of USSR in the West).
Truman was so crazy that he atom bombed the US Navy at Bikini. The scientists realized that radiation causes mutation, and who knows what kind of super mutants would be born in Japan? Of course us 2nd generation nuked people are not big fans of the US militarists so the Truman plan backfired. I had leukemia for 12 years and it was not pleasant. My uncle was in the Manhattan project and said that Hiroshima was a perfect test site. Ken Case, if you want to look him up.
Yes John..Trinity killed thousands downwind, many “spontaneous” miscarriages and cancers and it goes on today. Originally Test # 1 was Trinity, Test #2 Hiroshima, and Test # 3 Nagasaki…these were official designations, since “changed”. Groves said to Rotblat in March of ’44 “The bomb is for Russia”… I went to school with a kid from Nagasaki who saw the bomb’s flash and the aborted and mutated and burned … he hated us. His pop was an engineer who understood in principle the idea of fast fission (I actually met this gentleman)…and got his family out of the zone, and saved them, though largely by luck. Truman, though…a naif…Jimmy Burns was the real culprit…but how did Groves know? There was a 5th column then…and the timely death of FDR was essential…consider the implications. So, when did the 5th column cease to exist?
“Truman was so crazy that he atom bombed the US Navy at Bikini. The scientists realized that radiation causes mutation”
John, Truman was not crazy. Merely a corrupt banal mason who took orders..
The shocking thing is the effects of radiation were known 1-2 generations prior to the manufacture of these atomic bombs. It devastated many of Marie Curie’s generation.. But like DDT for generations and GMO today, there are interests who have little value for human life. And others who enjoy experimenting on humans, to see the variabilities in response to noxious substances and differences in resiliency among different human tribes and stocks. As Mr P says, they were testing. The properties of every potential weapon or toxin are carefully documented and filed away in some nondescript office. In this regard, Ukrainian biolabs are the rule. Every land controlled by or warred upon by Empire has experienced these horrors.
“The scientists realized that radiation causes mutation, and who knows what kind of super mutants would be born in Japan? Of course us 2nd generation nuked people are not big fans of the US militarists so the Truman plan backfired. I had leukemia for 12 years and it was not pleasant.”
May I ask how you got radiated?
George Webb saying the false flag maybe be a Kolomoisky false flag with a Congo hemorage fever spread through Kiev.
Wouldn’t it be pretty stupid, in a city, where no Russian gas set foot into?
Plus Bio-war is a very unsure thing, you never know when, where and how long it’s going to spread.
If those many “friends of Bandera” in the Ukrainian parliament are so eager to catch it themselves or take it home to the mistress?
I have serious doubts about that.
If you are in a country that bans the letter Z, just say that you are a Zorro fan.
elensky not only will lose the war, he will also lose his name.
One letter down, 25 more to go (in the western alphabet)
One letter down, 25 more to go (in the western alphabet).
Only in the English latin alphabet. There are many other letters in other Latin based alphabets.
Зеленский is safe.
de-Z applies only to the EU :-)
O no…say it isn’t so…ionist doesn’t have the same ring (i was going to say zing bt that’s no longer permitted). ;-)
By banning the letter “Z”, elensky has successfully made all Na_is disappear from Ukraine in a blink. Isn’t the guy brilliant?
A comedian from start to finish.
or ZZ top
No! Never!!
Hi Andrei – yes beautiful Russian culture. I wish I could buy Russian rubles but it appears its much harder than it sounds.
The black belt in Judo knows what he is doing.
Getting the rubles is easy enough .
Getting rid of the exchange rate risk once you have them to buy gas. Which has now been put entirely on the EU is altogether a different matter.
Z is cancelled and Ukraine wants the entire world to de-Z.
Dizzying, this circus. Zurich must have a problem, and https://www.zurich.de/de-de
Oops, unfriendly Switzerland!
Can’t bring the kids to the Zoo.
> Can’t bring the kids to the Zoo.
they can call it Poo
Better for the kids to call it the Loo.
Just another loser discourse management strategy.
You can’t go from “Hero” to “Zero” if the letter “z” is banned/cancelled.
Meanwhile, in the real world, the facts on the ground are being established.
I trust the Russians will complete the mission (as originally stated) and excise this cancer out of their borderlands.
One does not half-treat aggressive cancer — it is either killed into remission (in the infected organs), or it kills the whole body in due course.
Lavrov made a big announcement in China. From today’s presser:
“Question: You had talks with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi. What are your impressions after the meetings with other colleagues?
“Sergey Lavrov: The impressions were positive. In all today’s talks with representatives of the countries participating in the group of neighbors of Afghanistan, we saw, heard and confirmed the commonality of our approaches to what is happening today in the international arena.
“A new reality is being formed: the unipolar world is irrevocably becoming a thing of the past, a multipolar one is taking shape. It’s an objective process. It’s unstoppable. In this reality, more than one power will “rule” – it will be necessary to negotiate between all the key states that today have a decisive influence on the world economy and politics. At the same time, realizing their special situation, these countries ensure compliance with the basic principles of the UN Charter, including the fundamental one – the sovereign equality of states. No one on this Earth should be seen as a minor player. Everyone is equal and sovereign.”
So, move over Rover and let the New World take over!!
Glad that you understood that demilitarisation and the denazification had not stopped. And, the massive Нет and that “we are liberating a large force to go and finish off the Ukrainian military in the Donbass“. You have been out of Russia for too long. :)
What evidence is there that Poland will enter Ukraine? Under what pretext (eg, “peacekeepers”?
