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Tag "Saker’s Johnny-on-the-spot in Belgrade"

Serbian tyrant’s nasty scheme to misrepresent protests

by Saker’s Johnny-on-the-spot in Belgrade for The Saker Blog Daily protests against tyrant Vučić continue unabated in front of Parliament in Belgrade and are nearing their twentieth consecutive day. The regime’s early hopes of dispersing them by using brutal police violence against the protesters have themselves been dispersed. Every evening several hundred citizens, “keepers of the flame” as they like to call themselves, gather on parliament plateau and hold their

Serbian tyrant caught in a pincer, the stage is set for his spectacular fall

by Saker’s Johnny-on-the-spot for The Saker Blog We spoke too soon, it turns out, about the Dr. Vladimir Mentus, the young Serbian sociologist, being released from prison and charges against him being dropped. At one point several days ago the appellate chamber did vacate the of the misdemeanour court judge’s decision sentencing Dr Mentus to thirty days for participation in the protests, specifically for “insulting” the police, and remanded the

SITREP: Day 4 in Belgrade – the unravelling of a popular revolt, or of the regime?

by Saker’s Johnny-on-the-spot in Belgrade for the Saker Blog What started a few days ago as a vigorous grass-roots movement is slowly but surely being reconfigured (and not in the good sense) on the streets of Belgrade and other cities in Serbia. Violent regime-infiltrated thugs and agents provocateurs are gradually gaining the upper hand around the parliament building in Belgrade, which is the focal point of the nation-wide protests. Their
