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Tag "Pedro Aznar"

Pedro Aznar asks a CRUCIAL question

Dear friends, Pedro Aznar is probably my favorite living Argentinian composer, musician and vocalist.  I recently came across this short message which he posted on the Internet and I asked my friend Ana (thanks Ana!) from the LatinAmerican Saker blog to provide a quick translation.  Here is the original video in Spanish followed by the transcript! Pedro Aznar reflects about Corona Virus The question remains. I watch the empty streets

Message for my Latin American friends (in the form of a song) UPDATED 2x!

Dear friends, I have to admit that I am absolutely heartbroken at the news coming out of Latin America.  Brazil, Venezuela, Cuba, Colombia, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Bolivia – everywhere the people are struggling against what has been known as “Yankee imperialism” for decades.  The pendulum of history has swung back and forth many times in Latin America.  I remember the civil war in Argentina just before the coup

What I like to listen to when I miss my beloved Argentina

I have a confession to make: I have not been in Argentina since 1986! And yet, I miss this wonderful country and its wonderful people.  Yes, I realize that the Argentina I once knew does not exist anymore.  I will especially miss my beloved old commuter trains with leather seats and the old and wonderful, if rather crazy, “collectivos” (buses).  So I listen to a lot of Argentinian music.  A