The proof is actually very simple, since we are dealing here with fantastically stupid, deluded people forever living in the past — however not the past of the Polish People’s Republic. To the Poles, any sufficiently weakened piece of land, in particular if it is in Russia’s vicinity, is fair game, The Poles’ land grabbing instincts are based upon their, shall we say, strange belief that Poland has a responsibility to protect Western Europe’s Latin Christianity from Orthodoxy. The fact that Lviv and Galicia actually were Polish centuries ago adds irredentism to Polish intransigence, but that’s not too big a deal.
Elsa: Lviv and part of Galicia was actually Polish before 1939 not centuries ago, but is still not a proof that Poland wants it today or that it wants to protect Western Europe from Orthodox Christianity. Orthodox Church exist in Poland btw.
Yes, Poland ruled Galicia in the 1920s and 30s, but that was a mere parenthesis. By now, Galicia hasn’t belonged to Poland for roughly eighty years and counting. And before the collapse of the Russian Empire in WW1 it hadn’t been Polish since the late 18th century. The Poles have this very repugnable, disturbing habit of harking back hundreds of years to ”corroborate” their claims to other peoples’ lands; the closer to Russia the better.
Now that Poland is due to become the new ”Heimat” of hardcore Ukronazis who not only hate Poles with all the their guts but also the letter ”Z” so preponderant in Polish spelling, we have an interesting situation maturing, to make an understatement.
Illuminating interview with Scott Ritter by Gonzalo Lira, including SC’s take on the massing of Belaruss troops on their SW border.
So grateful to Gonzalo for his work!
You said that Russian public opinion is outraged by this apparent “Minsk 3.0”. About this, I want to ask you 2 things:
1 – What are the practical results of this in the future actions of the Kremlin in these operations?
2 – Why trade with a puppet if its true master keeps saying “no” to any Russian demand? Is there something about us poor mortals that we don’t understand in this complex situation?
I wrote a piece about this. It is here.
Thank you amarynth, for this piece and all your work here. Much appreciated!
It was very good amarynth.
Thank you very much.
This latest round of companies cancelling something Russian reminds me I still need to plant my Red russian Kale. If I don’t I may not be able to find it; grocery atores will probably cancel it.
I just did that today, sowed my own Red Russian Kale!
They are very easy to get seeds from, so you only have to buy seeds once. Then you will have your own seeds every year. And they survive 15-20 degrees below zero.
(Sorry if this was OT, I just got so excited that another Sakerite favors Red Russian Kale…)
I’m shocked that they haven’t cancelled Russian bread yet.
Oh,in Germany, “Russian pluck cake” (Russischer Zupfkuchen) was done, at least by producers.
Some stores abandoned anything resembling Russia. Canned food like Borscht, Solyanka, et al, got removed from the shelves.
Funny thing, most of those products, were produced in – Poland or even the Ukraine.
You just can’t fix stupid.
I’m living in an asylum for mental retards and can’t get out.
LOL. I’ve grown 4 different types and settled on the dwarf green curly kale. The Red Russian just took over and blocked sunlight with its massive leaves. Great yield but can grow other crops between them.
Please stay on topic or take to cafe. Mod.
Required reading, Andrei.
And what are we to make of the following statement by Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov?
REF: https://sputniknews.com/20220330/lavrov-kievs-readiness-to-ensure-non-bloc-non-nuclear-status-of-ukraine-is-significant-progress-1094333487.html et al
We are to make of this that Lavrov knew already before the time that there were breakthroughs glimmering.
Again, here: /sitrep-that-bumbling-presidential-aide-medinsky/#comment-1056707
The problem here is presentation, which was fixed this morning in Russia, it is not negotiation.
Seems to me like there’s much more involved than a mere “presentation” problem and I don’t quite see how the actual underlying issues have been “fixed”. Are you saying, for example, that “understanding by the Ukrainian colleagues that the issues of Crimea and Donbass have been finally resolved” is a correct and valid assessment of what was put forward by them? It sure doesn’t look that way from this observer’s reading and perspective, let alone worthy of the Foreign Minster’s endorsement.
Of course there is much more involved. There is and was a presentation problem in the presser after yesterday’s meetings.
Everyone acknowledges that the work starts now.
Well then, you must surely agree also that the Foreign Minister is misstating the facts rather badly when he suggests “significant progress” with regard to “the understanding by the Ukrainian colleagues that the issues of Crimea and Donbass have been finally resolved.”
Which is why I asked, and the key question remains, what should we make of his having made such a counter-factual statement in the first place. If he’s trying to confuse Russia’s enemies, I fear that he has only succeeded in confusing Russia’s friends and allies even more — including this friendly observer if that matters at all.
I must not agree to anyone wanting to lay words in my mouth.
And you have no fact or foot to stand on, that the Foreign Minister is misstating anything.
It’s not about either of us, neither me nor you, and I certainly did not put any words at all into your mouth. It is Lavrov’s words out of his own mouth that are the only issue and I attribute them to him, not to you. I am simply trying to get an unambiguous answer to whether you agree or disagree with the actual content of his statement.
Either Lavrov’s statement that “understanding by the Ukrainian colleagues that the issues of Crimea and Donbass have been finally resolved” is a factually accurate and truthful representation of what they put forward, or it isn’t. If (apart from “presentation”) you concur with the statement that he made, what “fact or foot to stand on”, if any, would you ascribe to him in making that claim?
Let’s first get the quote correct and in context.
Here it is:
Yes, I believe Mr Lavrov stated it well and accurately, and this is the formal position of the Foreign Minister.
