by a South African writer for the Saker Blog

What is the The ‘Why’ of this writing?  Because, for the US, some of you may be the proverbial ‘white South Africans’ now.

We can assume that BLM, Antifa, and similar groupings, particularly in the US, are inventions by factions of the ruling class elites. Initially, it looked perhaps as simple as a garden variety color revolution, to divert attention from the collapsing economy and a possible unprecedented human catastrophe that will follow after the election. The initial plan involved shifting public attention to divisive racial issues, sometimes created for the cause specifically, like institutional racism. It put working people at each other’s throats while concealing the vicious class war that is behind the shield of a fake social justice movement. Now, seemingly, they are just breaking everything down and are intent on changing the United States into some kind of imagined utopia, that perhaps they cannot even define.

Well, it is almost as if these movements were trained in South Africa for this specific purpose. We have certainly seen the same and similar tactics over our past 25+ years under the ‘benevolent rule’ of a bunch of violent pretend Marxists.

A few, I Told You So’s from South Africa :

(No, this is not schadenfreude. I took the idea from one of Andre Vltchek’s (RIP)  last writings:) Now West should sit on its backside, shut up and listen to “the others”

At first glance, it would seem that I’m shooting myself in the foot by posting this piece of Andre Vltchek where he analyses the white supremacy of the west. What he is describing, is exactly the same attitude that the west took when it finally killed South Africa with sanctions and supported low-level war over basically the whole of the south of the African continent. The ‘know better exceptional cadre’ did their harm, although internally in the country the crimes and unfairness of an apartheid regime were already being attended to. We already knew separate development would not make it as a policy. But the west knows best and they will sanction and finagle in the background. Perhaps you do not know of the finagling. Gold for Play was the deal with the neo-Chiefs. You give us gold, we can make you play in the new South Africa.

Of course, in South Africa, the white minority is “the others”, which is not exactly what Vltchek intended. That is what makes the situation different and is why so many do not get their heads wrapped around the South African issue.

You know who else ‘told you so’. Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America from Post-Apartheid South Africa, from Ilana Mercer told you so. But hey, you cannot possibly take lessons from a White South African author and a Jewess to boot, can you? (Yes, yes, I know the word Jewess causes upheaval. Female Jew sounds even worse).

I told you that the race issue is fake. Don’t you hear this around you? Institutional Racism, they say. Are you an institutional racist? Compared with South Africa during the apartheid era, you have no institutional racism. Sneaky underhanded hidden cruel racism yes, but not institutionalized as we had it, and now have it on steroids and written in the law, against the minority whites in South Africa.

I told you that the current ruling classes are fake Marxists. You only have to read Ramin Mazaheri on this site to understand what fake Marxists are. A sorry lot of BLM’s and co in the US are all fake Marxists, as is the sorry lot of ANC cadres that are pretending to lead South Africa but only leaves wrack and ruin in their wake.

I told you that they are killing whites for being white. What are your Antifas and BLM’s doing now? Are they not wanting you to apologize and shamed for simply being born white?

I told you that they are visiting the sins of the fathers upon the children. Reparations for slavery ringing any bells?

I told you that, in the case of South Africa specifically there was no genocide of black South Africans by Boers – ever – yet, the white South Africans are still portrayed as vicious racists. Like Vlchec says: listen to “the others”, and in South Africa, the whites are “the others”

I told you that they are capturing the state and stealing everything that is nailed down and not nailed down. The corollary with the US is the burning of good buildings and real estate and the creation of opportunity zones so that the ruling elites can pick up those areas for pennies. At least in the US, they want to pay a bit for this real estate. In South Africa, they want to take it without compensation.

I told you that there are racist laws on the books, created to suppress whites. BEE. The corollary in the US is taking a knee, subjecting yourself to a standard, set for you, perhaps not a sane standard, as a solidarity movement for the fake Marxists.

And the old canard, said in an accusatory tone: ‘If you are not happy, why don’t you just go back where you came from?’ I told you that no, the whites cannot just leave. Can you just up and leave your country now? Do you have the right of return to your initial European country? Do you even have ancestry left there? I’m sure not. The first pilgrims arrived in the US in 1620. The first rounding of the Cape of Storms or Cape of Good Hope and the first European to reach the Cape was the Portuguese explorer Bartolomeu Dias in 1488. The first arrivals to build a victualing station at the Cape of Good Hope was in 1652. No, we are not Europeans, we are white Africans with a distinct and unique language and civilization.

