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Tag "Russian Arctic"

Rosatom Trolls and Advertises Northern Sea Route During Suez Traffic Jam (Ruslan Ostashko)

Translated by Sasha and subtitled by Leo. A specimen of real, as opposed to false creativity has been once again demonstrated by one of the Russian state corporations – Rosatom. Its PR team used the jamming of the Suez canal by a container ship for advertising the Northern Sea Route and for trolling to the Western ‘partners’. The situation in the Suez canal vividly demonstrated why Russia is strengthening its

Arctic Russian icebreakers – Kerfuffle over numbers, role and expectations

by by Nat South for The Saker Blog (Part 1) I’d like to tackle the subject of Arctic icebreakers, by firstly looking at the Bloomberg article, “Putin’s Arctic Plans Are a Climate Change Bet” as a starting point to this analysis. The article starts off in an eye-catching fashion, using keywords such as “climate change”, “control shipping routes”. The article is about the new generation of Russian nuclear icebreakers currently

Naval Brief NB. 08/17 April 25th 2017 by LeDahu

Opener As part of the Russian Defence Ministry Board in Moscow, Russian defence minister Shoigu said on 21 April that “the frigates will be the main combat ships of the Navy.” The Russian navy commander, Adm Vladimir Korolev, in an interview with “Krasnaya Zvezda” outlined the scale of the presence of the Russian fleet on the world’s oceans. The US Navy and others in West Pacific First, let’s just put

Naval Brief 02/17 January 14th, 2017 by LeDahu

The wider scene “Maritime reconnaissance near Russian territorial waters has intensified by 50 percent.” Libya Last week, an unconfirmed report was circulated on social media, announcing a Russian navy missile firing exercise off the Libyan coast, between Benghazi and Tobruk, (08-11 Jan). If indeed there was really a NOTAM released on this, then it suggested activity by the  “Admiral Kuznetsov” group, (whose last confirmed AIS location was SW of Crete).

Most interesting video showing Russian efforts to secure her Arctic zone

This is the third time in less than a year that I am writing about the Russian efforts to secure the Russian Arctic zone (see here and here).  This time, however, I can share with you a very interesting video made by the Russian military’s TV channel which shows how the Russians now openly advertise their efforts and successes.  Thanks to Alena Scarecrow for translating and subtitling this one! Enjoy

Russia moves to protect her Arctic interests

This column was written for the Unz Review: Russia has embarked on a massive and much publicized effort to secure the 6’200km of her northern border and to be ready to defend her interests in the Arctic shelf up to 500km from her border. This means that 3’100’000 square kilometers of extremely difficult and inhospitable terrain will have to be secured. Why such a huge effort? First and foremost,

Russian military to have special command for Arctic operations

RT reports:Russia is creating a new command for the armed forces to defend Russia’s strategic interests in the Arctic region, based on the present Northern Fleet Navy division and include various existing Arctic-based military units as well as new formations.The HQ will be named the Northern Fleet – Joint Strategic Command, and its main task will be to defend Russia’s national interest in the Arctic, the Itar-Tass news agency reported

Greenpeace vs Russia – the relevant context and the real issues

Last month I wrote an article about the real reasons behind the Greenpeace action in the Russian Arctic in which I mentioned several examples of the surge in Arctic related activities initiated under Vladimir Putin: A few years ago, a Russian submarine placed a Russian flag on the North Pole as a clear sign that Russia was claiming its share of the polar resources. Needless to say, the US, Canada