Hmm. Well, it would appear that the current Ukrainian Foreign Ministry isn’t so sure about that. It’s spokesman Oleg Nikolenko, has disagreed with Lavrov’s statement saying it “demonstrates a misunderstanding of the negotiation process” and that “issues of Crimea and Donbas will be settled for good after Ukraine restores its sovereignty over them [emphasis added].” Nikolenko added that, during the talks in Istanbul, the Ukrainian delegation presented its proposals on how to achieve “this goal.” So the actual Ukrainian “goal” of restored sovereignty would seem to be quite a long way from “irrevocable” recognition of Russia’s position on the issue. REF: https://www.rt.com/russia/553003-lavrov-ukraine-talks-progress/
In any case, any suggestions that “issues of Crimea and Donbass have been irrevocably settled” would seem to be questionable at best. In fact, I’d regard them as quite misleading, especially for Russian fighting forces currently involved in trying their best to resolve that very issue, even at the cost of their lives in some cases,
That the Ukrainian spokesman is still alive is indicative that he has not agreed with Lavrov that the “issues of Crimea and Donbass have been irrevocably settled”.
It’s just the Ukies doing their usual PR for the West, don’t even bother. Nothing they say is worth a dime.
Excuse me for butting in arvy and amarynth, but this is just continuing public diplomatic jousting by the two foreign ministries.
I consider it significant progress that the Ukrainian negotiators have confirmed the need to ensure a non-nuclear, non-bloc status of Ukraine and its security outside the framework of the North Atlantic Alliance, as well as the understanding by the Ukrainian colleagues that the issues of Crimea and Donbass have been finally resolved.
Assuming the English translation is accurate, what can we make of this diplomatese statement? I read it to mean Russia reiterating and making clear to the Ukrainians that Crimea and Donbass are off the table ie there will be no discussion of the two.
The meat of the statement is in the first part regarding neutrality and Nato.
As for the effect on RF forces in the Ukraine, I doubt they’re paying close attention to the negotiations — they’re more occupied with finding something to eat, getting some rest, replenishing their ammo, fueling their vehicles and thinking of their loved ones.
The last Ukrainian negotiator to go soft is dead, might explain the belligerent tone from the Orc side.
Cheers M
Maybe a naive remark..
I always understood that the 60-80k troops now hidden in underground bunkers in the two large cauldrons are probably the most capable of UA’s military, but that it is by sheer numbers next to impossible that all of them pertain to Azov type national socialists. Is not their majority “just some young guys”, conscripts of a criminal regime?
Is that a wrong conception? And if not, would that in any way impact RF’s determination to “finish them off” just like the guys in Mariupol?
Just wondering.
The UA has many ideologues embedded in Command positions who do not follow Kiev orders. The only way to deal with this is totally cut off fuel, logistics. There is the danger these ideologues will turn on any UA who surrender, but for how long?
This looks extremely nasty. Negotiations could sidestep that.
It does not matter if they’re all nazis, because even the units who’re not all nazis have nazis embedded as political officers to watch over everyone’s shoulder, and execute all disbelievers on the spot. Yes, it’s this bad.
Do you recall fragging? Might be an option.
“A Nazi criminal named Chile got in touch, recorded a video in which he laughed at Shamanov, who announced the capture of Chile and another leader of the militants who tortured our fighters.” …
The Slavic polyphony is always good to hear, who is the group that sings here?
YES, INDEED! The hyenas of Europe smell blood! Poland will rip off large chunks of Western Ukraine; Slovakia and Hungary will tear apart Ruthenia; Romania will eat little ‘appetizers’ of the Czernowitz Region, but Russia will get the Lions’ share which includes all South-Eastern and Eastern Ukraine. The leftovers of Ukraine around Kiew and near Belarus will constitute the ‘New Gubernate of the Shrinked-Ukraine’. 🤣
Hey, don’t forget about us Germans, we will also get something out of it – the bill!
So Friday is the big day (in two days). Will Germany and the rest of the EU pay Russia-Gazprom-et al in rubles or try to get them to take euros?
Ramzan Kadyrov speaking about the negotiations with Ukraine, 30 March 2022.
Author http://rhauslander.com/
In our part of Sverdlovskaya, the word Шайтан (Shaitan) is used by both Pravoslavie and Muslims to describes peoples like the JWs. They tried to convert both Pravoslavie and Muslims, and were led by aggressive Americans. My daughter was having marital problems, and these people tried to take advantage of that. One day they turned up at the doorway, just as we were about to leave. I’d put on my steel capped boots, spit polished as a sailor’s boots should be. The American JW leader put his foot in the door to stop my daughter closing it – not a good move. A steel capped boot to the shin causes a bit of damage.
I was expecting to be charged with assault, deported and refused entry to Russia for five years. No, when the Militsas turned up, (that’s how long ago it was), they asked questions, and as soon as they saw that I was a part registered owner of the apartment, charged the American with breaking and entry (Russian equivalent), deported him and placed a ten year ban on entry into Russia.
The point of this, is that Russians and Muslims have intermingled and intermarried for over 500 years.
Русский is now replacing Россияне!
You might wonder what the Eurolemmings are up to these days. Simple! They are still waging a glorious and heroic battle against the letter “Z”: “Samsung drops letter ‘Z’ after Ukraine’s request“. This just makes me wonder what these hate-filled infantiles will come up next…
Well, since you asked … we should demand that everybody in the world spell the leader of Ukraine’s name as Elensky so as to avoid using the Scarlet Letter Z.
It’s President Volodymyr Elensky from now on!
The Russian soul. Rich. Intelligent. Independent.
I predict an incoming flood of “Garfield” memes to hit the Internet very soon.
A free Nazi rump ukraine around Lvov or the western part with 15 million Nazi’s in Poland (30 million people)?
Poland has begged for and really deserves the second option which would keep them busy for decades since both people hate eachother.
Beautiful ending. I’m always drawn back to this, especially in this hour:
Song of the Volga Boatmen – Red Army Chorus – Leonid Kharitonov – Леонид Харитонов
Why is Russia not using T22 bombers in this war?
