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Tag "Russian MoD briefing"

Briefing by Russian Defence Ministry official Major General Igor Konashenkov April 16, 2018 As it was promised, the Russian Defence Ministry analyzed effectiveness of missile and bomb strike made by the United States, Great Britain, and France on Syria as well as actions held by Syrian air defence units. It is to be reminded that on April 14 from 3.42 a.m. to 5.10 a.m. (MSK) different objects of the Syrian Arab Republic were attacked air and sea-based missile carriers of the United

Chief of the Main Operational Directorate of the Russian General Staff Colonel General Sergei Rudskoy holds briefing for mass media

14.04.2018 (12:00)   The US alongside its allies conducted a missile strike by its air and naval carriers targeting military and civil facilities of the Syrian Arab Republic on April 14 in the period from 3.42 am till 5.10 am (MSK). The Russian air defence systems at the Khmeimim and Tartus air base timely located and controlled all naval and air launches made by the USA and the UK.

Briefing by official representative of Russian Defence Ministry Major General Igor Konashenkov Full Transcript

13.04.2018 (18:00)   The Russian Centre for Reconciliation jointly with the Syrian authorities is completing the large-scale humanitarian operation in the suburbs of Damascus – the Eastern Ghouta. In total, 170,152 people have been evacuated during the operation, including 63,117 militants with their families. All the settlements in the Eastern Ghouta are currently under the control of the Syrian government. The Russian military police has been deployed in the

Russia’s Defense Ministry briefing on situation in Syria and investigation of Douma hoax

Igor Konashenkov, Russia’s Ministry of Defense spokesman, had a briefing for journalists on situation in Syria and said that MOD has proof of UK’s involvement in Douma chemical incident Russia’s Defense Ministry has found those who took part in filming the rent-a-mob chemical attack in Syria’s Douma. Russia’s defense ministry has evidence proving the United Kingdom’s direct involvement in the organization of the provocation with the alleged chemical attack in
