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Tag "Ukraine mini-SITREP"

Ukraine mini-SITREP: still expecting an attack

Novorussia is still expecting a Ukrainian attack.  First, according to RT, “Kiev is not fully committed to the ceasefire in eastern Ukraine, Russian deputy UN ambassador Aleksandr Pankin said during Wednesday’s UN Security Council meeting. He added that the Ukrainian military is amassing forces along the front line“.  Then from the Novorussian front lines, we have the blogger Colonel Cassad who reports that a friend of his has just visited

Ukraine mini-SITREP: very ominous developments (follow up)

This post is a short follow-up to the Ukraine mini-SITREP: very ominous developments post I did a couple of days ago.Several of you have noticed what can only be called a declaration of war on Russia by one of the top figures of the AngloZionist international capital, George Soros who has declared that “Russia is an existential threat to Europe“.  First, Khodorkovsky, now Soros – it is pretty clear who

Ukraine mini-SITREP: very ominous developments

This short post is just to inform you of the latest developments in the war in the Ukraine.Following the use of a tactical ballistic missile against Donetsk by the Ukies, Zakharchenko has declared that the ceasefire was basically over.Strelkov has made an official appeal warning that according to this information the Ukies were massing troops in preparation for an attack.  According to Strelkov, the Ukie plan is for a very