They don’t need them. Why use a sledge hammer to tap in upholstery tacks?
Standoff missiles are safer to use.
The Russians have held back echelons of weapons systems in case NATO or Poland alone or the US decided to do something really insane.
They have used a small manpower force, hardly any direct assaults, not a lot of MLRSs, and have been very tactical with Aerospace power.
In fact, the war could have been conducted primarily with armed drones if they had as many as China produces.
Once they know a zone is free of air defenses and MANPADS, they have used attack jets and attack helicopters.
They wanted to keep this operation far from looking the way the US and NATO fight wars. So, bombers likely would be used to launch missiles from inside Russia or over the Black Sea, but not over Ukraine itself.
>They have used a small manpower force, hardly any direct assaults, not a lot of MLRSs, and have been very >tactical with Aerospace power.
Is that not strange not to use MLRSs while the other side uses them.
Mother does not need far flung launch units, she already has them in the rich black soil of Krimu, I hear them all day every day from all sides. Mother hides nothing in this operation. Air Cap is finally up, one can plainly hear and see that.
I think TU 22 can also do classical bombing
Thanks for the great updates. Tomorrow will be the big day – gas payments in rubles or no gas. I cannot imagine European economies absorbing a loss of 40% of their gas supplies OVERNIGHT. This will be earth shattering. Furthermore, Russia is hinting that it may extend the requirement of payment in rubles to all energy, commodities, and minerals. Whoa!!!
It’d be great to get your insight on what you think will happen to Europe when their costs of doing business rise precipitously. For example, what kind or recession do you see? How much unemployment? Will this result in regime change throughout Europe? Will there be riots?
We do live in interesting times….
“….the truly tremendous pressure put upon the Kremlin has resulted in a lot of damage control which, in turn, has strengthened the position of those who want to prosecute this war till its end and weakened those who dream about some kind of Minsk 3.0……”
Amen. In a world full of feral enemies, the best thing is to finalize Ukraine issue once for all. Donbass Independence. Install Kremlin friendly government. And maintain Russian bases in perpetuity to never ever again have to go through what Russia has gone through and Nato/EU never to return.
@ Andrei,
Yours is a great website, built daily by your competent staff and brilliant commenters. We live in a very hard time, and today’s article shows this very well. It is tragic and sublime at the same time! I do appreciate your work and contribution to a better world. I hope you are better of the pains in your hands and arms. Take care of yourself, so you will be able to continue with this great work for a long time.
Thanks Andrei 😉
Brilliant comic relief! Lol…Many thanks Andrei, we needed that!
“They are still waging a glorious and heroic battle against the letter “Z”: “Samsung drops letter ‘Z’ after Ukraine’s request“…
This just makes me wonder in this situation, what these subversively deceptive Russia-phobic “Zionist’s” will be renaming themselves…
Z+ for Victory!
Re: what these subversively deceptive Russia-phobic “Zionist’s” will be renaming themselves…
How about “卍ionist”, like in the word 卍elensky.
Don’t confuse the old sun-wheel symbol for all living turning clockwise with the Nazi swastika which has the reverse rotation, spelling death and destruction. The Nazis realized this potentially damaging difference, and rotated it by 45° from 1934 onwards on their flags and insignia to make the difference less obvious.
Russian MOD installs cone-of-silence beginning 1000 31Mar22
Oops; for clarification – Russian MOD says ceasefire in Mariupol tomorrow starting 1000 for humantitarian efforts etc.
I hope the boys catch that animal who likes stabbing prisoners in the head,that SOB should be given a trial then executed.
Thanks for the update.
I think the Ukrainians at least by now – but likely a lot earlier (if only thanks to US/UK inteligence) – are aware that Russia is coming for the JFO groupings. In “resident.ua” telegram channel they posted conversations among Uki high command about this for the past 10 days with snippets from the zelensky administration and yesterday an interesting piece appeared stating that Ukraine secretly and step by step has moved 40-50,000 trrops from the West to Dnepr in order to prevent Russia from closing any cauldron. That may or may not be true – I wonder if that might be an attempt to scare the Russians away. But maybe it’s true? I can’t tell, obviously. Somewhat differing from that but in a way similar, Strelkov for the past 2 weeks talked about Ukrainians orderly retreating tens of thousands of troops from donbass towards the dnepr.
My fear is that too much precious time has been lost and forming a cauldron will be a pretty hard task now. Note that Russian forces have to be careful not to get cauldroned themselves in the process!
I keep my fingers crossed but it looks to me as if this is a very challenging act and a nailbiter. Crucially, if it fails, Russia may stare into the abyss. I certainly hope that air and artillery superiority will be used successfully to the fullest extent to break any Uki resistance and form and close the cauldron.
Ukrainians for now seem very confident that they can prevent it.
PS Strelkov is really worrying me by now. On the one hand, he is certainly 110% a Russian patriot, no 5th or 6th column. But he is so pessimistic and negative and at the same time seems to utterly hate shoigu, putin and a bunch of others – I wonder whether this may cloud his view or whether he simply knows more than most?
Anyone dare to comment on that?
Russia has pulled a larger force up to Kursk/Belgorod than they have deployed in Ukraine. I am certain that they are ready for all eventualities. Even if they Ukrainians have gathered such a force they will be destroyed if they come out of the city in numbers.
War is deception… Donbass, Donbass, Donbass and perhaps the Anvil falls on Nikolaev/Odessa? I know Russia has been gathering large forces in that area.
The Decoupling from Kiev resulted in the most intense artillery barrage by Russia since the war began. So much for peace overtures. Part of the reason they want some distance from Kiev is to stop a false flag chemical attack and of course to draw Ukraine’s forces out.
