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Tag "Geneva II"

Death of Geneva format, new format for the Syrian conflict resolution, facts in the murder of Russia’s Ambassador, by Scott Humor and Baaz

Death of Geneva format, new format for resolving the Syrian conflict, more facts in the murder of Russia’s Ambassador. Russia, Iran, Turkey: countries who are deciding the future of Syria. New format for resolving the Syrian conflict has been established on Tuesday. The US has been pushed out of the Middle East and has lost most of its influence despite of its military presence in Iraq. Ankara took the role

Foreign Minister Lavrov – “A mistake – but not a disaster”

This is what Lavrov said today in reaction to the disinvitation of Iran: “this is a mistake, but not a disaster”.  He also pointed out that Iran had been disinvited for saying exactly the same thing as Russia: that Geneva I could not be “interpreted” as mandating Assad’s departure.  And then he added: “so what, they are going to disinvite us next?  this is crazy!”.Guys, I am sorry, but Russia

Under US pressure UN “disinvites” Iran from Geneva II talks – what will Russia and Syria do now?

OMG – it happened: Under US pressure UN “disinvites” Iran from Geneva II talks.  Now that is a direct challenge to Russia which logically should cancel its participation to the conference.  Syria, I believe should do the same.Screw them.  This is a farce and neither Syria nor Russia should agree to participate in a farce organized by the side which lost the war.  I hope that Assad and Putin will

Iran is officially invited to participate at Geneva 2, but everything else remains unclear (UPDATED 2x!)

It took a lot of zigs and zags, but eventually common sense seemed to have prevailed and the UN has officially announced that Iran will be invited as a full participant to the Geneva 2 conference.  The Obama Administration should probably commended for being rational and not gone down the insane road of trying to negotiate something in Syria without inviting Iran.  Most of the credit in this case goes

How fair and how logical is it to support the idea of Geneva II negotiations between the Syrian government and the multi-national terrorist of the FSA?

First, a disclaimer: I do not know when this video was shot, nor do I speak Arabic, so I cannot comment on what is said in Arabic in this video.  However, I can confirm that I clearly hear a voice saying in Russian “move to the side” and, later, “don’t stand in groups”.  It is also clear that at least one person in this video is wearing an Afghan “Pakol“. 
