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Tag "Russian-Israeli relationship"

Russian MoD details chronology of Il-20 downing off Syrian coast

Moscow, September 23, 2018 – The Russian Ministry of Defense is revealing a detailed chronology of the downing of a Il-20 plane near the coast of Syria six days ago. Earlier, the Russian MoD said the plane had been used as cover by Israeli F-16 jets during their strikes in Latakia, resulting in Syrian air defenses shooting down the Russian plane.  

Putin and Israel – a complex and multi-layered relationship

The recent murder of Samir Kuntar by Israel has, yet again, inflamed the discussion about Putin’s relation to Israel.  This is an immensely complicated topic and those who like simple, canned, “explanations” should stop reading right now.  The truth is, the relationship between Russia and Israel and, even before that, between Jews and Russians would deserve an entire book.  In fact, Alexander Solzhenitsyn has written exactly such a book, it