> The Decoupling from Kiev resulted in the most intense artillery barrage by Russia since the war began
any links on this ?
No links, but news here, Beaverstan, had Russia pounding the shit out of Kiev today, ahem, cough, cough….when they said they where backing off…..nudge, nudge, wink, wink.
A parting gift, like stay in your holes or else.
Cheers M
Strelkov is an attention whore he was kicked out of the Donbass long time ago.The cauldron will be closed this way or another some of the Ukrainian units are either going to surrender or run to the Dneper either way is good.
Strelkov is pure 6th Column. He is the Icon for 6th Column.
Shut him off. He knows nothing, is totally discredited, failed miserably in Donbass and runs his mouth daily.
Only other phony patriots rally round his flagpole. His flag? A picture of himself.
Thanks. I am a bit shocked by your comment. By the content and – if true – the fact that I may have misjudged him that heavily.
He certainly deserves credit for saving the donbass forces from early annihilation by retreating in time from slavyansk.
He then suddenly got displaced as head of DNR defence. I never really found out why exactly back then but my hunch was that there was some serious disagreement between him and Putin or someone close to Putin.
In which way did he fail miserably in donbass?
Anyone please correct me if any of this is incorrect. It’s how I remember it from early July, 2014.
Strelkov commanded the DNR force in Slavyansk. Fearing a mass attack by the Ukie tanks, he, his unit and their families bugged out, leaving this large town undefended. The Ukies came and executed 1200 people who were buried in mass graves. Stelkov’s bug-out is what’s controversial. Strelkov claims his forces would have been wiped out if they had stayed. Strelkov’s opponents say, variously, that (1) “No, his forces would not have been wiped out, either because the Ukie forces were not that strong or would not have been so formidable,” or (2) that the duty of Strelkov’s forces was to fight to the death and thus buy time for stronger forces, namely the North Wind (Russian volunteers) to arrive and win the battle, or (3) that his forces were in no great danger and they should have waited and fought. All I can say is (a) the loss of Slavyansk mattered a great deal, and (b) it’s a judgement of cowardice versus fighting a battle that perhaps could not have been won. Of course, Russian history is full of heroic defense to the death, so Russians have grounds for judging.
I don’t judge, and I certainly don’t trust Strelkov. As I recall, he also made statements in 2014, 2015, that Russia could and should have taken all of the Ukraine right to the Romanian border. In hindsight, that’s ridiculous: Impossible at the time and would have caused strategic defeats for Russia.
For the real enemies of Russia Ukraine is only a secondary theater they use.
The objective of the neocons is to isolate Russia and eventually expel it and possibly China from the UN
and all other international fora. This will mean a separation of the world much worse than the cold war.
Putin, Lavrov etc are very aware of this, they know it is not just a matter of throwing missiles around.
I had a very strange thought: What if Ukraine signs an agreement with Russia and then doesn’t fulfill their end of the agreement?
That is called predictable, like Gravity.
“Eurolemmings” is a bit cumbersome. How about using the name “Eurotrash?”. This term is inspired by the movie “THE FRESHMAN,” with Marlon Brando. It is a comedy but with a useful lesson on mistaking the true villains for the heros and the heros for villains.
We have something for you:
“Поле. Русское поле. Поёт автор музыки Ян Френкель”.
And the comment that received by far the most “thumbs up” (currently 1973 a little further down):
“Бахытжан Алимбеков
На мой взгляд, советское время опередило время в котором мы сейчас живем. Те которые родились и жили в то время, побывали в будущем, и думаю могут гордится что жили в этот период времени.”
“In my opinion, the Soviet period was ahead of the time in which we now live. Those who were born and lived at that time have been to the future, and I think they can be proud that they lived in that period of time.”
And here you can look at “these people bent by grief, broken by communism”, as a german cabaret artist once put it o aptly.
“Ян Френкель – Август (1986)”
Humanity and beauty must prevail. I love that you posted this video. Hail Victory!
There’s also been a lot of talk that the Poles believe Kaliningrad belongs to them and that they want it back from the Russians. Which is ridiculous, because unlike Lviv, Kaliningrad never belonged to Poland – ever. Before it was taken over by Russia, it belonged to Nazi Germany, the German Empire, and Prussia. And before that, it was inhabited by a Baltic people known as the Old Prussians, who were there long before a Polish state ever came into being.
One Polish step across the border into Kaliningrad, and they will lose Warsaw in a Iskander moment.
In the years 1525-1657 Kaliningrad (Królewiec) was a fief of the Kingdom of Poland. From the Prussian tribute in 1525, the city was the capital of the Ducal Prussia dependent on the Kingdom of Poland. So to say that Królewiec was never Polish is a sign of ignorance of history.
More than 300 years ago and for short period time. And I would argue if being dependent means the same as “historical Polish lands”. In the same maner Russia can request to give back Warsaw and territories around it, which were at some point in time Duchy of Warsaw and later converted to Congress of Warsaw, which was entierly dependent on Russian Empire.
Skrzypczak is an idiot anyway, brining this to disscusion.
Retired officers often talk nonsense. They cannot be taken seriously.
For those of you who like Russian music here is a song very much in tune with the current events.
The text is old, written by Alexey Tolstoy around 1840 and dedicated to the eternal efforts by the dark powers to disunite and subvert the Slavs. And they are calling the blue-eyed eagle to help.
Amazing music….who are these artists?
The courageous and perspicacious Ukronazis’ banning the Latin letter ‘Z’ — how is that going to feel in Poland? I never saw so much use of this consonant as in written Polish, lol. Incredible how Russia could have her God-forsaken neighbours make a stink by frivolously using a character which does not even belong in its own alphabet.