I told you that the white supremacists are trying to ride on the situation to prove their own point. The corollary in the US is hiding their white supremacy under a moral equivalency, i.e., if they are so bad, we must be so good.

So without much more ado, let’s look at a few still hot incidents in South Africa. I have no doubt that you will soon see similes or corollaries come down the pike in your US neck of the woods.

There was a straw that broke the camel’s back of the white South African population. There is no more reasoning left, for this population. This straw was the brutal murder, and some are now calling it an assassination, of young farmer Brendin Horner in a farming area called Senekal. Some ‘guilty’ was found and brought to court but were they really the ‘guilty’?

We are not a people that protest out in the streets. It is not a thing for us. I told you in one of the previous pieces of a worker’s strike, which was the first mainly white worker’s strike that I saw in all my life. We don’t do these things: we discuss, we talk, we make recommendations, we write, we make speeches, we give proposals, we lobby government, but evidently pushed too far, we too will protest. So, when the first court case started, the farmers protested outside of the court. Some violence took place, a police vehicle was overturned, and eventually fire put to it. It was speeding toward peaceful (truly peaceful, not BLM style peaceful) protesting farmers, and dropping some kind of tear gas is what we understand.  For this incident, some farmers were arrested and charged with terrorism. Can you believe it?. Mayhem is not our way – and we don’t burn things in protest as we know the incredible danger of fire in rural farming areas.

It soon became clear why a police vehicle was overturned. As I understand now detailed reporting implicates fully the local police and the police Chiefs in a local stock theft syndicate and Brendin Horner investigated this. Was it a ‘normal violent farm killing’, or was it an assassination? Some heads of police departments suddenly had plenty new livestock. The police and the stock thieves worked together in a livestock theft ring to, of course, steal their new livestock from whitey.

This story is very much abbreviated and much more complicated with counter-protests by the Economic Freedom Fighters but what is clear is that this is the straw that broke the camel’s back after + 25 years of ANC government and white minority suppression on every level of society.

The white community evidently is not allowed to protest and the farmers were soon brutally punished for their protests. The cry went out, in public, this is not a secret, we know who it is, we know which party he leads as he bellowed: Burn Them! Burn their lands! Soon the farms were burning in a terrible scorched earth policy. Sure, that was written off to a little municipal protest. Yes sure, why did you then not burn down the municipal building?

The towns so far hit by these acts of terrorism are Hoopstad, Hertzogville, Boshof, and Dealesville, food basket farming country, but the fear is that this might only be the beginning of an organized onslaught. An excess of 100,000 hectares of farmland has been destroyed at the time of this report, with millions in damage. But there were other victims. Some farmers, hearing the terrible cries of their animals and livestock as the animals were burning to death, and not able to withstand or face this, simply shot themselves.

Is there a corollary with the knee on the neck killing of George Floyd in the US? The corollary is that it was a straw that started the unrest in the US. This killing of Brendin Horner is the straw that broke any supportive feelings of the white minority community in South Africa toward Nelson Mandela’s ‘rainbow nation’.

During Covid lockdown, the government was just too kind and distributed food parcels. Evidently, the whites don’t eat, because no food parcel reached any white person really. The distribution trucks drove past even if the community stood waiting for them.  If a whitey got hold of a distributed food parcel, this was grabbed out of their hands and basically confiscated. The whites were also physically blocked from reaching distribution points. Yes, food parcels were handed to black communities only. Was this only incompetence? I wish it was. What the smaller farmers then did, was to start a food supply protest and only supply the white community with fresh food. And now, after their farms are burnt, there is no food to protest with. The white community is now supporting the white community. What do you think is going to happen when hunger truly sets in among those who burnt the farms?  Planting time is over.  So, they arrested 17, but let me ask the question again. Were those the real perpetrators, or are the perpetrators the high government officials on State level that bellow: Burn them, Burn their lands?

Whites evidently don’t need to work or earn a wage these days. There is a staff reduction at a large company, Barloworld. (Covid related). Do you know who is being reduced? Whites. There is no secret here as it is a formal policy.

Willie Venter, deputy general secretary of the Metal & Engineering Industry at Solidarity said “We are extremely disappointed with the unfair way in which Barloworld handled the process. The fact that they have now laid off more workers on the basis of skin colour further aggravates the already malicious undertones of the consultation process,”

“We cannot allow the state’s ideologies to become the norm within the private sector. Race played a pertinent role in the retrenchment criteria of Barloworld, and that cannot be tolerated.”

