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Tag "Strelkov Briefings"

Igor Strelkov commentary on strategic situation in Novorossia 23/01/15

  [Note from webmaster: We are in the process of migrating the comments of the articles from blogspot to the new blog here. Due to technical reasons we’ll have to copy the remaining comments manually which will take some time to complete. You don’t have to repost your comments from blogspot here. We’ll take care of it in the process of time. You can post new comments if you want

Aug 1 SITREP from Colonel Cassad & Two Analyses of the Military Situation in Novorossiya and Answers to Important Questions

Hostilities in Novorossiya – Briefings, August 1, 2014 Original: Colonel Cassad LiveJournal Translated from Russian by Gleb Bazov Map: Positions of the Factions near Shakhtersk The end of day on August 1, 2014 saw the Ukrainian army retreat in several areas of the front. Specifically, the Ukrainian military abandoned three border crossing checkpoings at Dolzhanskiy, Izvarino and Chervonopartizansk and retreated from Saur-Mogila, which it unsuccessfully attempted to occupy for several

Igor Strelkov and Militia Briefings, July 24, 2014

Briefings Combined for July 24-25, 2014Translated from Russian by Gleb Bazov July 24, 2014 – Report from a Local Resident of Mariupol Gasoline A92 is 15 hryvnia 85 kopecks. Many companies and small factories only work to 50% of their capacity, many have sent their staff on unpaid vacation. The large factories are holding, but I know for a fact that people at Azovmash have been working an incomplete week

Igor Strelkov and Militia Briefings, July 16, 2014

Combined for July 16, 2014Translated from Russian by Gleb Bazov Graphic: Marinovka has been taken by the Militia. The punitive forces have been totally encircled. The southern cauldron has been firmly sealed (courtesy of The Saker at The Vineyard of the Saker) Graphic: Junta Defeat on LPR Territory – by Colonel Cassad @Colonel Cassad in English July 16, 2014 – Briefing from the Militia Since 05:00 in the morning the

Igor Strelkov and Militia Briefings, July 14-16, 2014

Briefings Combined for end of July 14, July 15 and beginning of July 16, 2014Translated from Russian by Gleb Bazov July 14, 2014 – Notes from a Lugansk Militiaman Over the past two weeks (starting with the 1st of July) LPR [Lugansk People’s Republic] militiamen inflicted substantial losses on the enemy, eliminating over 800 men, with 4 militiamen killed. In addition, over 50 armoured vehicles were destroyed (just over the

Part II – Press-Conference of Igor Strelkov and Alexander Borodai, Donetsk, July 10, 2014 (UPDATED with video!)

Translated from Russian by Gleb Bazov(Note: Rough Translation; Subject to Change) Video: Part II of Press-Conference of I. Strelkov and A. Borodai, Donetsk, July 10, 2014 “Believe it or Not” or Truth and Rumours About Igor Strelkov Igor Strelkov: (cont’d from Part I) … all the light arms and a portion of our armour and heavy weaponry, such as artillery, were taken out of the city and are currently

Press-Conference of Alexander Borodai and Igor Strelkov, July 10, 2014

Translated from Russian by Gleb Bazov(Note: Rough Translation; Subject to Change) Video: Press-Conference of Alexander Borodai and Igor Stelkov, Donetsk, July 10, 2014 Introduction from Alexander Borodai Alexander Borodai: Yes, we can commence. Hello, friends! Today’s press-conference, or a briefing, it does not matter what you call it, for me, and I believe for both of us, is a particularly happy occasion because it is conducted with a new

Strelkov and Militia Briefings, July 5, 2014

Combined for July 5, 2014 Translated from Russian by Gleb Bazov 00:30 – July 5, 2014 – Briefing from Alexander Mozgovoi Today a column of the enemy, armed with heavy weaponry, was moving from Artyomovsk and was repelled by the Popasnyanskiy checkpoint At the same tim, near the Varvarovka settlement, where Msta-S and other heavy weaponry was located, our mortar group worked over the positions of the enemy. The enemy