Will a similar use by the Russian military of some Arabic numerals have Poland and Ukraine revert to Roman numerals? Russia should give it a try, just for the fun of it.
Thanks again !
I am polish citizen, not responsible, for private owned (zionist inclined) media sources, are trying to push my nation into! Almost all the people I know in Poland are no russophobs! Why privately owned media are trying to create a conlfict with Russian Federation, through political figures, they created locally, pretending to represent the whole nation`s meaning, are trying to reach?Should They become their cannon foder to concure the globe and russian resourses? Eat yourselves unproductive parasites and your bullies!
Why don’t you elect some of these non-Russophobes as leaders, sir?
We are minority here and every dissident voice is being silenced. 12 years ago it was other way around. Rabid russophobia was treated by majority as something crazy.
Sudden change happened right after Maidan. Empire of Lies has thrown all resorces to prepare people for direct confrontation with Russia. Here in Poland they have used MSM and crooked politicians.
You know how democracy works… Recent popular trend in Poland is simply buying(for cheap social things for poorest, by far, biggest part of population). All the so called elites/leaders, opposition, whatever is completely compromised and corrupted. There are hours of private talks of high representatives available in audio and people still ignore it/find some excuse for the words. For me it’s unbelievable. Personally i don’t attend elections supporting any candidate(for the most part it’s a list where 1st person gets there…) is a fail.
Poland is a quite unique place. We have 90% Catholics(faith is among other reasons). Church is still very powerful even being undermined by media. There is basically 0% Islam and very little of other ethnic groups(mostly students i guess), beside Jews(checked google and it said 20-25k of people that know about their Jewish origins – among people i know and personal experience I’d say more like 1-2m of people that know about their Jewish origins). There is also millions of Ukrainians now but hard to call them different ethnically. Common people are mostly kind and, thus, bit naive(lie in Ukraine and Russia too, I guess). It doesn’t look good to judge a population of 40-60million(worldwide) by fake, illegal leaders of a country(country music came to my mind:) created first by Vatican, then by many other foreign rulers/organizations(not nations), most recently Jews.
All fuss around negotiations is product of yet another example of the Anglos PR dominance. Every single piece of info was from THEM. It started with seamingly ludicrous statement that Russian military is running out of ammo. That It needs brake to resupply. Then dubious list of peace terms that was sold to public as it was already agreed, and prepared for Putin to sign.
The narrative is woven in a way that Russia is percieved as war mongering, land grabbing country if it react negatively OR, if it accept to even talk about “propositions”, then : “Putin would spit on Russian fallen soldiers, betray them as he betrayed Assad, and sell them as he sold Donbas.” etc etc. That’s why smartest thing is silence. The ugly truth for Russia is that at present state of PR skills it’s better to keep mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt.
End goal of Anglos is regime change in Russia. Everything else, including war in Ukraine, is consequential. The do not “help” Ukraine to win, they do their best to maximize costs to Russia.
If war stops tommorow, Anglos will find way to restart it day after.
The ugly truth for them is that war can not be won with propaganda. Even stellar one as Anglo’s. Good men on the ground win wars. If someone thinks that Russians will be defeated by lies, good luck with that.
”Even stellar one as Anglo’s.”
The fact of the matter is that I was never, and still isn’t, the least impressed by Anglo propaganda. It just thrives on insane levels of noise. But it becomes less and less useful when the crucial prerequisite of Ziomedia monopoly cannot be maintained. Looking back at my adolescent years, I remember clearly that I didn’t care too much about the omnipresent, self-evident demagoguery as soon as I had got the basics right about the world. The problem is that the noise, unless you turn it off, is addictive but that’s not what I would call sophistication; it’s imbecilification. Has to be kept simple and stupid.
Hello Andrei
Great column today. As I posted earlier, the NY Metropolitan Opera fired Anna Netrebko, so little about insane hatred is new to me.
On today’s exquisite entry, I think I caught Rodina a few times. Motherland? Other than that no clue what the song is about.
And, on a female perspective, Americans talk about how beautiful Russian women are and I agree. Anybody else notice the singer in the back row who resembles a young John Franco? My point is that Russian men are also very good looking.
OK back to serious matters…..
Any Company that bans the letter Z.
Should be banned from cell my goods and services s in Russia.
Phone them and tell them even when this is over.
Watch the letter Z make a magical reappearance as if by magic.
From Poland.
Not all here hate Russia.
If you are intested by patriotic songs and songs of soldiers from Afghanistan or Tchetcnia wars, I recommend this:
This one, sad
All with english translation.
“The Russians have also publicly shown the photos and name of the Ukronazi who stuck a bayonet into a Russian POW eye to kill him.” …
I made the mistake of seeing the footage of this evil and disgusting crime. It broke my heart to see what humans are capable of doing to fellow humans (although I would not call this monster a human). The image of this crime is now in my memory, and this poor man’s screams echo in my mind. The so-called ‘leaders’ of the evil empire that is the US (and the collective West) are as much complicit and guilty as the monster who committed the said crime; I pray for Nuremberg 2 where all who are complicit in these crimes against humanity from the top-down are tried and appropriately punished as were the Nazi’s and their collaborators in WWII. May the monster who committed this crime feel the pain of a “thousand cuts” before he is sent from this world!
“May the monster who committed this crime feel the pain of a “thousand cuts” before he is sent from this world”
Not too fast. I really, rrreeeaaly hope that prolonged interogation of those two will be made public. After all their accomplices they rats out join them.
Call me soft but I would give them hard labour for the rest of their lives. Like clearing rubble. I have to admit though i won’t shed a tear if they are executed.
Probably a Ukrainian who was said to have “ties to Russia,” whatever that means.
Honor and Glory to the Russian people who managed to defeat the parasitic classes and create the first workers’ and peasants’ state for the first time in history.
