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Tag "Gleb Bazov"

Overview of the Situation in the Donbass Region from Gleb Bazov

Overview of the Situation in the Donbass Region – August 24, 2014 Translated by Daniel MikhailovichEdited by Olga Luzanova The Fighting in the Coastal Area Even recently, it might have seemed laughable, but today the fighting has begun in the area of Novoazovsk, where a powerful anti-aircraft defense node and a hodgepodge of different units of questionable combat capability have been stationed since April to cover the border with Russia. After the

Novorossiya Military Briefing – End of August 17, 2014

Combined Briefings for August 17, 2014Translated from Russian by Gleb Bazov    Igor Ivanovich Strelkov Brief Statement about Igor Ivanovich Strelkov Original: Summer56 LiveJournal Note: Apart from the Antiquariat Forum, where Igor Strelkov used to post all his short briefings and commentary, the LiveJournal blog of Summer56 was the first independent platform that Igor Strelkov used for his longer statements, appeals, and fulsome regular briefings. For many of us, this

Novorossiya Military Briefing – Situation by August 16-17, 2014

Map: Hostilities in Novorossiya, August 6-15, 2014 Link to Novorossiya Military Briefing, July 15, 2014 Original: Colonel Cassad, August 16, 2014, 02:27 Translated from Russian by Gleb Bazov Briefly about the situation in Donbass as at the beginning of August 16, 2014   In the last two days, just as was announced earlier, the Militia was finally able to enter into battle the reserves that were freed up following the

LPR and DPR Military Briefings, July 28, 2014

LPR and DPR Military Briefings, July 28, 2014 Combined for July 28 2014Translated from Russian by Gleb Bazov July 27, 2014 – Order of Igor Strelkov ORDER of the Commander-in-Chief of the Donetsk People’s Republic MilitiaJuly 27, 2014, in the City of Donetsk With respect to the introduction of measures to be applied to the voluntarily surrendering servicemen of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Recently, we have been observing a sharp

Warning of Impending Terrorist Acts by the Kiev Junta

Warning of Impending Terrorist Acts by the Kiev Junta Video: Address by the Resistance Forces – Avakov and Nalyvaichenko Preparing Terrorist Acts (w/ENG subs by Arioch The YouTube Channel) Translated from Russian by Gleb Bazov#1 – Warning from Anton Guryanov Comrades, Friends, Brother and Sisters, I, Anton Guryanov, speaking on behalf of the Resistance Forces that I have the honour to represent, will now make an official address. The

Catastrophic Desertions and Losses in the Ukrainian Army – Official Ukrainian Reports, July 19, 2014

Catastrophic Desertions and Losses in the Ukrainian Army – Official Ukrainian Reports, July 19, 2014 Preamble by Gleb Bazov: It is rare that we report on the workings of the aggressor across the battle lines. This item is different. Before you is a translation, kindly prepared by Valentina Lisitsa, of a report from the head of the Ukrainian Security Service, V.O. Nalyvaichenko, to the President of Ukraine, P.A. Poroshenko. It is

The Catastrophe of #MH17: BBC in the Search of the “#BUK” – The Video Report Censored by BBC

Translated from Russian by Gleb BazovNote: Videos & a PDF of the Google Web-cache Have Been Preserved and Are Available Upon Request Preamble: Why did the BBC delete this report by Olga Ivshina? Is it because the BBC team was unable to find any evidence that a rocket was launched in the area that the Ukrainian Security Service (“SBU”) alleges to be the place from which the Novorossiya Militia launched

Evidence Continues to Emerge #MH17 Is a False Flag Operation

Translated by Gleb BazovPart I of Dissecting the Evidence ————————– FINAL – Part I: Emerging Evidence Points to #MH17 Being a Ukrainian False Flag Translated by Gleb BazovCombined Sources July 17, 2014 – Examination of Available Evidence Manufactured by Ukraine Video: BUSTED! Ukraine Caught Trying to ‘Frame Russia’ for Shooting Down Malaysia Flight MH17! July 17, 2014 – Michael McFaul Speaks Volunteer militia do not have the training to

Slavyansk is out of sight now …

by Dmitry Steshin (Komsomolskaya Pravda)Translated from Russian by Gleb Bazov I understand and share in the bitterness and resentment of those who found out this morning that the Militia has left Slavyansk. The news washed over everyone – the hoorah-patriots, the all-is-lost-patriots and even the cold analytical types. And now, please listen to a person who spent the last month and a half in Slavyansk. From the time of the

On the Issue of Berezin’s Account of the Ukrainian Rape and Murder in the Village of Saurovka

On the Issue of Berezin’s Account of the Ukrainian Rape and Murder in the Village of Saurovka (and on the matter of the response by some readers of the Vineyard of the Saker Blog thereto) by Gleb Bazov First, apologies for the mayhem caused – it certainly was sufficient to provoke two response notes from you. And, for a good reason. My own initial reaction to Berezin’s “essay” (damn the