Strelkov, Berezin and Militia Briefings, July 3, 2014

Combined for July 3, 2014 Translated from Russian by Gleb Bazov July 2, 2014 – Interview with Fyodor Berezin, July 2, 2014 The ceasefire was used by the Junta troops to regroup, resupply, re-staff the army with reserves, and so on. The war continues. It is directed at forcing the Donbass people to completely exit the territory and, preferably, as far as possible. This is true genocide. Video: Interview with

Strelkov and Militia Briefings, July 2, 2014

Combined for July 2, 2014Translated from Russian by Gleb Bazov 18:00 – July 1, 2014 – Briefing from Igor Strelkov In the course of the night from June 30 – July 1, the enemy conducted a series of artillery strikes against Slavyansk, Semyonovka, Nikolayevka, and Kramatorsk, using howitzer, mortars and Grad MLRS [Note: BM-24 Grad MLRS]. In all the settlements there is significant destruction and wounded. In the morning, in

Direct Information from Igor Strelkov & the Militia, July 1, 2014

00:21 Information from the Militia Ukies are conducting an intensive shelling of Kramatorsk, Slavyansk, the areas of Yampol and Krivaya Luka. As well, intensive battles are taking place in the area of Vishnevo-Dyakovo (DPR). In Metallist (suburb of Lugansk), Ukies got it good and are retreating to their positions.23:50 (MSK) – Powerful heavy artillery explosions in Slavyansk, in Artyom and Severeniy districts. 00:00 (MSK) – Methodical destruction of Kramatorsk with

Strelkov, Berezin & Militia Briefings, June 29-30, 2014

Combined for June 29-30, 2014 Translated from Russian by Gleb Bazov #1 – Morning Briefing from the Militia, June 29, 2014, 8:35 Original: Strelkov Info The ceasefire is progressing at full strength – at night the Ukie forces shelled Slavyansk and Semyonovka. In response, they got a massive shelling of Karachun and the Kramatorsk airfield (including with tanks) – [following which] they quickly calmed down. 10:54 – Once again, Ukies

Strelkov, Berezin and Militia Briefings, June 27-28, 2014

Combined for June 27-28, 2014Translated from Russian by Gleb Bazov #1 – Commentary from Igor Strelkov, June 27, 2014, 14:56Original: Strelkov Info Regarding a Militia tank allegedly taken out by the Ukrainian army – Igor Ivanovich, what is this photography that the Ukies are posting all over the place on the Internet? Igor Strelkov: How should I know? Perhaps it’s one of their own tanks, which burned down near Yampol

Strelkov Interview & Statement

Strelkov & Militia Briefings, June 27, 2014 Combined for June 27, 2014Translated from Russian by Gleb Bazov Report on the OSCE Mission Visit to Slavyansk, June 27, 2014 Original: Strelkov Info On June 26, 2014, OSCE personnel visited and inspected the ruins of Slavyansk. Pursuant to the attendance, [OSCE] will prepare a report, which will be provided to Kiev. According to a member of the OSCE monitoring group, Victor Likhachev:

Combined Igor Strelkov’s Briefings, June 25, 2014

Translated from Russian by Gleb Bazov Interview with Igor Strelkov, June 25, 2015 Original: We are able to enunciate the conditions, which, in my opinion, we are prepared to offer [to Ukrainian armed force] and, on the basis of which, we would consider agreeing to a ceasefire, followed by subsequent negotiations concerning some form of a truce. The following are our conditions: First, withdrawal of Ukrainian forces to

Igor Strelkov’s Combined Briefings, June 24, 2014

Translated from Russian by Gleb Bazov Order/Regulation by Igor Strelkov, June 23, 2014 Original: Strelkov Info DPR [Donetsk People’s Republic] Minister of Defence, Igor Strelkov, has approved the “Regulation on the Mobilization Department of the DPR Ministery of Defence.” The Regulation sets out the key goals and functions of the Department, implements its organizational and staffing structure and confirms its permanent operational location. Gubarev P. Y. has been appointed the acting

Igor Strelkov’s Combined Briefings, June 23, 2014

Translated from Russian by Gleb Bazov  Igor Strelkov’s Briefing, June 23, 2014, 12:40 Original: In the course of the night from June 22-23, the enemy continued to build up its forces in the area of the river crossing across Severskiy Donets, near the villages of Krivaya Luka and Ilyichovka. In the village of Krivaya Luka, the punitive squads of the enemy were evicting some of the population from their