The memory of the insurrectionary slaves of Rome and their commander Spartacus, of the workers and washerwomen of the Paris Commune, of the peasants revolted against the feudal power all over Europe, was honored and glorified with the Glorious Soviet Revolution.
After defeating innumerable attempts of the domestic and foreign parasitic classes to regain power, the Russian Working People, under the firm leadership of Marshal Yossif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili, succeeded in destroying German fascism, (not so Anglo fascism, which still did not dare to speak its name. It is his turn now).
Glory to the Russian Working People! Glory to the Doneskt and Lugansk People’s Republics!
And, please, can someone give me the link to download the video of this beautiful song and this magnificent chorus?
Thank you. My e-mail(removed. info is available to Saker. Mod.)
The link seems to be https://www.bitchute.com/embed/OYEmQroAnMJH/
Found the song on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=38Axoy0Wn_M
Thanks so much for finding the YouTube clip. The one on Bitchute (no doubt Saker’s source) cuts off before the end, and the upload to YouTube gives the title (Позови меня тихо по имени) and identifies the performing ensemble (Хор Сретенского монастыря). The composer seems to be Igor Matvienko, who, despite the Ukrainian-sounding surname, is Russian.
Magnificent piece and performance :-)
Some good news from Voenkor’s Telegram
The head of the Kalmiussky regional police department of Mariupol, Colonel V. Popov, went over to the side of the DPR and helps our security forces to identify the Nazis
Preparations are underway for a very large battle and in recent days our losses are minimal. The Armed Forces of Ukraine, in turn, wholeheartedly receive missile strikes that mow down their ranks. However, it is necessary to be aware that the enemy has not yet suffered such losses that would break his will to resist. Combat work continues.
Thank you for your messages. It is good to read what very possibly is truth.
I wish you well.
Back in 1999 I made a documentary about the building of the waterways between St Petersburg and Moscow. A beautiful country and the singers at some of the monasteries were sublime. An epic trip in every way.
not war related….my brother, sister and I took the river cruise on a Russian flagged vessel between Moscow and St Petersburg a few years ago and it was truly joyous. Will never forget the memorials to the WW2 war dead in Moscow………………terribly impressive and moving. Would love to do the trip again.
This is going off-topic. Please take the discussion to the cafe. Mod.
Meanwhile, the US MSM appear to have judged that its lies about what has been happening in Ukraine are no longer tenable, or are about to become untenable, because they’re starting to trickle something more closely resembling the truth to their audience.
See here, for example: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/russia-has-killed-civilians-in-ukraine-kyiv-s-defense-tactics-add-to-the-danger/ar-AAVBBZv
It’s still riddled with lies, obviously, but you can see that they’re trying to acclimatize their audience to reality.
This Englishman wishes the Russian, Chechen, DPR and LDR forces good hunting.
Same here,i can’t watch the Goebbels nonsense anymore on our tv,also LBC radio is more hysterical than many,even the more liberal presenters,they have all gone insane.
They are really desperate now.Empire of lies double down on lies, their only weapon
White House Cites Intel Claiming Putin Being “Misled” By His Own Generals On War’s Progress
The White House has made the unexpected and unusual claim Wednesday that Russia’s military is currently misleading its commander-in-chief Vladimir Putin about the true state of the battlefield and Russian forces’ advance inside Ukraine. A White House spokesperson said the US has information that points to Putin being “misled” by his generals.
“We believe that Putin is being misinformed by his advisors about how badly the Russian military is performing, and how the Russian economy is being crippled by sanctions because his senior advisors are too afraid to tell him the truth,” White House Communications Director Kate Bedingfield told a press briefing.
“We have information that Putin felt misled by the Russian military. There is now persistent tension between Putin and the (Ministry of Defence), stemming from Putin’s mistrust in MOD leadership,” the US official asserted further. An earlier in the day CNN report coupled the ‘misinformation’ that Putin may be getting also with the extent of sanctions impact on the Russian economy.
Funnier indeed, is to read the comments below the article, nobody believes a single word of this BS.
Not all Europeans are lemmings, my friend. We know what’s going on. And the question I ask is: which Brussels politician is not blackmailed by the NSA?
Thanks for posting this inspiring music. Pray mightily for this: “As in heaven, so may it be on earth”
IMO this is a top notch article on the background of the Usual Suspects plan which got Russia into this war. https://consortiumnews.com/2022/03/27/can-russia-escape-the-us-trap/
Today western partner Germany PSYOPS has started phase 2 of the anti russian propaganda.
Big print media and main tv broadcasters reporting about Mass raping of ukraine women by russian soldiers.
Same playbook like with Serbian army.
Getting more insane by the minute:
UN Establishes War Crimes Tribunal To Probe Russian Actions In Ukraine
White House Cites Intel Claiming Putin Being “Misled” By His Own Generals On War’s Progress
Real Story on last page:
Hunter Biden Dam About To Burst? WaPo, CNN Go Scorched Earth Over ‘Laptop From Hell’
“White House Cites Intel Claiming Putin Being “Misled” By His Own Generals On War’s Progress”
US Intel did not even know that hundreds of American rioters having planned for months to storm the Capital on January 6, 2021, now US Intel knew Kremlin?
Hahahaha……How to shame the shameless?
Yes something the UN never did for twenty plus years of Nato and U.S. war crimes,Russia needs to set up its own tribunal for the Nato leadership and their American puppet masters,they could start with Wesley Clark and work their way down,and include Bush,Clinton and Blair,and indict the bastards.
If the US follows up on the Hunter Biden laptop, and on Joe Biden’s corruption, then it will only be because they wish to get rid of Biden and install Hillary in his place.