This case is now in court and the judge admitted: “We already have systemic and institutionalized racism against the small white community in South Africa, with discrimination on the basis of skin color in each and every facet of South African society. Barloworld is taking the lead in this systemic racism by taking advantage of these institutional racist laws to implement retrenchments based on race – the white race that is. But why? What is the goal? Black Supremacy? Black Monopoly Capital? Hatred?”

The straw that broke the camel’s back is now beginning to take its toll. There is no way out now. Civil war or a new homeland. We are a peaceful people without a real hunger for war. The last time we went to war, we whipped British butt, until they put our women and children in concentration camps. More violence for the sake of violence will be flowing from these events in the short term. The Murder of a white person is actively encouraged by state sources, the more brutal, the better.   Theft from a white person is encouraged by state sources. This is not a secret any longer.

Movements toward ethnic homelands are now attracting real attention and are strengthening. There are a few of these and perhaps they will now all coalesce.

I can hear the comments. Why not deal through the BRICS? Who do you think gets selected for BRICS delegates? Nobody gives a damn.

Afriforum has made what seems to be some progress in their #theworldmustknow outreach.

“The civil rights organization AfriForum has just received confirmation that the organization is now officially registered with the United Nations (UN) as a nongovernmental organization with special consultative status. This status offers AfriForum various opportunities and privileges to continue its work on a much larger scale in the UN’s conference rooms. The breakthrough was made despite the South African government working actively for many years to deprive AfriForum of these opportunities.”

I speak for my group but it must be understood that the other groups in South Africa are under similar stress. The fact that I don’t speak for them, does not mean that I do not recognize the overall situation of despair. When a state becomes the perpetrator and loses sight of its main purpose of protection and well-being of its citizens, those very self-same citizens become the target of such a state. In a fruitless belief that one is not the target of your own government, because you are not told why the country is suffering, it is easy (but also pathologically resentful) to seek and place blame on the whites and as it were, burn them, because conceptually they must be at fault.  It is even worse when the State gives a false representation of why the country is suffering and in the case of South Africa, this ‘why’ question is answered by a small phrase:  It Is That Whiteness!

Now seemingly the Chinese have decided to close down their wallet as the graft and corruption of State Officials of the neo-ruling class are open and in your face. State looting became even more evident during the procurement of the necessities for Covid. The looting was so evident, that those clever ministers and high government officials of the day are asking for amnesty for their looting, I kid you not. ‘Sorry for the stealing of governmental Covid resources which was for the people, we will never do it again’, of course, they do not return one penny, and decades of opportunity for rebuilding has been lost in South Africa. Is it any wonder that seemingly the Chinese have closed the purse?

But hey! The ruling South African government did not miss a beat and simply turned around and accepted a 4+billion dollar IMF loan. How very deeply corrupt can one actually be, pleading amnesty for wholesale government graft and corruption on one hand (even before charged) but quickly sell yourself to the IMF on the other hand, as long as the good times and the big money roll?.

What do you want me to say? ‘I told you so’ is getting so old.

Pretend Marxist Neo-Chiefs Practice Destructive Capitalism, or

Dispossession of land on the basis of race – a State Enrichment and Control Strategy in the South African Context

Now that the money bag mechanisms of the dead empire of the west are again rewarding those that are killing and targeting their own people, do you really think I’m saying “I told you so” in a manner of schadenfreude? No, but it would be good if you recognize that we have a joint enemy. (But please please, do not send Pompeo to help, or anyone else really! The IMF was enough. We will be enjoying further deprivations resulting from the west’s Great Reset Plan. But, if you happen to have a country lying empty somewhere, let us know.)

This link has the story and a book review on sheer graft. What makes it sad, is that this graft even breaks apart the natural resources of a once very beautiful country.

William Saunderson-Meyer writes on a new book by Rehana Rossouw on David Mabuza’s Mpumalanga 

Usually, at the end of an article about South Africa, I try to find something good: a piece of music, a local color story, a description of culture .. just something upbeat because the story invariably is sad. Sorry to disappoint this time. Today I leave you with the hashtag, #theworldmustknow, and with a young King Protea.  This one will grow up and open up to be as big as a dinner plate.

Protea cynaroides, the king protea, is a flowering plant. It is a distinctive member of Protea, having the largest flower head in the genus. The species is also known as giant protea, honeypot, or king sugar bush. It is widely distributed in the southwestern and southern parts of South Africa in the fynbos region.