The video posted by Andrey says it all. Russia has the monastery chorale and the Hermitage. The U.S. has the Gay Men’s Chorus and Disneyland.
Whoever tries to cancel Russia deprives themselves themselves of Russias amazing contributions to world culture — music, literature, art, architecture, etc. Let the infantile idiots cancel all they want, it’s their loss and their lives will be poorer for it.
The ” western demonocracies ” and their bought and paid for, corporate parasite owned M.S.M continue their lies to the dumbed down sheeple. It has become impossible to watch and hear this drivel, coming out of the teleprompter readers’ cake holes. Unfortunately many westerners believe the verbal onslaught of fecel matter emitting from said sell outs. The Empire of Lies needs to be decapitated once and for all. If Russia does’nt finish the job, the VERMIN will come slithering back to haunt you. THEN public trials for these DEMONS in human form, and public executions! All perp walked before humanity and publically shamed before their demise. Then they may join their god Lucifer, whom THEY worship, in ETERNAL DAMNATION!!!
Your position is not clear in this article. I think you want an unconditional surrender that is negotiated in the sense that war is cut short and brought to an end, and you certainly don’t want a Minsk 3 agreement. (The first paragraph is unclear.)
“So translated from diplomatese into plain English ‘we will dramatically reduce our military operations around Kiev and Chernigov as a sign of good will’ would be ‘we are liberating a large force to go and finish off the Ukrainian military in the Donbass’.”
It is more than diplomatese. Russia looks serious about the agreement being negotiated. It’s diplomatese and the good will. I don’t think Putin would mind being described as a centrist and a moderate; a negotiated solution is very much like him, and it could be the best possible result easily. Russia can grant them another fight after 15 years (I think Ukraine wants “15” in the agreement) if they want, a meaningless concession if they get the stated objectives in return. If they allow Ukraine to join the EU, it would contradict all the accusations about “bullying” or “controlling” leveled against Putin/Russia now. It would not be called a “surrender” perhaps, but the objectives would be accomplished in the main. “Denazification” probably needs to be modified anyway, because it is not clear what it represents beyond meaning the deposing of the current government, but this govt. can hardly get the support of the Ukrainian voters after surrendering the “occupied territories” as Russian territories. Obviously, if their military objectives can be accomplished by agreement now, there is no need to continue.
DEAR Saker: …..”the Hyena” of europe. This name was given to Poles by the racist Sir Winston Churchhill of the racist country factually called PERFIDIOUS ALBION! The Polish people are no different than Americans , Canadians or any other country in the world under the “spell” of the AngloZionist media, historical spin, and financial/military control. This whole construct is what we see today in the so called “world community” focusing on Ukraine. I submit that it’s not the people per se, but the psychopaths in the “Suits”. The Nazis and atrocities we see on u-tube are the psycho brain washed enforcers for the “suits”. Throughout history its always the “Suits” and the people always suffer.
With respect, the spiritus movens of the rabid Polish Russophobia is not the Jews or Anglo-Americans but the Catholic Church with its millennial struggle to destroy Orthodox Christianity and convert the “pagans” to the East.
SUITS and FROCKS can be included in the fashion show! The point is regular working people are brought to fight each other while the fashionistas look on with glee making money as the blood flows!
The polish retards should watch some videos like this
That 10 minutes would help maybe
But I’m not optimistic
By the way I live in Warsaw
Its hard to understand any Polish person supporting the Bandera infested Regime in Kiev,he helped to murder many Polish people,and you lost getting on for six million in the War,as you say Warsaw totally destroyed.
God Bless the Great Mother Russia!!
America was backing Cuban corrupt dicator Batista when Fidel Castro (aided by Russia) led a Communist revelution to depose him. Kennedy (JFK) organized a
a counter revolution to depose Castro, but that failed and ended up in the Bay of Pigs disaster. JFK decided to put nuclear missiles in Turkey to threaten Russia so Kruchive put nuclear missiles in Cuba to counter. Nuclear Armageddon threatened the world and would have ensued because Russian radar detecded some blips coming from Turkey they thought were missels. Russia sent an order to the submarine commander to launch his missels,. but he decided to wait. We came that close!
Better check that story John. I’m sorry, but there are several errors. See cafe if you like, maybe tomorrow. We’ll get it clear there.
I came across this video post on Southfront which suggests Russian situation in Mariupol is not that very rosy as that is publicized, while the Azov’s have highly sophisticated American equipments.. is that how bad the situation is?
I also watched this but I would suggest it’s not quite what it seems. The chap complains about poor quality gear and ammunition but you can always grab gear and ammunition from those rendered hors’ de combat when the kit is common.
Whether it’s a DPR grunt with a grudge, or a Ukie false data dump who knows?
Well done!
Pozovi Menya, Vlad singing to the west:
“I’m free!
Call me later,
then we’ll see.”
Beautiful performance.
Wow! I wish I could watch all the video with singers! Can you share the link? 🙂
was yesterday now is V
Andrei, thanks so much for this.
As for the silver lining, a Russian commentator made a similar comment, to the effect that the Russian people are not easily frightened–3 revolutions, 2 world wars, 2 depressions (at least)–facing Hitler, or NATO. But one careless set of statements from a diplomat or negotiator sends patriotic Russia into a state of near panic. Russia has lost so much of what cost her blood to preserve–at the whim of a ‘diplomat’ or statesman such as Gorbachev.
Or a banker. Even for a distant outsider who wishes the Russian people well, the Glazyev interview regarding the Russian Central Bank was hard to read. Of course the Bank of Canada is also chartered to lend directly to companies, regional governments cities, but in the 1970s we also submitted to the exorbitant luxury of lending the money to private banks, then borrowing it back from them to finance our ‘Central-Bank independent’ development.